Hartley Henry – DLP Political Strategist

There is an aspect of last Sunday’s presentation of keys to new home owners at Marchfield in St. Philip that impressed as well as depressed me. First, however, permit me a moment to put the observation in perspective.

Two weeks ago I visited the showroom of a car dealership in Warrens, St. Michael. It was one of those days when the urge to see what was new and available simply could not be denied. I was forced to wait about 25 minutes for personalized attention because there were quite a few persons in the display area enquiring about terms and conditions of sale agreements.

I did not recognize many of the faces but there were mostly young men, holding what is culturally referred to as both white and blue collar jobs. It was astounding to hear the price of some vehicles and observe the determination of some of these guys to purchase new sport utility vehicles, in particular, irrespective of the cost.

Some guys were willing to sign on the dotted line there and then and by the time I left the showroom I am certain the Sales Executive with whom I spoke had herself chalked up a minimum of three “relatively safe and secure” sale commitments. I was happy for these young men and admired their tastes and their determination to “move up” in life.

Political animal that I am, I thought to myself ‘well things in the country cannot be that bad if demand for $200 000 vehicles is so high’.

That episode streamed completely out of my mind, until last Sunday while attending the handing over of keys ceremony at the new Marchfield Housing Development. What struck me most as the names of new homeowners were being revealed, was that the vast majority was either single women or pairs of women; perhaps sisters, relatives or mere platonic friends. I cannot recall any new owner being a single male and certainly less than 40 per cent were couples in the traditional sense of a man and a woman.

I do not wish here to personalize the observation to those particular homeowners, but to speak generally now in the context of that barometer reading.

Here you have a situation where on the one hand men are lining up to buy new sports utility vehicles that will be used in large measure, to transport wives, girlfriends and chicks to and from work, play and the conduct of chores. Women, on the other hand, are stepping forward and affixing their names to the dotted line in acquiring the proverbial ‘piece of the rock’.

I am tempted to call Ralph Boyce from MESA and solicit his take on this rather strange phenomenon. I used the word ‘strange’ against my better judgment because I am aware several persons will argue there is nothing strange about this state of affairs. Our men would definitely have to be in crisis if, on the one hand, they are selecting new cars over new homes and worst still, if they are financing homes but not being smart enough to affix their names to mortgages. Whatever is the explanation or rationale, I salute the young women of Barbados who are not sitting still and waiting on men to craft their destiny.

Sixty five percent of the near 2500 persons in attendance at that function last Sunday were women. Many of them came not only to lend support and extend well wishes to those receiving keys but also to enquire about the process and procedures for themselves acquiring a piece of the rock.

When this scenario is coupled with that of the gender imbalance at Barbados Community College and the Cave Hill campus of the University of the West Indies, a very grim and frightening image emerges. Something is happening and somehow I am not getting the thrill as I normally would when Red Plastic Bag sings the song.

It is interesting that this type of situation also flows into other arenas since I am aware that Women are also more likely to vote than men.  In the last election here in Barbados 123,348 women were registered and of them 81,943 voted which is perhaps not an impressive turnout until one notes that of the 112,162 men registered, some 67,690 voted which amounts to a 60% turnout compared to the women’s turnout which was 66%.  Voting is perhaps the most responsible act that a citizen can perform and the fact that more women are turning out to vote than men, speaks volumes.

The fault cannot just be that of parenting or the men themselves. I would think the women they are involved with can do a little more to help and guide them. Women need to recognize and acknowledge the shortcomings of their men and rather than exploit them, work with them to protect them from themselves.

So perhaps they can frown on some of those new car purchases, talk men out of designer and brand name clothing, embrace the beauty of silver and costume jewellery over that of high priced yellow and white gold and instead of those daily lunches at south and west coast restaurants, get their men to follow them to the National Housing Corporation to put down their name for a house or a piece of land.

So I was happy to be at Marchfield and proud of those new homeowners. But, while not sexist in any way, I want to hear greater gender balance in the ownership of some of the near 2, 000 housing solutions this government intends to build over the course of the next five years.

Come on men…get your priorities right. As of now, you are letting down the side.

Hartley Henry is a Regional Political Strategist. He can be reached at hartleyhenry@gmail.com

87 responses to “Men Are Letting Down The Side”

  1. @ True Bajan

    You are one unhappy man. You are describing yourself as a robotic gigolo. There is nothing wrong with sex. However, to be enjoyed there must be some affection, a little romance, some tenderness. You may as well be using a sex doll, and your supposed partners would be better off with a dildo.

    Do you support your three children? Are you setting an example for them? How do you expect to counsel them on life’s issues and the problems they will definitely face? Or, are you one of those men, who get children and walk away? Are you a father?

    I feel sorry for you. You are setting yourself up to be one lonely old man. A car cant keep you company nor make you a cup of ginger tea when you have the flu.

    Having said that, it is your life. Live it however you want. Dont go crawling to a woman when you are old and broken and looking for someone to take care of you.

  2. @Anonymous

    You are the kinda of man every woman dreams of and want. By the way have any more like you at home

    @Bush Tea

    I am not not emotional about the “True Bajan ” comments. Just responding to the shit he is spewing about the way he like to use woman. He is not anything for me to admire. He is just what he says he his a good for nothing jerk.

    @Bush Tea

    I am unable to respond to the specific of an individual
    persons dilemna unless i know more about the details involved in the matter.
    Unlke others on this blog who have no problem in letting it known their hatred of woman and the ability to use and abuse woman whenever possible.
    I hope you are not one of those ignorant types.

  3. Woman hater, Low Life, Whore, Ignorant — all names

    All the ladies following this blog dun know all we men like nuff puss weather from one woman or plenty women.

    Why did the one of the Williams brothers trade in his wife?
    Why did the other brother decide to go for a more sexy black filly?
    Why did the last PM trade in his wife for something else?
    Why did the real last owner (HH) of the newspaper trade in his wife?
    Why do politicians give women so much things?
    Why is Jippy Doyle in prison?

    i will tell you ———— PUSSY

    Which man is going to marry or take care of a woman an nah get no pussy?

    Women were put here for enjoyment and we will enjoy wunna..SIMPLE.

    You think dat if you offer you pastor, you boss, next door neighbor some cunt that them would refuse…lol, i tell you get real sista.

    When i say YOU i’m referring to the average woman anywhere in the world so don’t feel like you so special like most bajan woman think they are.

    I see MADD write a song last year about why bajan women can’t keep a man and nuff a dem bajan women head rollin, but looka life fah me, some fat ugly can sing woman reply to dat song — nah wonda de guyanese women flocking here and getting thru, dem don’t walk bout pretending that dem pussy so damn special.

    Now before you run off thinkin i got a guyanese woman or fucking them think again, i know you trying to make sense of all this and trying to come to some logical reason why i am the way i am, but ask any man im sure they will tell you.

    like Bush Tea told you and AC:

    “Maggie, just a bit emotional I would suggest. You seem to be looking at this matter from a personal set of values that are solid, traditional and generally accepted by society”

    This is 2010 old girls, write to Dear Christine she will give you all the advice you want.

    When your man beat you up, treat you bad you ladies find comfort in my bed, is that my fault?

    @ ac // March 14, 2010 at 12:08 AM
    “I hope you are not one of those ignorant types”

    Tell your man you can’t have sex anymore because of some reason or the other, tell us what happens 2 months later i hope he won’t be one of the “ignorant types”

    Some dude wrote on this blog that he is the biggest loser cause he never cheated on his wife and they treat he good and fuss over he, stop giving wifey money for a few months. Treat women “good” and they will do the same, that is not new dude.

    Some men just tired of sticking their dick in the same hole ever year, good for you, however i do RESPECT YOU.

  4. HH
    This is one article that I totally agree with you. I marvel at men of all walks in society for offloading all their worldly goods on women who sit back recieve and then laugh at them. However, HH would you use your influence in getting your government, through the bureau of gender to pay more attention to assisting men on getting back on their feet. That body concentrate mainly on women and there seems to be a competition between MESA and them. This country needs STRONG men and women to work together not compete against each other.

  5. True Bajan

    Neither you nor I represent all of mankind. Your experience, which as I have stated is very unfamiliar to me, cannot be extrapolated to be representative of all or even most human relationships. Your rather perverse summary of what constitutes a relationship I find repulsive and not in anyway accurate of what I experience and enjoy in my marriage and my relationship with other people. It is my observation that relationships are not hermetically sealed and independent of each other. How I treat my wife influences how I treat my children and my friends and colleagues at work and play. The reverse is also profoundly true. That said I do not dispute your conclusions about what you have experienced in life. Only you would know and understand your mind.

    I think that it would be more useful to review how one may analyse the choices that we make rather than trying to detail our own biased behaviour. For your consideration I submit my constant acid tests on the choices I make (which I admittedly do sometimes get wrong):

    * Am I true or honest with myself given what I know?

    * Am I happy with the outcome of my behaviour?

    * Have I done to others that which I would wish done to me? (as well as the converse form of this question).

    * Have I grown in knowledge and control about myself?

    * Am I more confident about managing the future?

    As an adult living interdependently with others, it is thus critically important to manage my association with others so that positive answers to those questions are attained. Should you apply the same criteria to your actions and are satisfied with the answers then by all means carry on. You may however have a different set of criteria/questions and so rather than detail (IMHO) a sordid, monochromatic concept of human relationships, I would be interested in reading about such.

  6. @ Anonymous // March 14, 2010 at 11:30 AM

    You talk very well, but like i said, stop giving wifey MONEY and you will be singing a totally different tune, i use to think similar to you, but that was when i was 19 and still learning the ways of woman, you are happy cause you treat the family well but me nah pour money in no woman had fah love i leave that fah you in your so called perfect world.

    Love for me is when im on the ABC Highway and my car is giving full speed, well cleaned engine and a new gas filter, can’t wait fah tomorrow morning, i will be making love for at least 35 mins.

    I’m not responsible for the women who sell themselves in Nelson Street or Bush Hill, they are doing it for MONEY, when they can find a nice sweet loving man like YOU to take care of them, they will play the part of sweet little wifey too….simple.

    I’m very sure Maggie and AC would love to marry you, you offer them emotional and financial security, that’s what the average woman wants, like me when you have your own business you don’t have to find women they find you.


    @ Anonymous // March 14, 2010 at 11:30 AM

    “You may however have a different set of criteria/questions and so rather than detail (IMHO) a sordid, monochromatic concept of human relationships, I would be interested in reading about such.”

    You are sure bet i have a “different set of criteria”.

    If i were you i would read the Bible and see what happen to the first man and many other biblical men, remember it was MAN who died for YOU so YOU can have life forever, you think a woman would die for you….hahaha….hahahaha.

    I came along and find the world as is, im not trying to change it and you don’t have to impress the ladies on this blog, they already want you for themselves you offer them so much that i wouldn’t.

    Women prefer to and have relationships with married men more than they do with single men, go figure.

    I know im giving you alot of stick here but i suspect your an elder man but my friend these women today can’t be trusted.

  7. I don’t know if there is any point addressing this angry, immature-thinking soon-to-be middle aged person who calls himself “True Bajan”. Annnyyyyyway – here I go again…At some point he has to go to bed and lie down in his own head and think about the folly and futility of his life. Immersing himself in the negativity which he invites into his life in this bitter way does not stop him from growing older, it just stops him from growing up. Day runs until night catches it and True Bajan is rapidly approaching the night-time of his life.
    I agree with Pat – he is one unhappy man/ boy/ middle-aged person/ whatever. I truly feel sorry for him when the only philosophies he seems to adopt are those of other adults who have taken wrong turns in the roads in their lives (he has not indicated where they might have corrected, repented, or understood where they have lost out, failed, messed up). 2 wrongs don’t make a right and at some point the shine will fade from the cars, the lights will dim, the plump, pretty, long-haired youth will recognize and disrespect your age and the Viagra will fail. Your children if they are still around will give you back what their memories of you give them (since it is unlikely that you are with them or their mother – you use your bed as a brothel). What will happen when/ if your come to your senses & find that the human RELATIONSHIPS you have failed to culture along your life’s way are not there? There is nothing more pathetic or laughable than a posturing middle-aged has-been who thinks he still has “it”. True Bajan – please do something about this anger – it is destroying you. I do not believe that the level of anger which erupts with every touch of your pen is absent from those tenuous human “relationships” you describe. I therefore believe that you are incapable of holding onto women, and they leave; because WHO on earth can maintain that level of roiling negativity inside without regular emotional eruptions of volcanic proportions taking place??? NO-ONE. If there are indeed any women in this person’s life, I pity them along with him.

  8. This conversation between true bajan and the others is very interesting, I must say true bajan describes how i feel a lot of the time.
    I mean, come on, women like men for material gain, that is natural, it is just how it is, how it always was and how it always will be. If that was not the case then paros would got women in there lives, but these guys have noting to ofer so they have no women.
    I doubt it very much a female with money would look at a male paro and take him in, but men are naturally more loving maybe that is why you don’t see many female paros.

    So if in these times when women take things from men with the backing of the courts and the whole system in general, a man uses a woman i dont complain, i just look and say nutting. i my self (25yrs) make a personal disigion that i going to be close with my daughter (5yrs) and i can tell you at first it was hard but now we into each other i dont even have timemoney to chase women.

    The $200 i would have used to buy a gift for some strange woman for some ‘sweets’, i used that to buy my daughter a bike, the times i spent teaching her to ride and the trust she has developed in me gives me a ‘sweet’ feeling no woman can.

    Strangely enough trying to make it work with my daughter give me a certain incite into what makes a female ‘tick’ and being the observant person i am i applied that to my love life, now instead of trying to trick nuff women i understand it is a natural process and i only need to ‘trick’ one, at a time, at least. And i feel a lot better inside.

    I understand what you mean true bajan but if you really understand your self you would know its quality over quantity and all you need is 1 or 2 quality women.

  9. True Bajan

    I suspect that you may be playing a role here on BU!! But if you are to be taken seriously at face value….

    I’m not old. I have never “given” my wife money. She’s is gainfully employed. We are like two donkeys harnessed together pulling the same cart. Since I am completely “occupied” the field of ladies is clear for you. I don’t think I impress anyone. I offer nothing. The little I have is fully pledged to those that I explicitly and implicitly made such a commitment 25 years ago. You see I didn’t only marry the lady, I married her people and she mine.

    I am happy for you that you will be “making love” for 35 minutes tomorrow. Given my actuarially expected life span I should be “making love” (and receiving love) for about 35 more years. However it certainly won’t be at the pace you’ll be going at.

    While you claim no responsibility for those professionals in the “oldest trade” working in Nelson Street and Bush Hill, it is comforting to know that in these recessionary times you, as a business owner, are providing “stimulus packages” to the many part timers elsewhere. All the best to you.

  10. To Ready Done

    are you raising a whore? I hope NOT but one day that cute as button little child will grow into a woman. I hope she disappoints you and NOT be “a woman who only likes men for material gain”. I also hope that she will NOT be one-half or one-third of some man’s “affection” or victim of his tricks according to you. Given your views though, things don’t look good at this point and unfortunately it will a True Bajan clone preying on her.

  11. @ Ready Done // March 14, 2010 at 2:21 PM

    “women like men for material gain” that statement is pretty wide, narrow it down a bit, what i would say is that if most women could afford a new hair style every week, new dress, pay ALL the household bills, send the kids to school comfortable they would NOT want to see half the men they sleep with but they ain’t got NO choice but to give it up every night.

    Ready Done how many of the female politicians are married? look at the ones that have been in politics all their life and get your answer…. don’t be that paro to these women, take my advice.

    However you make me proud, spend time with your daughter, i did it with mine friday night, just incase Maggie wanted to know what i was doing friday night, a little advice to you i learn years ago, never argue with a woman its a waste of time, tell her she is right, give her some flowers and say you love her you will be back in the saddle in no time.

    I hate to sound like im a dad giving you advice although im just a few years older than you, i learn from other men mistakes and a few of them gave me advice you can’t pay for and i really thank them everyday for it.

    “its quality over quantity and all you need is 1 or 2 quality women”

    That is one deadly statement, i don’t judge women, fah me all are the same, i could bring a hoe to my home or a lady working in some high up job, makes no difference to me, women do that to men, first they put the collar and tie men in a basket and other men in a different basket then decide who they gonna open they legs to, thats just life.


    @ Anonymous // March 14, 2010 at 2:36 PM

    “you, as a business owner, are providing “stimulus packages” to the many part timers elsewhere”

    man that hurt…. i could understand if Maggie, Pat or AC said that, pay for sex, that is what you have been doing in-directly for the past 25 years and you are calling it a happy marriage, good for you. NO DISRESPECT TO YOUR WIFE.

    Just so you know there will be alot of 15 minute “marriages tonight in bush hill” yours last 25 years, again NO DISRESPECT TO YOUR WIFE.

    “I have never “given” my wife money.”

    hahahaha…tell that crap to my son 5 yr old son, at his age he believes anything, women hate CHEAP men, come again.

    “I should be “making love” (and receiving love) for about 35 more years.”

    I hope you don’t only mean love making in the bedroom, women have affairs when the dick at home stops working, i can testify to that PERSONALLY….hahaha.


    Pat Pat Pat, …… i wish i could pat you on the back, yes im a “one unhappy man/ boy/ middle-aged person/ ”

    but its more than one, you can count in the men that join MESA, the men who will be in the court tomorrow, the men that going thru a divorce etc.

    I never join MESA, never went to court and will NEVER get a divorce.

    Maggie, Pat & AC you women have something that we men enjoy alot, i will not apologize for being a man…sorry i mean for feeling the way i feel.

  12. @ Anonymous // March 14, 2010 at 2:51 PM

    How low can you go man to make a point, deal with me, call me all the names you want but leave the man daughter out of it…. damn man

    AND DO NOT use indirect psychology on the man to make him feel guilty for what he believes, he said”

    “i going to be close with my daughter (5yrs) and i can tell you at first it was hard but now we into each other i dont even have timemoney to chase women.
    The $200 i would have used to buy a gift for some strange woman for some ’sweets’, i used that to buy my daughter a bike, the times i spent teaching her to ride and the trust she has developed in me gives me a ’sweet’ feeling no woman can.”

    He is saying how he feels not teaching his daughter, you beginning to behave like them poor getto women i use to fuck years ago, they pick at every lil thing and always want to cause a scene, im sure your pals Maggie & AC and even Pat are ashamed of you….go and put your face in the corner.

    DEAL WITH ME, according to you and your pals im the biggest problem since mankind.

  13. It is a pity that such immature BOYS like True Bajan and Ready Done can have such an opinion about women. I guess their mothers were MEN, no wonder they say “men in crisis.” I’ve been married for 40 years and have been unemployed now for almost five years and I’m enjoying the best part of my life now. Incedentally my wife is still working and always worked for more than me, now she is the only breadwinner in the family and this has not affected our relationship. The reason is OUR MARRIAGE IS GROUNDED ON LOVE, TRUST and RESPECT for each other. We share our money just like we share our love and respect for each other.

  14. True Bajan

    you’re not much of a problem. We’re just anonymous opinions on a blog killing some time. Little will change.

    However I have a daughter too. How could I say that I care for her and at the same time write such nonsense as “I mean, come on, women like men for material gain, that is natural, it is just how it is, how it always was and how it always will be.” Note no caveat, no exceptions. Aren’t our daughters going to grow into women? I like consistency and rational thought. What could I hope for my daughter’s future if I should write such statements as ” now instead of trying to trick nuff women i understand it is a natural process and i only need to ‘trick’ one, at a time, at least. And i feel a lot better inside.” and Ready Done writes that he learned this from observing his 5 year old daughter!!! Shall I tell him or shall you, that he is not the only man hoping to trick women ? By the way I learned from my 5 year old, that they adore their fathers and mothers even when they have to be corrected or scolded. I truly believe that Ready Done and even you care for your children but your hypocrisy is appalling… “My daughter is deserving but the others…”

    As for you, let me quote you: “emotional and financial security, that’s what the average woman wants, like me when you have your own business you don’t have to find women they find you.” So are you offering financial and emotional security? Given that you have indicated involvement with a large number of women, I can only surmise that you must have a very large business or you hand out trifling amounts. So what type of woman is willing to accommodate you for occasional small sums of money? And it is clear that you would hardly be the type to offer emotional security (“i don’t judge women, fah me all are the same,” to quote you again) unless you actually believe your own nonsense while forgetting your low opinion of women.

    Anyway True Bajan, I think this it for me on this topic. I would only end up repeating myself.

  15. And The “WINNER “is Anonymous


  16. Oh AC you have me blushing…

  17. Let me be the first to say i would never agree to my daughter bringing home a paro.

    I forget how much emotions some apparently intelligent people can put into trivial things.

    It is a Basic human instinct to want to be with a ‘provider’ over a ‘loser’.

    Women seak financial security, men do to, we all want to live the most comfortable way we can. (I feel like a teacher pointing out the obvious.) If in a relationship both partners don’t pull their weight, financially, then that relationship is surely doomed.

    I have no bad intentions toward any of your female families people!!!!!. I have no problem giving a woman money because i know she wants it. i also have no problem asking a woman for money because she knows i want it to.

    I just wanted to point out the similarity between women and girls. Emotionally they seam to operate the same way, Give a woman what she wants emotionally, she will be happy, and she will share that happiness with you.(but remember some women happiness value more than others)

    Up to you if you don’t teach your children how to be smart and don’t get trick.

  18. Discourses on Women Avatar
    Discourses on Women

    A woman’s ‘love’ is temporary and constantly needs to be replenished, like a cistern, with materials and adoration. Some women’s ‘love’ is more expensive than others. To escape the woman’s quagmire or narcissitic and neurotic behaviour, it becomes necessary for the man to state his intent straight up. That is to say, tell the woman that you want sex. This may sound simple but many men are incapable of doing just this. Make it known that you do not mind giving her money but that you expect your ‘pound of flesh’ (be like the Merchant of Venice, but get your “pound” in advance).
    On a differnet but equally important note, you can get a woman to any thing you want if you just put some bass in your voice and say it like a man. she wants to do it. One must be cognisant to know when to use each face, the seemingly polite and well mannered man and the ‘master’ that she wants in the bedroom and elsewhere.
    I would argue that a woman prefers to be disciplined rather than be treated equally. And to all the married men out there, she will find this excitement in younger men. Don’t think that your wife isn’t having sex on the side. She is just as bored as you are.
    By the way, is there a man who can say that he only wants one vagina for the rest of his life?


    you missed the point like most people

    not against women
    but if a dog is to watch
    let him watch
    not watch children
    dont get tie up
    women have a role to play
    let them play it

  20. @Anonymous

    I hope that you continue to be the outstanding husband that you have been .You certainly have my vote of confidence. Keep on BLUSHING!

  21. ''''''FIRE''''' Avatar

    Imbeciles !

  22. @True Bajan
    “Some dude on this blog said that he is a loser cause he never cheated on his wifey and they fuss all over him and treat him good’
    Yuhgot that right that is the only sensible thing you have said so far.
    By the way are you jealous of the way we treat him?

  23. True bajan
    It is dogs like you that make me glad that I don’t have any daughters. Bless you.

  24. Bad Man Saying Nuttin Avatar
    Bad Man Saying Nuttin

    I will be an idiot and say something here. Lots of women are independent and don’t want or take money from a man. They still however expect the guy to play the dominant fiscal role however, pay for lunch outings etc that’s just the way life is.

    There are other women however who believe that a man should finance a woman in order to get “some” . i can give you some gems.

    “A woman got to buy soap.”

    “All the significant advances I made with my house came when I catch my man with an outside woman.”

    and the best

    “When my daughter turn 13 or 14 and she got a boyfriend I want her to bring him home so that i can get to know him. I will also tell her to make sure that he give her money every week because if he want a woman he got to spend money. ”

    All three statements from women, young women with daughters. I wouldnt want to speculate on the values these girls may be taught.

  25. Most women want and seeks Respect from a man.
    However the mistake most men make when dating the women for the first time is playing the game of waiting to see if the women is going to use him. So the men decide which role he is going to play.
    First he starts out by being genuine.After that hedecides his next ploy is to get this lady in bed.
    However the lady is not a fool and right away she knews the man is going to use her for sexual pleasure , so that is where she decides that in order for him to go any further he would have to meet her personnel needs. The man however is so gullible at that point makes the wrong decision and gives in .
    Question ‘How can any body blame the woman for looking out for her own interest. The man could have just walk away ,

  26. @ Discourses on Women // March 15, 2010 at 1:10 PM

    Shakespeare could not have said it any better.


    Anonymous // March 15, 2010 at 11:06 PM

    Yea that is so bad, i’m sure i would have enjoyed her.


    I’m not here to debate what women want, i know what i want, women were put here for my enjoyment and I WILL ENJOY THEM.


    @ Anonymous // March 15, 2010 at 11:06 PM

    im a dog?

    Keep it up your impressing the ladies on this blog, besides women LOVE DOGS, especially the rich bored wives who go to church.

  27. @True BAjan

    Yeah we love the PEDIGREE type and that you aint.

    @ Anonymous

    Enjoy the attention You are one GOOD PEDIGREE
    True Bajan must be having a heart attack by now .He never felt so unwanted by Women.

  28. @ ac // March 16, 2010 at 7:22 PM

    “Yeah we love the PEDIGREE type and that you aint.”

    All dogs are the same just with different names….lol.

    Anonymous man things looking up, AC got that sweet stuff fah you, see what i tell yah, just impress them and you will be drilling fah oil just like me…go get her.

  29. @True Bajan

    Just like you with yuh mind in the gutter. Anybody that take any kinda of advice from you got to be CRAZY!
    When a man shows RESPECT for Women. We in turn shower him with kind Words.
    You are a MUT!

  30. True Bajan

    the anonymous @11:06 is not the same anonymous who exchanged posts with you earlier. I have a daughter remember. I have never called another human, a dog. Dogs are faithful and protective animals and I have never understood why they should be used as a metaphor for unpleasant people. Actually to be called a “mutt” may not be such a bad thing. I have found mutts to be hardy animals that once cared for, are very loyal and affectionate pets.

  31. @True Bajan sex is over-rated, if you close ya eyes all is feel the same, If you do not love some one you should not be sexing them.

    Problem is men try to understand women, Women made to be love not understand.

  32. @ Ready done // March 17, 2010 at 10:07 AM

    “sex is over-rated, if you close ya eyes all is feel the same, If you do not love some one you should not be sexing them.”

    Yes sex is over rated but HELL NO not all is the same, man i will tech yah a ting or two, the body of a 18 yr old is totally different than that of a 40 yr old, puss and breast totally different.why you think men divorce their wife for them..lol….if you want to love a woman go right ahead, i love my car, kids, my business, my 2 dogs, my house, when i come home on evenings my 2 dogs always jump up on me with a wagging tail, EVERY evening, fah most men that only happens on friday or the end of the month with the woman they say they LOVE.

    Most of the women i would say over 40 don’t do Oral Sex or hate having to go in multiple positions and that’s why hoes or young girls pick up on the slack and cash in.

    Let me go deeper into that point, take a walk pass the Garrison or the Gymnasium any evening, you will see alot of women walking or even jogging, you think them doing it cause of fitness or health…hahaha… a friend of mine meet one on the Garrison walking one evening and now he is a proud father, yah see a woman has to also keep her body looking good cause they KNOW their marriage depends on it and sometimes even their job.

    I work out at a gym twice a week, women lust just as much as men do, they just do it differently, for example i wear arm hole shirts on purpose and the women eyes pop out and sometimes they try flirting with their eyes just to start a conversation.


    @ ac // March 16, 2010 at 7:42 PM

    “YOU JERK.
    When a man shows RESPECT for Women. We in turn shower him with kind Words.
    You are a MUT!”

    I’m a JERK?. … RESPECT?

    JERK..Did your father, brother(s), or uncles only have one woman? did they ever cheat or get a lil some from de outside woman?… who is a JERK now?..i rest my case on that.

    RESPECT.. I have never hit a woman, curse a woman, paid for sex (very proud of that), im speaking MY mind….Tiger Woods was out there banging all the pussy he could get and those WOMEN well know he was married but of course those WOMEN could not refuse a roll in the bed with the tiger, He apologize and say it will never happen again,…hahaha.. that’s what we say when we get caught.



    ac // March 16, 2010 at 7:22 PM

    “True Bajan must be having a heart attack by now .He never felt so unwanted by Women”

    There are over 3 BILLION women on earth and im suppose to feel “unwanted” by a few women on a blog…you joking right?

  33. @True Bajan

    The fact that you responded to my last comment only underscore my point .Yes you are feeling joilted by the women on this blog.

  34. @ ac // March 17, 2010 at 9:37 PM

    ok you win, im “joilted”

  35. A lecturer said one night the only time men out number women at UWI is when men come to collect they wife/girlfriends.

  36. Readydone wrote on March 14 “women like men for material gain, that is natural, it is just how it is, how it always was and how it always will be. If that was not the case then paros would got women in there lives, but these guys have noting to ofer so they have no women.:

    Women do not refuse paros because the paros are poor.

    Women refuse paros, because the paros are mentally ill/drug addicted/dirty.

    It is impossible to have a loving, normal relationship with a drug addict. Please note that paros have poor relationships with their own parents and siblings.

    Nobody, man or woman likes to associate with unhealthy, dirty, drug addicts.

    I don’t associate with paros.

    I am sure that ready done does not associate with paros either.

  37. True bajan
    You are just as much c**t as all dese c**ts you claim ta be f**kin. ya f**kin c**t. ya make me wanna puke (in ya face)

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