The former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Leader of Government Maxine McClean and Leader of government business in the last administration made a very interesting contribution to the radio talk show Brasstacks on the 8 August 2019. Her contribution severely criticized government’s decision to write-off penalties, interest owed on VAT in the 1996 to 2000 period and a waiver of taxes from 2001 to 2017.

It was unfortunate the moderator of the program appeared ignorant about the subject matter and preferred to pressure McClean to finish her contribution which was valuable if compared to many who use the program to discuss issues boring to most listeners.

Here is the link that captures McClean’s contribution.



174 responses to “Former Minister Maxine McClean Blisters Government’s Decision to Write-off VAT Monies Owed to Taxpayers”

  1. Why did the administration she was a part of not collect the VATback then, and why did she not say something back then, these useless politicians act like they are talking down to our parents, grandparents and great grand parents…who knew no better.

    put them in their uppity place, they are all responsible for the VAT not being collected, and now for it being written off…..collecting bribes was/is more important.

  2. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @WURA-WAR-on-U August 9, 2019 9:06 PM “Why did the administration she was a part of not collect the VATback then.”


  3. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Blogmaster “and a waiver of taxes from 2001 to 2017.”

    There has been NO waiver of taxes from 2001 to 2017, although there has been a waiver of interest and penalties provided that the taxes are paid off within a five year period beginning January 2019 and ending December 31, 2023.

    In any event the government charges 12% interest. Where else can the the government earn 12% interest? What? When the banks are paying 1/4% interest.The government, “B” and “D” behaves like Shylock.

  4. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    According to the Central Bank’s report given today, the government’s revenues are up, partly because of the more efficient collection of taxes. If this government can collect more, my question to the “D’ people is why were they so piss poor at collecting taxes?

  5. William Skinner Avatar

    I listened to the exchange. I certainly would not deem it to be “blistering”the government. Ms. McClean was merely asking for clarity on the issue.

  6. She a fool and a crook , she had 10 years to collect that money , shut up and sit down fool. This is why they are former and not active, 30 down and 30 to go , by 2023 or sooner,

  7. I do not wish to hear anything from any member of that dishonorable, incompetent and allegedly criminal DLP administration that was in control of the Barbados government from 2008 to 2018. The temerity of Ms McClean in commenting on matters of public administration is insulting and repugnant to me as an ordinary Barbados citizen. It is galling that Ms McClean should retire to enjoy her ill gotten pension and comfortable life while very many ordinary Barbadians live on the precipice of financial, social and environmental disaster caused by the maladministration of the DLP of which she was a leading member.

  8. Most startling or even dumbfounding was that the moderator Joaane acted or pretended to be ignorant of not recognizing Mclean voice
    It seems that since this govt became in power VOB has made it their business to made a strange effort to dismiss or act in ignorance to anything past govt ministers or spokepersons say that would challenge this present govt policies

  9. Since in office this govt has made every effort to provide platable meals for the rich
    How many write offs those which govt retrenched have received
    Up to present time govt has yet to provide a list of names of any of these companies who have come beneficiaries of the treasury
    Yet the poor are asked to hold strain and stay the course
    This policy has been played over and over again and the media has become deaf and dumb to what these govt policies are doing and with want intent and impact it is doing to the economy
    Needles to say money owed to govt does not disappear in thin air this money has to be recovered through another source and most likely the taxpayer

  10. @Ping Pong

    You are usually the rational sort on the blog always dispassionate with your comments. Surely you are not saying that a good message should be ignored because of the past deeds the messenger brings to the table?

  11. Pin pong you have just defined yourself in that jerked message as the ultimate political yardfowl

  12. How can govt be giving tax write offs and waivers left and right and not being transparent by issuing names
    This kind of attitude should be condemn by the media
    However it seems that media has made a pact between themselves and govt to keep a close lip on issues that would awaken the minds of wrong doings by the govt
    At issue right now is the invalidity payments which have been cut to bare bones and govt ministers boasting about returning the payments
    One would think that the media would be quick to side with the people and make all effort to call on govt to restore with haste these payments
    But no media once again resorts to dumb and deaf posture

  13. “THE arrest of Government Minister Marlene McDonald shows that no one is above the law, Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley has said.

    Rowley made it clear yesterday that he was not afraid to take action against McDonald if that became necessary.”

    Well Trinidad after Antigua is now leading the way in the Caribbean, let’s see if corrupt small governments who believe that as soon as they are elected that they, their family and friends and the criminals who bribe them are SUDDENLY ABOVE THE LAW….and only the majority population should be arrested for any and everything.

    I am so not impressed with the BLP government, not impressed with Mia period, she messed up from day one trying to keep corruption alive and well, bending over backwards not to address it, helping criminals who robbed her people to get away and trying her utmost not to collect or recover any of the hundreds of millions of dollars they stole from the people..

    .. and neither are the people who are intelligent and know what is happening in Barbados is outright criminal at every level… impressed with her or any of them.

  14. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Mariposa August 10, 2019 6:18 AM “At issue right now is the invalidity payments which have been cut to bare bones and govt ministers boasting about returning the payments. One would think that the media would be quick to side with the people and make all effort to call on govt to restore with haste these payments.”

    Don’t you find it strange that that it is mostly government employees who leave the workforce decades early and collect a full tax payer funded pension while claiming to be medically unfit?

    How come this rarely happens with private sector employees?

    I met a 29 year old cop one time who told me “I am looking to go off medically unfit” soon. And no doubt expecting the taxpayers to pay a full pension from age 29 to age 109.

    Imagine that there are people in their 40’s collecting pensions, which are being funded by working people in their 60’s. Government needs to fix this. And the fix is not to continue paying pensions to young people. That would be the definition of idiocy.

  15. We would trust the judgment of Sir William Skinner on this one.

    However, Maxine McClean has been long known to be a political Lilliputian, no pun intended.

    That particular characteristic has always prevented her from seeing anything other than the mundane.

    She is no master planner able to design national policy. The act she is now so critical of was widely practiced by her DLP up to a year ago.

    We are very surprised that Sir William does not discern the workings of the duopoly this time.

    It is OSA who rightly said that such a bits and pieces personality has no right directing national policy.

    As readers would know, we have no confidence that the big ideas of this regime could succeed, particularly BERT. However, there is still a perverse logic to the decadent neoliberal policies of Mugabe. An illogic which has been devoutly followed by ALL previous governments, since at least 1980.

    McClean, was recently a leading member of a government which engaged in the most destructive economic policies known to man. That she could muster the intestinal fortitude to lecture anybody about maladministration beggar’s belief. Her right to so speak would require heads of the leading lights of the last administration on spikes.

  16. Talk yuh talk Maxine. ask serious questions about this Govt and the taxes it is forgiving, who is benefiting and the years they are forgiving.

    and to those who are talking shoite about why the DLP did not collect the taxes in the last 10 years the same could be asked of the BLP. why did it not collect VAT and other taxes in the 14 years it was in power? or allow it to accrue during that period?

    unnuh does behave as though politics in Bim began 10 years ago

  17. The wickedness of slaveminded, bribetaking politicians and government ministers over the last 70 years, self programmed to keep the people and island in this ugly state.

  18. “However, Maxine McClean has been long known to be a political Lilliputian, no pun intended.”

    She is a useless joker…dimwitted and dumb as a rock.

  19. Since it is money owed to the Government ie: us, the people, should we not see a list of the persons & companies benefiting from this write-off????

  20. Waru

    apart from the time at the resort, does that story make sense to you?

    how can anyone visiting Bim only confirm that Bim is a black country when going back to the airport? did they not drive from the airport in the first place? did they not go around whilst in Bim?

    you have to understand some Africans have nothing but contempt for the children of slaves.

  21. Only despicable stupid yardfowls would think that a dimwitted politician is more intelligent than them…or that they would have anything intelligent to say.

    Yardfowls just cannot help but expose their inherent backwardness and ignorance…,trying to keep the yardfowl ignorance going for another 3 generations…

  22. @ks

    IF we are practicing a level of democracy and transparency promised by both parties on the campaign platform we should be seeing the list of delinquents.

  23. @Pacha

    Surprised you would craft a criticism that is as personal. She has a right to comment. In fact given her experience she is well placed to do so. Citizens must take her constructive critique and pressure the government to do better. Leveling empty attacks on the person means nothing.

  24. BLP / DLP MPs, and family members should be on list of delinquents

  25. As i said, yardfowls are inherently backward and ignorant…..not even worth expending energy on anymore.

    From personal experience i know McClean to be dimwitted and dumb as a rock, just like all the other politicians/ministers who contributed to the ugliness in Barbados that they all created.

  26. @Pacha the Sage

    Coming at you again.

    Is McClean’s critique of the Act, decision to write off/forgive valid. Let us start here before we advance the debate.

  27. While this government forgives taxes and is proud of the increase in tax revenue they have collected, my question to them is at what price?

    The economy is slower than last year, the Barbadian on the whole has less disposable income and the economy generally is showing no signs of growth. How could it when government and business are fighting over every single dollar in disposable income?

    I am still waiting to see the growth plan unfolded as BERT has nothing in it growth wise, other than the growth in taxes.

    Please don’t reply to my questions with statement either like ” we will continue on our plan of consolidation and austerity while encouraging growth.” That and other such statements are of little comfort to me as they basically are saying nothing.

    Also how can you forgive debts locally while at the same time refusing to pay the foreign creditors, what message does this send to them?

  28. “you have to understand some Africans have nothing but contempt for the children of slaves.”

    Most African countries, their populations….ARE THE CHILDREN OF SLAVES….making those who have contempt for their fellow descendants of slavery…just as backward and ignorant as political yardfowls…it must be a black thing..,

    ….and for those who want to promote McClean and her well known lack of commonsense and intelligence…,two words…Shanique Myrie..

  29. Just maybe out of speculation
    Many who jump to head of the line to support this poicy benefitted from the tax write offs
    Who the shoe fits can wear it

  30. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Pacha
    On this one I was merely opposing the word blistering. In other words the Duopoly will continue to play games! I saw no blistering at all. I think that some people are still looking for an opposition and want to enjoy the staged non productive back and forth between George and Roebuck Streets.
    The Duopoly has raped the country and even the DpD just come and quick so push its hands in the cookie jar.
    No blister here at all. The kids are having their usual fun at our expense.

    The Duopoly Rules

  31. @William

    You are nitpicking.

    McClean in her contribution clearly rubbishes Minister Straughn and Mcconney with their handling of the matter. Youare better than what you have offered to this discussion since far.


  32. Good questions John A at each and every corner this govt is exposing a hand of deceit and utter contempt for the poor
    These type of policies only reinforces what is being said daily by barbadians on social media that Mia privileged life makes it hard for her to connect to poor and vulnerable and her actions during campagain goes against a background of sensitivity which she protrayed while in oppisition

  33. Good comments, observations and questions Maxine.

    A pity to notice some on this blog missing the points you are raising.

    Can someone remind me who was in office between 1996 – 2000 in Barbados ?

    Secondly, when that said party demitted office ?

    Good to see also ( by his questions / comments )…..that David BU trying to keep his blinkers off his eyes !

  34. William Skinner Avatar

    ‘John A
    Why are you surprised I have tried to explain to the minds on BU that the Governor of Central bank cannot do anything else but paint as positive a picture of the economy under any circumstances and any administration. Now let’s reason: If the know it alls on BU were cussing Dr. Worrell every day for propping up Sinckler who they determined a dunce, do you honestly think Haynes can be any different when he is now dealing with Mottley who some have accused of being brilliant?

  35. Well,well as expected the Dem apologist Skinner did not think Ms McClean was blistering the government. I unfortunately listened to her as well and came to a different conclusion.Tell me Mr Skinner why as a member of the last DLP government did they not collect the same vat for ten years?On many occasions this lady came on Brasstacks as a Minister usually with Mr Layne who she apparently knew and spoke on matters but was always in a hurry often refusing to be be questioned by callers.Ms McClean avoided Mr Ellis and Mr Wickham who she knew would ask her tough questions unlike the soft touch Mr Layne.Ms McClean was also a moderator on Tell it like it is who was swiftly made a Minister soon after the DLP came to office in 2008 after claiming she was non political on being challenged by Mr Symmonds back then.Therefore personally i wish to hear nothing from Ms McClean or any one from the former government since their poor performance in my view has us in this hole at present.

  36. Lorenzo,

    between 1996-2000 VAT tax forgiveness years why did the DLP not collect taxes or allow them to accrue thru to 2008? that is a v good question for McClean, ent? note i said DLP

  37. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Lorenzo

    Good morning Sir! Hope you and yours are well.
    Kindly direct your questions to the BLPDLP Duopoly.
    As a public service, here are some synonyms of blistering:
    Intense extreme ferocious fierce acute strong savage vicious harsh devastating virulent
    Extremely fast forceful and impressive.
    WOW you are certainly elevating Ms.McClean’s basically casual pronouncements.
    And a nice day to you and yours. You remain a comedic inspiration.

  38. Is it a valid question/criticism if posed by someone other than Ms. McClean?

  39. @ William

    You point is valid for sure. I for one am seeing extremely contradictory signals from this government. I can’t figure out if the plan is to turn left or right some days.

    You have not paid a cent to the foreign creditors for nearly 18 months and your lead adviser has said ” we ain’t in no rush to pay you cause we ain t borrowing in no hurry again.” So having defaulted and not paid a set for over a year that is our position.

    A couple weeks now after his nothings you then decide to waive local debts. What the ass wunna really doing ?

    Why weren’t these receivables given to an international collection agency to collect based on them getting a percentage of what they collect? It would not of cost us a blind cent if they collected nothing. Suppose they only collected a quarter of what was owed, would that not have been better than nothing?

    The message I am getting is don’t pay my taxes and if I wait long enough they will he forgiven. This is what I voted for in May last year?

  40. @ mariposa

    I having a real hard time understanding the logic here that’s the truth. We refuse to pay some we owe but at the same time we forgive some that owe us!

  41. You do not have to call in an international collection agency, just package the debt and sell it on at a discount. Leave the buyer to collect. Who are the financial wizards managing our economy? Ignorance is bliss.
    By the way, is this the same Senator McClean who sold out Barbados to the Chinese yuan? Doesn’t she have more important matters to apologise to the nation for?

  42. William Skinner Avatar

    @ David
    You obviously have now found the correct word. Yes she rubbished her friends . However it was mild and casual and never reached the intensity of blistering. It’s possible to rubbish some ones position without blistering them.
    I don’t have a dog in this fight! I was merely as I said to Pacha saying that I did not find her presentation to be that powerful as to rise to to any level of intensity.
    In other words not even a third rate journalist could have highlighted her presentation thus:
    “ In a call to Brasstacks former Senator McClean rubbished the Government in a blistering attack on recent ……..”
    I was actually listening to Brasstacks that day.

  43. Mr Skinner your response is expected.The problem is despite your protestations you in my view is part of the duopoly as a dem trying to convince otherwise.I heard Ms McClean ,therefore I do not need your spin on what she said,you are nitpicking on meaning of words I I am not buying it.John A tell me you are harping on paying of creditors at what cost to bajans ?It seems that you wish to pay creditors to bankrupt the country,which will not happen.Are you Dr Worrell who is advising the creditors with his inside knpwledge of the situation or are you a creditor,what is your apparent haste in paying these creditors?According to Mr Haynes the creditors will be paid when an agreement is reached in the best interest of the country and the creditors.What is your problem.

  44. @William

    Whether you listened to the talk show is irrelevant because the link to VOB webpage of the exchange is posted to the blog for all to critique for themselves. How you selected to interpret or not is up to you, the blogmaster will stick with BLISTERING if a former minister refers to another as not knowing what they are talking about.

  45. Yeap. The people who call themselves opposition also have demonstrated themselves to be jenny a sses yes Atherley and his bunch only speaks in political tones/rhetoric but has yet to demonstrate any serious advocacy on behalf of the people by putting words to action
    Cant help but remeber his outburst about White Oaks and govt promise of having him meet with White Oaks only latest to find out the promised was never fulfilled by govt
    Needless to say Atherley did nothing on holding govt to feet but simply left the issue to die in the eyes of the people
    The poor and vulnerable now become sitting ducks with an open season of having to pay there share or else

  46. @ Hal

    No I not even giving them the responsibility to package it, I calling in Lovett or one of those guys and saying ” fellows here are our receivables collect what you can and take 20 percent.” After all how I know that some of this debt isnt made up from statuary boards and this isn’t just a way of wiping their slate clean?

    I ain t now come down, if we collecting debt we collecting from ALL involved.

  47. @ Hal

    You could think of an easier way of cleaning up the balance sheets of a few statuary boards than having a debt forgiveness and throwing them in the mix too?

    If a collection company came in ALL would have to pay. Then again some statuary boards may offer to pay their debt to central government in bonds! Lol

  48. JohnA. There is no logic in what this govt has done so far
    Having no opposition to question their motives or intent and doesn’t seem to give a damn about transparency and accountability for the public purse
    This govt has so far been relentless and bold faced in throwing the poor over board and rewarding the rich
    One would think that by now a march to send this govt a message of disgust would have originated out of these austerity measures

  49. My problem with this type of approach is that every dollar in debt forgiven must be recaptured in New taxation for the few clowns like me that pay my taxes to now find. So what happens is those that pay then pay more so that those that don’t can get a free pass.

  50. @John A

    The spiel from BOTH political parties over the years is that the write-off, waiver, forgiveness allows businesses under stress for the last decade to breath again after years of being asked to tighten their belts and relieve government of the administrative cost associated with collecting aged debt.

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