The following document was received from a trusty source and needs no explanation except to say – even in disagreement human being should exercise a basic human quality of mutual respect to ensure the outcomes.

The blogmastser invites Chairlady Leodean Worrell to respond to the document attached and promises that her response will be given equal prominence on the blog.


125 responses to “Chairman of BWA Leodean Worrell Exposed by Innotech”

  1. The biggest threat to any Gov’t is arrogance.

  2. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    So who sent the email to you David?

    It sounds whine-nie to me.

    I would suggest that the recipient of the email put on his big boy pants and get moving.

    Can’t believe that these people are big men and women spending my tax money. Makes me vex as hell.

    I’ve invited people enough to meetings and none have ever refused to attend, well except one, and that was serious mental illness.

    Man when ya in business ya have to coat everything with honey. Ya catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

    I blame both parties.

  3. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    Remind me not to have a conversation with neither one ‘o them.

    My water bill is paid in full as it has always been.

  4. @ David,

    Do you believe what was written in that document ?

  5. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Amused that White Oak and Marston (wasn’t he involved in Sugar and Andrew’s) are on the list.
    Odd that on Feb 4 2019, many weeks after the water storage container issues arose, this matter is being referenced as though it is news. Poorly written, then again general contractors are not known to be grammer gurus.

  6. @ Northern Observer,

    Do you mean grammar? Or is grammer a Canadian word? We must stop correcting people.

  7. Samuel S. Shank Avatar

    Leodean Worrell is known for her bad manners and aggressive way of speaking to people.

    I was once involved in a matter that she was handling and her manner of speech was similar to what is written here.

    I was very surprised that she – of all people – was appointed to a government of Barbados post.

  8. @ SSS – with a name like Leodean, she has a lot of baggage to carry poor soul….and perhaps she is a member of the coven of wickers and biters?

  9. This govt continues to lower itself lower than the lowest denominator
    We have Edmunid Hinckson the accused Pimp
    George Payne the alleged Thief and leordean Worrell the bombastic commicator for govt in the office of BWA
    Not to mention Dottin large and in charge of wire tapping
    Which all spells out in plain english a govt hell bent on being Corrupt

  10. Didn’t the BWA workers strike before as a result of her cussing them and behaving in the most disrespectful way.

    I wonder if Randal Worrell gets similar treatment home.He must be ashamed of his wifey.

  11. @T. Inniss,

    A society in which the ruling class is one, two or three generations away from the plantation will always develop differentiating class characteristics, including rudeness, snobbery, materialism, educational qualifications, etc.
    The good thing about racism in developed countries is that once you are black you are all treated the same rich, poor, educated or not.

  12. Hal

    That actually seems to be evident especially in post slavery societies.

  13. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    They deserve each other, they all robbed the taxpayers..

  14. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    Who is this snob? Is she another one of Mottley’s loyals place in a position so she can say Yes MAM? Did Mottley not condemned such persons in the DLP administration for their arrogance and belittling tones when giving addressed to matters? Was she not unrelenting, when that former shite for a Prime minister, the honourable Fraud Stuart, took insult to bajans at every turn? We all know that Innotech needs to be investigated for the part they play in the DLP scheming and thieving, but if this clown woman could be so ignorant to let her venom be known, she is symbolic of the arrogant crest that has befallen the BLP pricks and prickles. But, then again, Mottley has passed that baton in her own arrogant show by knighting her father, extending tax amnesty to him and other friends, while showing bajans clearly that she does not care what anyone thinks. Let us see how she deals with this pretty face pus whose position of power has gone to her head.

  15. Boohoo so the “lady” is unmannerly.
    The fact is there is nothing decent about the way Innotech robbed the country and the way the BWA is managed. This is one time I am with WARU, lowlife crooks masquerading as legitimate businessmen need to put in their place.

  16. The blogmaster has extended an invitation to Worrell et al to respond. We wait.

  17. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Methinks you will wait in vain.

    And de ole man will explain why

    Barbados Underground HAS TOO MUCH POWER!

    For Leodean to venture here in the premiere social media site in Barbados she would be legitimizing Barbados Underground

    She would have to get clearance similar to what the Nameless Ones #1 & #2 & the Bane of Common Sense got to come here and comment.

    They , the BDLP both hate the site.

    Fumbles lot underestimated to their peril BUG MUGABE, SHE DOES NOT UNDERESTIMATE IT.

    But her feral hatred will soon be unleashed against it and its champions heheheheh of whom you are foremost.

    She doan really bother bout ole menses like me causing, like the Nameless Ones #1 said, me and de grandson campaigning ent important AFTER DE ELECTIONS.


  18. What would be good journalism would be a profile of the objectionable woman: where she s from, where she went to school, her parents and siblings, etc. This is what good journalism is about. If she is Barbadian then people must know her background.

  19. David, why not ask BWA and INNOTECH to provide the audio recording of the conversation? It seems the Chairman of BWA records her phone calls, …… she should have no problem disputing the accuracy of the contents of the email.

  20. The blog is monitored. We continue to wait.

  21. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Redguard February 6, 2019 9:22 AM

    And the way to prove your ‘allegations’ is by the BRA being mandated to conduct a forensic tax audit into the financial affairs of the same company.

    Not by the trading of insults or bullshit meetings to engage in a game of one-upmanship.
    What is playing out here is just another bout of fecal-laden hot air emanating from the oral anuses of the incestuous political class.

    Should such an ‘objective’ tax investigation take place it might just lead to the under-the-table’ money pockets of many a DLP politician and their friends and family with their big mansion(s) in St. Philip.

    But we will have to hold our breath and wait until the next coming of the political circus called general elections to be promised such anti-corruption proposals.

  22. @Miller etc.
    And the way to prove your ‘allegations’ is by the BRA being mandated to conduct a forensic tax audit into the financial affairs of the same company
    So the Gov’t would use its powers to mandate the BRA to conduct a tax audit of a company with which it has differences? How soon should a Gov’t use its powers to target citizens with whom it has disagreements?

    It could start with BU and its myriad voices and wiretapping……..

  23. The signs are we will have a serious drought in the early months of this year!!

    $$$$ may be meaningless!!

  24. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Sargeant February 6, 2019 10:48 AM

    So what’s wrong with such a tax audit?

    Aren’t these routine exercises targeted at taxpayers whose financial behaviours have generated tax leads just like tips given to Crimestoppers?

    In your neck of the woods, aren’t tax audits conducted routinely by Canada Revenue Agency on persons, both corporate and individual, to ensure compliance with Canada’s tax laws?

    What would it prove other than the company’s tax affairs are kosher and to put an end to the speculations that monies were paid under-the-counter for contracts not ‘competitively’ awarded?

    Wouldn’t this be all in the interest of transparency in the fight against graft and corruption as promised to people and your ilk of concerned overseas Bajans?

  25. If these statements, which are attributed to the Chairman, are true then this is not only inappropriate but also shocking in the extreme. This is NOT the way business is conducted neither in Barbados nor in her native land of Trinidad..

  26. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ John February 6, 2019 11:14 AM
    “The signs are we will have a serious drought in the early months of this year!!

    $$$$ may be meaningless!!”

    So why are you worried?

    Why not advise Bajans to pray to their rain god called Yahweh the same way there were three days of prayer dedicated to getting rid of violence and crime in the local pit of hypocrisy?

    The ‘Go(o)d’ Lord helps those who first try to help themselves, not so?

  27. Audits are for mature civilised societies where the rule of law prevails and there are consequences for findings
    We pay Leigh Trotman 140K a year, when last have there been any actions coming out of his audit findings

    This is a cowboy society, form a posse and do as you like until you meet a bigger posse.

    I hate to say it, but Hal is right

  28. Hal, you are correct about that journalism piece because all the public can see is a person who lives by the rules of the jungle. A place where lions snarl and snap at their competition and where they devour their prey.
    We are now all aware of several instances of her public persona. There was the conflict with the BWA workers where we all heard the rage in way she communicated and now this alleged unprofessional discourse with Innotech that is part of an ongoing saga. (Innotech will never be in my good books after having robbed the people of Barbados).
    It was even more deeply troubling the way people were treated who lost their homes when they were unable to pay their mortgages. Then there was the threat to poor Barbadians to pay their water bills or be disconnected.
    This is a pattern. Something is not right with the way she treats the public. We do not live in the jungle and must demand that persons who hold public office maintain the decorum associated with their title and responsibilities.

  29. Leodean Trump perhaps?

  30. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Leodean could not speak to anyone in Trinidad in such disrespectful screeching tones as she did to the BWA workers without being bitch slapped or worse…this is a horrible reflection on Mia…bringing this beast to speak to bajans any old how..

    She can disrespect the thieves, nothing wrong with a tief calling another tief by their natural name….but sucking on taxpayer’s dollars and then got the nerve to be disrespectful to the people …with Mia’s blessings…nah!!!..

  31. The Chairman of a statutory board serves at the pleasure of the minister.

    What is the point here?

    Follow the root cause!

  32. @ Heather Cole

    In what manner did Innotec the people of Barbados?

  33. The point here is that Barbados Underground is allowing the public to see the good the bad and the ugly of the ” ruling political and economic class.”

  34. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @T.Inniss February 6, 2019 6:58 AM “wifey.”

    She is married to an old man?


  35. Leodean Ocasio-Cortez perhaps.

  36. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Hants at 1:50 PM

    But we prefer to see the good. The bad and ugly send the wrong messages. The young read this Blog as well.

  37. SSS – perhaps a wicker and biter who hasn’t come out?

  38. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Hal Austin February 6, 2019 7:21 AM “…rudeness, snobbery, materialism, educational qualifications, etc. The good thing about racism in developed countries is that once you are black you are all treated the same rich, poor, educated or not.”

    Every country in the world, including the United Kingdom, maybe especially the United Kingdom has people who are rude, snobs, materialistic [why do you think that the British practiced for hundreds of years if not because they are a deeply materialistic people?] people who will talk about which “public” school they attended, and ensure that people who don’t even want to know, know whether or not they went to Oxbridge, or worked for the Daily Mail. This bad behaviour has nothing to do with the truth that all four of my grandparents, and yours worked on plantations. It is human bad behaviour. That’s all.

    As for racism. We ALL know that there is NOTHING good about racism.


  39. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @45govt February 6, 2019 1:57 PM “SSS – perhaps a wicker and biter who hasn’t come out?”

    oral/genital sex whether between men/women, women/women, men/men has NOTHING to do with biting anybody. Decent people, and most of us are decent people aren’t we? Decent people do NOT bite their sexual partner(s) nor do they injure their sexual partner(s).

    For those of you who think that it has something to do with biting, all i can say “no wonder wunna, including 45govt don’t get any oral sex.”

  40. @WARU the lady was chosen for a reason, voice and all. Unfortunately there will be collateral damage

    Before you can get to the root cause, you need to go to the scene, see for yourself (Gemba gembutsu) and take immediate counter measures.
    The scene at the BWA is simple, BWA management and staff full of c%nts who needed to be put in their place.
    As the saying goes the only way to deal with someone who is behaving like a c%nt is to show them you is a motherc%nt.
    Leodean is that

    BTW Why does Halliday still have a job?

  41. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @45govt February 6, 2019 6:28 AM “with a name like Leodean, she has a lot of baggage to carry poor soul”

    The one and only time I will agree with 45govt.

    I heard that name and wondered “Oh! Lord. what were her parents thinking?”

  42. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Sunshine Sunny Shine February 6, 20199:17 AM. “Let us see how she deals with this pretty face pus…”

    Pretty face? Lolll!!!

    Surely you are joking?

    She always looks sour and unhappy to me. I would not call that face a pretty one.

    Not at all,

  43. Leodean
    incompetent as an attorney missed filings, late filings resulting in penalties for clients, now head of BWA hmmm
    nepotism, corruption which is it?

  44. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Redguard February 6, 2019 9:22 AM “the way the BWA is managed.”

    I sent a perfectly excellent engineer up there to manage the BWA, and the foolish people in both the BLP and DLP governments let him to to the private sector where he was permitted to do an excellent job, was treated well and paid well.

    The Barbados government [both parties] does not know how to retain excellent employees. The excellent employees leave.

    And I dare ANYBODY to come on here and tell me otherwise.

  45. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    Please Remember:

    Barbados is pushing over its DEAD WEIGHT.

  46. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Hal Austin February 6, 2019 9:51 AM “What would be good journalism would be a profile.”

    I agree.

    But what would be more important is if our public officials whom we have elected and/or WHOM WE PAY would tell us a little about themselves, we should not have to go go Wikipedia.

    Look at the parliament of barbados website here:

    and see how little parliamentarians seem to believe that we know about them.

    A brief biography of all of our senior officials should be readily available to those of us WHO PAY THEM.

    Name of Parents, Name, date of birth, schools attended, name of spouse, names of children, degrees earned, honours conferred, work experience.

    As it is it is like you have elected us. You pay us. You have guaranteed our pensions for life. But our “personal” business is none of your business.

    Wunna just pay the bills and shut up.

  47. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    Sometimes I think that our political class forget that WE PAY THEM.

  48. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @John February 6, 2019 11:14 AM “The signs are we will have a serious drought in the early months of this year!!$$$$ may be meaningless!!”

    True. It is dread out there.

    Bajans always say “we can’t eat the money” we may have to remind people that “we can’t drink the money” either.

  49. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    millertheanunnaki February 6, 2019 11:33 AM

    Sometimes you are on BU talking sssshhhhaving cream, but at 11:33 you were speaking truth.

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