Submitted by Stanton Carter, Brand Caribbean Inc

I usually enjoy reading Adrian Loveridge’s column but respectfully did not see any substantive suggestions for a new game to support the Tourism industry in the March 23, 2020 posting.

To cut to the chase, the reference to and comments about the September 11th, 2001 disaster, the airlift dependency, the suspended cruise ship sailings, the banks’ credit card incentives and speculation that the resident population could generate opportunities for domestic tourism may have helped to illustrate the economic challenges Barbados could face post Covid-19 but the statements in my opinion appeared to be more reactive than proactive.

What was noticeably missing from the article was the absence of a plan to rebuild and sustain the island’s tourism industry post Covid-19. As no mention was made of a recovery program, presumably expectations are that the virus will “miraculously” disappear and it will be business as usual. Unfortunately, the Caribbean Association of Banks’ statement – “It will no longer be business as usual for the foreseeable future” could be a true indicator of what is in store for the island.

If a new game is required to support the Tourism industry, it will necessitate a combined effort between the Private and Public sectors. These two organizations collaborated before to advance the island’s tourism industry and there is no reason why in unprecedented times they could not join forces again. Perhaps they need to be reminded, they are both working to achieve similar benefits for the destination and that a combination of financial and manpower resources, expertise, and industry contacts could help to sustain and restore tourism to new and greater visitor arrivals levels the island ever experienced.

Any attempt to try to return to a state of normality after Covid-19, will involve dramatic changes. Operating on the premise that if we build, re-brand and upgrade facilities visitors will come, will no longer be the industry’s acceptable standard. The new normal for the Tourism industry will depend significantly on

IT and digital technology. The soft sell approach for marketing and promoting Barbados as a holiday destination will have to be expanded to include social media platforms.

Competition between Caribbean member states for visitor traffic will be fierce and some destinations may not attain previous arrival levels. Those islands whose livelihood depends on tourism will be out in full force globally, utilizing digitalized marketing and promotion techniques to motivate visitors to return to Paradise. Most likely, Jamaica, Bahamas, Dominican Republic and Cuba already have recovery action plans drawn up for implementation on short notice. If Barbados wishes to maintain a competitive edge, it must act accordingly.

The way I see it, for Barbados to regain and maintain popularity worldwide with consumers, a rebuilding program should be developed to allow for joint programming with airlines, tour operators and travel agent consortiums serving the destination.

My recommendations for a new game to support and rebuild Tourism are as follows:

A “DOING BARBADOS” RECOVERY PLAN – This plan should consist of two (2) distinct phases:

PHASE # 1- Maintaining a Presence

The immediate creation and launching of a digital destination campaign to keep Barbados foremost in the minds of global travellers and to inspire consumers to visit Barbados after Covid-19.

On April 03 Jamaica introduced its digital “Escape to Jamaica” program on its @Visit Jamaica Instagram channel. On April 06, Grenada followed suit with its “# Grenada Dreaming” campaign. Bahamas also recently launched its new from “The Bahamas with love” mini digital vacation video. All 3 programs were designed to provide consumers with a virtual getaway to their respective destinations. Content involved music, culture, cuisine, nature and friendly people, the trademarks of a Caribbean vacation. Barbados needs to do likewise  and launch a similar type campaign.

PHASE # 2 – Rebuilding the Industry

Barbados tourism industry like most Caribbean destinations will have suffered immense damage as a result of Covid-19. Rebuilding the industry will be a major challenge. It will take time to attain and achieve previous productivity levels. Future tourism programming will also have to be vastly superior to those of other sun destinations as potential visitors will be searching for affordable value for money holiday bargains. To this end, consideration should be given to launching a 3 year incentive rebuilding action plan campaign.


  1. To influence and motivate consumers to select Barbados as their warm weather holiday destination
  2. To grow visitor arrivals to the levels Barbados experienced prior to Covid -19
  3. To improve hotel occupancies, especially the small hotels
  4. To increase visitors’ length of stay
  5. To revisit and reform the Ministry of Tourism and the BTM Inc institutional framework to meet the demands and requirements of the new era tourism


  1. The Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. and the Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association should convene a meeting ASAP to discuss, create and partner
    a progressive destination marketing recovery program that will span 3 years.
  2. The program should feature a platinum incentive holiday package with add-on items in Year # 2 and #3
  3. The incentive should target market international travellers and repeat visitors. It should be designed to allow the BTMI, the BHTA, airlines and their tour companies, tour operators, wholesalers and travel agents to participate. The probability of including cruise ship passengers in the program should be considered
  4. Local activities programming should involve representation from the BTMI, BHTA, hotels, tour companies, restaurants, taxi companies, water sports operators, entertainers, artists, etc. Consideration should be given to establishing a special task force committee to work on the rebuilding project
  5. The program should comprise of all types of accommodation, especially the small hotels
  6. The program should be supported by social and traditional media platforms
  7. A Public Relations campaign should be launched to let consumers know Barbados is open for business
  8. Training seminars should be undertaken by the BTMI overseas offices in their respective markets to educate travel agents in small group sizes 25-30 on the new program
  9. Educational visitations by travel agents, overseas journalists, travel writers and travel press should be an integral part of the program
  10. Year # 1 programming should be available for implementation at the earliest possible date in the event Covid-19 comes to an early end.


  1. Increase incentives and expand activities planned and implemented in Year # 1
  2. Expand target marketing campaigns to include special interest and niche market groups such as Diaspora, Cultural, Foodies, Weddings and Honeymoons and Snow Birds
  3. Advertising and Public Relations campaign expenditures should weigh heavily on targeting consumers to select Barbados as their destination of choice for holidays
  4. Investigate possibility of hosting travel agent evening receptions in some markets
  5. Review, make changes and improvements to the Ministry of Tourism and BTMI Institutional structure to allow for effective involvement in the new era tourism

(a) Review and improve where necessary relations with local hotels, taxis, restaurants, water sports operators, etc
(b) Evaluate external relations with airlines, tour operators, wholesalers and cruise lines
(c) Review and upgrade contractual arrangements with advertising and public relations agencies
(d) Review and evaluate operation and optics of BTMI overseas offices.

(e) Review Community Development and Tourism activities

Year #3

  1. Continuation and expansion of activities and incentives utilized in Years # 1 and # 2
  2. Introduce joint BTMI and BHTA overseas promotional tours
  3. Conduct BMTI and BHTA meeting to review continuation of the recovery plan or the introduction of a new and different campaign for rebuilding and supporting Barbados Tourism Industry
  4. Evaluate and consider the possibility of establishing a destination tour company

Finally, the one thought which has been constant in mind while creating this proposal is Robert Burns’ quotation on planning – “The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry”. There is much food for thought in his message. New challenges will crop-up during the planning stages and they should not be ignored. One item top of the list is airlift. Barbados alone cannot kick start the rebuilding of its tourism industry. It will require airline assistance, preferable from carriers with scheduled services and their own tour companies. These will generate a mixture of visitors – package holidays vacationers and F.I.T travellers – and allow for a wider distribution of product sales.

Hopefully the Ministry of Tourism and the BTMI have already recognized this need and are conducting negotiations with the airlines serving Barbados to provide airlift at reasonable promotional rates for post Covid-19 travellers.

The above recommendations are not carved in stone. They can be changed, upgraded or deleted. The whole idea was to provide a guideline on how to deal with the current and post Covid-19 environment.

186 responses to “Recovery Project to Support Tourism Industry”

  1. @Peter

    Your contribution to this blog discussion has been good. Continue to do the job of trying to make Barbados a better place.

  2. Today could be a good day for the Governor of the CB to bury bad news.

    Let us see if he will focus on the long needed stimulation of agriculture, local light manufacturing goods and renewable energy projects (despite the price of oil falling to the bottom of the crude barrel).

    Why not project them as fields of economic activity badly in need of resuscitation as a means of national survival post Covid instead of continuing to put all the future forex-earning eggs in a highly fickle and vulnerable Covid-infected basket carried with blind faith in a god called tourism.

  3. @Miller

    Is the Governor of the central bank a creature of the government or not. What he says later will not be out of step with what the government has been saying.

  4. @ David April 30, 2020 8:24 AM

    Yes, indeed, just a behemoth of a “creature” the Bajan economy can no longer afford to feed.

    The CBB in its present form is becoming more and more anachronistic and unsuitable to the future Bajan econmy.

    If the Guv is simply a ventriloquist dummy why not let the MoF programme a piece of sophisticated ‘AI’ as a signal to what lies ahead for the ‘lying’ art of 20th Century economics?

  5. @iller

    To dismantle establishment structures will take ‘balls’.

  6. @PLT
    PS Enuff, lest you or anyone here get the wrong idea, I admire Ms. Mottley’s intellect, energy, and considerable skills. I voted for the BLP candidate in my constituency in 2018, and I continue to support the current administration
    I am not sure why it was necessary for you to get your bone fides out there, one can support a politician or a Gov’t and still be critical of some aspects of their polic(y)ies. That statement reeks of pandering and seems to be out of line with what I considered to be your independent line of thought.

  7. @ David April 30, 2020 8:45 AM

    You mean ‘Ovaries’, don’t you? Or is that lost in translation given recent operational procedures?

    Here is what can be said without fear of contradiction from those who think that government revenues can be found printed on paper locked away in the vault of the Bajan Central Bank.

    Those ‘approved’ Estimates of Revenues & Expenditures ought to be thrown in file 13 and replaced by a cadre of old-time housewives armed with a few coppers and a shopping list marked:
    ‘It’s Time that Bajans and their government learn to cut and contrive, i.e. live within your Covid cut down to size mauby pocket’.

    Oh, how we miss the Bush Tea (and the Gibberts)!

  8. @PLT

    I must join in. Your apology goes right to the heart of your integrity. Once you know you are being honest, right or wrong, you do not have to explain yourself. It is for your critics to prove your lack of integrity, not for you to prove it.
    I too never questioned your integrity, even if I sometimes (often?) disagree. That is the nature of intelligent debate. We do not want to know your qualification or who you vote for.
    That is why voting is in private. Just tell us what you think. Free market of ideas. Ignore the anger. Only Fascists execute people for having opposing ideas.

  9. The stimulus programme contains the usual mess, i.e. alms for the naive masses, many building contracts for the High Whites, but no restructuring of the public service and no measures to increase productivity. People should also not forget that this program will not generate any economic growth at all, but will only minimally cushion the deep recession.

    There are also some sky castles like the Hyatt. Can someone explain to me why, with a maximum hotel occupancy rate of 60%, we need even more hotels?

  10. @Sargeant

    PLT outlined his credentials and support for PM Mottley and her government as any good job applicant or consultant would…he he

    I don’t blame him and he has my vote for the appointment as the BERC – Barbados Economic Rescue Czar

    Godspeed PLT

  11. PLT
    “The mistake you make is embedded in the structure of that sentence… of course design is key, but the role of a hotel is NOT to “support our tourism” industry.”

    I am talking bout infrastructure here, the industry does not exist without accommodation. But since you mentioned socio-economic benefits, who was on BU talking about extracting maximum public benefits (social and economic) from tourism development and development period through legal agreements long before Covid? Not pie in the sky, highfalutin talk but workable solutions. There is no need for a disclaimer about Mottley as I am not here to defend or promote her. I am not even here to promote myself. BUers assume too much. And NO the projects I am referring to are not dead, not one! You have your opinion and I have mine. Anyhow, who laughs last laughs best and we’ll see if tourism is dead or not. If Hyatt will be built or not and if built if it will fail. I am sticking to my original position, human behaviour+technology will triumph.

  12. @ Tron April 30, 2020 10:35 AM
    “There are also some sky castles like the Hyatt. Can someone explain to me why, with a maximum hotel occupancy rate of 60%, we need even more hotels?”

    Your ‘red’ shipmate (but presently shipwrecked) Enuff needs to see the light and jump in the lifeboat to save his soul from ‘drowning of’ further embarrassment.

    At least you, Tron the Trojan horse, are able to see the beacon of false hope emitting like a mirage from the Hyatt Ziva (Lighthouse) which has undergone more reiterations and reincarnations than Sinckler’s 7 year plan for the short, medium and long term restructuring and transformation of the Bajan economy.

    The Blue Horizon is a much more realistically suitable tourism investment project for the current playing field than any pie-in-the-sky sand castle in rat-infested Bridgetown.

    Even the present lot of monkeys handling the guns of the economy don’t get it.

    You cannot transform an economy based on an unsustainable model of imported conspicuous consumption without significantly overhauling the engines of production to pay for that level of consumption presently financed, primarily, by borrowed foreign money. Not even Midas would succeed in such a Sisyphean task.

    But there is hope beyond Covid.
    Even the Governor in his confessional mood of despair has stumbled on the idea that a dollar of forex saved is a dollar of forex earned.

    Where else should one place a Bajan piggybank than in the counting houses of the poor cousins of agriculture and renewable energy which currently absorb very large slices of the forex consumption pie in the form of processed foods and ‘refined’ oil?

    It’s time these two poor relatives come in from the cold and make their mark on the rising of the new Covid-created sun.

  13. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    you point out that “the industry does not exist without accommodation” but let us be perfectly clear; at the moment the industry does not exist at all, it is currently completely dead. All we have is a bunch of potential accomodation and some caretakers; that does NOT constitute a tourism industry. There are no guests, no cashflow, no arrivals, no flights, no sailings, no service, no industry.

    All you are talking about are your hopes and dreams for a future industry. That’s all you have: hopes and dreams. Are these hopes and dreams based on rational analysis? You clearly imagine that they are based on past history. I am telling you that they are not because the future will not look like past history… the pandemic is an historical discontinuity… a point of inflection where past trends tend toward zero and force us to devise a new equation.

  14. PLT
    Why persists? You’ve made your point. If you’re so convinced sit and wait, or as in my case, just do.

  15. @ peterlawrencethompson April 30, 2020 2:53 PM

    With your rationality and impartiality you will never become a government advisor, special ambassador or the like. In a job like this, you are expected to tell yourself the numbers, even if the predictions turn out to be null and void year after year.

  16. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    I persist in order to figure out the truth ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  17. @ Tron

    I am perplexed and need some clarity before discussing the content of the stimulus. Is the president still on sick leave or is she officially back at work? She mentioned that doctors have told her to take time off work, but she is often kept informed of developments. Is this officially working?
    Has the CoVid economic council been fully appointed, if so who are the members? If not, are the people she name checked in her speech all members?
    Apologies for having to ask you these question as most people seem to think them irrelevant.

  18. @ Hal Austin April 30, 2020 4:28 PM

    The individual names of the COVID Council are not so important. What is important is to take the opposition into joint liability. Our leader here is once again light years ahead of the rest of the island.

    As far as Mia Mottley’s current status is concerned, a distinction must be made: According to the classic understanding, i.e. the historic constitution, she is not currently actively holding the office of prime minister. Under revolutionary constitutional law, however, she enjoys the position of a supreme leader. This office is firmly connected to her person. She cannot resign from it and is solely accountable to the fate of our nation. Only death could end this office, but not a sickbed.

    All the details of the ministerial order are therefore basically just academic history. The emergency act is our new constitution. Other great leaders like Castro, Jesus or Mohammed did not care about outdated norms either. Or watch Trump: He successfully interprets the US Constitution in a very different way than usual. Unlike Obama, he is not only president, but ruler, commander and leader of state, party and people. This should be an example, refreshment and encouragement for us.

  19. how does PM’s current status or the composition of any council relate to .
    please explain

  20. relate to THE CONTENT of the stimulus

  21. @ Tron

    Thank you. I just want to know the aetiology of the policy. Are you saying the CoVid economic council did not meet to decide this policy? Was it decided by the Cabinet? If so, did the president participate in the discussions, or just announced it?
    By the way, I like your concept of joint liability. She is far sharper than her rivals. She ties them up every time. Why can’t they say “prime minister I do not want to join your committee, but you have my full support/”

  22. Had you listen to the Prime Minister (Sk) last night with an honest ear you would have heard her say that the plan she announced was the effort of her team i.e. Bradshaw, Cabinet, Director of Finance et al. She went on to say she chaired ONE meeting with the Jobs and Investment Advisory Council and their report with recommendations how to REBUILD and TRANSFORM the nation is expected shortly. Obviously the committee has been given a brief to inform strategy in the longer term.

  23. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Here is the Jobs and Investment Council

    Former Prime Minister, Professor Owen Arthur, chairs the Industrial Transformation group of the Jobs and Investment Council, which is looking at ‘How to create 20,000 jobs in 18 to 24 months.’ (BGIS Library)

    The Jobs and Investment Council has been established, and the members of its eight committees are hard at work undertaking their mandate of preparing a guide for the survival and transformation of Barbados.

    A wide cross section of persons has been called upon to serve on the committees, including Barbadians in the diaspora.

    Former Prime Minister, Professor Owen Arthur, chairs the Industrial Transformation group, which is looking at How to create 20,000 jobs in 18 to 24 months; while Professor The Most Honorable Eudine Barriteau chairs the Services and the Creative Economy one, examining How can we train everyone to world class standards in the delivery of goods and services?

    Dereck Foster is chairing the Retail and Commerce committee, which will undertake How can we guarantee food on everyone’s table? and Senator John Rogers chairs that tasked with Securing Food for Every Table.

    Dodridge Miller chairs the Finance and Insurance group, which will address How can we fuel investment for the next 18 to 24 months? while Tony Hoyos is chairing the Housing and Infrastructure committee, which is looking at What facility can be used to leverage the capital in the Housing Credit Fund to provide low-income houses?

    The Digital Transformation committee, which is chaired by Dr. Annalee Babb, will examine How can we use technology and innovation to solve common everyday problems for Caribbean people? Former Minister of Finance, Christopher Sinckler, will chair the Trade and Logistics group.

    The Job and Investment Council met last week, and according to Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley, the members are expected to report back to Government within two to four weeks, depending on their areas of concentration.

  24. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    The government is beginning to pay attention to my advice to replace short term holiday-makers with digital nomads as a sustainable way for the tourism industry to evolve.

    I presented the idea to government, both officially through Invest Barbados, and through a devious back channel by getting Tony Hoyos excited about the prospect of selling condos to digital nomads. He then asked me to draft a memo which he gave to his partner Santia and said she would pass it on to Mia.

    I birthed and developed the idea here on BU, so all the people arguing with me about it also played a hand in improving government policy.

  25. Well done Peter!


  26. Good job!

  27. @PLT

    Well done.

  28. @ peterlawrencethompson July 2, 2020 8:10 AM

    Thank you for your input. Our government should indeed encourage the global top performers who bring the most foreign currency to Barbados. They are the true guardians and patriots of Barbados. It’s good to know that our government is coming around. However, the bureaucratic-free one-year visa should only be the beginning.

    We need citizenship by investment and tax exemption for all land, villas and mansions of our beloved expats. Furthermore I plead for special zones without any tax. In fact, I already have a plan in place. The government should simply declare all gated communities as special economic zones following the Chinese model. 90% of our distinguished local and foreign top performers live there. With this policy we could revive Apes Hill plantation, for example.

  29. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Your satire keeps us amused and honest…

  30. @peterlawrencethompsonJuly 2, 2020 12:32 PM

    This is hard lobbying, no fun! I’m just trying to help my friends.

  31. @ peterlawrencethompson who wrote ” through a devious back channel ”

    devious ? lol

    Good to see the effort you are making to help Barbados.

  32. @ peterlawrencethompson July 2, 2020 12:32 PM

    I’m NOT joking at all. The masses of Barbadians have been lived on overpriced tourism. That’s the end of it.

    The tourists now know that the governments in the Caribbean close the airports for commercial flights for about a year because of a ridiculous cough. That can happen any time again. Hence, many tourists will stay away from the Caribbean forever.

    But the expats are much more choosy than ordinary tourists. PLT, the locals have to pay the expats something, not the other way around. The situation is that Barbadians without tourists starve to death after 12 months. Not the other way around! You must finally get rid of the mindset that Barbados is the centre of the world.

    We therefore need permanent tax exemption for expats, including for local consumer goods that they purchase. Not to mention the land tax.

  33. (Quote)
    The government is beginning to pay attention to my advice to replace short term holiday-makers with digital nomads as a sustainable way for the tourism industry to evolve. (Unquote).

    It seems as if the previous administration had already ‘conceived’ a ‘similar’ proposal which the current one might just deliver and develop into a 20/20 reality to make that vital difference to the forex earning engines currently sputtering with inertia in the International business and tourism sectors.

    The problem is not one of a lack of ideas but the determination and capacity of the administration at the wheel of governance to implement and guide those proposals to fruition.

    Here is what was proposed in the August 2013 Budgetary presentation:

    At present foreigners who own property here are often given permission to enter the country for periods shorter than they would like, despite their clear ability to sustain themselves while on the island for the periods requested. Despite instructions to the contrary the entry periods permitted to such property owners have continued to be inconsistently given. As a result these visitors have then to apply at the Bridgetown Office of the Immigration Department for extensions of stay. Thus the ability of these visitors to stay for the periods of time they wish and can afford has been rendered subject to unnecessary bureaucracy in a Department that is already finding it difficult to manage the large number of applications it has to handle.

    Therefore effective from 1st September 2013 a Special Entry Permit valid for five years at a time will be available to foreigners who own substantial residential property or investment in Barbados. Investment would include rental real estate, property development projects, manufacturing, tourism, bank deposits, mutual funds or bonds or any financial instrument.

    The value of the property or investment to be used to qualify an applicant for Special Entry Permit status should be US$2 million or more and the investment must have been purchased with funds sourced outside Barbados and not be subject to any mortgage on it.

    As with High Net Worth Individuals, foreigners who make such investments in Barbados and seek Special Entry Permits must meet the criteria of a clean police certificate of character and valid health insurance.

    Thirdly, foreigners who have special skills needed in the country as determined by the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Human Resource Development, acting in concert with the respective Ministries with oversight of the sectors where the special skills are to be employed, and who wish to live in Barbados will also be eligible for Special Entry Permits.

    The fees for the two new categories of Special Entry permits will be the same as those for Special Entry Permits for High Net Worth Individuals. The spouse of a person who has been granted a Special Entry Permit will be entitled to a special entry permit on payment of the fee for a Special Entry Permit, while their dependants of minor age given student visa status for the life of the Special Entry Permit, on payment of the application processing fee.

    All persons who hold Special Entry Permits will be issued with a Barbados Identification card, as is done for work permit holders, suitably coded to identify their status so that they will be able to obtain Barbados drivers’ licenses and otherwise conduct business in Barbados. (Unquote).

  34. @ Miller July 3, 2020 9:18 AM

    Thank you for pointing that out. We’ve had about a thousand announcements like that. Nothing ever happens. Barbados remains unfriendly to investors. As always.

  35. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    This podcast episode, with Safety Wing CEO Sondre Rasch at Building Remotely, is about the initiation of the Barbados Welcome Stamp Visa and what it means for Barbados economic development.

  36. […] shared article on a well-known social media platform on May 11/2022 respecting Barbados and the Caribbean tourism recovery progress brought back memories of a posting in the March 23 /2020 edition of Barbados Underground under the […]

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