Before the crap hit the fan on the South Coast the blogmaster was haunted by a pronouncement of Dr. John Mwanza almost three years go. It was at the height of the embarrassing period the Barbados Water Authority (BWA) was unable to supply water to rural parts of the island. Mwanza reminded Barbadians that besides Barbados being a water scare country, an old mains network had continued to undermine the quality of BWA’s water distribution network.

Wise heads in this forum have often cautioned about successive governments failing to make quality decisions be it the management of the National Insurance Scheme (NIS), Public Transportation, Waste Management, Judicial System, Enforcing the Financial Rules to name a few. A reminder that all members of parliament should have to complete a mandatory training the Pros and Cons of Good Decision Making?

What some of us cannot process is the decision by the BWA to construct a 50 million dollar headquarters in St. Barnabas. Key decision makers would have been aware that the BWA distribution network has been compromised by a 100 year old mains network in some parts of the island.  Some commentators estimate the mains are leaking greater than 50%. The blogmaster would add that until recently all the pumping stations- many in a bad state of repair- were totally dependent on fossil power.  Despite the 60% hike in the water rate. The inability of the BWA to honour its financial committent to Innotech under a lease purchase agreement comes as no surprise to sensible observers.

While arguments can be made for housing the operations of the BWA in a modern structure – one does not need the benefit of hindsight to judge that it was a poor decision to commit millions of taxpayers dollars to construct a state of the art building while at the same time 104 water tanks needed to be installed in parts of the island- standpipe style.  We should be embarrassed.

On a related note the SSA built a modern building at Vaucluse to house the operations at a time the authority was unable to maintain a fleet of garbage trucks. Bare in mind the authority has also been unable to oversee a comprehensive waste disposal system. Up to the time of posting this blog the new SSA building estimated to have costed taxpayers 30 million dollars remains unoccupied.

The preamble is to sound a warning to the Mia Mottley government.

As a people – represented by our elected government – we cannot afford to continue making poor decisions. In this instant the supply of potable water. With the exception of a very few government and parastatal agencies the consensus is that they are poorly managed. Minister in the ministry of finance Ryan Straughn recently pronounced:-

…that Government will be taking a closer look at the process by which people are appointment to boards…Minister Straughn says a key provision of the draft law will be the introduction of the fiscal responsibility principles, which will hold government accountable for fiscal policies it implements. Sanctions will also be introduced against public entities, which rack up excessive debt, or fail to supply financial statements. An audit committee is also to be established.

As a people we have to hold elected AND public officials accountable. Whether it is Dr. John Mwanza or Prime Minister Mia Mottley crying SABOTAGE without being pressed by civil society to support with credible evidence. Whether it is civil servants not adhering to the financial rules of government. People must be held accountable.

Big up the Auditor General Office!

86 responses to “Sabotage What!”

  1. @Redguard,

    Simple. St Philip is a small parish (in real terms), get someone to take a picture of the property, get it valued, and leave it to the government to get Dr Estwick to account for the funds that covered the cost of the home. If he cannot, then it should be seized. Why the hesitation?

  2. @Vincent

    Digital transformation is generic. It is not a new or novel concept. It is all part of good planning. It is a task to be specific in this context.

  3. @HA
    Really a picture? Under what law as exists in Barbados can a Gov’t compel a person to advise on how a property was acquired?

    I think the case in the British Press about a woman who lived in a luxurious home while spending copious amount of money of indeterminate origin has clouded your judgement.

  4. @Sargeant,

    Sometimes I think you guys just say things to be oppositional – at least I hope so..

  5. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    New York (AFP) – President Donald Trump has agreed to shut down his personal charity, the Trump Foundation, the New York attorney general said Tuesday, accusing it of engaging in a “shocking pattern of illegality” to advance his political and business interests.

    State Attorney General Barbara Underwood said the family foundation would be dissolved and its remaining assets distributed to other charities under her supervision.

    Underwood accused the Foundation of a “shocking pattern of illegality involving the Trump Foundation –- including unlawful coordination with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated and willful self-dealing, and much more.”

    This amounted to the Trump Foundation functioning as little more than a checkbook to serve Mr. Trump’s business and political interests,” she said in a statement.

    “This is an important victory for the rule of law, making clear that there is one set of rules for everyone,” Underwood added.

    The state attorney general filed a lawsuit against the Trump Foundation in June, accusing it of “persistently illegal conduct.”

    The suit, which will move ahead despite the agreement dissolving the charity, seeks millions of dollars in restitution and penalties.

    It also seeks to bar Trump, his sons Eric and Don Jr and daughter Ivanka from serving on the boards of other New York charities.

  6. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU

    You are pushing on an unlocked door. We had this conversation several times. My preference is to put the citizens of this country at the centre of economic transformation. Their welfare must be paramount. I will not resile from that position. I studied economics that put homo economicus as its raison d’etre.

  7. The government is debating the Public Finance Management (Amendment) Bill 2018) that will see public officers being held accountable for the timely preparation of financials.

  8. A good Communications move to discuss the performance of the economy days before Christmas.

  9. “Under what law as exists in Barbados can a Gov’t compel a person to advise on how a property was acquired?’

    Money laundering laws that exist.

  10. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    David at 5 :38 PM

    Public servants were always accountable for the timely audit of the departments and SOEs that fell under their ministries. When did the responsibility cease? What are the BODs of the SOEs doing?

  11. Truth Verification Unit

    Doesn’t that sound Orwellian ?
    Animal farm
    Alice in wonderland
    Groundhog Day

  12. “nigh short of calamitous”……..Mia’s words describing how she found the destroyed economy.

    So we are free to ask…why the hell has Mia still not locked up the criminals from DLP for what they did….but she is raving and ranting and telling us what we ALREADY KNOW..

    We want to know what she is going to do about it..

  13. @Redguard
    Re your comment “Estwick needs to go to prison” are you saying that he needs to go to prison just because he built a big house? say what you mean, or are you chicken?

  14. I was responding to WARU to let her know the only big house Estwick is going to is his own (allegedly)

  15. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @45, I hope the Blogmaster indulges my enquiry of you along this UScentric path because it all comes back to his post of inept governance by BOTH political groups.

    As I said before I am amazed that folks like you (meaning regular thinking folk) can so bluntly prostrate themselves before ANY politician or political party …

    I become kerfuffled when u and ur right wing crew validate Trump by pointing to the Clinton crimes (actual and alleged)…sorry for being rude … but how the fu** does Jack the Ripper’s crimes validate Jeffrey Dahmer’s…to be as asinely ridiculous as u guys pretend to be!

    Trump has won the presidency…good for him…he cannot lie, subvert the rule of law and do as he pleases because he is a champion for conservative values…nor could the alleged ‘rapes’ or Whitewater shennaigans be justified because Clinton left the US economy in surplus and did other things to incite liberals.

    Wrong is wrong …and Trump is way, way off the freaking wrongometer and the only thing he has changed the same crap ANY republican president would have and done it as horribly ineptly as none of them would have.

    You guys will rue the absolute nonsense he has said and done..Alas.

  16. Mariposa girl…Mia got a plan.

  17. I wonder when Mia Mottley will realise that she has won the elections and she has a country to run.

    Steupes this sort of crap for hours on end so man.Wuhloss.

  18. David

    What is this thing bout selling the airport?

    If you decided that the Hilton would not be sold, why would the airport.

    Wonder what’s next.

    This trend started in 1991 circa sees no end.

    Maybe you, David, will find yourself on the chopping block soon as well. LOL

  19. @Pacha

    You do not like the share options for workers?

    Maybe you, David, will find yourself on the chopping block soon as well. LOL

    Some things in this world are not negotiable.

  20. WARNING!

    “As of today, Canadians will find it harder to get away with impaired driving: new rules that increase penalties and expand police powers to demand breath samples take effect across Canada.”

  21. @ Hants – what the benighted and terminally stupid Canadians need to get rid of is their moronic lefty govt led by a stupid boy, the spawn of ghastly parents…..them and the Muslim hordes they encourage.

  22. 45govt

    I haven’t as yet heard a valid reponse from you regarding the comment above with respect to your boy Trump … de cat got you tongue?

    Nevertheless, how could you in good conscience support a man who refuses to make public his taxes; tears children from their mothers; intimidate the press; speaks in a vernacular conducive to organized crime; insults world leaders; show little or no respect for women; targets immigrants whom aren’t white; employs untruths about Spanish people; denigrates African countries; and speaks at a third grade level?

  23. @Vincent

    You need to read the Bill. It gives some structure to holding all players in the chain accountable by demanding discrete actions supported by fines. It will boil down to enforcement as is always the case.

  24. Grow up Leximoron. Your raft of lying drivel warrants no response other than well done with your pidgin.

  25. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU at 8 :56 AM

    I would be more impressed if you had enforced the present structure. In Organization Theory function should precede structure. Is this going to be another form without substance document? What make you think that this new form will be enforced?
    My first impression is that this document is replete with contradictions and inoperable and cumbersome procedures. But I have only speed read it.
    Do I detect that accounting and administrative powers have been sequestered by the politicians, who may not have the relevant technical skills? In that case, like the Attorney General, we may have to ensure that the Minister of Finance is a qualified economist.

  26. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU

    The Electorate is screaming for confinement and you are boasting about fines? You are not listening. In a conversation one must both talk and actively listen.

  27. @Vincent

    All the blogmaster has done so far is to share what is out there. That you ascribe a position on the simple act of disseminating info is incorrect.

  28. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU at 11 :28 AM

    I am happy, on this occasion ,to be incorrect. I now understand why the publisher is legally actionable.

    David BU, relax.

  29. @ David
    Boss … promises of’ ‘justice’ coming from a bunch of crooks may be based on the premise that it makes sense to “put a thief to catch a thief….”
    Unfortunately, this is not a real proverb, but a shiite trap that has been put out by professional thieves to encourage brass bowls to adopt it….. um is a lotta shiite!!

    A thief is indeed adept at catching another thief, …but then they simply join forces – and steal even more of your stuff…

    Note that our crooks ALWAYS resort to some new shiite ‘law’ as their response…
    Wunna need to read Jeff CAREFULLY on Sundays…
    He has been at pains to point out that such laws are always open to interpretation – and are mostly not worth the paper they are printed on – even if it came in perforated rolls….

    Jeff has the ability to write in parables (so as to confuse GP) and manages to get a certain blogger to dribble in admiration…
    But Bushie done know that Jeff is warning wunna that some shiite WRONG bout here…..

    Wunna play dat wunna ain’t know…..

  30. Donks Gripe and Josh Avatar
    Donks Gripe and Josh

    [[[[(SNO) — Prime Minister Allen Chastanet has announced that a major new hotel project is coming to Saint Lucia.
    The 400-room Hyatt-branded hotel will be located in Choc.

    Invest Saint Lucia has completed transactions with a Barbados-based firm to buy the land for the project.
    Choc Beach is located in northwestern Saint Lucia, north of the capital, Castries.
    Addressing the Saint Lucia Chamber of Commerce recently Chastanent said the new hotel will be a mix of European plan and all-inclusive options, according to the Prime Minister.
    Construction on the new Hyatt project is slated to begin in the second half of next year, according to a government statement.]]]]

    Mia Mottley speaks of sabotage here is real sabotage in action. This is where the hotel the czar of saboteurs chase from Barbados has gone. A primary school child could have predicted that sabotage would be Barbados’ loss but another island’s gain. Millions of direct foreign investment and thousands of jobs for poor black people lost because of pure spite.

    St. Lucia policy has been to pay close attention to developments in Barbados and to poach and back raise wherever opportunities present themselves. Hyatt is a classic example . The sabotage enabler deserves to be a guest of Her Majesty’s Dodds for a long stiff term of imprisonment..

  31. Hyatt at the proposed Bay St location was a not so good idea.Hyatt and the duty free Mercedes Benz driving about Barbados without paying the requisite tax because of deals made by JA.’s in the dead of night only to wake up and find they were all bult,no man man had his seat anymore.Bult.

  32. Donks Gripe and Josh Avatar
    Donks Gripe and Josh

    @ Gabriel

    You are more ignorant than the glorified yard fowl. If you are one of Mottley’s advisers we are in bigger trouble than first thought.

  33. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    There must be such a thing as “ghost saboteurs”

    If all this talk of sabotage is real AND IT HAS TO BE REAL CAUSE MUGABE SAYS SO, how comes it that no one can see the saboteurs?

    As corny as this remark might be here is a recent exchange Between Mugabe and David Ellis about this Sabotage thing

    Ellis asks “…Mugabe, why have we not had any ghosts arrested as yet for these sabotage crimes?

    MUGABE ” David you is a piece uh idiot though, you know how hard it is to pin anything on a ghost?…”

    Whu it is twice as hard as de BLP trying to find out which of de DLP teif $1.5 billion from the Tax coffers.”

    Ellis: ” So Mugabe what bout you godchild fader Stinkliar, he ent teif buffing from de GoB?…”

    Mugabe “…unsubstantiated rumour Ellis…”

    ELLIS : ” And whu bout pornville?…”

  34. “Hyatt and the duty free Mercedes Benz driving about Barbados without paying the requisite tax because of deals made by JA.’s in the dead of night only to wake up and find they were all bult,no man man had his seat anymore.Bult.”

    Lol, lol.

  35. But all seems to forget Mia act of sabotaging the tourist industry with excessive fees and taxes an idea that has other tourist destinations in the area licking their chops and leaving a smile on their faces a welcoming smile which allows them to greet and welcome more tourist to their islands

  36. @Mariposa,

    Tourists are not just visitors for a couple weeks, or even days, but also long-stay offshore university students.

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