The monthly murder analysis extracted from – BU, blogmaster

The final month of the year saw two murders taking place. The victims were Rondell Alexander (27 years old) and Kirk Bowen (26 years old). The killings took place in the parishes of St. Michael and St. Thomas respectively. Both deaths were shooting related. 2019 saw a total of at least 49 murders taking place across Barbados.

Heat Map of Murders in Barbados – January to December 2019
Table of Murders in Barbados – December 2019
Chart: Murders Per 100,000 People January to December 2019

Read full report on

101 responses to “December 2019 Murder Statistics”

  1. It surprised me that both St Lucy and St Andrew both had 3 killings. This is given their population size and their distance from St Michael.

    Explanations anyone??

  2. Happy New Year, Amit,

    Good morning, Barbados.
    Have a great day,

  3. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    Happy New Year Amit,

    You said and de ole man quotes

    “…The killings took place in the parishes of St. Michael and St. Thomas respectively.

    Both deaths were shooting related.

    2019 saw a total of at least 49 murders taking place across Barbados…”

    Amit, de ole man has a great respect for your efforts AND I PRAY THAT YOUR PROJECT WILL GAIN SUPPORT WITHIN THE POWER CHAMBERS!

    De ole man going warn you though that those 2 words “at least” going mek you get reticule crosshears pun you forehead becausing dem is seditious words pun Barbados Underground


  4. William Skinner Avatar

    @ TheOGazerts
    We are too small to believe that widespread crime would not reach our rural areas. Anybody going through our rural communities, observing especially the youth, would realize that all the negative city and suburban characteristics are identical. This certainly was not the case thirty or so years ago.
    .Unless we root out criminal activity the entire criminal pattern could reflect a single inner city. In other words our limited space does not allow us to contain crime to one area.
    The sooner we depoliticize crime the better for all concerned.
    We need a comprehensive policy to fight crime. The stupid blame game will not prevent one single crime. Imagine a police commissioner after a year of the highest number of murders, is imploring citizens to look beyond the statistics. I guess we should pay less attention to the guns and body bags.

  5. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ Mr. William Skinner

    You said and I quote

    “…Imagine a police commissioner after a year of the highest number of murders, is imploring citizens to look beyond the statistics…”

    Mr Skinner, between Barbados’ Chief Justice Marston, our Director of Public Prosecutions, our Attorney General Teets Marshall and our Commissioner of Police of the Royal Baygon Police Force, it can be proudly said that we have assembled the weakest possible judiciary force anywhere in the world!

    Remember that this man took pride in saying “UNLESS A COMPLAINT IS BROUGHT TO THE POLICE, NO CRIME HAS BEEN COMMITTED!”

  6. RE “…Imagine a police commissioner after a year of the highest number of murders, is imploring citizens to look beyond the statistics…”


  7. Statistics deceive us. Almost all the murders are connected to the local drug war. Anyone who is not a drug dealer himself or a family member of this group lives very safely in Barbados. If we subtract the drug murders from the absolute number, I come up with a maximum of one or two murders per year.

    Thank you, dear Mia Mottley, for ensuring our safety!

  8. Govt statistics are untruthful
    Govt has intentionally fudge the correct numbers
    Even in one of the local newspapers BT they have also intentionally told an untruth by stating 48 deaths
    The truth lies in the fact that govt has not released the causes of deaths for as much as 6 murders and which gives reason to be suspicious of govt statistics for the real and correct number of murders in 2019

  9. @ Tron January 7, 2020 8:59 AM

    We would wish to warn you, for the sake of intellectual justice, to temper your overabundance of encomiums until you find out who invited the same tycoons in the local drug trade to the State’s pageant called the opening of the “Talk Shop” under ‘new’ management of the wine merchants but still clothed in the same old smelly ‘wine’ skins.

  10. Govt is deceitful in pursuing with insistent lies poured into old bottles and presented to the public as drug induced murders
    How about those murders which were committed because of people being in the wrong place which brings to memory one man who was a University who was gunned down
    It is about time this govt tells truth on all matters and stop hiding the truth behind smoke and mirrors

  11. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    Would anyone, seeing that de ole man was right about the murders exceeding 50 in 2019, care to hazard what this year’s murder record will be?

    Do I hear 75, 75 75!

    Do I hear 75, 75, 75?

    Going once, going twice gone!


    Otherwise as was shown with the t0 from 2019, THEIR DEATHS MEAN DIDDLY SQUAT!

    Observe how the suicide of a Policeman HAS NOT ELICITED ANY REMARKS?

    3 MURDERS AMONG THE HAVES, and this will make the Mottley regime tale these murders more seriously AND HAVE THEM PRETEND TO BE LOOKING FOR THE DRUG LORDS


  12. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ ManyPussy

    For the Government of Barbados to even say the number 50 IT WOULD MEAN THAT THE PREDICTION OF PIECE THE LEGEND, IS RIGHT!

    they CANNOT DO THAT, in the same way that you could not accept that my 30 to 0 prediction was going to be right THEY TOO CANNOT ADMIT DAT DE OLE MAN NUMBERS WERE RIGHT!

    of course you like dem gine say dat de ole man arrogant BUT CHECK DE FACTS!


  13. William skinner Avatar

    “DavidJuly 30, 2017 10:22 AM

    To the credit of the Nation newspaper its editor has listed 15 shooting incidents that occurred between May 1 to July 30 to emphasize the gravity of the level of criminality we are battling in Barbados. Some will keep their heads firmly in the sand- especially the yardfowls- but there is a reality that is playing out we cannot avoid. Gun crime is on the increase. There is a Barbados that we are unaccustomed and we seem powerless to stem it, all stakeholders.”

    Reading at least one comment in this thread so far proves the above comment to be more than right.

    The Duopoly Rules

  14. Piece Mariposa is stuck in your craw because i have refused to endorse your presented alternative to manage barbados affairs
    The one turncoat Atherley
    Let that sink in a little further in your RH thick skull

  15. Some understand what the COP is trying to do with his defensive narrative, he needs to fire up his troups. The statement is unfortunate at a time we have reached an unprecedented murder rate in 2019.

    Time for our leaders to deliver some home truths and leave the superfluous stuff at the door.

  16. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Skinner,, brother you can’t have it both ways and be just…

    Your full remark said: `We need a comprehensive policy to fight crime. The stupid blame game will not prevent one single crime. Imagine a police commissioner after a year of the highest number of murders, is imploring citizens to look beyond the statistics. I guess we should pay less attention to the guns and body bags.”

    Several cutouts to suit the different palates and surely they feasted…

    @Pieces, in his attack mode focused on the stats line and gave ONE perspective, which you in your written emphasis also tended towards…but did you not say the stupid blame game must stop… that refers to us as well.

    So, in as much as @Tron’s deep political bias can disrupt the value of his posts at times causing my disagreement I find good value in some of his remarks above…. the commissioner (regardless of his self serving interest) is absolutely right: get behind the top line stats and recognize that separate these drug related murders that we are a comparatively safe society!

    Yes, it is somewhat HOLLOW considering the other well made point that when we see drug (crime) lords embraced by public officials we know the end results portend greater crime… but it’s yet a valid fact of criminality in Bim. The RBPF must focus on preventing and reducing all other crimes and as effectively as possible walling off the drug related crime as they ALSO AGGRESSIVELY work to bring that under control.

    Yes of course the addict stealing to support his need blurs the line of ‘regular crime’ and ‘drug related’ crime but we are talking about murder primarily…the domestic quarrel killing or crime of passion; or ‘frustrated I can’t find work killing’; or ‘I will not let you take my children’; or the cutlass chop-up… nothing to with drugs prima facie. How many of those make up this big 50 number!

    That is the fundamental context of the look beyond the statistics remark. Anyone who has examined criminal activity over the years outside and inside Bim must understand that.

    Blaming the commissioner achieves what again!

  17. William Skinnee Avatar

    @ de pedantic Dribbler
    Who is blaming the COP ? If the COP or anybody else knows who or what is causing the particular crime they /we need to come up with a comprehensive policy to arrest such crimes and or criminals.
    I was not taught that to question a statement of the COP or anybody else’s was equivalent to “blaming” them.
    I guess by your reasoning I can now blame you for blaming me.

  18. Mari….

    I’m a bit confused, so, perhaps you may want to explain a few things to me.

    RE: The truth lies in the fact that govt has not released the causes of deaths for as much as 6 murders and which gives reason to be suspicious of govt statistics for the real and correct number of murders in 2019.”

    Since when any ruling political administration has ever been responsible for compiling and providing the public with details on murders, other crimes and crime statistics?

    Hasn’t this taks always been the responsibility of the RBPF?

    Unless you’re implying this policy has changed since May 24, 2018.

    RE: “It is about time this govt tells truth on all matters and stop hiding the truth behind smoke and mirrors.”

    All the murders committed last year were reported by the local and regional media, which means the details are in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.

    If they were NOT, then, you WOULDN’T be able to mention murders you believe were not reported.

    I’m trying to find a logical reason why any “government” would attempt to suppress information that’s already in the public domain.

  19. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ de Pedantic Dribbler

    I really can’t believe this

    You said AND I QUOTE

    “So, in as much as @Tron’s deep political bias can disrupt the value of his posts at times causing my disagreement I find good value in some of his remarks above…. the commissioner (regardless of his self serving interest) is absolutely right: get behind the top line stats and recognize that separate these drug related murders that we are a comparatively safe society!…”

    Neither you, nor the Commissioner of Police CAN BE SERIOUS!


    And all the gun crimes, robberies, attempted robberies, shootings, stabbings also speak to the state of upheaval in Barbados

    It means 3 things

    1.our marital, spousal, inter individual conflict resolution skills ARE poor a society we are failing cause we ent lock up no druglords for 53 years while a few of you want to apologise for the inept Commissioner of Police Griffith, neither he, NOR DOTTIN, have ever RH catch a druglord in dem entire career!

    You getting rather slow in your old age, and starting to give out free passes to incompetent persons!

    Explain that shy$e to me!

    in the last 15 years give me one name of one drug lord who got arrested, charges and indicted on drug charges in Barbados!

    If your answer is none THEN THERE ARE NO DRUG LORDS IN BARBADOS so shut down de blog!

  20. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    Your assistance please with an item here thank you

  21. The Royal Barbados Police Force is responsible for compiling crime stats in Barbados.

  22. At this point and time why should anyone be questioning the murder stats
    The long and short of the story derives from many unaccounted deaths in suspicious manner which can be attributed to murder and as of yet nothing has been told to the public the reason of causes of these deaths leaving the minds of weary public looking for answers to speculate and form their own conclusions
    Right or wrong these are realities which when left unattended can mushroomed into a dark cloud making headway across the internet.
    IF the force cannot give full accountability for those unaccounted deaths
    Then it is up to govt to step in and clear the air
    No holds barred

  23. “IF the force cannot give full accountability for those unaccounted deaths, then it is up to govt to step in and clear the air.”


    Yuh gots muh even more confused dan uh wuz before.

    We’re clear the RBPF is charged with the responsibility for investigating and solving crime, as well as providing the public with relevant details and statistics relating to crime.

    If, in your opinion, “the force cannot give full accountability for those, (according to you), unaccounted deaths,” then, PLEASE EXPLAIN HOW “govt (should) step in and clear the air?”

    Please EXPLAIN how “govt” could “step in and clear the air” WITHOUT involving the RBPF?

    Or, are you suggesting “govt” should CREATE or SOLICIT the services of an independent law enforcement agency to conduct investigations into those “unaccounted deaths” and provide the necessary information for them to “clear the air?”

    If so, are you aware of any legislation that would permit any political administration to undertake such an activity?

    You need to stop politicizing crime.

  24. Artax stay confused i like it that way
    Wuh loss nuh belly

  25. It fits the politically partisan to fit all issues into an agenda.

  26. @ Miller January 7, 2020 9:23 AM

    Look at how things really are. We have a drug war because a lot of idiots are consuming drugs. Among them are mainly tourists and less the locals, who don’t even have the money for food. So the drug war is the result of a decision by society as a whole to promote only the tourist industry. I can’t see any specific responsibility of the government.

    As far as the alleged proximity of the government to local drug barons is concerned, we should admit that local drug dealers are better than foreigners. Our drug dealers just kill each other, the foreigners (esp. from Jamaica, St. Vincent and Guyana) behave like wild animals in comparison. I call that damage control.

    The drug war will continue for some time. Then the market and the streets of Black Rock will be cleared. It’s better if they kill each other than if someone has to send death squads to the townships.

    Much more exciting than the tolerable losses of human resources is the question of whether the drugs are paid for in USD and whether this influx appears in the official statistics.

  27. Tron did u just stated in your comment that the locals dont have enough money to buy food
    Which begs the question

  28. Tron u also stated that tourist are part of the drug community
    Which begs the question
    Why is Mia inviting tourist to come to barbados if what u stated is true

  29. the same reason the DEMS invited them in recorded numbers . ha

  30. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Well u both are right to some degree…first @Skinner, by my reasoning you could say I was blaming you but I KNOW u are too smart a verbal duellist to offer that line with a straight face. No, I was NOT blaming you, simply highlighting that to “question” the CoP motives in that way was to throw shade at his analysis of the stats!

    And to @Pieces yes surely I am getting slower…alas, however not in interpreting or practically analysing the statement under debate!

    When you ask how many drug lords have been arrested and jailed in 25 or more years could u also not have added 1) major corporate lawyer or politician, 2)harassing teacher or business exec or politician…etc. have been arrested and jailed in that time.

    Could you not have asked about why the Pele murder case was never solved or why after all these years no one have ever gotten any FOI out of US to flush out allegations surrounding top pols and drug trafficking?

    No @Pieces my halting steps are on the physical side only.

    Condemn this CoP and Dotting and then step back to the others too if u want to go down that road but let’s be real about it .

    Of course the Bajan society is more criminalized but no one is making excuses for the commissioner … Did we make excuses when one of his predecessors made the ridiculous remark about ‘no gangs’ in Bdos.

    When Buddy Brath and Harding et al were skewing crime stats with their lawless, wanton criminal acts were we making excuses then.

    No my brother call a spade what it is: the escalating number of murders is definitely a serious wake up call about criminality BUT it MUST be placed in proper context of an out of control drug life (of elites, drug Lord’s and drug soldiers).

    If you are contending that the incidences of all the gun crimes, robberies, attempted robberies, shootings, stabbings etc are increasing alarmingly UNRELATED to the drug culture then I’ll have to revisit my views completely.

  31. William Skinner Avatar

    @ de pedantic Dribbler

    I think it was a former Attorney General, Maurice King, who said we had no gangs only “ wayward youth”. I don’t think it was a former COP.

  32. William Skinner Avatar

    We must also remember it was COP Durant who once said that his hands were tied. That led to a monster calypso hit by Red Plastic Bag: Me Hands Tied (1985).
    Whenever put, under serious scrutiny ,the failures of the Duopoly are easily exposed.

  33. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    De ole man has a question for wunna

    Would it EVER HAPPEN that the despotic and compromised government of Mugabe Mottley would hire a non biased Crime Consultant from overseas to deal with our Drug lords?


    AND THIS IS WHY REVEREND ATHERLEY AND CASWELL FRANKLYN MUST MAKE OUTREACHES TO THE US, THE UK AND CANADA to get those governments to support some token project which, while not embarrassing the Government of Barbados WOULD SHOW HOW SERIOUS THE PdP is!

  34. For your reading – A December crime?
    As it is not going to mak BU, I place it here
    “Weeks after being robbed at gunpoint in the village where he was born and raised, Opposition Senator Caswell Franklyn is being haunted by the ugly memories of that night.

    Franklyn said the incident has left him so traumatised that he believes the time has come for persons who carry out unlawful acts to face stiffer penalties, like years in jail, when they go before the law courts.”

    ” Two of the people that got robbed, are unemployed. One fella had BDS$7 and change in his pocket. Them ain’t people that you want to rob, not that you should rob anybody at all.”

  35. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ Commander Theophillus Gazerts

    Search as I could for this incident, I COULD NOT FIND IT OUTSIDE OF THE LOOP ARTICLE!

    Thank you Commander

    So you see why I am so concerned that the Honourable Blogmaster WHO CLAIMED TO BE CASWELL’S FRIEND has not auto initiated a blog IN SUPPORT OF CASWELL’S PLIGHT?

  36. @TheOGazerts, @Piece the Legend,

    Thank you, happy new year to you as well!

    Extending same towards the rest of the BU family as well.


  37. Piece the legend the criminals are using automatic weapons now like the 1 they found last week in marhole gap which was a glock with 33 round clip and also modified to fire automatic.Alot of automatic guns in this gap and on streets of Barbados and not one rass hole word out of police mouth about what kind of weapons being used on the streets.

  38. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    I think it was a former Attorney General, Maurice King, who said we had no gangs only “ wayward youth”. I don’t think it was a former COP.

    Thank you senor.

    I was thinking Durant era so u likely are absolutely correct … He was instrumental in the community policing program and engaging (ostensibly) with the youth and thus my bad recollection was linking him to his own ‘self serving’ type statement about gangs.

    I liked the man from his public persona and as u alluded to re ‘hands tied’ he always struck me as absolutely p’eed off that he was restricted… But then again he left that post and took up what I presume was the lucrative practice of his friend who went on to be a judge … and thus he (Durant) joined the coterie of those “tying hands” basically.

    The more things change ….

  39. William Skinner Avatar

    de pedantic Dribbler

    Durant had a winning personality. Some say he was one of the best qualified COP in the Commonwealth. I think he influenced many officers to get qualified as lawyers.He was also quite smooth with the media. After he made the hands tied statement , the public lost confidence in him. Unfortunately law enforcement agencies are now deeply political. Hence all the problems with promotions etc.

  40. Before the licks come
    Let me say one murder is a murder too many but realistically though
    Is 52 murders especially mostly from all reports connected to drug dealing a serious indictment on the state.of crime in Barbados out of a population of around 280.000
    Just asking

  41. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @ Skinner, interesting observations at 12:04 above…

    My only beef with ur remarks is the phrase “are now deeply political.”

    You can correct me if I’m imputing more than I should to the Barrow-Adams-St. John et al eras but when we chronicle the Stokes case, Pele case, the shooting/killing of PO in Batbarees Hill, and the myriad other major matters over the years I believe there is no more corruption/interference in the police force now than before!

    We are just more readily informed and talk about it quite openly on forums like this…

    If the Pres of US with all their checks and balances can fire the chief federal police officer for interferring with his affairs and get away…what do you think our all powerful PMs with nary a serious check or balance does to the CoP!

    In Bim and region dem type jobs ain’t easy atall!

  42. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ Charles Skeete.

    De ole man is reviewing your comment

    “… Charles Skeete January 9, 2020 12:09 AM

    Before the licks come

    Let me say one murder is a murder too many but realistically though
    Is 52 murders especially mostly from all reports connected to drug dealing a serious indictment on the state.of crime in Barbados out of a population of around 280.000…”

    De ole man does be hoping dat, over time, some of wunna skills with words will rub off pun me and I get to be smooth like The Sage Annunaki or Mr. Vincent Codrington or Mr William Skinner or Commander Theophillus Gazerts and nuff udder men here who speak so eloquently

    How wunna does get it do?

    When de ole man predicted 50 murders in 2019 a whole host of blog assassins jump out of de woodwork and demand de head of Tin Foil like dem demand de head of John de Baptist!

    Mr. Skeete you would have believed dat de ole man was the body renting guns in Barbados to murder dem 52 people!

    But you come and say it AND NOT A FELLER FROM DE RENTED JACKASS BRIGADE, including de Honourable Blogmaster, ent pick dem teets at you!

    Who you is? What is you antecedents? Which big up body you know?

    Of late de ole man put out a prediction of 75 but nobody ent respond in dem usual rambunctious fashion to cuss me.

    And I had added that among those 75 THAT 3 BIG UP PEOPLE FAMILY GET KILL, because the 52 people dat dead, ENT NOBODY IMPORTANT!

    Would you, or anybody here care to comment pun dem insensitive comments of mine so early in 2020?

  43. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ de Pedantic Dribbler

    You ent invite me over to Thanksgiving in 2019 nor any functions at you house but dat is okay Dribbler


    I notice dat de Honourable Blogmaster does refer to you for your comments pun subjects quite deferentially of late heheheheh

    But after mine he does say STEUPSEEE most times! Why dat is?

    You feel he EVAH going speak to me nicely again? De reason I asking is becausing I is not sleeping well and I ent eating neider so I lossing weight and ting so I need he to speak back to me.

    I got a question for you DIW!

    What effect do you think an interview with Verla Depeiza, Reverend Atherley AND Grenville No Solutions Phillips (aka Bedroom Policeman) would have on their political aspirations?


    This is an abstract topic and I know dat the sheeple here CANNOT DO ABSTRACT DISCOURSES but leh we discuss this for a few minutes like we uséd to talk before!

    Just the three of them, not the failed Mugabe Mottley

    What would be the possible outcomes politically? etc.?

  44. Jeremiah 4:31
    “For I have heard a voice as of a woman in travail, and the anguish as of her that bringeth forth her first child, the voice of the daughter of Zion, that bewaileth herself, that spreadeth her hands, saying, Woe is me now! for my soul is wearied because of murderers.”



    21For death is come up into our windows, and is entered into our palaces, to cut off the children from without, and the young men from the streets.

    22Speak, Thus saith the LORD, Even the carcases of men shall fall as dung upon the open field, and as the handful after the harvestman, and none shall gather them.

    23Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches:

    24But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.

  46. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Pieces, u pulling my chains but that’s OK…deferential you say…really! I get the same as all others so nothing deferential there bro.

    Now, you and a few others who take a path over-wrought with hanging tentacles of conspiracies and regularly lambaste the Blogmaster for alleged slights get your fair share of ‘cuss’…. can u really blame the man n his crew. Suffice to say you know u and the BU household are bosom pals for life… So I dun wid that!

    Now, you pulling my legs, chains and all else wid that query…where u going wid that…. trying to get me some height from my stunted size, maybe!

    One interview can’t do diddly…or said differently they have awesome means to ‘reach’ Bajans.. thus it’s about the impact they make in that outreach.

    Anyone of them can invite serious journalists or former journalists to conduct a major in depth, no-holds-barred interview and launch it across the various media platform; they can video a rousing community meeting where they are ‘licking cat piss n pepper’ and do same. The PR plan is not the problem bro, you know that.

    That “interview” on UNDERSTANDING in ’75 or ’76 is the seminal ‘let me introduce myself and impress the hell out of you’ that you seek maybe!

    But the man was a fresh 17 years old budding politician who took apart a seasoned attorney who happened to be sitting in the senate…yes it catapulted that lad into the minds of Bajans as never before…but are any of these fresh still!

    Can they truly impress us to heaven and beyond than what they have done already!

    Back then there was only one visual/audio game in town but now no one has to wait on CBC or Nation or BarbadosToday to set a favourable agenda…they will do many an interview etc but if you looking for their maguffy moment well I can’t help yah. All to you.

    I gone bro… let’s do Easter visits!🙃

  47. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend


    @ de Pedantic Dribbler

    I was not trying to trick you.

    What I wanted to bring to the fore was twofold

    1.whether any one of the 3 really had or has solutions for crime that when they shared them WOULD GIVE THE PUBLIC CONFIDENCE IN THEIR CHOICES


    2.if any one of the 3 would have been so patriotic to share the innards of their crime and violence which is a critical part of any political strategy

    So you see the point I am making?

    Would their patriotism be such that, EVEN IN THE FACE OF GIVING WAY THEIR TRUMO CARD, they would go on TV and detail their solution for benefit of all Bajans!

    You see where I am going with this? and why I asked you what would be the effect on their political careers?

    What would be the impact of a wannabe leader putting nation first SO THAT THE MUGABE GOVERNMENT COULD IMPLEMENT THEIR SOLUTIONS.

    Naked we enter into this world AND WHEN WE LEFFING IT, we take nothing out!

    So de Ingrunt Word this has to be how Reverend Atherley runs his campaign if he wants to become the new governance model for Barbados

    Verla nor Bedroom Policeman DO NOT HAVE THAT NOUS (that is your word DIW and I using it to sound intellectual)

    How can anyone who seeks to govern Barbados NOT GIVE OF THEMSELVES? TOTALLY?

  48. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Ok brother Pieces, got yah!

    Looka as u suggest if u got a real, doable plan then put it out there.

    1.the govt uses the solutions that make sense and bring results or

    2.they don’t but u convince the electorate you are right and get chance to implement

    If you are serious and have complete confidence in ur plans then u beat that message relentlessly.

    Any argument that you don’t want the govt to steal ur ideas on matters like that should be a non-starter.

    BTW, you know that NOUS (pronounced ‘nou’ in French) means WE/US right!

    So all-ah-we word.😂🤣😎!

    I gone.

  49. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ Senator Caswell Franklyn

    For there to be any lessening in the Voilence & Robberies & the Crime Caswell, YOU HAVE TO BECOME THE FACE OF A KINDER & SAFER BARBADOS!!!

    You need to made a video Caswell where YOU, and the members of your inert People’s Party for Democracy and Development, all assemble back at the same place where the robbed you AND SOUGHT TO MADE AN EXAMPLE OF YOU, but faltered!

    You and your PdP party need to reach out to one of the lip service corporate entities AND SPONSOR A COMMUNITY OUTREACH At the same watering hole.

    Get one or two of the soft drinks places AND THE BAKERIES AND CHICKMONT AND THE BARPACK PLACE, to give you free food and drink AND INVITE BAJANS AGAINST CRIME, to the same place.


    YOU have to create A NEW VERSION OF THE GATHERING FOR THE PDP that is based on YOU CASWELL.

    during this island wide outreach Caswell wunna going have food and drinks at 1/2 the usual price but you going be sharing what happened to you AND ASKING ALL BAJANS TO STOP THE VIOLENCE!

    You is de only politician out dere with de credentials TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE CASWELL


    I KNOW HOW TO MAKE THE PDP WIN CASWELL, and if wunna serious, I WILL HELP WUNNA, but I fear more and more that Joe is a ***

    I, Piece the Legend, HAVE SPOKEN

  50. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster if you love Barbados you will post it!

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