Political parties select different colours to allow the public to identify their party and Candidates.  This well-established practise in Barbados avoids confusion.  The party colours of the three political parties that received the most votes in the last general election were: red for the BLP, blue for the DLP, and green for Solutions Barbados.
Political parties select different colours to allow the public to identify their party and Candidates.  This well-established practise in Barbados avoids confusion.  The party colours of the three political parties that received the most votes in the last general election were: red for the BLP, blue for the DLP, and green for Solutions Barbados.

We have been asked to comment on Atherley’s party, PPfDD, selecting the colour of Solutions Barbados, rather than choose their own separate colour.  Our comments follow.

Solutions Barbados do not think that Atherley and PPfDD have done anything illegal.  They have a right to select any colour they wish, including red and blue.  However, while their action may be legal, it is highly unethical.  It is also highly deceptive since their action can only confuse the public when they are trying to identify candidates.

Their actions are particularly disturbing since they claim to be morally and ethically superior to the BLP and DLP.  If they were a party of rebels, then this type of unethical behaviour would be expected.  But they claim to be a party of God, with several pastors among them who know that doing what is ethical, is more important that satisfying a legal standard.  They have started very badly.

According to Atherley, the PPfDD formed about seven months ago.  Why did they not spend that time creating a separate identity?  Why attempt to deceive the public, while prominently claiming God as a supporter?  They must know that God is not the author of confusion, so why are they trying to confuse the public?

The Bible describes satan as a deceiver, and the god of this world.  The PPfDD are invited to confirm which god they are serving, by either repenting, or stubbornly continuing with their deception.  They should know that their unethical behaviour is entirely consistent with that of the other fellow.

Grenville Phillips II is President of Solutions Barbados.  He can be reached at NextParty246@gmail.com

85 responses to “Solutions Barbados’ Response to Joseph Atherley’s PPfDD – Wheel and Come Again”

  1. @ Grenville Phillips II

    I noticed some former Solutions Barbados candidates are members of Atherley’s political party.

    Maybe you should ask Scott Weatherhead or Paul Gibson if they had a hand in choosing the party’s colours.

    Although I understand the intentions of your post, it seems like you’re angry and hurt that you lost a few of your former members to Atherley.

    You are always telling us that you are a professional, but you did not demonstrate that characteristic in your post. What I believe you should have done was to highlight the colours issue and then congratulate Atherley on the launching of his party.

  2. It seems a normal reaction for one political party to ask another formed after. What Atherley needs to clarify is to what extent he was present at party meetings when measures being implemented were discussed.

  3. GP is right here for once.

    The new Potemkin party should have chosen a different colour, namely blue. With the aim of taking as many votes as possible away from DLP. The new party would of course need an electoral programme tailored to the voters of the DLP. We all know that DLP is mainly elected by lazy civil servants, welfare recipients and detainees. So the new party would have to stick to the rotten welfare state, demand higher state spending, more debt and relaxed gun laws. A copy of the DLP programme, so to speak.

  4. A next excellent article…
    Questions that every Barbadian must ask are..
    How can they run a country if they cannot choose colors?
    If they would attempt to hijack colors, what else would they take (if in charge of the treasury)

    Have a great day Barbados

  5. quite a silly name for a political party too. a mouth full and would be hell for calypsonians to find words to rhyme with. lets hope it gets wilted down to the Greens- if it survives.

    i can see it now- Bim sings the blues when the dems in power, see red with the BLP and everything is green with the PPffffDDDDDs.

    Grenville should change his party colour to black. after all his economic solutions were based on getting Bim out of the red, pass the green, and into the black

  6. This is no excellent article.

    It meagerly exposes Solutions Barbados as the one man shop it has always been, pretending to be a party. Nothing SB does is informed by mass mobilization. And if you lack the masses, you have nothing!

    That the leader of a party has to lower himself to respond to mundane matters of this sort proves artificiality.

    Moreover, to publicly open an argument with another party based on religious bigotry is essentially to allow one’s own political philosophy, absent as it is, to be drag into the mire of that other subject which sensible people never argue over.

  7. When was the last SB annual/general conference and when is the next one scheduled?

  8. Steupse!

  9. Freedom Crier Avatar

    Mr.Phillips was pointing out the Duplicity of the New Party the one that has religious people associated to it.

    Trying to Claim the Moral High Ground while Stealing Representative Colours of another party and those that Support the other party for Stealing the Colours are themselves Guilty of Deception and Theft in their own lives because they Agreed with it. And they try to speak High minded as in GP 11 should be Professional thereby exposing themselves that they are nothing more than common Kleptomaniacs and there is nothing professional about that!


  10. Robert:

    You have misread our mood entirely. We are not at all angry, but ecstatic that they are no longer with us. We did reach out to Atherley but got no response.

  11. @ nextparty246 June 12, 2019 10:36 AM

    Exactly, Those who Jumped Ship Showed Where their Allegiance LIE!!



  12. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    No man who ran for a party won a constituency used the party’s finances to get into parliament and within a couple of days left the party
    and become opposition leader abandoning all he committed himself to and dumping all those who voted for him under that party’s banner
    cannot claim any moral high ground.
    Atherley is another version of Mascoll.
    Same difference
    More to come

    Duopoly Rules

  13. Who are the newly elected officials of Solutions, apart from Junior?

  14. What does the announcement of the candidates mean as far as Senators Franklyn and Drakes is concern. Both have publicly stated they are not interested in party politics.

  15. The first step politicians should make in protecting their families and the public is to acknowledge that a craving for power is stealthily and deceptively corrupting. The second is to be honest with your motives, and at most annually check them.

  16. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    De ole man was going to pass this shy$e article by for a few reasons but…

    The writer is obviously a man child I politics when he, like the other fellow with the political party did last year, made s non issue about colour and issue.

    The political novice who is looking for writing material, and is now writing his accustomed poop, because the stern hand of his sane arricke writer is no longer there, cause the man jumped ship, the Political Novice HAS GONE BACK TO CUSTOMARY FAECES

    The clown writes and I quote “…The Bible describes satan as a deceiver, and the god of this world.

    The PPfDD are invited to confirm which god they are serving, by either repenting, or stubbornly continuing with their deception…”

    How de FVUCK can he concatenate this non issue of party colour with satan and scriptures?

    How much closer to a madman, who has had a few duppies put on him could this pretend politician be?

    This is indeed the superlative jackassery action that he has conducted to date.

  17. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    Speaking of Jackassery!

    Who de ass tell Atherley to name his political party “Puff Daddy?”

    Wunna see all dem D’s, P’s and F’s?

    Which idiot get way with de alphabet soup and went mad?

    Mia give dat shy$e name to Atherley to mek sure that the party run way people.


    People have problems with No Solutions Barbados how de France dem going remember PuffDaddyParty?

    But dont worry cause dat name going change before 2023 and *** going ***

  18. So Piece calls my name once more. I told him that he can promote Atherley’s party all he wants, with no comment from me. But since he is back on the attack, let me again warn the gallery.

    Piece, by his own admission, had dedicated himself to Atherley’s party on a BU post dated 18 August 2018. He then dedicated himself to attacking me on 26 September 2018 – for no discernible reason other than I am standing in his way.

    He is perhaps the most stupid Barbadian that has ever lived – you can examine the evidence and decide for yourselves. He publicly plotted to overthrow PM Mottley, and even tried to get crowd-funding for his stupid treasonous initiative – which he actually boasted about here on BU. His own documented actions are ample evidence to convict him.

    However, it gets worse, as if that is even possible. The traitor boasts about implicating his grandson in his crimes. What a terrible example. Has he informed the boy’s parents? Does he even care about the boy’s future? All of this collateral damage just to promote Atherley’s party. Is it worth it Piece?

    The authorities will sort him our shortly since treason does not go unnoticed. This one is for Piece – The Legendary Traitor.


  19. Freedom Crier Avatar

    @ Grenville Phillips11…Sir Freedom was Pondering the Act by the Opposition Party of having Stolen Solutions Party Colours… There is Far more than meets the Eye in this Act of Dishonesty by those involved in that Decision…And it Started Unethical and will Escalate even more So as time Reveals the Influence of the Power Seekers that Jumped Ship.

    We will Witness much more as time goes on that they have Stolen and Claim to be theirs that came from Solutions Barbados… Those with No Vision who claim that this seemingly (nothing to pay attention to act) is a non-issue…How Wrong they are…

    It Actually Shows a Devilish Way that they will proceed along their path. Their First Intent is to Erase Solutions by Stealing their Colours…Stealing comes from the Adversary that is why it is written in the Scriptures the Commandment, “Thou Shalt Not Steal”…When ya Tief a Little, in Time ya will Tief Nuff…

    This is just the Start…be prepared you will Know, because you Know!!

    Sir may Freedom Recommend that you do not change your party Colours to different Colour just make the Solutions Green the Brightest and Boldest Green that Denotes Fresh Growth of a Plant or a Tree with New Leaves after the Winter. People will Recognise that from the Start that the Opposition have Established their Party as a Den of Thieves!!

    When PTL says “how de France dem going remember PuffDaddyParty?

    But dont worry cause dat name going change before 2023 and *** going ***”

    Remember Freedom previously said that PTL intent is to Oust Atherley, his Ploy is that his man the Socialist Unionist will Rise to the top. He has given a Clue above…The name of the party will Change…Either will his Pick Jump Ship with the other Floaters that Jumped from Solutions and create a New Party or with the help PTL Cut Throat Dirty Politics and others the Reverend will be Pushed out!



  20. PIECE

    You were right about GRENVILLE PHILLIPS 2.

    He is proven himself to be an arrogant SOB.

    You have asked him previously not to send two articles at the same time, yet not even that simple PIECE of advice could not be heeded.

    Could you imagine if such a man got hold of power in Barbados

    Grenville has the personality type of which dictators are made.

    That is why the people of Barbados must continue to crush him in the cradle.

  21. Who are the newly elected officials of Solutions, apart from Junior as the newly elected president?

  22. So what if Piece call your name again?! When are you going to stop sounding like an eighteen year old wannabee preacher/politician without a prayer of being elected???

  23. @ nextparty246 June 13, 2019 12:49 AM

    GP is a joker.

    He accuses “The Legend” of the most serious crimes, when he slanders even clean, honourable members of the government as corrupt criminals. Somehow contradictory.

    On the other hand, it must be just right for our government if the opposition in the social media destroys itself. What the red bishop is doing in parliament, GP is now doing on the Internet.

  24. Tron:

    We have slandered no one. The BLP and DLP Members of Parliament have slandered themselves.

    The BLP and DLP politicians accuse each other of gross corruption, not me. Should the public believe the BLP and DLP politicians when they regularly tell the public that they are corrupt?

    Waiting for an honest answer Tron.

  25. Stuuupse, a whole article bout a colour? But what is of even greater comic relief is the pride in claiming to be one of the three parties that got the most votes in the last election, though 8 candidates got more than the WHOLE Solutions party combined. Somethings though factual are farcical and therefore should never be used as a basis for triumphalism.😒

  26. Dear Donna:

    Piece can call my name as much as he wants, and scrutinise our policies and much as he wants, and I will happily engage him in respectful discussion. I have a long and consistent track record, going back decades, of respectfully interacting with hostile critics on the Internet.

    When Piece publicly dedicated himself (last year on BU) to promoting Atherley’s party and personally attacking me, I tolerated it for months, while many sat back and watched or participated. I recently decided that he can promote Atherley’s party as much as he likes, with no response from me; but I will challenge his lies about me. I will also respond by reminding him of his own actions.

    Treason is a crime of attempting to overthrow the government. If after repeatedly calling PM Mottley a despot and a dictator, someone was stupid enough to repeatedly call for her to be removed and overthrown. Does that not concern you?

    When he set up a crowdfunding page to finance his treason, and boasted about incriminating his grandson in his stupid schemes, what was your response? Did you applaud him, or encourage him to step back from the brink?

    When he was defaming me with his lies, did you support him like so many anonymous BU posters, or did you encourage him to step back from his relentless personal attacks?

    So, to answer your question. Whenever Piece defames me, I will respond.

  27. Enuff/Pach: This was not our weekly article. It was a press release, which was copied here in case the media messed it up – predictably, they did.

  28. Tron now shows you what a real opposition party must look like.

    Name of the new party: As close as possible to the original, i.e. to the DLP. Example: Democratic Party for Labour, DPL for short. Party colour: light blue.

    Party programme: The DPL is proud of the Barbadian independence and proud of old Barrow, the founder of the whole disaster. The DPL is a party for the socially and mentally needy, i.e. the transfer recipients and all lazy people on the island. We want to expand the welfare state and will use the national financial system for this purpose. So that we can continue to enjoy our great social benefits.

    The red bishop urgently needs better advisers.

  29. Can Grenville plse copy to BU the press release announcing the newly elected officials of Solutions?

  30. What overthrow what? What treason what! You people seem to be catching the Trump bug. That is really not a good role model for any sane person. As far as I recall Piece’s Third Party Movement had nothing to do with overthrowing any government but providing an alternative for the next elections and so no, it does not concern me. As far as I know there is no law against calling somebody a dictator or else Owen Arthur would have to be locked up first.

    If you say Piece has defamed you then I do not see how it is ethical to fight lies with lies. You should defend yourself with the truth. And as far as I can tell you care nothing for that at present. You keep on thrashing around with wild unfounded accusations. I don’t see how that makes you any better than Piece.

    As for defending you, I gave you a chance even whilst Piece wrote you off. Sadly, you have since done little but disappoint me. At present you seem to be incompetently leading a party of cowards hiding in the shadows. Do you seriously expect somebody to vote for them when they slink out at one minute to midnight??????

    Are you kidding me?????!!!!!!!

    PS. Everybody here knows that I do not always agree with Piece’s methods but this is not about him. It is about you and your response.

  31. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Donna, well stated above. I was astonished to read that @Pieces had participated in some alleged treason as I could not recall any such thing but refrained from mixing it up with Mr Phillips (again) on that particular matter.

    I too was dismayed that the gentleman politician Phillips was slithering into the same cess pool of innuendo and false jibes of which he steadfatly accuses his critics…alas, one can only presume to paraphrase the old cliche that one who plays with dogs will quickly learn how to bark, bite and bitch!

  32. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Hal, why do you want (we certainly don’t need) a “copy of BU the press release announcing the newly elected officials of Solutions”?

    Anyone deeply interested in a political group who keeps its officers and party business under- exposed can contact the party HQ or check the party website for that info.

    Why should the public pursue the party for info when said party is not controlling any public finances or agencies… to what avail… some gossipy, prurient delight?

    Mr Phillips is an accomplished professional who has ambitions to maximise his talents and skills beyond his current status and I wish him well…it is excellent when we reach that comfort stage of a well lived life and want to expound to the masses and expand our successes!

    But why are you keen to know details of his pet political self actualization project?…If you want to join refer to their site or call them; if you want to write about them, again do same.

    Grenville is a good and decent fellow…append a period there…talk lots about his various articles but be DONE with this political potluck journey…he may be serious but for many others on looking it’s a lark!

  33. The issue Dee Word is common with all the political parties in Barbados. Remove the top 2 or 3 and all the others are mediocre. The same is true for the electorate.

  34. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ Grenville Phillips (the roving madman)

    I had to stop laughing at your unique piece of ingrunce here.

    Even Hee Hee, one of Mia’s rented Jackasses whom Theophillus Gazerts has been beating with a whip, has come to this blog and called this article infantile.

    I gine try to say this slowly and hope you will understand this.

    1…you ent got no monopoly on colours the last time bajans checked.

    2…you need to make your campaign about serious working policies not I SO STUPID regulations. AND LIES!

    3…you have to stop commingling The Bible into your blather with this type of submission, or people going call you a piece of madman pretend Christian espousing bible babble!

    Look at Donna’s comments above and try to learn from the wisdom that she is writing.

    4…you ARE A SIMPLETON! you are also a one man political party WITH INADEQUATE RESOURCES .

    As Pachamama pointed out to you again, you cant have 2 articles running here at the same time BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO SIMPLE MINDED TO MAINTAIN THEM!!!

    Even when you run one, all de ole man does got to do is come here and taunt your behind and you, like the man child you are does get vex, and write ingrunce!!!

    Look, I going talk to you bout your remarks heheheheh bout Treason heheheheh

    You said and I quote

    “…He is perhaps the most stupid Barbadian that has ever lived – you can examine the evidence and decide for yourselves.

    He publicly plotted to overthrow PM Mottley, and even tried to get crowd-funding for his stupid treasonous initiative – which he actually boasted about here on BU…”


    For any of those many people who has so posted on BU EVERY SINGLE TIME I HAVE RESPONDED TO THEM, I have always been the first person to say that that action or verbal suggestion is illegal and wrong.

    You however have been getting some PPK-like advice which is very interestingly crafted AND SERVES 3 factions

    Mugabe, with her extradition initiatives heheheh

    PPK with his personal vendetta and


    You DO NOT HAVE THE BASIC BRAIN POWER TO FIGHT ME Grenville because you are NOT fighting me ALONE but…

    You continue and I quote

    “…His own documented actions are ample evidence to convict him…”

    I am a very well trained Psychographics Warfare agent.

    What you will choose to call “treason” against the other dictator and despot Mugabe is quite simply what is called dissenting opinion CARRIED ON IN THE CYBERSPACE MILIEU

    I pledged to support Senator Caswell Franklyn because he is a man of some principle and a patriot.

    And I did that long before he became Senator because of ***

    As a country WE ARE IN A PRECARIOUS PLACE with a rotating duopoly that continues to rape our citizenry.

    And while you are not like either of the two YOU ARE A BUNGLING IDIOT BUT WHAT IS WORSE, you are a megalomaniac who has a warped fixation on the Word of My God.

    That is a serious triple whammy Grenville.

    “I pledge allegiance to my country Barbados…” and that means that its enemies, OF WHICH YOU ARE ONE, must be wiped away from the House of Assembly.

    I know you going jump on those words “wiped away” to impute treason or physical damage but look how my 30 to 0 campaign went against the DLP.

    Was that treason?

    Was wanting a competent caring government which was responsibly spending monies entrusted it and making wise decisions ASKING TOO MUCH?


    Then Grenville the Roving Madman de ole Man is guilty

    And I gine mek sure that you never get in the House of Assembly too.

    Yesiree call that Treason or High Treason or call me dat feller dat seem to inhabit your Raving Dreams but you going lose a next deposit

    Like I going work hard to get the other despot out democratically only!!!

    The GoFundMe trust was for a particular purpose. It achieved its purpose which was to show the pindling nature of the current Government of Barbados.

    We are now one year closer to 2023 and now we do have a real Third Party Movement EVEN THOUGH IS NOW CALLED DAFFYDUCK

    The Treason Attempt to Discredit “Piece the Legend ” is noted

    But you are a

  35. Oh, you legend!

    Maybe now you realize that the alternatives to the current government are much worse.

    Imagine the return of the DLP. Their representatives can hardly eat with knives and forks and confuse salary and bribe money. They are the perfect proof that emancipation has not done a certain part of the population any good.

    Or imagine GP in power: No Internet, no rum, no dance, just the Bible as a law book. A Caribbean Kandahar, so to speak, with an ISO Taliban at the top.

  36. Wuhloss one megalomaniac calling out another one. Only in BU Circus. LMBAO🤣🤣

  37. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ Tron

    Heheheheh heheheheh heheheheh


    Oh Lord have mercy!!!

    You got me here peeing my Depends!!!

    I going write de Honourable Blogmaster AND GET YOU BAN FORTHWITH!!!




    Dey got to be rules pun dis blog Tron, and you is brekking dem trying to kill BU readers with violence forethought.

    You do know dat I going copy fat one for de grandson!

    I going tell he parents dat I got home making ISO TALIBAN STOOPID CARTOONS and get dem permission as I corrupting the young boy morals dem!!!

  38. No lies Donna. It is his own actions.

    Treason is a crime of attempting to overthrow the government.

    Calling our PM a dictator and a despot is not treason – you should know that. No one is claiming that it is. Calling for her to be “overthrown” may be construed as an attempt. Starting a crowdfunding campaign to specifically overthrow her is to formalise the attempt and cross the line.

    To implicate his grandson in such a stupid scheme is highly irresponsible.

    So, this is for Piece – the traitor.


  39. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend


    In case you missed the Third Party Movement memo here it is again


  40. Grenville you are a lunatic! No wonder that Looney Tunes is your biggest, sorry, your ONLY fan. Where on BU did Piece call for an overthrow of any government? Retrieve the posts and let us see!

    SMH and done with your immature, crazy and yes, lying ass! Three strikes, you’re out!

  41. This reminds me of the Curious Case of Ben Carson – brilliant neurosurgeon but complete jackass otherwise. Except that I doubt that Grenville is as brilliant an engineer as Ben Carson was a neurosurgeon

  42. So Donna, you ask for evidence and then instead of waiting for what you asked for, you could not wait to launch into your silly accusations – which is clearly you wanted to do all along (based on your follow up silly accusation). That is clearly not the way.

    Go and read his ad for yourself where he called for her overthrow, rather than irresponsibly calling persons liars.

  43. @ Tron June 13, 2019 4:22 PM
    “Or imagine GP in power: No Internet, no rum, no dance, just the Bible as a law book. A Caribbean Kandahar, so to speak, with an ISO Taliban at the top.”

    You have omitted one important abomination for which Grenville the Giver of All Commandments has already issued his Fatwa.
    ‘No watching of Porn unless you obtain a ‘licence’ from His Majesty on high called Lord Phillips.

    What a world Bajans would be living in should they make the Cardinal mistake and elect this budding Bajan Il Duce to high office.

    Grenville the perfect puritan of the 1840’s Millerite variety, why not carry your Temperance-like views to their modern logical conclusion?

    In order to bring about your ISO 9002 world of moral perfection and usher in the umpteenth return of Jesus Christ how about banning the consumption of all alcohol, fast foods and prostitution? What about gambling?

    How about promoting the banning social media to make sure your far right aka stupid views remain where they belong, in the closet of hypocrisy?

    What we would wish you to genuinely comment on is your one-man party’s position on the decriminalization and ‘legitimate’ commercialization of marijuana within the current Barbadian economic environment.

    Would you be prepared to recommend the application of your ISO 9001 to the cultivation, production, marketing and distribution of the same God-made plant just like the dying sugarcane which has had its day(s) in the Sun of capitalism?

  44. Miller:

    As you are well aware, our concern was with child porn, with children being raped by adults. But those addicted to such material continue to lie about our concern.

    When will you and Tron stop lying about this?

  45. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    Oh dear oh dear!!

    Iso TALIBAN you really losing it though!

    As long as someone disagrees with you, you become petty and vindictive

    TRON and the Sage Anunnaki only made a remark about your doggie police law enforcement plans and suddenly the two of them are criminal masterminds of masturbation and purveyors of Playboy Magazines

    I would seriously advise these gents to keep way from Wentbridge College CAUSE IF you Iso TALIBAN catch dem up dere, you going cut of de two of dem private parts!!!

    Whuloss Iso TALIBAN, you ent got no heart for dese menses?

    Here you are talking bout men using dem birds as dey please (thought you change up you story from people having sex in dem house watching blue movies to lil chilrun being molested) and you woman Looney Tunes talking bout black birds and Mandingo fantasies

    I can see the video name now!

    Looney Tunes Does Taliban!!!

    Get your sweaty copy today!

    My man, go and lie down and rest yourself

    You rand once and collectively got 800 votes.

    But look at the good you did.

    28 of wunna gave every penny of your DEPOSITS to the treasury!!

    It is Enuff heheheheh lay down and rest.

    Left dis night job to de ole man heheheheh

  46. Who are the other officials elected at the annual meeting of Solutions, apart from Junior as president?

  47. Donna

    He was never nuh brilliant neurosurgeon, bare hype.

    Brilliance does not ‘operate’ like that

    He was not even in the room when the operation which he claimed to have performed occurred.

    If he is/was so brilliant how come he kill every other child he was involved with while attempting his so-called procedure?

    Personally, we would prefer to be dead than have idiots like Carson or Georgie Porgie f-around our brains.

  48. Grenville 5:40 PM

    ”Treason is a crime of attempting to overthrow the government”

    So OSA is treasonous. For he is on public record as saying that he became PM by successfully ‘overthrowing’ a DLP government.

    MAM also became PM by overthrowing a DLP government.

    Because you lack the linguistic sophistication you will be forever the head of a one-man pressure group.

    And if we hear you call yourself a party we will take you to court, under a civil suite, for misrepresentation.

    If you don’t want to be charged with treason maybe you could make sure that your attempt is successful. For successful attempts never seem to so qualify.

  49. Tron:

    I see that you are now ridiculing our child pornography idea. As you are well aware, it has nothing to do with you watching whatever you want. So why would you be opposed to restricting our children from having easy access to other children being raped on the Internet?

    As you are well aware, it does not even have anything to do with you watching child porn – that is between you, your therapist and Interpol. As we have repeatedly stated, and which you know quite well, is about our primary and secondary school age children. So why are you opposing it?

    While you are at it, I noticed that you have not answered the last question I asked, when you falsely accused me of slandering your BLP MPs. I noted that it was the BLP and DLP Members of Parliament that regularly accused each other of gross corruption in the House of Assembly – where one should not tell lies. So, should we believe what they, on their sacred honour, tell us what they sincerely believe is the truth about themselves?

  50. Did your daddy never teach you about context? Setting up a Third Party Movement with candidates having to prove their ability to govern sounds to me like somebody is preparing for an election. People plotting an overthrow generally care nothing for these niceties.

    All you Grenville are doing is proving Piece right. Your voice in my head sounds like that of an eighteen year old participating in a debating club.

    PS. Look how long I waited before I agreed that you are a liar. It’s been months since PLT challenged you and Piece dubbed you. But if you seek to mislead the blog by taking a word out of context like that YOU ARE INDEED A LIAR. Or maybe you are just a developmentally challenged man child or a loony or maybe like Trump you are all three.

    Who knows? What I do know is that you are not electable. And I take no joy in saying that because it leaves us in the hands of the duopoly.

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