Grenville Phillips II, leader of Solutions Barbados

The Ministry of Education has approved our children’s use of cellular phones in our schools.  The obvious foreseen risk is our children’s direct access to pornography (porn) on their smart phones.  While some responsible parents will install porn filters on their children’s phones, most parents and grandparents will not know, and are not expected to know, how to protect them.  Therefore, a national response is required.

Many parents have provided their children with smart-phones, tablets and lap-top computers without installing the critically necessary porn filter.  Therefore, they are unknowingly giving their children direct access to porn, which is perhaps the most reckless act that a parent can do.  For those who are unaware, porn permanently damages children.

Our children are not the only victims.  Employees who watch porn are normally very unproductive, which harms both the private and public sectors.  Spouses who watch porn normally destroy their marriages.   However, the real victims are those whom they view on the screen.

The sex slavery trade is real.  Girls, mostly from Asia and Eastern Europe, are forced into sex slavery, and are repeatedly raped until they are made to appear to enjoy it.  Viewers of porn may try to justify their actions by deluding themselves that they are engaging in a harmless act.  However, every time that they visit a porn site, they increase the advertisement revenue of the site, thus ensuring the bondage of the victims.

Sex slaves are perhaps the most oppressed group on Earth.  Their initial hopes of rescue are dimmed with each forced rape and each new year of captivity.  However, those who capture, rape and confine them are merely agents.  The true oppressors are those who view porn, for if there were no market, there would be no sex slavery.  Viewers of porn are the market where sex slaves are traded.

By allowing our children to access pornography, we are training the next generation of oppressors, and ensuring that the sex slaves’ hope for freedom is in vain.  Most of us are descendants of persons who were either sold into slavery, or kidnapped and forcibly brought to Barbados.  If we now actively facilitate the enslavement of sex slaves, then we, above all people, deserve the harshest judgement.

Fortunately, this judgement can be avoided, because this is one of the easiest national problems to solve.  The Government can easily block access to porn on the Internet, by default, today.  Those adults who want it can simply apply for it.  Therefore, with one decision, the Government of Barbados can immediately protect all of our children, increase national productivity, improve marriages, and most importantly, provide some hope to the despairing sex slaves being savagely raped around the world.

Let me directly address those who believe that it is their duty ensure that the bureaucratic ‘wheels’ of Government turn slowly.  I understand that this decision involves policy, legal, and technical issues.  The policy issue can be addressed immediately – it is good policy to protect our children.  I understand the benefits of having ‘Green’ consultative and ‘White’ policy papers in order to get diverse feedback.  Therefore, set the policy on protecting our children, and then have the time-consuming consultations on changing that responsible policy.

The legal concern is a non-issue since those adults who want it will be granted access once they apply for it.  That leaves the technical issue.  Flow and Digicel can be regulated to block porn, or the Government can block it directly today.  You can be sure that in a Solutions Barbados administration, porn will be blocked on day 1.

There is one man in Barbados that currently has the authority to do so much good, or to perpetuate so much harm.  That man is the Minister responsible for Telecommunications.  Today, he can instruct the Permanent Secretary to instruct the Chief Telecommunications Officer to block all porn sites.  That he has allowed such unspeakable harm to go on for so many years is very distressing.  However, perhaps he was unaware of just how much harm his inaction was causing.  Well, now he knows.  If our children are unable to access porn tomorrow, then we will know that he also cares.

Grenville Phillips II is the founder of Solutions Barbados and can be reached at

169 responses to “The Grenville Phillips Column – Does He Also Care?”

  1. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Some people are saying thst Grenville only wants bajans to view the porn that he likes…lol

  2. @David at 12:27 PM …. re “…If a political party other that the two main cannot make headway in the prevailing environment than may God have mercy on our souls”. This seems a bit at odds with some of your remarks yesterday.

    Then you offered that “… Mia has hit all the concerns many of us have been railing i.e. ineffective Senate, a backbench and working committees of parliament compromised by a large frontbench etc.” And continued, ” … in her defense she took some time to solidify her position and yes Machiavellian moves came into play.”

    Amazingly counter-intuitive I suggest. You should be shaming Mottley with evidence as disingenuous. That then should help those third party groups to find the traction you implore. LOLL.

    MAM’s remarks re governance are sweet talk. You are right that she is best described by Machiavelli…. this is one perspective of the man’s thesis.

    “It’s a Machiavellian moment […] when public necessity requires actions that private ethics and religious values might condemn as unjust and immoral.”

    Nothing she has said matches her private values. In sum, MAM is disingenuous. She is attempting to cover herself in some moral rectitude yet she DID NONE of that when she was in a position to actually initiate some of those changes.

    One can argue that she actually did everything possible to go in the opposite direction (many instances were cited in the other blogs; coupled with her alleged ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ with illegal voice/data tapping).

    But back again to 500 year ago words…it was suggested that a politician could (should) not play fast and loose with the law… if ‘a prince’ or a princess elevated herself above the law too often it was thought that “the people would drive her from office”. Bajans Alert!!!!

    Machiavelli also suggested that “the key to all successful power-mongers is the appearance of innocence, and a reputation for honesty and benevolence” but underneath, of course, they’re nothing but gangsters trolling and stealing from the populace!

    Her embrace of honesty and benevolence is empty. Very empty!

  3. @David

    What prevailing environment, a bad, bad economy? The average voter turn out in Barbados since 1951-2013 is 67%, the turn out last election was 65%–higher than the elections of 1991,1994, 2003 and 2008. Yes 2008 and 1994!! This is not the election for 3rd parties, after the disaster of giving the DLP a “chance” and the resulting state of the economy, voters are looking for people with experience. The promise of IL and FOI are not enough to win this election, and certainly not banning porn sites.

  4. @Dee Word

    One of the words we love to use on BU’s pages is ‘comprehension’. How does one translate Mia hitting all the concerns as giving her a pass?

  5. Aha David, comprehension indeed!

    Do note that the part you noted above had appended: “And continued, ‘ … in her defense she took some time to solidify her position and yes Machiavellian moves came into play.”….

    The key part is: “in her defense…”. There goes your ‘pass’.

    As far as I see it no one who sat in the AG’s seat and too was a senior official with the persuasive voice as high as ‘Dep PM’ can be seen as anything other then gravely disingenuous on this topic of improved governance with her current palaver.

    She had years not only to solidify but to actually act some of her positions and move her colleagues similarly!

    Let’s not be beguiled by this masquerade or as @Hal called it ‘Fools Gold’.

  6. Well Well: Why must you consistently fill your comments with personal insults? What is wrong with you? I was not aware of David Cameron’s initiative. There are similarities. However, he is going much further than what I wrote since he is proposing banning certain sites. For those also unaware of Cameron’s proposal, it is linked below.

    Miller: You really need help – go and seek it for you own sake. Please read books like “Half the Sky” and supporting organisations who try to rescue sex slaves in order to understand sex slavery. No watching of porn is required.

    Vincent, Well Well, Enuff: Why attack Christianity? Why this consistent hatred from you three?

    Vincent, Well Well, Enuff, Northern, Angela Skeete and Miller: No one is attacking individual rights or banning anything. Why these unfounded statements? You all are displaying classic addictive behaviour when the source of your addiction is threatened, and it finally explains why you have consistently misrepresented almost all of my ideas.

    Even in this simple article, you are all unconcerned about the damage that porn has done, and are willing to allow unspeakable harm to continue just so that you can have access to porn. You are so sickly addicted that you cannot even see straight enough to see that I am not advocating banning anything, or taking away people’s freedoms. You are simply reacting in a manner consistent with every other addict.

    The six of you need help. Like all addicts, you will angrily think that you don’t, but your consistent irrational behaviour shows that you do. Go and get it. How will you know when you are getting better? You will start to actively care for the victims instead of irrationally attacking anyone whom you perceive to be threatening the source of your cravings.

    Best regards,

  7. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    For Grenville. ..who believes banning is a solution that can stop people….on the internet.

    “Proportion of UK drug users using dark net to buy drugs ‘doubles in three years’

    ‘We’re talking about 15-year-olds getting hold of LSD. It’s a complete disaster’

    Ben Kentish @BenKentish 3 hours ago10 comments

    mmon drug purchased via the dark net in the UK Getty
    There has been a huge rise in the number of UK drug users using the dark internet to buy illegal substances, a new survey has revealed.

    The Global Drug Survey, of which The Independent is a partner, found more users are buying their drugs on the dark net in the UK than almost anywhere else in the world.

    The mass of hidden web pages allows users to connect with online drug dealers while hiding their computer IP addresses to avoid being traced.

    Purchases are made using the virtual currency Bitcoin, which allows customers and sellers to remain anonymous. “

  8. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Lol….Grenville is the best example why there should ALWAYS be a separation between church and state. 

    …..religion in any form is poisonous to the ability of people to engage in  rational thinking in any society, as it has been for thousands of years….eg…ya got an island infested with religious hypocrites….they are heathens from Monday to Saturday and bible thumping religious extremists and hypocrites on Sunday.

    If christianity worked so well, there would be no cultural and briad based problems in society.

    Ya have religious wars, greed, murder, hatred and an axis of evil all in the name of christianity and religion…so tell me again, what is it good for.

    BTW..David Cameron is no longer prime minister of UK as you well know and you did copy that nonsense from UK, it is a stupid idea from UK as sensible people have realized and an even more stupid one for Barbados.

    All that other stuff that is bothering you, is of no concern to me whatever.

  9. Well Well:

    That you would actually write such rubbish simply proves my point. It also explains why you hide your on-line identity. You are beyond medical help. You need your family to intervene.

    One thing is certain with addicts (and I have dealt with many of them), you cannot carry on a rational discussion with them. Well Well, you know that I have been very patient with you over the years, but your consistent responses have been to make unfounded accusations and hurl insults. Well, it is time to direct you to seek help for your problems.

    I wish you a successful recovery,


  10. angela Skeete Avatar

    There is one man in Barbados that currently has the authority to do so much good, or to perpetuate so much harm. That man is the Minister responsible for Telecommunications. Today, he can instruct the Permanent Secretary to instruct the Chief Telecommunications Officer to block all porn sites. That he has allowed such unspeakable harm to go on for so many years is very distressing. However, perhaps he was unaware of just how much harm his inaction was causing. Well, now he knows. If our children are unable to access porn tomorrow, then we will know that he also cares.

    Grenville to me what the above comments are inferring is totally contradictory to an individual/s freedom and a constitutional right to access , which if such being granted is against the law
    You need to go read all the literature on Constitutional law and read up on some of the legal cases where Claimants tried to bamboozled moral judgement on society by way of the courts and were denied
    How in the world do you think that barbados as signatory to Laws that are fined tuned and spelled out with clearlity whereby barbados has agreed upon cannot make changes willy nilly with out ramification that are written into those agreements
    In my opinion your heart is out of sync with the many applications operational to a global world and changing societies and for what it is worth you are not ready and prepared to meet those or any challenges without biases and temperament
    Grenville when you start an agenda by chipping away at the Constitution you are in big trouble and need of help

  11. Angela Skeete:

    So you think that our children have a constitutional right to porn? You think that our children have a constitutional right to view sex slaves (including other children) being raped? You think that our children have a constitutional right to be the next generation of oppressors of sex slaves?

    Best regards,

  12. TheophilusGazerts Avatar

    I want to watch my porn without putting my name on a list or asking anyone for permission. I’m a grown man.
    After porn what else will you ban?

    The problems of Barbados cannot be solved by banning porn. To quote a phrase I’ve seen here “wheel and come again”.

  13. TheophilusGazerts Avatar

    I see that you have a very loose definition of porn. It’s similar to how Barbadian talk about homosexuality, they add in pedophilia, beastiality and anything else they can think of

  14. Grenville,
    Well said. she/he or it is a mental case badly in need of treatment.

  15. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Grenville…you did not come up with that dumb shit of blanket banning porn and state controlling what adults watch all on your own, house slaves are unable to function or think outside of their perimeters of brainwash….they must copy from those they still perceive as their masters, a good example…the current slaves of parliament and their cockups, they can only function so far and no further..

    You refuse to actually confront and deal with the issue of porn re children in a practical manner…trying to dictate is not the way to go or handle the situation of children’s exposure to exploutative porn, or human trafficking.

    Deal with those issues on the ground in Barbados through education, it’s like any other discipline, you educate, you train., you cannot control the internet.

  16. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Sorry…ah meant to say…house negros.

    Grenville…you did not come up with that dumb shit of blanket banning porn and state controlling what adults watch all on your own, house slaves are unable to function or think outside of their perimeters of brainwash….they must copy from those they still perceive as their masters, a good example…the current slaves of parliament and their cockups, they can only function so far and no further..

  17. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Yeah Grenville…I will let YOU direct ME…lol

  18. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Ha, Ha Austin…another brainwashed dysfunctional house negro, dont try to divert my attention away from Greenville and make me swat you, it wont be pretty.

  19. Grenville some of us understand what you are trying to say. Explain your message as best you can and avoid tangling with commenters. Barbados is a small place and we have a chance to create a model for others to follow.

  20. angela Skeete Avatar

    Grenville everybody has a Constitutional right to freedom of expression, it is the law what so hard for You to understand
    If you cannot understand those laws that govern , How in the world are you going to govern within the dictates of a global world that dictates world views
    As for the children the parenting of the child necessitate that the child is reared and nurtured in the best possible household environment which does not called for govt interference unless the child is physically abused or in any way violated that would cause irreparable harm or danger , There are already laws for the child protection
    What you are advocating is a dangerous resolution to correct many of societies ills which in time if you have your way can be problematic against the good of society,
    Individuals so far has been giving a right to Choose and so far those rights have been protected and there is no need for amendment

  21. angela Skeete Avatar

    Of course most stander what Grenville is not only saying but if giving his way the harm and dangers caused that can be counterproductive for all of society, David as a person who daily use freedom of expression for communication you should be concern on how and what other motives Grenville have in mind that would affect all other Constructional rights against the freedom of expression
    Once the horse has bolted it is hard to put it back to stable

  22. I am convinced SB is a conservative christian party from within the pews of the local bourgeoisie prosperity gospel movement. There are a few I recognise in the team so far. Are there more? The constant reference to sex slaves as a reason to ban porn from children is typical of the far right–use the most extreme scenarios. The idiocy of the argument, however, is that adults can still apply for permission to watch young people used as sex slaves. Porn and what SB would deem negative influences on young people are all over the internet, not just on porn sites. In fact, I would argue that social media apps that facilitate porn are more popular with young people than porn sites. The proposed idea once again exposes the fossilised, simplistic and narrow thinking of SB towards the very complex matters that face us as a society.

  23. @enuff

    What is refreshing is that he is attempting to deal with the issue. All the other conversations are being framed in economic clap trap.

  24. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    No one minds Greenville dealing with the issues of porn, sex slavery and human trafficking, but it must be done in a clear, concise, practical and intelligent manner….education and training for parents and grandparents to control their children and what they watch could not be more clear or concise…., controling children should never be left up to the state to create parental dependecy on the state.

    Bur Greenvilke git a lot of shit bouncing around in his head, so he does not want to hear any other views, but his master’s.

    I can clearly see that once elected Greenville will go nuclear and build mental institutions in every parish for any dissidents who disagree with the decades old build up of regurgitated nonsense residing in his head.

    Greenville will attack freedom of speech as long as it is not what he wants to hear, but it is better to know that now before electing him, the hardest thing is to know.

    And since he has somehow managed to convince himself that he has already been elected,  yet I am the crazy one….lol, the voting population has to be made very aware that they have in their hands the POWER come next election, to put an END to MAJORITY GOVERNMENTS in Barbados. 

    Destroy those dictator tendencies before they develop and become full blown….split your votes up evenly between the 7 or 8 political parties now competing to rise to significace through your votes……and force them to form a minority coalition government, they will then be forced to actually do their jobs that the taxpayer is paying them to do, instead of entertaining any fantasies of absolute power and stupidity.

    Greenville….in all my craziness, you have earned my full and undivided attention.

  25. Good to see that Grenville bothers Enuff so much….

    Any discussions about dealing with low-minded criminality and immorality seems to bother some people more than others…

    Grenville’s intentions are noble, even if his methodology is flawed….while..
    Enuff’s intentions are well known (at least to Bushie 🙂 )….and his methodology is to sneak up upon unsuspecting Bajan brass bowls and get hold of the public trough once again….

    Points to note….
    Enuff offers no alternative, …no analysis, …no vision, …no hope.
    His forte is to point to SB’s ‘unreadiness’…., but based on the current results achieved by his party and the other likeminded jackasses, Grenville may be just what the doctor ordered for Barbados….. perhaps a combination of INDEPENDENT MINDS like Grenville, Commissiong, Walter Blackman etc…

    We have had enuff of the discredited political class….

  26. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    A minority coalition government is sorely needed on the island to bring dome perspective and sanity to solving very solvable problems without all the haughty attitudes.

  27. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Grenville…….live and learn.

    No one minds Greenville dealing with the issues of porn, sex slavery and human trafficking, but it must be done in a clear, concise, practical and intelligent manner….education and training for parents and grandparents to control their children and what they watch could not be more clear or concise…., controling children should never be left up to the state to create parental dependecy on the state.

    Bur Greenvilke git a lot of shit bouncing around in his head, so he does not want to hear any other views, but his master’s.

    I can clearly see that once elected Greenville will go nuclear and build mental institutions in every parish for any dissidents who disagree with the decades old build up of regurgitated nonsense residing in his head.

    Greenville will attack freedom of speech as long as it is not what he wants to hear, but it is better to know that now before electing him, the hardest thing is to know.

    And since he has somehow managed to convince himself that he has already been elected, yet I am the crazy one….lol, the voting population has to be made very aware that they have in their hands the POWER come next election, to put an END to MAJORITY GOVERNMENTS in Barbados.

    Destroy those dictator tendencies before they develop and become full blown….split your votes up evenly between the 7 or 8 political parties now competing to rise to significace through your votes……and force them to form a minority coalition government, they will then be forced to actually do their jobs that the taxpayer is paying them to do, instead of entertaining any fantasies of absolute power and stupidity.

    Greenville….in all my craziness, you have earned my full and undivided attention.

  28. Correct Bush Tea!

    The stuff that Grenville is made of coupled with his intention is refreshingly different to the usual offerings. Whether he is successful or not his interventions in the political landscape has the potential to force the duopoly to address issues they have tended to avoid read morality, Ethics, governance and so on. Would we vote for SB candidates above Lowe, Blackett, Clarke and Co? Hell yes!

  29. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    Enuff May 26, 2017 at 6:34 AM #

    Could not have stated it beter……well put.

  30. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    Now enuff has exposed your organisations agenda and mindset,let me disabuse you about my objection to xtianity…….my objection is to all and any belief system/cult or religion,the sole purpose of which is to create brainwashed cretins.

  31. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    I see nothing refreshing about Solutions whose mission is to carry us back to the Victorian era with all of its strictures,apply ISO whatever and no vision as to meaningfully dealing with wealth creation for the country and its people.

  32. angela Skeete Avatar

    Keeping. Kids from seeing porn block websites.what a bunch of malarky. Kids today are veryvinternet savvy and would device any way to filter out through other means. How about books on the internet that sell porn or even TV and other media outlets is Grenville going to ban them.
    Does he even realise the problems he would create in a democracy that can affect captalism flow within a democracy
    His simplistic views reveals that his views on good goverence is limited and infused by conservative teachings like dictators

  33. Hi David:

    As always, your moderating wisdom is appreciated. However, let me explain this recent ‘tangling’. I am actually disappointed with myself. I ignored clear warnings from Bush Tea years ago and attempted to carry on a rational discussion with addicts. I have always managed to have conversations converge towards some (even limited) consensus of what we believe to be true. Sometimes I had to move, and sometimes the other party. But once there is an honest search for truth, then there will always be movement.

    I have wasted so many years trying to encourage some convergence with these addicts. I have spent years in prison, and should have recognised the obvious signs. However, the anonymity of the commenters sort of threw me off. Fortunately, this simple article brought their addiction into clear view.

    So this ‘tangling’ is very liberating for me. I no longer feel the need to convince those commenters of anything. The normal response is to allow them to reach ‘rock bottom’, where the only direction that they can see is up. Regrettably, based on their recent comments, they still have some digging to do before they reach a good foundation on which to build.

    If these commenters show that they are near ‘rock bottom’ and are willing to look up, then I will engage them. Otherwise, I will simply help them find their way, not through rational conversation, but the effective psychological ‘tough love’ method. It appears that Bush Tea has practised clinical psychology.

    Best regards,

  34. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    Quote…….the anonymity of the commenters sort of threw me off…..I ignored clear warnings from Bush Tea…..end Quote

    This is the rational human being seriously seeking to lead Bim with fresh ideas…..gimme a break.

  35. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    “However, the anonymity of the commenters sort of threw me off. Fortunately, this simple article brought their addiction into clear view.”

    Grenville…you would suck up to anyone who agrees with ya…..ah bet ya would regret knowing my identity.

    In fact, if ya would put down the haightiness and show a less fanatical, religious, extremist more humbling attitude,, while bringing national problems to the fore, engaging, even “addicts”, will be to ya own credut.

  36. Well Well:

    Among all of your insults and baseless accusations, you wrote this.

    “No one minds Grenville dealing with the issues of porn, sex slavery and human trafficking, but it must be done in a clear, concise, practical and intelligent manner….education and training for parents and grandparents to control their children and what they watch could not be more clear or concise….,”

    Please note that these type of re-education policies sound intellectual, clear and concise, and are what you typically read in academic papers, but they are almost always ineffective, and expensive. The problem is that after the Government has funded new ‘departments’ to implement these re-education pursuits, they become a permanent part of Government’s bureaucracy, especially when they fail miserably.

    The examples in Barbados are numerous. The NISE initiative and the National HIV/AIDS Commission are some of the most notable failures.

    Oh dear. I am trying to carry on a rational conversation with an addict. I cannot seem to help myself. I hope that I am not wasting my time. Give me some hope Well Well. Show me a sign that you want to improve.

    Best regards,

  37. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    No they dont fail Grenvile…I have never known parenting classes to fail in any jurisdication, show me one instance where you have ever seen parenting classes failing….any jurisdication.

    Why does it have to be a government department handling such, they are not trained in that area why not a health clinic led by psychologists who know what the hell they are talking about….

    Why equate parenting classes to training people not to act as wild animals and have some class, as in the NICE project.

    Ya got it upside down, as I said, it will be a discipline like any other…has your discipline as an engineer ever failed you…has it.

  38. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Why does it have to be a government department handling such, they are not trained in that area ….why not a health clinic led by psychologists who know what the hell they are talking about….

    Add to that equation of psycholoigists in the health clinic for parenting classes…one or 2 computer programmers to teach parents and grandparents basic parental controls of technology…one day a week rotating classes is more than enough to inform parents about their responsibilities…within a decade, you will see a clear difference in attitudes.

    This is not about you or me so stay focused and try not to lose me with all these signs you desire.

  39. @ Grenville Phillips II founder of Solutions Barbados,

    What are your plans to improve primary school education in Barbados ?

  40. angela Skeete Avatar

    Why would intelligent people allow Grenville to erode people’s Constitutional rights is mind boggling
    The simplistic path by which he takes cannot be given any clearances in anway shape or manner

  41. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    The band on school children having cell phones
    is pure nonsense. Technology has its pros and
    cons. Children are now in the technological age.
    One of the reasons we cannot effectively
    modernize or restructure anything is our failure
    to embrace technology. Do not allow our
    children to suffer because we want to keep
    the country in 1917. We are already lagging
    In too many basic areas.

  42. ……and Sinckler is trying to deal with the economic mill stone. Trying to address a matter with a bariffle of nonsense does not warrant accolades in my book. Sorry! Where is the evidence to support this claim? Y’all need to stop putting together policy based on feelings, and by the way the “economic claptrap” is a key component of addressing the issue. If in 2017, we as a progressive, highly literate people believe that banning porn sites is the solution to improving the behaviour in schools we deserve SB as the government. Alice have plenty company in the rabbit hole, this “addict” will not be one.

  43. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ extparty246 May 26, 2017 at 8:36 AM
    “The problem is that after the Government has funded new ‘departments’ to implement these re-education pursuits, they become a permanent part of Government’s bureaucracy, especially when they fail miserably.”

    “The Government can easily block access to porn on the Internet, by default, today. Those adults who want it can simply apply for it. Therefore, with one decision, the Government of Barbados can immediately protect all of our children, increase national productivity, improve marriages, and most importantly, provide some hope to the despairing sex slaves being savagely raped around the world.”

    The above quotes are your words; not those of the ascribed porn addicts Well, Well or the miller.

    Now who and which government department would be properly equipped to grant ‘licences’ to ‘approved’ ‘individuals to watch porn in Barbados?

    What criteria would be applied in the approval process to ensure those who are NOT nationally productive and in happy sexually fulfilling (Christian) marriages are not granted licences to watch porn to support the continuation of the sex-slave trade and the raping of the victims which is making the Triangular Atlantic trade look like Christian missionary work of halcyon Victorian times?

    Would this ‘special’ Department be staffed by Christian-minded individuals mandated to practise your Sharia-type laws with your zealous objective of turning Barbados into the Burundi of the Caribbean where 70 % of the children are not born and raised in your version of happy Christian marriages?

    Why not call also for the banning of the sale of alcohol to those ‘parents’ suspected of being incapable of meeting your determined’ criteria of parental responsibility?

    What about using your proposal to require approval by the government to watch porn only by ‘selected’ individuals to the much debated situation of using marijuana for medical purposes for those whom the medical profession has recommended?

    Why don’t you just keep to the making of tax proposals for ‘improving’ the economy of Barbados and leave the morality of a constitutionally- enshrined secular society to the religious nutters like Zoe?

    Do you really appreciate how much it would cost- both in time and financial resources- to ‘police’ the private acts of adults and children?

    You have not thoroughly thought through this porn ban/control proposal just as you have not realized that your earlier tax proposals would undermine the existing accounting and revenue law regimes requiring a return by the government to a cash-basis accounting methodologies.

    Why not argue for the mandatory inclusion of porn blocking/filtering technology in all video type equipment capable of accessing the internet?

    Wouldn’t this give the parent(s)- those who buy the equipment in the first instance and pay for the internet service- the capability to manage what their decently-raised Christian brats can watch over the Internet in your Utopian Barbados?

  44. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    So Grenville…you or any government now have a target area and age group of the parents for your parenting classes, from primary school  age to 15 years old, age of consent is 16 so ya  shit  outta luck, after that they are no longer children, but become your target parents for parenting classes.

    To cut down on expenses and time, these 1 hour classes can also be held at the schools. Information can also be dessiminated to parents about their parental control responsibilities online.

    This is not rocket science, it is doable without using draconian measures.

    Miller…Grenville is a work in progress.

  45. @Vincent

    The pressure groups you are hoping to make the difference will come from the same ‘gene pool’?

  46. No problem Grenville expect to be attcked, it is the nature of the beast. Political parties all have philosophies to defend, the people will decide. What we like is your willingness to attack the hard issues. The value will be in provoking the duopoly to respond. Hopefully this is where SB will make an immediate impact.

  47. David
    Wuh gene pool SB come from? Hahaaa! Ask well, well.

  48. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    Quite correct and its only when that thinking changes will anything meaningfull happen.

    If the masses like corruption and a lack of accountability well thats what the few who object to it have to accept untill such time as the same few are able to convince the masses of the benefits of a well run country.

    Its all about the wishes of the people.

  49. Well Well:

    Congratulations. You had no blatant insults in your last post. Perhaps you are getting better – but it is too early to tell.

    Our solution – switch the default to blocked. Implementation cost $0.00. Effectiveness – high. Benefits to the economy – massive.

    Your solution, take most adults out of the economy for hours in order to attend special parenting and computer application training camps. Cost to implement – significant. Likely effectiveness – low.

    Are you sure that you want to persist with your method despite its obvious shortcomings? If anyone provides a better method, then we will happily adopt it.

    Best regards,

  50. Angela: Please. Your fellow addict Well Well is proposing forcing people into re-education camps, as if we are North Korea, and you are talking to me about constitutional rights? Are you serious? Of course you are not. You are an addict. However, in your case, you are addicted to worshipping politicians, and since I do not support your party, in your mind, that somehow makes me your enemy.
    Angela, I am not your enemy. I am simply trying to turn us off of this road to economic ruin that the BLP placed us on.

    Best regards,


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