It seems Blacks living in the USA cannot catch a break. In recent months the Black community has been under attack from the marauding COVID 19. This week we learned that in February 2020 two White men shot a young Black man as he was jogging through a White neighbourhood as if he were a target at your neighbourhood shooting range. The fact it has taken two months to gather public attention can be attributed to COVID 19 but are there the usual factors to consider?

There is no doubt that the USA harbours a racist system.

We are quick to point to China, reluctant to do same to the USA.

– David, blogmaster

The Killing of Ahmaud Arbery and the Justice of God

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I turned off the video the first several times I tried to watch it. I couldn’t bear the thought of what I knew would be pictured. Many people, from what I hear, had a similar reaction. The violence was so raw that it was painful to watch. And so many other videos and images, showing similar bloodshed, have emerged over the past several years.

I’m referring, of course, to the video that has emerged in recent days of the killing of 25-year-old African-American man Ahmaud Arbery by two white men in a south Georgia neighborhood. This case will now, with the urging of the governor of Georgia, go to a grand jury to seek justice in this matter. From what reports tell us, Arbery was jogging through the neighborhood and the two men thought he seemed suspicious and took off after him, ultimately shooting and killing him. This was not a case of an interrupted home invasion, nor was it the case of law enforcement personnel involved in an escalating crime situation.

In almost any breaking news story, I usually ask myself, “What sort of information could emerge to make this the opposite of what it seems to me right now?” In this case, I am stumped to think of what that could be. The video seems to show us exactly what we have seen so often in human history: the violence of armed self-styled vigilantes against an unarmed man.

The justice system will proceed, of course, and evidence will be marshaled by the prosecution and by the defense, but there’s little question as to what the investigation will be—into a question of murder.

The system of temporal justice is important here—crucially important—but I am perhaps even more concerned about the sort of weariness that has come upon the country, when we use the word “again” about such a case, as if any happening like this should not immediately shock the conscience. The temptation will be to, as I did at first with the video, just avert our eyes.

Whatever the specifics of this case turn out to be, we do know several things. The first is that the arguments, already bandied about on social media, that “Arbery wasn’t a choirboy” are revolting. We have heard such before with Trayvon Martin and in almost every case since. For all I know, Arbery was a choirboy.

But even if he were the complete opposite (let’s suppose just for the sake of argument), that is no grounds to be chased down and shot by private citizens. There is no, under any Christian vision of justice, situation in which the mob murder of a person can be morally right. Those who claim to have a high view of Romans 13 responsibilities of the state to “wield the sword” against evildoers ought to be the first to see that vigilante justice is the repudiation not just of constitutional due process but of the Bible itself. And, of course, the Bible tells us, from the beginning, that murder is not just an assault on the person killed but on the God whose image he or she bears.

Sadly, though, many black and brown Christians have seen much of this, not just in history but in flashes of threats of violence in their own lives. And some white Christians avert their eyes—even in cases of clear injustice—for fear of being labeled “Marxists” or “social justice warriors” by the same sort of forces of intimidation that wielded the same arguments against those who questioned the state-sponsored authoritarianism and terror of Jim Crow. And so, they turn their eyes.

Now, again, these two men will get their due process, and their day in court. But ought we not to grieve for the family of this young man who is dead at just a quarter-century of life? And should we not lament the fact that there are so many names and faces—from those lynched by domestic terrorists throughout much of the 20th century to the names and faces killed much closer to our own time? Yes.

And, whatever the facts that are offered up in this case as the process moves forward, we ought to be reminded of the threat of violence that has raged inside of humanity since Cain. The courts will decide whether these men will be punished as murderers—and we can pray the courts are right and just in their verdict—but we also ought to remember that many of our black and brown brothers and sisters were killed by mobs or individuals where there was no video to show anything.

The memorial sign marking the murder of Emmett Till had to be replaced with a bulletproof marker because too many people were shooting it up, delighting in the lynching of a man by a bloodthirsty mob. And, like Cain, those who do such things always think no one will ever see. But God says to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?” (Gen. 4:9).

And, similarly, Jesus said, “Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed or hidden that will not be known” (Lk. 12:2). Whatever is ruled in this case, we know that the blood cries from the ground in countless matters of violence and bloodshed. And God sees and knows. That’s a word of promise for those weary in seeing justice done. And it’s a word of warning for those who would avert their eyes.


140 responses to “Ahmaud Arbery: Blacks NOT Worth More Than SALT in the Eyes of Some”

  1. You need to watch “The First 48” and see who are the real racists

  2. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Those two inbred mutations for racists have finally been arrested yesterday….

  3. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    This type of incident is widespread in the USA. The only difference here is that the murder happened to be video recorded. What fraction of such murders get recorded on video… 1%, 0.5%?

  4. It has not gone unnoticed one of the perpetrators of the heinous act is a retired police officer.

  5. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Verona M
    The real racists are embedded in the police forces across the USA. The eldest of this couple of terrorist murderers is ex law enforcement.

  6. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Only yesterday, I came to the conclusion that 30% of Americans are hateful-dumb- jackasses, hiding behind the stupid mantra of the greatest country in the world. If they would look closely at themselves they will see, as well, that in their current history, they are now brandishing the number of most racist incidents, most hate and violent crimes, and the most divided nation on earth in the name of their enabler, Trump-the dumbass-mutant-self proclaimed genius of divide and rule. But, equally dumb to all of this, is the nation of blacks who sit back in their grumbling and crumbling states, who protest that black lives matter, but who are still yet to operate on a unified front to contest their bottom from up position on the pecking order ladder of the most productive and innovative races on the planet. Sporadic bouts of brilliance amongst us blacks do not amount to anything if it is not used to push a black agenda towards greater self-sufficiency and collectivity.

  7. Dr Judy Mikovitz WHISTLEBLOWER Lost It All For This – VLYV Interview

    One hour long interview with molecular biologist Dr, Mikovits PhD regarding the sabotage of her career after she revealed that the increase in many autoimmune diseases afflicting society today were caused by mouse viruses which her research had shown were showing up in the human victims of these diseases (including autism – she does not buy the reassurances from medical authorities that there is no link between autism and vaccines). It was later determined that the most likely way these viruses were entering human bodies was through the use of animal tissue (including mouse brains) in lab experiments and vaccine manufacturing.

    Starting around the 15:00 mark in the video, she discusses how some minorities in the US, specifically blacks and Mexicans, were disproportionately affected by the MMR vaccine in particular by forcing MMR vaccinations too early in life. She says the worst affects could have been avoided if they had waited until the children were a bit older and their immune system better developed and able to handle the toxins in the vaccine. She says it is beyond comprehension how the situation was allowed to continue for 20 years disrupting the lives of so many minority families who had to look after their children injured by a injecting them with a vaccine their bodies could not handle.

  8. @Green Monkey

    Is there some concerns being expressed about the veracity if the information posted?

    A more relevant concern is the dropping of the case by the DOJ against Flynn. It exposes the injustice inherent in the justice system in the US.

    Don’t Forget, Michael Flynn Pleaded Guilty. Twice.

    Even President Trump has said his former national security adviser lied to the F.B.I.

  9. Yeap America is a racist society
    So is this little 166 with a judiciary predominately black doing the bidding of the whites
    How is it that in barbados a poor black man would be sentence to jail for stealing a salt bread and a white person caught on a boat laden with drugs sailing into barbados port the judicial system says they cant find evidence to convict
    Yes America has it racist problems
    However as the old people say when pointing finger in the other direction one finger is pointing back at self

  10. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @GreenMonkeyMay 8, 2020 7:40 AM
    Dr Judy Mikovitz is a proven fraud. Please do your research before posting such garbage here… it embarrases you.

  11. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Sunshine Sunny Shine May 8, 2020 7:38 AM
    “I came to the conclusion that 30% of Americans are hateful-dumb- jackasses…”
    The number of “hateful-dumb- jackasses” is at least 62,979,879 (the number of people who voted for Trump in 2016). Note that this is just a minimum figure, because there are a bunch of “hateful-dumb- jackasses” who voted for Clinton, and of course the percentage of “hateful-dumb- jackasses” who did not vote at all.

    All the Trump supporters on BU (GP, Freedom Crier, John, MoneyBrain et al) also fall into this regrettable category.

  12. PLT
    You should tell readers what in your estimation is proof of fraud

  13. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Pachamama May 8, 2020 8:54 AM
    Dr Mikovits claims she was imprisoned because she discovered a deadly virus delivered through vaccines; this is a bare faced lie… the truth is that she was arrested for stealing equipment belonging to the Institute that fired her.

  14. Come on PLT you are far more deserning than to accept these narratives.
    Indeed, is it not more plausible that Milkovits took her own research which others were seeking to misrepresent?
    That whole fiasco more puts Milkovits in the position of a whistleblower than a fraudster.
    We would have presumed that a man of your intellect would have been more interested in the circumstances of her arrest, detention and illegal prosecution.
    These may indeed remind you of the populations of people persecuted daily in the name of empire.

  15. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Pachamama May 8, 2020 9:47 AM
    Bullshit. she did not take her own research, she stole equipment. Her conspiracy theories are currently being promoted by White supremacists with the explicit goal of impairing the health of Black communities by making them fear vaccination.

  16. Faudsters here! Frausters there! Fraudsters all ’bout the place these days, and in the most unexpected places too!.

    From activist lawyer Robert F Kennedy Jr’s web site Childrensheathdefense(DOT)org:

    CDC’s Vaccine “Science”— A Decades Long Trail of Trickery

    By the Children’s Health Defense Team

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and its governmental and private partners have fudged vaccine science for decades, leaving a well-documented trail of cover-ups and trickery. Some of the more notorious episodes involve secret meetings, attempts to keep publicly funded data out of the reach of independent scientists, destruction and fraudulent manipulation of data and other crimes, including embezzlement.

    Destroying autism-MMR data

    In the early 2000s, Dr. William Thompson, long-time CDC vaccine safety scientist, was assigned to a CDC study intended to extricate the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine from its controversial association with autism. Unexpectedly, the data refused to cooperate, showing a 250% increase in autism in African-American boys who received the MMR vaccine before their third birthday (compared to African-American boys who received the vaccine after age three). However, when Thompson and coauthors published the MMR study in 2004, the publication failed to report these critical findings, despite the fact that they deserved “additional, immediate investigation.” The CDC’s in-house analysis also showed an increased risk of autism in MMR-vaccinated children who had been developing normally and had no other medical problems, but the published article “mentioned the effect…only in passing.”

    In 2014, Thompson sought federal whistleblower protection and testified to Congressman William Posey about the fraudulent omission of key autism results in the 2004 paper. Thompson alleged that he had acted at the direction of senior CDC officials, including Branch Chief and lead author Frank DeStefano, who ordered Thompson and coauthors to dump the datasets into a giant garbage can to get rid of the evidence establishing a causal vaccine-autism connection. Thompson handed over thousands of pages of documents to Congressman Posey revealing widespread fraud in the CDC’s vaccine division. He also expressed willingness to appear, under subpoena, before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (OGR). However, the OGR Committee Chairman at the time, former Representative Jason Chaffetz, stonewalled until he left office in 2017. (According to a report in The Guardian, drug companies had been the single largest donor to his political campaigns.)

    Turning a blind eye

    Reflecting the almost Keystone-Cops-like atmosphere at the CDC, another infamous mid-2000s episode remains unresolved to this day. The “most wanted fugitives” page on the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) website shows that a visiting Danish scientist at CDC named Dr. Poul Thorsen “executed a scheme to steal [CDC-awarded] grant money” from 2004 to 2010. The indictment describes how Thorsen diverted over $1 million of CDC funds to his personal bank account through fraudulent invoicing and also “misallocated” additional monies. Thorsen eventually took refuge in Denmark to escape prosecution for 22 counts of wire fraud and money laundering and has been on the OIG’s “most wanted” list since 2012. Although his whereabouts in Denmark are well-known, HHS and the U.S. Department of Justice have made no effort to push for extradition, despite urging from Congressman Posey to pursue the matter as a high priority.

    The CDC embraced Thorsen as one of its own before, during and after the embezzlement. Thorsen was an insider to such an extent that even as a foreign scientist he had a CDC government email address and CDC credit union account. From the time of his CDC arrival, the agency seized on the allegedly unscrupulous Thorsen as an ideal partner to cook up and publish slanted epidemiological studies that masked the MMR-autism and thimerosal-autism associations, including studies appearing in the New England Journal of Medicine and Pediatrics in 2002 and 2003. Later, senior CDC officials “continued to include [Thorsen] in discussions well after it was obvious he had forged documents and stolen money,” also arranging in-person meetings and collaborating and publishing with him after his indictment. Nor was the CDC troubled by the fact (uncovered by Children’s Health Defense in 2017 but known by the CDC since 2009) that Thorsen and his collaborators failed to request or obtain required ethical clearances for the 2002 MMR study and a later study. Instead of retracting the unapproved studies, CDC supervisors simply covered up the illicit activity.


  17. Freedom Crier Avatar


    “Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism.

    Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans.

    Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.

    In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.

    In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,049 children.

    During Gates 2002 MenAfriVac Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Between 50-500 children developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for drug makers”

    Nelson Mandela’s formar Senior Economist, Professor Patrick Bond, describes Gates’ philantropic practises as “ruthless” and immoral”.

    In 2010, Gates committed $ 10 billion to the WHO promising to reduce population, in part, through new vaccines. A month later Gates told a Ted Talk that new vaccines “could reduce population”. In 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a phony “tetanus” vaccine campaign.

    Independent labs found the sterility formula in every vaccine tested.

    After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade.

    Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines.
    A 2017 study (Morgensen et.Al.2017) showed that WHO’s popular DTP is killing more African than the disease it pretends to prevent. Vaccinated girls suffered 10x the death rate of unvaccinated children.


    Global public health advocates around the world accuse Gates of – hijacking WHO’s agenda away from the projects that are proven to curb infectious diseases; clean water, hygiene, nutrition and economic development.

    They say he has diverted agency resources to serve his personal fetish – that good health only comes in a syringe.

    In addition to using his philantropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and PATH, Gates funds private pharmaceutical companies that manifacture vaccines, and a massive network of pharmaceutical -industry front groups that broadcast deceptive propaganda, develop fraudulent studies, conduct surveillance and psychological operations against vaccine hesitancy and use Gates’ power and money to silence dissent and coerce compliance.
    In this recent nonstop Pharmedia appearances, Gates appears gleeful that the Covid-19 crisis will give him the opportunity to force his third-world vaccine programs on American children.”

  18. @ Pachamama May 8, 2020 8:54 AM

    Welcome back, Pacha!

    Your incisive, fearless and intellectually stimulating contributions were greatly missed.

    We are looking forward to hearing your epistemological or metaphysical’ take on this Covid-19 “pandemic” on one of the other Covid-related blogs.

    Is Pachamama fighting back against the constant environmental abuse perpetrated by the human parasites?

  19. PLT
    Now certainly you cannot believe that there are no downsides to vaccination. But if you do, how would you explain the number of children presenting with autism , for example. Or the body of evidence, in fact proof, showing that African-American males, boys, were knowingly harmed by childhood vaccination disproportionate to population dempgrahics.

    On the point of what you called white supremacist theories which we more precisely refer to otherwise becuase we see nothing superior about while people. Indeed, the American govrrnment itself and all its institutions have always been racist. Milkovits, represents no departure if what you are saying about her is true. It is the CDC which knowingly approved this act of genocide against black boys.

    You show a lack of understanding about the ways that that goverment has persecution anybody questioning it. And the list is long. It includes Benny, Karokaku and others. Maybe you will come to see similarities within and between these cases of selective prosecution.

    We insist that Milkovits took her own research. And the equipment you insist she took were files thrown away by the institute and floppy disc that copied her work.

  20. @ David May 8, 2020 7:29 AM
    “It has not gone unnoticed one of the perpetrators of the heinous act is a retired police officer.”

    What do you think are the major recruiting grounds for white (redneck) supremacists in America other than the police forces and the white Southern Baptist churches symbiotically tied to the KKK carrying the cross of Jesus?

    Blacks have learnt nothing from experiences of Medgar Evers, MLK 11 and his disciples who must be crying rivers of spiritual blood to see how their mountain of suffering and sacrifices has been largely ignored today by the still mentally-enslaved lot.

  21. family sorry to say but in my life time an yours things would never change in the U S OF A

  22. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Pachamama May 8, 2020 10:32 AM
    “Now certainly you cannot believe that there are no downsides to vaccination.”
    Of course there are potential downsides to vaccination… there are downsides to breathing, but it’s still a stupid idea to stop breathing. Vaccines currently save many millions of lives each year.

    The American government and its institutions have always been racist. However racism in America is not confined to its institutions. White supremacists are working hard to tear down any American institution that is not racist enough for their liking. The CDC is one of the institutions targeted for destruction by White supremacists. It’s not that the CDC is not racist, it is that it is not racist enough for the White supremacist Trump mob.

  23. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “What do you think are the major recruiting grounds for white (redneck) supremacists ..”

    make that white, inbred, redneck mutations for supremacists…gotta include the inbred and mutation part for accuracy, ya don’t want to confuse them with anything else, they are in a dirty league all their own….and should not even be breathing the same oxygen as anyone else…

  24. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Yes @David, that Flynn matter is really the BIGGG issue!

    A purposeful analysis of this case clearly shows that even in the world’s leading ‘democracy’ that politics subverts rule of law to suit purpose! (they always did but this naked assault is brazen)

    The US Justice Dept. just said that a man who PLED GUILTY to lying to the FBI… A man who spent several years of his career in the world of intelligence and KNEW how ‘purjury trap’ investigations proceeded … a man who was an agent for Turkey’s interest leading into the 2016 elections and making representation (unknowingly to the public of his conflicts) on the Gulen extradiction matter even as he was actively being considered as US Nat Sec Advisor – AN ILLEGAL ACT … a man who had a team of top-drawer lawyers advising him… AND the same man who for some reason knowb to him ALSO LIED to the VP about his Russian contacts … In sum a savvy, well advised playa.

    YET AG Cohen-Barr can decide that this man was duped by FBI agents into falsehoods and did NOTHING wrong!…


    The larger context of the Dr Mikovits matter is troubling of course and her less that solid professional scientific publishing history and twisting of some accusations against Fauci and others will tarnish these claims.

    However, the claims like those of patents owned by the good doctor Fauci on cures for diseases over which he directs control can be debunked easily enough if false…. Just as were her claims that he threatened to have her arrested!

    And certainly no rational person questions the depth of racism in US and thus I often wonder why we so impulsively let our pride get us killed.

    When jogging in areas – whether you live nearby or not – in which you stand out because of your skin colour it’s not wise to confront two armed aggressors OR be aggressive to their confrontations.. That’s too FATAL a fall for being a proud Black man.

    That is NOT an excuse for racial profiling or murder of Blacks but AHMAUD ARBERY is dead because of that lethal combination of wanton racial prejudice and a proud Black man … NOT accepting that there are moments to ‘stand down’.

    What is so far in the public domain suggests that these racists will NOT be convicted for Ahmaud’s death… On what grounds will they be…

    Of course no longer can whites hunt alligators with Blacks or actually lynch them for leering at their women-folk but they can kill them in some variation of a stand-your-ground defense, however… particularly if you are supposedly effecting a citizen arrest of a burglary suspect!

    If Trayvon’s killer was not convicted in circumstances which where a very clear cut case of caustic profiling than this, how will these men be !!!

    Unless some new evidence is uncovered affirming their wanton intent to kill this is another very sad case of white priviledge.

    As the man said eons ago in his ‘other life’: “How many more must die”!

  25. PLT

    We see them more as White misanthopists – nothing supreme about these people otherwise deified by many.

    We also fail to see correlation between breathing and taking vaccines which have or may have serious questions about them.

    Why would it be stupid to stop breathing if toxic gases or vaccines are in the air? If one seeks martyrdom? Etc.

    We are far more concerned about racism as an institutional construction than what ignorant people feel about African peoples.

    We have no desire to change anybody”s heart or mind, we just don’t want any of dem to either kill us like in the case of Ahmaud or through scientific means – blankets laced with smallpox and the MMR.

    That American institutionalists, like you seem to now be, presenting as trying to save some non-existent moral centre from the barbarians of White misantropists is no more than a mere misdirection. You should ask youself where these protectors of the realm, sic, were all this time.

  26. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    What must be looked at now is how many black people this white trash for a former police officer and his retard son have set upon coldblooded murdered and set up to be imprisoned, that is what must be looked at thoroughly, he would have a pattern of intimidation and FULL BLOWN HATE for black people and would not hesitate to show it over the years of being a white trash police officer in the shithole he comes from..

    The video the useless prosecutor’s office tried to hide from the deceased’s mother, clearly shows that the victim was attacked and shot by these two mutations…..without provocation, he was merely jogging past their truck and they hunted him down deliberately.

  27. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Pachamama May 8, 2020 11:36 AM
    The White supremacist ideology that is spreading Mikovits’ rant around the internet is not simply “ignorant people,” it is a coordinated and well financed campaign by institutionally embedded racists, just from different institutions than the CDC. It is those institutional racists within the Trump administration who sabotage any effort to designate any of the White terrorist organizations as terrorist while Trump insists that such murderous terrorists are “… very fine people…”. The “racism as an institutional construction” that concerns you does not just happen randomly, it is deliberately constructed by highly placed racist individuals within these institutions.

    Every breath you have ever taken in your life has some measure of poisonous pollutants and pathogens in it… every single one. The load of these poisons and pathogens is simply low enough that you do not suffer noricable ill effects. It is well documented that some significant percentage of fatal human cancers are caused by air pollution that you are undoubtedly breathing right at this moment in low concentrations. Knowing this, it is still a stupid idea to stop breathing. Everything you do carries a level of risk… you need to measure the risks of doing an activity against the risks of not doing an activity.

    So when you rail against vaccines, just be aware that you are railing in favour of the millions of deaths each year from the diseases that these vaccines avert.

  28. Freedom Crier Avatar
    Freedom Crier


    It’s next to impossible to turn on the TV and not see another story declaring with utmost certitude that President Trump is a racist.

    Is he? You decide:

    • For 14 years, NBC made Trump the host of its prime-time television series, The Apprentice, something the network would never have done had there been even a hint of racism in his past.
    • Trump was a high-profile real estate developer in New York City, one of the most liberal jurisdictions in America. Had he been infected with racism, he would have faced insurmountable hurdles getting his projects approved.
    • Before running for president, Trump donated $1.5 million to high-profile Democrat candidates, including Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Andrew Cuomo, none of whom would have accepted a dime from him if there was a shred of doubt about his racial bona fides.

    Only when Trump became the GOP presidential nominee did Democrats hurl racial hand grenades his way at every turn. Maybe they didn’t know about the time he drove a stake in the heart of institutional racism in South Florida…


    In 1985, 31 years before being elected president, Trump bought the 126-room, 62,500-sq-ft Mar-a-Lago estate, the magnificent Palm Beach, Florida seaside resort built by Post Cereals heiress Margaret Merriwether Post. The brash New York real estate developer was intent on turning his newly acquired property into a private club that would compete with other high-society clubs in the area, which barred blacks and Jews from membership.

    When Trump, then 39, revealed that memberships at his proposed club would be offered without regard to race or religion, the Palm Beach town council imposed zoning restrictions to prevent him from turning Mar-a-Lago into a club. Sensing that the restrictions were intended to perpetuate the discriminatory practices of the Old South social order in Palm Beach, Trump went head-to-head with the town council.

    As part of his strategy to bring long overdue social change to the upper echelon of Palm Beach society, he sent the city commissioners a copy of the Sidney Poitier movie Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, a film about upper-class racism. When the commissioners still wouldn’t budge, Trump filed a $100-million lawsuit, and the rest is history.

    Under Trump’s ownership, Mar-a-Lago has been open from the beginning to anyone who could qualify, regardless of race or religion. Influenced in part by Trump’s ground-breaking example, other clubs in the area slowly began doing away with discriminatory policies. Today, all high-society clubs in Palm Beach are open to blacks and Jews. Long before he ran for president, Donald Trump was dismantling racial barriers in South Florida, not something a racist would do.

  29. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Inbred racists are a CURSE on the earth and in the lives of the African descended…

    .it’s a shame and disgrace that in small black majority islands like Barbados that black face leaders promote and enrich such scum, allow them to boldfacedly practice their racism and thefts and always at the expense of the same population…, black face sell out leaders have no shame, no respect for their ancestors, their own people nor themselves…

    “The victim, Sean Reed, was live-streaming himself on Facebook when he was shot. Unknown to the police, Reed was recording as he was gunned down and the officers had no clue that after shooting him, they could be heard sharing a laugh over his dead body.

    The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department released a statement (in full below) stating that gunfire was exchanged between the officers and the victim. “There was an exchange of gunfire between the driver and the officer. The driver was struck by the gunfire.”

    Yet, in video clips that went viral, there was no evidence that Reed had or fired a gun.

    The following clips suggest that the circumstances are substantially different from the statement written by the Indianapolis Police Department

  30. robert lucas Avatar

    I am going to become very unpopular with what I have to say. It looks like some type of discrimination. One should definitely identify before pursuing and shooting.. Having said that, there is a more pressing need among black Americans that people try to white wash: namely the almost genocidal killing of blacks by blacks. In some cases under more heinous conditions than this particular slaying. Black on black slayings should be roundly condemned, but adverse comments seem not to be the order of the day when such occur.

  31. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Freedom Crier May 8, 2020 1:17 PM
    The only people who doubt that Donald Trump is a racist are themselves racists.

  32. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    This curse of inbred racists stalking and hunting the African descended must be addressed ASAP..

  33. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Freedom Crier
    “Trump donated $1.5 million to high-profile Democrat candidates, including Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Andrew Cuomo, none of whom would have accepted a dime from him if there was a shred of doubt about his racial bona fides.”
    OMG! your naivete knows no bounds. You cannot possibly still believe that the party of Dixiecrats like Strom Thurmond is not still riddled with racists.

  34. Blogmaster:

    This matter apparently now heads to a Grand Jury with its typically secret proceedings and without either transparency or accountability.

    Back on December 7, 2014, I argued on this very blog that the Grand Jury System in the United States should be abolished.

    I do not remember which atrocity it was that prompted my reaction, whether it was the failure or refusal to indict the police assassins of an unarmed Eric Garner or some other black citizen.

    We must now be careful lest another Grand Jury return a Bill of no indictment against these assassins including the participant/observer videographer. (When last, Blogmaster, did you carry your personal photographer to a “witness” a throw down)?

    Back then, I wrote to Congressmen and activists to seek their support in a move to abolish the Grand Jury System. I had only been Chair of the Greater New Haven NAACP Legal Redress Committee.

    Yet, here we go again.

    The murder of Ahmaud Arbery, who would have been 26 years old today, requires not another bogus Grand Jury, but at a minimum a Preliminary Inquiry, better yet a straight up prosecution of these assassins, typically shielded by white privilege in what is no longer a “totalitarian” society from the point of view of race, but an “authoritarian” society from the racial point of view.

  35. @Caleb

    It is the American system. It is difficult to think a grand jury will not see a reason to move this matter forward.

  36. RE the Grand Jury System in the United States should be abolished.

  37. @ PLT:

    Why waste time with Croakie (aptly dubbed “Freedom Croaker” by a perceptive BU blogger)? For my part, I typically scroll past Croakie, and like the Priest and the Levite pass her by on the other side, while s/he orally defecates on the blog. To do otherwise would be like picking peas out of faeces,

    Moral, Brother, do not waste precious time (unless you have it in abundance).

  38. @ GP:

    Yes, “they say”! However, the UN Quality of Life Index might offer a slightly different perspective and list a number other countries more favorably. Check out the ratings in terms of quality of life.

    One might even wish to distinguish between slanted propaganda and substance. As one of my old teachers used to say “don’t believe what you hear, and half believe what you see”. But back to Arbery’s cold blooded murder, as he fought for his life against a trio of heavily armed white thugs….

  39. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @PLT, please don’t go down that road re: “…. You cannot possibly still believe that the party of Dixiecrats like Strom Thurmond is not still riddled with racists.”

    In a flash your class-mate will tell us about the Dem party being the original party of racists etc etc… and the Abe Lincoln Repubs party being the righteous ones so please let’s not go back to history which has essentially morphed to a different reality today 🙂 !

    Afterall another rabid racist Exalted Cyclops of the KKK was long serving Dem Sen R Bryd… so to traipse down that road will invoke a slew of historical chatter!

    @Pilgrim, you have studied the matter extensively so I ask this… is there valid evidence to show that the will of the PROSECUTORS is served any better outside the Grand Jury system vis the preliminary inquiry process? Doesn’t the DA/prosecutor get his or her intent based on what is presented and how the facts are stacked regardless of the forum?

    And 2. as an attorney (let’s be brutally objective) can’t you argue PERSUASIVELY to ensure that neither of these men spend a day on conviction?

    I am NOT validating what was DONE I am asking PRACTICAL queries… what are the grounds that see these men being convicted based on current facts.

  40. @ cpilgrimeaqaolcom May 8, 2020 5:00 PM

    What flowery use of picturesquely scatological imagery without having to pay a (s)cent for a poetic licence.

    Only a writer of a certain vintage and a ‘passing’ graduate of the 1960’s ‘Wharton School of Literature’ with a summa cum laude from the University of Waterford could have his way with such words and turns of phrase.

  41. How do we go about dismantling institutions built upon hundreds of years of racist traditions?

    It will not happen in our life time.

  42. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    Rednecks are not the only supremacists. They are racists but we make a grave error if we think they are the only ones.

    Nice to see you back Comrade Pacha. One love.

  43. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    The EVIL LIES that racists are famous for telling…racists are and have always been chronic liars and should ALWAYS BE SHUNNED AND TREATED LIKE the PLAGUE on earth that they are…

    “An explanation for the Ahmaud Arbery killing became shakier on Friday.

    The two Georgia men who were caught on video shooting the unarmed jogger to death in February claim they were chasing a suspect behind a series of burglaries in the area. But a local police official said the last break-in the neighborhood was reported nearly two months before the shooting.”

  44. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    The good news will more than likely be that those two mutant MFs will catch the plague in jail and die which would save the taxpayers a bundle and mete out instant justice…

  45. It is the system stupid!

    Armed black citizens escort Michigan lawmaker to capitol after volatile rightwing protest

    State representative Sarah Anthony says she wanted to highlight failure of policing after armed white protesters demonstrated

    Sarah Anthony’s escort. The lawmaker said her experience during the rightwing protest was ‘one of the most unnerving feelings I’ve ever felt in my life’.
    Sarah Anthony’s escort. The lawmaker said her experience during the rightwing protest was ‘one of the most unnerving feelings I’ve ever felt in my life’. Photograph: Courtesy of Michael Lynn Jr./Merica20tolife

    A black lawmaker came to Michigan’s capitol with an escort of armed black citizens on Wednesday, days after white protesters with guns staged a volatile protest inside the state house, comparing the Democratic governor’s public health orders to “tyranny”.

    The state representative Sarah Anthony, 36, said she wanted to highlight what she saw as the failure of the Michigan capitol police to provide legislators with adequate security during the protest, which saw demonstrators with rifles standing in the legislative chamber above lawmakers.

    “When traditional systems, whether it’s law enforcement or whatever, fail us, we also have the ability to take care of ourselves,” she told the Guardian. Anthony became the first African American woman elected to represent her district in Lansing, Michigan’s capital, in 2018.

  46. Freedom Crier Avatar
    Freedom Crier

    RE… “David May 8, 2020 6:03 PM

    How do we go about dismantling institutions built upon hundreds of years of racist traditions?
    It will not happen in our life time.”

    Democrats know that President Trump is not a racist. But because the “race card” has long been an effective way to incite racial hatred against Republican presidents, they continue to target him with racial invective. Unfortunately for them, the black electorate is awakening to the fact that they’ve been lied to about America’s current president. Last December, Newsday reported an electrifying surge in black support for Trump, with three national polls showing his approval among black voters at 33, 34, and 35 percent, respectively. With Democrats having taken the black vote for granted since the 1960s, survey results like those could torpedo their chances on November 3.

    With a Republican president extending a hand of genuine friendship to the black community, the race card is losing its clout, but that won’t stop more fabricated charges of racism against President Trump. In attempting to drive down his record approval among black voters, Democrats will continue using one of the Third Reich’s most effective propaganda techniques: if you’re going to lie, make it a Big Lie, keep repeating it, and people will believe it.

    See how a half-century of Democrat rule has devastated urban America by watching this heart-tugging 2014 video.

    Chicago Unchained: Black Activists Slam Democrat Plantation …

    Chicago activists Paul McKinley, Mark Carter, Joseph Watkins and Harold “Noonie” Ward recently went on the record to deliver a message to black communities across the country.

  47. It is now apparent that the father of the pair accused of murder had previously investigated Ahmaud Arbery.

  48. Looks like a beautiful day where I am.

    I hope that you can say the same.

    It is good to hear the beat of the coronavirus drum receding in the distance. Not over yet, but it looks as if we are in the end game. A next sign that the crisis is ending is the re-emergence of hand-to-hand combat that is not related to coronavirus.

    Let’s get back to the other topics.

    I enjoy the various levels of discourse on BU: piece (visionary, prophet and capable leader), the blogmaster Miller, John A, NO, Waru, WS, HA (brilliant at times), Hants, Mariposa, PLT, VC (always cool), DpD (solid batsman, but lacking the power to hit boundaries 🙂 ), GP, RL (still trying to figure him out), John (when out of the rabbit hole 🙂 or right wing land), Whitehill ( find myself agreeing with his opinion at times), Cammie, Donna, the three who punch well above their names (Silly woman, Dullard and Sargeant), Enuff, Artax, Lorenzo, Robert, John2, the Baje/Bajan, etc..

    It’s great to see that we are still here together on this side of the crisis.

    Keep it rocking, mocking, rolling and with all kinds of bowling.

    Have a great day wherever you are.
    Have a great day, Barbados.

  49. This Caleb’s comment went astray in the Spam folder:

    @ The Miller: Many thanks. H. Wharton (R.I.P) was one of our better teachers, a wise, diligent and decent mentor. He and an older brother had gone through HC together. I also still remember his invites to attend his thoughtful sermons at a church in White Hall ? Cave Hill? a mere 50+ years ago.

    @ Piece:

    The assassination of Ahmaud Arbery was no different from the kidnapping, false imprisonment, and lynching of James Byrd, Jr., dragged to his death and dismembered by White Supremacists (examples of Trump’s “very fine people on both sides”), in their pick up truck in Jasper, Texas circa 1998.

    Quite simply, Arbery, unarmed, was racially profiled, confronted and then summarily killed by armed aggressors while he was literally jogging along and lawfully going about his business. He even sought to avoid his murderers.

    Enter now Prosecutors who routinely try criminal cases – either before judge or jury – every day in this great country.

    As you well know, such jury trials are then won or lost largely based on (1) the jury selected – jury composition; and (2) evidence properly admitted or excluded.

    Typically, the jurors would have been selected from list(s) of registered voters (the electoral rolls), and/or the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) licensing records, in the particular jurisdiction. (Another crucial reason why, despite white resistance, registering blacks and other minority voters is so important in these here United States. Perhaps, a potential safety valve to keep an oftentimes all white jury honest? I dunno. A lawyer friend once related to me that he had a strange feeling standing in Federal Court trying a matter where he and his client were the only black faces in the Courtroom.

    At the same time, candor demands that we admit that sometimes a black juror, not unlike a white juror, can be blissfully ignorant and/or inattentive such that the “interests of justice” (?) however defined, might be better served by motioning a change to a more demographically balanced venue, (the flip side being Rodney King’s matter having been transferred to and heard in Simi Valley, with predictable results; or a Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin matter being tried beyond Sanford? FL)).

    We are therefore yet to confront the important issue of the demographics of any potential jury in Glynn County (approx 65 % white; 25% black, 7% Hispanic, etc).

    As you also know, the Prosecutor and the Defendant’s Counsel will sometimes engage in extensive voir dire of a panel of venire persons drawn from the electoral rolls/register, or the DMV records.

    I am unaware of any comparable extensive voir dire in any Grand Jury proceedings, where the Judge and the Prosecutor alone rule the roost.

    In fact, with the Grand Jury, the Prosecutor alone runs the show. He presents whatever evidence he chooses? He omits whatever evidence he chooses? For whatever reason(s).

    Such practices have resulted in efforts in more recent times to modify Grand Jury proceedings, even requiring exculpatory evidence to be presented, given widespread dissatisfaction with the system in the aftermath of murders such as Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice.

    The Jury, typically made up of lay persons – arguably, perhaps, the dumber the better. How else can one explain the successes of Gerry Spence long ago in the Randall Weaver (white supremacist) case?

    If it is the case that a Grand Jury could “indict a ham sandwich”, as one jurist remarked long ago, it follows, a fortiori, that the opposite is also true.

    What we have here, therefore, is a horribly imperfect legal system, but unfortunately the only system we have. I fear that
    there is nothing that the Grand Jury does today that cannot be achieved via a Preliminary Hearing, or a Special Prosecutor moving the matter swiftly forward.

    Given the fact that Glynn County, Georgia Prosecutor(s), for whatever extrajudicial reason(s), delayed thorough investigation, arrests and prosecution of the Arbery murderers, it is understandable that some legislators are calling for the appointment of a special prosecutor to prosecute said murderers forthwith.

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