Submitted by Steven Kaszab

Every Super Power that exists and existed previously is obligated to pursue certain obligations to itself and its people. 

  1. A nation needs to be either allied to another nation supplier or have its own supply of essential products such as fuel, food. The necessities.
  2. Every national government pursues and nurtures an  ability to unite its people. Unity is far better than chaos.
  3. Most national administrations study future developments, the possibilities of what could and would happen that can effect their nation. 
  4. Self sufficiency in all things has often been the milestone of national governments.National Governments are obligated to nurture their youth, and ensure future generations are well educated, creative and ambitious.
  5. When in doubt, all national governments will support every endeavour to make the nation more successful, and greater then the previous administration.6. A Leader, no matter the political stripe, will work towards leaving their mark on their nations politics and history.

President Putin is presently playing the same cards that every so called democracy in existence has played. How did America become such a power house economically and militarily? By annexing, conquering and buying their land masses. Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium to name a few were colonial powers that raped the African, Latin American, Asian and Caribbean continents. India still feels the effects of British Colonialism to this very day. India’s move towards Religious Fascism today is directly influenced by British political management, playing one race or religion against the other. If the people are not united, they will certainly fall. Distorting and manipulating a peoples national quest allows nationalist elites to rule the day.

President Putin’s adventure has not been a failure as so many wish you to think. Like so many other super powers before him, Putin is taking his nations vast riches and capabilities and throwing them against the wall, hoping that something will stick. Once a great powerful empire, Russia’s fear of those that surround and threatens Russia continues to effect policy, even if it is an illusion. If your nation has become the majority supplier of all energy to the EU, why not inject political adventure into the equation? America does it all the time, as do other super powers. Russia’s economic engine needs a reason to modernise and grow. Simple capitalistic greed is not enough. Pride in the nations accomplishments, its conquests, its power must be quenched. The Ukraine belonged to the Russian soviet federation,as too the Imperial Russian Empire.Then western forces assisted elites within the Ukraine to force separation from Russia.  If Hawaii decided on its own accord to declare independence from America, what do you think mainland America would do? Who is this war good for? The super powers armament industry and suppliers, that’s who. Billions sent to Ukraine to fight off Russian aggression. And will Ukrainians return to a democratic government once this war is over? A process of rebuilding can be an oppressive moment in a nations life.

Perhaps not. And will the Ukraine have to pay back all those weapons? The weapons are not free. Loans that will hang over the Ukrainian People for generations to come. The economic and political speed bumps these people will have to endure maybe unachievable. All this time the super powers and their allies show up for photo ops, gathering to bad mouth the Russian leader, who they had no problem dealing with a year ago. The world claims Putin is illegally claiming 4 regions of the Ukraine. If you know anything about history, you’d know what National Governments have put their people through. War, lots of war. The invention of modern slavery came from the imaginations of Portuguese and Spanish entrepreneurs. The British perfected it in the Caribbean. The super powers polluted their own land masses through uncontrolled capitalism, and when their fellow citizens complain, so these fellows established their toxic manufacturing plans and processes in third world nations. 

I guess all I am saying is the “free world” is calling one of their best natural recourse suppliers names, all because President Putin did not follow the rules. What is good for the goose is good for the gander right? The wealthy get wealthier, the rest of humanity suffers now and in times to come. Now I am not a promoter for Putin or anything Russian. My family came from Hungary, who experienced Soviet Russian aggression, and every time I hear someone talking in Russian I go on guard unintentionally. I am suspicious of anything Russian, except for their food, most filling:)

Super Powers play high and mighty with each other, and the lowly citizen suffers. How long must this be allowed to happen? History repeats itself as a time honoured process. 

189 responses to “Putin’s Choice. Your Choice?”

  1. Credit Suisse reassures investors over bank’s financial strength | Financial Times

  2. Waru

    As far as it’s architecture is concerned, things are moving much faster than envisioned.

    People are getting jittery. Important people.

  3. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David, re “Why would Russia sabotage its pipelines when it could just shut off the supply? …”

    That’s a ridiculous assessment by that person. By all means question all the narratives about the sabotage but don’t make disingenuous, stupid remarks.

    The pipeline was effectively closed with no gas being delivered to anyone and it was possibly going to be in that ‘mothball state’ for the foreseeable future … so if one flips the question then: why would the US NEED to sabotage that ‘dead project’ and give Putin any sympathetic appeal???

    Wouldn’t the nation with a nearly $1B/month deficit on their pipeline projects including this Nord system be keen on getting some attention for some ‘special operational insurance cover’!

    We DO NOT know who acted but to suggest that the Kremlin is not a prime suspect is absolutely ABSURD!

  4. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “People are getting jittery. Important people.”

    were i in the same position and realized OOPS!! i would definitely get jittery too..

    it’s amazing with all the news around to pick from, fools are still spouting and allowing everyone to know THAT THEY KNOW NOTHING…..and will be helpless when it all goes to hell…

    how easy it was to level up to working on them overtime and speeding up global plans, when they know nothing and spouting it as a reminder to everyone, every day….giving ambitious minds exactly what they need to proceed.

  5. @ de pedantic Dribbler

    you seem to believe the American truism that
    America Good ✔️
    Russia Bad ❌

    You may as well say you also believe
    negroes are stupid
    whites are superior
    used for segregation and apartheid

    woman are innocent
    men are criminals
    used in divorce courts family law

    black youths are criminals
    white youths are assets to lead nations and businesses

    Pseudo science of white statistics and “proven” facts is wack is all I can say

    Little’ Louie Vega – Back In The Box Mix 1

    Little’ Louie Vega – Back In The Box Mix 2

  6. Just focusing on the first two sentences.
    Both are capable of great evil.
    There’s no good guy and bad guy.
    Just two guys who will do what they want to do.
    What some are doing is buying one side’s propaganda.

  7. ‘On the horns of a dilemma’!

    This is how Scott Ritter is describing the military-strategic position today.

    Any anybody knowing anything about Greek military history would understand this perilous state of affairs.

    So while the full range of cunts watching American propaganda media are walking away with heads full of ignorance, Novorussia has already upped the ante.

    In simplest terms, Novorussia has got two big deckies deep within their Pedantic crotch.

    Others may prefer to ponder – between the devil and the deep blue sea😃

    Ritter argues persuasively, that on the one hand NATO wants to avoid a direct conflict with Novorussia which the incorporation of the Donbass and so on will mean.

    And on the other, an humiliating defeat as Novorussia now considers the suppliers and supply chains of weapons as co-belligerents.

    People so ignorant as to presume that a military organization, NATO, which could not defeat Syria, Libya, Iraq, and men on horseback in Afghanistan could beat a real army with massive industrial might, was always so fanciful.

  8. SO….who supplied YOU with YOUR information? How do YOU know what is to be believed, Fear but certainly not FAIRplay? Have you joined the frequent flier fearless club and been to see for yourself?

    This “cunt” has no favourite in the amazingly extended “Special Operation”. I watch on dispassionately from my armchair as one-eyed ideologues froth at the mouth, touting robotic military experts programmed to tell “nothing but the truth”.

    And some powerless Polly parrot squawks her dreams of pecking “slaves” to death.

    Too bad that ole parrot cannot fly!

    Ah….if wishes were only horses!


    Where is the clown emoji man? Release the clown emojis!


    Strategic retreats? Now, why would they even be necessary so far into this “special operation”? So many strategic retreats!

    Wasn’t Kyiv supposed to have been taken months ago?

    Weeeeeeee need no further information than this – war not done. War still go on. Putin is recruiting more troops. Putin is “strategically retreating” left, right and centre.

    Probably waiting for European winter woes to kick in and fracture Nato’s resolve to arm.

    No matter what, an extremist will see he wishes to see. That is the pure ideologue’s handicap. Black and white sight.

    The cunt slave watches in technicolour.


    The Russian Prince of War
    Had a hundred thousand men
    He matched them up to the gates of Kyiv
    And he marched them down again.

    And when they were up they were up
    And when they were down they were down
    And when they were only half way up they were neither up nor down.

    Seems they marching around and around!

    Around and around they go, and where they’ll stop, NOBODY KNOWS!

  9. I repeat, NOBODY knows how this will end.

  10. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “anybody knowing anything about Greek military history would understand this perilous state of affairs.”

    they don’t even know THEIR OWN HISTORY of ancient military preparedness, you expect them to know indepth greek military history, outside of the mythology = OUTRIGHT LIES read in some book, they all love to regurgitate and spout at people in an attempt to impress…

  11. Global Bass in your face
    You people aka pussies
    are always talking about revolution
    I could start a revolution for fun
    and fuck up all of you

    La Revolución (Eureka The Butcher Remix)

    One, Day Revolution (Schlachthofbronx Remix)

  12. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “I could start a revolution for fun
    and fuck up all of you”

    except that the revolution is in FULL FORCE….and will NOT be publicized…..

    don’t know how you missed it…

  13. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Unbelievable that we are RIGHT THERE…..for quite some time now….and no one can see it except for certain people….won’t believe it if i did not see it for myself…

    this is definitely one for writers, the ages and the history books..

    but we have been reading for years that new age revolutions will not be televised.

  14. Waru
    They don’t call it military science for nothing. Everything is measurable for military scientists.
    The few sensible people remaining in the Pentagon were already seeking to avoid this.
    In war, foreknowledge is the most valuable asset – Sun Tzu.
    And the correlation of forces is clear.

  15. La Revolución

    We detected some issues
    If you found mistakes, please help us by correcting them.
    Lyrics for La Revolución (feat. Ismael Miranda) by Orchestra Harlow

    Que es lo que pasa
    Con este mundo
    La gente vive con miedo

    Y en revolución

    Blancos y negros
    Hermanos todas las razas
    Siempre se pasan peleando
    Ay, sin ninguna razón

    Por eso es que con mi canto
    Hoy yo hago un llamamiento
    A todo el que me pone
    Su oído y su atención

    Tenemos que dar las manos
    El odio no deja na
    La revolución, mi hermano
    Con nosotros va a acabar

    Tenemos que dar las manos
    El odio no deja na
    La revolución, mi hermano
    Con nosotros va a acabar

    Vamos a acabar con la revolución

    What’s going on
    with this world
    people live in fear

    and in revolution

    black and white
    brothers all races
    They always spend fighting
    oh for no reason

    That’s why with my song
    Today I make a call
    To everyone who puts me
    His ear and his attention

    we have to shake hands
    hate leaves nothing
    The revolution, my brother
    With us it will end

    we have to shake hands
    hate leaves nothing
    The revolution, my brother
    With us it will end

    Let’s end the revolution

  16. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “In war, foreknowledge is the most valuable asset – Sun Tzu.”

    at least the dudes and dudettes at the Pentagon who can see the disaster are up-to-date…

    these missed the revolution by 5 years, missed the planning period, missed the start and would likely miss the ending…5 years behind there is absolutely no chances of catching up now…they don’t need to anyway, look good right where they are while everyone else MOVES FORWARD……

  17. Ask any real true blacks and they will tell you that the top secret information message essence is in the music


    Goin’ to See My Baby (Edit)

  18. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Pacha……….these can never wrap it around their heads that there is now only ONE FATE for SLAVES…..return to their OWNERS….their SLAVEMASTERS…..for permanent DISPOSAL..

  19. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    and we need to reiterate…there is information shared widely EVERYWHERE even on restrictive but well known platforms like FB and Instagram etc….that they are NOT SEEING ON BU…

  20. The biggest threat is classified Code Black by “intelligence”
    what I know experientially
    is energy moves up and down the spine
    Yoga (Asana)
    7 Movements of the Spine Flow Yoga

  21. Waru

    Certainly those are the terms in which Vladimir Putin and the establishment in The Russian Federation have so casted this conflict.

    And they are right about this on all counts.

    Most of the Global South are with them. But we should expect the accommodationists, the woke-ist, the not so sophisticated niggers, those who believe that they are part of the Western construction, those harkening to the idea that White people must rule forever, to be the tapestry of oppositional forces determined to maintain this financialized slave system.

  22. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Dub5, that’s an amazing assessment. I do not … to quote you: ****”seem to believe the American truism that … America Good ✔️ … Russia Bad ❌”****

    Absolutely not. Like you I read, digest and interpret the information available to me in order to form practical and rational opinions . Thus I KNOW that Putin is Bad … as I KNOW that Biden is less bad and surely not pure of heart! ….The men and women who govern and governed mother Russia are no more or less inherently bad than those in the USA …

    But on this particular Ukraine matter although the narratives from both sides are steeped in self-serving BS undoubtedly Vlad Putin’s is driven from the so called ‘ID … deep in his primitive psychosis’…. He IS BAD!

    I challenge you to tell me how this man can be ‘good’ when he initiates in 2022 a territorial war steeped in long held historical border and ethnic struggles that propels the world towards nuclear oblivion?

    How ‘good’ is he that 6 months on from his pretensive claims of being hounded and oppressed by NATO ‘imperialist might’ and despite the howls and demands for ‘rapprochement’ from many in his DUMA and across his nation he simply ASSASSINATES senior critics/oligarchs/generals and arrests Russians by the thousands.

    Do tell me what is ‘good’ about oppressing your people yet proclaiming how benign and supportive you are … are you not informed enough to know that this movie has played in a downtown Moscow or suburban Lenigrad cineplex many times before!!! … was it good when Stalin or Khrushchev used similiar ‘us against them’ tropes to drive populist appeal and then massacre many of their countrymen when opinions shifted to a different realization … it wasn’t good in US when Bull Connor did his thing or the many times before or since then when others stoked “us against them” …. it ain’t good now either…. but this time we are on the brink of a terminal war ….

    … yet we are debating the BS dynamic of Spy vrs Spy MADNESS…. really!!!

    (@David if this is duplicated then please delete one. Gracias)

  23. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Pacha…just saw a little excerpt, where there is a possibility the Nord Stream pipelince “can be restored”

    wonder who is plotting to blow it up again if that becomes a reality……

  24. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    for all the Don Juans AND Rudolph Valentinos……

    “syphilis outbreak in Europe,”

  25. Donna October 3, 2022 7:16 AM #: “And some powerless Polly parrot squawks her dreams of pecking “slaves” to death.”


    I’ll invite you to read the first BU ‘discussion’ about the Russia/Ukraine war and you’ll realize “Polly 🦜 Parrot” CRITICISED Russia for invading Ukraine.

    It was only AFTER a particular individual was found to be supporting Putin, that ‘Polly’s’ POSITION on the war CHANGED.

    Now ‘Polly’ wants to give the IMPRESSION she is PRIVY to information that was supposedly PURPOSELY hidden from the public.

    The SAME ‘HIDDEN information’ she’s attempting to CONVINCE us that’s BEING SHARED on social media platforms other than BU.

  26. Waru

    Have seen those reports from Gasprom but am however doubtful.

    Of which there’s no doubt is that a price shall be paid for this direct attack in Russian Federation national interests.

    We kid you not!

    And those of Germany toooooo. But as you know we’ll the Germans are lap dogs for empire.

  27. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Have seen those reports from Gasprom but am however doubtful.”

    they are not one hundred 100% sure…i guess they will try, but at this time it’s really more important to IDENTIFY without a doubt exactly who did it….it’s not like they need the pipeline.

  28. Rise Up (Acapella Mix) ✊ ✊🏽 ✊🏿
    A tribute to the spirit of the Ukrainian people
    Over a dark futuristic techno-scape created by Alexander Technique, Roland Clark sounds the call to action, the call to unity, the call for freedom, rise up!
    Voice & Lyrics by Roland Clark
    Music by Alexander Technique

  29. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Donna… we are all ‘cuntes’ or ‘cunni’ when we believe a different ‘propaganda’ … the verbal abuse is akin to the real hostility Vlad Putin acts to his critics … clearly these folks take extreme prejudice to opponents!🤦‍♂️

    “So while the full range of cunts watching American propaganda media are walking away with heads full of ignorance, Novorussia has already upped the ante.

    Amazing. Yes he knows how to up the ante, fah sure. This is THE man afterall who hopped from President to PM to President to PM back to President after autocratically directing constitutional changes to consolidate his tenure until his death. So to be hailed as a paragon of non-propaganda veracity and truth .. wow. Such fanaticism!

    “Ritter argues persuasively, that on the one hand NATO wants to avoid a direct conflict with Novorussia which the incorporation of the Donbass and so on will mean.”

    Scott Ritter also says: “We are, literally, on the eve of destruction. Now is the time for the kind of political maturity leaders rarely demonstrate.”

    “People so ignorant as to presume that a military organization, NATO, which could not defeat Syria, Libya, Iraq, and men on horseback in Afghanistan could beat a real army with massive industrial might, was always so fanciful.”

    It is distressing when one side apportions all the intellect to them selves and thus all others are ignorant … thus it is laughable that this “real army with massive industrial might” was the first to be RUN OUT of the same Afghanistan with tails tucked neatly by “men on horseback”…. even then those stallions were sharing big ‘deckies’ too, no doubt.

    How Goebbelesque as Putin said!😎

    No wonder then that this mighty Russian army which has spent 6 months to complete their three week ‘special operation’ is now engaged in a ‘war’ and tekking all this big D … it’s an acquired taste apparently!

    I gone.

  30. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Pacha….the good news….finally we have those in OUR REALM…. who should, standing up and paying RAPT attention….and not a moment too soon…..we await the RISE of the warrior spirit…

  31. Roland Clark, Alexander Technique – Rise Up on Traxsource
    Rise Up (Dub)

    Rise Up (Club Mix)

    The Alexander Technique is a way to feel better, and move in a more relaxed and comfortable way… the way nature intended.

  32. Wake Up

    For the record
    Donna does not use the term cunt in the correct context and calls herself the C-word
    I was the first and original person to use the term on Bu
    Bajans were previously using the word Khunt
    but I tested the word Cunt as it went straight thru processing like SWIFT banking messaging systems

  33. Waru

    The warrior spirit would be good. But what we shall always and have always been up against is the slave mentality of most.

    They denigrate this radical revolutionary moment but should it succeed even those house slaves would be claiming paternity. Not much longer to wait.

    Like all the rest, there’s no determination to foresee future events or even recognize what’s happening currently, no moral agency.

  34. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “The warrior spirit would be good. But what we shall always and have always been up against is the slave mentality of most.”

    people are only NOW realizing how DANGEROUS and THREATENING that Slave mentality is to Afrikan people….but at least they are not VERY AWARE OF IT…

    “They denigrate this radical revolutionary moment but should it succeed even those house slaves would be claiming paternity. Not much longer to wait.”

    give them one minute…as soon as they realize what is REALLY COMING AT THEM..

    .that’s why am happy we are YEARS AHEAD…

    they look good right where they are in the land of KNOW NOTHING…until their masters are ready for them…

  35. Future Groove (Agent Orange DJ Rework)

    Future Groove (Maxed Out Mix)

  36. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    *but at least they are NOW VERY AWARE OF IT…

  37. Dub,

    The word “cunt” has been part of Bajan vernacular “from the time I know myself”.

    I never used it until it was first applied to me about two years ago on BU.

    You are quite right that I use it incorrectly because I know you will agree that a cunt I am not.

    Hint: I am not a slave either.

    But….if a white man called me a nigger, I would laugh and say, “So what?”

    I care not for their opinions. They are worthless.

  38. D
    perhaps you should clarify you are a tight cunt not a slack cunt like a porn star who has made over 300o movies

    I also once said that in UK everyone calls each other cunts in the office orifice as there is fuck all else to do except to go outside and smoke tobacco

    Get Up (Everybody) (Parade Mix)

    Get Up (Everybody) (Darius Syrossian Remix

  39. But,
    David got offended and removed that comment
    Get Up Tonight (Original Mix)

    Fourth Avenue (Original Mix)

  40. Artax,

    Truly, I cannot remember. I was not in favour of the invasion either. I am almost always against war but I understand that war may sometimes be necessary, even though they usually only afford a temporary reprieve from whatever led to it.


    “The Intelligent One” has long been gleefully anticipating nuclear war. Willing to cut off his nose to spite his features. Apparently, he thinks human beings are a bane to Mother Earth and hold no special right to existence.

    I think, unless his umbilical cord was cut from Mother Earth, he is likely to be more akin to us human banes than she.

    He is like a suicide bomber without the promise of seventy virgins to reward him in heaven.

    Seems like he seeks oblivion, which is, of course, available to him at any time.

    I don’t know why he is so bad-minded as to want to take us with him.

    Mother Earth and I have few disagreements. She likes having me around because I appreciate her. Right now, I am enjoying the smell of her freshly cut grass and eating and drinking of the bounty she provides for me.

    I am sure that she has not made any complaint for me. Besides, she is quite capable of chastizing and even disposing of me without any help whatsoever.

    In the meantime, I love myself more than I hate the white man. My broad nose is quite fine, once it can wake up and smell the roses and cut grass along with the coffee.

    Warrior spirit indeed! Surely Putin wouldn’t refuse a man whose “deckie” is (allegedly) “still seeking the only heaven known to man”.

    I hear he is recruiting “deckie pelters” for Ukrainian sissy crutches.

    I want reports from the frontlines like from CNN, not from the armchairs or plane seats!

    Murdaaaaaaaaah! Bare warrior mouts in de rumshop!

  41. Kwasi Kwarteng

    No nigger like a house nigger!
    It’s amazing the slipping of “standards” in the West.
    That Kwarteng as Chacellor., would seek to bring back the trickle down economics of Margaret Thatcher from the dead where they have been for several decades.
    That he would give homage to Chamberlain, an arch imperialist
    That even his vacuous PM, Liz Truss,, had to back away from his fake economics within days of delivery
    Should tell, even this mindless nigger, that decency requires his resignation.

  42. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Pacha…someone is actually asking on another forum….i never even did that… sure they did it out of frustration…but they are wondering…

    “which Slaves ships their ancestors came from they are different to Jamaicans or any other folks in the Caribbean”

    i have some ideas, but it’s useless voicing them..

    are you familiar with the Nikon Z 7… what a challenge….but so worth it..

  43. Waru

    No, we’re not familiar

    Not certain either that the particular ship would make any difference either although the records are complete with the business documents of the enslaved products of Europe’s continuing war on Afrika.

  44. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    The corporations are still around, we still carry their names….that tells us everything…..we can figure out the rest…

    “No, we’re not familiar”

    pure genius developed that camera…gotta give them their props…both photos and movie friendly….just gotta learn everything now….800 page manual…lol

    a must-have for websites and a magazine..

  45. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    I just saw this and was about to post..

    “Jeffrey Sachs (Economist) Famous all over the world, esteemed economics professor Jeffrey Sachs has always shown signs of genius; he became a tenured Harvard University professor”

    Pacha…not sure if he is part of the Goldman Sachs behemoth family but he is pointing fingers…..and he is not just any old fool politician.

  46. Waru

    No he’s an academician, worked with UN.

    However, was also one
    of the IMF- World Bank persons dealing with the Russian economic implosion of the 1990s.

    At that time he was urging the Western governments to bail out Russia. Which they adamantly refused to do as they proceeded to loot a drunken Yelsin of Russia’s resources.

    On balance, he’s a bit of a critical voice who has done some good work with the Millennium Challenge. But some suggest that he’s come a bit late to the interrogation of capitalism

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