Submitted by Grenville Phillips II

For the second time in my lifetime, masses of Cuban people publicly protested against the Government – in Cuba.  The first time in 1994, protestors called for the freedom to leave Cuba.  Castro allowed them.  This time, they are calling for freedom from dictatorship.  The Cuban Government’s response was disturbingly violent.

The demonstrations have been blamed on the US trade embargo.  This is likely true.  I join with the member countries of the United Nations, in supporting the end of the US trade embargo against Cuba.

The question is, whose responsibility is it to end the embargo?  To answer that question, it is important to understand why the US trade embargo was imposed.


During World War 2, Fulgencio Batista was the elected president of Cuba from 1940 to 1944.  He established a constitution that guaranteed the right to private property, which resulted in massive US investment.

In 1952, Batista led a military coup when he realised that he would not likely get re-elected.  He became a US-supported dictator who led a corrupt and unpopular administration.  He also repealed the 1940 Constitution.

Castro revolted against Batista in 1953, supporting the peoples’ will to restore the 1940 Constitution.  The revolt lasted about six years.  In 1959, the popular Castro became the leader of Cuba – which by that time had approximately US$1B of US investments.


Castro replaced the Constitution with the Fundamental Law.  Article 24 of this Law prevented the general confiscation of private property.  Where the state had to take specific properties, it required the property owners to receive prior cash payments in compensation.  US investors were confident enough to invest a further US$63M in Castro-led Cuba in 1959.

In 1960, Castro essentially: confiscated the properties of US citizens, refused to compensate them, and amended the Fundamental Law to make the theft legal – in Cuba.


The US citizens, whose property was confiscated, appealed to their political representatives in the US Congress.  In response, a complete trade embargo was imposed on Cuba in 1961.  The trade embargo, despite being amended several times, remains active to this day.

Relevant questions follow.  Should the trade embargo end without any compensation paid to the confiscated properties’ owners?  Should countries be encouraged, by not attracting consequences, to confiscate the private property of individuals and businesses without compensation?  Is confiscating private property without any compensation fair, morally right, and just?


The US Congress is unlikely to end the trade embargo, unless Cuba compensates the US investors.  Cuba’s ill-advised actions started the US trade embargo.  An opposite action may end it.

Cuba should consider compensating the US property owners.  The amount has already been quantified – a present value of approximately US$9B.  The Cuban economy (Gross Domestic Product) is approximately $100B.  Therefore, Cuba can pay the amount in full, or negotiate easily affordable instalments, but the proverbial ‘ball’ is entirely in Cuba’s court.


Studying history allows an informed presentation of options in many situations, and an analysis of likely consequences.  The Cuban Government’s unnecessarily violent response to the demonstrations, has opened the door to the option of a US military response.

US military intervention was not previously an option in Cuba, because it required the violent repression of mass protests by Cubans in Cuba against their Government.  The mass protests started in Cuba on 11 July 2021.  Following the violent repression, the protestors in Cuba passed the baton to protestors in the US, who have already marched on Washington.  US President Biden has responded by declaring Cuba a failed state.


The Cuban authorities should remember that the Libyan government’s violent response to protestors, opened the door for US President Obama to intervene in Libya.

Cuba should also be aware that it took the US less than one week of planning to liberate Grenada in 1983.  This was six days after there were mass-protests against the Government, and the repressive reaction of the military.  The main persons surprised at the swiftness of the intervention, were those advocating that the mass-murder of Grenadian protestors be treated as an internal matter.


Whenever there is a violent Government response to public demonstrators, the leaders of some countries pledge their support for the oppressors, rather than the oppressed.  While this is concerning, it briefly removes the public-relations mask, so that the public can assess what they would do if they had absolute power.

The US may not let this one-in-a-61-year opportunity go to waste.  If the Cuban government wants to claim the moral high-ground, ir should pay the US investors for confiscating their property immediately – otherwise, they risk bringing a swift end to their revolution.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer. He can be reached at

282 responses to “Viva La Revolucion”

  1. Hispaniola and Cuba were minute compared to the riches of South and Central America.

    Spain never had a need to exploit agricultural output from them.

  2. (This post is not for John)

    Recognising the vibration of truth is easy and intuitively obvious to those who always speak truth
    if honest folks want to overstand history mystery prophecy they need to stop listening to others prejudice voices looking through lens of bias and dishonesty and put all the changes in history in context of the greatest moments of sporting history building a timeline of all rebellions and wars against British, French, Spanish etc. noting when they were defeated and nations gained independence from parasite bloodsucking vampires and evil devils ruling in dominion

    whenever they lose they changes the rules such as changing a word and rebranding slaves and slavery but still keeping slaves and slavery and calling it something else

  3. The danger is that Grasshopper’s acquisition of knowledge stopped when he was 15 and he thinks too small.

    Can’t get past Las Casas when a whole other world existed.

    He thinks in terms of Rabbits and holes and he will probably never change but, I will try and educate him.

  4. See who are among the earth’s anointed ones and it does not include not one colonial pimp or voluntary Slave.

  5. “The danger is that Grasshopper’s acquisition of knowledge”

    shut the fuck up already with your tired old repeated juvenile crowing trope soundbite trump card from the Kung Fu TV series starring David Carradine a ballet dancer actor

    You clearly are no shaolin monk and have never ever been to a shaolin temple or even researched their dao way of life

    and are a filthy low life good for nothing son of a gun and a bitch cunting fake Christian liar who is going to a hellfire down below

    watch these two videos and educate yourself with an awakening of the mind and body

    stay silent and do not revert back with a single until you have viewed and followed along to both videos in full through to completion

  6. (This post is not for John)

    The more enlightened blessed human beings can fast track their learning watching this video

    do not feed the troll engaging with any of his conflicted troubled reasonings or of lack thereof

    let the swine wallow in in his own pig shit swallowing up all his crap served until there is nothing left on his plate

  7. @🐇
    “He thinks in terms of Rabbits and holes and he will probably never change but, I will try and educate him.”

    The miseducation of Theo .

    My greatest fear is some idiotic Bajan remembering you as a great historian and memorializing it in the newspaper.

  8. Grasshopper

    You are out of your depth.

    The knowledge is there you just need to seek it.

    You don’t need to get it from me, in fact it will mean more to you if you find it yourself.

    You will get more understanding.


  9. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    The true definition of an AfriKan hero.

  10. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    That is who we celebrate, our Afrikan Queens and Kings,,.

    btw.. she was born in Cuba…an Afrikan Cuban who knows who she is..

  11. Nathan 'Jolly' Green Avatar
    Nathan ‘Jolly’ Green

    I wonder how many of the commentators here are suffering from Syphilitic brain damage there is so much rubbish written with just 2 or 3 people with a brain.

    According to medical research from the National Library of Medicine

    Evidence-based research now allows clear separation of syphilis from other diseases in its class of treponematoses. Examination of skeletons from populations with clinically diagnosed bejel and yaws revealed bone alterations distinctive to those diseases, clearly separating them from alterations due to syphilis, transcending the limitations of current DNA and immunologic technologies. These insights allowed confident identification of the New World origin of syphilis. Absence of skeletal evidence of any treponemal disease in continental Europe before the time of Columbus excludes it as site of origin of syphilis. Treponemal disease appears to have originated in East Africa with late transmission to England, perhaps as a complication of the slave trade. The original treponemal disease apparently spread from Africa through Asia, entering North America. Approximately 8 millennia later, it mutated to syphilis. Presence of skeletal evidence of syphilis at the site in the Dominican Republic where Columbus landed suggests the route by which it was transmitted to the Old World.

    It appears it originated in Africa.

  12. NJGG

    Came across this documentary video a while back after the 2005 paper you posted describing skeletal evidence found in a British port city (Hull) from times before Columbus.

  13. History rewritten.

    But it doesn’t contradict the possibility of East African origins suggested in the paper.

    It was found in Hull possibly because of Trade links by sea between Hull and the Mediterranean.

  14. Here is a lecture given a few years before the Hull discovery.

    The historians of the day had made up their theses to fit available facts and were subsequently proven wrong.

  15. Historians are sometimes utterly wrong basing their theses on the written word..

    A multi disciplinary approach will sometimes get to a better understanding and overturn earnestly held views.

  16. This is the paper which follows some years later, 2012. It demonstrates how the discovery in Hull entered into the domain of peer reviewed literature.

    This article discusses the presentation of scientific finding via documentary and absent the process of peer-review. We use, as an example, PBS’s Syphilis Enigma, in which researchers presented novel evidence concerning the origin of syphilis that had never been reviewed by other scientists. These “findings” then entered the world of peer-reviewed literature through citations of the documentary itself or material associated with the documentary. Here, we demonstrate that the case for pre-Columbian syphilis in Europe that was made in the documentary does not withstand scientific scrutiny. We also situate this example from paleopathology within a larger trend of “science by documentary” or “science by press conference,” in which researchers seek to bypass the peer review process by presenting unvetted findings directly to the public.

    The foundation of science is the peer review process.1 Within this process, research findings are vetted by peers who are experts in the field and can attest to the scientific worthiness of the authors’ assertions. Following publication in a scholarly venue, the popular press may disseminate the results of this research. Popular documentaries and press conferences following publication are two outlets that have gained a prominent role in realizing the obligation of scholars to bring their research to the public. However, a new genre of research has emerged that circumvents the process of peer review. In “research by documentary,” controversial results are not initially presented to colleagues in the field for evaluation but are, instead, directly presented to the public without having undergone the peer review process. These unevaluated results then become part of the body of peer reviewed research via reviews, news stories, or through personal communications. While this process has been called a “deviation” by some, it is becoming an increasingly common practice.2

  17. Are the findings reported in the documentary accurate?

  18. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    i like commonsense questions.

    “Sean Codger
    Julymtf 2SntS2 aartpiaegSf 9ons:o5c7 fPredgirhSM ·
    I need someone to explain human physiology to me. Why is it that womn can only perform their best athletic feats damned near nekkid while mn can break world records practically dressed in a suit of armor?
    Because from the layperson’s perspective, it would seem to me that all athletes would do better with MOST of their ass cheeks INSIDE the designated uniform. I don’t know about y’all, but pulling my shorts ALL the way out of the crack of my ass every three steps tends to reduce my best time doing ANYTHING.
    Hell, just for the sake of costs, it would seem cheaper to supply womn volleyball players with adult-sized shorts rather than refill the sand pit each morning, because we all know where most of that sand ends up by match end. And needless to say, if a grown ass mn can do the splits while wearing footie pajamas, we can put some shorts on the G*RLS competing in gymnastics.

    Of course, I suspect that these wardrobe decisions are made with an eye towards enticing men into watching women’s sports, but now that we have the Innanet, how is this supposed to work? A man is going to watch three HOURS of a womn’s volleyball match just to see the occasional cheek-slip when he can visit allthebooty-dot-com and still have 2 hours and 57 minutes to watch the US mn’s basketball game against Angola? That’s not good marketing (or time management)!
    Seriously, how is a womn running faster than you can ride a bike or skate not interesting enough on its own? How is a womn using a flimsy ass pole to vault herself a height equal to the roof of your house not worth a “peek,” even if you don’t get to see her Fallopian tubes in the process?

    And is this what we are going to do to shrink the educational gap in this country? Are we now going to have our school teachers dressed like they are in a Van Halen video to get the by students to start paying attention? And if so, is it permissible to go back to night school for your GED even if you already have a college degree? #askingforafriend
    Seriously, it should be possible for wom
    n to be able to display their TALENTS … and just their talents … for three weeks every four years. After all, it’s not like we have to start listening to their IDEAS or anything.”

  19. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    Told yall this is a RECKONING..

    “As statues of queens and conquistadors are tumbled amid protests across North and South America, Indigenous people are pushing for a region-wide reckoning with colonialism’s bitter legacy of massacre and cultural erasure.

    From the Arctic Circle to Tierra del Fuego, Indigenous Americans have taken aim at the Catholic Church, national governments and other powerful institutions.

    Related: This Canada Day, let’s remember: this country was built on genocide | Mumilaaq Qaqqaq

    In Canada, the horrifying discovery of the unmarked graves of Indigenous children near former Catholic boarding schools has prompted widespread calls for a reassessment of the country’s colonial history and the structural inequalities that persist today.

    In Chile and Colombia, uprisings over social inequity have also been accompanied by demands for a reconsideration of national narratives and the lingering aftermath of conquest.

    And while contexts and histories vary drastically across the region, a common experience of marginalization, poverty and low life expectancy has prompted many Indigenous people to draw parallels across colonial borders.”

  20. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    Pacha…the fools now still deceiving the BLACK PEOPLE by talking stupid crap bout “our great nation” and a bunch of lying shit need to read this twice…and STOP THE FRAUD MISLEADING OF AFRICAN DESCENDED PEOPLE…..IT’S OUTRIGHT SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS…

    “As Indigenous people, it’s important to start to re-evaluate ‘official history’ – and to understand that the colonisation of Indigenous peoples continues five centuries later across the Americas,” said Velasco.

  21. btw…for the yardfowls/slaves who have problems with geography and DID NOT KNOW….the Americas…included the Caribbean…

  22. More than a million Cubans (10-15% of the population) have been forced to flee their native land.

    Many have been killed mercilessly.

    Many are the descendants of the indigenous peoples of Cuba who Columbus came and found.

    All are victims of the Communist totalitarian regime in Cuba today.

    The regime has no religion and its adherents have butchered tens of millions throughout the world.

    Do something, say something about the current day situation right next door.

  23. Nathan Jolly Green Avatar
    Nathan Jolly Green

    Remember Ralph Gonsalves and your PM support the Cuban regime, given the opportunity they will install a similar system on you.

  24. I see PLT quiet like a likkle mouse!!

  25. This just shows the differing cultures on the continent, it is not an invitation for horny ass Caribbean men to run into Namibia, i think it is, if ya do, these are Nomads, they should make ya put cow shit in ya hair, that is also one of their customs, am sure they enforce it, if ya touch their virgins..

  26. Go deal with Gonzalves and leave us to deal with our own affairs. We don’t need your stupid American ass-kissing self in our business.

  27. Recommended reading for understanding the American version of Marxism!!

    7th or 8th best seller for the author, Mark Levin

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