
Dear Sir/Madam,

Daily, readers of news media are bombarded by the news litany about “white policies and practices of institutionalized and/or overt actions, that speak of “hate towards blacks”.

My attached documents provide a different, disturbing, self-deprecating perspective of an act that is particularly egregious, one that on examination makes the reader carefully consider “what whites are chronicled to have done, and continue doing”  but we find that such will pale in significance.

In fact, as you read through the attached document the information suggests that black people should be moving rapidly to  canonize King Leopold of Belgium for his Congo massacres

Pardon the anathema above or language at the end of this sentence, but I want you to introduce you to the details of this unbelievable “Rape of Self”.

  1. On Friday (0) I contacted the  Ambassador in (0)
  2. At that time she expressed (o) and asked that I [details]
  3. On (0) I [provide dates and copies of materials]
  4. I further provided the Ambassador (0)

As can be seen above, this is a chronicle of “Self Rape”.

Imagine that I, a black man, reach out to (0), a country that is promoting (0) free land for Diasporians”, I am then asked to submit a document (0), which outlines my Door of No Return Initiative and thereafter, not only does said party embrace my Idea but they, after packaging the idea as their own,  proceed apace to prostitute the concept.

Readers will have no difficulty understanding the importance of this initiative, whose name they have had the gumption to change, BY USING ONE WORD!

Readers certainly will have no difficulty comprehending my rationale as a black man, making an outreach to a black nation, whose (0) representative made colorful speeches at *(0) in *(0)

But what readers WILL HAVE a difficulty assimilating is how one of these leading, self proclaimed “black mother nations”, one which, in its postings to the Diaspora, loves to speak of “One People, One Africa”, readers would have great difficulty understanding why it would be involved in this act of appropriation of A BLACK MAN’s proposal in this specific matter!

Lord have mercy, even if it was a white man, while appropriation, it would not be as distasteful.

Sir/madam, as a black man, you CANNOT EVEN BEGIN to comprehend how FILTHY I feel because I, and others, in the Castle of My Skin, while I live, MUST REMAIN in my skin, we have no place to run and to have this done by another black man/woman well…

This matter, IS NOT ABOUT A CONSUMER COMPLAINING “there is an problem with a product”  where one submits a complaint and the company sends you a replacement order.

At the core of this is the Black Experience of Slavery and that sir/madam, IS NOT an issue to be GLIBLY SULLIED by ANY NATION, particularly a BLACK nation, using this self denigration for such a facile purpose.

The perpetrators of this act have IN A SINGLE ACT, destroyed the reputations of all its Reparations Partners, Freedom Fighters, Equality Champions,  Civil Rights leaders and the panoply of stakeholders in the Diaspora Struggle of People of Colour.

They have irreparably marred a global proposal that served the Coloured Diaspora, a proposal that was discussed and requested  to advance “What is our Mirror Image?” and strategies we People of Colour can employ to leverage it globally.

Now this ADIMI has been reduced to an issue of banditry and highwaymen theft where, in 2019, there is clearly no need for others to enslave us since, WE ARE DOING THIS WICKEDNESS  QUITE EFFECTIVELY AGAINST OURSELVES


David Weekes

Ashamed to be Black

Cc Undisclosed List including Ambassador Andrew Young, Bishop Walker, Ambassador Jesse Jackson, Professor Sir Hilary Beckles,

163 responses to “Why Black People Were, Are and Will Always Be Slaves”

  1. Hi David…the negros are still selling each other for pocket change while claiming to be educated….and would cuss ya for pointing out their ugly, backward, wicked ignorant selves…

    as usual..

    they are DOOMED..

  2. I won’t go to Africa with not one of those frauds, they made themselves too well known and i value my reputation and safety way too much.

    they don’t even understand what they are doing and would carry that Bajan experience they dish out with them.

  3. Bottomline…it is a black problem, ya can’t trust the ones in the East…nor their counterparts in the West…

    the black human continues to be DOOMED..

    and they can never see themselves..

  4. Unless you are African descended with the ability to EDUCATE yourself and RETRAIN your own mind…you are DOOMED….it is a real black people problem and no one can change it but every person so afflicted and infected..individually….for themselves.

    it’s like they are on autopilot, devoid of conscious thought, even when they should know better.

    most people will not want to touch this topic and would prefer remain TRAPPED in their own addled and damaged minds..

  5. Unless you are African descended with the ability to EDUCATE yourself and RETRAIN your own mind…you are DOOMED….it is a real black people problem and no one can change it but every person so afflicted and infected..individually….for themselves.

    it’s like they are on autopilot, devoid of conscious thought, even when they should know better.

    most people will not want to touch this topic and would prefer remain TRAPPED in their own addled and damaged minds..






  7. @Baje


    Well said.

  8. Let me rephrase…IT IS A BLACK PEOPLE THING…and if we continue to say…WUH OTHER GROUPS DO IT TOO….it will never be UNDONE..

    Remember, David’s grievance has to do with the fact…that he introduced his ideas ,,.TO THE CONTINENT…and what happened, THEY TIEF IT and put someone else’s name to it, just as they would in Barbados and the Caribbean and in multiple majority black jurisidictions…TIEFING FROM THEIR OWN..

    Most often than not…they TIEF from their own…to give away or sell to other groups who DON’T even like them…a la the black ass leaders in Barbados…who claim to be educated, but NEVER PROTECT OR LOOK OUT FOR THEIR OWN PEOPLE……and as you described are greedy, selfish..etc..

    The warped black mind STILL hate to see another African descended person like themselves progressing and moving fprward and upward…and they still, after centuries see nothing wrong with this cursed philosophy…ALTHOUGH it always keeps them AT THE BOTTOM of all the groups.

    Stop watching other groups..unless ya watching what they are up to re stealing, denigrating or oppressing you and your people…..and of course most blacks are not aware enough TO WATCH THESE GROUPS…..and would not want to not nearly a quarter as much as they watch and target each other for OPPRESSION and DESTRUCTION.

    Black people have honed these negative energies and skills against each other into an artform…for centuries…..again, i refer you to black leaders in Barbados…in making each other’s lives so difficult and unbearable a la the shite leaders in Barbados, Africa etc…that people have to run away and risk their lives searching for freedom….keep making excuses for black on black destructiveness and BACKWARDNESS and it will NEVER CHANGE..

    Other groups will figure it out for themselves and AS USUAL…LEAVE THE AFRICAN DESCENDED GROUP DECADES OR EVEN CENTURIES BEHIND..

  9. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Here is a question I want to pose to Baje and Robert Lucas

    If it is greed, if it is a lack of empathy, if it is no regard for your fellow human beings, and if these traits can be found in all races, why is it that black people, with these traits, can’t seem to prosper in the lands that belong to them, while white people, with the same traits, have prospered in the lands that belong to them? Now if you are going to tell me about slavery and its detrimental effects then tell me why similar people subjected to various degrees of horrors seem to have gotten past those atrocities to catapult themselves into developing their people to build their nations towards prosperity. There is an inherent reality associated with black people that goes beyond those three or four things you cited. Before slavery, what were black people doing again?

  10. Africa seems never to have had a unifying religion and set of belief systems.

    Hitler thrived for a time in the west even appealing to sane, normal individuals.

    Yet somehow people resisted and were forced into a unified (allied) resistance through their beliefs.

    Africa never had one Hitler rather a succession of mini Hitlers in control.

    True the west has had its share of mini Hitlers but always there seems to have been a countervailing school of thought and action.

    All mankind is imperfect.

  11. African descended people will always REMAIN…at the bottom end of every SOCIAL GROUPING…because of their own useless, self destructive philosophy..and will remain UNABLE to see their own positions because of this clear self blinding destructiveness..

    The problem African descended have..they tend to adopt other people’s shite systems and shite religions which does more harm and damage to them than any good…which were ALL DESIGNED TO ROB THEM of their ancestral wealth and knowledge…without even realizing or having the ability to acknowledge that what has been forced on them was originally stolen from them, twisted, warped and RETURNED TO THEM to control and leave them permanently stupid..

    … instead of REVERTING to their own THOUSANDs year old tried and true practices which helped DEVELOPED this world, re education, multitudes of inventions..etc..they REFUSE to access their own POWERS and KNOWLEDGE…which each and every one of the AFRICAN descended…are born with…they prefer the bullshit fantasies fed to them by the centuries old THIEVES…which has effectively dumbed down any powers they have available to access…the dumbed down negro.

    they much prefer remain at the bottom end of all social grouping, it makes it that much easier to TERRORIZE,, DISENFRANCHISE and OPPRESS each other…they are doomed to make the same mistakes century after century..AND GOT THE NERVE…to expect different results…steuppps.

  12. @ Baje October 8, 2019 12:23 AM

    That might be so at the zoological / primatological level of the human existence.

    But isn’t there a case to be made beyond the ‘skin-deep’ argument that there is a peculiarly fundamental difference between black people and other racial groups?

    How else would you explain the phenomenon where blacks, say Bajans, who have migrated to countries politically controlled by other races, say USA, Canada and the UK, end up working for the native population or the government whereas the reverse condition occurs when non-blacks migrate to black politically-controlled countries, say Barbados?

    How come white, Indian and Chinese immigrants find themselves employing local blacks when those immigrants should be at the ‘employment behest’ of the majority black or native population?

    When are you going to see some Indian police officers or Syrian and Lebanese-descended kitchen staff and servers in Bajan restaurants owned by Chinese?

  13. It is true that these traits are shared by all races but the problem is that every other race conspires to keep black people at the bottom of the heap. They work together to do that. And so if we want to overcome this great disadvantage we would have to work together. But what happens is that the other races find a few stooges and these stooges also conspire with them to keep the other black people down for the privilege of enjoying a larger than average black man piece of the pie. And the rest just scramble around and fight each other like savages for the crumbs.

    Until we understand that unity is power, until we understand that if we don’t swim together we shall all surely sink until we understand that if we don’t hang together we shall hang separately we shall indeed be forever slaves.

    A few of us will find some semblance of freedom either by luck, talent or duplicity but in the end all black people (and that includes the duplicitous ones, will still be second class citizens of the world.

    Those leaders who “pompasette” in Barbados ought to remember that when they appear on the world stage they are nothing but gnats and flies to be swatted away by the big boys. As they brush us off so they are brushed of no matter how much they wave their appendages about. We see you. You ain’t nothing but an “uppity n***ger” laughed at as soon as you leave the room. Ain’t nobody taking you seriously but a few bird- brained yard fowls.

    Seek to unite your people! That is the best thing you can do for yourself, your family and your people. Seek long-term rather than short-term gain! Play the long game! What benefits your people will ultimately benefit you.

  14. In other words, we have to be better human beings than they are if we want to be recognized as human beings. Not fair but real.

    It is a concept not foreign to women fighting for recognition and reward.

  15. Even the ones who DELUDE themselves that they are oh so professional. educated and are at a higher social level than their black brothers and sisters…RARELY ever work for themselves but for other groups and are mostly OWNED by other groups..even when it is not necessary…

    one only need check out the usless negros in the parliament…owned by minority criminals for decades…and that does not apply to Barbados only…but to any country where there is a BLACK MAJORITY…

  16. @ WURA-WAR-on-U October 8, 2019 8:16 AM
    “The problem African descended have..they tend to adopt other people’s shite systems and shite religions which does more harm and damage to them than any good…which were ALL DESIGNED TO ROB THEM of their ancestral wealth and knowledge…without even realizing or having the ability to acknowledge that what has been forced on them was originally stolen from them, twisted, warped and RETURNED TO THEM to control and leave them permanently stupid..”

    Excellent understanding of the ‘anthropological’ condition of the black man.

    You have hit on its head the nail which keeps the black man’s coffin in place to mentally enslave him ad infinitum.

    Until they emancipate themselves from mental slavery by ceasing the idolization of other people’s gods then they will continue to be in social, economic and political bondage.

    They ought to look into the racial mirror and identify themselves as the ‘product’ and masterpiece of Creation engineered by the Light which gave them their skin colour in the first place.

    Black people are the children closest to the Light and must recognize that before they can stop being the hewers of ‘social’ firewood and drawers of ‘economic water to other races.

    Why do you think the white ‘Christian’ race continues to portray Jesus as a white man knowing full well this fable has been shown to be totally inaccurate, if not impossible?

    Even the Jews don’t fall for such a stunt of a cover-up to trick black and brown skin people into giving up their lands and natural resources.

    Ask our resident BU Quaker, John the Trump lover, why his Quaker ancestors were able to keep black slaves meek, mild and in a state of economic disenfranchisement for almost 2 centuries.

  17. “In other words, we have to be better human beings”

    TO EACH OTHER…which is totally FAIR.

    stop being “better humans’ to enrich and develop other groups, do yaself and yours first…and then….

  18. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    You are no slouch when it comes to intellectualizing a matter. So let me ask this. If in agreeing with the commenter waru regarding what you deemed a deep insight by her, why has the black man not used what was twisted, manipulated and return to him to his advantage, by simply untwisting it, un-manipulating it, and presenting it as a new paradigm? Are we not now a highly educated bunch? All I see is a people that keep themselves entangled in the trap and blame everyone else for the trappings they have amicably identified. I do not see the other races who have encountered their share of turmoil bellyaching over their past like blacks. They have moved on from weakness towards a position of strength. The condition and state that blacks continuously find themselves in are of their own doings and makings. The mind games that the whites played on blacks are several generations into the past, yet evidence of it is still clear today because we cannot get past this belief that if it white, it right. Where I agree with the commenter is when she says constantly what blacks leaders in Barbados have been doing to their own kind by selling them out to the whites. Imagine after all the education we have mustered, the white is right mindset still permeates those who want you to believe that they are in firm control of the wheel call Barbados, but refuse to tell us what we already know that white engines are responsible for the drive and gear shifts. Not only them, but we also support whites with our money and scoff on our own whom we feel is out of place trying to establish businesses for themselves because independence is not a word synonymous with blacks. Why? Anything black got to be slack! That right there so is the hype of black ignorance. How far are we going to carry that? RIGHT TO THE GRAVE. Until we come to the realisation that to remain divided we fall, but to unite means that we build, we will remain where we always have been, DOWN. If black people realise the potential they have and start moving, imagine the shaking that would occur. Unfortunately, all I am seeing is a race that continuously set up themselves to ride that merry-go-round called downfall spiral. All I keep on seeing is a people who seem to believe that they were created into this world to always serve, and the white man has perpetuated it by making it so in his operations and dealings with black people. AND WHY THE HELL NOT! We are not doing anything about it but talking. There is nothing stopping the black man from pooling his resources but the black man. Unfortunately, that is a complication yet to be figured out by black people. I am a proud black woman, proud of my complexion, proud of my rear attribute and thick lips, and proud of my ancestral lineage. However, it pains me to say that black people are the most ignorant is ass people to be found amongst all the races. We need to understand the true definition of learning. Right now we have not learnt one shite but to complain and depend.

  19. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    We all need to love ourselves, and trust ourselves before we even attempt to love and trust each other. Do we not have a tendency to look to others for validation? Too many look to others for validation who do not even know and affirm themselves. We need to look deep within ourselves and affirm who we are.

    @ WARU

    Early in this game I told you that you were doing a better job at demolishing the self worth of black people than the white man and I see nothing in your interventions to change my evaluation. If one reads day after day that the black man is worthless, a weak mind will tend to believe it. So please start with yourself. Can we expect some positivism from you going forward?

    @ David Weekes

    You seemed to be hurt more deeply because it was a black person that stole your idea. But that is the nature of ideas. Once communicated you no longer possess or own them. The colour of the thief is irrelevant. It is the nature of man. Let it go.They are more ideas in your creative mind. Probably better ones. Good Luck. This was a lesson. Not a tragedy. Do not lose twice.

  20. Quite true! High time we fix ourselves and move on, not forgetting our past but using it for fuel. No more excuses!

    Despite the Christian faith my family done fix long time. Long time ago I coloured God in with crayon. I don’t know exactly where in Africa I came from yet and so I know nothing of my ancestors gods.

    But Miller I still good to go! Any explanation?

  21. @ Sunshine Sunny Shine October 8, 2019 9:51 AM
    “I am a proud black woman, proud of my complexion, proud of my rear attribute and thick lips, and proud of my ancestral lineage. However, it pains me to say that black people are the most ignorant is ass people to be found amongst all the races. We need to understand the true definition of learning. Right now we have not learnt one shite but to complain and depend.”

    There you go then with the key to the door to let in the air of enlightenment.

    The spiritual, social and economic liberation of the black race lies not in the hands of the black man but in the eyes, heart and hands of the black woman.
    She must stop seeing herself in the mirror of the European woman which does not reflect the Light.

    Her Nubian power must be displayed but first she must see herself through the lens of a black beautiful pearl which shines like a black diamond in the sky of self-confidence and intellect and not as a captive consumer of materialistic trappings and trinkets.

    She is the embodiment of Mother Africa and ought to be the one to bring about change; not the psychologically and economically emasculated black males.

    Black males, generally, look up to their mothers and would kill for them, not so?

  22. Vincent,

    You may have a point there. Maybe encouragement and teaching is a better way to reach some people. Some people close their ears when yuh cuss them. They ignore and continue along their path. Some internalize it and allow it to define them.

    Some harden their hearts and become even worse..

  23. @ Donna October 8, 2019 10:10 AM

    God is all around you displaying Creation.

    Just look up and you will feel the God of your ancestors; the One who gave them their black skins.

    Om Shanti!

  24. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Miller at 10 :24 AM

    I thought you would recommend that we breathe deeply in and quickly out. Ahhh…men.

    Om Shanti? Where did you hear that?

  25. Miller,

    You may actually have provided the explanation. I love nature. Once, while communing with God on my solitary morning hike, a fisherman thought I was about to jump of the cliff. Actually. I was just enjoying the feel of the early morning sun as it rose and gave radiant colour and sparkle to the sea. I often go there and marvel at that colour.

    But I’m so far gone that I see most white people as needing an oven.

  26. “But Miller I still good to go! Any explanation?”

    Instinct…the African ancestral powers we ARE ALL BORN WITH.

    if we will only access and TAP into those available powers, instead of perpetrating the bullshit prepared for us.

  27. Vincent…am destroying WHAT YALL WERE CREATED AND TURNED INTO USING AN IMAGE NOT CONDUCIVE TO ENLIGHTENMENT …AND FORWARD MOVEMENT……if only ya could see it….ah can’t help ya with that…’

    …if that is the image you prefer to PROJECT for other social groups to OPPRESS AND ENSLAVE…so be it…but DO NOT SPEAK FOR OTHER BLACK PEOPLE…

    some people don’t like to hear truths and WANT TO SEE CHANGES ONLY ON THEIR TERMS AS THEY WERE SOCIALIZED TO ACCEPT…so be it, but do not try to clothe everyone in those clothes, some, like myself will NEVER ACCEPT SUCH…then yall are the same people sit and wonder WHY it is so easy to DESTROY BLACK MINDS.

  28. @Miller

    OM Shanti
    Don’t tell me you were a fan of Garfield Blackman!

  29. Sorry for breaking up my submissions this morning but I rose a little too early. Miller you are correct. My son frequently says he would kill for me. It is true that we black women have to embrace ourselves and lead the change. Take heart! I have started with my son.

    It only takes a spark.

  30. Just bear in mind…ya cannot have it both ways, the universe does not work like that…either ya free yourself…PERMANENTLY…or stay betwixt and between…the slave of other people’s social engineering and all i can say to that is good luck, but i will never join you…

  31. How can someone in one breath extoll their blackness but in the next procreate with white men?

  32. Maybe it’s time to listen to ya PROPHETS…and stop peeping into each other’s bedrooms…which is none of ya goddamn business….

  33. Step the hell back or i will WHIP YOU WITH THE ROD OF CORRECTION.

  34. As they say “a hit dog will holler”

  35. Yeah…and a Dullard is no one ya promise or give sex to no matter how Black they are…

    ah must have really hit a nerve that ya trying to climb through my bedroom window, someone should tell ya that i am always ARMED..

  36. Bob should have told them unite, as they finally are by removing the borders, the first step…but STOP TIEFING FROM EACH OTHER….to make themselves look good, still trying to figure out who they have to IMPRESS….in these times after the last 500 year experience..

  37. A few of us will find some semblance of freedom either by luck, talent or duplicity but in the end all black people (and that includes the duplicitous ones, will still be second class citizens of the world.

    Donna 8.44am

    The last part of your statement is what drives my 6ft 5 inches and 275 lbs.

    It is the central premise of this ADIMI proposal to the Government of Ghana.

    Adimi, the African Diaspora In Motion Initiative, comes from the latin word ” adimo–is; ademi; ademptum; adimere” to be taken away.

    There was no design in the acronym ADIMI, nor in the relationship with the latin verb, it just happened.

    What drives the initiative is its final output.

    It is not an African Tour Charter as this prostitution by Hunte Cox and the Ghanaian counterparts have proposed AND KILL IN UTERO.

    It is not the simplistic concept of trade, WHICH ALREADY EXISTS.


    And this is why I am so profoundly disappointed, NOT HURT, but disconsolate with the whoring of this matter and I will expand my position and thoughts here

  38. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    I do not recall the Adam and Eve story being a singular journey. The pivot that allows everything to move must be driven by both male and female. However, I have to embrace your comment as one that has some relevance, because men have failed the plural journey and left women to bear it far too often on their own. I shall seek to play my part as soon as my cookie is fully baked. The question is: how many black women of strength, sound judgement, and willingness to ”shine like a black diamond in the sky of self-confidence and intellect” can move pass the ”captive state” of what so often traps them? Collectively we must all shout loud that the noise of ”stand together” resonates in our brains and hearts to the point that it becomes a captivating mantra. The black realisation and self-actualisation is a thing that we only count when we can sing a success story. Those in the pits, down and out, harp out a non-melodious tune to the mentality of every crab for his own barrel. This at the moment is the beating drum. As a result, the concept of the whole is lost because the pieces are busy trying to keep mismatches and operate like misfits.

  39. Dont know what I am doing wrong but I can’t get the posts to upload here so that’s why I sent it as a confidential submission

    The wordpress step is exhibiting an error message whe I add my email

  40. A few of us will find some semblance of freedom either by luck, talent or duplicity but in the end all black people (and that includes the duplicitous ones, will still be second class citizens of the world.

    Donna 8.44 am

    The last part of your statement Donna is what drives my 6ft 5 inches and 275 lb frame to trying to make a “contribution” to making a difference to the “black psyche”.

    I, David Weekes, am unimportant, in the grand scheme of things, so I am not here on any ego trip.

    This IDENTITY AS A BLACK MAN, is the central premise of this ADIMI proposal to the Government of Ghana.

    Adimi, the African Diaspora In Motion Initiative, comes from the latin word ” adimo–is; ademi; ademptum; adimere” to be taken away.

    There was no design in the acronym ADIMI, nor in the relationship with the latin verb, it just happened.

    What drives the initiative is its final output.

    It is not an African Tour Charter as this prostitution by Hunte Cox and the Ghanaian counterparts have proposed AND KILL IN UTERO.

    It is not the simplistic concept of trade, WHICH ALREADY EXISTS.


    And this is why I am so profoundly disappointed, NOT HURT, but disconsolate with the whoring of this matter and I will expand my position and thoughts here

  41. You seemed to be hurt more deeply because it was a black person that stole your idea. But that is the nature of ideas. Once communicated you no longer possess or own them. The colour of the thief is irrelevant. It is the nature of man. Let it go.They are more ideas in your creative mind. Probably better ones. Good Luck. This was a lesson. Not a tragedy. Do not lose twice.

    Vincent Codrington 10.33

    I “create” things every single day.

    If you were to look at my desk you would find 10 books with pages filled with hundreds of scribbles

    I am truly an inventor, I frighten me because of the thousands of things that My God allow me to see

    What I do is advance the concepts to a point where people around me sometimes understand what My God shows me.

    Because they are so many Vincent, I find someone else and “share the idea”

    My choices of people who I share them with FOR THE MOST PART, falls into people who can’t see the vision or wish to steal it.

    For the last 3 years I can give you an example of 1 project every month that someone tries to steal.

    One a month!

    Projects which are $1 million dollar concepts.

    I DO NOT broadcast every single thing because I understand the nature of men and women and the paucity of integrity and morality that exists in this world.

    But for those things that subvert our Blackness Vincent I have a feral response

    That is not “hurt” that is being disconsolate because of the turpitude of someone in The Castle of My Skin

  42. Not sure what is happening but none of my comments are uploading

  43. Sunshine Sunny Shine October 8, 2019 6:36 AM

    I am afraid I am unable to help you on this particular question. Maybe a Freud or Jong can give you answers.

  44. @ Sunshine Sunny Shine October 8, 2019 1:34 PM

    You are being very eloquent with this particular post. Reminds me of parts of ” Samson Agonistes”( ie: how you used the language).

  45. @Sunshine Sunny Shine October 8, 2019 6:36 AM

    Donna’s posting at October 8,2019 8:44 AM seems to have answered your question.

  46. David Weekes,

    I inquired about you just a couple of weeks ago. Glad to see you are still at it. Seems like you were proposing something much deeper than these surface people can understand. I understand just what you mean by whoring and your indignation is righteous. Don’t give up yet!

    Sunshine Sunny Sunshine,

    You will be an excellent mother. Never forget to keep ya sista here posted.

  47. Vincent Codrington
    Thank you! I thought I was the only one that find her interventions insulting and degrading to black people.

  48. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    Thanks hon. I intend to be.

    Robert Lucas

    Just responding in a similiar tone to the ever articulate Miller’s postings. I wanted to hear you and Baje views. Donna shared a perspective that is familiar to us feminine figures. I would like to hear your male view on the subject matter. You are a researcher in things religious. I believe you have insights on the black diaspora and what plagues the black man after centuries of emancipation.

  49. Fowl Enuff…ya are a goddamn bottomfeeder, sucking on the likes of cow and other crawling minorities because ya are so low in self confidence and self esteem, when they die off so will you…., and ya are an asswipe for corrupt politicians… i don’t expect you to say anything different…ya are STILL irrelevent…and this conversation is WAY above your level of intelligence…stay in ya lane..

  50. “And this is why I am so profoundly disappointed, NOT HURT, but disconsolate with the whoring of this matter and I will expand my position and thoughts here.”

    Stealing black people’s creations and inventions in Barbados is a way of life, so those with their mentalities warped and twisted with brainwash, will see nothing wrong with that, they EXPECT you to ACCEPT ALL violations of your rights and just move on ….just shut up until the next lowlife decides to rob you ….and REPEAT..

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