Canada Federal Skilled Worker (Professional) immigration applications are assessed on six factors.


These selection factors are designed to indicate which applicants are likely to become economically established upon immigration to Canada. Each Canada Federal Skilled Worker (Professional) immigration selection factor is allotted a maximum number of points, and applicants must attain at least 67 points in order to qualify for a Canada Immigration (Permanent Resident) Visa.
The selection factors may be summarized as follows:

Whatever the number of points awarded, Canadian Immigration Visa Officers always have the discretion to accept or refuse an application based on a substituted evaluation
In addition to scoring at least 67 points, successful applicants must show that they have enough money to support themselves and their dependants after arrival in Canada. Applicants and their dependants must also undergo medical examinations and security clearances as part of the Canadian immigration application process.
Federal Skilled Worker (Professional) Processing Times and Processing Fees vary from one Canadian Immigration Visa office to another.

Applicants intending to reside in Montreal or another city in the Province of Quebec are subject to the Quebec selection criteria.
For more information on the Federal Skilled Worker Program, see our Federal Skilled Workers FAQ.

Barbados Underground have written exhaustively on the issue of the Barbados immigration policy. We have stated repeatedly that we disagree with our current open door immigration policy on two fronts. 1) The small size of Barbados with limited resources and an overburdened infrastructure and 2) resources need to be allocated to study and plan our society to adapt to the shift from a predominantly black society (95%) to what is now rising multi-ethnic society. We will repeat, if we are racist for having this concern then so be it. This blog focuses is on number one.

One country which has embraced immigration to good effect is Canada. Canada is a vast country with significant natural resources which has a population growth rate that is not dissimilar to Barbados, very negligible indeed. Canada despite all of its resources have seen the need to have well thought out immigration program. Seen in the above quote there have a points system which is used to filter the type of immigrant they allow into their country. The rationale for the Canadian approach to their Skilled Worker Program is to ensure successful applicants are able to sustain themselves economically and add to the productivity of the country.

After reading the several comments to our immigration topics we get the impression that some commenters are of the view that if people are coming from the other islands searching for work, let them come. No planning is required! If a rich country like Canada sees the need to plan its immigration why would Barbados not desire to do the same? What is so difficult about such a simple suggestion to understand? Instead we hear the irrelevant and irrational responses that Barbadians went to Guyana, Panama, Trinidad and other places in the 50’s to work so now it is our time because of our current favourable position on the economic ladder. What hogwash!

Anyway we came across the following Letter to the Editor in the Guyana Stabroek newspaper yesterday and found it rather interesting for all the obvious reasons:

Fewer Guyanese will be admitted to Canada under the Skilled Workers category

Tuesday, February 26th 2008

Dear Editor,

The Canadian Government has budgeted to admit 215,475 new immigrants in the Skilled Workers category for the year 2008. This figure is for the whole world. The budgeted figure for the Port of Spain’s embassy, which controls Guyana’s immigration to Canada is 900 to 1,030 skilled workers, which in local parlance is “self sponsorship”. There is no term as “self sponsorship” in Canadian Immigration Law, as that term is only known to be used in Guyana.

The 900 to 1,030 skilled workers to be admitted in 2008 for the Port of Spain’s embassy includes Trinidad, Guyana, Barbados, Suriname and almost all the small islands. That means fewer Guyanese will be admitted as immigrants under the skilled workers category in 2008. The wait time for new immigrants has also increased by more than 50%. Guyanese will now have to wait three to four years for their applications to be completed.

Jim Karygiannis, Liberal MP for Scarborough-Agincourt, said that the “wait time” varies depending on where the immigrant is coming from, which is where he claims the discrimination lies. “Why are we not looking at people as people? The wait times should be the same, no matter where you are applying from,” Karygiannis posits. This is bad news for skilled Guyanese who wish to migrate to Canada under the skilled workers class.

Yours faithfully,

Balwant Persaud

Certified Immigration Consultant

So we ask the question, Why has the Canadian government decided to discriminate against applicants for immigrant visas to the Skilled Labour Program which originate from Trinidad and will affect islands like Trinidad, Guyana, Barbados, Suriname and almost all the small islands. What has soured the deal?

10 responses to “Canada Discriminates Against Caribbean Applicants To Their Skilled Workers Program”

  1. BU posting pure shite as usual.

  2. 24 points for language skills. Fluency in Bajan should suffice no? I am sure they dont mean standard english LOL!

  3. One thing is for sure, we will continue to qualify for the farm labour program and there is one where we send up maids and ancillary staff to the apartments and hotels.

  4. “The answer and the solution”

    The reason for implementing CSME is to establish a framework to ensure that only skilled or degreed nationals are allowed to move freely thru the CSME territory. As for Canada, if Barbados needs to import unskilled Dominican and Guyanese labor to work in agriculture and the hotel industry, why is the government still facilitating the exodus to Canada of the few remaining Bajans who want to work in these industries?

  5. I dont know what you are complaining about. I came to Canada under the “points” system in 1967. It is nothing new. The only way an immigrant is not assessed by the points system is if they are sponsored by a relative under the family re-unification program. Different trades, skills and professions carry different points wighting depending on labour force requirements.

    I was fortunate to have my first job in Canada working for Immigration Canada in the Foreign Region A – Caribbean and Latin America. In 1968, a baker, teacher or secretary got more points for skills than doctors and lawyers.

    You need only enough money to support your self for 3 months. the length of time it took to find a job. If you have a job before you arrive, this requirement is waived.

    The language of work is English, except in Quebec. People from the Caribbean are lucky that they speak English. I have met many engineers, Drs. etc. driving taxis, whose first language is not English or French.

  6. BU, I agree that every country should have an immigration policy, but not having a policy qualifies as having a policy, too!

  7. Canada has a great approach the U.S was working on integrating a similar way of addressing. This application type is EXCELLENT for ensuring such people will not weigh heavily on the economy and assuring the quality of living here.

  8. Maybe I’m not seeing the whole picture here but…If we’re going to live in another man’s country, shouldn’t we adjust to their way of life and their standards of living rather than they to us? If we want what they have, shouldn’t we adjust to suit them, to get and reach where they are? It is their country,no? If we don’t like how they’re treating us or their measurement of us, shouldn’t we go elsewhere where we are appreciated?

  9. Please tell me when Canada imposed the visitor visa on Guyana

  10. makes it possible for users to gain access to their desired ‘Skilled Trades’ list, or browse through ‘Trades’ job ads in their city, state / province. With just a few clicks on custom iPhone, iPad, and Android apps, searching for skilled trades is now incredibly easy. Trades local to you are shown based on their proximity to your location.

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