Hartley Henry - DLP Political Strategist
Hartley Henry – DLP Political Strategist

For several weeks, I have wanted to write on the fastest growing and most popular game in Barbados today. It is not cricket, soccer or basketball. Sorry Suki King and Mr. Denny, but it is neither Draughts nor Chess. The most widely played game in Barbados today is not squash, badminton, tennis or hockey. As for the sports of kings, horse racing and polo do not come close.

If you wish to discover the most widely played game in Barbados, and incidentally, I believe it is also the highest paid-for game as well, you must visit most offices, government or private, between 8 a.m and 4 30 pm Monday to Friday.

If you miss it then, you can visit any hotel front desk on the south or west coast, anytime there are no check ins or check outs. This game is the highest paid-for because it is played by thousands, during and in place of what should be their paid-for job.

The boss hires a person to perform a particular task, for which he or she was trained or educated, and thousands such persons, on a daily basis, cast that paid-for job aside and opt to join others around the island in playing, simultaneously, what must now be the most widely played game in the country.

Interestingly, you do not need a whole team to play this game. Indeed, you do not even need a partner or an opponent. You simply need the computer that the boss gave you to do his or her work, and you direct the mouse to “Games”. You then scroll across to Solitaire and there, you have pounced on the most widely played game in Barbados!

Workers, from trainee to supervisor and even manager, are guilty of playing this game all day and night long, once the boss or immediate supervisor is not in view. Hundreds of millions of dollars in salaries and wages are shelled out each week, month and year to persons who take pride in playing Solitaire all day long. By now, I am sure, Barbados has the best Solitaire players in the world. And the most bizarre feature of this game in Barbados is that we have dubbed it “Patience”, because some of us spend almost the entire working day trying to “get out” a single game.

The playing of Solitaire/Patience is what I wanted to write about this week. I wanted to pass judgment on the practice and appeal to employees to give employers a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay. But my focus has been somewhat distracted by the deafening silence of some influential voices in society in respect of two developing issues.

I am accused by some readers of offering the opposition too much well meaning advice. One writer even said it appeared that I wanted to guide the labour party back to victory. But that is not the case at all! I am a keen student of politics and therefore I am constantly trying to get into the head of political leaders to ponder on how I, were I in their position, would act.

Take for example the evolving controversy surrounding the summary dismissal of Mr. Harry Husbands from the Barbados Employers Confederation. Were I the Leader of the Opposition, for example, I would want to ask a lot of questions. First, I would agree with Mr. Dennis Clarke of the NUPW that this is a dangerous message being sent. Then I would want to pressure the BEC President, Mr. Ian Gooding-Edghill, into speaking out on this issue.

As Leader of the Opposition, I would publicly demand of Mr. Gooding-Edghill an explanation and a rationale behind such a firing. I would say to Mr. Gooding-Edghill, that that is not how we do business in Barbados. I would even go as far as to warn that such acts would not be sanctioned or tolerated under a re-elected BLP administration. For this, I know, I would receive public acknowledgment and support.

Also, as Leader of the Opposition, I would zoom in on the emerging controversy involving certain expenditures at the City of Bridgetown Credit Union. I would publicly demand of the President, in particular, a public explanation of the very serious allegations that have been levelled against the Board of Directors. I would ask Ms. Lynette Holder to practice openness and transparency. Indeed, I would go as far as to demand that the relevant regulatory agency step in and investigate the serious allegations that have been made.

Just as I would have done with the Clico President, in relation to the plight of his 40, 000 policyholders, I would demand of Ms. Holder that she give a public account of what has been going on in COB, so that the minds of some 80 000 depositors could be put at rest. If when I said it publicly, Ms. Holder did not respond, I would roll over and whisper quietly to her that greater accountability is required.

As a Leader of the Opposition, there is no way that I would allow Mr. Gooding-Edghill and Ms. Lynette Holder to remain silent on these two very serious and emerging issues. But, I am not a Leader of the Opposition and I therefore cannot begin to understand why such “juicy issues” would be shunned and effectively swept under the carpet.

In the case of the Prime Minister the charge was that he was going easy on a friend. Someone must now tell me why isn’t Mr. Gooding-Edghill of the BEC and Ms. Holder of the COB being pressured into publicly shedding light on these two potentially thorny issues.  There must be something that persons such as myself do not know.

It is inconsistencies such as these that foster apathy and cynicism in society. No wonder so many persons have resigned themselves to stepping back from the frontline and playing Solitaire, sorry, Patience, all day long.  This is a sad, sorry situation.

Hartley Henry is a Regional Political Strategist. He can be reached at hartleyhenry@gmail.com
  1. BLP ( Better listen to the People) Avatar
    BLP ( Better listen to the People)

    stop talking crap! Why don’t you reveal your real name? Are you afraid?

  2. If my spelling and grammar was as bad as Investigator’s, I would stay “onnoymous” too.

  3. My spelling and grammar got your attention PiedPiper and BLP ,WHY YOU NOW CHANGE YOUR NAMES ?

  4. You en know that Pied Piper, who says he’s a woman is the female half of Sargeant Anon (or Anon Sargeant) and he going get vex now because he duz get he knickers in a twist when yuh expose him. He feel that everybody is a idiot except him/her. Ha ha ha! or Lol, whichever yuh prefer.

  5. Come on lets get serious here. How can we get these credit union leaders to understand that we do not want a major scandal in the movement?The decision making at the Board level of the the two major credit unions in feathering one’s own nest will lead to the down fall of the entire movement .
    Again it wll be said black people cannot be succesful at anything.
    More bad news. Just heard one director of COB is about to resign (or has resigned) to take up a lucrative contract with the credit union. COME ON FELLOWS.This is not looking good

  6. Who resigned Carlos?

  7. BLP ( Better listen to the People) Avatar
    BLP ( Better listen to the People)

    This Director was paid out because he is/was one who did not get along with the CEO. He now has a $12,000 a month contract for the next two years. As far as I am aware there was no tender for this service. Once again they have broken the tender rules to accomodate one of their own. We need to make them understand that the money is not just for a few. Everybody must have an equal opportunity to procur goods or services. I can also bet that this contract was negotiated between the Board member and Holder.

  8. Ya mean dat de PM on behalfen ah de people ah Ba’baydus is a Clicumbah.. and dat Ms Mottly likes she corn pun de COB?….


  9. Ms. Holder needs to be investigated along with her band of criminals. She had destroyed the COB but has anyone realised that she is also in control of the Barbados Small Business Association

  10. DMC // March 23, 2009 at 12:03 pm

    Ms. Holder needs to be investigated along with her band of criminals.

    She had destroyed the COB but has anyone realised that she is also in control of the Barbados Small Business Association
    Not Miss Holder!

    The things that should be investigated is Clico and its connections – that is to say – those who bought a property for $925,000 cash.

  11. I am sure if Dark Knight checked with the Barbados Small Business Assoc. you would realise that she has a lot to answer for there. Just imagine being poor and broke and a few years later driving a sleek black BMW, all of COB money and SBA money. Check that dark knight

  12. BLP ( Better listen to the People) Avatar
    BLP ( Better listen to the People)

    the chairman of the supervisory committee of COB, the watch dog committee is headed by the PRESIDENT of SBA and she is therefore Holder’s boss and long time friend.

  13. We should get scared with these interlocking relationships.

  14. D.M.C // March 25, 2009 at 12:59 pm

    I am sure if Dark Knight checked with the Barbados Small Business Assoc. you would realise that she has a lot to answer for there. Just imagine being poor and broke and a few years later driving a sleek black BMW, all of COB money and SBA money. Check that dark knight
    Just imagine, Prime Minister Thompson telling Barbadians that Clico is sound, well managed and that their money is safe.

    But Thompson’s wife and Leroy Parris’s wife – have a company called MAFA (MA for Mara, thompson’s wife and FA for Faye, leroy’s wife) buying a house through their company for $925,000 CASH.


    Talk about integrity, conflict of interest and declaration of assets!!!!!!

  15. What is the maximum credit union savings allowance for income tax calculations? I say it is $3000, a good friend argues that it is $10,000. Which is it?

  16. @ sing a song
    Ask Hartley Henry. He knows everything!

  17. anon // March 30, 2009 at 4:20 pm

    @ sing a song
    Ask Hartley Henry. He knows everything!
    Well then Wishing In Vain, aka, hartley “madoff” henry:

    1. Where is the Rent Control Act Fruendel Stuart promised soon, in September 2008?

    2. Is Clico still going through with the Million dollar housing project it held a press conference and spoke about?

    3. Given the challenges which the economy will encounter, due to the DLP mismanagement – how will the DLP be able to build the 2000 houses it promised Barbadians, this year?

    4. Could you state specifically what the Ministry of Housing will do this financial year. (April 1, 2009 – March 31, 2010)

    5. Where in the Estimates – is the money to finish Sherbourne, as the DLP promised?

    6. When will the DLP, which said it will not cheat; lie of steal – stop tricking Barbadians?

  18. @BU Family…

    I suspect I’m going to regret this… But what the hell; you only live twice…

    @WIV… @Dark Knight…

    Might you, and your parties, have to guts to step forward, and argue your positions to the People using your real names?

    Or are you simply unwilling to stand behind what you have to say?

    Entertain… Distract… Scare… Confuse…

    Lots Of Laughter… While it lasts…

    Meanwhile, the rest of the world is eating us alive (and laughing all the way to the (off-shore) bank)….

  19. Can we find out more about the company which COB has formed to manage certain affairs outside of credit union business?

  20. Why doesn’t WIV/Hartley Henry/David Thompson tell us that Mottley is only ONE of several attorneys whose services are used by COB. Surely they know that a sitting DLP member, Stephen Lashley also receives legal work from COB.

  21. Wishing In Vain Avatar

    COB Fan, Miss Holder does not permit work to be given to anyone other than Mottley this is a fact, in the past many attorney’s benefitted from sharing this work around, no longer does Mr Lashley receive ANY of this work from COB, more of the same the COB is a dumping ground of the blp rejects like the known fraud.

  22. @ WIV
    Does that upset you? How then do you explain Senator Gilkes? People help their own…Right

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