Listeners to radio and especially CBC TV viewers to the recent budget debate waited expectantly for what is the perennial salvo which Prime Minister Arthur would shoot across what has become the worn bow of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) ship. All and sundry must agree that the DLP vessel has been trying to negotiate stormy waters in recent years but in recent months – with the return of David Thompson as leader of the party – calmer waters have soothed the nerves of the DLP passengers on board, certainly those who have remained. Some would argue that the nation has welcomed the tranquility of the political landscape which has been visited on us in these times. After all, a strong democracy requires a minimum of two parties to represent that much needed balance.


Since Arthur has been performing in the role as Minister of Finance the public has become use to his sharp tongue. The current DLP leader it seems to us at BU has always been the beneficiary of the scathing attacks. Over the years it has appeared to the casual observers and the political pundits alike that David Thompson and the DLP appear hapless and helpless in the face of the annual onslaughts.


Newsflash: Dateline Bridgetown


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History was created during the wrap-up to the 2007 budget debate when all of Barbados witnessed David Thompson the one to initiate the attack. During the heated and sometimes muscular exchanges the public witnessed Prime Minister Arthur wiping beads of sweat from his brow as he sought to battle a rejuvenated leader of the opposition. The publics consternation was made even more so when PM Arthur took his seat before his time had expired to wrap-up the debate. This unprecedented move has provided fodder for discussion across the country on what may have prompted Arthur’s behaviour. The consensus among all who witnessed the exchanges is that Arthur was hit for six during the encounter and obvious to all is that Arthur conceded because there is something to hide . What is it that exposed PM Arthur’s raw nerves to use the Bajan vernacular? What is it that David said that rocked the Goliath named King Arthur who has walked like a colossus on the rock for the last 13 years?


Read the Nation Report on the heated exchange

BU had reason to attend a function recently and while in the company of some fairly influential and aristocratic individuals we “overheard” some information on what we have concluded has the potential to bring the government to its knees. It all has to do with that “cheque contribution” to which David Thompson alluded in the heated exchange. BU has been advised that we should tread cautiously at this point. We will adjourn this report by informing the world that David has King Arthur by the proverbial nuts and any wrong move may cause David to squeeze.


If, and BU believes when this happens it will not be advisable for anyone to be within close earshot of King Arthur when he starts to squeal.

46 responses to “David Thompson Has Owen Arthur By The “Balls”~When Will He Squeeze?”

  1. ConcernedBajan Avatar

    Expect that Arthur will not play dead. There will be fireworks. How will a politically polorized Barbados respond. Only time will tell.

  2. It is sad that influential persons have to tell you what should have been so plain to see. I have been writing all over the place on this. I drew links between the accusation that Thompy made, the reply that Owen Arthur gave and certain sections of “the Prevention of Corruption Act” of Barbados. Sufficient has been said that should in the least give rise to an investigation. I think a misdeamour act as been attributed too and conceded by Owen Arthur.

  3. You all better don’t start anything. Anyone noticed the crack team at city mall? There is more of that in store. You think that is only for world cup? Start something and see what will be the outcome!

  4. Suana (07:25:13) :

    You all better don’t start anything. Anyone noticed the crack team at city mall? There is more of that in store. You think that is only for world cup? Start something and see what will be the outcome!

    What are you talking about? What does our detail understanding of accusations, a response of culpability to said accusations, and how these accusations matches up to the Laws of our country have to do with “starting something”? is this your attempt to “fear monger” us away from these set of occurances?

  5. Wishing in Vain Avatar
    Wishing in Vain

    For too long long the DLP have suffered at the mouth of this lout much to his surprise he got stunned with Mr Thompson’s shock and awe treatment in his closing submissions on the budget, I have never seen Owing sweat and stutter as he did then it must have hit a nerve in his head after all $ 750,000.00 is not small change maybe he mistook it as one of his commission payments from Hallam NIcholls and put it in his account.
    We are suffering with a Gov’t in the tail end of a third term and arrogrance has invaded the admistration in no small way, when one considers that we could nearly have had something like Mia the biter Mottley as our leader it is a sad reflection on the poltics of this island.
    After their handling of CWC it is my sincere wish that none of them retain their seats ie Mia, Owing nor Lynch they need to taught a lesson that you cannnot do as you like and not expect to be questioned about their actions.

  6. I’ve never seen Arthur so floored. Has he been seen in public since?Where is he hiding? Of what is he afraid?

  7. Another thing. Thompson should get someone to search for Owen’s wealth. Could it be in Caymans or the Isle of Man? A word to the wise!

  8. Wishing in Vain Avatar
    Wishing in Vain

    You just need to ask Nicholls where he travels to to make Owings deposits he may only be to glad to speak up to the new leaders as he is such a guy that he will be looking towards the new leadership as a continued source of his wealth lord help us and keep Mr Thompson on the straight and narrow path of honesty we need that aspect now more than ever.

  9. You are right”wishing in vain” because I’m aware that Nicholls has been making attempts to meet David Thompson who he says he does not know. Can you imagine that?

  10. Wishing in Vain Avatar
    Wishing in Vain

    He Owing Bannister are all scamps of the highest order these are crooks who have taken Barbados to new levels in terms of political stealing much to my regret none of them will serve time at Harrison’s point for the crimes that they have committed against the nation.

  11. I would like for the final squeeze when elections are called. This election is going to be a keen contest. Round 1 to Thompy.

  12. Was it carried live on cbc? is there a video or audio clip of this exchange anywhere?

  13. Wishing in Vain Avatar

    Ask CBC to buy a copy of the recording

  14. Kem (10:21:58) :

    I would like for the final squeeze when elections are called. This election is going to be a keen contest. Round 1 to Thompy.
    Kem I believe Thompy got more on this for real. In his last platform speech, he went little further on this by stating that the money that was deposited in Owen Arthur’s account is tied to the Sandylane real estate purchase that saw David Shorey profiting to the tune of 9 millions dollars. Thompy furthered said an as if disgusted “These BLP’s are a bunch of currupt vagabonds”….. But the most interesting part of his speech to me and the one that gives something to speculate on, is his view of Mia Mottley’s certain glee when he was letting into Owen. Makes me wonder where and from whom did Thompy get his information? This might be further proof that the BLP is not all together.

  15. Wishing in Vain Avatar

    Ask CBC to buy a copy of the recording there are usually available for a fee.

  16. I am sure BU or BFP would be willing to stream the video if it was made available. I suspect that the video maybe covered under privilege parliamentary . Perhaps Hansard!


  17. Wishing in Vain Avatar

    There are two camps within the BLP the ones that are with Mottley and the ones that are with Owing hence the sidelining of some members of parliament.
    It would appear to me that Mottleys future in politics once Owing is around will be on the dark side she has nowhere to turn to she may even throw in the towel it would be best for her to concentrate on her legal work if that still exist.She may yet have represent herself in a biting case!!!

  18. negrocrat (09:09:00) :

    I’ve never seen Arthur so floored. Has he been seen in public since?Where is he hiding? Of what is he afraid?
    very true, he hasn’t been since except in England to give a speech. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving person. While others were full of praise for Owen’s cowardice attituded of attacking peoples character under parliamentary immunity, I was never a fan of it. He got his just deserves and I hope he gets more.

  19. Wishing in Vain Avatar

    He is a short **** runt that is what he is.

    We get the drift Wishing!


  20. – but it’s healing nicely, thanks

  21. Wishing in Vain Avatar

    They are people so blinded by party loyality that they appear stupid.
    You only need to take a walk around this island and the groundswell of feeling that is so strong against your party you would be scared.
    Do you have any idea what you have done wrong to warrant this attitude towards you and your MP’s? well let me fill the blanks in for you lets start with IT WASN’T ME Mottley she has been at the forefront of the gay and lesbian movement in Barbados and in so doing she has promoted prostitution same sex marriages and generally promoted a very sick life style such as hers this is contary to what we Bajans stand for and resent her hoisting her ways onto the rest of us good clean citizens not to mention her inabality in every ministry she has tampered with more recently as the one responsible for the Visa and security arrangements then trying to off load her share of the blame on everyone else right thru to the USA embassy where we had the fiasco of the Embassy speaking out in the press that they did not put a visa requirement in place she like many in your party are sick and compulsive liars and she is one to.
    Do we need to touch on Owing and his kick back schemes of mega proportions, or do we need to update you on MM lynch and his lies that he knows nothing about a loan for the minute sum of US $ 15 mill or that we are going to have 90,000 people here this week and 75,000 will be on the 28 cruise ship that are in the port now or the 700 yachts that have filled Carlise Bay so far we have the grand sum of 20 yachts in the bay.
    Do we need to remind you about behaviour of Glyne Clarke or Lynette Eastmond with their use of taxpayers property?
    Or do we need to enlighten you about what Liz Thompson is up to at Greenland despite all the best advice given to her she continues to blow another $ 21 mill on Greenland.
    And you still believe that people want you and your government you must be dreaming these are a sick stealing gang of crooks that we need out of office ASAP so as to get this island back on track and halt the stealing as you are doing

  22. owens new residence should be that jail in st.phillip that he and nicholls get the contract for,i would give him no more than 60 years hard labour,without parole,DAMN CRIMINAL.

  23. Carlos J. Stevens Avatar
    Carlos J. Stevens

    Parliamentary Privilege or not, someone please put a stream of the video on Youtube.

  24. We have been asking around Carlos. It seems that nobody records budget debates any longer.

  25. […] David Thompson Has Owen Arthur By The “Balls”. When Will He Squeeze? […]

  26. […] David Thompson Has Owen Arthur By The “Balls”~When Will He Squeeze? […]

  27. […] more relevance to Barbados is the mystery which shrouds Prime Minister Owen Arthur and the alleged donation of BDS750, 000.00. The allegation was given currency by Leader of the Opposition David Thompson back in April 2007 […]

  28. […] in the Lower House occurred soon after last years clash with Thompson over an alleged donation of $750,000.00 which was deposited to his personal account. Some people are of the view that after the poor […]

  29. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Waittttttttttttttttttttttt ! what is dis ?

  30. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    calmer waters have soothed the nerves of the DLP passengers on board, certainly those who have remained. Some would argue that the nation has welcomed the tranquility of the political landscape which has been visited on us in these times. After all, a strong democracy requires a minimum of
    two parties to represent that much needed balance.
    Oh how times have changed….like the sound goes..” if you can see me now !”

  31. @onions
    time longer than twine.

  32. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Perhaps my succour, or advisement meet, Mote stead you much. …… A drinking-cup made of staves and hoops like a tub. …… are of opinion that the ” lips are parcel of the mouth,” must also hold that the chin is a …betwitts n beware much happen…the cup slippeth the lips…how could it be ? As sure as thunder was to sound a hallow stormy night….good faith how couldth it be ??Nay Nay…this was but a dream…
    Should have saved some straws….

  33. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    How could it be ? Four n half years…that is how could it be… the bowels of the ship all but emptying the $2 billion entrusted cargo……on the bottom of the Carenage…….seems like sweet life don’t last too long ….when you riding in a Titanic.
    Them balls musse did Balls Plantation… ..How could it be ?

  34. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Balls ? what balls…..balls of cotton-wool maybe… DEM is the biggest jokers of the century……inherit a smooth ship sailing…what the ra …now today is panic like MAD.

  35. @Onions

    Please do the following exercise, define 100 times the difference between economic boom and economic recession.

  36. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    @ David
    SQUEEZE..nah man…squeeze……we still waiting…..ask the author of the article…..when the squeeze coming….Fa real look like D squeeze swing back …lol

  37. They timing is everything, he came, he squeezed and he exited.

  38. @Onions

    yah want mah help yah with that easy assiignment. Boom means spend as you like, waste the money on CWC etc. Recession means constraint and mange the economy wisely like what currently obtain. Yah migh miss mah soon, ah migh go and spend some time over on BFP although i never enjoyed mah sojourn there.

    Wait i just wake up from my slumber, it is you who want me to run from here, i aint running now on reflection.

  39. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Oh wha kinda squeeze dat did…..a cotton ball squeeze ? Truth of the matter he HANDS did too buzy in something else….so he cuddnt leggo to squeeze….ya know D tale bout D monkey?

  40. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Florida was known as the BIG SQUEEZE….reasons ..they made orange juice from squeeeeeeeezing oranges…At least they got that one right !

  41. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    The technician who now step in the office…delivering a new photocopier….had things lock down on the pickup wid something called a “come-along”…I asked him what that was for and was told squeeeze and secure down the article from falling off the truck….”a come a long”..maybe needed here affa 4 yrs.

  42. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Perhaps my succour, or advisement meet, Mote stead you much. …… A drinking-cup made of staves and hoops like a tub. …… are of opinion that the ” lips are parcel of the mouth,” must also hold that the chin is a
    …betwitts n beware much happen…the cup slippeth the lips…how could it be ? As sure as thunder was to sound a hallow stormy night….good faith how couldth it be ??Nay Nay…this was but a dream…
    *********************** wanna DEMS so shameful laughable….bare jokers eva one of them….where D squeeeeeze ?Watch when elections come…nuff gine get squeeze out…26-4

  43. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Lil longer and the shakles would have had to be called out……D big Fish gett away…

  44. Every right thinking Bajan mourns the massive loss of David Thompson his elevation to PM was about to send Owen Arthur into oblivion when the grim reaper took him.
    Owen ran from David Thompson and was on the verge of irrelevance and retirement until he realised David was dying. He then tag teamed with a man he had fired for issuing threats to a journalist. A man he had not spoken to for years short me crutch George Payne to ambush and backstab Mia.
    Life is unpredictable a week is a long time in politics six months an eternity lets watch the proceedings.
    Arthur would have disappeared if Thompson was still around.
    Rest In Peace David you were a giant of a political leader.

    THe DLP will launch their general elections campaign two days after the BLP’s meeting in Bayville, and on the same spot. Speakers would include Sir Brandford Taitt, Sir Philip Greaves and Sir Sleepy Smith. Special guest speaker will be Sir David Thompson. Sir David will return only for the general elections to push for Chris Sinckler,s elevation to Prime Ministership If necessary His Excel Eroll Barrow will also make a special appearance as the party believes he will be needed to help his party save face.
    Lord !!!!!!!!!, the DLP calling back the old silent men in the party and even a few duppies to help them. It look like DEM in more trouble than when Paddy lose sight of the island. GOOD LUCK

  46. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    As a policyholder of CLICO..everyday one wonder what if..
    What if one had kept my money on the bank and watched it gather interest..?
    What if when the whistle blew, one had not listened to and followed the profound advice.?
    What if the $ 3.3 Millions and the Deloitte report…would we have been any wiser.?
    What if CLICO management was not so as was….would my money been safe ?
    What if not for other investments…had one needed an operation like a fellow BARP colleague…with no way else to turn but Two Sons ?
    What if this whole malicious affair never occurred?
    What if CLICO never existed ?
    What if Integrity Legislation was enacted ?
    What if lawyers were more like pitt bulls and lifted the veil on all misgivings What if Oh what if ….time was not longer than twine ? And twine would soon unwind ?

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