Read about Barbadian Abbey Greene who followed her husband to Syria to join ISIS.

Trini, Bajan woman on life with ISIS: We thought it was irie

Aliya Abdul Haqq in Trinidad before leaving to join ISIS in Syria along with her brother. -
Aliya Abdul Haqq in Trinidad before leaving to join ISIS in Syria along with her brother. –


Aliya Abdul Haqq, one of the hundred or so TT citizens currently stranded in the Al Hol camp in Syria, recently told two foreign journalists that life inside the ISIS caliphate was “irie” – a Jamaican expression for nice or cool. Abdul Haqq, 34, is the sister of Tariq Abdul Haqq, a former lawyer and Commonwealth Games boxing finalist who traded his enviable life in Trinidad for war and death in Syria.

Abdul Haqq was interviewed alongside Abbey Greene, 33, who is from Barbados and was married to Abdul Haqq’s brother Tariq.

If you want to know what an unrepentant female ISIS member sounds like, you could do worse than listen to the Popular Front podcast interview with these two sisters. It makes for spine-tingling listening, not because the women sound like bloodcurdling monsters, but because of the cold and carefree detachment with which they talk about the genocidal violence of the Islamic State.

And if you’re a proud Trini you’ll no doubt be disconcerted to hear that Abdul Haqq doesn’t share your national pride, and is sharply critical of her country of birth.

Abdul Haqq and Greene travelled to Syria in November 2014 with their respective husbands, Osyaba Muhammad and Tariq Abdul Haqq. While 240 TT citizens travelled to Syria between 2013 and 2016, Greene, to my knowledge, is the only Bajan to have gone to join ISIS.

Abbey Greene, the Barbadian widow of Trinidadian Tariq Abdul Haqq, brother of Aliya Abdul Haqq. –

“We came (to Syria) with our husbands, we made hijrah (migrated) to live under the Islamic State, under the law of Islam, and we basically followed our husbands,” says Greene.

Miraculously, both women survived the slaughterhouse of Baghuz, the last sliver of the ISIS caliphate, which fell in March 2019.

Abdul Haqq says before leaving TT she was never radical.

“I was into makeup, piercings and all these crazy things, which I still like.” It wasn’t until after her father died – Yacoob Abdul Haqq was accidentally shot and killed in May 2013 – that she and her family “made this big turnaround.”

Tariq, in Abdul Haqq’s telling, spearheaded this metamorphosis: “My brother came home one day and he said he was going to Syria.

“I started laughing,” she recalls, but within months she had come round to his way of thinking, because in Syria, “it’s strict sharia, which is what I like, so I said, ‘Let me try and see what Syria is about.’”

It is an oddly blasé way of describing what must have been a momentous life decision.

Asked what life was like when she first arrived in Syria, Abdul Haqq relays that she was based in Raqqa, then the de-facto capital of the caliphate.

Aliya Abdul Haqq –

“It matched pretty well (my expectation). There were airstrikes, but it was really mild, so it was still very much like my country (TT). But under sharia, it wasn’t extreme then…It was normal life, we had tea parties, pyjama parties, it was really irie…cool, calm.”

Apparently, she deliberately avoided seeing the public beheadings that were a regular feature in the city back in 2014, but admitted her son had been exposed to several and that it had a violent effect on him.

Do these women have any regret over following their husbands to Syria and for all that ISIS has done?

Not one bit, it seems.

In fact, at several points in the interview, when Abdul Haqq and Greene are questioned about ISIS’s extreme violence against civilians and the rape and sexual enslavement of Yazidis, their default response is either to dodge the question or to rationalise ISIS’s violence as a legitimate response to the violence meted out against ISIS.

They are still clearly bitter about the loss of Baghuz.

“It was a madness, a massacre,” Abdul Haqq says, adding, referring to the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces), “They bombed the orphanage, they bombed a children’s hospital.”

Greene concurs: “The killing has come from both sides.”

What about the beheading of western hostages?

“I don’t know…The men deal with this,” says Abdul Haqq.

Did the brutality of ISIS cause them to rethink their commitment to the group? This question prompts a long pause.

Then this from Greene: “I really don’t think about that question.”

On the sexual enslavement of Yazidi girls and women, Abdul Haqq confides that she had met two Yazidi women in Raqqa: “They were slaves to a Bosnian guy…and from what (one of them) told me, she said she really loved her slave-master, and she accepted Islam.”

What about ISIS’s systematic killing of Yazidi men – what can justify that?

More silence. Then Greene repeats what has become a mantra for her: “For me, this war is never-ending, and it’s on both sides.”

When probed about slavery, Greene seemed reluctant to condemn it outright, insisting: “Slavery in Islam is not like slavery back in the day — there are certain rules you have to follow, you have to show rahma (mercy), you must feed them, take care of them.”

It is a matter of historical record that ISIS militants did not just enslave Yazidi women and girls, but also violently raped them as part of an official genocidal policy. In TT, a group called the Concerned Muslims of T&T has been calling for the repatriation of all Trini women and children detained in Syria and Iraq, but Abdul Haqq and Greene do not seem particularly desperate to return to the Caribbean. Abdul Haqq is particularly hard on Trinidad: “You know now the crime rate in my country is spiralling, gangsterism and all of this gay and lesbianism craziness, gang-warfare – it’s so crazy.

“I just want peace,” she adds.

“I want a normal life,” says Greene.

Do these women deserve either peace or a normal life after joining a group that had nothing but contempt for the peace and life of so many others? And if they are eventually to return to TT and Barbados, what consequences should they face for joining one of the world’s most violent terrorist groups?

These are difficult questions and there is little appetite on the part of the current TT government to actively assist in the repatriation of ISIS-affiliated Trini women and children.

The testimony of Aliya Abdul Haqq and Abbey Greene is unlikely to convince it to change its non-committal stance on the issue.

Simon Cottee is a senior lecturer in criminology at the University of Kent, UK, and a contributing writer to The Atlantic.

Trini, Bajan woman on life with ISIS: We thought it was irie


163 responses to “Bajan Woman Joined ISIS”

  1. Correction: that bad things will not befall…

  2. @ robert lucas February 18, 2020 4:55 PM
    “Please answer the following question as it relates to France and its Muslim inhabitants:
    Is it not a fact that France has the highest incidence of Islamic terrorists attacks despite its strong secular nature?
    The problem is that Muslims feel that they must impose their will on their host countries. There is going to great shedding of blood before they are evicted. The neo-liberal globalists with their multicultural crap, are responsible for the situation: they are trying to eradicate the nation state and the traditions associated with self identity. History will judge them harshly.”

    If the grand ole US of A was used for illustrative purposes instead of France –whose political thinkers and philosophers of the Enlightenment movement have provided the source of the democratic principles embedded in the US Constitution)- would you have made such a response?

    Doesn’t the great free America have the highest incidence of mass killings (in the world) of innocent people by Christianized and westernized gunmen?

    Why have you deliberately avoided (some might even say “trivialized”) the massacre of innocent Muslims in the two mosques in Christchurch (of all name places)?

    Didn’t the same France and other European colonialists execute similar cases of conversion through ‘imposing their will on the countries which they invaded in the Americas, parts of Asia and the continent of Africa; and in the case of France, northern Africa from which most French Muslims are descended?

    Weren’t millions of litres of blood spilled in the quest to control the resources of those ‘foreign’ lands by way of imposing the European dominant religion called Christianity on the indigenous populations even where there were well-established cultures based on religions like the same Islam?

    Are you conveniently forgetting the killing fields of German South West Africa, Angola; Zulu lands (including the Sharpville and Soweto massacres); the French massacre of Algerians in their quest for Independence; and the Mau Mau “uprising” in Kenya?

    Maybe Karma is at work here to fulfill that old date with destiny as perspicaciously told by that old adage (even in that Christian book of moral instruction):

    “You reap what you sow”.

  3. @ Miller February 19, 2020 8:05 AM

    My Dad was part Amerindian. I do not dwell on the past. I look to the future: a future that my sons or their children will have to take up arms.

  4. Robert Lucas,

    I too have a son. If a time comes when he has to fight to survive, then I guess he will have no choice but to defend himself. But right now he is enjoying his life and I see no reason why he should start worrying based on ZERO evidence that these Muslims who have lived among us for probably one hundred years are planning to out breed us, become the majority and force us all to live under Sharia law or blow us all into smithereens. Have you evidence that there has been a SIGNIFICANT change in the population ratio? Are they stockpiling weapons? Have you intercepted any communications from them hinting at a plot? Have you concrete proof that they are funding terrorism overseas? Or is all you have a feeling that all Muslims believe in some ummah? What about the Muslims who live quietly in other parts of the world? Why is it that such a small percentage of the Muslim population worldwide is seen to be practising terrorism? And why is it that the main victims of the terrorism are other Muslims? Not all Muslims even practise in the same way.


  5. The man wants me to teach my son to take up arms against somebody because they possibly maybe perhaps are thinking about taking up arms against him!

    What reaction do you think it would provoke if we start to persecute them?

    All the authorities can do is watch them the same way they watch the rest of us.

  6. @ Donna February 20, 2020 1:13 AM

    All I can say is that when logic was being handed out you were overlooked . Examined what you posted. No wonder Dominic Cummins’ aide can say that blacks are idiots.

  7. @ Miller February 19, 2020 8:05 AM

    The attack in Germany has been linked to right wing people. Only an idiot would not have expected such. You allow entry in to your country of people whose mores are diametrically oppose: allow them to do as they like and did not input a backlash. Muslims are going to be ejected and there is going to be blood shed only a very naïve person refuse to realize that. There are going to be civil wars. You can bring migrants and ignore the will of the people.

  8. @ Robert

    Beware of the Barbados Condition. The world is wrong, we are right.

  9. Correction : You cannot bring migrants.

    @ Donna February 20, 2020 1:13 AM

    “What reaction do you think it would provoke if we start to persecute them?:” You use force against them.

    Muslims persecute the black pigmented people of Western New Guinea and they are in revolt. In this case the land belongs to the natives.

  10. @ Robert

    In Mali, Nigeria, Sierra Leon, the UK, etc. They are not our friends.

  11. @ Hal
    It is just simply amazing at the intellectual dearth displayed.

  12. Man arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a stabbing at a mosque in central London(Quote)

  13. @ Hal
    Hopefully, the back lash is becoming exponential. .

  14. robert lucasFebruary 20, 2020 11:47 AM

    @ Donna February 20, 2020 1:13 AM

    All I can say is that when logic was being handed out you were overlooked . Examined what you posted. No wonder Dominic Cummins’ aide can say that blacks are idiots.


    You and Hal are the only logical people on this blog (and apparently the most miserable). But here it is that you are advocating for us to take up arms based on ZERO EVIDENCE, Here we have a peaceful situation at present and you want us to start war without end. You do know that once it starts it will never end, don’t you?

    I have asked you for evidence and you have none to present. I have asked you exactly how you would carry out your plan?

    These people are Barbadians. They have not as yet taken up arms against us. We have no evidence that they have any operations ongoing. We have no evidence of plans to attack us. We have no evidence that they are funding terrorism.

    But you, oh wise one and keeper of all logic want us to do what?

    What exactly would you have us do besides watch them for signs of imminent attack? You want us to exterminate them? That is mass murder. Deport them? They were born here. Harass them? Then the war would just start early.

    And who exactly is the idiot? I say you are! Every time you step outside of your lane you prove that. You seem to be good for one thing only. And as for Hal, I don’t know why he doesn’t just curl up in a ball and die! His life seems too miserable to bear! He is so negative and pessimistic I picture him with the perpetually mournful face of a Charles Dickens character described it in a book whose name I can’t remember.

    “Lugubrious” that was the word Dickens used, I think. The lugubrious Hal Austin.

    Have a good day, if you even know how to do that! And remember that sooner or later we are all going to die anyway. I prefer later.

  15. Just remembered another option – we herd them all up and keep them in camps. I guess we could seize their assets to build the camps and make them work on the inside to support themselves.

    Is this your plan?

    Hitler wannabe!

  16. They are asking you to extrapolate from topology from other countries Lol.

  17. Who is Charles Dickens? Is he a politician?

  18. @ Donna February 20, 2020 12:56 PM

    ” on ZERO EVIDENCE”,

    Based on the above one would have to concur with Dominic Cummins Aide as well as William Shockley

  19. Blasted looney!

  20. @ Donna February 20, 2020 1:37 PM
    You must say so because you have no argument to counter what has been posted.

    ‘Vile and wicked’ Asian grooming gang who sexually abused two girls including one who was forced into sex with 300 men by age 15 are jailed for a total of more than 55 years
    Usman Ali, Banaras Hussain, Abdul Majid, Gul Riaz and two others were jailed
    A seventh man is set to sentenced tomorrow after trial at Leeds Crown Court
    Predators abused and groomed two Huddersfield schoolgirls from 1995 to 2011
    One was forced to have sex with at least 300 men by the age of 15, court heard


    PUBLISHED: 17:40 GMT, 19 February 2020 | UPDATED: 19:08 GMT, 19 February 2020

  21. @robert lucas February 20, 2020 11:47 AM “No wonder Dominic Cummins’ aide can say that blacks are idiots.”

    Makes me wonder about you robert, because you seem to be a misguided fella, but generally intelligent. So because a lit white boy says something that makes it true? Of the hundreds of millions of black people in the world how many does Dominic Cummins’ aide really know? One? Two? Three? And if the only black people who will befriend him are idiots how does that reflect badly on all the rest of us? How does it reflect badly on me or you?

    Maybe it reflects badly on the aide if only idiots are willing to be friends with him.

  22. @ Silly Woman February 20, 2020 2:41 PM

    I do not intend to cross swords with you today. You are entitled to your opinions.

  23. @robert lucas February 20, 2020 11:53 AM “The attack in Germany has been linked to right wing people. Only an idiot would not have expected such. You allow entry in to your country of people whose mores are diametrically oppose: allow them to do as they like.”

    So a German white supremacist kills 11 people including him mommie and himself, and you blame Muslims for that.

    You talk about people “doing as they like”, but as far as I have read his mommie was just a as good a mommie as I have bin. Permitted him to be nourished at her breast etc. And the young Muslims out drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes and enjoying each others company how can that be called “doing as they like.” Drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes is a criminal offense now?

    In which case come and get me now because I here drinking coffee and smoking some kinda cigarette. And I don’t see how those actvities can be criminal.

  24. @Hal Austin February 20, 2020 12:07 PM “In Mali, Nigeria, Sierra Leon, the UK, etc. They are not our friends.”

    Who is our?

    Are you my friend?


    Should I kill you or expel you from living beside my sister because you are not my friend?

  25. @ Robert

    I am out of the discussion. Sometimes people drift in to the sewers where their putrid minds are comfortable rather than discuss the issues at hand.
    The last post you put up, from @mailonline, has been a problem with men of a Pakistani heritage in parts of the UK for years. Is it cultural or a few flawed individuals, or are they picked upon? Or should w just not discuss the issue?

  26. The white people in England are your friends?

    Probably not.

    Yet you lay down in the bed with one every night.


  27. @robert lucas February 20, 2020 1:29 PM “Based on the above one would have to concur with William Shockley.”

    Another idiot unfortunately stepped out of his lane. He may have know a thing or two about transistors, but a complete moron when he stepped into the genetics lane.

  28. SirSimple SimonPresidentFoeLife Avatar
    SirSimple SimonPresidentFoeLife

    @robert lucas February 20, 2020 2:52 PM “I do not intend to cross swords with you today.”

    I don’t do the swords thingy.

    I came of age in the 1960’s. We make love, not war.

    if you doubt me ask Miller, or white hill, or Piece, or ever the Dear Dr. GP (but don’t let their wives/girlfriends know, lolll!!!)

    A good evening to you.

    P.S. You will be long dead and turned to duppy dust [me too] and there will still be billions of Muslims and Christians in the world.

    If anybody tries to trouble you before then, remember that Donna’s son knows karate.

  29. @Hal Austin February 20, 2020 2:56 PM “in to the sewers where their putrid minds are comfortable.”

    What if you Hal are the one posessed of a putrid sewer dwelling mind?

    @Hal Austin February 20, 2020 2:56 PM “The last post you put up, from @mailonline, has been a problem with men of a Pakistani heritage in parts of the UK for years. ”

    Rape id evil, and it is evil if done by Pakistani men, Bajan men, British men. It is also evil if done by women. Nobody, certainly not me is offering any excuse for rape. When people rape, give them a fair trial and lock them up, preferably for ever, and i don’t care if the convicted rapist is Muslim, Christian, Pakistani, British, Bajan, male or female.

    But rape alas is not solely a British Pakistani thing. If rape was done only by British Pakistani men, then the world would be a much safer place for our mothers, sisters, daughters and granddaughters etc.

    Men rape girls, women, boys and smaller men because they can and because they want to assert their power over physically weaker others. Some women rape too and for exactly the same reasons.

    I say lock them all up, but don’t hold the actions of the rapists against the billions of other men and women who do not rape.

  30. @ Donna February 20, 2020 1:37 PM
    You must say so because you have no argument to counter what has been posted.

    ‘Vile and wicked’ Asian grooming gang who sexually abused two girls including one who was forced into sex with 300 men by age 15 are jailed for a total of more than 55 years
    Usman Ali, Banaras Hussain, Abdul Majid, Gul Riaz and two others were jailed
    A seventh man is set to sentenced tomorrow after trial at Leeds Crown Court
    Predators abused and groomed two Huddersfield schoolgirls from 1995 to 2011
    One was forced to have sex with at least 300 men by the age of 15, court heard


    PUBLISHED: 17:40 GMT, 19 February 2020 | UPDATED: 19:08 GMT, 19 February 2020

    THIS THIS is your evidence???????????????

    I could post similar articles about white gangs, black gangs none of whom are Muslim or Pakistani, Some are European, Some are American!!!!!

    The man that tried to rape me in Barbados looked more like Hal Austin than a Pakistani Muslim. He was younger and thinner but DEFINITELY OF PREDOMINANTLY AFRICAN DESCENT . Probably his family loosely professes the Christian belief as most do..

    The Muslim man I know of Indian descent only wants to know if I am watching cricket and what is the score and tells me about how he just came back from India because his father was ill etc etc etc.

    You want me to round him up and send him to the camp?

    Nobody is saying that Muslim extremist terror cannot happen in Barbados.

    All we are saying is that if we harass, exterminate or lock them away based on ethnicity or religion or based on what A SMALL PERCENTAGE of those who look and worship like them do in other countries then we would deserve it.

    We can only watch, wait and respond if and when it happens.

    Silly Woman,

    Not karate. Jun Fan Gung Fu is what he is doing now. And Filipino martial arts.

  31. A supporter of the banned Islamic State terror group has admitted plotting to blow herself up in a bomb attack on St Paul’s Cathedral.
    Safiyya Shaikh, of Hayes, west London, went on a reconnaissance trip to scope out the London landmark and a hotel.
    The 36-year-old, born Michelle Ramsden, was arrested after asking an undercover police officer to supply bombs.
    At the Old Bailey she admitted preparing an act of terrorism and will be sentenced in May.
    Over the two months before her arrest in October 2019, Shaikh built up a relationship with two undercover officers who were posing as a husband and wife extremist team.
    She messaged one of them via an encrypted social media app.
    ‘Bomb under the dome’
    “I want to kill a lot,” she told the officer. “I would like to do church… a day like Christmas or Easter good, kill more.
    “I always send threats. But I want to make threats real.”(Quote)

  32. Crime gets classified as Black Crime or Muslim Crime scapegoating every Black and Muslim.

    White Crime is never classified the same way, it classified as crime of an individual, usually excused as a mental health issue.

    Austin and Lucas must be paranoid of blacks and muslims from reading white news brainwashing programming.

  33. It is interesting how “stop and frisk” was created and maintained for quite some time before how vile it was became obvious. Hundred of thousands (if not millions) of young men of color, tossed against a wall, insulted, abused frisked and then sent on their way.

    Their individuality denied, they just became a black solid of a certain age. Their crime was their profile and being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    It always amuses me, how victims would adopt the ways and mantras of their oppressors.

  34. Hal Austin,

    That only proves what we already know – that you have in your midst a small percentage of “Islamic extremists terrorists”.

    We the people have NO EVIDENCE that Barbados has such. If and when we get evidence we will address it. The authorities are, I am sure, plugged into whatever international network there is seeing that a good place to make a statement would be at the politicians’ doorstep. There is NOTHING MORE THAT WE CAN DO that does not make us as bad as those you are labelling in advance.

    There is no safe place on earth and no guarantees. But we cannot run around like crazies profiling people.

  35. @ robert lucas February 20, 2020 11:53 AM
    “@ Miller February 19, 2020 8:05 AM
    The attack in Germany has been linked to right wing people. Only an idiot would not have expected such. You allow entry in to your country of people whose mores are diametrically oppose: allow them to do as they like and did not input a backlash. Muslims are going to be ejected and there is going to be blood shed only a very naïve person refuse to realize that. There are going to be civil wars. You can bring migrants and ignore the will of the people.”

    It seems your knowledge of the history of genocide is blinkered by your one-eyed view of the Islamic faith.

    So what would you consider to have been the trigger to turn ‘intelligent’ Germans into haters and killers of the Jewish people (Yahweh’s chosen people)?

    What did the Jews do to the indigenous ‘Christian’ people of Prussia to trigger off such hatred seething within their bosoms towards a people ‘hiding’ behind another minority branch of the same tree of the Abrahamic faith to which Muslims are still becoming more than just its canopy?

    Based on your ‘reductio ad absurdum’ we could also argue that your Amerindian ancestors should have followed your reasoning in their encounters with the ‘uninvited’ European ‘dirty illegal’ immigrants.

    What went wrong there, doc?

    Was it the case of a movable naïve and vulnerable object like the Amerindians (or even the Australian aborigines) coming in contact with an unstoppable ‘armed’ force of conquest and decimation while holding the Christian bible and fuelled with the fervor(u)r of religion based on the concept of my ‘Christian God is bigger and more powerful than your ‘pagan gods’?

    Maybe the Muslims are on a similar path of conquest of European Christian lands captured from the Pagans.

    But, instead of using a crucified Christ on the Cross, they are using the Crescent Moon of invasion with Muhammad hiding behind the hijabs of his many wives all prepared to outbreed both Jews and Christians of the Abrahamic family tree.

  36. @ Miller February 21, 2020 4:12 PM

    What did the Jews in the Old Testament do? Weren’t they the first people to record their genocidal actions against others? You seem to have forgotten what I have stated previously on this Blog :when a people with superior technology encounters one with lesser technology, the one with the superior technology prevails. Muslims do not have superior technology and measures are being put in place to deal with their breeding as you put it.

  37. Austin and Lucas are just race baiting trolling all y’all

    KKK was Local Government to keep freed slaves in their place

    Lynchings were lessons in fear and community picnics

  38. @ robert lucas February 22, 2020 12:33 AM
    “….when a people with superior technology encounters one with lesser technology, the one with the superior technology prevails. Muslims do not have superior technology and measures are being put in place to deal with their breeding as you put it.”

    It’s good to see that you are on the side of knowledge where genocidal acts are concerned and their existence from the dawn of time.

    Your assertion about the role of technology in giving one group the advantage over another in the war of conquest and subjugation (having dominion over lands and life-forms) is philosophically convincing.

    But technology can be a two-edged sword as seen, relatively recent, in the two ‘world’ wars among the Western nations and the bombing of the Japanese cities.

    Didn’t the same Germans have superior technology over the British?

    It is from the scientific knowledge of the Muslims (Golden Age of Islam versus the ‘dark’ Middle Ages of Europe) which the modern Western countries are now taking advantage of.

    The same way Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia can ‘buy’ the most sophisticated weaponry from the same warmongering western countries, why can’t they buy other defensive and destructive technologies (including germ and chemical warfare) from Chinese for a mess of pottage called capitalist profits in the same way Jews traded in black slavery?

    How are you going to stop Muslims from reproducing (aka ‘breeding’) when they do not practice the Westernized form of family planning?

    Isn’t it a fact of demography that the rate of reproduction among ‘white’ western Europeans is so low that, in all ‘statistical probability’, the ‘white man’ himself would eventually become a minority ethnic group in places like Germany France and the UK?

    How would technology stop Muslims from meeting the population targets of European countries demographic sustainability (including Russia)?

    Make them infertile by ‘prophylactically doctoring’ the water or genetically modifying a ‘neutering’ virus marked: “To Attack Only Muslims & All Blacks”?

    It is the dominance of political and religious extremism (in all cultures) which suppresses the enlightening and the liberation of the human mind towards that promised Golden Age.

  39. @ Robert

    Some time ago the Nation published an interview with a Muslim woman of Pakistani heritage who taught at the community college, she got married to a Bajan convert. Can someone dig that out and post it on BU?

  40. @ 555dubstreet February 22, 2020 6:50 AM
    “KKK was Local Government to keep freed slaves in their place
    Lynchings were lessons in fear and community picnics..”

    Kiki , there is No difference between the Islamic ISIS/L and the Christian KKK other than the modern-day Assassins (ISIS/L) fight behind a banner of the crescent moon while the cowards called the Christian KKK hide behind a white cloak and a cross of white supremacy while enjoying the reaping of those strange ‘black’ fruits hanging from Southern trees.

  41. @ Miller February 22, 2020 8:34 AM

    “It is from the scientific knowledge of the Muslims (Golden Age of Islam versus the ‘dark’ Middle Ages o”

    And from whom did the Muslims glean their knowledge? The knowledge was gleaned from the countries( that had superior learning but were less war-like) that were subjugated by the Muslims. In any scientific paper, there is always a section, after the abstract that deals with a review of the literature. Acknowledgement is given of the works of those who when before. In science knowledge builds on knowledge.

    “Isn’t it a fact of demography that the rate of reproduction among ‘white’ western Europeans is so low that, in all ‘statistical probability’, the ‘white man’ himself would eventually become a minority ethnic group in ”

    I have replied to this line of reasoning in the past on this Blog. The answer is quite simple: make war on them first. Only a fool would sit back and wait for what you would like to see happen. The white race is definitely not foolish as ascertained by the fact that every thing in the modern world they have invented. You talk a lot about GM and so on. As a microbiologist it is relatively simple to tweak a microbe to get it do what one wants By the way, the whites invented that technology. All other races except the blacks are playing catch-up. Blacks seem to be more interested in music and sports and ill-treating each other.

  42. “No difference between the Islamic ISIS/L and the Christian KKK other than the modern-day Assassins (ISIS/L)”

    There is some that say that growth of Isis extremism was result of western wars in region (as Gaddafi predicted would happen).
    Others say that Isis are proxies founded and funded by Western forces and agents to promote their wars in Syria etc.
    But as you say the Colonialists and Christians with their Bibles and Guns also committed genocide in the same way.
    Right wing extremism and muslim extremism have grown in these times of PNAC wars.

  43. @ Hal February 22, 2020 8:55 AM

    This is the first I am hearing about this. Did her husband also teach at the BCC? I met a fellow( Gall) who went to Combermere who was married to girl from Bangladesh. They moved to the USA. Surely the Blog master must know something about this and ought to be able to assist??

  44. @ Robert

    I believe he did. It was in the UK Nation, and as they only republish crap from the home publication, then it must have been published in Barbados. It was a horror tale. A few years ago a young Muslim girl also ran off with her black boyfriend and her father gave an interview in the Nation; that too was interesting.

  45. @ robert lucas February 22, 2020 10:39 AM
    “And from whom did the Muslims glean their knowledge? The knowledge was gleaned from the countries( that had superior learning but were less war-like) that were subjugated by the Muslims. In any scientific paper, there is always a section, after the abstract that deals with a review of the literature. Acknowledgement is given of the works of those who when before. In science knowledge builds on knowledge.”

    Glad to see you do accept that science (knowledge) is, in itself, an evolutionary process through the ‘circular’ Ages of Time.

    Aren’t you proud of one mankind’s greatest technological ‘innovative adaptations’ called the Internet?

    It was indeed gleaned from previous generations of thinkers and doers.

    But certainly Not from the Christian Catholic Church (CCC) which persecuted, executed ‘pagan wizard and witches’ and persecuted and suppressed their own ethnic kind like Copernicus, Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci, Newton, Darwin and even their modern-day versions like Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking.

    Having a massive telescope in the Holy See (Vatican City) peering to find a god called Zeus or Yahweh or Jupiter could never make up for the immeasurable quantity of blood spilt and split to suppress the ‘religion of Science’.

    Why not just accept that those old but more enlightened Muslims of Science ‘adopted’ their enquiring and inventive minds from the likes of Thoth and Imhotep the Egyptian polymaths who themselves were the inheritors of Sumerian scientific thought.

    But we must, at last agree, on your assessment of black people.

    How can those Melanin superrich ever come to the ‘logically-scientific’ conclusion that a white person could ever be the icon for only begotten Son of an alien being which created them from the non-white dust of the ground and ‘fashioned’ (genetically-modified) them in the warmth of fresh air and watery womb of Mother Earth?

  46. And what did she say in that interview? Did she say that she is on a quest to enforce Sharia law on Barbados? Hardly likely she would be that foolish!

    Clutching at straws does not stop one from drowning.

    And as to the maniac who wants us to make war on them first – i hope you haven’t made an extremist of your son. I hope you are not unleashing that evil on a presently peaceful society. I hope you and he will not be the catalyst for the very thing you fear.

    I wonder how you will conduct this war if the other side has no army!

    I don’t know why it bothers the lugubrious Hal Austin so much that we fools in Barbados are oblivious to the threat of our demise at the hands of the yet unseen terrorist. I suspect that his is just a case of misery loving company. He wants us to be as afraid to enjoy life as he obviously is.

    PS. I have researched Ummah. Sounds to me pretty much what Christians aim to do – make converts of the whole earth. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that violence should be the means of conversion. Does the Koran state that it should or are SOME Muslims as misguided as SOME Christians were in days gone by?

    Evidence suggests that it is SOME . We cannot make ALL pay for SOME.

    I’d rather die than become the very thing that I loathe.

  47. Man’s inhumanity to man.

    It continues!

  48. @ Miller February 22, 2020 12:45 PM

    “But certainly Not from the Christian Catholic Church (CCC) which persecuted, executed ‘pagan wizard and.”
    I equate the Catholics on the same rung of the ladder as I do Muslims( one can say that I am an equal opportunity believer). Where ever Catholics go, there is abject poverty. Take Latin America with its latifundia system that is still intrenched today.

  49. @ Hal February 22, 2020 11:05 AM

    That was fourteen years ago. I was wondering about the religious dynamics of the relationship. She never displayed any outward signs of the religion and I thought she was of the Christian minority in her home country. Neither did he. Your question explains a lot of things. They were rather reserve and he and I were at school together and yet there was no real mixing, but then again I am not really a mixer myself( I have been called a loner and aloof among other things) so I thought nothing of it. When I was re-hired at BCC in 2017, I inquired about them and found out that they were in the States

  50. @ Hal February 22, 2020 2:21 PM

    Sometime ago there was the case of two Muslim girls who ran away from home because they did not want to get married. There was a gag order issued by the courts. One of the girls is now a medical doctor: she used to attend karate classes which were held at the Police Boy’s and Girl’s club on Bay Street, which was how I found out her antecedence.

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