Nearly 12 million Britons watched in horror as Sir David Attenborough laid bare the stark impact plastics are having on some of the world’s most precious ecosystems and endangered species during his Blue Planet II TV series’. This was the opening introduction to an excellent article published recently in the UK tourism travel publication, Travel Trade Gazette.

Like the United Kingdom, Barbados is surrounded by water and yet it has been proven, with a few notable exceptions, almost impossible to persuade our population, to be more responsible in the disposal of vast quantities of plastic waste.

Most mornings my wife and I take a short exercise walk and even in this day and age of awareness, we are shocked at the overwhelming percentage of our neighbours who do not separate and recycle all sorts of plastics, glass and tin cans.

Of course, as a destination we are considerably more economically dependent on tourism than Britain, so it makes even more logical sense that we should be miles ahead of them in terms of effective waste disposal.

Several larger tourism entities have declared their intent to not purchase single use plastic items, including straws, but we have a huge mountain to climb, if there is any serious intention of trying to catch up, with where the vast majority of the source markets that our visitors originate.

For our larger companies, it maybe easier to identify and purchase more sustainable alternatives to plastic, but the ‘little’ people have less choice and are generally forced to order through a limited number of distributors, at often inhibitive prices.

Seemingly every time tourism and tax concessions are mentioned in the same sentence, there is an almost universal bray of objection. But this is one area that Government has a moral duty to make it easier and more affordable, for all tourism entities to adopt more eco-friendly sustainable alternatives to the status quo.

If anyone vaguely questions the reality of Sir David Attenborough’s sad conclusion, then take a trip down to Long Beach and see the vast quantities of flotsam and jetsam that is washed ashore daily.

At first, the immediate reaction maybe is what could we possibly do to even partially mitigate that?

Well according to the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), most of the garbage that is deposited on our beaches derives from waste which finds its way into storm drains and sewers.

Face Southeast from Inch Marlow Point and consider in the same direction the closest landfall is South Africa. Perhaps you then start to understand the vast expanse of ocean and its potential for indiscriminate dumping.

Can our miniscule 166 square miles make a positive difference or will we remain part of the problem and not the solution?

Of course we can!

Start by separating your waste. Lobby for corporate sponsored colour-coded recycling bins to be strategically placed at rum shops, church yards and even political constituency offices and allow companies like B’s Recycling to collect their contents on a regular weekly basis, at no cost to the taxpayer or Government.

Remember, those same 12 million Brits watching episodes of Blue Planet II also book holidays and many maybe deterred by destinations that appear not to be playing their part…………..

29 responses to “The Adrian Loveridge Column – Recycle Garbage or Die!”

  1. Adrian Adrian.. why bother you know the sea takes it all away

  2. As a children we were told that the sea purged itself so any and everything unwanted thing ended up in the ocean. Apparently the ocean has over-injested and is now apparently suffering a severe bout of constipation.

    We continue on this same path at our own peril.

  3. @Fearplay

    They say we are an educated people, highly literate too.

  4. Recycle Garbage or Die! Well they recycle crime in barbados with Crime Minister Mia the Crook, Liar the Mott, and soon the people will die all things shutting down but the new hiring of old crooks in office Again, More Pain to come, You all ain’t feel nothing get, 12 inches rap in sand paper 40 grit.

  5. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    “Start by separating your waste. Lobby for corporate sponsored colour-coded recycling bins to be strategically placed at rum shops, church yards and even political constituency offices and allow companies like B’s Recycling to collect their contents on a regular weekly basis, at no cost to the taxpayer or Government.”

    Getting Bajans to do such things, ‘willingly’ is like getting the black ones to stop believing in the imminent return of a white sky god called Baby Jesus to save their sorry souls from hell.

    Why not be more practical and make the use of non-reusable plastic a massive deterrent by imposing a hefty tax as is done on other products like gasoline, alcohol and tobacco and ‘sweetened’ drinks?

    How about incentivizing people to collect and return plastic items (including throw-away bags and fast food containers) in manageable quantities to companies like B’s Recycling?

    Why not impose a tax on fast food outlets which contribute to the awful unsightly state of litter across the landscape in order to help fund this plastic return scheme similar to that applicable to the bottle return system?

    Why can’t the government use its ‘BERT’ programme to turn some of the upcoming ‘excess-to-requirements hands’ into small business people by going into a local Hemp growing programme to produce items which can act as an alternative to plastic even if at higher ‘financial’ cost?

    Can this cost ever be greater than the pending costs to human existence as so realistically highlighted by Sir David Attenborough and many others sharing similar concerns?

    “The longest journey begins with a single step”. [Not just talk]

  6. Garbage is but ONE of the symptoms of man’s extraordinary idiocy.
    Recycle garbage and we will STILL die… of one of the multiple OTHER maladies that afflict our sad world.
    What recycle what garbage what??!!
    The problem is MUCH more basic.

    Uncleanliness is just an indication of our lack of proximity to Godliness…

    The REAL story is the we…
    Turn from our wicked, selfish, albino-centric ways of greed and wickedness…
    Seek God’s forgiveness…
    Commit to doing RIGHT in the sight of God and fellow humans…
    OR we die…

    ..after appropriate exposure to the grass
    ..with plimplers

  7. We are the ONLY household on out street that separates waste and composts vegetable and garden scraps. Sad yes. Shocking, no. Thete has been no structured public awareness or encouragement to do otherwise. Its easier to bag garbage, put at roadside and bitch when its not collected.

  8. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    What about the garbage being sorted at the disposal sight?

  9. Once all meals have been served for the day I sort the garbage of my household every evening. It is not hard to do. After I have washed the dinner dishes, using the same wash and rinse waters I wash any plastic, glass or metal containers which we have used that day. I leave them to drain overnight, and I toss them into a large garbage bag every morning. So the recyclables are clean and dry and won’t attract vermin. Once a month or so when I go shopping I take the full or half full bag to my supermarket’s recycling center.

    Easy so. It takes me about 3 minutes a day.

    I don’t understand why most households won’t do the same.

    I think that every household needs to appoint a “Minister of Garbage and Recycling”.

    In my household, that’s me.

    P.S. No need to wash the shampoo, bleach detergent and other non-food containers.

  10. @Vincent Codrington October 15, 2018 6:58 PM “What about the garbage being sorted at the disposal sight?”

    Another layer of government or private sector bureaucracy? Why?

    The advantage of sorting at home is that it costs no money, very little time, and the householder can ensure with very little effort that the recyclables are clean. I mean I I have just used the last of the ketchup or butter how hard is it to clean the container there and then before it becomes stale and stink and untouchable?

    The advantage is that my covered garbage bin is NEVER full, even if the sanitation truck does not come for two weeks or even three.

  11. I suspect that you are only preaching to the choir, sir. Good suggestion that about the recycling bins and pick ups. I thought of that myself because it seemed such a simple thing to do. I have stopped using plastic straws and disposable plastic sandwich bags, plates, cups and forks but seem unable to do away with plastic bags completely. Even when I take my tote bags to the supermarket it still seems that some items must be wrapped in plastic to avoid spillage. I find myself wondering what we used to do before.

    About the indiscriminate littering and poor disposal of waste – it seems many Bajans are just lazy, nasty and suicidal. It’s puzzling.

  12. everything in barbados comes in a plastic bag or Styrofoam container

  13. @Donna October 16, 2018 1:16 PM “Even when I take my tote bags to the supermarket it still seems that some items must be wrapped in plastic to avoid spillage. I find myself wondering what we used to do before.”

    At my supermarket the staff always tries to put my meat in a plastic bag before I put it in my recyclable tote. I politely refuse. I put the wrapped meat directly into the tote bag, because a drop of soap and some water will make the bag clean again once I get home. Or you may try buying a large “lunch” one which carries ice packs. put the frozen packs, then put the meat in, so that even if you have to make a short stop the ice keeps the meat fresh. Afterwards wash the bag. Hang on the line to dry. Use next time. Or you can become vegetarian.

    No trouble at all.

    What did we use before” Grey “shop paper”, white tissue-like “bread paper”, and baskets made locally of pinguin/pandanus.can lily . The shop keeper served the cooking oil out of a big drum and we took our own “lard-oil” bottle to the shop, and in the days before refrigeration our own butter tot (made of tin) for the bright yellow, very salty “Irish” cooking butter. If you had a large family, and most people had large families, a “flour” bag for the rice, and one for the sugar. We produced the milk, and eggs and many of the fruit and vegetables at home. The sugar came directly from the factory in a corchorus “crocus” bag, or a “fine” bag, both made of natural materials, jute I think.

  14. Last night the shopkeeper tried to give me a plastic bag for bread which was already in a plastic bag.

    I said “no” politely.

  15. Pinguin/pandanus/cane lily

  16. But as we can see, not even the combative lot on BU is interested in recycling or proper disposal of garbage. We don’t want to touch, we don’t want to think about it. We think that it is nasty. We think that it is somebody else’s business.

    We want neffen to do with it.

    We is a damn bunch of poor great poppets, who does sh!t where we have to lay down.

    And we are cool with that.

  17. check out boracay news, the govt can turn things around

  18. As a long time visitor to your wonderful island I’m left with the impression that there is only lip service being applied to your recycling and waste problems. Talk is cheap, action always costs something, whether it be time or money. The unbelievable excessive use of plastic bags at the grocery is something easily tackled by bringing reusable bags/totes into play, not as a token gesture but as the only way to bag groceries. Styrofoam lunch containers really need to be outlawed, switching to a degradable product would be a good start. These ideas are in practice all over the world, nothing needs to be reinvented just implemented. It’s not to late to start

  19. Isn’t it interesting Grenada, Antigua and a few other islands in the Caribbean have aggressively moved to ban plastic and styrofoam and we are still discussing the matter to death in Barbados? The same way there is an aggressive plan to implement alternative energy solutions the same must be directed at waste management.

    We are a small island developing state (SID) are we not?

  20. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    The current administration has made a commitment that single use plastics and styrofoam containers will be banned as of April 1st 2019.

  21. Simple Simon,

    Will do.

    P.S.. The lunch bag not the vegetarian part

  22. @Peter

    Until we see a concerted education and PR campaign driving this issue it is just another promise by another government.

  23. ” single use plastics and styrofoam containers will be banned as of April 1st 2019.”

    great idea but practical alternatives must be available and affordable.

    There must be a practical way to dispose of chicken and fish guts.

  24. In the good old days we took our own reusable containers when we went to buy our Saturday pudding and souse. Nowadays we expect a styrofoam container. Why?

    The Barbados ice cream manufacturer “BICO ecofriendly packaging is a visionary brand, the global specialist in compostable food service packaging. Our plant-based catering disposables are made from renewable, lower carbon or recycled materials, and can all be composted with food waste where accepted.”

  25. growing up the grocery store put everything in paper bags, just like are yard waste has to be packaged now. if they are strong enough for yard waste why use plastic bags anymore. .

  26. Has this government ever consulted Mr Loveridge on tourism policy?

  27. Tara Inniss-Gibbs shared a post.

    23 hrs

    One of our past students, Matthew Forde, did a history on recycling businesses in Barbados a couple of years ago and submitted this extract for The History Forum Blog. The main conclusion of his research is that if we want recycling to be successful in Barbados, Government is going to have to incentivize local recycling brokers and businesses to find local solutions to waste management. Just as a number of concessions are in place for manufacturers and other businesses, more will have to be done to stimulate the creation of products/ markets for locally recycled goods and services. Some food for thought.…/matthew-f…

  28. Some where there are recycling and waste management programs that could work for Barbados.

    Find one and implement it.

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