Submitted by Adrian Loveridge
‘That $14 million was supposed to have been self-liquidated, where we would have sold packages that would have more than covered that cost’!
Former Minister of Tourism, Noel 'Barney' Lynch

This is the economic justification put forward by a former Minister of Tourism. Now let’s do the maths!

The loan was actually US$14,772,000. Presumably before any interest payments and we have to assume that figure included any ‘arrangement fees’. Carnival Destiny has a stated passenger capacity of 2,642 persons.

So! On a simple cost per person that meant that each passenger would have had to pay US$5,591.

Arguments could be made that additional revenue could reduce that figure if the ship was redeployed for the CWC 2007 semi-final in St. Lucia, but why would the Barbadian taxpayer be expected to subsidise the tourism industry in that island?

So could someone please explain to me how this amount could be ‘self-liquidated’?

We can all recall the ludicrous figures been thrown into the public and media domain right up until the now infamous ‘Down to Brass Tacks’ programme of the 25th March of that year.

’25 cruises ships’, ‘90,000 long stay visitors in the week of the final’.

But in reality, all that CWC did for our tourism industry was produce a net gain of just 44 long stay visitors for the first four months of 2007.

Of course, some of us spoke out about this lunacy at the time, including tour operators who knew the actual facts, but the deafening

noise of the so-called ‘experts’ was overwhelming.

When it became apparent to even those that have a limited understanding of tourism, just how many hotel rooms remained empty in peak months like February and March and during the hosting of the final, it became even more difficult to justify the chartering of Carnival Destiny.

The so called ‘experts’ then went into the now customary damage limitation mode by attempting to justify the fiasco by heralding the promised contribution that would be made by the ‘legacy’ benefits.

Perhaps three years on, someone could put a Dollar figure on those legacy benefits when compared against the costs already spent on, or committed to hosting the event?

Tourism is far too important to the survival of this country to allow it to be led by poorly researched and speculative policies which cannot provide cost-effective justification.

We have to stop rewarding failure!

67 responses to “Former Minister Of Tourism Explains Carnival Destiny Deal Would Have Self Liquidated”

  1. Wishing In Vain Avatar
    Wishing In Vain

    This just about sums up Muscle Mary I want a Plantation Blarney Lynch, The Joker.

    Unable to make a living in the real world, former Tourism Minister Noel Lynch plots return to the public trough

    We heard a few weeks ago that former Tourism Minister Noel Lynch wasn’t doing so well out there in the real world where people expect performance, integrity and the ability to work alongside others without inspiring mass rebellion or multiple suicides amongst co-workers.

    When Lynch lost his seat in the January 2008 elections he did nothing for almost a year and then in November 2008 took a job as a tourism consultant to the St. Vincent and the Grenadines government. Apparently St. Vincent was trying to replicate the failure and waste of money that Lynch engineered for Barbados during Cricket World Cup.

    When or why that job terminated we don’t know, but the next we heard of Noel Lynch he had recently been hired by the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association. In our January 2010 article Former Tourism Minister “Instant Millionaire” Noel Lynch hired by Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association, we said…

    “Good luck to the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association (CHTA) – they will need it. The organisation hired defeated Barbados Tourism Minister Noel Lynch as its new Deputy Director General and Director of Membership.

    Hey, we hope the CHTA has much more luck than Barbados citizens did in getting accountability and answers from Noel Lynch about where the money went when he was in charge.

    Mr. Lynch was part of the cover-up that denied Barbados citizens any accountability for the hundreds of millions of dollars of their tax money thrown into the black hole known as the GEMS Scandal – Hotels and Resorts. And what a scam it was!

    Then there was the disaster of the Cricket World Cup and the outright lies Lynch told us about the event even when it was plainly apparent to all that he was lying. Lynch settles upon a fiction in his mind and that becomes reality. Cricket World Cup was his baby and it was a frankenstein that will take us a generation or more to pay off.”

    Lynch denied US work Visa

    Today the Nation newspaper is reporting that Noel Lynch was denied a US work visa and this is why he has ceased working for the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association. That bit of news is probably true, but it inspires so many other questions not the least of which is… why did the US government deny such a high-profile former government minister a work permit for an organisation dedicated to the Caribbean?

    Then we heard that is wasn’t really about the working visa – it was about the fact that Noel Lynch couldn’t get along with his boss and the board. Truth? Rumour? Who knows!

    All we can tell you is that Noel Lynch and the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association parted ways and Lynch is hoping to make a political comeback in Barbados. Lynch is hoping that the stupid voters have forgotten about Cricket World Cup, the GEMS Hotels money-pit and how he ran away from a talk radio show when the moderator asked him live on air how he became a millionaire on a government salary!

    Sunday night was just like old times… Mia Mottley, Noel Lynch and Dale Marshall – three senior members of what was arguably the most corrupt government this country has ever known – at a public meeting calling for “accountability” from the David Thompson government.

    You want accountability for politicians, Mr. Lynch?

    Start with yourself. Have a listen to your cowardly performance on Brass Tacks Radio where you ran out the door when the issue of integrity legislation and your assets were raised. Here’s the YouTube recording where you ran away from accountability to the voters.

    Welcome back to Bajan politics Noel. Your return is the best thing to happen to the DLP since Mia Mottley’s daddy bullied the Barbados Labour Party into making his little girl the “leader”.

    Former Tourism Minister “Instant Millionaire” Noel Lynch hired by Carib…

    Johnny Postle
    May 4, 2010 at 2:07 am
    One of the worse arrogant SOBs in politics. And far more corrupt and lieing than the devil himself. One of the politicians that I truly dispise. His ass should be up Dodds fighting for a pooch break

    May 4, 2010 at 2:39 am
    Do you know that Muscle Mary aka Noel Lynch is a certified idiot? Two weeks after losing the last general election he turned up to play golf at the “Old Nine” at Sandy Layne and walked onto the course without checking in much less paying for his round. The marshals approached him about paying, whereby he noted that when he was minister of tourism he never paid and he was not supposed to pay on that day. THEY EVECTED HIM. What an idiot – He was unable to differentiate between Noel Lynch the elected member of parliament and Noel Lynch the no-body. If the BLP sticks with this certified idiot they would guarantee the loss of the next general election. Noel Lynch is a political opportunist of the highest order and he should NEVER serve in our parliament again. If CHTA his job worked out he would never have looked back at Barbados much less the BLP. If the BLP allows itself to be hijacked by this piece of scum, I hope Barbados wakes up and smells the coffee.

    May 4, 2010 at 4:10 am
    Save Mullins Bay, Johnny Postle and Observer you don’t like Noel Lynch do you?

    May 4, 2010 at 4:42 am
    My own research indicate that the US Immigration dept did not deny Lynch a work permit. There were further queries around his application. In the meanwhile, he and the head of CHTA could not get along. The head is a snobbish redneck Jamaican, but Mr Lynch apparantly felt that he was still a Minister of Tourism and hence wanted to call the shots.

    What really will he tell the folks of St. Michael South if he was to run there again? He was prepared to take up a big job in Miami and turn his back on BLP and them. He failed there and now wants to behave as though it is business as usual.

    Will Liz Thompson do the same thing now that she did not get the job at UNFCC? Will she come back to the folks of St. James South and try to fool them again. These Bees feel they have a right to everything under the sun. They are really incompetent and arrogant to boot!

    Just like Christopher Hackett whose tenure as Barbados’ Ambassador to the UN came to an end on April 30th. He was given three months notice and would you believe that on May 04 he is still living in the official residence in New York and asking for an extra month to get out, and also asking for use of car and driver for the month? He should have been out since January 16th, 2008. The DLP has been very nice and accommodating to all of those BLP diplomats – Trevor Clarke, Errol Humphrey, Simmons, Herbie, Hackett et al. The Bees treaed the DEMS own like crap and evicted them all within days of Sept 1994.

    Hackett like Barney Lynch and Liz Thompson are people who are only interesed in themselves; not country. I have no sympathy for the bunch of them.

  2. @ David

    What Barbados needs to keep its eye on is the developments to the South. We have never regarded T&T as a threat to our tourist product but should we? In the coming days T&T will eat up Air Jamaica to add to Caribbean Airlines formerly Bwee.

    Its ridiculous to match Barbados against Trinidad in economic capability. Trinidad sits on oil and gas fields, resources which garner billions in energy huingry world. Trinidad is a violent and corrupt state but its vast oil and gas wealth sees it purchase whatever it wants. Barbados simply is not in that position with its tourist and services economy bludgeoned by world economic crisis which dries up visitors and foreign investment. Without oil and gas Trinidad would be a twin island Guyana. The ingredients are there, two dominant races who dont trust but hate each other and a surplus of the criminal minded. Barbados has handled the economic crisis as best as it can. We cannot be splurging on 80,000 sq ft of convention faclities like Trinidad, that would be financial insanity. Trinidad spends millions on a flag for goodness sake. LIAT is on gloater Manning shopping list. Barbados is exerting every sinew to keep its unemployment rate at 10%. Barbados has to remain thrifty, cautious and clever. Let oil rich Trinidad persist on its wild spending spree. Our children and grandchildren will know who prevails tortoise or hare.

  3. Wishing In Vain Avatar
    Wishing In Vain


    This utter rubbish that Blarney Lynch is saying that he came home beacuse he was not granted a USA VISA is utter rubbish as was confirmed by senior people tday because the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association did in actual fact get fired as this organisation operates under a HEADQUARTERS AGREEMENT and does not suffer Work Permit or Visa issues as you or I would suffer them.

    More is coming forward as well but once again Muscle Mary’s bigger than life EGO worked against him.

  4. There is something amis Avatar
    There is something amis

    Regardless of which side of the fence we are on, to be honest, you’ve made some strong, TRUE statements above – the best I’ve ever read from you. I have to applaud you for your unbiased and informative stance.

    People like Lynch and Thompson are using politics as second -fiddle employment. It is easy to see where their hearts really lie (the first one to show his true colours was DUIGUID)

    In effect, they are really failures; and are using politics because they can’t get any other type of employment!

    Any one who votes for them would have to be out of their mind (or totally Party Blnd)

    I agree with you, the DLP has been very accomodating – very, very fair (I am not a member of any party).

    However, with respect to your comments on Errol Humphrey above, I don’t think he is a political ambassador (even though he may have his leanings, like any of us); I think he is a caeer diplomat having served under both administrations.

  5. There is something amis Avatar
    There is something amis

    It seems that no one likes being in opposition.

    Even Hammie la “the people’s man”, has “come back home”.

    No Opposition bench for him for sure!

  6. Well i pull nut grass out of peoples lawns when i was younger and other stuff Barney would never dream of doing….no Barney.. the people will not give you another chance to help rape the treasury,Mia cut loose this parasite,he will only make things worse than what they are right now for you,he’s a bumbling idiot who can’t even tell lies straight or come up with proper excuses,arrogant johnny he is,go up by Jada or COW and see if they got any openings for labourers Barney boy,stir some concrete or something think bajans forget about you,this is what happens when yah mout sweet and yah brain empty.Millions of dollars gone and this big head shite want to comeback after running away to laugh in people face at them Mia..send him packing..he couldn’t even stand to close to me on a political platform..LOL

  7. @ tisa May 4 2010 at 10:48 p.m
    Hammie La is an opportunist who uses the poor people in the Pine as an excuse to party hop,saying he can’t do nothing for them in the opposition or as an independent candidate,he better hope the people in the Pine keep he there forever because if they ever wake up at all..LOL.

  8. In my younger days Lynch would be what we called a “KACHAR” and not a very smart one at that either.

  9. mash up & buy back Avatar
    mash up & buy back


    What is a kachar?

  10. A “Kachar” is a trickster,liar,fraud,schemer,etc,etc…get the picture.

  11. a kachar is a LARMA

  12. freewilly
    you in easy a’ tall. i crying. you betta than any Comedy Fest. wuhlosssss.barney mussy cud live offa he profits man. after allllllllllll………………………he bread mussy butter wid jam. wah you tink?:)

  13. Only jam Bonny,his pension alone could make him very happy when the months come..but he’s greedy you see,greed does funny things to people,especially arrogant people who’s ego swells their see his head right?,plus he needs to maintain his “LEGACY”….ROTFLMBAO.

  14. Sorry Barney i should have said your pension alone when you get it it should help maintain that plantation,i thought you were eligible but now i see why you ran…cuddear.

  15. Dis anybody read the B.C. Pures column the same week MM said he could not get a visa?

    B.C. interviewed a fellow who works on the back of a garbage truck and who admitted that he was somewhat of a hardears boy and did not spend much time in school. Hwever he got a job at Sanitation and has held his pick for a steady 25 years.

    And he goes to New York for a holiday EVERY year. Which means of course that he got a visae.

    So what a place we live in that a man who works on the back of a garbage truck can get a visa, but a former cabinet minister cannot get one.

    If wunna believe MM then looka I got a bridge in Brooklyn that I want to sell to all wunna.

  16. J
    it depends on hummuch ya askin fa de brooklyn bridge. I jus sell two wells yestaday ta a fella and he comin fa dem sometime today wid he open-back truck. One is a dry well and de udda whun is a watah well. so…………………………….

    But wait, I is a ‘simple girl inna a simple whirl’ and I get bout five visa areddy including one ta Frankfurt.
    Heh heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  17. Tourism is so important to this country . It lacks leadership and all the focus of the column is directed to Mr Noel Lynch who did an excellent job. What is there to be said of the achievements of the now minister ?Buddas I cann even fuhmember the gentleman’s name.

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