‘The effect on our business will be devastating. Considering that what the Prime Minister has done is effectively removed our ability to sell 1, 2 and 3 day rentals. We simply cannot absorb this increase’.

‘My fear is that we will have such a significant downturn that jobs will be lost and the ripple effect will be felt at all attractions’

One of our leading Car Rental Agencies

What effect will this ONE THOUSAND per cent increase have on our Car Rental companies?

Will it also impact negatively on our attractions like St. Nicholas Abbey, Andromeda, Flower Forest and Orchid World and our many restaurants. And will this result in overall reduced income for Government and further jeopardise the viability of the tourism sector?

With car rental rates already among the highest in the region is this going to further push the cost of a holiday on Barbados above many peoples reach? Car Rental companies will already have to absorb or pass on increased costs of vehicle licences.

Our registered accommodation providers again will have to absorb or pass on the 50% increase in liquor licences and the 50% increase on alcoholic taxes have still to be evaluated. We all understand Government’s have to collect taxes but was there a better way of introducing this massive hike on the visitors driving permit?

Perhaps it could have been made a three year licence to encourage people to return again soon!

Did representatives from the car rental industry discuss this increase prior to its imposition? And, importantly, what is the average duration of rental, as if it’s only two or three days, the increase is even more of a deterrent?

Adrian Loveridge

84 responses to “Visitor Driving Permit From $10 To $100”

  1. Adrian Loveridge
    Along with all you’ve mentioned, is the increase of airline tickets, the cost of checking baggage in some cases. When you look at it, tourist will soon try to maximise their couple dollars at a cheaper destination. We seem to be illiminating the average tourist to this country. We’re looking at almost 20% in travel expense to be on vacation in Barbados. Small car hire companies will fold under pressure. Maybe there is someway the gov’t can correct this. We must remember that a lot of tourist who came on holiday are just as poor or worse off than we are.

  2. The issue of how Barbados respond to the rising cost of living is and will continue to be a challenge. Good monitoring of the industry with the feedback to the appropriate ministry will be important. We should remember that decisions made by the government are not casted in stone and can be tweaked if required.

  3. I have no problem paying it but I believe Gov’t might have to revisit it because contrary to the beliefs of many Barbadians a lot of “tourists” who visit Barbados are not rich. They generally visit via a package. I believe that the average Barbadian when he/she comes home put more into the economy. They spend at the supermarkets, the small shops, etc.

  4. Hear, hear, David. I really do believe that the government will realise the effect of this onerous increase and adjust is accordingly. The amount of money involved would not even amount to the cost of a minister’s overseas jolly.

  5. By the way, David, you do know that the permit is for driving and not diving?

  6. @Peltdownman

    Although we have not scanned all the fees properly it may just be a case of moving all the fees upwards because they have not moved in many years.

    Thanks Peltdown!


  7. We travel to Barbados 3 or 4 times a year, as we are lucky enough to own a very small studio on the West Coast. This enormous increase in the cost of a visitor driving permit will really impact on our guests who rent our studio, and who may only want to hire a car for a couple of days, so that they can drive round and appreciate the rest of the island. It will make car hire prohibitively expensive, as most of the people we know are on a very tight budget, and are not rich tourists. of course the biggest losers will be the smaller rental companies.

  8. Adrian Loveridge Avatar
    Adrian Loveridge

    Too late was the cry!

    Already ‘24,086,762 travellers from 190 countries (who) planned trips here this week’

    are reading about the propsed 1000% increase.

    Which site?

    TripAdvisor of course.

    Barbados Forum

  9. There goes my car rental. Oh well.

  10. I think that Owen Arthur’s speech AND the reply of PM Thompson were great contributions. It was a good contrast in their different philosophies and styles of management.

    It was good that the PM announced some compromise in the matter of the visitor’s driving permit and that the $3000 income tax allowance for savings in credit unions is in addition to the $10,000 already provided for.

    I like the cautious approach of the Government.

  11. I respect you Devil even at times when we dont agree! But I agree with you right now!

  12. Wishing In Vain Avatar
    Wishing In Vain

    Please settle all of you in the car rental business the PM will address the matter and being the sensible caring person that he is it will be addressed.

  13. Loveridge,

    Shut to hell up you greedy bastard.

    You would even want the people of Barbados to pay all the bills for your hotel so you could operate it scot free.

    Go and look for someone else to exploit.

  14. PM Thompson has admitted he will revisit the hired car fee. Some will say it is a sign of weakness he did not anticipate the feedback on this matter and others will applaud his willingness to listen. Our position is his government has been in place for 6 months and we will not be too harsh in our criticism at this time.

  15. […] Barbados Underground questions whether the increase in the cost of a visitor driving permit from $10 to $100 would harm the island's vital tourism industry. Posted by Skye Hernandez Share This […]

  16. It would seem to me that to take the Car Rental Permit to US$ 50.00 will kill all the one and two day rentals which in turn will have a very negative impact on all attractions. One wonders what that increase will meant to the government coffers as compared to what they would recieve in VAT from the short rentals visiting attractions ,restaurants etc.
    Seems rather an unimaginative way of increasing revenue. Looking at 77% of GDP going to pay foreign debt a budget of restraint would have made more sense at this time.

  17. PM Thompson has admitted he will revisit the hired car fee. Some will say it is a sign of weakness he did not anticipate the feedback on this matter and others will applaud his willingness to listen. Our position is his government has been in place for 6 months and we will not be too harsh in our criticism at this time.

    David, don’t you agree that if the PM had really consulted with the stakeholders prior to the budget delivery, like he said he did, that he ought to have been informed of the cruel effect such an enormous increase in the visitor permit fee would have. In fact, don’t you think that if the PM was himself involved in the preparation of the budget (and I am beginning to believe not) that he ought to have envisaged the effect such an enormous increase would have. It scares me to think that we have a PM who lacks the foresight, vision, the ability to just THINK! What does being in office for only 6 month have to do with basic common sense? I am beginning to see a trend here. First there was the diesel increase, then 6 weeks later he revisit that. Now not even a good 48 hours after the budget proposals passed in parliament and he revisiting the fee for the visitor permit. This can only be described as gross incompetence. It’s about time you stop finding excuses.

  18. Insulted?
    Who are these people with strange names and such stupid arguments?
    So reversing two decisions when citizens protest is a sign of incompetence? Who is insulted by that? It sounds like responsiveness to me…

    incompetence is awarding a contract to upgrade a road without engineering plans, without a firm price and against the advice of engineers…$400M worth

    Incompetence is having the prison burn down under your watch… and then hiring a crooked firm to build the new one – (another couple HUNDRED million dollars)

    incompetence is another word for ‘Greenland ‘ and ‘Hardwood’ and ‘immigration’….

    At worst, the two reversals by the PM can be put down to a harmless learning experience in comparison.

    There are so many sensible areas that can be criticized – why pick on stupid ones?

  19. Bush Tea
    You seem awfully uptight and bitter. But then again, yuh name Bush Tea. It seems any argument which conflicts with yours automatically becomes a stupid argument. I refuse to have any debate with your biased one-sided myopic, narrow-minded kind. It would be unproductive and a waste of time of my part.

  20. It takes a BIG man to admit to a blunder. That’s what the P.M. did today, none of us are perfect. However, he must be careful not to make these mistakes to often or it WILL show weakness. It is a new gov’t and subject to mistakes, that’s why the others should learn from the P.M and put their resignation at the discretion of the P.M i.e the SSA board. He could admonish them and rehire most if not all but to behave in an arrogant manner will get this administration into troublesome waters. Let’s remember they are dealing with seasoned campaigners who know parlimentary systems. Kudos to you Mr Thompson for being THE MAN on this one

  21. Look people $10 dollars was wa too little.. In my opinion 50usd really aint nothing to hollah about.. any of you ever rented a car overseas.. stupess I cant believe wannah making noise about 50usd that visitors willnow have to pay … try to get a liscens anywhere in the states or canada you will pay no less that $80usd cant over it bajans .. we find issues over things that we really should not be having issues about.. stupess..

  22. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    Gapp it costs $10 to get a licence in central FL.
    You can come here and drive with your Barbados licence and pay nothing to do so.

    Run up and bowl again, you are talking bovine excrement!

  23. I have to agree with the guy who asks Adrian Loveridge what he really expects from a Minister of Finance. Does Adrian think that Ministers of Finance really tell people what they propose to do to hear what they think? That would be a recipe for inaction and confusion. Consultation is simply that: discussion.

  24. David,

    Now that this discussion has died down I would like to put a slightly different spin on the issue…
    …as my second ‘hero’ Albert Einstein said, ‘we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that created them’….

    I feel that the license fee could have signaled a clear policy by government that we want to discourage ‘tourist drivers’ in Barbados and to encourage them instead to use the taxi, limo and other services that are provided.

    Barbados is already overcrowded with vehicles and the last thing we need now is more ‘tourist’ learning to drive on our already crazy roads.
    We also have hoards of underused taxi owners and drivers who are part of the tourism sector – this would have been a stroke in their favour – even if it is against the rich folks who ‘contribute’ to our economy by importing scores of automobiles to add to our overcrowded roads and undercut taxis etc.

    Of course the hire car moguls will be unhappy (and we know how noisy they can be…) but why should their interest be paramount ?

    …are there not countries (Bermuda?) where tourist CANNOT drive themselves?

    Mind you, -I am not unhappy that the PM reconsidered – it shows humanity rather than the arrogance that we had become accustomed to….
    but for a moment I saw a different thinking…

    Bush tea feels strongly that tax measures are KEY to managing and fine tuning an economy. The PM can reward good behaviors and punish undesirable ones.
    The problem with cross-the-board VAT is that while funds come in, the economy is largely left to the whims and fancies of the rich and powerful…. the approach of PM Thompson is a refreshing change.

    Here is Bush tea’s suggestion for future changes:-
    1) A direct tax benefit for any Company hiring a Bajan who has been unemployed for 6 month or more….. see how soon the blocks will empty.

    2) Massive taxes levied on all private properties blocking access to the beach view – based on a true valuation of that prime estate to national tourism…. nuff windows to our beaches.

    3) Massive tax refunds to ZR operators who complete a full year with less than 4 traffic violations ($5,000 refund of registration fee)….. …end of ZR madness.

    4) Financial support to youth organizations based on the actual work that they do (stop wasting funds on BYS -scouts, cadets etc deserve more support)…… more effective youth programs


  25. Micro Mock Engineer Avatar
    Micro Mock Engineer

    5) $1 for every comment posted on BU and BFP… ($10 if the comment is politically partisan)…

    whu loss… we gine fill de treasury! 🙂

    Seriously though… those are some really innovative ideas… I nominate BT for BU Shadow Minister of Finance AND Social Transformation… jus doan let him anywhere near Energy.

  26. @BT

    For a man who professes to believe but holds the Atheist Einstein in such high regard. We we suppose we shouldn’t hold that against him!

    Your recommendations are very futuristic with relevance. We applaud you.

  27. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    It appears that this BushTea fella has a brain that works despite his time up Waterford.LOL

  28. David,

    Einstein was somewhat like MME, hopeless in terms of BBE’s plan, but clearly a brilliant engineer with a mind out of his world…. You have to admire them.

    Thanks for the compliment MME, coming from you it means a lot…. even the energy snipe… I assume you are saying that that portfolio would be not enough of a challenge for The Bush man? LOL

  29. et tu GP?
    …well then fall Bush tea…

  30. Micro Mock Engineer Avatar
    Micro Mock Engineer


    Einstein must have spun several times in his grave just now… I am but a Planck length speck in the dirt on the sole of Einstein’s garden shoes.

    @ David

    labeling Einstein an atheist is an injustice… although at various stages of his life he referred to himself that way, you need to examine the full context within which he made those statements. His views were more aligned with Pantheism. Here are a few statements which he made that give some insight on his philosophy:

    * “You will hardly find one among the profounder sort of scientific minds without a peculiar religious feeling of his own . . . .His religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection”

    * “My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior Spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. The deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning Power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God. “

  31. @MME

    Gosh MME you are full of surprises, Pantheism?? Where did that come form??

    We have always had a problem with how many of you Scientist grudgingly give to God what is truely his, full due by using the language which says so please!

    Pantheism my Godness!!!

  32. …. you see what I mean David, MME just like Albert E ( and they are both masters at words – you can’t beat them)
    … so MME you are saying then that Albert E recognised the BBE concept, and from his understanding of science saw himself as a MME (i almost said “lowly” MME – but then we would need to find a new title for you. LOL ) like us?

    I like Einstein because he was able to arrive at BBE from the science of the world around us rather than through religious dogma… truly brilliant….

    ….and I like Thompson because he has matured beyond his youthful arrogance to become a wise, humble and tolerant leader. (we can thank the women in his life and Clyde Mascoll for that..)
    …If only he did not have the challenge of leading during the ‘project end game’…. and having to do it after being handed a tainted mantle…

  33. Bush Tea I LOVE YOUR IDEAS!

    I thought I only GP but wow you are on my fan club and lets not forget the BU family!

    At least they are people in and out of Barbados who really care!

    I hope the Government’s press is reading!

    Thompson please listen!

  34. Micro Mock Engineer Avatar
    Micro Mock Engineer

    LOL BT.

    @ David,

    Doan get tie up… I am a Christian (obviously not one of the best)… I was just pointing out that Einstein believed in God, just not a personal God, and he was not an atheist.

    As far as your swipe at scientists, I agree with you that many do fit your description… but I have never understood all the fuss, as science asks “how the universe works” and religion asks “why the universe work”… and NEVER shall the two meet (… at least not in Phase 1 🙂 ). Further, I think that the relentless pursuit of “how” is one of the greatest tributes a creation can pay to its Creator… some might even say that “in this materialistic age of ours the serious scientific workers are the only profoundly religious people”

  35. For MME and those that would like to know:


    “The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this.” – Albert Einstein

  36. To MME and others please see:


    To BU: I tried to send this before but it seemed to disappear into cyberspace (or so I think). If the initial post turns up then delete this one.

  37. Micro Mock Engineer Avatar
    Micro Mock Engineer

    … every “how” question answered takes us a Planck length closer to BBE. Our “whys” must sound like the monotonous whine of a child to BBE’s ears.

  38. Micro Mock Engineer Avatar
    Micro Mock Engineer

    LOL Devil… it’s just like you to try to lay claim to a brilliant MME… looking for someone to fix that heating problem down there?

  39. The Devil,
    (not that I feel comfortable discussing this particular topic with you ,LOL)…but here is a summary of Einstein’s position on God.
    “I believe in Spinoza’s God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings.”
    “In view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognize, there are yet people who say there is no God. But what really makes me angry is that they quote me for the support of such views.”

    “I’m not an atheist and I don’t think I can call myself a pantheist. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangements of the books, but doesn’t know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God.”
    Despite his brilliance, Albert (predictably) fails to grasp the concept of Project Earth, however what I find interesting is his conclusion, based ONLY on science, that this universe had to start at some point and therefore had to have a creator.
    While he (like Bush tea) dismissed the religions of the various cultures and also (unlike the Bush man) rejected the idea of a ‘personal God’ Einstein felt that science demonstrates that there IS a God.

    The Devil,
    …if you are interested, sometime I will explain why Einstein, and many other outstanding scholars (maybe even including MME ) will not be able to understand “Project Earth” and the personal God- even though they can breeze through integral calculus and quantum theory ideas….

    …so it is not that Einstein was a great Christian or that he preached the word like Paul etc- on the contrary, I am impressed that he independently and by his own great intellect concluded that there MUST be a BBE..

  40. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie


    In my humble opinion as a piece of scientist, I think that this Scripture will help you explain your point.

    I Corinthians 2:14-16

    14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
    15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
    16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.

  41. Micro Mock Engineer Avatar
    Micro Mock Engineer

    …just for clarity, my previous post should have read “… lay claim to a brilliant MME like Einstein”. Wouldn’t want it to seem as though I was speaking of myself.

  42. to Bush tea

    Albert E. and I are most interested. Albert is visiting for a short time with me (sometimes it feels like eternity..) Albert complains so much, I tell him that we can always curve that space-time continuum into a Reimann surface to shorten his stay but then Euclid feels that I making fun at him. Scientists!

    Ah back to you Bush tea, I eagerly (and in all seriousness) await your explanation.

  43. Micro Mock Engineer Avatar
    Micro Mock Engineer

    … I have a feeling it gine be cat piss and pepper in here after BT’s next reply to the Devil. 🙂

  44. MME
    …seems like you have something up your sleeve
    What cat piss and pepper what?!?
    this will be a simple matter…

    Ok Devil, (as if you did not know…)
    So BBE, whose brilliance makes even Einstein feel like a baby in a library, initiates a project whose objective is so unprecedented in scope that everything else is largely insignificant in comparison.
    Central to this project are MMEs, which are mortal, temporary beings created in “BBE’s image. ”
    These MMEs are undergoing a kind of beta testing in an environment that is precisely designed to test specific characteristics needed for advancement to phase 2.

    Obviously, under normal circumstances, MMEs like Albert E and our own MME (with their brilliant and incisive minds) would have a clear advantage in deciphering the ‘secrets of life’ and, through their gift of intellect, be guaranteed success in the REAL purpose of life.


    Even a lowly MME like Bush tea can see that BBE would need to ‘level the playing field’ in terms of MMEs’ ability to understand the intricacies of the Project.

    This has been achieved in a stroke of supernatural genius such that the ability to understand the concepts of the Project is equally and freely available to every MME, but is completely independent of intellectual capacity.

    ….I could have said exactly what Georgie Porgie said – but Bush tea has updated the language, jargon and concepts to suit modern times…. although I will admit that Paul said it better in Corinthians…

    Albert E is thus a special example in that, Despite his immense intellect, the specifics of the Project eluded him, ….while a retarded Bajan sap like Bush tea can be a Project specialist…..

    What design! What engineering! What a Project!

  45. My apologies for not responding. A combination of a migraine (made worse by the pounding sound of “music” being played quite some distance away) and the disquiet my spirit feels after reading the many posts on the other threads. I have to wonder if some of my jinnis are playing with the computers.

  46. Micro Mock Engineer Avatar
    Micro Mock Engineer


    You have posited that intellect is not the qualifying characteristic. I agree… but ironically rather than come straight out and say that the qualifying characteristic is WISDOM, you and GP have used all kinda esoteric INTELLECTUAL language and scripture to confuse us plebs 🙂

    … but getting back to the substantive issue, your earlier post seemed to suggest that intellect is actually a hindrance (“Einstein, and many other outstanding scholars (maybe even including MME ) will not be able to understand Project Earth”). I was anticipating an explanation of that position… but I guess I’ll have to keep that response up my sleeve a little longer… 🙂

  47. Sorry MME, it is NOT wisdom either. (that too is a gift and does not really make the recipient and ‘better’ that anyone else… remember Solomon?).

    Intellect is a hindrance in the same way that wealth is a hindrance. these both lead the MME to depend on this asset to understand the Project details…. futile…

    …note that both the brightest (Einsteins, Newtons, you name them… as well as the richest – from Gates to the many Bajan west coast residents- have no idea of the great news of the project and instead waste their lives on cocaine, sex, parties and other distractions which seek to fill that void that has been designed into MMEs to compel us to seek fulfillment in the Project plans.

    However, when you are poor or foolish (or preferably both…) you just ask!!!
    (..as Jesus said -Blessed are the poor…)

    What Design! What brilliant simplicity!

    …. I will give you another shot at the qualifying characteristic… I KNOW you will get it…

    a riddle – what was special about the Adanac?

  48. Kissing Drawers?! …that’s the secret?! Warm or cold does it matter…?

  49. lord have mercy…., et tu diabolos?
    you from down dey too?…

    What drawers what
    Man, Bush tea can’t win a thing with wanna three dreads, Devil, MME and GP….
    ….the riddle was just to be dramatic…(as in “what makes Adanacians special?”)… and I don’t need a TFN perspective…LOL.

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