There has been another school mass shooting in the US. Since the US has politicised this issue, it is foreseen that there will be many more school mass shootings. When a problem becomes politicised, the solution is not normally determined by reason, but by what is politically expedient – which tends to be the worst possible solution.

For generations around the world, it was accepted that children fully transitioned into adulthood at 21. There were individual exceptions, but to protect the public, governments generally did not give children adult responsibilities until they reached 21.


Our primary school age children may think that they are ready for adult responsibilities. But most parents know that their 18-year-olds are not fully ready for the liabilities of adulthood – they are transitioning. Parents are responsible for managing this transition by introducing their children to age-appropriate responsibilities, and not forcing them to prematurely accept adult liabilities.

The transition into adulthood for most, was found to start at 18 years. Therefore, in the US, you could marry at 18, since you only risked harming a few people. However, if you wanted to vote, or own a gun, then you had to be 21. There were exceptional circumstances when governments entrusted adult responsibilities to their 18-year-olds. That was normally during times of war, when they were drafted into the military, whether they wanted to go or not.

Politicians trying to exploit situations to attain or maintain power, decided that our children should be allowed to vote, and own guns. They reasoned that if they could fight in wars, then they could vote – and own guns. They conveniently ignored the fact that being compelled to fight in a war is temporary, while establishing rights to vote and own guns is permanent.


In 1968, US Politicians gave 18-year-olds the constitutional right to purchase guns (Gun Control Act, 1968). After this, the wave of school mass shootings in the US commenced. These mass shootings were mostly done by boys under the age of 21. The solution seems obvious, raise the age to legally own a gun back to 21. But that would mean acknowledging that the political experiment to legally make children adults at 18 had failed.

In 1971, US Politicians gave 18-year-olds the constitutional right to vote. They convinced children that they were emotionally mature enough to make adult decisions. They are not, but politicians will always try to exploit any group to attain or maintain power. That is who they are, and that is what they do.


Teenagers of the 1970s generally had more formal education than their parents. Politicians exploited the rebellious phase that teenagers normally experienced, by deceiving them that they did not need to follow the old-fashioned conservative ways of their parents – including their voting preferences.

Politicians also manipulated popular youth to influence their peers on what political positions were outdated, and which were trendy. That deception continues to this day.


If we accept that children fully transition into adults at 18, then they should not be discriminated against in being given adult responsibilities and liabilities, based solely on their age – including owning guns. But to maintain political power, politicians cannot return to the sanity of accepting that most children do not fully transition to adulthood until the age of 21.

The desire to deceive immature youth to vote for their political party, is more important than stopping the carnage of school mass shootings. Many US politicians are so utterly shameless, that they consistently use every school shooting, that is a consequence of their own short-sighted policies, to convince people to vote for their political party.


In Barbados, we want to follow the US in their insane political folly. We want to manipulate our children into becoming politically active. We want our children to be our Senators, reviewing and approving complex legislation that can harm us all.

They have forgotten that the one constant about children is that they are inexperienced. Our politicians have forgotten that the Senate is a place where our most experienced and knowledgeable citizens should serve – not our least experienced. By forcing our children to prematurely become politically active, we are doing them, and the public, a grave disservice.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer. He can be reached at

276 responses to “Monkey Handling Vote”

  1. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    The age to own guns, vote, drink alcohol and be treated as an adult should be the same age you can become a soldier.

    Additionally, the old people, not young people should be the first ones given the guns and placed on the frontline. Maybe if the solders were drafted that way, the old people making the decisions would not be so quick to start wars.

  2. Grenville
    The problem with the USA has little to do with ‘guns’ per se, and everything to do with ‘gun culture’.
    The USA has nourished a culture built on guns from its very inception.
    The whole ‘Wild West’ thing romanticized the ‘power of the gun’ with all the heroes being adept at ‘dispensing justice’ through the barrel of a fast gun….particularly against the natives and the slaves.

    No matter what age you set, there will be no change to the carnage.
    These young gun worshipers can just take-up their parents weapons…or the neighbors instead.

    There are some other societies where guns are routinely used, even by children, in sports such as target shooting without issue. Some countries also have even higher gun densities (civilian defense) than even the USA – without issues.

    Whatever we sow, we also will reap.
    The USA sowed the ‘power of the gun culture’ against the world for decades now, …and it has come home to roost in their cities and schools.
    They exacted ‘Shock and Awe’ against Iraqi, Libyan and other children, and gloated at the casualties…
    That is yet another pit that awaits…
    …and all this is not even to mention reparations…

  3. “These young gun worshipers can just take-up their parents weapons…or the neighbors instead.”

    You left out gun dealers and traffickers who go after the fast buck.

    I agree with paragraph 1 of CA. Paragraph 2 needs work. Putting old people on the frontline is a recipe for losing a war.

    For Grenville’s post, ‘Barbados the follower’ does not mention guns. Did Grenville give an opinion on nominating KK prior to today. If no, emerging after the battle is over is not bravery.

  4. “The youngest age in any state in the US that a driver can obtain a learner’s permit is 14 years old, and the highest age is 16 years old. Restricted licenses can be obtained anywhere from 14.5 years to 17 years old, and full licenses are granted between 16 to 18 years old.”

    Until very recently, cars killed more young people in the US than guns, and by far!!!

    BLM and the new culture of violent protests have changed things.

    From 2017, gun deaths have increased whereas deaths due to automobiles have steadily fallen from 2004.

    No one would ever imagine limiting the age of access to cars to 21 year …. and never about banning them altogether.

    As horrible as school shootings are, guns are not the problem.

    It is the conditioning young teens get from TV and the Computer and the lack of accountability that was once the hallmark of any upbringing.

    Today in Florida, a 10 year old was arrested for posting that he was going to do a school shooting.

    The police took it seriously and acted accordingly.

    Needless to say the deaths in the black population in the age group 1-24 is about 4 times higher than in other groups, and it isn’t the police doing the shooting.

    In the 1970’s, American teens routinely brought guns to school and practiced on the school’s rifle range.

    Voting age, drinking age, draft age are irrelevant, …. red herrings.

  5. I will not question or research your statistics. It puzzles me that you and Lawson always link Blacks to every negative shit. If we are talking about mass shooting by youngsters then the vast majority are white.

    The senseless killings in the inner cities is done by predominantly black youths and should also be condemned.

  6. TheOGazertsMay 31, 2022 9:13 PM

    I will not question or research your statistics. It puzzles me that you and Lawson always link Blacks to every negative shit. If we are talking about mass shooting by youngsters then the vast majority are white.+


    That’s actually not true if you look at the percentage of mass shootings committed across all ethnic groups!!

    Blacks, Hispanics and Asians commit more mass shootings in the US than do whites given their relative population sizes.

    If you look at the last 4 mass shootings, the subway was a black man, this last one was a Hispanic, the second one was a white man in Buffalo and the third one was an Asian in California!!

  7. SANTA ANA, Calif. — The man charged with opening fire on a Taiwanese church congregation of mainly elderly people in Southern California wanted to “execute in cold blood as many people in that room as possible,” a prosecutor said Tuesday in announcing murder, attempted murder and other charges for the shooting that killed one person and wounded five.

    Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer referred to David Chou, 68, as a monster whose rampage was thwarted by the heroic actions of a doctor who charged at him, a pastor who hit Chou with a chair and several parishioners who tied him up until police arrived.

  8. You cannot have the media preaching non stop hatred and concealing violence as though it was acceptable and not have an effect on the most susceptible.

    Ban the media if you must ban something.

    It promotes a counter culture.

  9. In absolute numbers, white males commit the most mass shootings.

    That is because there are far more white males than any other ethnicity.

    People go mad and do evil for a variety of reasons.

  10. … plenty guns available in Canada regardless of ban.

  11. “If you look at the last 4 mass shootings, the subway was a black man, this last one was a Hispanic, the second one was a white man in Buffalo and the third one was an Asian in California!!”

    I like how you always cut the timeline to suit your argument. If you just restrict it to those four, then whites only commit 25% of mass murders.

  12. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    @TheOGazerts May 31, 2022 8:59 PM

    All wars are started by old men and women chasing power and ideologies. They sucker the inexperienced young people into the meat grinder over some fake worthy cause. Time the warmongering people put themselves and their children on the front-line first.

  13. This is a long but good read… The problem is more complicated than John or I described it.

  14. You have to read these document carefully. They would talk about mass shootings, the numbers done by whites and the number don by blacks. It lumps the gang wars and drug crimes with invading a church and killing innocents.

    I am wondering if we could tease out the racial hate by a table like this for mass shootings

    Shooter (majority of victims)
    White – white. 90%
    WHITE – BLACK. 10%

    BLACK – WHITE 2%
    Black – black. 98%

    I did a 🐇/🐰 and made up those percentages…

  15. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    There are so many things wrong with this article.

    There have been 30 very large mass shootings in the USA between 1949 and 2022. Twenty four of these shootings were carried out by men OLDER than 21, so it is quite unfair to point fingers at younger men, that is men aged 20, 19, 18 and 17. The FACTS are that mass shootings in the USA are largely carried out by white men who are older than 21. We can’t blame the youth for this. And I think that it is reprehensible for Grenville to link USA mass shootings to the Barbados government attempt to lower the Senate age to 18. The two things are NOT at all related and it saddens me to see a politician like Grenville attempt to link them.

  16. @cuhdear
    Not contradicting you, but people are using the words ‘mass shooting’ differently. Some include drive-by, some restrict it to shootings have a racial component, some ….
    Have a great night.

  17. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    Stephen Paddok, 64
    Gregory Bowers, 46
    Patrick Sherrilll, 44
    James Huberty, 41
    Jiverly Wong, 41
    George Banks, 40
    DeWayne Craddock, 40
    James Rappert, 40
    Nidal Hasan, 39
    Aaron Alexis, 34
    Christopher Thomas, 34
    Omar Mateen, 29
    Sayed Farook, 28
    David Long, 28
    Tashfeen Malik, 28
    Michael McLendon, 28
    Howard Unruh, 28
    Patrick Kelly, 26
    Charles Whitman, 25
    James Holmes, 24
    Seung-Hui Cho, 23
    Ahmal Al-Issa, 21

    Patrick Crusius, 21

    Adam Lanza, 20
    Nicholas Cruz, 19
    Payton Gendron, 18
    Eric Harris, 18
    Salvador Ramos, 18
    Dimitrious Pagourtzis, 17
    Dylan Klebold, 17

  18. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    Only one woman in this group, and ZERO black women although there is no doubt that black women are the most oppressed group in the USA.

  19. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    George Hennard, 35

  20. There are actually two mass shootings that were done by females.

    Pretty sure I read of a mass school shooting from the 1920’s. somewhere too!!

    People go mad sometimes and do evil, throughout time.

  21. “The U.S. is now 57.8% white, 18.7% Hispanic, 12.4% Black and 6% Asian. Some of those changes, Jones said, can be attributed to improvements to the survey. The white, non-Hispanic population is still the largest racial group in the U.S.Aug 12, 2021”

    If you look at the Statista data up to May 2022 you will see 68 by whites and 21 by Black, 11 by Hispanic and 8 by Asian.

    Did that before I posted.

    You would expect 12.4/57.8X68 = 14.6 mass shootings by Blacks if 68 shootings by whites is used as a guage.

    There were 21, 50% more.

    For Asians it is worser.

    You would expect 6/57.8X68 = 7.06

    There were 11 or about 56% more..

    For Hispanic, you would expect 18.7/57.8X68 = 22.

    Hispanics accounted for only 11, about 5% LESS..

    Hispanics seem to have a greater respect for life than Whites, Blacks or Asians in America.

    Professor Lott is the expert.

    He and Professor Lankford have an ongoing battle!!

    Posted this guy already but worth a listen.

  22. Challenges to Professor Lott

  23. Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol Avatar
    Magnificent a.k.a Magno – Yu Heard Formula: C₂₁H₃₀O₂ IUPAC ID: (−)-(6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl- 3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro- 6H-benzo[c]chromen-1-ol

    “By forcing our children to prematurely become politically active, we are doing them, and the public, a grave disservice.”

    Re: Rightwing Cunt holes
    Grenville’s Solutions Barbados scored a pathetic 699 votes in 2022 and his long winded specious opinions “reasoning” should be dismissed for being so dismal

    There are 4 times more whites than blacks in USA and dividing crime by population of race feeds systemic embedded racist bias.

  24. The Virginia Tech Shooter from 2007.

  25. Motive for the Virginia Tech Shooting

    During the investigation, the police found a note in Cho’s room in which he criticized “rich kids”, “debauchery” and “deceitful charlatans”.[15] In the note, Cho continued by saying that “you caused me to do this.”[15] Early media reports also speculated that he was obsessed with fellow student Emily Hilscher and became enraged after she rejected his romantic overtures.[102][103][104] Law enforcement investigators could not find evidence that Hilscher knew Cho.[105]

    The Virginia Tech panel said that by sending the package to NBC, Cho “wanted his motivation to be known, though it comes across as largely incoherent, and it is unclear as to exactly why he felt such strong animosity.”[18]


    Weapons used in the attack at Virginia Tech

    Walther P22 semi-automatic pistol

    Glock 19 semi-automatic pistol
    During February and March 2007, Cho began purchasing the weapons that he later used during the killings. On February 9, Cho purchased his first handgun, a .22 caliber Walther P22 semi-automatic pistol, from TGSCOM Inc., a federally licensed firearms dealer based in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and the operator of the website through which Cho ordered the gun.[87][88][89][90] TGSCOM Inc. shipped the Walther P22 to JND Pawnbrokers in Blacksburg, Virginia, where Cho completed the legally required background check for the purchase transaction and took possession of the handgun.[91] On March 13, Cho bought his second handgun, a 9mm Glock 19 semi-automatic pistol, from Roanoke Firearms, a licensed gun dealer located in Roanoke, Virginia.[87][92]

    Cho was able to pass both background checks and successfully complete both handgun purchases after he presented to the gun dealers his U.S. permanent residency card, his Virginia driver’s permit to prove legal age and length of Virginia residence and a checkbook showing his Virginia address, in addition to waiting the required 30-day period between each gun purchase. He was successful at completing both handgun purchases because he did not disclose on the background questionnaire that a Virginia court had ordered him to undergo outpatient treatment at a mental health facility.[93][94][95]

    On March 22, 2007, Cho purchased two 10-round magazines for the Walther P22 pistol through eBay from Elk Ridge Shooting Supplies in Idaho.[96] Based on a preliminary computer forensics examination of Cho’s eBay purchase records, investigators suspected that Cho may have purchased an additional 10-round magazine on March 23, 2007, from another eBay seller who sold gun accessories.[97]

    Cho also bought jacketed hollow-point bullets, which result in more tissue damage than full metal jacket bullets against unarmored targets[98] by expanding upon entering soft tissue.[99] Along with a manifesto, Cho later sent a photograph of the hollow point bullets to NBC News with the caption “All the shit you’ve given me, right back at you with hollow points.”[100][101]

  26. Killing Trends
    Shotters want to beat Highest Scores of Kills, next they will start using GoPro Cameras and live streaming

    Sunday Bloody Sunday / Saul Williams

    I can’t believe the news today
    I can’t close my eyes
    And make it go away

    How long
    How long, must we sing this song
    How long
    How long

    ‘Cause tonight
    We can be as one

    Broken bottles under children’s feet
    Bodies strewn across the dead end street
    But I won’t heed the battle call
    It puts my back up
    Puts my back up against the wall

    Sunday, bloody Sunday
    Sunday, bloody Sunday
    Sunday, bloody Sunday (Sunday, bloody Sunday)
    Sunday, bloody Sunday

    And the battle’s just begun
    There’s many lost, but tell me who has won
    The trench is dug within our hearts
    And mothers, children, brothers, sisters
    Torn apart

    Sunday, bloody Sunday
    Sunday, bloody Sunday

    How long
    How long, must we sing this song
    How long
    How long

    ‘Cause tonight
    We can be as one
    Tonight, tonight
    Tonight, tonight

    Sunday, bloody Sunday (Sunday, bloody Sunday)
    Sunday, bloody Sunday

    Wipe your tears away
    Wipe your tears away
    Wipe your tears away
    Wipe your tears away

    And it’s true
    We are immune
    When fact is fiction and TV reality
    And today
    The millions cry (Sunday, bloody Sunday)
    We eat and drink while tomorrow they die (Sunday, bloody Sunday)

    The real battle just begun
    To claim the victory Jesus won

    Sunday, bloody Sunday
    Sunday, bloody Sunday

  27. WTH???? Black Lives Matter?

    How low can John Knox go?????????

    One sick dude!

  28. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Do not take anything John say seriously especially as it relates to Black people..

    “Mass shootings in the U.S.: shooters by gender, as of May 2022
    Published by Statista Research Department, May 25, 2022
    Since 1982, an astonishing 123 mass shootings have been carried out in the United States by male shooters. In contrast, only three mass shootings (defined by the source as a single attack in a public place in which four or more victims were killed) have been carried out by women”

    “White Men Have Committed More Mass Shootings than Any Other Group
    The deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history was shocking in its scale — but it wasn’t a surprise that it was committed by a white male.

    Statistics show that since 1982, the majority of mass shootings — 54 percent — were committed by white men, according to data from Mother Jones. Black people were the second largest perpetrators of mass shootings based on ethnic background, but only accounted for roughly 16 percent of the total incidents during the same time period.”

  29. I wonder what the world would be like if there was no internet or if the internet was limited to a select few.

    How would news/information be distributed?
    What stories would be shared?
    What spin would be added to stories before sharing them?
    Would you get the chance to see the many sides of a story or just one side?
    When would the story be shared? When current or days after the fact?

    Even now we see that when folks have no reAson to lie they still do so.

  30. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “How would news/information be distributed?”

    it would be just like it was pre information highway, so distorted that we could not figure out the beginning or the end….as happened to our more recent foreparents, now we know that along with maliciously being muted by political trash…….misinformation and outright lies would be the order of the day, especially coming from parliaments…

    we still would have no clue who we are, because no one would tell us to interrupt thier TIEFING what is ours AND LYING to and about us….and all the other crimes they so comfortably commit with no remorse or conscience…

  31. This is a good place for this
    “The Charter of Barbados, while not legally binding, outlines citizens’ rights and responsibilities. It is premised on five articles, the first of which states that all Barbadians are born free and are equal in human dignity and rights.

    That first article, in particular, was referenced by political science student Kai Allman who queried its usefulness if there are existing laws that run contrary to the terms of the Charter.”

    It seems to me that the flawed laws should be changed to reflect the equality of citizens. We keep the first article and change the laws.

  32. From Barbados today (BT)
    “President of the Barbados Association of Medical Practitioners Dr Lynda Williams has disclosed that some patients have reported waiting for up to nine hours on an ambulance. In one instance the patient was said to have come “dangerously close” to death.

    But the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) has maintained that its Emergency Ambulance Service is neither short of ambulances nor human resources and that its priority dispatch system is consistent with international standards. A spokesperson also disclosed details of a strategic plan to “decentralise” the ambulance service and add four more ambulances.”

    Notice that the second paragraph does not address the concern of the first paragraph.

    First paragraph
    Wunna tekking too long to come.

    Second paragraph.
    We got people. We got ambulances. We getting more. We gun change the system. We got the same dispatch equipment as the USA.

    A*hole, you might have the same system but if it is not working then what. Don’t tell me what you got or what you are getting. Tell me what you will do to cut down the response time from half a day to minutes/second. I am not a damn ambulance and I could cover hundred of miles in that time. Barbados is not that big.

    Cut out the BS and get the ambulances on the road in a timely manner.

  33. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    ” We keep the first article and change the laws.”

    been telling them for years to get rid of the slave laws and slave codes off statute books, they run contrary to international human rights laws and even to their consitution, when they had a somewhat functioning one..

    but they are keeping the crime scene laws and codes in place to personally benefit from them financially.

    ……there is no short supply of minorities to help them with criminality to make millions of dollars…

  34. NorthernObserver Avatar

    After para #2 one knew exactly where this was headed…Koochie Koo. The infill was just that. Never waste an opportunity.

  35. When Dr. Ronnie Obama Yearwood becomes the next PM of Barbados all the smoke and mirrors would be gone
    The deceitful PR messages would stop
    Buying White Oaks at astronomical figures pound fuh pound would be things of the past
    Messages of returning Barbados to a place of peace would not only be heard but seen
    Barbados would have a PM who would be friends of all and satellite of none
    A PM providing action instead of attitude
    A PM with a great to greater understanding of spotlight aggrandization does not put money in people’s pocket
    Neither building parks and planting flowers does not build the wanting space as a productive economy
    All in all a PM who reacts to a problem and not a PM deep in self absorption and attracted like a moth to lamp when the light is turned on

  36. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @NorthernObserver June 1, 2022 8:19 AM “@SS: After para #2 one knew exactly where this was headed…Koochie Koo. The infill was just that. Never waste an opportunity.”

    And I am truly surprised that nobody else has called out Grenville on this.
    I support the right of everyone to support a political party, or to support no political party at all.
    But to attempt to link mass murder in the USA to the Barbados government’s attempts at political reform [whether or not we agree with the government’s attempts] is reprehensible. I’ve lost all respect for Grenville.
    It is ok to disagree with this BLP government.
    It is ok to disagree with past or future DLP governments.
    Honest disagreement is a good thing.

    But this from a Barbadian, a man educated at the expense of taxpayers, like me, and perhaps like you, is so sad I almost want to cry. Is this what some of us have become? Do we see others only through the lens of USA right wing nonsense? Have we forgotten the community which nurtured us, the teachers who taught us, the policemen and women who keep us safe while we sleep in our beds at night? The Sunday school teachers who taught us right from wrong?

    More that a decade ago my father died, he was very old so I thought that I was not particularly distressed. At about 2:30 AM I heard a knock, when I asked “who’s there?” the response was “police” Well middle aged women are not typically expecting police knocks in the middle of the night. It was then that the police “M’am your front door is wide open.” Evidently I had propped the door open early in the day, the door is curtained, and I went to bed completely forgetting that I had left it WIDE open. I had no idea that the police did routine patrols in my community at night, as it is truly a safe community, but maybe is is safe partly because of good routine policing.

    I am so angry with Grenville for this nonsense.

  37. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @TheOGazerts June 1, 2022 7:28 AM “I wonder what the world would be like if there was no internet or if the internet was limited to a select few.”

    We would not have to put up with WARU. Lol!!!

    And I don’t know about select few, because who would select the select few? Would they select themselves?

    Please forgive me as I am just ruminating this morning.

  38. A n**gga in the ghetto in Chicago going out to do a drive by shooting with his semi automatic handgun is going out to kill.

    A deranged Asian or White or Hispanic going out to shoot up some target of opportunity is going out to kill.

    There is absolutely no difference.

    None of them know how many people they will kill or their ages.

    All of them whether they know it or not have accepted the fact that they themselves may die.

    All have one thing in common, their hatred for their fellow humans.

  39. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    In the vein of “never waste an opportunity”, @ David, I want to be the latest to applaud your many years of BU’s relentless spotlight to the ‘underside’ of Bajan society that showed us just how many maggots they actually were living in that controlled infestation.

    Clearly, after this great triumph “When Dr. Ronnie Obama Yearwood becomes the next PM of Barbados [and] all the smoke and mirrors would be gone [… and] The deceitful PR messages would stop [and] Messages of returning Barbados to a place of peace” are achieved then your wonderful odyssey would no longer be needed in our utopia.

    So brother make the most of these next 15 years yet and retire proudly there-at knowing that you did it very well 😎😎

    Vive la manuré!

  40. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Cuddear…ya also would not get the satisfaction of reading THIS…lol…

    No one deserve it more….ah so glad fuh dem….ah can’t contain myself, everyone is laughing…they are now real bigups in the spotlight that they love so much..


    “What is needed, after the corrupt regime that controls what is in essence a racketeering enterprise, where dirty lawyers work hand-in-hand with government officials to deprive the people of their wealth, is thrown out of office, is an investigative body, composed of probate and real estate experts from the East Caribbean, but not from Barbados, to return the stolen property, wherever possible. You also need to disbar and arrest those attorney-criminals.”

  41. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    When i blog is ready to act with experience and other strengths, they get results immediately..

  42. Kenneth Rijock at Wednesday, June 01, 2022:

    “One must understand that many Bajans have little formal education……”

  43. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    *when A blog….

    How many years have i and A VERY FEW OTHERS on BU called for the arrest of these CRIMINAL BEASTS….looks like it will finally come their way… the not too distant future…given certain mouthings…

    William…what does not happen in half century…can happen in a minute or less…

  44. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Formal education is a type of education or a form of learning that is structured and systematic. It takes place in a classroom and starts from elementary school through to secondary school, and further to colleges and universities. Under this form of education, students are taught basic academic skills.”

    i should say when a blog is ready to act with LEGAL experience and other strengths..

  45. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Donna, re @John and his BLM remarks … he can go low, very low when race excites a response. The clarity with which he uses stats modelling to obfuscate is itself so plainly discriminatory that it’s refreshing really that he so plainly represents this part of his persona: ‘refreshing’ in that we should never be in doubt of the man’s intent!

    @John, it’s amusing how you professionals take data and massage it so bluntly to suit your own stream of consciousness … with this super accessible information highway upon which we travel at autobahn no limit speed it’s quite easy to catch up and leave in the rear view such poor driving attempts!

    It’s bumper car folly to come on the autobahn with “Until very recently, cars killed more young people in the US than guns, and by far!!!” Since when did CARS kill people … I was of the view that there were yet NO LAWS to allow that type of self-driving mayhem !😎 That comparison is ABSURDLY RIDICULOUS!

    And as @Donna noted .. a vociferous cry for justice over the blatantly racist deaths of Black men at the hands of white cops in the most routine traffic stops or simple interventions for illegally selling cigarettes and such trivial misdemeanors and you have the gumption to say “BLM and the new culture of violent protests have changed things.” WT freaking Badword!

    You isolate what can best be described as sporadic acts of Asian men acting out on their clear MENTAL illness or skewed political agendas and highlight them to make what point! Like Blacks, Asians have been singled out for racist fatal assaults for years … NO justification for Cho’s acts surely but 1 or 8 or whatever minor number cannot be equated to the continuous hatred espoused by the Buffalo racist, or the one who killed the pastor and eight other worshippers simply because of the colour of their skin and the rich legacy associated with one of Atlanta’s oldest Black churches. And the many. many more. There is no equivalency!

    And then of course there is the equally absurd kindergarten car ride narrative of equating crime stats of inner city gang warfare with these very singular, distinctly different acts of SCHOOL shootings. The fact that Phd folks are making the comments do NOT make that valid … it simply makes them educated reasoned BS! They do NOT belong on the same road space in no race of competent drivers !

    I gone.

  46. Thirteen got the chop in Philadelphia over the weekend including a nine year old,

    Chicago was only 9 but it wasn’t for lack of trying, 50 got shot.

    Democrat run cities, nothing strange.

    It is in the thinking.

  47. 13 + 9 = 22

    More deaths than in the school shooting.

  48. I am sure most if all of the dead are Black.

    I can also say that not one was shot by a policeman with 99.99999999999999999% confidence.

    Black Lives Do Not Matter.

  49. How many of the shootings can be classified as mass shootings?

    I say any drive by shooting is a mass shooting because the perpetrator is likely to get far more people than the person he intends to kill.

    It’s all about the intent to kill.

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