The Blogmaster does NOT support hate speech or hate crime and abhors bigotry and prejudice wherever and whenever it shows. However, there is the obligation by democratic societies to protect the right of citizens to practice freedom of speech. How societies evolve to be inclusive will have to be managed sensibly by today’s leaders. There is no room for the usual rhetoric.

Addressing hate speech does not mean limiting or prohibiting freedom of speech. It means keeping hate speech from escalating into something more dangerous, particularly incitement to discrimination, hostility and violence, which is prohibited under international law.

— United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, May 2019

The news a man entered an entertainment establishment in the USA where members of the LGBTQ community hang out and shot up the place, reportedly killing 5 and injuring several others, must be condemned. The firing of a homosexual talk show recently from Voice of Barbados because management of the station prefers to operate right of centre should signal to wider society what is to come. It is an impractical position to take that Barbados will be able to avoid the call to integrate the rights of gay, trans community and non binary being stridently advocated into the legislative framework of Barbados. 

If there is doubt, check the call by some contributors to the Constitutional Reform Commission (CRC) to exclude sexual orientation matters from a new Constitution. Across the globe the matter of adopting an allyship approach to building inclusive societies has identified LGBTQ, transgender and non binary issues as contentious. As the USA is finding out with the shooting in Colorado, wedge issues create the opportunity to feed political rhetoric with the objective of winning votes and finding favour to satisfy narrow interest. It seems we have adopted a furtive approach to dealing with this issue. Barbados is proud to be the first to achieve many milestones, having gay prime minister is no big deal. Let us be honest with the people by shedding the hypocrisy.

Here is an issue we should not bury our heads because it will not go away.

103 responses to “LGBTQ Killings – what it portends”

  1. ” You can make a sensible statement of how we should threat our LBTQ+ brothers and sister and someone will stretch that statement to cover areas where it was not meant ”

    Don’t threat them
    just be nice
    with nuff niceness

  2. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Wonder if people learned any lessons from bullying those to take or not take the vaccines, despite all that is happening which is A LOT, LOT, LOT, i doubt they learned anything.

    some people just never learn, they don’t have the capacity.

  3. 🙂
    “Don’t threat them”
    Good catch…. I meant “treat” and not ‘threat(en)”

  4. Schwarz lesbisch
    Black and mixed-race people experienced persecution and discrimination before, during and after the Third Reich in Germany and elsewhere.
    ‘the nominal grounds on which Blacks were held make it difficult to assess whether and under what circumstances someone could be arrested for simply being Black’
    There were also gays and gypsies in concentration camps.

  5. Discuss for 20 marks
    “A slew of new laws aimed at protecting the disabled, the elderly and other vulnerable groups could be before Parliament by the beginning of 2023.”

    Looks like you are not only targeting LBTQ+, but preying on the elderly, disabled, children ….

    The distraction failed. From the time I saw you acting so outraged and drawing attention to the LBTQ+ group, I knew you were doing wrong elsewhere. Clean yourself up first.

    Enjoy your day.

  6. It is amazing, there is an attempt to encourage discussion how tiny Barbados can nurture build an inclusive society without the fallout we are witnessing in countries like the USA, instead we have to filter the nonsense some of your comment.

  7. AMEN!!

  8. In Our Father's House Avatar
    In Our Father’s House

    In Our Father’s House
    There are many mansions
    One for you
    And One for I
    There would be no reason
    for you to cry
    Let us try
    For Zion
    Brother we will die

  9. @Redguard

    You didn’t address why Wickham garners a high popularity rating in the media surveys undertaken. This is the pertinent point to be addressed if we discuss the bigger issue.

  10. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    ““A slew of new laws aimed at protecting the disabled, the elderly and other vulnerable groups could be before Parliament by the beginning of 2023.”

    half century or more behind, so what’s new, they left out a few, but who is counting…

    if ya blink or forget, it will probably end up like the integrity legislation, the FOIA, the anti-corruption and whistleblower legislations….did anyone hear about them lately…or the marijuana legislation…

    did i forget any, but their waiters don’t mind, while everyone else has moved on. steuppss.

  11. Have you heard the latest joke
    You gotta laff

    Six people killed in shooting at Walmart in Chesapeake, Virginia

    Walmart employee says gunman, who police say killed himself, was manager who opened fire on workers gathered in break room

    he wanted to fire them

    it’s the guns in USA
    there are too many guns
    they weigh a ton

  12. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    It’s very obvious other very deep seated issues are causing these mass killings, other than the fact that someone is gay. For those who lived or still live in US they would understand, if they had any interactions at all with the people. The place has been a powder keg for decades, with emotions simmering just under the surface. Had that very experience in the corporate work place where people threatened on more than one occasion to bring in a gun and spray the place, sometimes for the most petty of reasons..

    “What Happened In Chesapeake, Virginia?: Co-Workers Reveal Paranoia of Suspected Mass Shooter Andre Bing, Saying They ‘Knew One Day He Was Gonna Snap’”

  13. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Seems I inadvertently struck a chord.
    I wondered if some might ask me, based on Carrington and Lowe platform comments in ’18 if sexual preference wasn’t an issue.
    Instead, it was on if one is open, closeted, or whatever other term can be found.
    I know of whom you speak but have no idea on his history in recent years.

  14. @NO

    The blogmaster checked several websites that report ‘openly’ gay heads of state and MAM was missing.

  15. Nowadays media doesn’t specifically say people are gay, they will just mention their partners name so people can figure it out. It is not supposed to be a thing anymore.
    It seems quite common with famous people.

  16. John, why do you bring such silliness to the blog. They were WORKERS, not customers. You are letting the American Democrats take up too much space in your head. That is why you spew such nonsense at times.

  17. David…lol…she is very good at dodging the topic head on. It is really a non-issue.
    Nobody seemed to have tackled my bait, as to the treatment of men vs women in the LGBTQ—— community.

  18. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Only “at times”!

    As one wag would have said: ‘political nonsense lives rent free in his head’!

  19. You cannot say people are Gay due to semantics
    There is now a spectrum and individuals define themselves as they see fit

  20. J’en ai marre with your theatrics; your acting’s a drag
    It’s OK on TV, but you can turn it off
    Your marriage is a tragedy, but it’s not my concern
    I’m very superficial; I hate everything official

    Your private life drama, baby, leave me out
    Your private life drama, baby, leave me out

    Sentimental gestures only bore me to death
    You’ve made a desperate appeal, now save your breath
    Attachment to obligation, regret, shit that’s so wet
    And your sex life complications are not my fascinations

    Your private life drama, baby, leave me out
    Your private life drama, baby, leave me out


    You ask my advice; I say use the door
    But you’re still clinging to somebody you deplore
    And now you want to use me for emotional blackmail
    I just feel pity when you lie; contempt when you cry

    Your private life drama, baby, leave me out
    Your private life drama, baby, leave me out


  21. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Never follow the herd into distraction.

    I saw Colin Kapernick take a knee for Afrikan enfranchisement and the end to Afrikan killings in the US, he lost his contract worth millions could not make it to any other teams, was cussed ridiculed and reducedm that was his sacrifice. ..and that was long before the George Floyd public execution…he could have stayed comfortably in his white world of which he can claim half through his DNA…i did not see anyone on BU so up in arms about what happened to him or what happens to their own people on a daily basis…

    only sheep follow a herd.

    btw….real Afrikans should be gravely concerned about all of this, although everyone on our earth should be because they too will be seriously impacted…but carry on smartly with the herd distraction. I actually debated whether to post it here, but for the few who deserve to know, i really wouldn’t.

    “Dr. Francis Boyle issues URGENT WARNING about WHO pandemic treaty designed to enslave & exterminate humanity.”

    “Situation Update, Nov 22, 2022 – WHO pandemic treaty in FINAL stages, would unleash GLOBAL medical DICTATORSHIP”

  22. read again: this is what your traitor misleaders are promoting as puppets for which ever slave master they signed on with.

    “Dr. Francis Boyle issues URGENT WARNING about WHO pandemic treaty designed to enslave & exterminate humanity.””

    after that ya won’t have to worry who is gay, who isn’t, who should be embraced and included..

    .it will be all about WHO.

    then yall will see just how much time ya wasted on useless shallow crap.

  23. “…i did not see anyone on BU so up in arms about what happened to him or what happens to their own people on a daily basis…”

    the third world ghetto mind reinvents narratives to place themselves as the wise leaders

  24. This is an interesting list.

    There have been 3 mass shootings since Walmart and 7 since Colorado Springs.

  25. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    William…the results of when ya FAILED…

    assured FAILURE prompts double speak reasoning and weasling..people have been fighting that climate change battle for decades while wunna was deep in the bowels of tourism dis and tourism dat….wunna is newbies……

    I remember when i posted on here about seeing the tourism related and climate damage to the South Pacific islands over 20 years before in a documentary at the Air & Space museum in Queens, i was ridiculed and laughed at by government fowls and that was not even 3 years ago..yet here they are claiming leadership roles…

    “We are one of the frontline countries in relation to climate change. We have been pushed on to those frontlines not by our own actions but by the actions of others. It is a frontline from which we cannot escape and we are addressing a cost of climate that we can ill afford. ”

    according to what i read, wunna cahn get no 50-100 billion dollars unless there is a serious disaster on the island which no one wants, not for colored paper or any other reason…and the other fairytale failed, so ah guess ya gotta keep on climate advocating, not a bad job really.

  26. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “the third world ghetto mind reinvents narratives to place themselves as the wise leaders.”

    How is Sri Lanka going these days, i could not even remember the name, had to google it.

    “Sri Lanka at Brink of Humanitarian Crisis
    Financial Partners Should Support Basic Needs, Promote Respect for Rights”

    I am hardly on BU these days, ya got the platform for yaself and still ya can’t lead.

    btw…i post useful information i deem necessary last to the blog these days….natural leaders don’t need to be present.

  27. Here is the Walmart Shooter

    Here is the Q shooter.

  28. The Colorado shooter looks a lot like the dude who slaughtered his parents some years ago, even the family dog, he also gender identified as they. we, us or some such.

    History will identify all the frankenstein monsters that were created in this era…

  29. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Same thing plays out daily across the US…always a threat if they lose their jobs they will shoot up the place instead of looking for another one….

    mental illness is a real thing and it seems more than half the population suffers with it..

    “Joshua Johnson, a former Walmart employee who worked as a maintenance worker at the store until 2019, said that the 31-year-old had given a harrowing warning about what he could do if he ever lost his job.

    “He said if he ever got fired from his job he would retaliate and people would remember who he was,” Mr Johnson told CNN.”

  30. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    This is what Hiel HitSchwab is getting for bragging, all the Disciples everywhere will be exposed and hunted down by their peers. Apparently it is well known who all of their cult members are…

    ..I don’t know none of dem, don’t want to know them either, i don’t run in those circles bosie…this guilt by association thing is real, and too many people are mentioning le guilletin….

    ““Senator Malcolm Roberts: I Call For Australia To Reject The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset And Instead Mount A Great Resist

    “World Economic Forum crook and mastermind Klaus Schwab bragging about penetrating the cabinets of western democracies with his young global leaders. Some Klaus Schwab disciples are in this Senate, and one is in the cabinet.”

    “One Nation will resist exposing our children to adult sexual content in their libraries and school textbooks… One Nation will resist the dehumanization of women through genderless language that erases the very concept of a woman and a mother… One Nation will resist the reduction of sex to a soul-destroying, meaningless transaction… One Nation will resist the war on farming that seeks to destroy family farms””

  31. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    So based on this new development, curious minds are asking, was COP27 just a scam, designed to perp a 2.78 trillion dollar heist and push the continent into permanent poverty.

    I take it everyone will now get sued, don’t they just make you tired.

    “Greta Thunberg Sues Sweden for Climate Inaction

    Over 600 young people in Sweden, including activist Thunberg, filed a lawsuit against Stockholm – requiring it undertakes its “fair share” of global measures to keep greenhouse gas emissions consistent with the Paris Agreements goals.

    There has never been such a large-scale case in the Swedish legal system”, Ida Edling, a member of the Aurora org behind the lawsuit told AFP.

    It follows a high-profile case in the Netherlands, where the country’s highest court ruled in 2019 that the govt had a legal obligation to take action to mitigate global warming. “

  32. Criminals are not born that way and criminality affects THE WHOLE SOCIETY.

    What consenting adults do in their bedrooms does not directly affect my life. It seems to affect the lives of PERVERTED CHRISTIANS who are obsessed with sex and all things sexual.

    Never did a thing to me.

    Again I say, put aside the “book” written by many men and realise that “THE LAWS OF NATURE” created these people.

    Also, it is absurd to say that LBGTQ people are trying to force their way of life on others and their children when all they are trying to do is have them acknowledge their existence and afford them equal rights.

    Does telling a child that homosexuals exist make the child homosexual?????

    How irrational can you lot be?????!!!!!

  33. You agreed when Caswell said that he can walk and chew gum. He can be concerned about Cuban nurses and Bajan nurses at once. But you think that we cannot walk and chew gum also.

    We can be and actually ARE concerned with racism, sexism, classism and all “isms and schisms” at the same time.

    ANYONE who claims that we are not concerned and have not spoken out against racism is a liar!

    Equal rights for all! Only a few old farts on this blog are against it.

  34. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    There is definitely a worldwide epidemic, more so in industrialized countries.

    “At Least 3 Dead, 11 Wounded as 16-year-old Shoots Up Two Schools in 🇧🇷

    The ex-student opened fire on a group of teachers first, killing two women and wounding nine. He then proceeded to a nearby school where he killed a young girl and injured two others, authorities in Espirito Santo said.

    Footage aired on Brazilian media showed the teen dressed in military-style camouflage. Officials claim he had a swastika on his fatigues and used two handguns, both registered in his father’s name – who is a serving policeman.

    Following his arrest, 3 days of national mourning have been announced with Brazilian president-elect Lula, who takes office on January 1, calling it an “absurd tragedy.”

  35. What are these equal rights you speak of.
    You like liberals and feminist confuse rights and privileges
    I’ll make it easy, name 1 right the alphabet crew is denied

  36. Russia elects a different approach as it relates to the LGBTQ community.

  37. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Am in total agreement here.Though i dont take sides in politics i see this as pretty lenient, in certain Afrikan countries just displaying your gay attributes are grounds for 10 years in prison immediately, no in betweens. And the way the west is distortinng things Afrika should adopt that throughout the continent to preserve the rights of women and children, their rightton observe the laws of nature. No one can survive a gay only world, it must be regulated.

    Have your gay life if you must but do not ever dare try to turn our world into a gay world, or disrespect the laws of nature to feel better about yourself. You will be beaten with the rod of correction.

    “The lower house of Russia’s parliament has passed the final reading of a bill that bans the promotion of “LGBT propaganda” to children, expanding on a law that was adopted in 2013.

    Under the legislation, any attempt to promote homosexuality, including in movies, books or advertising, could incur a severe fine.

    Are you on Telegram? Subscribe to our channel for the latest updates on Russia’s war in Ukraine.

    The bill aims to prevent Russians from promoting or “praising” homosexual relationships or gender reassignment surgery or suggesting that they are “normal.”

  38. PM Mia has decreed that today shall be renamed Barbados Pride Day 🏳️‍🌈

  39. Legalize homosexuality and “one thing WILL lead to another,” as homosexuals gain acceptance, influence and power in society and tilt the scales increasingly in their favour.

    One thing leads to MANY other things in fact. First, same-sex marriages are recognized. Then children are “groomed” at school by homosexual teachers, entertainers, etc. Then judges impose increasingly harsh penalties on churches to prevent religious organizations from opposing or ignoring the homosexual agenda in any way. Then homosexuals in positions of authority start imposing restrictions on heterosexual couples, taking jobs away from couples who are divorcing, or from sexually active couples who are unequal in their workplace rank. Soon, full blown attacks are launched against many or most expressions of heterosexuality, etc. And so on and so on. Many of these things are already happening in North America

    Remember, “equality” is a balanced, equilibrium condition so fragile it never lasts. Either one ideology prevails, or another. Either one group dominates, or another. The more we value homosexuality and impose sanctions on those who oppose it, the more homosexual our society will become, until there is a tipping point, and homosexual elites start actively suppressing and punishing heterosexuals.

    So please STOP.

  40. @Moro(n)
    Couldn’t resist adding the n.

    “One thing leads to MANY other things in fact. First, same-sex marriages are recognized. Then children are “groomed” at school by homosexual teachers, entertainers, etc. Then judges impose increasingly harsh penalties on churches to prevent religious organizations from opposing or ignoring the homosexual agenda in any way. Then homosexuals in positions of authority start imposing restrictions on heterosexual couples, taking jobs away from couples who are divorcing, or from sexually active couples who are unequal in their workplace rank. Soon, full blown attacks are launched against many or most expressions of heterosexuality, etc”

    Then they become terrorists and hijack airplanes. Not satisfied with that, they organize coups all around the world and create one world goverment. Then they legalize drugs, gun, porn, prostitution and ignore crime. People start driving on the wrong side of the road and police cannot do anything. Then they imprison the one last heterosexual on planet earth and throw a big party.

  41. @TheOGazerts

    The ad hominem attack is the first refuge of the scoundrel. You have no substantive rebuttal to offer. Just verbal abuse and weak satire.

    It is an observable fact that homosexuality reshapes a culture incrementally, and the trends I have cited as examples are happening right now in North America and Europe.

    U.S. President Joe Biden just gave his first state dinner (for the President of France) and the same-sex couples at the event nearly out-numbered the heterosexuals. The Disney Corporation openly promotes homosexuality, especially to children, and its subsidiary, ABC News, employs many lesbians and gays who have same-sex marriages, but suspends divorcing heterosexuals from their jobs for “violating company values.” I could go on and on, but the threat to our Civilization, which has worked so well for so long, is so obvious, I cannot believe every country in the world is now choosing to go down the LGBTQ rabbit-hole.

  42. @Moro
    Dude, do you really think that I care who are bed partners or LBTQ+ or who Biden met with

    Look at Moro and you can see it is begging for a next letter. There are 65 words that start with ‘moro’ and I found one

  43. Barbados will always have more problems than it can handle, because so many Bajans are just like you.

  44. Government mulling court ruling
    tregreaves@nationnews. com
    ATTORNEY GENERAL DALE MARSHALL has some concerns about Monday’s decision to strike down parts of the Sexual Offences Act which now permits consensual anal intercourse between people, and will be reviewing it to determine if the Government of Barbados will appeal the ruling.
    This after Justice Michelle Weekes ruled in the High Court on Monday that Sections 9 and 12 of the Act, which had criminalised buggery and serious indecency, was null and void.
    However, while Marshall was concerned about the quashing of the latter section and whether there would be any implications related to the sexual assault of minors, Michael Rapley, chair of LGBTQ+ rights organisation Equals, stressed that the rights of children was also one of their priorities.
    He was speaking yesterday following elation from members of the local lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) community and international press coverage about the legal decision.
    “I am aware of a decision given yesterday [Monday] by Madame Justice Weekes . . . which struck down sections of the [Act],” the Attorney General said.
    “The sections which the judge found to be at odds with the protections that are enshrined by our Constitution relate to Section 9, which creates the offence of buggery; and Section 12, which deals with serious indecency. The effect of this is that charges for these offences cannot be maintained against any person. In short, we can no longer prosecute persons under these two sections.” He added that one of the rulings was not surprising considering that similar laws were struck down in Antigua and Barbuda, and St Kitts and Nevis earlier this year. However, he expressed concern about making Section 12 unconstitutional.
    “I do have some immediate concerns in relation to the striking down of the offences created in Section 12 since that section concerns indecent sexual conduct with minors.
    “I am awaiting the perfected order and also the written decision, which will not be available for a few weeks, so that we can consider our options.
    “Unfortunately, that decision will not be available until earlier in the new year, but when we see the written decision, we will then be able to analyse the legal reasoning and make a decision about whether we will appeal or not,” Marshall added.
    In response to the Attorney General, Rapley said the ruling addressed people over 16 years.
    “The ruling was clear; that Section 9 and Section 12 of the Sexual Offences Act contravene the constitutional rights of the claimants and is therefore unconstitutional and of no effect, to the extent that it applies to consensual sexual intercourse between persons of 16 years of age or more in private. The rights and the protection of children has always been, and remains, a priority for us as well, contrary to popular belief,” Rapley said.
    Meanwhile, in a statement yesterday, chief executive officer of the Human Dignity Trust, Téa Braun, revealed that they had provided technical assistance after filings by two Barbadian LGBT advocates.
    Human Dignity Trust is an organisation based in the United Kingdom that works globally to support strategic litigation to challenge laws that persecute people based on their sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
    They worked alongside local organisation Equals and the regional LGBT umbrella organisation, Eastern Caribbean Alliance for Diversity and Equality (ECADE), during the process.
    Rapley told the MIDWEEK NATION
    yesterday the judgment showed that the country
    was cutting more colonial ties as the sections were residuals of the British colonial era.
    President and cofounder of Community Education Empowerment & Development, Dadrina Emmanuel, another civil society organisation that works to empower marginalised groups, said she saw the ruling as a win for many people and not just those under the LGBT umbrella.
    “This will not only affect persons in the LGBT community because Section 9 did not refer to LGBT, but it also said the act of buggery . . . . So I think people can feel free that they will not be criminalised because of certain behaviours because that is what the law does.
    “I anticipate [backlash] will happen, but like other people, we are human beings and we want to be respected under the law as humans,” Emmanuel said.
    Meanwhile, in its release, Human Dignity Trust quoted the litigants in the case who expressed their joy about the ruling.
    “Today’s ruling is one step, one action of many impacting the LGBTQ+ community of Barbados. As it resonates with me, I already know there is more work to be done. We will continue on together,” one said.
    The other litigant said: “Today was a pivotal moment for equality for all Barbadians and one more step in the journey towards more inclusivity for LGBT citizens.
    “This will definitely mean that I and my community can navigate life with just a little more ease and comfort, in the knowledge that Barbados has taken a step to understand us and respect us.”
    Yesterday, several members of the church community, including Apostle Dr Lucille Baird, Reverend Dr Ferdinand Nicholls, Senior Pastor Paul Leacock and Apostle Dr David Durant deferred commenting until they read the full decision and had more information.
    Durant, who was already scheduled to meet with other pastors about other topics, said the matter was likely to be addressed.

    Source: Nation

  45. Section 13
    12. (1) A person who commits an act of serious indecency on or serious
    towards another or incites another to commit that act with the person indecency.
    or with another person is guilty of an offence and, if committed on or towards a person 16 years of age or more or if the person incited is of 16 years of age or more, is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a
    term of 10 years.

    (2) A person who commits an act of serious indecency with or towards a child under the age of 16 or incites the child under that age to such an act with him or another, is guilty of an offence and is liable
    on conviction to imprisonment for a term of 15 years.
    (3) An act of “serious indecency” is an act, whether natural or
    unnatural by a person involving the use of the genital organs for the
    purpose of arousing or gratifying sexual desire.
    13. A person who Procuration.
    (a) procures a minor under 16 years of age to have sexual inter


  46. New Laws such as LBGTQ advocacy rights are generally for the next generations who are already more tolerant and open minded than their elders operating on a higher frequency.
    Old people’s thinking and Religious Indoctrination of a Sexual Orientation Legacy System was prejudiced against queers treating them like freaks making them outcasts to society but many more are coming out with changes in laws.

    No GMO
    Welcome to Dizzyland: Dizzy Fae grows up, levels up, and manifests
    · With my music I’m very intuitive and gut-guided. I do what feels good, and it really shows in my two mixtapes that I put out.

  47. What do you believe when everyone is watching?
    What do you believe?
    What do you believe when nobody is watching?
    What do you believe?

    Keep telling yourself that you’ve been playing nice
    And go beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
    Beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
    Beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
    Keep telling yourself that you’ve been playing nice
    And go beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
    Beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
    Beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ

    I know what it feels like
    To have my soul sucked out of my body
    I finally know what it feels like
    To be dead

    Your soul can’t be saved for all the sins you’ve ignored
    And the devil is well aware he is adored
    Never forget the excess of a man
    Because the grabbing hands always grab what they can

    What do you believe when everyone is watching?
    What do you believe?
    What do you believe when nobody is watching?
    What do you believe?

    Keep telling yourself that you’ve been playing nice
    And go beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
    Beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
    Beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
    Keep telling yourself that you’ve been playing nice
    And go beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
    Beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ
    Beg for forgiveness from Jesus the Christ

    What do you believe when no one is around?
    What do you believe when no one is around?
    What do you believe when no one is around?
    What do you believe when no one is around?

  48. “Barbados will always have more problems than it can handle, because so many Bajans are just like you.”

    If I wanted to blame someone for the problem confronting Barbados, I would not start with those who have been in the diaspora for ages. I would not EVEN start with those running around trying to peep into people’s bedrooms.

    I would look at government policies, corruption, incompetence the schemes and scams, the lies told during election, the injustice system, at those who draft laws and then have to amend the new laws ….

    Go hunting baby. I gave you a hint,

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