Returning to my parked car, I noticed a broken licence plate on my windshield. It looked oddly familiar. Viewing the front of my car confirmed that it was mine.

Every collision I had with that car was while it was parked in a parking lot. The damage was always minor, so I never called my insurance company. Actually, in my 30 years of driving, I have never made a claim – so why continue to pay for car insurance?


I asked that question to provoke you to think. You would be reckless to knowingly be a passenger in an uninsured bus. You would be depraved to encourage others to join you. Only an idiot of the highest order would drive one after cancelling the insurance.

You should insure against likely risks that you cannot afford to pay if they occurred. Regardless of how careful a driver you may be, if you drop in a pothole, you can lose control of your vehicle. You may be able to afford the repair costs of your vehicle, but not the medical expenses of your injured passengers.


An insurance policy is a contract that states what both parties are obligated to do. If you want the insurance, then drivers must agree to the restrictions that are designed to protect passengers. For example, all new drivers must be approved by the insurance company. Minors will not be approved regardless of how competent they are, or how much you want them added to the policy.

If you think that the insurance company’s conditions are infringing on your rights, then you may cancel the insurance policy at any time. But you must still humble yourself and get insured with another company, that may have more onerous requirements. What is not an option is to drive passengers while your vehicle is uninsured.


Every 5 years, we elect drivers to drive our national bus. When our bus needs maintenance, we pay additional taxes to buy the parts, so that all passengers may remain safe. A driver who suggests that we could save money by cancelling our insurance, should not be trusted to drive our bus.

One of the insurance conditions that our drivers hate, is the independent audits. Every year, an independent auditor must tell passengers the actual cost of the bus parts, that our drivers claimed were needed. Every year, the auditor tells us that we were overcharged for the bus parts. But we are so politically divided that we no longer care.


Barbados has changed much since our Independence. We are no longer guardians of our heritage for our children. Once we can afford to pay the excessive taxes to pay for the overcharged parts, we do not care about the suffering of our neighbours who cannot afford to pay.

We defend and encourage the corruption of our drivers, and willingly wear their red and yellow shirts every 5 years to get them elected. Once we have taken what we can from this country, we are willing to recklessly damage it for our children. How did we become so heartless?


Barbados is insured against torrential rainfall, hurricanes and earthquakes, through the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Financing Facility (CCRIF). Despite not being impacted by a major hurricane or earthquake since our Independence, only enemies of Barbados would encourage our leaders to cancel that insurance.

Barbados is also insured against aggressor nations – our enemies. Commercial insurance is paid out in money. Defence insurance is paid out in blood and military equipment, as soldiers, whom we do not know, will be ordered to defend us. We have taken for granted the deterrent effect of our defence insurance.


Our defence insurance costs Barbadians very little. The Queen commands the British Military, so we simply need to maintain a Governor-General. The Governor-General protects our armed forced from being politicised, and ensures that the annual independent audits are done. Our drivers hate that accountability, and have devised a way to get rid of it.

Our drivers retell the myth that they have told since our Independence – that we need to throw off the remnants of colonialism to be free. We are already Independent and free, but we have chosen to maintain insurance against natural disasters and foreign aggressors. We also want to know when we have overpaid eight times for bus parts.


To get their own way, our drivers plan to cancel our defence insurance, without our consent, on 30 November 2021. On 1 December 2021, we will be forced to be uninsured passengers, and they will become drivers – of the highest order.

The BLP, DLP and other political parties, want uninsured passengers – for their own purposes. Our established media do not allow any balanced discussion on the Republic issue. Our drivers’ actions appear unlawful, but not one of the over 900 lawyers on this bus has challenged it in the Courts. Solutions Barbados stands alone.


Our drivers have no mandate, from us, to cancel our insurance. The Bs and Ds are out canvassing, so it seems that they will call an early General Election. It seems that they believe that passengers are so politically abused and economically desperate, that they will vote for their own destruction in exchange for a few trinkets.

Solutions Barbados stands alone in advocating for passengers to remain insured, until they choose not to be. We have 15 Candidates, but Barbadians in every constituency should be given a choice. If you love and fear God, hate corruption, and feel a burning desire to give the people of Barbados a competent alternative, then you may contact us.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer. He can be reached at

184 responses to “Difficult Conversations – Of the Highest Order”

  1. I certainly would not say you are wasting your valuable time. All you have written is the truth, but wait until after November 30th then what we will say or think will be meaningless. DONE DEAL.

  2. Grenville Phillips you should run for St. James Central

  3. Bummy:

    There is still one iron left in the fire.

  4. Oh dear me!

  5. Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds …

    Bob Marley

  6. Manley announced that Jamaica would become a republic by 1981



    2021 J$150 to US$1




  7. IN 1979 J$1 WAS to US$1.10 ALMOST ON PAR

  8. @ nextparty246 November 5, 2021 11:01 AM

    There is some validity in your claim that Barbados- by going republic aka cutting all ties of governance with the British monarchy- could be cancelling a politically-issued insurance policy against any external military threats or invasion to the very vulnerable small island thereby compromising safety and security of “little England”.
    A responsibility which goes back to the Treaty of Oistins.

    As it stands, Her (and soon-to-be ‘His’) Majesty does have both a Constitutional (via the GG) and moral responsibility to protect the citizens of Barbados and their government (who are the subjects of Her Majesty) from any threat of foreign attack or invasion.

    Who else is legally and morally responsible to defend Barbadoes from foreign military threats? Certainly not the United Nations or even the BDF!

    That is the ‘pertinent’ point you need to highlight.

    Is it a such a far-fetched risk which Bajans are politically ‘matured’ and economically secure enough to undertake?

  9. That is because they have failed to emancipate themselves from mental slavery. Not because they became a republic.

    Apparently, Jamaica is the bleaching “capital” of the world. Still talking about “brown skin” like it is made of gold.

    Barbadians were bleaching too but not to that extent.

    Being tied to “Lizzie’s” apron strings is what did the damage in the first place. Letting the apron strings go is only the beginning of reversing the damage. There is much more work to be done, starting with the Constitution.

    All Bajans have been invited to make a suggestions.

    How many have availed themselves of the opportunity?

  10. We have a ‘condition’ once described by a son of as loitering on the steps of the colonial master. A classic case is the scorn shown by many at the indigenous CCJ.

  11. David,

    It is embarrasing to think of Englishmen reading how afraid some Bajans are about cutting the last apron string.

    The “natives” are more afraid of each other than they are of the slavers.

    Oh dear me!

  12. The “Afrocentric” Miller wants us to throw away Jesus and keep Lizzie!


    🎵Mixed up moods and attitudes!🎶

  13. (Quote):
    Being tied to “Lizzie’s” apron strings is what did the damage in the first place. Letting the apron strings go is only the beginning of reversing the damage. There is much more work to be done, starting with the Constitution. (Unquote).

    What do you mean by “being tied to Lizzie’s apron strings is what did the damage in the first place”?

    Elizabeth only became the “Queen of Barbados” in 1952.

    Black Bajans were copycat little Englishmen and women long before “Lilibet” took over from her Papa George.

    What you should be more concerned about is that the same “Lizzie” or Her imminent successor will still continue to be the titular head of your beloved Anglican Church including its Bajan clone even after Barbados becomes a republic.

    What’s so wrong in trying to look like sweet baby Jesus and his adorable European mother of God?

    Wait and see when the same republican Bajans after the 30th still refer to people as Sir and Dame like your Excellency Dame President SM or Sir CJ PC!

    Talk about black people brainwashing and psychological damage!

  14. @ Donna November 5, 2021 4:36 PM
    “The “Afrocentric” Miller wants us to throw away Jesus and keep Lizzie!”

    No, Ms dye-in-the-wool Anglican!

    The miller simply want Bajans to be true republicans devoid of any religion playing any part in the country’s national affairs.

    Maybe then the God who gave them their black skin in the first place will smile on them and give them peace of mind.

    How the hell you could be asking to become a republic but still want to retain the use of monarchical titles such as Sir and Dame?

    Isn’t that the thinking of a paranoid mixed-up aping people?

  15. Talk about black people brainwashing and psychological damage!




  16. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David, mental slavery indeed.

    The essay progressed sweetly with its cool analogy/methapor but then it left me grasping or gasping, really!

    Was the insurance policy annulled or canceled or simply not paid out during the Grenada coup!

    I don’t recall the HMS Special Services or army folks took up arms on the behalf of GG Scoon (if u recall his name accurately!).

    In sum, the point.. despite its sweet metaphoric progression is pure blarney.

    There are (is,, really) ample ‘defense’ fall back insurance options at hand and to jettison the Queen as HofS changes not a thing in any meaningful way.

    Quite a disappointing coda to an otherwise sweet buildup!

    I gone.

  17. Barbados will continue to be a member of the commonwealth where expectation of being indemnified for assault in sovereignty can be entertained.

  18. (Quote):
    I don’t recall the HMS Special Services or army folks took up arms on the behalf of GG Scoon (if u recall his name accurately!).

    But the Americans- under the ‘advice’ of the British PM Margaret Thatcher, acting on behalf of Her Majesty- did intervene in the cold war initiated by the Cubans under the Soviet’s instructions.

    The Grenada revolution and the consequent American invasion were nothing but pawns in a ‘set play’ in the global cold war chess game between the Soviets and the then West.

    With the death of Communism Barbados possesses no such geopolitical qualifications unless it becomes an Islamic state or a ‘ward’ of China in the Caribbean.

  19. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU

    @ DPD

    I am of the firm opinion that we never emancipate ourselves from mental slavery. We simply move from one mental state to another. From one slave master to another. From one religion to another. We do not even agree on whom the slave master is

  20. I’m not sure why anyone would wage a War against the Feel Free Little Island of Barbados,
    except for maybe it’s function as a strategic port in a Narco War

  21. Is this mental slavery a genetic thing
    can the circle be unbroken (by and by) with future generations

  22. Yes, I enjoyed the Anglican Church. I also enjoy British comedy.

    “Lizzie” being encased in inverted commas indicated that she was representative of the British monarchy.

    Given the choice between Lizzie and Jesus, I would keep Jesus. Real or imaginary, He did more for me than she did.

  23. Delusions of grandeur, I’m afraid. Our “glory days” of being fought over are behind us.

    Barbados…not worth fighting for!

    Works for me!

  24. Mental slavery will linger on until we take deliberate and sustained steps to reverse it. It is built into our history books and our language. It is not genetic.

  25. “Barbados…not worth fighting for!”

    you will know when crime syndicates have taken over by their massive spending

  26. P.S. Nobody Anglican priest ever told me that Jesus or his mother was white.

  27. William Skinner Avatar

    We are going into Republic status. I firmly agree with the decision but not the political grandstanding on both sides.
    However, I heard that Prince Charles has been invited.
    We have Barbadians all over the world, including the country, who have done exceptionally well in many fields. I hope we will be inviting a number of them as special guests on this occasion and highlighting their achievements.
    We need need to set a new tone.

  28. @David, November 5, 2021 5:09 PM

    “Barbados will continue to be a member of the commonwealth where expectation of being indemnified for assault in sovereignty can be entertained.”

    The Dominicans relied on this erronous assumption. They cancelled their defence insurance, and Venezuela claimed their Bird Island the same year. Barbados and the rest of CARICOM objected. Venezuela responded by building a military base on the island. Dominica learnt a hard lesson – the Commonwealth is made up of insured and uninsured members, and they were among the unfortunate uninsured.

    On Grenada. When Bishop overthrew Gairy, the people were not harmed. So, the GG did not activate the defence insurance. When Coard et al overthrew Bishop, they did harm the people, so the GG activated the insurance. Help arrived within one week.

    The US appeared to have ‘jumped the gun’, deciding to take action on the justification that they were protecting US students. They subsequently apologised to the UK.

    Once we cancel our defence insurance, we will be forced to rely on the useless UN insurance. The UN had troops in Uganda, where they allowed the slaughter of 800,000 people in 100 days.

    We have taken the deterrent effect of defence insurance for granted. We seem oblivious to the threats around us because no one dared threaten us.

  29. @ nextparty246

    RE: “Our defence insurance costs Barbadians very little. The Queen commands the British Military, so we simply need to maintain a Governor-General.”

    I disagree, because your argument is a bit simplistic.

    You also+ presented similar arguments in your June 21, 2021 article entitled, “Difficult Conversations – Ceremonial Governor General?” You mentioned, “The Governor General is the only person in Barbados who can activate our insurance, to which the UK is obligated to respond,” and used the situation involving Argentina and the Falkland Islands as an example.

    An important fact you overlooked was the UK’s obligation to intervene in that situation, because the Falklands is a British overseas territory.

    Barbados is currently an independent sovereign state within the British Commonwealth of Nations. The Governor General is basically the chief representative of the Crown in a Commonwealth country of which the British monarch is the SYMBOLIC HEAD of state.

    The ‘Commonwealth’ is simply a voluntary, political association of sovereign states comprising the UK and a number of its former dependencies. These countries have chosen to maintain ties of friendship and practical cooperation and share a common commitment to values outlined in the ‘Commonwealth Charter,’ such as, peace, trade, democracy, social development as it relates to education, human and equal rights…….. while acknowledging the British monarch as SYMBOLIC HEAD of the association.

    I haven’t heard anything to suggests that, upon becoming a Republic, the Barbados government plans to discontinue its membership with the association.

    If you take the ‘Commonwealth Charter’ into consideration, then, it isn’t necessary for Barbados to “maintain a Governor General,” because, as the symbolic head of the Commonwealth, “the Queen still commands the British Military.”

    So, under those circumstances, do you agree “our defence insurance” would not ‘lapse,’ but remain valid?

    And, assuming a member state comes under military threat, wouldn’t the other member states be obligated to offer military assistance?

    Or, do you believe they would discriminate against ‘Republics?’

  30. Republic activities to be known soon – Republic activities to be known soon:

  31. @nextparty246 November 5, 2021 8:53 PM “The Dominicans relied on this erronous assumption. They cancelled their defence insurance, and Venezuela claimed their Bird Island the same year.”

    Except that Bird Island was never Dominica’s, and in any event who wants to fight a war over an uninhabitable sandbank covered in bird sh!t?

  32. Only DPD would think that this article started nicely. It was clumsy from start to finish, as usual.

    Sorry DPD, but your prose is, as we all know, a disaster! Grenville’s is indeed smoother than yours.

    Just saying.

  33. Artax:

    Why not read the Barbados Constitution for yourself? What does the Constitution state?

    The Queen is not ceremonial – no matter how much you may confidently write that.

  34. Republic coming up in less than four weeks and no whiny ass Grenville Phillips 2 and no old fart up in England can stop it. You are hilariously delusional if you think your half-assed arguments can have any effect.

    P.S. Church and State have been seperate in Barbados for decades.

    And I heard that “the Lord has been the people’s guide” may be removed from our anthem. Don’t know if it is true or for what reason. Maybe it is in recognition of non-Christians or the fact that three hundred years ago, the brutal colonisers were “the people’ but it would be a good move regardless.

  35. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer


    I get what you are trying to insinuate but I will put a most likely scenario to you. What boat would you be in if you had insurance but you were too low priority for the claims adjuster to give you your settlement money to pay for life saving treatment before you died.

  36. Cuhdear:

    Your phrase: “who wants to fight a war over an uninhabitable sandbank” shows how easy it was, and still is, for agents of other nations to trick us as a people. Your advice is similar to the bad advice given to other nations – to their harm.

    “It is only worthless black rocks – let them have it” No you idiot – it is valuable coal.
    “It is dirty water – let them have it.” No you idiot – it is valuable oil.
    “It is ordinary stones – let them have it.” No you idiot – they are diamonds.
    “It is an uninhabitable sandbank – let them have it.” No you idiot – they are subsea hydrocarbons. Why do you think that Venezuela build a military base on the “sandbar”.

    It is as if BU regulars simply hate Barbados. They tend to promote every trojan-horse type unsustainable idea, that basic scrutiny will show is harmful to Barbados. Yet they consistently mock every good and sustainable idea, that can benefit Barbados.

  37. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer


    You are too intelligent. So intelligent that you talk over the intelligent people heads. I myself can barely keep pace with you but I have learnt to keep at the front of the pack so I can surge forward when I need to. But you insist on running far in front the pack so the hunter will pick you off first.

  38. So the insurance companies say they will not be paying for medical expenses related to Covid with an exemption on testing
    More and more every day Barbadians are treated to hot ironrams pushed up their back sides and govt officials sit in the back seat and say nothing
    Pandemic illness are not being consider as an illness that the insurance companies will pay for
    Lawd have merci

  39. 🎵Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie
    Come as you please
    Bajans will still bow down on their knees
    Bow down on their knees
    Bow down on their knees
    Bow down on their knees🎶

    The Mighty Gabby.

  40. Intelligent?????

    You still waiting for Trump to be declared the winner?

  41. How is it being handled in your neck of the woods? Are insurance companies giving waivers? We know Barbados is the most backward place on earth for the throwashadecrew.

  42. AC,

    Did you read the same story I read? Where is the story you read to be found?

  43. @ nextparty246,

    This is the first time you have employed terms such as “hate” and “idiot” in your conversations. I empathise with you. Critical Analyzer has summed it up well ” you are running far ahead of the pack”.

    You have written an excellent article in a style that is relatively simple to decipher. However, as is normal on BU, some have decided to play the man rather than the ball.

    This republicanism which we are about to embrace is based on a false narrative. How can we have any understanding of a republic when we have no concept of what it takes to become one. A republic has to based on the foundation of momentous acts from within the population to bring in a paradigm change to their society. Normally this is achieved through mass insurrection, violence and or bloody wars.

    We in Barbados are introducing a republicanism that has been led from the top. The voice of the local population goes unaccounted.

    It is difficult to understand those who say “Barbados…not worth fighting for!” Many years ago it was the dirt poor blacks who lived adjacent to the beach. Now on certain parts of the West Coast, black Bajans struggle to access their own beaches. Why do blacks struggle to understand the word “value”. Where others see a beautiful polished diamond they see a rough discoloured stone. They lack vision.

    As to your point concerning Barbados not been exposed to attacks from foreign countries. You may be thinking too far ahead. Barbados is hoping to expand its population by 80, 000. Amongst these numbers you will find a group who will determine which direction Barbados goes in. If we have an influx of dominant Chinese nationals over several generations we could see our island falling under the stewardship of mainland China. Before we reach that stage we are likely to have a massive turf war between the numerous newly arrived migrants as they fight for land and resources.

    Expect the locals to be muscled out. I believe that this obsession with us becoming a republic is meaningless. It will exacerbate our problems. The train crash ah coming!!!

  44. We are about to become a republic and our government intends shipping out 250 Bajans to work in the USA tourist plantations.

  45. DavidNovember 6, 2021 5:28 AM

    How is it being handled in your neck of the woods? Are insurance companies giving waivers? We know Barbados is the most backward place on earth for the throwashadecrew.
    U funny as shi.t everytime something of concern that hinders and push Barbadians backwards u lean forward with much gusto and speaks with tone of disdain about shade crew and neck of the woods
    Rather than be vocal about such happenings in your neck of the woods in a manner which can set a tone of being helpful concern or sensitive
    You launched silly and unnecessary attacks on those seeking answers
    How silly and immature can u be

  46. The point is that Barbados like any country is in a constant balltle to do better, no place on earth Utopia can be found. You lot come on the blog first thing on mornings until night and can find not one single positive thing to write about what you claim is the land of your birth.

    Have the last vacuous word.


  47. Talking Long and Loud and STILL saying NOTHING, out in England with Lizzie!

    The man bowls the same shite every time so it is impossible to seperate them. They have fused and become one.

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