image The BU have written exhaustively on the need for Barbados to revisit its ‘open door’ immigration policy. We have been called racists, xenophobic, ignorant, backward, small minded and the beat goes on. We have demonstrated during the just concluded general election in Barbados that we are not thin-skinned and that we are prepared to deal with issues which our mainstream media resist covering.

It is evident to most Barbadians on the ground that we are beginning to see the signs of problems down the road; the increasing numbers of undocumented arrivals to our shores. There are the Indians who consistently demonstrate clannish behaviour wherever they anchor. There is the racial tension which exists in the neighbouring countries of Guyana and Trinidad.

Given the foregoing, we find it interesting that noted Trinidad Express journalist, Andy Johnson, has given vent to this issue in his column of today. We have snipped a part of his article which we find to be relevant to support our agitation on the matter of the impact of UNDOCUMENTED Indians entering Barbados. As we have stated in previous articles many of these UNDOCUMENTED Indians are unskilled and add little value to the GDP of Barbados.

Bajans are having to come to terms with ethnic and cultural diversity, a story about which they ought to learn heavily from Trinidad and Tobago. They aren’t sure, just yet, whether they are going to like it. In several sections of high end Bridgetown, along Broad Street and around Swan Street, for instance, sub-continental Indian business people beckon customers to shops and stores offering expensive jewelry and cosmetics, as well as exotic items of clothing. In plazas and shopping rendezvous along the well traversed south coast, the same thing happens.

Whereas they used to talk as victims, about the “Guyanese bench” at the Grantley Adams International Airport, nationals of that South American country which is a Caricom member state, may no longer voice their feelings of victimisation and discrimination as loudly. It does not mean, by a long shot, that they have stopped or slowed down their trek to the island in search of a better life.

Five years ago it was estimated there were 30,000 Guyanese hidden in the Barbadian economy. Undocumented and being exploited. That figure has grown near exponentially since then. By contrast, however, whereas the Bajans have disputed the figure, the situation could be even more alarming in this country, were we even to hazard a guess at the numbers. Whole sections of the Central Market in Port of Spain have been commandeered by Guyanese nationals for years now.

Read the full article

We anticipate the flow of invective which we be hurled our way. But we intend to stay the course on this issue in the hope that we shall overcome on this issue some day.

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77 responses to “Trinidad Express Reporter Comments On the Growing Indo-Immigrant Population In Little Barbados”

  1. According to David: “As we have stated in previous articles many of these UNDOCUMENTED Indians are unskilled and add little value to the GDP of Barbados.”

    David, If you were one of my students in my academic past I would have to flunk you for being continuously uninformed about a subject you continuously write about. There is countless research to indicate that unskilled workers, by doing the jobs that others do not wish to do, at wages that locals would not work for, adds substantially to the real GDP, if not the measured GDP. Its what built America and Canada. The West Indians who went to the UK in the 1950s and 1960s to support economic growth were not doctors and lawyers, they went to operate the buses and tube.

    The reason why we have immigrants here is that the demand for employment is higher than can be met locally. By meeting this demand they lower our inflation rate from what it would otherwise be. If there were no immigrants, inflation would have to rise to crowd out the demand.

    The most comprehensive recent study of immigrants written in layman’s language is by Philippe Legrain. Its on Amazon. Here are some relevant excerpts.

    “Few people now bat an eyelid at the movement across borders of skilled professionals….Yet most people baulk at the thought of people from poor countries coming to work in rich ones.

    Why? Why can computers be imported from China duty-free but Chinese people not freely come to make computers here? Why is it a good thing for French insurance salespeople to hawk policies in Poland but a bad thing for Polish plumbers to offer to fix French pipes?

    Until recently, Communist China strictly curtailed its people’s movement. Unless you were a privileged party official, you needed a special permit to move – or even travel – from your home town to another part of the country. It sounds like a totalitarian nightmare, yet it is not too far removed from the situation that those on the other side of the global migration apartheid find themselves in.

    China has now relaxed its constraints on internal migration and has witnessed the biggest movement of people in history as peasants flock to the cities to make a better life for themselves working in factories, fuelling the country’s explosive economic growth. So would relaxing rich countries’ controls on immigration from poor countries provide similarly spectacular economic gains?

    Most likely, yes. Sober-minded economists reckon that the potential gains from freer global migration are huge, and greatly exceed the benefits from freer world trade. The freeing up of global trade in manufactured goods in the second half of the twentieth century led to a quintupling of the world economy and an unprecedented rise in living standards in both rich countries and poor. So just think how opening our borders to migrants could transform our world for the better in the twenty-first century.

    Historical experience certainly suggests it would do a lot of good.”

    Legrain then goes on to cite a raft of statistics.

    They show conclusively that immigration is a good thing economically and unskilled immigrants are the key, that they bring down inflation and raise growth. There may be times to limit immigration, for social and congestion reasons, but it is not as in Barbados today when our inflation is too high and our growth too modest.

  2. Tek dat in wunnah *******

    Now that gresham and wren and bajan boy and passin down south and the other liars and apologists see that these comments are coming from a reputable name,a reputable source and a reputable medium – wha wunna gotta say now eh?

    I stop reading the rubbish written by some like the above mentioned since I know that the only persons who would accept the misinformation they were putting out were persons who had vested interest in the status quo and persons whose were intended on painting a nice,nice image of these indian folks or persons who just plain didnot know the facts.

    As always I will state the obvious – that as in any group there will be exceptions to the rule – however I watched as the administrators of this blog Barbados Underground and others tried to sound the alarm to the barbadian citizenry – to wake up and take stock of what is happening to this fair land Barbados – and they were pilloried on their blog by persons daring to call them racist for raising concerns.

    Well the region seems to be taking notice,and may I tell you Andy Johnson had to be careful how he wrote that story becuse of who his bosses are and the pressure he will be put under – thus the benign piece that you are seeing there in the Express newspapers.

    However like he said in his piece and we have been saying here on BU.all over the caribbean ,governments have had to struggle with this teeming mass of guyanese,while the Guyanese leader – Basdeo Jagdeo tacitly encourage his people flooding other countries and building up his country with their remittances sent back home.

    Thanks to that stinkin Dog Owen Arthur Barbados is now their country of choice.

    I am watching David Thompson carefully to see if he is going to deal with this problem in a forceful and determined way that leaves no doubt in the minds of his citizens and the guyanese here and those planning to come – that Barbados will not allow its country to be over run by riff raffs and the dregs of another country.

  3. The Andy Johnson article speaks more about Muslims and “sub-continental Indian business people ” in Barbados than about Guyanese Indians.

    And I don’t believe that a serious journalist would have written the following:

    “Five years ago it was estimated there were 30,000 Guyanese hidden in the Barbadian economy. Undocumented and being exploited. That figure has grown near exponentially since then.”

    I am so impressed that he has managed to count the number of UNDOCUMENTED Guyanese in Barbados. I like that he says the figure has grown not quite exponentially, but “near” exponentially.

  4. This is a serious problem.

    These Indians are going to bring with them, their clannishness and their hatred for Blacks along with their unskill cheap labour.

    And don’t forget they breed like rats. No 2.5 children per family for them. All the racial problems they caused in Guyana will soon be evident in Barbados.

    I would risk a bet that Thomas Gresham is White, so therefore he nor his children or Grand children have to worry about the deluge of Indians. Indians are afraid of White people, but they loath Black people. I have many black Guyanese friends and they tell me that in Guyana the Indians treat Black Guyanese like dirt.

    We have to deport most of these illegal Guyanese Indians before the spaghetti hits the fan.

  5. yes i agree we have to get them out before we lose our country to them

  6. Like a stuck record we will continue to repeat our position. While others continue to intellectualize this problem the reality is that we have thousands of undocumented arrivals in Barbados. Many of them are Indians. Trinidad and Guyana are living case studies that tension exists between Blacks and Indians. We are asking that some thought go in to how we are allowing our society to change with the large inflow of Indians. This is not racist, purely commonsense and good planning. Any system which is so inefficient needs to be looked at and those undocumented workers need to be regularized. There is enough research to suggest that uncontrolled immigration into small countries can generate a negative situation. The docile position which has served Barbadians well over the years and which has help to create the calm climate in our country in the past is working against us today.

    It would be good if commenters write their concerns in detail, pro or con. We want to understand the concerns

  7. Stupid backward black racist assholes.

    No wonder King Dyal called you idiots “cattle”.

    Sensible black people are moving forward in life and have no time for such rubbish.

    B ~ F ~ P ~ E

    We will leave this comment up so that Marginal@Notesinthemargin can have a read. He believes in freedom of speech that we know.


  8. David, I support you in your stance against uncontrolled immigration to Bim, from whichever source!!

    I won’t reiterate old arguments but think your website would benefit from the same decision of BFP to prohibit people from posting as ‘Anonymous’!! Let us at least, know who we’re speaking to and who’s, exactly, is addressing us!!!!

  9. No one on this blog has ever argued for illegal immigration.

    No one on this blog has ever argued against the police not taking action to remove illegal immigrants.

    These are “straw men”.

    What has been argued is that

    (1) We should be clear of the economic consequences of reducing the amount of immigration, be it legal or illegal. The consequence is (a) higher costs at a time when we have a high cost economy and (b) less chance of shaking up the stultified structure of our economy where it is predominantly owned by a large white minority.

    (2) Anyone who thinks we have an open door policy to immigration has never tried to immigrate here legally. The immigration policy is not lax, it is the way it is administered and followed through that can be criticised. I know I have a Caribbean wife, not born in Barbados.

    (3) The way Indians have been described on this blog is lamentably racist.

    When I lived in the UK I helped to lead many anti-racist campaigns in support of blacks in Britain and in South Africa. (We were joined by many Indian and white people.) For my efforts I have landed in court. I have given the black power solute on the steps of the UK High Court on the Strand. I know racism when I see it and unfortunately I am seeing a lot of racism levelled against Indians on this blog. You can try and call it different things, but just look at the comments above, especially by Annonymous and NG and replace the word Indian by Black and see how you feel.

    Tell me that “dont forget they breed like rats” is not a racist comment.

  10. Indians and Blacks have not been able to peaceably coexist in any of the caribbean countries. Why should we therefore encourage the inevitable? We need to preserve our society which is not taken to the type of voilence and crime being perpetuated especially by Guyanese. The new Barbados Government must tell the President of Guyana and Norma Faria to set up the necessary incentives for Guyanese to stay at home. This is now over 30 years that Guyanese have been leaving Guyana as a direct result of poor and intolerable conditions at home. We cannot encourage this.

  11. David, you said:

    “We are asking that some thought go in to how we are allowing our society to change with the large inflow of Indians.”

    Why do you need to single out Indians? Are they more of a concern than Afro Guyanese or any other illegal immigrants?

    Just asking.

  12. The question is: do we wish Caribbean integration or not?

    You see an “Indian” standing at the corner. Is her ‘documentation’ or lack thereof the criterion upon which we like her or not?

    Do we go up and ask “are you documented?” And if she says ‘yes” then we like her, if ‘no’ we hate her?

    Is this the hinge upon which illegal Bajans in New York swing?

    Us Bajans are the most conceited, biased, self-centered and idiotic people on earth. And mind you, we call ourselves “Christians.”

    Once upon a time it was the ‘whites’ who were blocking us and causing us every problem. Nowadays it’s the Indians.

    What hogwash.

  13. Going by this blog of racial slur here, I could know that all the wanted action on ‘illegal migrants’ is blatantly pointed at Indians and not any other race/sect. Simply, are you not racist to target your policies against a particular country/race?

    So while a anti illegal migrants policy is implemented, can every indian with valid visa be sure that he will not be dealt partially by people and police here? So if we fail to act impartially but target indians alone, is this not racism?

    So what is learnt from colonial imperial rule of the past? Nothing but to act with racist minds. What startles is that you also try and pose as non racial people which is the new learning unknown in colonial history. Atleast we whites were openly supporting racism those times(not now and Iam not party to it!)

  14. The population distribution in Trinidad and Guyana eg Blacks and Indians have caused problems, that is a fact. I will not apportion blame here, because that is not the issue.

    Both countries have a larger land mass than Barbados, in addition you would have thought that due to the period they have been living together they would have been able to get on, in the main they have not.

    What makes Barbados so special that the tensions experienced in our neighbouring countries, will not happen in Barbados.

    Indo/Guyanese who have emigrated to Barbados legally, and have the necessary documentation to work, should have nothing to fear, particularly if they are law abiding citizens… where is the racism in that.

  15. When ever a country id doing well, you will always have mass migration, like it or not. We have to look at the reasons why foreigners would be attracted to Barbados. These people look first at political stability, crime and the friendliness of our people. These people could have gone to Trinidad, with a Standards and Poor ‘sovereign rating’ of AA-positive overview but look at it, that country crime rate is like a one-a-day tablet, and probably, it will soon be an over dose. So why will these immigrants interested in settling there. We can look at Jamaica, who like Trinidad is rich in resources, but again it is riddled with massive crime.

    So what are the alternatives for these immigrants, simply, look for a country that is stable. As much as we are harping, we as a country cannot place any restriction on the movement of tourists, but what we will have to control, is ‘the time restriction’. This is an area that we are constantly failing. We must keep monitoring our Guests” ensuring that these people return to their countries within the allocated time.

    So people we only have to blame ourselves for having a ‘stable’ government, a ‘stable’ economy and an excellent standard of living.

  16. passing through south Avatar
    passing through south

    his article makes me laugh.dude that mosque was there for over 40 yrs easy so check the facts and come again, and loads of different groups be it church groups or school groups or just curious members of the public have also come there on fridays and sit inside and observe what is going on.Maybe from now on the members of the mosque should be told to hide the footwear because they are journalist doing counts or taking notes of the amount of footwear outside.oh gimme a break man

  17. “The West Indians who went to the UK in the 1950s and 1960s to support economic growth were not doctors and lawyers, they went to operate the buses and tube”.

    And they were accepted by 100% of the English population?
    Up to today many English peolpe considered that immigration policy to be the genesis of many of the problems which exisits today in England. Unfettered immigration never helps anybody least of all the immigrants themselves.

    “I won’t reiterate old arguments but think your website would benefit from the same decision of BFP to prohibit people from posting as ‘Anonymous’!!”

    What is this “follow pattern” Month now? Your blog is fine just as it is DAVID.

  18. At a public meeting outside of Parliament, Dr. Dennis Lowe promised that the DLP would be sending home illegal immigrants once they come to power. I am sure this includes Guyanese Indians. I will hold him and the DLP to this promise.

  19. I agree completely: “unfettered immigration does not help anyone” that is quite true. Exactly the point I am making, I wrote only of “illegal” immigrants.

    The West Indian immigrants who went to England in the 1950s and 1960s were not welcomed by 100% of the English population immigrants generally are not, it is therefore reasonable for Barbadians to voice concerns.

    There is of course one important difference, in the main the West Indian bus conductors, and tube drivers who went to England in the 1950s and 1960s were “not illegal immigrants,” some were even recruited Government to Government.

  20. Since you want to get rid of Indo-Guyanese immigrants, I would suggest that you start with that new DLP minister Esther Byer-Suckoo.

    I’m told she is Bajan, but she looks Guyanese-ish and she has Indian-ish features.

    Get rid of her if you are serious.

    Useless black racist idiots.

  21. David, you said:

    “We are asking that some thought go in to how we are allowing our society to change with the large inflow of Indians.”

    Why do you need to single out Indians? Are they more of a concern than Afro Guyanese or any other illegal immigrants?

    Just asking.

    Feb 15, 7:54

    Brutus we can speak about what is obvious. Many of the illegal immigrants in Barbados are Guyanese Indians, Barbados is a small place and the PEOPLE have eyes.

  22. Two years ago the US Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour issued a report on Barbados which made the following statement based on an assessment of church populations. The numbers are probably out of date and may be “out” by a heavy margin, but they help to put things in context.

    “Christianity is the dominant religion; over 95 percent of the population is considered Christian, although they may not be active in any particular denomination.

    The next largest denomination is the Seventh-day Adventists, numbering about 16,000 members, 10,000 of whom are active.

    The Roman Catholic Church has been present since 1839. There are about 11,000 Roman Catholics. In the early and mid-twentieth century, the Catholic Church was bolstered by immigration from Guyana, Dominica, St. Lucia, and by Syrian and Lebanese Christians from Trinidad.

    Pentecostals number about 7,000; membership is growing and over 50 percent are active. Methodists number an estimated 5,000, according to church officials. There are approximately 2,500 Jehovah’s Witnesses, and over 95 percent are active.

    The number of non-Christians is small. There are an estimated 2,700 Muslims, most of whom are immigrants or descendants of immigrants from the Indian state of Gujarat. A few immigrants from Guyana, Trinidad, South Asia, and the Middle East, as well as about 200 Barbadians, comprise the rest of the growing Muslim community. The first mosque was erected in 1950, and there are currently three mosques and an Islamic Center.

    Other minority religions include Rastafarianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and the Baha’i Faith.

    In 2002 and 2003, the Government held interfaith services to celebrate National Day. Most of the religious groups participated, although some evangelical Christian denominations refused to worship with non-Christians on the grounds that doing so would violate the tenets of their faith.”

  23. After seeing these blogs on Barbados, it makes me down and to realise how good country India.

    I wonder how could Hindus allow numerous other regligions to prevail and thrive and to keep conversions ongoing.
    Democracy and Freedom of speech fully respected, even facing terror threats today.

    If Indians visit this blogs, iam sure they also might start thinking of changing their positive mindset !!! God forgive racists

  24. Iam not good at english as some of you here… but pure mind and heart is also in need in Barbados.

  25. Abubaker


    ANYBODY, with such a name, is NOT welcome on this blog, AT LEAST NOT BY ME!!!! FOR OBVIOUS, REASONS!!!!

  26. Anonymous
    I refer to your statement: “useless black racist idiots”
    It was Sigmund Freud who said it is possible for a psychoanalyst to get at the contents of the unconcious by employing techniques such as word association.
    I will leave you with that.

  27. Reading the comments under this topic just made the matriarch in the household just want to scream. Our focus has been on undocumented immigrants in Barbados. We know from simple observation that many of that group is the Indo- Guyanese. We have concluded that if the ‘unfettered’ inflow is allowed to go unmanaged we may have to deal with the fall-out down the road. The two Caribbean countries of T&T and Guyana is a living proof of our fears. Some of you have asked if Blacks don’t commit crime, of course they do. it is a 90+ majority country.

    After writing several articles with this recurring theme we are labeled racist? We shall continue to highlight this issue until…

  28. David, you said:

    “Many of the illegal immigrants in Barbados are Guyanese Indians, Barbados is a small place and the PEOPLE have eyes.”

    “Our focus has been on undocumented immigrants in Barbados. We know from simple observation that many of that group is the Indo- Guyanese.”

    David, how can you tell from simple observation whether an immigrant is undocumented?

  29. Dear David,

    You raise an issue once because you feel it is important. There is much blanket racist characterisation of one race. Stuff like “they breed like rats”. There is much unfounded racist charaterisation of the other race’s culture. You do not say that you abhor the racism you see.

    You raise the topic again. The same racists say similar racist things.

    You raise it Again. And they do so again.

    You do so again.

    You may say you are innocently raising an issue, but you fool no one.

  30. Racist BU idiot

  31. Thomas Gresham

    We are beholdened that comments are made on BU which indicate that other commenters agree with our view. It is interesting and should we say ungentlemanly that you would ascribe the comments of a few to what we believe. Our articles and our comments represent our views on the many topics we select and not the comments of others. Yes we admit that we have chosen the Indo-Guyanese as the centre piece of our argument because it is plain for all who want to see that many of the undocumented workers are Indians.Furthermore we don’t buy the justification you and Mascoll are pushing. Even so you argument is null because we prefer to focus on the ILLEGAL INDO-Guyanese immigrant.


    We don’t want to get technical but many social experiments have been conducted using the power of observation. Anyone familiar with basic data collection approaches can create experiments using observation as a method. We are aware of a couple basic studies which have been done using random sampling to get a feel for the level of illegal immigrants in Barbados. In past articles we have cited Fairchild Street, and other areas of Bridgetown and they are a few places in St. Philip and on the outskirts of St. Michael where one can go to observe ‘discussions’. We are also privy to informal conversations with policemen and immigration officers who have identified ‘challenges’. Barbados is a little place and don’t you forget it. it is not India, Pakistan, Canada or some country with huge land mass.

    When we added the reluctance of Norman Faria and the former government (Mia Mottley) to identify numbers associated with immigration and the issue of illegal immigrants it paints a picture for the BU household that we have a problem which MUST be investigated and some order brought to bear.

    It is alarming that our leading pollsters Wickham/Chapo?? along with the former and current government have not addressed this issue in a forthright way.

  32. David, I would love for you to get technical because I would not want us to confuse anecdotal evidence with scientific method. I still can not understand how one can OBSERVE a person’s immigation status.

    Could you publish the results of the basic studies to which you referred?

    How many illegal Indo-Guyanese would you imagine are in Barbados? 500, 1,000, 10,000? What would be a reasonable guess based on your observations?

  33. Brutus we will reserve using any primitive statistics to support how many illegal immigrants we think exist in Barbados, that would be highly irresponsible.

    What we want however is for people like you and others to ask our new government to make the information known to the public. If we can have that information we can carry our current discourse on this matter to the next level.

  34. Agreed!!

  35. Thank you David.

    The last statement about Peter Wickham and his polls is so true.

    He deliberately refused to poll in such a way (whether by how he asked the question or if hes asked at all in each poll),so that bajans could honestly state how they feel about the presence of these large number of indo guyanese and other illegal immigrants in Barbados.

    Depending on how you ask the question you can geta deceptively low response,or even a false reading.

    He has publicly stated that he is all for allowing this free for all since he can travel freely to the other islands to get his polling jobs.

    You see the selfish – ‘once I’m fine it doesnot bother me’ attitude?

    I keep saying that ordinary bajans hold the key to this.

    Stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about your country and your children and grandchildren’s future.

    Will you want to be treated as second class citizens in your own land.

    Check out these 2×4 lil indian stores and their indian owners and how they treat black barbadian young and old women who work for them and get paid next to nothing.

    So what you think will happen in 20 years when they are more in control in strategic places like parliament,the banks,in ministeries etc?

    Bajans are the ones to chart their destiny through this .

    1. Stop renting your property to these illegal persons

    2. Avoid giving or getting jobs for illegals – it is a CRIME.

    3.Report to the immigration any sus[picious activity you see or suspicion you have that there are illegals present.

    4.Bajan men and to a lesser extent women should not allow themselves and thier country to be used by marrying or impregnating these women for bajan citzenship in exchange for free sex for a time.

    Only those of the african race seem to place little value on themselves and their people that they will be willing to sell their soul and their people for a mess of pottage and for trinkets and glass beads.

    Where is your pride black Barbados?

    What mirror image do you have of yourself?

    Are we so short sighted that we are only willing to think of the sex for one night,or getting my house clean or my house built cheaply and in some cases badly that I don’t even care about what is happening to my country?

    David and family take care and take courage – there are more who are with you than against you.

    I only wish that bajans would find the courage to speak out more.

  36. Some of the bloggers say, “they are worried of Indians coming in large numbers and change their society and order”

    I wish to know if the religioin and society in barbados is entirely different from other multi racial countrys like USA, UK? Which got hugely benefitted by indian skillful/ skill less migrants. I didnt see Barbados as of a complete out-of-the-box primitive country either. In US people (not all though!) agree openly that migrants built their society for better.

    Also, is it that barbados society and order is so fragile that few Indians can drastically change their society and order?

    Lastly, as a human being feel disparaged the way some comments are passed at bajans as “Are we so short sighted that we are only willing to think of the sex for one night……”
    Is it not heckling bajans as sex starved or sexually uncontrolled?

  37. “Check out these 2Å~4 lil indian stores and their indian owners and how they treat black barbadian young and old women who work for them and get paid next to nothing.”

    You see, this is why David and his friends on this issue are being so disingenuous. It is highly unlikely that the shop owners are illegal immigrants. (Have you tried setting up a shop in Barbados? Have you tried getting a phone if you are a non-resident? You need various licenses, approvals and contracts that would not be possible to obtain and sustain without legal status.)

    So here we have moved from the issue of legality, (how do we know the shop owners are legal or illegal) to simply a view that characterizes a whole race. Many of these views are derogatory and racist. I have come across the precisely, exactly, same language used against blacks, Koreans, jews in other countries. Its as wrong and racist here as it is there. But when you point it out, the racists retreat to a position that they are only worried about illegal immigrants.

    The racists try to hid behind the legal issue and make the further, erroneous, point that illegal or unskilled immigrants cannot help an economy. I do not wish illegal immigration but when I point out that the facts are that illegal and unskilled immigrats support an economy, I have been described as having the economics of Clyde Mascoll (which I resent a little). I have been on the governing council of the oldest and one of the largest economic association and my view is the majority opinion of economists. Here are the comments of Gary Becker, a specialist in immigration that won the 1992 Nobel Prize:

    “Most illegal immigrants are hard-working, many will return to their country of origin after accumulating some savings (but be replaced by others), most do not receive social security and other benefits, they are less prone to commit crimes than the average American (the reason is that if convicted of a crime they would be deported after serving their prison term), and they consume less health care than the average citizen or lawful resident. …The fierce hostility that many conservatives feel toward illegal immigrants appears to be a compound of hostility to unlawful behavior (they are illegal immigrants, after all) and of fear that immigrants from Mexico and Central America will alter American culture, which is still primarily northern European. The fear is similar to what many Americans felt about Irish and southern and eastern European immigration in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. The fear proved to be unfounded.”

  38. not only Barbados concern about the problem but Trinis too.

    Joseph: Guyanese blanked at airport due to false info

    -Anna Ramdass

    Saturday, February 16th 2008

    Guyanese nationals have been refused entrance into this country by Immigration authorities because they have provided false information on their travel documents, says National Security Minister Martin Joseph.

    Joseph made the disclosure at the post-Cabinet news conference, at Whitehall, Port of Spain, on Thursday when asked by the Express if he was aware that Guyanese national were being turned away by immigration officers at the airports and whether it was a result of the recent massacre in that country.

    “I have heard of such claims. I have also heard that such a development occurred recently as a result of what is taking place in Guyana. That is not the case,” said Joseph.

    “Immigration is faced with a challenge which relates to Guyanese nationals coming to Trinidad and Tobago, we now have a system of an integrated border management system that allows immigration a level of ability to do a better assessment of passports,” said Joseph.

    “We are seeing some Guyanese nationals, where the information in their passports does not mesh with some of the realities that exist and in those circumstances immigration has been extremely vigilant as it relates to allowing entry into Trinidad and it has absolutely nothing to do on a deliberate effort on the part of the Government to deny entry of Guyanese nationals,” said Joseph.

    Joseph said immigration officials are detecting a high number of false information being declared and they are mandated to do their job and treat with this as would be the case in any other country.

  39. Thank you Blogger ‘Really’.

    Keep posting information like that above that will help awaken the slumbering barbadian masses.

    Learn to read between the lines of those who try to portray themselves as ‘indian victims’,or project themselves as having superior knowledge on economics,or sociology or on the conclusive impact of large scale immigration into a small struggling contry like Barbados.

    Speak out and encourage others to do the same.

    It is important to point out that Barbados is more than an economy – and this is misguided policy of the BLP which is the cause of the problems we now face.

    If we restrict ourselves to seeing Barbados as only an economy and not a society – where group dynamics and societal values and norms, as well as the protection of a society, is valued above all else – then we will continue down the dangerous path set by owen arthur that says – that land,bajan passports,bajan citizenship,and the country as a whole should be allowed to fetch the highest economic value and sold to the highest bidder.

    Will not happen as long as the good Lord gives me breath and strength.

    We are taking our country back,and we will not be intimidated into silence by the likes of alias thomas gresham and indijoe and others.

    Barbados for bajans first – that is,those sons and daughters who toiled,and struggled to make this country the shining beacon it now is – which through its bright light is attracting the attention of the marrish and the parrish.

    Prime minister David Thompson – what say you sir?

    Are you with us on this – or against us?

  40. The practice on this web is that when the racists are challenged with facts and knowledge they claim that that everyone else is being too theoretical and creep back into innocent positions.

    Has anyone argued consistently on this blog that our immigration officials and police must not do their job and must not stop illegal immigration? No. And yet we need four different threads to supposedly raise the same issue which no one disagrees about and each time it is an opportunity for the nurturing of racist attitudes.

    The real argument on this blog is that there is a racist group that feels there are too many Indians in this country.

    They have no numbers. They characterise Indians in various racist ways and as part of a racists blanket characterisation, they assume that most of them are illegal Indo-Guyanese.

    The non-racists on this blog have tried to engage as if this is a rational argument. I have proposed that there should be a national plan as to how many immigrants Barbados should allow each year, make half skilled (a points system) and half unskilled (a lottery) and that illegal immigration should be reduced more aggressively.

    We have also pointed out that in deciding the right level of annual immigration we must be aware of the benefits that immigrants (skilled and unskilled) bring, especially to a country that has has been unable to change a uncompetitive, grossly unequal economic structure that was put in place during slavery and is too little changed. I find it odd that these racists want to preserve this staus quo.

    But time and time again the racists take us away from a rational discussion back towards Indo-Guyanese, as if they are all illegal, that they are the source of ur problems, that they bring no benefit and that we have no other immigrants, illegal or otherwise.

    If you want to talk about immigration, do so rationally. Dont hide behind racist prejudices that should have no place in Barbados. Travel more.

  41. Abubaker,

    Indian in Barbados are becoming more and more arrogant. They are parasites..taking and hardly giving or interacting with the majority population.

    If you had any idea what people think when they see the name “Abubaker” you would change your name immediately.

    One cannot deny that indians in both Trinidad and Guyana are racist. In India those who have darker skins are treated as inferior. Blacks and Indians do not coexist peacefully and there is no way we should allow them to reside in our peaceful land.

    I am extremely concerned about the attitudes of some of them and the type of crime they have introduced to Barbados.

    We should have a cap on the number of Guyanese who are allowed to work here. It is not only Barbados but throughout the islaqnds from Jamaica to Suriname, Guyanese have a reputation for being some of the most dishonest persons.

  42. Abubaker // February 16, 2008 at 2:08 am

    Iam not good at english as some of you here… but pure mind and heart is also in need in Barbados.

    Tell me where in India or where ever there is a large Indian population the is “but pure mind and heart”????

    It is because we want ‘pure mind and heart’ that we have to control the indian population.

  43. When Indians challenge Barbadians as racist for expressing concerns about Indo/Guyanese in Barbados, I am amazed.

    “The Black untouchables of India constitute about 20% of India’s over 1000 million population together with 10% Tribals they make up a formidable 30% -far exceeding the population of entire Europe.

    But such a vast humanity, constituting the core of India’s original inhabitants, is kept enslaved by less than 15% alien Aryans, India’s ruling class.”

    The above is how India was described by Dalit Voice the first Indian journal to expose this closely guarded secret in India, the original home of racism.

    It is all to do with the Aryan Brahmimical racism – “the caste system.”

    Indians see blacks as Dalits and that is the problem, because Barbadians voice concerns we are racist-give me a break.

  44. Ask Norman Faria what he does to encourage and facilitate undocumented Guyanese who reside in Barbados. Ask him about the many times he has taken or sent and brought back or received the passports of undocumented Guyanese for renewal in Guyana!!

  45. Prime Minister David Thompson and the other CARICOM Heads of Goivernment must tell The President of Guyana to create the necessary political, economic and social environment to get Guyanese at home. After more than thirty years things in Guyana continue to deteriorate.

  46. Dear Yardbroom,

    I am a black Bajan and yes, there is much racism on this blog as well as a self-victimisation.

    Racism is founded on ignorance and you know very little about caste. Indeed, the one place you will not find caste is the predominantly muslim and often Roman Catholic Indian population of Barbados and amongst the hindus of Trinidad and Guyana. You clearly do not know these people. This is typical of the inconsistent ignorant rubbish of the racist.

    Caste has been outlawed in India since Independence, though it is still practiced in backward areas. The British used caste to extend their rule. It also played a role in the Hinduism pre-Raj, and its presence contributed to many new practices of Hinduism that reject caste and made India home to the largest populations of Muslims and Sikhs and others who do not believe in caste. I could go on, but we have said it all before, but ignorant racists have no interest in learning.

    How comfortable are you with all practices prevalent in Africa 200 years ago? You know some racist Brits argued that they shouldnt apologise for slavery because they found it in Africa. I have traveled much in Africa and you do not want to characterise our race for everything that goes on there today. Come across cervical circumcision?

    Racism starts with blanket characterisation of a race, often based on ignorance. Yes, there is much racism on this blog. Is is shameful and most Barbadians reject it.

  47. Dear Thomas Gresham

    I never asked if you were a black Bajan, please direct me to where in my text. I asked such a question?

    Sir, I do no know you, therefore common courtesy dictates I treat you with respect despite a difference of opinion, I have no reason to consider you ignorant.

    I have travelled to all the world’s continents and have lived in three of them, but that is irrelevant to know if Barbadians have concerns about Indo/Guyanese in Barbados.

    Sir you were riled because I brougt facts to the discussion to prove my point.

    Ps. What has cervical circumcision got to do with the debate, by the way there are different types of female circumcision, of course I have come across it, – is that really an important question – your knowledge is not as wide you suppose it is.

  48. Thomas Gresham // February 16, 2008 at 12:36 pm

    Dear Yardbroom,

    I am a black Bajan and yes, there is much racism on this blog as well as a self-victimisation.


    Listen to ‘Mr more intelligent than anyone else’, who has more exp. of Indians than anybody else!!


    The solution is to kick them out of Bim, post haste and not waste valuable time discussing them. Their history in dealing with our people is legion and not in our best interests!!!!

    And, Abubaker, u can FO back to Trinidad!!

    Bimbro please relax. We are trying to have a serious debate, try to curb the hate lines!


  49. Not that I care,but I don’t believe Thomas Gresham is black like he claims.

    I believe he is white and married to an indian trinidadian woman.

    IF you go back to his previous posts you will see where he patronisingly speaks about even allowing a poor little black child to attend his son’s birthday party at Rockley.

    In addition he repeatedly tells us how he stood up for apartheid as his proof that he is not racist.

    Now why would a black person even mention that ? – to us standing up against aprtheid in South Africa was as natural as breathing – and we did not see the need to shout that argument to the roof.

    The modus operandi of the indians is being exposed on this site and that my friend,is making a lot of persons v e r r r y uncomfortable.

  50. It takes all kinds to make up this world, so I guess we need Thomas Gresham. But please be advised that you argue with him at your own peril….
    TG has a blatant disregard for logic and commonsense. He quotes as many books and references as he can google, and seems sad and disappointed that we are not impressed…

    …plus I still think that he is missing his illegal Guyanese maid that was ejected from Barbados….

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