Submitted by Observing

First they gave a non-impactful salary increase.

Then they raised taxes and rates in every place possible.

Then they kept gas prices high despite world conditions.

Of course they watch silently as retailers raise their prices left right and center.

Then they restructured government bonds that found bondholders getting less and taking longer to do so, maybe even dying in the process.

Then they decreased corporation taxes, propped up Pinnacle Feeds, Abeds and God knows who else.

Of course we can’t forget the big huge contracts without tender to the small few persons.

Now they have passed a bill which means that any Government obligations can now be paid with bonds that will take 3 1/2 years with no interest at all…hopefully. Clearly just a glorified IOU.

AND on top of that they will also institute a National Credit Bureau that will record all the debts and obligations which were in arrears specifically BECAUSE the government wouldn’t pay me what they owed me in good time in the first place.

But of course, the millions HAD to be spent to move to a Republic without public education and buy in.

And of course the billions HAD to be borrowed so foreign reserves can look good.

And of course the consultants, new foreign embassies with full staff and silent ministers HAD to be kept in place.

And a budget to help the “poor man” understand what is really going on HAD to be postponed indefinitely.

Really can’t wait to see what comes next.

My oh my how they care.

168 responses to “My How They “care””

  1. How do you explain the sizable chuck of the national budget education demands if it is not considered important?
    Jobs, employment and unions

  2. In my book i pointed out that the lack of creativity and the penchant for rigidly and determinedly keepng the RETROGRADE.. colonial education system in place has had a disabling and DEVASTATING effect on each Afrikan generation born into this crime scene…given that Afrikans are TRULY BLESSED as the ORIGINAL creatives..and we will ALWAYS be EXCEPTIONAL that’s why everything was and still is stolen from us…

    as a creative i will ALWAYS take offense to what they did…given that i know what am well capable of…and dumbing down creativity to PROMOTE dependency is another anti-Black Afrikan crime of the century….

    William…how many times are we going to have to point this out before they actually get rid of the backward… colonoial education system permanently out of Black children’s lives..

  3. @ David
    I have never said education is not important. The current system has long outlived it’s usefulness. The huge budget is not the issue ; the issue is what it produces. The money can be justified if it is spent differently.
    “I insist that the object of all true education is not to make men carpenters , it is to make carpenters men.”
    ( W.E.B Du Bois)
    @ WURA
    The same same thinking that the apologists and obstructionists are exhibiting today is exactly what they were doing back in 70s.
    Is it any wonder that we have produced leaders who would give a former slave master our highest nation award. And call it a Freedom award on the same day we were announcing to the world that we were dumping him a d his mother?

  4. @William

    The comment was not you saying it is not important Never mind @Frank answered the question meant to be provocative.

  5. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Skinner, pray advise why u are fixated on “Is it any wonder that we have produced leaders who would give a former slave master our highest nation award. And call it a Freedom award on the same day we were announcing to the world that we were dumping him and his mother?”

    It was nothing more than diplomatic niceties … a gesture that appears awesome and respectful but basically means diddly squat!

    Of course the PM could have said thank you and good riddance but that would have been stupid … just goodbye could have worked too!

    Of course on the other hand there are those like yourself who find the PM act outrageous …

    But what’s the big deal … we will carry on as a nation. If you and other feels so aggrieved then VOTE the BLP out … ah oh wait… you’ll likely have to put in the other leaders … who – by their prior actions – are even MORE clueless.

    It was a DIPLOMATIC nicety … nothing more. In 2021 we HAVE to be diplomatic to all former slave masters .. . Afterall we are now married to their sons and daughters and even more importantly they yet control the world’s wealth sir!

    Just bluntly saying…. progressive rhetoric is good but talk and reality must coexist!

  6. “@ WURA
    The same same thinking that the apologists and obstructionists are exhibiting today is exactly what they were doing back in 70s”

    and making sure INFORMATION IS WELL HIDDEN FROM THE PEOPLE…..and that’s why there is no moving forward….you obstruct your own progress, keep information hidden that will free you from neocolonialism, racism, THEFTS etc… so what do you think will happen..

    .but that motivated me to do what am currently doing, no more hiding info to promote evil agendas to stagnate the population even further…info is now DISTILLED in a big way…

    “Is it any wonder that we have produced leaders who would give a former slave master our highest nation award. And call it a Freedom award on the same day we were announcing to the world that we were dumping him a d his mother?”

    everyone is still wondering what they were hoping to gain by that….an epic fail…and highlights the uselessness of colonial agents….

    .at least their “come home” COPYCAT chanting is being helped along, since that display of folly…………only problem for them, many in UK have already ORGANIZED themselves and know exactly what they plan to do… let’s see if anyone answers the call..

  7. None so blind as he who wears magnifying glasses for spectacles!

  8. @ DPD
    I have long accepted that yours is the prevailing view.

  9. William…don’t know if you have spoken to a cross section of the population lately, but they too are not only concerned, as we have been for YEARS….but are TAKING STEPS….to ACT…they have organized and become very IMPRESSIVE…

  10. David,

    They are not getting value for money. I am not one who believes that there was evil intent. Rather, I think it was mental and physical laziness.


    If education is not “sexy” you are not doing it right!

    What could be easier to sell to young people than recognition and development of those talents that make them shine? Talents outside of the traditional areas.

    The foolish parents would be a harder sell but happy children would soon convince them.

    If you start early in your five year term, the results would be evident by the next election.

  11. @Donna

    Love your comment, you are making it a habit of late. Keep it coming.

  12. William,

    We have more in common than we have differences.

    I have long seen the folly of the ‘Screaming Test”. and a whole lot more of what passed for education. Luckily I was capable of making up for what was lacking.

    Just for the record, the help for my son was available through the Youth Development Commission but only AFTER he left school.

    Covid put a hold on the sessions. Sessions were cancelled. He filled in the blanks by himself.

    For many, after they leave school is too late. They are already lost.

    The difference between my son’s outcome and the block boy’s outcome, is a good parent to keep him on track during the dulling school years…and funds to purchase all the technology.

    And of course, the belief that he could be successful. Easy with parental resources and support, both emotional and financial. Very difficult without them.

    Most children need to see the light at the end of the tunnel to keep hope and belief alive. Marginalised children cannot see that light. Many stop looking.

  13. @ Donna
    You are correct. I have seen first hand how happy , polite children have a serious personality change almost immediately after “ failing “ that exam. This was in a professional setting.
    The real truth has been hidden from parents for decades. Many children enter that room who are incapable of writing a proper sentence.
    The classism we noted regarding PTAs also comes into play.
    I have long maintained that a half billion dollars invested in our youth at the entrepreneurial level will reduce unemployment and save foreign exchange. However the jokers have put their faith in iron birds and floating hotels.
    I have never met a young ambitions youth who has deliberately squandered an opportunity.
    There is nothing like a young person, sitting down with their peers and explaining how they have been successful. They look up to each other; form bonds from school days; neighbour hoods etc. It’s a powerful tool that we have not chosen to master.
    Like @ David , I hope the PMs recent statement means something. But, with great caution, she’s been around and was once the Minister Of Education and it was not a stellar performance.

  14. “I have never met a young ambitions youth who has deliberately squandered an opportunity.
    There is nothing like a young person, sitting down with their peers and explaining how they have been successful. They look up to each other; form bonds from school days; neighbour hoods etc. It’s a powerful tool that we have not chosen to master.”

    especially if they ever found out through historical information and the CORRECT education just how powerful they are through ANCESTRY….the next issue of my Kush quarterly magazine gives more insight into WHO WE ARE…..and WHERE WE REALLY CAME FROM…

    .remember mentioning my powerful bloodlines and Clown Enuff had to jump out, think that was the last jump he made lately…


    This article speaks to what a child needs wrt parental support to enable success. Without that and with an educational system that calls him an idiot or makes him feel like one, many fall by the wayside and stay there.

    The only run-of-the-mill career in the Bajan that my son ever contemplated was teacher. He wanted to be a toy maker. I bought him tools and material. We spoke of his dreams and wrote them down. He wanted to be a cricketer. I bought him thousands of dollars in gear and got him into a club. He wanted to open a martial arts school and there went some more thousands in lessons and gear. Till finally he settled on what he does now. I took out my credit card for online purchases of equipment, technology, software etc. Finally, I told him the card was his. Several thousands more.

    Where the hell does a poor child get that?

    These opportunities need to be provided at school.

  16. Correction – in the Bajam context.

  17. BajaN

    hurray story teller
    can I tell my story also?

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