If I have one single regret over the last thirty years, it is that after former Prime Minister Owen Arthur was gracious enough to grant a personal meeting to discuss our small hotel sector and in particular, the then planned GEMS project I did not push hard enough to persuade the PM to abandon what was destined to become probably the biggest tourism policy disastrous decision in recent history.

After writing off hundreds of millions of dollars of accumulated bad debt through totally inept management and systematic predatory pricing, we seem to have finally come close to a conclusion of this almost endless nightmare with the recently announced sale of Blue Horizon Hotel at the fire sale price of a quoted ‘around BDS$ 5 million’ to Blue Development Inc.

Usually reliable sources advised that the Land Tax Valuation was $17 million.

I could not find a company under that name registered with the Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office (CAIPO but there was one registered on the 29th September 2015 under Blue Developments Ltd (#39858).

On the 24th February 2010, the Nation published an article appraising the remaining Hotels and Resorts Ltd properties at $74 million, with accumulated debts of $229 million. That would have valued each remaining room at $303, 278, so more than seven years later to sell Blue Horizon at less than $50,000 per room gives validation to the phrase ‘fire sale’ me thinks.

Again, according to reports in the media the hotel will eventually become one of the Hard Rock branded hotels. While wholeheartedly appreciating the desire to have big brands appealing to all demographic markets, just a cursory look at the Hard Rock Hotel website, seems to indicate that this location is so far removed from the current offerings in other destinations, it is extremely difficult to imagine that it would add significantly to their current product offering.

Bearing in mind the named developers, while mentioning other taxpayer and private sector projects, Sapphire Condominiums and the proposed Hyatt, perhaps the plan is to rebuild the structure to 8 or even 15 floors high. The Nation article stated ‘The Hard Rock project is expected to mirror that at Sapphire Beach’.

Even then it is still on the wrong side of the road, unless once again the people are not aware of any outline planning permission having already been granted without any public consultation.

The current average size of a Hard Rock Hotel is 600 rooms with Punta Cana (DR) the largest having 1,787 rooms and the smallest, Palm Springs with 163.

It appears most of the other properties within the Hard Rock Hotel group are all-inclusive, which raises the question again, will yet more concessions be granted to enable refrigerated containers to be imported duty and tax free? As their website proudly boasts the most competitive room rates are obtained by booking directly giving added opportunity for the potential to keep payment and revenue offshore. And lots of mentions of casino’s in other destinations.

Will this be another ‘compromise’ to attract investment?

The other question which must be asked, is did any other interested party place an offer for Blue Horizon, and if so, what amounts were proffered?

Maybe Government weighed the overall potential benefit and decided on a lower offer, but are they truly qualified to make that judgment, or was this simply yet another opportunistic land grab by property speculators at dramatically below market value?

53 responses to “The Adrian Loveridge Column – Blue Horizon Hotel ‘Given Away’ to Bjerkham”

  1. I am proud that Bajans are getting involved in the ownership of hotels in Barbados 🇧🇧.

    If this progressive actions infuriates EXPATS ……like the one who penned this article then too bad !

    Bajans are determined to make Barbados 🇧🇧 Great Again !

    Under the reign of King 👑 Freundel Jerome Stuart……that will be the policy going forward.

  2. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    What Fruendel now needs to do is make an open offer to the majority population to use the millions they they have sitting in bank accounts to purchase shares in the Hilton hotel….so that the hotel will be owned by all and not just 2 or 3 minortities

    Make the offer public on social and other medias..

    That arrangement with Bjerkham, Tempro and Maloney is indeed shitty, it was secretive and does not benefit the majority population who owned the hotel and who should have been told before the fire sale and scam arrangement…..neither government nor those who benefited are hoteliers, the hotel should have been sold to the dude with the most money and experience as a successful hotelier. ….all other hotel properties should be sold to the majority population directly….as shareholders.

  3. Over the years, Loveridge has a made a valuable contribution to Barbados’ tourism product through investment and sharing his knowledge of the industry.

    Unfortunately, “Fractured BLP” referred to Loveridge as an “expat,” perhaps because he originally came from the UK…………….

    ………………. but goes on to heap praises on Bjorn Bjerjkhamn who MIGRATED to Barbados from NORWAY.

    I believe it is reasonable for sensible Barbadians to ask why this inept DLP administration sold Blue Horizon Hotel to Bjerkhamn at price below market value, especially if you take into consideration that JADA Group of Companies and Preconco Group of Companies have been successful in securing the majority of government’s construction contracts.

  4. Unless Mia and the BLP pledges to bring reverse these clear breeches by this dead DLP in its last days before the funeral, she and them must take collective responsibility for this travesty being perpetrated on Barbadian brass bowls by a bunch of black bums behaving badly before being bashed at the ballot….

  5. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    Talking rubbish as usual.

  6. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan


    “”…..Over the years, Loveridge has a made a valuable contribution to Barbados’ tourism product “”

    Don’t try to fool people.

    Both the Barbados Labour Party and the Democratic Labour Party thought that Loveridge had something of value to offer. But they were wrong and both the Barbados Labour Party and the Democratic Labour Party had to fire him.

    Ask him.

  7. With banks flushed with savings, the smart thing to do would have been to allow Bajans far and wide to invest in this venture. Instead TWO have been allowed to do so, and the local Goebbels is here trying to convince us that “King FJS” policy going forward is to facilitate local investment. Note he is proudly referring to Stuart as a king, language that reminds me of the MP for St.Lucy.

  8. Would a future BLP/Solutions Barbados government review this sale?

  9. One day coming soon these empty headed political operatives will appreciate the negative impact the vitriol they spew is impacting the country a la Trump.

  10. Shameful. Absolutely bankrupt ‘leadership’ – of ideas, morally, intellectually…

  11. Carson C. Cadogan

    Perhaps you should have heeded your advice re: “Don’t try to fool people.”

    It is a known fact that Loveridge is an outspoken individual who, has been critical of the tourism policies of both BLP & DLP administrations, while offering advice and solutions.

    And it is known fact that politicians from BOTH the BLP & DLP (especially the DLP), do not react favourably to criticism or outspoken individuals

    This inept Democratic Labour Party administration will obviously interpret Loveridge’s queries relative to the sale of Blue Horizon as criticism.

    And judging from the DEMS’ reaction to critics over the past 9 years, Loveridge will be at the end of a tongue lashing from the Stuart, Sealy, Kellman, the bombastic Christopher Sinckler and the yard-fowls assigned by the DLP to spew the party’s propaganda on BU.

    On one hand, you are cussing Herbert and Loveridge, using pejorative racist statements to describe them as white traitors who use black people…………

    …………. but on the other hand, you embrace white people such as Mark Maloney and Bjorn Bjerkhamn, showering them with praises, several government contracts, cheap hotel and land deals, appointed them to the board of directors of LIAT and the Central Bank of Barbados and in the case of Bjerkhamn, you accorded him a ‘Silver Crown of Merit’ in last year’s National Independence Honours.

    By the way, is it true that although the Transport Board announced last Thursday that the “last bus” will leave all terminals at 5:00pm, JADA Construction insisted their workers had to finish work at 5:00pm?

  12. This is the menace of tourism in the Caribbean.An abrasive,rude boy style is rocking any sense of propriety,morality and decency in governance as we knew it.Enter Butch Stuart,the stove and refrigerator salesman out of the land of wood and water,who is getting tired of facing the Caribbean courts for his piratical style of doing business,copying Donald Trump.This is the Caribbean,a 98% black society.It will fight back,one day coming.
    We will see how far Trinidad gets with this approach.


  13. Is this true ? “The company’s 25-year holiday on all taxes in Barbados”- caused a stir when those terms were disclosed in 2013 following the decision by Sandals to invest in two hotels on the island.”

    “25-year holiday on all taxes in Barbados” ?

  14. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    no wonder someone posted to facebook yesterday asking if business people, we know who some of them are, if they pay taxes in Barbados….this is ugly.

    what a bunch of idiots in parliament, no wonder the government is soaking the weary population in taxes.

    what a gutter filled with traitors.

  15. Barbados,the Gem of the Caribbean,in its heyday the favourite of Sir Conrad Hilton,Sir Ronald Tree,Lord Forte and Sir Edward Cunard all of whom owned hotels and property on the island,sadly an era now past,as Barbados appears to have become the haven of buccaneer hoteliers,piratical raid-the-public-purse entrepreneurs,corrupt, low life,barefoot, bag blind politicians who never had discipline in their lives,these are the scum of the soil now making decisions to carry Barbados into the 21st century.Were it not for the youthful talent displayed last night at the opening of Carifesta,one would fear a state of depression and a desire to throw in the towel and leave this country now set upon by the philistines,the Democratic Labour Party,familiarly known to Bree as the stinking dems.

  16. @ Enuff
    With banks flushed with savings, the smart thing to do would have been to allow Bajans far and wide to invest in this venture.
    Would ‘Bajans far and wide’ be willing to pay $5M for the property and secretly contribute another $5M to a special fund to be disposed of below the line…?

  17. CARSON C. CADOGAN, perhaps you should also ask if any one remembers the 11 year old boy who fatally shot by his father on April 11, 2010??

    “I have not heard anything lately about the child” who was fatally shot in his chest by his father who also sustained gunshot injuries to his hand during the incident. The father subsequently left Barbados on a private jet to Miami, where his lawyers said he went for specialised medical treatment.

    In updating the media here on the case, Police Commissioner Darwin Dottin said he did not consider that the DECISION to ALLOW (the father) to LEAVE the island was HIS to MAKE.

    “Where are we with that?”

    I am appealing to Donville Inniss to offer Carson C. Cadogan advice similar to what he offered Denis Kellman on facebook.

  18. Whats all the fuss about a solar eclipse, there seems to be one every year or so in barbados when a politician,s big headed passes over a hoteliers ass because the sun must shine out of it to get 25 years no taxes.

  19. Lawson,
    I thought an eclipse was when a Bajan got drunk on someone else’s money.

  20. LOL Hal that is the Bajan tax we tourists have to pay to have the locals talk to us at a bar, it could be worse fat white chicks have to by them an airline ticket or a house. Things are changing however instead of …do you have some change,…or can you help a fellow out, ……its can you buy some bullets for my gun.

  21. Lawson,
    I once had a huge laugh while visiting Holders Hill. A young Bajan white woman started being rude to the man and woman (both black and aged in their late 30s) who worked in the bar and they did not say a word. She went on until my Scottish friend turned on her and told her she could not talk to people like that, in his best Glaswegian. As soon as he finished some young English women from Kent joined in. You should see the faces of the local whites who had made the assumption that since “we are all white together” it did not matter. Wrong. One young woman screamed she hated white Bajans.
    After I told my friend that if my companion or I had said anything they would have turned on us and told us of our parentage. It is the Bajan thing.

  22. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    “”Artax August 21, 2017 at 12:21 PM “”

    A BLP brown noser’s comment can remain but my comments get removed? This censorship is really ridiculous.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with my comments . They are factual and they were the were the talk of the town for months on end in Barbados. Also there was great media coverage of the event and great emotional distress at the funeral of the dead boy.

    The matter was in the public domain, it was nothing which was made up.

  23. oh the lord the gift to gee us to see oor selves as others see us roll your rrrs your friend will luv it.

  24. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    Trouble in paradise: the hidden impacts of increasing inequalities in Barbados

    Sources of inequality may have changed since the colonial era, but its scale and impact continue to shape Barbadian society, writes Collin Constantine.

    The renowned Barbadian historian Sir Hilary Beckles has recently argued that the white inheritors of The First Black Slave Society remain both dominant and unrepentant in today’s Barbados. For all the de jure political power that black descendants have achieved, de facto economic power has not shifted.  His view is supported by my own research, which reveals new evidence of how this old colonial oligarchy in Barbados has transformed itself into a post-colonial oligarchy.

    As of 2015, the average household income of the richest 10% in Barbados was 3.7 times that of the general population, while in 1960 this decile received only 2.8 times as much. This trend is even more pronounced for the top 1%, the elite of the elites.  In 2015 the average household income of Barbados’ richest 1% was 10 times the average, whereas in 1960 it was just four times.  This clear concentration of top incomes shows that growth in Barbados has been especially extractive, but what has changed in how elite power is maintained to enable this shift?

    The enormous concentration of income in Barbados historically meant that the most powerful and prestigious positions were reserved for colonial elites. In present-day Barbados, economic elites use grants, media ownership, campaign contributions, and so on to influence public policy, public opinion, and key actors to forge societal buy-in on policies that protect and reinforce elites’ economic interests.


    WHAT HAS ADRIAN LOVERIDGE TO SAY ABOUT THIS? seeing that he is a part of the problem.

  25. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Carson…and the blights in parliament keep enriching them, with your help.

    And you and the blights in parliament claim to be the best educated in the Caribbean and the world and cannot dismantle a destructive slave society on the island or racism against the majority in Barbados.

    Would you like me to tell you how useless all of you look.

    Bjerkham, Tempro and Maloney do the same nasty things against your people, with your blessing….why dont you say the same to them.

    The racist thieves in the minority population and their black enables like you and the treacherous rats in parliament who continue to keep a Black Slave Society alive will continue to be exposed world wide.

  26. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    And I still see that illegal roundabout that killed the young child still in the middle of the road on the highway, still very dangerously protuding in the road, because neither the slaves of parliament nor the clown Maloney cares about the lives of black bajans….nor care that the child died.

  27. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Carson…..why should what happen in his back yard concern you, suppose it was litigated, it’s none of your business, but Blue Horizon is a public matter, it’s everyone’s business…it was public property.

    Yardfowls always get everything ass backwards.

    Just like you enablers of a black slave society on the island is everyone’s business and has to be continually exposed worldwide, until the slaves of parliament finally get the message.

  28. What is Barbados waiting for? Canadians ?

    Jamaica training stakeholders to dispense marijuana


  29. Watchman asked BU to post the following.

    @ Fractured Blp

    @Angela Skeete
    This is the house that a black DLP yard-fowl name Joseph Clarke lived in , he worshiped the EWB DLP the way you 3 yard-fowls now do to DT/ FJS DLP,all he got for trying to picking the DLP nasty yard were rum & cigarettes, he die from Cancer.
  30. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    A fitting way for all yardfowls to end up.

  31. Poor fellow……….sold his soul for nothing…………yet the three white men are getting millions of our tax dollars.

    We should not forget Innotech…..they are also raking in the millions as well.

    I got a call from a BWA employee when they were installing the meters….Innotech’s number showed up on my phone……..I asked the very pleasant lady……how comes Innotech’s number is showing up on my phone……she said she is seconded to work on the meter installations.

    This government would not even give this contract to a group of small black plumbers but instead gave this contract to rich white folks.


  32. If the DLP yard-fowl Joseph Clarke was alive on the 29 November 2016 he would have had to endured that flooding around his house at Clarke’s road St James because,for the last 9 years this DLP Government refused to remedy a watercourse, that a White expat built an illegal private road in, along, and across . Black Minister George Hutson supervised MTW workers for the paving of said road that caused, and will continue to cause flooding to the poor black residents of Clarke’s Rd. Now, all you black ass DLP yard-fowls on BU would never see that your DLP PM is wearing a black ugly mask , he the roasted breadfruit.

  33. George Hutson was one of the worst ministers ever and to think the competition is Dennis Kellman, Michael Lashley, Stephen Lashley, John Boyce, Darcy Boyce, Adriel Brathwaite, Chris Sinckler and Freundel Stuart.

    He put himslef in the situation where he wa wined, dined, housed and drove big rides by the irishman who came down here to start up Redjet. He is such an idiot that he did not understand the term quid pro quo. The man invited him into his house wined and dined him, he lapped up the man’s hospitality, live the life and then when the man came down here expected him to produce the results that he wanted he dissed the man………

    No wonder the people of St James Central kicked him to the curve and not even ignorant Freundel gave him a pick.

    So Clarke’s Road will suffer at his hands……..dirty hands!

  34. I Saw George at the pharmacy in Holders, head down and walking sluggish, is karma moving in to help him out

  35. @Carson C Cadogan “He thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow.”
    ― Charles Martin-
    It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.

  36. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Stupid slave ministers.

  37. The DLP under the leadership of King 👑 Freundel Jerome Stuart is the party of all rational thinking people.

    Everyday by the hundreds – new members are enrolling in this party.

    The main reasons been :

    • Doomsayers like those on BU kept saying this DLP government will crash by – 2013 , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 …..the party still standing , still in office

    • Then the fools kept saying the economy will crash by March 2017 ….you can still do foreign exchange transactions in August 2017

    • Then idiots say that Carifesta 2017 won’t be hosted by Barbados…..because the DLP don’t know what to do…….Carifesta 2017 is seen as the largest & most successful one so far. Thanks to the DLP leadership.

  38. @ Fractured BLP

    Who and what caused the dethroning of DLP former kings like EWB in 1976, LES in 1994, how about king DT who master the art of thieving from CLICO black policy holders

  39. Did I not hear on VOB news that two events were very poorly attended?

    Did I not hear on VOB news that the accreditation process was very bad? The person being interviewed said that there were so many problems and that they would learn from the problems they were experiencing when they are planning to host the next event.

    This is not a good reflection on Barbadians who previously had a sterling reputation of hosting top notch events……..but I do hope the rest of the festival comes off well. God knows we need a break from these morons.

  40. I heard the delegation head of Antigua making some critical comments on the radio of the planning of the Carifesta 2017 in Barbados

  41. @ David the “Trump effect” helping Toronto.

    The City of Toronto is on pace for another record-breaking year for tourism.

    Figures show there were over 14 million overnight visitors to the city last year, bringing in more than $7 billion.

    This year, hotel occupancy is up four per cent over this time last year and Toronto has seen 10 per cent more visitors from the United States.

  42. @ Gabriel
    There are some Caribbean ‘brothers’ who will criticise Barbados- no matter how well we treat them. They just hate our donkeys.
    Having attended various functions in all these Caribbean countries over the years- and hosted many here for various groups, Bushie can tell you for a fact ….that – however shoddy this Carifesta may be by BU’s critical standards, it is UNLIKELY to be anywhere near the generally accepted standard provided elsewhere in the region.

    …and that is coming from a major critic if BBBBs.

  43. Watchman, Gabriel

    The dems are so ‘bright” and Fumble is elevated to a king………king ass, I would say……….yet they planned their party conference for the very weekend Carifesta was planned. To take shame out of their face, they said they postponed it due to Harvey.

    Not even planning their own conference could they get right! What morons!

  44. @ Prodigal
    Not even planning their own conference could they get right! What morons!
    If this chap Pilgrim is the best they can do for a general secretary, then how are you surprised at their shoddy planning?

  45. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David August 22, 2017 at 12:07 PM
    “Keeping an eye on Cuba.”

    After coming to grips with the reality of what is happening with Cuban tourism do you really expect serious investors would take in excess of US$ 100 million and put it in the construction of a Hyatt hotel to sit like a white elephant next to a rat-infested dump in a dying little town whose only night activity is its openly paraded prostitution and vagrants night-walking the garbage strewn streets and rummaging through the overflowing bins looking for scraps of food and plastic bottles?

    It’s time the media call a spade a spade as far as the scam Hyatt is really about.

    How can the same local promoters be so swift off the investor mark to take on another hotel project (Blue Horizon aka the Hard Rock gambling joint) which would be in direct competition with the Hyatt on Bay Street?

    Next minute the same investor clan of frauds would be turning Coverley into a retirement home for criminals.

  46. By now the DLP MPs and yard-fowls should know the party is blighted. a EWB soldier told me that a kind of insects came in 2008,and caused the blight.

  47. Prodigal
    Bush Tea
    Can you imagine the embarrassment of scheduling their Annual Conference the same weekend as the opening of Carifesta 2017 at which the cabinet and parliamentarians of the DLP would have had to be present ?George Pilgrim should be fired forthwith,escorted out of George Street by security with his box of staples and his stapling machine.What a set of morons.They are running the government the same way…..guess work,no planning,no foresight,in short no nothing.

  48. Gabriel

    And to think we had the biggest jackass ever, CCC, bragging about the conference and elevating the worst PM ever to the status of king…………..king ass that is!

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