Submitted by Tee White

Much of the discussion going on in Barbados today about the current situation in the country tends to ignore both the historical and international context. However, it is very difficult to make sense of the current situation without taking these into account.

From a historical point of view, the origin of modern Barbados can be traced back to 1627, when the rising English merchant class and their aristocratic backers took control of the island and established it as a cog in Britain’s growing imperial economy. Its sole role in this relationship was, through various forms of forced labour and slavery, to generate wealth which would, in the main, be transferred to Britain for consumption. Therefore by the early 1920s, after 200 years under capitalism as slavery and 100 years under capitalism as colonial apartheid, the mass of working class Bajans, who were mainly the descendants of the enslaved Africans, were living in utter poverty and degradation. Mary Chamberlain in her book, Empire and Nation-Building in the Caribbean: Barbados, 1937-1966, points out that “wages in Barbados were the lowest in the region, ….. Barbados was one of the poorest of the British West Indian colonies…… public health was ‘peculiarly deplorable’…and Infant and child mortality were at devastating levels”. Even the British government’s Moyne Commission reported that in 1937, Barbados had the highest infant mortality rate and the second lowest number of government doctors per 100, 000 of the population in Britain’s Caribbean colonies.

It was in order to address these deplorable social conditions that the then generation of Bajans developed the early trade unions and political parties. With the winning of universal suffrage in 1951, there emerged a historic compromise. The old plantocracy, both local and foreign, were guaranteed their continued control of the island’s economy, while the new black governments of the BLP and DLP carried out social reforms to raise the standard of living of the mass of Bajans. These reforms in the fields of education, health care, public transport, public health and social welfare, coupled with the economic benefits of emigration, had a significant impact on the standard of living of most working class Bajans. They were possible because they took place against a background in which the ‘social welfare state’ was the dominant form of management of global capitalism. This approach rejected the 19th century free market arrangements where only the capitalists were considered as having a legitimate claim on the society’s wealth and where for the workers it was ‘every turkey fuh he own craw’. Those who failed to make it in this cut throat approach would have to fall back on the charity of the rich or go over the cliff. The social welfare state rejected this concept and in its place declared the responsibility of the society towards its members ‘from the cradle to the grave.’

Today, the international context has changed significantly. Neo-liberalism has emerged now as the dominant means of organising global capitalism. Its main characteristic is restricting the claim of the working class on the wealth they produce so that more can be funnelled to the rich and super rich. It amounts to robbing the poor to pay the rich. Workers wage levels are frozen or cut under austerity programs, workers are sacked and left jobless, tax cuts are brought in for the rich, social welfare programs which benefit the mass of people are cut or abolished, public utilities are turned into money making opportunities for the rich through privatisation and government contracts to private firms become a new form of corporate welfare. The aim and net effect of these reforms are to erode the standard of living of the working people and, wherever they are applied, there is a deepening of social inequality, with its resultant social despair, frustration and crime.


The point that we need to recognise is that the old model of economic and social development that Barbados has experienced over the last 80 or so years is over. This is the nub of the issue. The neo-liberal economic model demands the step by step shredding of the social welfare arrangements to which the country has become accustomed. Despite the claims of the IMF, this is not a temporary arrangement to help the country get back on its feet, but is intended as a permanent setup in which the standard of living of ordinary Bajans is reduced. All over the world, working people are beginning to voice their opposition to this direction of travel. The question is when will Bajans join in.

572 responses to “Barbados in the BIG Picture”

  1. Another question – why do GP, Moneybrain and John always stick together?


    Easy answer … and you say you aren’t foundering!!!

    All 3 born prior to 1960 and raised by the generation who won WWII!!

    Trump is one of us too!!

  2. …. and even more importantly, we escaped the brainwashing of the 1960’s!!

  3. There are many more who were born prior to 1960 and raised by the generation who won WII and are closer in age to Trump who are totally opposed to you lot.

    So tell me… what exactly was the brainwashing of the 1960 s and how is it that only you three escaped it?

    And you do realize that I am not floundering simply because you say so, don’t you?

  4. John

    That is pure hogwash …

    Because the three of you all were born prior to 1960 … you all stick together with respect to what Trump is doing … so what about those people who were born prior to 1960 that do not agree with anything Trump is doing …?

    Now I can surmise why as to it is that the three of you all stick together with respect the Trump’s political worldview- number one
    … you all are closed-minded and resistant to change …you all want to see the world today as it was in the 40s … where European colonialism was alive, and White America was on top and the Black man and other minorities were pushed in the corner …well to bad for the three of you … wake up because the world has left the three of you all behind as far as y’all thinking goes…

  5. John

    What took place in Barbados prior to the 1960 … The British governed the affairs of Barbados… not on dark skinned person worked in the stores down town … Is was either White, mulatto or brown skinned persons … One pretty black woman drove the Transport Board Bus back in the 1960s … Every organization in Barbados was headed by either White, Mulatto or brown skinned persons …John is this the world you wish to see again? Man wake up and smell the coffee ..

  6. Man be patient and let John answer the questions first, nuh!

    I want to know exactly what was the brainwashing of the 1960 s and how The Three Musketeers managed to escape it.

    Don’t flounder man! Easy does it! There is much to be learned by simply asking non-threatening questions and listening to the answers.

    (Lessons from Hercule Poirot found useful by this Ms. Marple.)

  7. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    There were 21 years between the end of world war 1 and the beginning of world war 2. There has been no world war for 74 years.

    Does the 1960’s peace and love generation get any credit for PREVENTING world war 3 for the past 74 years?

  8. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    And tobesides I doubt very much that moneybrain, John or GP did anything or worth during world war 2. I doubt very much that their daddies did anything either (and being in the cadets at HC does NOT count, LOLLL!!!) So why the boastfulness? From 1941 to 1944 my daddy worked as a skilled tradesman at the American Naval facility at Chaguaramas, Trinidad.

    My daddy actually DID something for the war effort. That meant also that he had to leave my mummy and two small children behind, for almost five years. Nothwithstanding they managed to hold a loving relationship/marriage together for 70+ years.

    But neither of them were **ite talkers. They were doers. Hard working people.

  9. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    But it seems some old men want to send young men to war, so that the old men can prove that they the old men are still as much man as they were when they were at 20.

    Guys acknowledge it. You are only 1/4 of the man that you used to be at 20. And starting a war int gine restore neffen. So tek it easy. Go to church some more, go to church a lot more,go fishing, play a few rounds of golf or old men’s cricket, listen to music, watch some more tv, take gentle walks in the park, take your grandchildren for ice cream, drink a beer or two with the boys, tek de madam to the supermarket and push the trolley while she picks up the groceries.

    You have NEVER fought a war nor won a war, and now acknowledge that you will NEVER fight a war and there are no more wars that you can win.


  10. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    To John: Trump did not go to war even when called upon to do so. He had a “lame foot” remember?

  11. So Simple,

    You were born before 1960, raised by the generation that won WWII. Did you escape the brainwashing of the 1960s?

  12. Cadet Bonespurs was too smart to fight a real war. He prefers Twitter wars. It is so amazing that these American fools would allow a draft dodger to send their children to war.

    But seriously though, I don’t think he really wants to start any new wars. He just likes to blow hard on Twitter. Dead soldiers would reduce his Twitter following and we know he cares so much about that he called a meeting with the Twitter man to complain about it.

    Very presidential stuff, fixing the Twitter following system. A lot of people don’t know that. Well, that’s done! I have saved the world!


  13. White America and the establishment follow what Trump represents more than Trump the individual.

  14. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    Donna I don’t recall any brain washing. I recall nuff,nuff hard work.

    In my family, we are doers, not **ite talkers.

  15. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    Big Up Robert F. Smith. And he has asked the young black male graduates of Morehouse College to pay it forward, that is to find a way to do something for somebody else.

  16. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    African Americans and the G.I. Bill

  17. Lexicon
    May 20, 2019 6:34 AM

    What took place in Barbados prior to the 1960 …


    You mean apart from a booming economy?

  18. David
    May 20, 2019 8:31 AM

    White America and the establishment follow what Trump represents more than Trump the individual.


    You completely miss the point and reduce everything to black and white!!

    You may never understand why Trump!!

    It’s the brainwashing!!!

  19. Try Victor Davis Hanson

  20. @John

    The blogmaster and millions more.

  21. David
    May 20, 2019 10:00 AM

    The blogmaster and millions more.


    Media has perfected the brain washing techniques …. just look at you and the millions more!!

  22. @John

    Then we must give thanks to you and others of your kind.

  23. Look at the 2016 election as a battle!!

    Clinton lost because she was really weak contrary to what the media was saying.

    Trump won because he understood her weaknesses and exploited them.

    He did that in addition to conducting a sound campaign leaving nothing to chance.

    Trump won because he fought better and more sensibly than Clinton!!

    The media pushes the mantra that he is an idiot so every body is brainwashed into believing it.

    Meanwhile Trump goes from strength to strength and the media makes no apologies for misleading/brainwashing millions!!

  24. So, what do you think will happen to the media?

  25. John

    Bullshit … Trump won because the American electorate was p off with the Washington style of politics and wanted someone from outside of Washington, so they chose an ignorant megalomaniac who gets up and text a load of crap at 3:00 am in the morning …

  26. Lexicon
    May 20, 2019 11:55 AM

    Bullshit … Trump won because the American electorate was p off with the Washington style of politics and wanted someone from outside of Washington, so they chose an ignorant megalomaniac who gets up and text a load of crap at 3:00 am in the morning …


    If it were as simple as that why did Hilary Clinton (Washington Insider) win the popular vote?

    Trump out thought and out fought her!!

    Trump is a genius at that!!

    .. and still the media does not understand who he is!!

    … nor do you!!

  27. Here are some of the generation who won WWII … still hard at work!!

    Their lessons are there to be learnt by anyone who cares to learn them!!

    I did not know any of these personally, but I knew lots of others like them!!

  28. Freedom Crier Avatar

    LEFT’s beef with white people EXPLAINED

  29. I posted this yesterday in the Diaspora section, it doesn’t get a lot of traffic so I’ll repost it here

    Few people have heard of Robert Smith he is only the richest black person in the USA. He along with Oprah donated 20 million to the National Museum of African American History & Culture.

    I encourage everyone to see it if they ever get to Washington DC, it is very America centric but I did see a few exhibits from Barbados.

  30. Freedom Crier Avatar

    In October of 2018 hundreds of young conservatives of color met up in Washington DC, for the first ever Young Black Leadership Summit:.. a four-day conference that featured speeches from conservative actress Stacey Dash and firebrand Candace Owens, a trip to the White House to hear Trump speak, and a rare chance for young, black Republicans to get together and network IRL.

  31. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    In ALL countries of the world those who kill are typically young MEN. I can’t recall ANY woman over the age of 70 in Barbados killing anybody.

    According to the 2010 census, there are 2936 people who identify as white males. Half or more are likely younger than 20, and older than 40, so not in the killing zone. so we have potentially 1500 young white men. Most human beings NEVER EVER KILL. Maybe less than one quarter of one percent of human beings actually kill, so the potential killers in the young white male community would be about 3 people. At least 1 that i can recaall of those 3 have already killed.

  32. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    That is one of the cohort of people alive at May 1, 2010.

  33. @ David,

    Bajan star in the making.

    Zane Maloney seals maiden win and Ford Super Rookie Award

  34. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife
    May 20, 2019 1:11 PM

    In ALL countries of the world those who kill are typically young MEN. I can’t recall ANY woman over the age of 70 in Barbados killing anybody.
    According to the 2010 census, there are 2936 people who identify as white males. Half or more are likely younger than 20, and older than 40, so not in the killing zone. so we have potentially 1500 young white men. Most human beings NEVER EVER KILL. Maybe less than one quarter of one percent of human beings actually kill, so the potential killers in the young white male community would be about 3 people. At least 1 that i can recaall of those 3 have already killed.



    A maffematical genius in our midst!!

    What you have to do now is find the other 2 and lock them up!!

  35. What about the Barbados-born Scandinavian who shot his son and got away Scot free? Was that for drugs or economic advantage?

  36. @Hants

    Bajan tax dollars at work.

  37. Freedom Crier Avatar


    Jerome S. Handler. The Unappropriated People: Freedmen in the Slave Society of Barbados.


  38. Hal Austin
    May 20, 2019 2:18 PM

    What about the Barbados-born Scandinavian who shot his son and got away Scot free? Was that for drugs or economic advantage?


    Probably not either, nor hatred!!!

    Accidents happen.

  39. There are also “Crimes of passion” which don’t count as homicide.

  40. @ John,

    That is the problem with domestic rows. Accidents can also be convenient.
    By the way, am I right in thinking you have said Codrington was a Quaker? Do you now why George Fox visited Barbados in 1671?

  41. SS

    I suggest you revise your basic assumptions!!

  42. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    When ya dead ya dead.

  43. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    I didn’t say that old women never kill, just that they rarely kill, and that in Barbados I can’t recall women over 70 killing anybody. Killing=YOUNG & MALE (mostly)

    In Barbados there is no such thing as a crime of passion, Wikipedia notwithstanding. If you are in Barbados and you kill your spouse in a fit of anger, the police will not come to your home and say “cuhdear”

    They will arrest you. You will be charged with MURDER. If you are very lucky, you will only be convicted of manslaughter. You will serve a decade or more in prison. If you doubt me make a visit to Dodds and ask the many “passionate” men there (and one or two women) who caused themselves to be a widower (or widow)

    As adults we should long since have learned to govern our passions.

  44. Hal Austin
    May 20, 2019 3:38 PM

    @ John,
    That is the problem with domestic rows. Accidents can also be convenient.
    By the way, am I right in thinking you have said Codrington was a Quaker? Do you now why George Fox visited Barbados in 1671?



    Yes, I reckon Codrington was a Quaker.

    From his will where he mention’s his Friends and also from the naming of his plantation in Antigua, “Betty’s Hope”.

    “Betty’s Hope was a sugarcane plantation in Antigua. It was established in 1650, shortly after the island had become an English colony, and flourished as a successful agricultural industrial enterprise during the centuries of slavery. It was the first large-scale sugar plantation to operate in Antigua and belonged to the Codrington family from 1674 until 1944. Christopher Codrington, later Captain General of the Leeward Islands, acquired the property in 1674 and named it Betty’s Hope, after his daughter”

    Barbados was known as the “Cradle of Truth”!!!! … believe it or not.

    He not only visited Barbados but also went to Jamaica where there were other Quakers and America.

    Did you know that Quakers were hung in Boston in 1660?

    Whittier has beautifully told the story of Samuel Shattuck’s mission in his poem, “The King’s Missive.” Longfellow has made the sufferings of the Quakers the subject of his dramatic poem, “New England Tragedies.” The story of Quaker sufferings is told in George Bishop’s “New England Judged.” The best modern book on the subject is Hallowell’s “Quaker Invasion of Massachusetts.” Four Friends were executed—William Robinson, Marmaduke Stevenson, William Ledra, and Mary Dyer.

    His Journal is online and you can trace his movements and thoughts as he proceeded.

    The Quakers entered America through more tolerant states like Rhode Island and through their Dutch Connections in New Amsterdam, New York, the Big Apple.

  45. @ John

    But Codrington left his two estates in Barbados to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, which was controlled by the Anglicans. Rather odd, don’t you think?

  46. Hal Austin
    May 20, 2019 4:26 PM

    @ John
    But Codrington left his two estates in Barbados to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, which was controlled by the Anglicans. Rather odd, don’t you think?


    Not at all!!

    Read “Of Bondsmen and Bishops”!!

    You will see he made certain stipulations.

    Sometimes I think he was playing a trick on the Anglicans!!

    Quakers were envied because of their business success.

    He gave the Anglicans what they perhaps coveted … but with a proviso, you got to keep 300 slaves on the plantations and provide for their education!!

    He was saying to them you get to keep whatever profits you make …. BUUUT … you got to “propagate the Gospel” to the slaves … all 300 of them!!

    Or maybe he recognized the formation of the society as in keeping with his thinking.

    If you read the book I suggest you will see the SPG had hell meeting his stipulations and did not make much profit!!

  47. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Every singe credible peer reviewed academic statistical analysis that I have read shows conclusively that the dominant reason that Trump won the 2016 election was because of his White supremacist rhetoric and ideology . Yes, the USA is that racist. Yes, there are some people with brown skin who support White supremacy.

    Trump’s racism is the main reason that John supports him.

  48. Hal

    Bray and his collaborators believed that the colonial Church of England was underdeveloped, that it had too few properly ordained ministers, and that dissenters, especially Quakers, exercised too much influence in the colonies.

    Many SPG supporters also looked on global Roman Catholic missionary activity with a mixture of awe and hostility, and envisioned the organization as a counterweight to the Jesuits and other Catholic orders.

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