It has not come as a surprise to learn that the government of Barbados rejected the wage proposal from the union to increase public sector wages. The government promised last year if the NSRL had achieved the objective the request for a wages increase or a coping subsidy would have been considered. Can one safely conclude that the revenue collected from the NSRL did not achieve the objective? May inquiring minds ask why?

Click image to read the communication sent by the Permanent Secretary to the BWU.


75 responses to “Government Rejects Salary Increase Proposal from Union for Public Workers”

  1. And MPs continue to be paid:

  2. IF the National Socialist Plantation Tax (NSPT) had achieved anything. IF! There is not even money left to fix the sewage. The level of taxation has reached maximum peak long ago. Barbados has a huge spending, not a tax collecting problem. Every new tax will slow down the economy.

    The civil servants face the following alternative:

    first, devaluation and no firing: They can get whatever increase they want, but cannot buy anything with their Mickey Mouse-dollars; -> Guyana-solution 1980s style

    second, firing and restructuring: The rest of the best will receive an increase from 2025 on, the rest of the not so best will get their container for emigration (Costa Rica, Guyana etc. pp.)

  3. The DEMs must be trying to lose the elections.

    No wage increase NO VOTES,

  4. Barbados will only maintain the present standard if drastic measures are applied:

    shrinking the number of ministries to 8-10
    abolishment of senat, court of appeal and other ancient, useless institutions
    liquidation or privatization of all statutory corporations, including NHS
    firing 10,000 civil servants in the process of measures described above
    green economy: electric cars, sun enegery
    transparency for all public transactions and contracts
    new anti-corruption laws + firing the present DPP
    higher productivity, better service quality and better work ethic

  5. I mean NHC, not NHS

  6. Someone opined that Stuart is getting back at the Eager 11.He will call the election at a minute to midnight so to speak and withdraw to Marley Vale at the very last moment a la Don Blackman leaving the gorilla Garsun boy and dem catspraddled.Heard the JA new kid on de block putting in a plug for Hyatt tonight on CBC TV.Somebody better tell him Hyatt at Bay Street dead as tompy and dipper.

  7. Any one of us could have told the unions that they were being played by this insensitive moron we have as a PM. In fact, many on BU said as much after the theatrics the PM pulled in the December TV spectacle.

    The unions disputed that they agreed to wait until after September for the PM to assess the NSRL but still they went along for the good of the country…………little that they knew that it is only the union, its members and the rest of us who have the country’s interest at heart…..these dems only care about themselves and empowering themselves. They do not care about the union leaders, the union members nor any one of us on BU!

    You unions allowed an idiot like Fumbles to outsmart you all. You all should have “striked” when the iron was hot and went there was momentum………….right after the huge march and brought the morons to heal!

  8. Gabriel

    Just imagine this new kid on the block is getting more time on TV than members of the Opposition and no body has never vote for him yet. He was given the same time last night as tonight……….obviously clips carried forward from yesterday.

  9. Prodigal
    It’s that type of behavior that makes people talk of a one-eyed town called Barbados.Ask Hal.

  10. Lordy Lordy.. The same crowd that voted for Sir Fumble in 2013 will vote for the Dems again..
    Barbados got the Govt they deserve. .
    Antigua PM is a boss..Buhbaydoss got dinosaurs running this place..

  11. So far I have heard about 4 callers to Brasstacks who disagree with David Ellis slotting a new presentation called People’s Parliament on the Tuesday time slot from 10am to 2pm featuring people whom we would prefer to be on the other side of the telephone getting some interesting facts and figures from Peter Wickham.In particular those arrogant Dems who gave Brasstacks shortshrift the past 5 years by refusing to send participants to Brasstacks programmes.David Ellis is giving them a voice all of a sudden.The Dems have repeatedly refused to engage the electorate other than the party catholic sheep which cheer every insult these morons can find to justify their pisspoor management of the economy.7 million wasted on an all year 50th anniversary celebration.Guyana similarly observed 50 years of independence and celebrated as one would expect…..a few days.

  12. If Barbados is looking for strong focused leadership,look no further than Mia Mottley.That woman if successful at the poll is going to drive permanent secretaries crazy with policy directives and development programmes like they have never seen since Errol and Tom applied the same heat and they responded positively.They had better prepare for a PM who is prepared to work hard and long..She is going to be on the job at unusual times so be prepared.Hardworking public officers as many of them are,must rise to the occasion,rebuilding the good name of Barbados.This PM is no 8-4 like what we have now.

  13. Back in 2013 on the promise of not a single soul being sent home the unions agreed to hold strain.They who had made that promise were successful at the polls, and immediately reneged on their commitment. Now pray tell me how in God’s name respectable and responsible leaders of a trade union could find it possible to take into their confidence the same bunch who had misled them previously? That’s why on this very site I argued that the coping subsidy should have been in the form of withholding their union dues. That way those gullible heads would have had no choice but to bring pressure to bear to the lying uncaring bastards that misled them previously.

  14. The problem is that for some duties waived mean that other duties are reneged upon…Put differently, nuff a wunna allowed wunna selves to be bought…..Chris tell we so.

  15. We can’t have it both ways

    This government cannot both be without moral authority in the period after which an election is normally due

    And at the same time legitimate enough to grant civil servants pay rises. These interests are no better than the corporatists with their constantly extended begging bowl.

    This is a childish stance by a misguided leadership

    Whether the public workers like it or not the days of depending on such unions have come to an end.

    That end started in the early 1990s when their bosses failed to see that a transition from this constant begging was necessary

  16. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Simple answer, the increase in the NSRL was not “in accordance with our cherished expectations”, and since that was a precursor to consideration (“look at the issue”)….there will be nothing.
    Be thankful.

  17. Prodigal Son March 22, 2018 at 9:04 PM #

    Just imagine this new kid on the block is getting more time on TV than members of the Opposition and no body has never vote for him yet.(Quote)

    Do we need new ideas or just more of the same?

  18. Did Cambridge Analytica, SLC worked fir the DLP in 2013 and is working with the party in 2018, hence the DLP’s confidence?

  19. Alexander Hix and Cambridge Analytica not only worked for the DLP but they were also in Barbados leading up to the 2013 elections.

    Ask the DLP and PM Stuart to state whether in October 2016 they met Hix and Cambridge in the United Kingdom.

  20. Peter Holder March 23, 2018 at 6:32 AM #

    “Alexander Hix and Cambridge Analytica not only worked for the DLP but they were also in Barbados leading up to the 2013 elections.”

    Peter Holder

    Are you trying to tell me that the DLP had the funds to pay Alexander Hix and Cambridge Analytica…….

    ………..but could not find money to pay the state owned CBC $109,609?

  21. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    I did hear these Fruendolittle clowns paid money to Cambridge Analytica in 2013, bet the money they paid belonged to the public, Cambridge Analytica and their criminals are very busy being investigated and will likely be stripped of their evil powers since they have been taped discussing extortion and bribery of dishonest greedy, corrupt politician worldwide…

    …..ah think they are too busy for the little shithounds in Bim this election who thought they were in the big leagues and even if they weren’t busy trying to avoid going to prison, it is very likely that there is very little to nothing Cambridge could do to change anyone’s mind in Barbados to convince them reelect an incompetent government.

  22. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    It is crystal clear that the Government is faced with Hobson’s choice in going to the IMF.
    This is an inevitable decision forced on the public sector workers by rudely telling them to take their pay demands and try their luck at the night races on Bush Hill.

    This is evidently a precondition imposed by the IMF before any serious discussions on Barbados’s application for urgent balance of payments support can be entertained.

    At least the DLP administration (in self-imposed detention) have thrown down the electoral gauntlet and have told the public sector workers you will either reelect us to save your jobs at existing pay rates or kick us out and save us the task of overseeing the Devaluation of your precious Mickey mouse money to make any increases in pay evaporate like the hot air from the mouth of Solutions Barbados about keeping the big bad IMF wolf from the country’s red riding hood front door.

    We can only hope that similar frankness would prevail regarding the upcoming sale (including the closing down ones) of many of the State-owned and managed entities including the CBC, TB, BWA and GAIA.

    We already know the Hyatt Hotel erection is just a paper-designed scam that will be exposed with the effluxion of timely flaccid flatulence unless by some quirk of fateful imaginary luck the lying baloney front for a Mark man is able to find within 30 days a cabal of foreign investors with US $ 150 million to blow.

  23. I cannot for the life of me fathom how these morons could still be negotiating anything of any sorts in the name of the people of Barbados…………this has gone past being ridiculous.

    They have no mandate to even buy a brown mint on our behalf……..these morons have no conscience.

    I can tell you for a fact….if the shoe was on the other foot…….though I dont believe the BLP would ever ever do something like this……….the Deceitful Lying Party would have turned this country upside down with their political yardfowls to inflict the damage!

  24. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    “At least the DLP administration (in self-imposed detention) have thrown down the electoral gauntlet and have told the public sector workers you will either reelect us to save your jobs at existing pay rates ……..”

    Any idiot who can recite a nursery rythme can do that, it takes real skills to move forward and build a successful long lasting economy, no one needs Fruendolittle and his clowns….they do not possess any of those rare skills…not one of them.

  25. Artax March 23, 2018 at 7:04 AM #

    “Alexander Hix and Cambridge Analytica not only worked for the DLP but they were also in Barbados leading up to the 2013 elections.”(Quote)

    If this is true and not just gossip, then tell it to Julia Bradshaw at the Daily Telegraph. Email her or telephone.

  26. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Why Ha, Ha fraud?.., Bradshaw reads the news and already knows this, everyone does, the info with taped bribery and extortion images included were all over facebook this week…

    ….the company is under federal investigation, which am sure will turn international..

    … there isn’t much more damage this corrupt CLICO government can do to themselves that they have not already done.

  27. Frustrated Businessman: Animal Farm sequel playing out in Bim. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman: Animal Farm sequel playing out in Bim.

    Tron, not trying to belittle your contribution but most business people understand what needs to be done to put this country back on track.

    The barrier to solving problems in gov’t accounts and private sector progress begins and ends with civil servants.

    This gov’t has done nothing workable to solve the problems because the civil service is the vote swing in this country and have been untouchable since 1995.

    Now the DLP has guaranteed their election loss by telling them they aren’t going to be paid.

    If I was a betting man, I’d guess that the letter originated from the Min. of CivServ PS who is probably as pissed off with this gov’t as everyone else.

    Well done Akanni!

  28. The following is doing the dog on Whatsapp today in the local social media space.

  29. Where’s BU eminent unionist, Caswell F, unusually quiet. Wily’s opinion is Caswell is doing the right thing, laying low, if any organization is in for severe repercussions in the future months it’s going to be the unions. Probably Caswell as an intelligent individual is taking time off to look for a new more stable employment opportunity.

    Waiting to hear from CF.

  30. Hal Austin March 23, 2018 at 10:24 AM #

    “Artax March 23, 2018 at 7:04 AM #: “Alexander Hix and Cambridge Analytica not only worked for the DLP but they were also in Barbados leading up to the 2013 elections.”(Quote)”

    Hal Austin

    Please note: Peter Holder is the original author of the above comment, which you purposely and maliciously attributed to me:
    Artax March 23, 2018 at 7:04 AM #

    “Peter Holder March 23, 2018 at 6:32 AM #: Alexander Hix and Cambridge Analytica not only worked for the DLP but they were also in Barbados leading up to the 2013 elections.”

    I responded as follows:

    “Peter Holder: Are you trying to tell me that the DLP had the funds to pay Alexander Hix and Cambridge Analytica………but could not find money to pay the state owned CBC $109,609?”

    Therefore, your comment re: “If this is true and not just gossip, then tell it to Julia Bradshaw at the Daily Telegraph. Email her or telephone.”………….

    ……….should have been DIRECTED to Peter Holder and not me.

    As usual, you have INTENTIONALLY misrepresented the facts. You always purposely misinterpret, miscomprehend or misrepresent contributions of others “to get your version of a story” by all means necessary and to suit your childish agenda of trying to belittle certain BU contributors.

    Your “antecedents” proves you are a very disingenuous, dishonest individual and your credibility as a journalist must come under scrutiny.

    I await your apology.

  31. Hal Austin

    Please read:

    Peter Holder March 23, 2018 at 6:32 AM #

    Alexander Hix and Cambridge Analytica not only worked for the DLP but they were also in Barbados leading up to the 2013 elections.

    Ask the DLP and PM Stuart to state whether in October 2016 they met Hix and Cambridge in the United Kingdom.

  32. So the DLP does not want the civil servants’ votes?

  33. So the same party that can grant themselves a 90 paid vacation with full benefits have no money to give the civil servants, but are enjoying a 90 day vacation through the pockets of the people?

    What a world we live in.

  34. The Opposition too.

  35. @Tron March 22, 2018 at 8:02 PM “…the rest of the not so best will get their container for emigration (Costa Rica, Guyana etc. pp.)”

    So how does one emigrate when one has no money? And how does one find the money to pay to ship a container load of stuff to Guyana or Costa Rica?

    Explain in a real, real simple way that I can understand.

    Becausin’ i ain’t too bright.

  36. @Tron March 22, 2018 at 8:10 PM “transparency for all public transactions and contracts.”

    The private sector might be white, but are you implying that the are as white as the driven snow?

    That there is no need for transparency for all private transactions and contracts?

  37. @Gabriel March 22, 2018 at 8:48 PM “…dead as tompy and dipper.”


  38. Enuff March 23, 2018 at 5:42 AM #
    Did Cambridge Analytica, SLC worked fir the DLP in 2013 and is working with the party in 2018

    If you don’t like money, sex, alcohol or drugs then Cambridge Anal–lick–ita won’t have much on you.

  39. The white boys at Anal–lick–ita assume that everybody likes money, sex, alcohol or drugs as much as the do.

  40. @NorthernObserver March 23, 2018 at 1:39 AM”…there will be nothing. Be thankful.”

    Bbe thankful–for nothing?

    You in the sauce today?

  41. @Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service March 23, 2018 at 11:17 AM “… there isn’t much more damage this corrupt CLICO government can do to themselves that they have not already done.”

    Wha’ you mean? They can all do us a favour and kill themselves.

  42. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Lol…and people call ME cold.

  43. Simple Simon March 23, 2018 at 7:21 PM #

    The white boys at Anal–lick–ita assume that everybody likes money, sex, alcohol or drugs as much as the do.(Quote)

    What about power?

  44. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Dr. Simple…I am betting 4 days was not enough to shred hard copies or wipe every computer clean, they would have had to burn the building to the ground or and move out tons of boxes, but CCTV cameras all across Oxford St and London will pick them up and hard drives are never completely wiped anyway….a real life shitshow.

    “NewsUKHome News
    Cambridge Analytica: Investigators raid London offices after search warrant granted

  45. @David March 23, 2018 at 6:36 PM “The Opposition too.”

    I know David. A law written for and by the political class, following in the footsteps of their colonial masters, because I gather that in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom those political classes also enjoy the same benefits offa the backs of the over burdened taxpayers.

    If I had m way they would all be going to the Unemplyoment office at Culloden Road every two weeks in order to register for unemployment benefits, since their company, Parliament has laid them off. Then they would have to go to the Employment office at Warrens to see if they can find some work. And in the next 90 days they would have to try living on $600 BDS a week in unemployment benefits.

    You can bet that if this were the case there would be no 90 day hiatus between the ending of one Parliament and the calling of elections.

    But the political class can countenance this nonsense because there is no pinching of the shoe for them.

  46. The only time I have ever claimed for unemployment benefits after many, many decades of paying into the system I had to wait more than six months before I got my money.

    If I was a little younger I would have had to go to Bush Hill to rent my private parts to weird strangers.

  47. @Hal Austin March 23, 2018 at 7:35 PM “What about power?”

    Actually I don’t like money, sex, alcohol, drugs nor power. Lollll!!!

    However I can’t speak for any of the political class.

    It would be interesting if you could get them to answer these questions directly.

  48. Simple Simon March 23, 2018 at 7:49 PM #

    I do not dabble in party politics, not even Bajan politics (in particular Bajan party politics).

  49. Can anyone say what was David Ellis’ agenda as he tried to intimidate Akanni McDowell today with a stupid line of questioning?

    “Dont you consider that you have failed?”

    The unions were negotiating in good faith with a deceitful, arrogant, egotistical man like Freundel Stuart ……… they took him at his word even though he lied that they all agreed to wait until after September to see how the NSRL worked.

    September came………October came and the Stinkliar was out in days claiming that the NSRL surpassed their expectations and raked in $50 million dollars at the same time when the Chamber was reporting that their members had reported that the NSRL had severe consequences on their businesses and sales were down in some businesses of up to 15-20%.

    The PM then contradicted the Stinkliar and said that he did not see any figures so he still did not know how the tax performed.

    October went………November came…….Independence celebrations………….December arrived and next thing you heard was that public workers would get a Christmas gift………..January nothing, February nothing………..March……..dont talk to us about any salary increases or coping subsidies.

    How could Akanni be blamed for this when the PM is such a cold calculating deceitful monster!

  50. More and more I am beginning to understand why our Prime Minister has never married.

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