Prime Minister Mia Mottley shows off a Kensington Oval ready for T20 World Cup

It started as a private project in 2006 under the name Cinnamon 88 Ltd and through the years morphed to Clearwater Bay Ltd a company registered to do business in 2010. The project straddled both administrations starting with the late David Thompson and now rest uneasily with incumbent Mottley who was a legal advisor to the failed project while in opposition. An interesting side note – Avinash Persaud also played a role and would have assisted in him being able to drive the luxury sports car he zips around Barbados roads.

We fast forward to the recent 2021 Auditor General report where the following comment on Clearwater Bay Ltd was recorded.

In my 2018 and 2020 Reports, I indicated that there were some concerns surrounding the accounting treatment of a loan guarantee made by the Government of Barbados through its’ company, Clearwater Bay Limited in the sum of $120 million. This guarantee was in relation to the construction of the proposed Four Seasons managed hotels and villas. The sum of $120 million had appeared in the books of the Government as a receivable for a number of years but was completely written off in 2018. I had previously indicated that enough information was not provided to my Office as to the nature of the arrangement between Clearwater Bay Limited and the developers. I also stated that, in any event, the entire $120 million should not be written off since the lands on which the project was being built were valuable; instead the value in the accounts should be written down rather than to be completely written off.

Based on information made available to my Office, Clearwater Bay held a mortgage over the real property and after the loan was called, Government was required to honor its guarantee and a payment of $124.3 million was paid to the bank. Action was then taken by the Government company to recover the monies expended through a sale of the property.

Audit Update

In respect of the sale of the property, a review of the records at the Land Registry Department indicates that the property has been conveyed to a private company. However, there is no evidence of consideration being paid. Matters surrounding the sale and ownership of this property are complicated and is currently the subject of litigation which is ongoing.

2021 Auditor General Report

See relevant BU blog on CLEARWATER BAY MATTER

119 responses to “Reposted: From Private to Public – Cinnamon 88 to CLEARWATER BAY, concern for taxpayers”

  1. David

    Is it beyond the realm of possibility that David Thompson was doing his friend and godmother to child, Mia Mottley, a personal or political favor in greenlighting this project on assumption of office in 2008?

    And if this is a reasonable supposition, does your argument which seeks to irrationally equalize blame for this national debucal not constitute a political act?

    As we recall, the embrace of this project happened early in the DLP regime of 2008. No government of Barbados has ever shown such an ability. This suggests to us the governmental processes were well advanced by Mottley and the outgoing BLP regime.

  2. @Pacha

    It is possible, however, it does not obviate that the project has straddled both administrations.

  3. David

    It would be three administration’s! Both parties, the BLP twice.

    In weighting causation, if the scenario above holds, it would seem to this writer that blame should be apportioned heavily to Mottley since she’s been running this project whether in or out of government, like she is again!

    In this age of woke-ism everything is now equalized. But shiiite even that has its outer limits. Political analysis anyone?

  4. @Pacha

    Blame for Clearwater you mean?

  5. David

    No! We thought that we were prosecuting a political crime of Mia Mottley.

  6. @Pacha

    This is a complex transaction which smells of collusion by members of the political class AND private actors.

  7. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Pacha
    Most offerings have two major objectives: pretend to be balanced and wherever possible cast Mottley and Company in the best light.

  8. @Pacha

    Why were Mottley and Persaud recruited. Makes for interesting discussion.

  9. Skinner

    Clearly, both parties have some blame. But to equalize such when the current prime minister started this in the OSA period and continued to run it while in the opposition and now again in government represents a sleight of hand.

  10. @Pacha

    Are you correct? Didn’t Thompson appoint Persaud as executive chairman? Who recruited MOTTLEY as legal?

  11. David

    Please do not attempt to pull us into the tall grass.

    As complex as it may appear to you, this writer has done deals far more complex, much larger,

    Not interested in nuh personality distractions today.

    Ours is about a near 20 year series of political crimes perpetrated by Mottley. Nothing else!

  12. You doubt the Auditor General who opined same?

  13. Oh David

    Now you seek to rewrite history. Was near these situations around 2008 and trust memory more than your selective recall.

  14. Who was in office at that time Pacha.

  15. Has #MAM beefed up her security detail???

    Alleged reports reaching Britain is that something ominous is brewing with #MAM & her personal security detail…

    What is she being overly protected against???

    What is the real scoop here???

    I hate to think the worst!!!

  16. @TB

    What report, source please?

  17. By the way Pacha. Do you identify the people in the image which captions the blog? Why do you think it was selected?

  18. @DAVID

    Sorry BRUV*, I am not at liberty to say what I do or don’t know or have heard through the grapevine or to cite sources!!!

    Whatever is being said, it appears that something is brewing, and as you guys live on the island, it would be easy to confirm these allegations for or against!!!

    All I can say, is that we live in “PERILOUS” times according to Scripture…

    Nothing would “EVER” surprise me, one way or another…

  19. David

    Again, the party in power at the time is immaterial and only serves to posit the backwardness that that makes a difference.

    The deeper truth is that this a the ultimate case study in duopoly politics which you continue to reject.

    The pertinent questions are whether you have any idea how many years of work must go into a project for a prime minister to approve it.

    In the case of this project we will argue up to 10 years.

    And when David Thompson and the DLP publicly embraced such early on must mean a mountain of project work and approvals were already in place.

    For it is impossible for these to happen overnight.

    You may continue to ignore that Mottley worked on this project while in the OSA regime, like she is again, and while on the opposition benches in the interregnum.

    The last are yours.

  20. Ok Pacha, the blogmaster the point which had to be made. Carry on.

  21. does it make a difference if the PM has an allegedly seedy background story in these times of many Clowns in power worldwide and standards of leadership are low


  22. Just be present
    breathe all is well
    just embracing what is present to you right now

    noticing what happens when you bring that activation
    feeling into stillness peaceful beyond circumstance just allowing
    letting go of mental analysis and dialogue
    and just be present
    letting go of story of why who and justification of diagnosis
    and just be present
    infinite potential
    creation all around
    no longer limited

    allow yourself to let go of that form of attachment
    release the story
    the analysis

    and the more you can be present to the infinite potential
    the more you can allow the power to transform to create
    creating new patterns wiring your brain with new possibility

  23. There is none so blind as he that REFUSES to see…

    In this particular case, we REFUSE to see the CLEAR fact that our so called politicians, form ALL parties, are completely incompetent to solve the many complex problems that threaten our future.

    What they have ALL resorted to doing, is to make us sweet-sounding, continuously changing PROMISES… while joining with the WEALTHY albino-centric elites, in radical schemes to make the materialistic parasites WEALTHIER, at the expense of the poor and destitute.

    How intelligent BBs can continue to hope that a particular politician will somehow break the mold and put public interest first after DECADES of being made FOOLS defies Bushie’s logic…

    A fool and his money are soon parted….

  24. @Bush Tea

    We should not give sone of our prominent public servants a pass. Check the board members of Clearwater Bay. The politicians will never be able to execute this transaction by their lonesome. Albeit the political class is a low hanging fruit.

  25. The land at Paradise been the subject of Court actions since the 90’s!!

  26. NorthernObserver Avatar

    The question which seems to be escaping many, is WHY did the GoB seemingly bail out all and sundry?
    Ok, so MAM, and likely other lawyers were owed money. Contractors and other businesses who had done work were likely owed money. Several well heeled people had reportedly placed large deposits on their new accomodations. And according to the original filings half of the guaranteed funds were to indebtedness to the ‘Bank of Scotland’.
    Another whack like BDD$10M was to complete purchase of what was called the “Esso lands”. BDD$20M was for “unsecured indebtedness of the parent group” without specifics of who was in this group.
    Only BDD$10M was targeted towards costs directly related to restarting the project.
    The SILENCE and lack of explanation of any kind, suggests this was a tag team event. Both LPs were involved.
    It is odoriferous.

  27. We should not give some of our prominent public servants a pass.
    Don’t discard the reality of the situation that we face…

    Most of these ‘senior public servants’ are nothing but mindless BB LACKIES, who have been placed in these ‘senior’ positions by the VERY politicians – PRECISELY because they have proven themselves as pooch-lickers to the political class.

    Name a single senior public servant besides the Auditor General, who has shown ANY degree of independent thought or principle?
    There is a particular lackie who featured on the Clearwater Board that TYPIFIES such donkey-licking…for example.

    As long as Bajans entertain a government system where the PM effectively determines who these officers are, and whether they can continue in office, the damn POLITICIANS must be 100 responsible for the resulting shiite..

    The lotta shiite women and mock men currently acting as ‘senior public officers’ don’t have the balls needed to do the job…and this is so largely because they have been SELECTED to be so..

  28. NorthernObserver Avatar

    You have to appreciate the senior public employees and their elected masters are another cabal.
    One of those ‘retired’ CBL Directors has been a ‘go to’ of the current admin. First LIAT, then the name appears on the cc list in Exh 18 of the Radical filings and with a email address (they retired years before). Director of CDB. The IDB even had rules for disbursing project funding named after this former CBL director.
    Very capable, just hold your nose as you pass through.

  29. @NO

    You are hinting Pemberton et al were …?

  30. All in the family and shared with friends.

  31. Clever

  32. @ David,
    Welcome back.
    The photo of Mia and the Indian chap looks like a vignette from the epic film the Godfather. Mia looks every inch the Godmother, whilst the swarthy Indian man looks every inch the model Godfather.

    “Keep Your Friends Close, But Enemies Closer”. LOL! Politics in Barbados is a carbon copy of Hollywood.

  33. “Name a single senior public servant besides the Auditor General, who has shown ANY degree of independent thought or principle?”

    Bush Tea

    Isn’t the Auditor General supposed to perform his/her duties as mandated by the Constitution and free of political interference?

  34. The lotta shiite women and mock men currently acting as ‘senior public officers’ don’t have the balls needed to do the job…and this is so largely because they have been SELECTED to be so..





  35. A National treasure.

  36. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I’m not hinting at anything. We can guess as nobody has offered an explanation? Was the GoB on the hook for the BDD$70M to the Bank of Scotland?
    Indebtedness was cleared at the taxpayers expense. What a great place to invest?
    But they didn’t clean everything, so another debtor got the property? LOL
    And these people are your elected MPs and their closest advisors, aided by a bunch of senior public employees.
    They get offended, if you call them crooks, but their lips are sealed shut on CBL… 😂😂

  37. How can we have confidence in our governments, governments and a public sector unable to produce audited financials for how long of our most important fund?

  38. So what do we know about the folks associated with Cinnamon 88?

    Lynn-Marie Simmons and Naeem A.E. Patel each hold a Power of Attorney.

    Robin James Charles Patterson is the only director shown.

    The company is Registered in Tortola, BVI, Craigmuir Chambers!!

    The Postal Address is Heritage House, Pinfold Street Bridgetown, the address given for Lyn-Marie Simmons by the Barbados Bar Association.

    So what does ICIJ say about Craigmuir Chambers in Tortola?

    One of the companies linked to Craigmuir Chambers is HSBC Trust Company (BVI) Ltd.

    HSBC Trust Company (BVI) Ltd. is linked to Craigmuir Chambers in BVI, Tortola which through the Panama Papers to Nomihold Securities Inc.

  39. Here is the HSBC/Nomihold link.

    Who are the folks associated with Nomihold Securities Inc.?

    Role    From    To  Incorporation   Jurisdiction    Status  Data From

    BOGUASSU INVESTMENT CORPORATION Shareholder 16-DEC-2002 – 16-DEC-2002 British Virgin Islands Changed agent Panama Papers
    ARTLAND TRADING CORP. Shareholder 13-SEP-2002 – 13-SEP-2002 British Virgin Islands Changed agent Panama Papers
    ONOMEY TRADING MANAGEMENT INC. Shareholder 05-JUL-2002 – 20-JUN-2002 British Virgin Islands Changed agent Panama Papers
    JANDAIA INVESTMENT CORPORATION LTD. Shareholder 23-DEC-2002 – 23-DEC-2002 British Virgin Islands Changed agent Panama Papers
    HOMOL INVESTMENTS CORP. Shareholder 16-OCT-2002 – 15-OCT-2002 British Virgin Islands Changed agent Panama Papers
    TOBLENZ LIMITED Shareholder 21-JUN-2002 – 21-JUN-2002 British Virgin Islands Defaulted Panama Papers
    MIDLAND FINANCE & SECURITIES LIMITED Shareholder 23-SEP-2002 – 23-SEP-2002 British Virgin Islands Changed agent Panama Papers
    ROACHFORD INVESTMENTS S.A. Shareholder 04-DEC-2003 20-OCT-2008 11-SEP-2000 British Virgin Islands Defaulted Panama Papers
    URIZEN TRADING INC. Shareholder 16-APR-2002 25-JUL-2002 02-JAN-2002 British Virgin Islands Active Panama Papers

  40. URIZEN TRADING INC. Shareholder 16-APR-2002 25-JUL-2002 02-JAN-2002 British Virgin Islands Active Panama Papers

    This looks like it is the first shareholder in Nomihold.

    So who are the folks associated with this company?

    Role    From    To  Data From

    ROSYBLUE OVERSEAS HOLDINGS LIMITED Shareholder 09-NOV-2005 10-DEC-2006 Panama Papers
    Jhaveri Manan Snehakant Shareholder 09-NOV-2005 01-FEB-2006 Panama Papers
    Ramesh Javeri Shareholder 17-JUL-2011 – Panama Papers
    Rihen Harshad Mehta Shareholder 17-JUL-2011 – Panama Papers
    Mr. Harshad Ramniklal Mehta Shareholder 10-DEC-2006 17-JUL-2011 Panama Papers
    Mr. Harshad Ramniklal Mehta Shareholder 01-FEB-2006 17-JUL-2011 Panama Papers
    NOMIHOLD SECURITIES INC. Shareholder 16-APR-2002 25-JUL-2002 Panama Papers
    Intermediary (1)
    Status Data From
    ZOLTY, LIC. ANDRE ACTIVE Panama Papers

    As you can see, there are companies to which it is difficult to pin beneficial flesh and blood shareholders

  41. So who are the folks associated with Clearwater Bay?

  42. So, why did I pursue HSBC as an example?

  43. NorthernObserver Avatar

    You jump down too many 🐰 🕳️
    Cinnamon 88 was closed in 2011.
    It ‘morphed’ into Paradise 88 Ltd and Limited. One a BVI the other Barbadian.
    They will produce more interesting names, even a link to the one constant at CBL 😆😆
    Imagine being secretary/director of the company which is guaranteeing the indebtedness of another company you are associated with. You cannot make this shit up.

  44. NO

    Remember, this shit been going on since the 1990’s, probably 1980’s after the Company’s Act changed.

    I like starting at the beginning, BEST place to start!!!!

    … then follow the notes!!!

  45. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “And if this is a reasonable supposition, doesyour argument which seeks to irrationally equalize blame for this national debucal not constitute a political act?”

    out and out collusion/duplicity….they guaranteed a 124 MILLION loan, NIS FUNDS??…evabody got their share, well divvied up…….when the loan came due and HAD TO BE REPAID…..taxpayers filled dat breach…it was A SCAM FROM THE GET GO…

    rip off NIS and Treasury….keep the people in poverty, oppressed and suppressed….that is always the intent of LYING POLITICIANS….that’s how they get wealthy…and would take salaries from outside forces to do so…Judas traitors…that’s what they SIGNED UP FOR, since 1966, and even before that….

    which part of, they will ALWAYS BE FRAUDS AND TRAITORS dont yall understand, how are the people supposed to do anything else about them except KICK THEM TO HELL OUT…every five years, do not ever let them take root…..or use the opportunity to get wealthy through THEFTS and SET UP..

  46. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    or…wunna culd continue pretendin dah is not wuh really goin on…wunnah gud at dah…but ya cahn pin dah pun no one else….ya gotta own it…

    or stay on ya merry-go-round cause wen ya look aroun EVABODY wid more dan 2 brain cells will be GONE…out of reach of the traitor system.

  47. NorthernObserver Avatar

    In that case, begin with Paradise Beach Limited inc 1970. This was the entity which was purchased to acquire the land. Patterson and Pemberton became diwrekkers in 2005. Then in 2010, a new group of additional diwrekkers entered, incl Persaud and a Maurice Adrian King (who shows up widely, incl CBL).
    The nodes will direct you from there.
    You may also wish to note who joined the Board, after most ceased being directors in Nov’13.
    While the Blogmaster poo-hooed this years ago, one of those and the PHAR in Pharliciple has a resemblance.
    The big unknown without a cross reference to the land registry, is all the parcels included, and who owned which.
    This is further complicated by the well known method of placing singular or distinct assets in a company, and registering offshore, and then selling the company. In that way, unless you have access to the offshore registry, you never know who actually owns the said assets. And the Barbados land registry will just show it is owned, and has always been owned by XXX BVI Limited. But XXX may have changed owners multiple times.

  48. @NO

    Adrian King was known as David Thompson’s inside lawyer. You should k ow his wife Natasha King was Thompson’s very personal aide (press secretary).

  49. You all seen the clip from the Canadian Parliament regarding Barbados/Canada tax treaty?

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