Submitted by Bentley
If you do not tick any of the sicknesses in the table your chances of having a negative outcome to contracting Covid 19 maybe virtually zero.
I challenge anyone in or outside the medical community to identify a single individual who has died from Covid-19 that did not fall into one or more of these categories.
Also, age in and of itself is not a risk factor. It’s just that older people are more likely to have conditions that put them at risk. Otherwise centenarians would not be recovering.
It is the duty of everyone to adopt lifestyle habits that ensure they do not develop these conditions and put themselves at risk.
Old people are not dying from Covid-19 because they are old but because they are frail and sick.
Risk Factors for having negative outcome from COVID 19
Diabetes and pre-diabetes
Heart disease
Sleep apnea
Other respiratory conditions
Poor diet
Lack of exercise
Inadequate sleep
Chronic stress levels
Inadequate immune system function caused by cancer treatment or some other cause
Excessive drinking

94 responses to “COVID 19 HIT (Check) List”

  1. robert lucas Avatar

    @ Hal May 5, 2020 3:52 AM

    “That is why scientists and economists from other nations are protesting about how the awards are made. The US is picking a fight with China because of the increasing rise of Chinese technology. Look at Huawei.”

    As a scientist let me be the first to admit that a lot of the science done in other countries is not first rate. This is a fact. All the talk about setting up alternatives is simply envy. Science has no place for sentiment( this is not economics or sociology with their slack standards) : it is rigorous and exacting in its standards. There is no room for sloppy work. The work must meet international standards and be capable of being replicated The Science Citation Index as I explained above measured the quality of scientific research, you might not want to accept that this is so. But it is. As for 5G the Americans invented the stuff and the first city in the world to be fully 5G is situated in the US. The Chinese have yet to come up with original research since the invention of paper and gunpowder. The Chinese steal others research work( all countries do so at some point but China does so to an excess). A couple of years ago, a Chinese national was caught red-handed stealing improved agricultural crops in the US. He aroused suspicion when he was observed to park his car and enter a field of plants which were being studied. He was not apprehended but allowed to continue his nefarious activities. He traveled across country repeating his theft of improved crops. When he attempted to board a flight to China he was arrested and found to have seeds from hundreds of crops. It turned out that he was stealing the Intellectual property of the US at the behest of a general in the Chinese military. He got about seven years in jail. All of the major topics being studied today were originally thought up by Whites( Russians, Germans British, French, Danish, Austrians, Italians, Hungarians, Serbians). The Chinese have yet to elucidate a theory or hypothesis that have scientists worldwide following it. Until they do so, they are playing catch up.

  2. @ Robert

    You are no doubt a good scientist, but you clearly do not understand the politics of science. We have had this debate before. The US talks about China s tealing its technology and AI, but the US has been built on such theft.
    Le t us attar on the Manhattan Project, built on German know-how by scientists who escaped from Germany in the years before and after the second world war; or at the current trend: look at Silicon Valley, not at the talking heads like Gates, Bezos and Steve Jobs and others, but at the drivers in the engine room – many of them Indians and others from the Middle East and Europe. You are buying in to the PR of American genius.
    Or look at the top science universities: MIT, Cal Tech, Stanford, et al; 70 per cent of Indian university STEM graduates want to study in the US, many get opportunities to do so and of the best they are seduced with offers of high salaries, improved lifestyles, etc. Morally the same as the Chinese.
    Who sets so-called international standards? Let us look at your discipline of science and in particular medicines. We in Barbados had a long history of alternative medicines (so have many other nations and cultures) but to impose European science on us, our science was outlawed, trivialised, made fun of; it was called obeah and voodoo, yet, as you know, the big pharmaceutical firms spend billions of dollars researching our cures for some illnesses – and more often than not, find that they work.
    You may not remember, but in the early 1970s in Britain, it was found that the common paw-paw had enormous medicinal properties (I am sure yo know more about this than I do; but I remember reporting about it with pride), a claim made by top UK scientists.
    Look at the way that US universities also tempt Chinese undergraduate and post-graduate students and other bright students away from their native lands. Bribery is bribery, whether it is a nice home and car and a job title; or if it is a small sum of money in a bank account..
    The US is not doing it out of the kindness of its heart; it is doing so to have a pick of the brightest and best which is later translated in to business. It is the new capitalism. It is not only technology. Do you honestly think Americans (and men) are the best, most original economists in the world? Now look at who gets the Nobel Prize? Thomas Piketty has not yet won the Nobel Prize, why?
    @Robert you fall for PR nonsense; it is also called the brain drain. When a Brit (or foreigner) working at a US university wins a top award it goes down as another US win.
    Ask yourself, how many Barbados Scholars return to Barbados to work after graduation? Nobody envies the US; what people want is fair play.
    Look at the way the US treated Brazil’s alternative to its internet giants; the US does not tolerate rivals. You may buy in to its bogus PR of superiority, but some of us are more objective. Have a look at Hollywood, Bollywood and Nollywood.
    Finally, you talk about spying, not knowledge. There is a difference. How many US Jews have been caught spying for Israel? And how many people of Eastern European heritage have been caught spying for the old Soviet Union? What is the point you are making?
    Don’t let me stop you from loving white inventions. Just have a look at the low number of black PhD students in US and European universities (Not in Africa or UWI) in the natural sciences, social sciences and economics? And how many go on to be academics, far less full professors? Why do you think this is?
    I will mention something about my trade. If you go to most journalism courses in England black people will be over-represented, then follow the pipeline right through to traineeships, jobs, promotion, to editors, then tell me what you find. Or, just look at the state-controlled, taxpayer-funded BBC and tell me what you find.
    Then ask any ordinary black person in the streets of London what they think. I am sure you are smart enough to work these things out. Do you think the lack of opportunity is basked on skills and competence only?
    All I suggest is that you do a bit more reading on the history of inventions, academic achievements and on common and garden racism.

  3. All of the major topics being studied today were originally thought up by Whites( Russians, Germans British, French, Danish, Austrians, Italians, Hungarians, Serbians). The Chinese have yet to elucidate a theory or hypothesis that have scientists worldwide following it. Until they do so, they are playing catch up.

    Why doesn’t this joker stick to enjoying the many local rums and reporting on his daily rambles across Bridgetown? He continues to embarrass himself.

  4. John
    May 5, 2020 12:49 AM

    So why would people turn to automobile manufacturers to build respirators for humans?
    Can anyone guess?


    Engines “breathe”.

    A precisely regulated flow of the compressible fluid known as air which contains oxygen is fed to cylinders, lungs if you like!!

    There, the air is combined with precisely regulated flows of fuel in a reaction which converts the chemical energy the two contain into mechanical energy.

    The waste products are then expelled for the process to be repeated.

    The control algorithms and actuators for those flows and reactions are the province of the automobile manufacturers.

  5. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Hal Austin at 6:59 AM

    Simply brilliant. We would like to have more interventions of this quality.

  6. @ DullardMay 5, 2020 7:46 AM

    I was not going to reply but I changed my mind and The following is my position I do not hide behind an alias to say what i have to say.
    Let me repeat what I have said about You. You are a pompous ass who thought that he was the brightest spark on the block only to dis cover that it was not so. You find that I have a condensing air and that riles you. I can afford to adopt that air where you are concerned because all you can do is to offer negativity. . You display gross ignorance of the hard sciences . You try to equate age with a lack of knowledge. You get on as though I am the only one who drinks. Thank God I do not have to beg you for money to buy a drink. What a total ass you are. I made points as a scientist, whether or not you care to believe so, you cannot remove my credentials. You also want to know why I am in the doldrums: let me repeat most persons locally who are high flyer are if an in depth analysis were done are ass licker. maybe you are also an ass licker judging by the claims you have made.

  7. @ Hal May 5, 2020 6:59 AM
    You have not really address the points made. Of course the US entice foreign students in the sciences. Ask yourself why the foreign students are willing to be enticed. No one forces them to be enticed. You talk about British scientist going over to America and winning Nobel prizes and being classed as Americans. There was a Russian scientist who did research work carbon nanoparticles who won a Nobel prize and he is called British by the British. i have said that most of the inventions over the last five-hundred years have been made by whites. That is a fact. The blacks have not done so, the Indians or the Chinese also.. You can talk all you want ,but a fact is a fact. You about the brain drain. Reflect on the problem. What causes the brain apart from better salaries? Do you think the actions of their home countries have any influence on the brain drain? I am aware of the discrimination non-whites face. But facts are facts no matter how unpalatable the case might be. You go off talking about Hollywood. Sometime ago I directed a question to you when you talking about the need for more blacks to be on British TV. The question was what the percentage of blacks in the UK’s population. You never replied to that question. I did not expect that you would have. You clearly saw the import of the question.

  8. @ Vincent Carrington May 5, 2020 9:21 AM

    What quality are you talking about? The gist of my post was not address. What one got is polemics about whites and their advantage taking of other folks. Facts are facts whether palatable or not.

  9. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ robert lucas at 11:06 AM

    Are “facts” really “facts”? Are they not coloured by our personal biases , perspectives and dominant narratives. They do not simply become facts because we assert that they are? Take Hals advice and review the history of what you call “hard science”. Take note of how facts believe yo be facts have changed with subsequent discoveries and theories that explained the previously unexplained.

  10. @ Robert

    I am not sure which point I have not addressed. Let us go again: over the last 500 years, since the 16th century, whites (or more precisely, Europeans|) have had more inventions registered in their names. But Europeans have only been dominantly economically since the industrial revolution.
    For 800 of the last 1000 years the Chinese and Indians have had the leading global economies. Plse explain how a nation can have a dominant economy if its scientists and inventions are second rate?
    If you are talking about registered patents, yes. We can all tell stories of people who did things and did not get the recognition. I remember in the 1970s, a Trinidadian woman, who invented electrical hair curlers and had the patent stolen from her by one of the big name companies. She spent years going through the courts fighting to regain her rights and died a broken-hearted woman.
    I have also raised the issue of Richard Branson and Virgin Records and the fight with the Trinidadian/Grenadian London-based Clarke brothers. Had they won their battle the Virgin we now know would have been history; it was the commercial success of Virgin Records that led to Virgin Atlantic.
    Or, a former colleague of ours, Tim Callender; do you remember the allegation that the great Oxford University Press, one of the most prestigious in the world, used one of Tim’s short stories in a collection without permission and did not pay him. That, if true, is called theft.
    You clearly and obviously want to concentrate on science, but humankind is multi-dimensional. Look at those other fields from the arts to social sciences. Why do you think so many black British actors leave the UK to go to the US?
    I know a white, English woman who during the Cold War made a decent living translating scientific papers from Russian to English. Do you think the institutions and universities that bought that stuff did it for fun? They did it to steal ideas from the Soviets.
    Everything that is being said now about the Chinese was said about the Japanese in the 1960s and 70s. Whites get the qualifications, awards, status and prestige because they mark their own homework.
    Remember when Honda and Suzuki brought out their small motorbikes and the noise was that they were stealing western technology, that real motorbikes were Nortons, Ariels, Enfields, Triumphs, etc? Where are they now?
    If you disagree, you therefore imply that backs are culturally and/or genetically inferior, since the reason for our failure cannot be political. Or I white dominance part of that inferiority?
    I will end by explaining my position again: It does not matter if the Chinese, Indians, Arabs, or Europeans are on top, they ALL despise black African people.
    The reason for Trump’s crude war against China – from trade to currency to nonsense about CoVid – is the collective US fear of being superceded by China. That is the bottom line. Life moves on.
    By the way, you do not have any greater concern than I do about the way people of Caribbean origin (not black) are falling behind. We have been leapfrogged by the Asians and the Africans, who came to the UK in large numbers in the 1990s, are moving ahead of us.
    As I have said here before, I give the sons and daughters of the Middle Eastern refugees two decades to move ahead. Already in primary and secondary schools and university they are in front – and in the important STEM subjects. Caribbean people want to design, model, sing and dance. We are entertainers..


  11. Take Hals advice and review the history of what you call “hard science”. Take note of how facts believe yo be facts have changed with subsequent discoveries and theories that explained the previously unexplained.

    Interesting that an economist has to point this out to a “hard scientist”! Could this “hard scientist” be a quack?


    Signed A.Dullard real name, E.S.A. Fields

  12. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Dullard at 11:48 AM

    Dr. Robert Lucas is not a quack. He is a scientist in the areas of Agriculture , food technology/science, microbiology. From time to time ,like most of us humans ,he gets a little ahead of himself. “Let him without sin ,cast the first stone.”

  13. (Quote):
    If you disagree, you therefore imply that backs are culturally and/or genetically inferior, since the reason for our failure cannot be political. Or I white dominance part of that inferiority?
    I will end by explaining my position again: It does not matter if the Chinese, Indians, Arabs, or Europeans are on top, they ALL despise black African people. (Unquote).

    @ Robert Lucas:

    Is there any ‘scientific’ evidence to support the above position Hal has posited?

    Are Francis Galton and other modern-day eugenicists ‘right’ after all in the pursuit of human racial perfection where the black race would always be at the bottom of the social and economic barrel?

    Are black people (the descendants of Cush) really behind on the evolutionary road or is it because of some god-designed curse inflicted on them?

    Or is it simply the cost to be paid for believing in other people’s gods instead of the One which endowed them with their now ‘blackened’ skin?

  14. Dr. Robert Lucas is not a quack. He is a scientist in the areas of Agriculture , food technology/science, microbiology…”

    There is no “scientist” named “Robert Lucas”.

  15. We must show respect to the qualifications and experience of each other. When we disrespect each other, we cannot complain when white people and Indians do the same.

  16. @Hal,

    you are quite right Hal. you and i have worked and intermingled with whites and all the other races to understand and know how it goes. there is politics involved in many of these things. every so called race has stolen from other so called advanced races. it goes around in circles until some natural disaster wipes out one race and send them back into chaos and the stone ago. all of us are one natural disaster away from such a fate despite these so called scientific advancement

    and when you really think of it has man really developed? who is to say we are any better off than the people in the andaman islands or those who disappeared deep in the amazon? sometimes we think too much of our so called developments.

    and kudos to the whites when blacks could believe we are genetically predisposed to be inferior. they have done a good number on us

  17. robert lucas Avatar

    @ Hal May 5, 2020 11:32 AM

    “Plse explain how a nation can have a dominant economy if its scientists and inventions are second rate?’

    I will address this one point. which I have alluded to else where on this particular Blog. Actually I am surprised that you even raised this point. In an effort to get cheap consumer goods and to maximize their stock options, people like Peter Walker of Mackenzie have encouraged western firms to locate in China. You ought to know that the firms went there because of cheap labor. To increase their earnings the Chinese threw in a lot of concessions with a proviso that that the companies’ technology be shared with their Chinese counter part. The greedy firms took the bait hook ,line and sinker to use a fishing term. That was how the Chinese got hold of some advance technology. I am sure you are aware of the facts outlined. It is rather disingenuous of you to claim you are not aware of these facts. After all you are an investigative journalist in developed country.
    You have digress from science and have entered other areas of alleged wrong doings that I am unaware of. The world of patents is replete with stories of the inventor being robbed by shady legal people. For example Elisha Gray submitted his entry for a patent for the telephone on the morning of valentine’s day 1876 and Alexander Graham Bell submitted his in the afternoon, of the same day, but Bell got the patent although gray’s entry was first. It was a first come first award system it is alleged that Bell’s lawyer greased some palms

    “Remember when Honda and Suzuki brought out their small motorbikes and the noise was that they were stealing western technology, that real motorbikes were Nortons, Ariels, Enfields, Triumphs, etc? Where are they now?”

    What point are you trying to make here? Who invented the motor car and the motor bike? was it the Japanese? Come with a better point . It is easier to improve on an invention than to actually formulate the idea and be the first to actually produce the new invention.

    “As I have said here before, I give the sons and daughters of the Middle Eastern refugees two decades to move ahead. Already in primary and secondary schools and university they are in front – and in the important STEM subjects. Caribbean people want to design, model, sing and dance. We are entertainers..”

    I concur with your views on this particular topic. They like to strut around with their pant dangling below their asses with a ghetto blaster screaming. Other races come after and do much better. Then there is the black on black killings. They are partial to the killing of their own.


  18. robert lucas Avatar

    @ Miller May 5, 2020 12:16 PM

    All i will say about the matter is that blacks are trying very hard to prove Galton and the eugenic movement correct.

  19. robert lucas Avatar

    @ VincentCodrington May 5, 2020 11:21 AM

    “Are “facts” really “facts”?

    People who are esoteric will find find difficulty in arriving at an exact meaning of facts.

    “A fact is a thing that is known to be consistent with objective reality and can be proven to be true with evidence. For example, “This sentence contains words.” is a linguistic fact, and “The sun is a star.” is a cosmological fact. Wikipedia

  20. @RL,

    listen, stop with this nonsense and get back to giving me some advice on that thread about the sweet lime hedge. i have a follow up question, man

  21. @ Robert

    You are wrong again. Quite clearly you are not familiar with economic history nor with competitive advantage. What you are talking about when you talk of Chinese cheap labour, is the battle between Wall Street and Main Street, as economists call it. I cannot see what point you are making.
    As to invented the motor car, where do we start? The motor car was an improvement on the horse and cart. Today’s motor car is nothing like the Ford mass produced vehicle. Modern motor cars are driving computers and the leaders are the Germans. The invention of the telephone proves my point. If whit e people mark their own homework then they will get top marks. We had incredible engineers at the Central and Barbados Foundries, but who has ever heard of them? In other societies they will have been celebrated.
    Let us look at entertainment. Do you believe that Rihanna is the greatest singer ever produced in Barbados? She is by far the wealthiest, along with her white colleagues she operates in a different market place.
    We have had the Wilkinson/Stoute family, an issue discussed on BU before. Why is Richard Stoute not recognised in Barbados the way he would have been had he been in the UK, for example.
    @ Robert , your celebration of white creativity is misplaced. Do you know anything about the history of black popular music? Why Sinatra had to allegedly pay for Sammy Davis’ funeral? Why so many of our artistes go bust?
    @Robert, just look around Barbados and you will examples of what I mean. It is tied up in our popular sayings such as “I know he, man. he is not anything”. That has a deeper negative meaning in the Bajan subconscious.
    I will recall a not so long ago BU experience that typifies this. A few months ago there was some global economic issue and I made a comment in BU on it; a BU regular then came on and said that X had said something totally different (I am paraphrasing); as it happened, I knew the guy he was talking about.
    I replied that I had been in journalism before that guy was born (he was about 38 at the time), had been an editor longer than he had been in journalism, we were both foreign born (I in the Caribbean and he in France) and had the same level of education.
    I asked the poster if two people had come to him with those CVs what would his decision be? He ran away and declined to comment. What I surmised from that was that if a white European said something and a black Bajan, then of course the white European must be right. In my case he might have been right.
    @Robert, intentionally or not, your views give legitimacy to that form of racist superiority. Who needs Trump when they have you. I call it learning by rote. We go in to white dominated universities (not UWI), are taught about white superiority, and we come out and repeat it like parrots.
    Our brightest and best don’t challenge these views, either as students, or as graduates, even when we know better. In fact, they are proud they have qualifications that celebrate white superiority.
    I will end with this. At the age of five black boys of Caribbean descent entering the British educational system come top of the class; by the age of 11, as they prepare to transfer to secondary school, they are not only at the bottom, but begin to get in to serious trouble.
    Whatever happens in those six years to those boys happens within the school system, not at their homes. I suggest it is racism that holds those boys back.
    This is not theoretical. There was a story in the UK press last week of a teenage white boy with 89 convictions and not once was he sent to prison. Imagine that with a little black boys coming before the brutes we call magistrates in Barbados, especially that angry, sad woman? Jut look at curfew infringements. I am sure they will find some bogus moral and legal reason to jail those young people. They will even go to church and tell themselves how nice they are as people and magistrates.
    Racial superiority is an ideological construct; it has nothing to do with intelligence or genes, and it penetrates in to our deepest psyches – be we scientists or politicians.

  22. Along with owning the top four largest banks in the world, China is about to launch a digital currency, think about that for a moment.

  23. Check this from 2016!!

    China is in deep shit!!

  24. oops, 2015

  25. With maps

  26. robert lucas Avatar

    @ Hal May 5, 2020 2:26 PM
    You have digressed from the point and have introduced polemics into the discourse. As I said facts are facts and can be unpalatable. It is a fact that for approximately the last five hundred years ,whites have driven the inventions. If you want to say that that is supporting white as being superior so be it.

  27. robert lucas Avatar

    @ Greene May 5, 2020 2:02 PM
    No problem. What is the question/ Have you posted it on the food blog?

  28. @ Robert

    We are indeed drifting. Plse point out where I have digressed and what are polemics. @ Robert, it is a fact that for the last 500 years we have celebrated inventions by white people, if that is what you mean by ‘driven’. But it is not polemical to point out that whites have also driven out rival inventions.
    I will end the discussion on this point: in the 1970s we had VHS and Betamax, we had IBM mainframe computers and the rise of personal computers, etc, competing technologies and eventually one proved the winner only itself to be replaced. You understand that.
    Now look at the history of ethno-mathematics and the history of conventional mathematics and the alleged place played by the Greeks.
    I don’t know if you take an interest in these things, but take it from me that most of the history of mathematics we have been taught has been bogus. Before the Muslims and Greeks arrived in Egypt they had trading systems; they also had trading systems in West Africa, so why have these histories been written out of the official history of the discipline?
    Most modern inventions are team work, and in many of those teams are people from all kinds of backgrounds. I do not want to go on, neither do I want to ‘digress’.
    Finally you are contradicting yourself. If you claim that for the last five hundred years whites have ‘driven’ modern inventions, whether you like it or not, you are implicitly suggesting that white scientific and engineering creativity has been superior to other groups; that means, in simple English, that you are suggesting that whites are superior in those skills.
    Or, let us take it away from inventions and talk about your specialism, agriculture. 50 years ago Mozambique, Guyana and Haiti were all rice exporting countries. Today, Guyana and Haiti are net importers of US rice and Mozambique imports most of its rice from China. Will it be ‘factual’ to suggest the US and China are great rice-producing powers without explaining that their trade policies undermined rice production in those three poor countries? Go to Massy in Oistins and the shelves are full of US rice; you need a magnifying glass to find Guyanese rice there. Why?
    To try to explain this ‘fact’ is not to digress, it is to simplify, elucidate, make clear.

  29. @Hal,

    you are doing a marvelous job here, mate. it seems as though you have done a lot of research and given a lot of thought to this particular matter. Good on you. i enjoyed reading that.

    the politics of science is real. in fact politics and geopolitics permeate every sphere of life

  30. robert lucas Avatar

    @ Hal May 6, 2020 3:25 AM

    “Or, let us take it away from inventions and talk about your specialism, agriculture. 50 years ago Mozambique, Guyana and Haiti were all rice exporting countries. Today, Guyana and Haiti are net importers of US rice and Mozambique imports most of its rice from China. Will it be ‘factual’ to suggest the US and China are great rice-producing powers without explaining that their trade policies undermined rice production in those three poor countries? Go to Massy in Oistins and the shelves are full of US rice; you need a magnifying glass”

    I am aware of the discriminatory trade practices. Shouldn’t some of the blame be attributed to the politicians of the countries, who instead of promoting self-sufficiency and promoting science, prefer the easier course of begging for alms? Look at Singapore a country whose leaders had a plan which was executed.

    “Most modern inventions are team work, and in many of those teams are people from all kinds of backgrounds.”

    If you are talking about cosmology or market penetration of an I .pod you are certainly correct. However in the physical and biological sciences it is always one or two persons. You, yourself alluded to the Nobel prize as a case in point where the individual trumps.

    You have introduced factors which have no bearing on the case in point that, the majority of inventions over the last five-hundred years have been the effort of the whites. You have alluded to the unfair tactics of the whites. If the tables were turn and blacks over the last five -hundred years had done the inventions and had executed unfair trade practices ,what do you think would be the response by whites?

    It is a dog eat dog world and there are no free hand outs. A lot of the blame for the situation in which blacks find themselves can be attributed to the the elites selling out for a mess of porridge.

  31. @ robert lucas May 6, 2020 2:24 AM

    it is on the Carmeta’s Corner Blog. thanks

  32. (Unquote):
    Racial superiority is an ideological construct; it has nothing to do with intelligence or genes, and it penetrates in to our deepest psyches – be we scientists or politicians. (Unquote).

    You are leaning against a rather intellectually stimulating wall of controversy.

    So why not mention men (and women) of the cloth as important markers along the continuum of this uroboros-type debate?

    What you ought to be doing to buttress your argument is to cite examples of how this ‘ideological construct of racial superiority’ is manifested in ‘society’.

    What vehicles are used to transport this ideology which, sometimes, can be virulent like the ‘white supremacist’ manifesto or Nazism?

    As an ardent supporter of the Anglican Church aren’t you also a victim of one of these vehicular collisions of propaganda involving a crash of a clash between a superior ‘white’ culture and that of the unintelligible behaviours of an inferior group of sub-humans saved from the savagery of the Dark Continent as your mate Quaker John would argue?

    Isn’t the black race still the white man’s burden?

    Just look how much these black politically-managed ex-colonies like Bim still rely so heavily on the pale skin visitors and international ‘white’ collar criminals called tax dodgers looking for loosely regulated havens to control?

  33. @ Robert

    I agree with lots of what you say, regarding the poverty of ideas and political incompetence and Bajan (black and white) business ineptitude.
    But you have confirmed what I have been trying, and failed, to convince you about. The success or failure of white inventions has nothing to do with intellectual superiority or creative genius, but with the distribution of political and economic power.
    It is precisely this reality that is now playing out between the US and China, of which the to-and-fro about CoVid is but part. Nothing to do with US technological superiority ie Huawei, but with a bully trying to keep out a rising power.
    I have just been reading about a Chinese long-range stealth bomber, carrying conventional and nuclear war heads, the H-20, with a range of 5000 miles. That is the rising power that has Trump and the Pentagon releasing excreta in their trousers. What is the distance from China to the US across the Pacific?

  34. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    So If I may intrude and ask this general question on the psychology of all this…

    How is it that two Bajan boys of similar mental aptitude (bright, in simple Bajan), similar back grounds racial make-up, schooling etc; been exposed to the wider-world as tertiary level students and exposed to the political and corporate machinations as well but have yet evolved with such disparate views on race?!?

    Yes, one forged his career outside Bim and the other within but interestingly enough it’s the home bound man who is fully vested in the notion that all major things scientific revolve around the genius of the white man!

    That, @Mr Blogmaster (without naming the two protagonists in any special way as that itself is irrelevant) properly set-up with the historical formative details and back ground is a wonderful exploration of what is noted here often – in a different way – as the Bajan condition.

    I know that is not your bailiwick 🙂 so that will NOT happen but as I often tell you: on these pages you have some of the most awesome study material possible!

    I gone.

  35. robert lucas Avatar

    @ Hal May 6, 2020 8:24 AM

    “I have just been reading about a Chinese long-range stealth bomber, carrying conventional and nuclear war heads, the H-20, with a range of 5000 miles. That is the rising power that has Trump and the Pentagon releasing excreta in their trousers. What is the distance from China to the US across the Pacific?”

    I alluded to this and the F-35 which seemed to have been copied from the US’ blue prints above in this Blog. Anyhow, the Yanks have a replacement stealth in the works. The present one is based on dated technologies. Why should the Pentagon be releasing excreta when it was the first to invent one ?It is the Yank’s technology which through slackness ( obviously smartness on the part of those doing the stealing) was allowed to be stolen.

  36. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Oh and too let me applaud you @Austin for your expositions above. On the issue of race and its impact over the years you are located in the same ‘nook’ as I am… and you say it well.

    I’ll only ask this one thing… I don’t get the point re : ” … in the 1970s we had VHS and Betamax, we had IBM mainframe computers and the rise of personal computers, etc, competing technologies and eventually one proved the winner only itself to be replaced. You understand that.”

    What does video formats and PC competing technologies have to do with the race debate generally or otherwise?

    There is always competition for the ‘acceptable’ format and that will become a life and death issue figuratively and literally… moreso mainframes and PC coexisted from then until only recently when the power of chips essentially allowed a small unit (like a PC form factor) to be linked together to produce ‘mainframe’ type computing power.

    And doubly moreover who did IBM sell their PC division to…. the Chinese of course.

    As have been said in different ways above the US have controlled and demanded the greatest wealth dividend for themselves since forever and having used China as their cash cow for these last 30+ years (cheap labour, treasury bill financing etc) they now are vilifying them to demand a return of what the US had WILLINGLY gave … unfortunately the Asians prepared themselves for that and are now masters of the US more than they were ever ‘servers’ of labour!

    That it seems is to all our detriment.

  37. @ robert lucas May 6, 2020 9:05 AM
    “….the Yanks have a replacement stealth in the works. The present one is based on dated technologies. Why should the Pentagon be releasing excreta when it was the first to invent one ?It is the Yank’s technology which through slackness ( obviously smartness on the part of those doing the stealing) was allowed to be stolen.”

    But isn’t this par for course in the race for military domination and control of global resources?

    Didn’t the same Yanks do the same when it came to German technologies after WW11?

    Of course you know the meaning of the geopolitical term “MAD”.

    Why would the Yanks want to destroy their own work house that provides the goods to feed their gargantuan greed called conspicuous consumption and source of foreign income/ dividends aka the American dream manifested in the form of Apple, etc?

    Why would China destroy its major export market and income earned from its large investments in USA Treasury paper?

    China is not Cuba, Venezuela, a Trump designated shi**thole country like Haiti or a dispensable country like tiny Barbados.

    It’s the most populous country on the globe with a land area (not coastal or offshore territories) slightly bigger than the same recently-arrived grand US of A stolen by the white man from your ancestors of the north.

  38. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Hal Austin

    You are doing well. This is the type of education that we need on this blog.Hitherto ,I mentioned the phrase “dominant narrative”. That is what it is about. Thanks for explaining and expanding on the concept.

    @ d pD

    The computer system shifted to a distributive system ( multiple connected PCs) from mega computers. This was facilitated by making cheaper and smaller computer chips.. Paradigm shifts in concept. It is not confined by ethnicity. It is brain power and an enabling environment.

  39. Not clear but worth thinking about

    New York Times

    Coronavirus May Lurk in Semen, Researchers Report

  40. @ Robert,

    Just came across the story of Dr Judy Makovits and her take on CoVid. It is worth listening to.

  41. Submitted by Bentley:

    This article with chart gives some useful information on sun exposure and vitamin D synthesis. The additional table also gives an indication of UV exposure throughout the year. We are at 13.2N so should have the same exposure levels as Sri Lanka.

    Sri Lanka (Colombo) 13°N 8 10 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 10 8 8
    Thailand (Bangkok) 14°N 8 10 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 10 8 8

    The figures go from January through December

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