Trinidad and Tobago is measured as 332 kilometres from Barbados. Given the rights of Caricom citizens to freedom of movement under the RTOC we need to put our gloves on in response to the news that Trinidad is a source of recruits for ISIS.

BU shares the following article from the New York Times because it should be of high interest to all Barbadians and Caribbean citizens.

Trying to Stanch Trinidad’s Flow of Young Recruits to ISIS



Yasin Abu Bakr, second from right, speaking with other Muslims at his mosque in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. Credit Federico Rios Escobar for The New York Times

ENTERPRISE, Trinidad and Tobago — By the time he was 17, Fahyim Sabur had memorized the Quran.

At 23, he was shunning calypso parties and giving private Arabic lessons in his neighborhood here in Enterprise, about 20 miles south of Port of Spain, the capital of Trinidad and Tobago.

A year later, he was on the battlefield in Syria, where he died fighting for the Islamic State.

“He never spoke to me about it,” said his father, Abdus Sabur, 56, who sells meat patties on the street. “National Security called me one day and told me, ‘Your son is dead.’ ”

Law enforcement officials in Trinidad and Tobago, a small Caribbean island nation off the coast of Venezuela, are scrambling to close a pipeline that has sent a steady stream of young Muslims to Syria, where they have taken up arms for the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL.

American officials worry about having a breeding ground for extremists so close to the United States, fearing that Trinidadian fighters could return from the Middle East and attack American diplomatic and oil installations in Trinidad, or even take a three-and-a-half-hour flight to Miami.

Continue reading the main story


Continue reading the main story

President Trump spoke by telephone over the weekend with Prime Minister Keith Rowley of Trinidad and Tobago about terrorism and other security challenges, including foreign fighters, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a White House spokeswoman, said.

Trinidad has a history of Islamist extremism — a radical Muslim group was responsible for a failed coup in 1990 that lasted six days, and in 2012 a Trinidadian man was sentenced to life in prison for his role in a plot to blow up Kennedy International Airport. Muslims make up only about 6 percent of the population, and the combatants often come from the margins of society, some of them on the run from criminal charges.

They saw few opportunities in an oil-rich nation whose economy has declined with the price of petroleum, experts say. Some were gang members who either converted or were radicalized in prison, while others have been swayed by local imams who studied in the Middle East, according to Muslim leaders and American officials.

The young men found solace in radical Islamist websites and social media.

And in the call to jihad.

In contrast to the laws of many countries, it is not illegal in Trinidad to join the so-called caliphate, though the government wants to change that. One hundred to 130 people have made the trip to Syria from Trinidad, which has a population of 1.3 million, according to a former United States ambassador, John L. Estrada, and Trinidad’s minister of national security, Edmund Dillon.

By comparison, about 250 citizens of the United States, a country with 240 times the population, had joined the extremists or attempted to travel to Syria by late 2015, according to a House Homeland Security Committee report.

Per capita, Trinidad has the greatest number of foreign fighters from the Western Hemisphere who have joined the Islamic State, said Mr. Estrada, who stepped down after the inauguration of President Trump last month.

“Trinidadians do very well with ISIL,” Mr. Estrada said. “They are high up in the ranks, they are very respected and they are English-speaking. ISIL have used them for propaganda to spread their message through the Caribbean.”

Much of the information about the identities of those who went abroad comes from American intelligence sources, although local imams and Islamic leaders all said they knew several people, including women, who had left.

“I know whole families that went,” said Imtiaz Mohammed, president of the Islamic Missionaries Guild, which does charity work in Trinidad and the Middle East.



Umar Abdullah, an Islamic activist in Trinidad and Tobago, at home with his daughter. Credit Federico Rios Escobar for The New York Times

Juan S. Gonzalez, a former deputy assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs, said the bulk of Islamic State fighters from Latin America originated in Trinidad and Tobago. The numbers underscore a risk of lone-wolf attacks in the region, he added.

“As the United States continues to corner ISIS and defeat them, a lot of these guys aren’t going to feel they have safe quarters,” Mr. Gonzalez said. “Is the Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago, the United States, prepared for these guys to return back to their countries? This is a real vulnerability.”

He noted that people in the Caribbean enjoyed visa-free travel throughout the islands, which makes it fairly easy to travel to the Bahamas, and from there make a “short jump” to South Florida.

The United States, which encouraged Trinidad to tighten its laws, has hosted meetings with Muslim leaders at the embassy in Port of Spain, and paid for several to attend anti-extremism workshops in the United States.

Mr. Sabur, the young radical from Enterprise, is one of a handful of Trinidadians known to have died in Syria. Others include Shawn Parson, who appeared in an Islamic State recruiting video. He was targeted by an F.B.I. program that, with the cooperation of the military, sought to eliminate the group’s social media figures, often with drone strikes.

Last summer, Shane Crawford, also known as Abu Sa’d at-Trinidadi, perhaps Trinidad’s best-known Islamic State recruit, was prominently featured in an article in the group’s magazine, Dabiq, in which he called for attacks on Western embassies.

Mr. Crawford said he had been influenced by Islamic lectures and a Trinidadian Muslim leader, Ashmead Choate. Mr. Choate “attained martyrdom” in Ramadi, Iraq, the article said.

The genesis of today’s rising militancy, Mr. Crawford added in the article, can be traced to the failed 1990 coup, when a group of radical Muslims took legislators hostage in a siege of Parliament. When it was over, two dozen people were dead.

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Yasin Abu Bakr, 76, who led that uprising and has since been released from prison, said the government had created a climate where young Muslims did not feel safe or welcome in the military or civil service. “This is total discrimination and isolation against young Muslims in Trinidad,” he said in an interview.

Trinidad’s attorney general, Faris Al-Rawi, said that after the coup, wearing Muslim garb “took on a certain appeal.”

“A lot of people who were not genuinely Muslim or otherwise took on the persona to carry on their thuggery,” he added.

Mr. Al-Rawi said Mr. Crawford was believed to have died in Syria. His mother, Joan Crawford, said she had heard rumors that he had been badly wounded.

Ms. Crawford, 62, said that her son had been falsely accused of plotting to kill the Trinidadian prime minister, and that this had diminished his professional prospects, even though he ran a fish business and had experience in plumbing.

“Once you are branded a terrorist in your own country, what could you do?” said Ms. Crawford, a former Spiritual Baptist who converted to Islam after her son did. “I did cry, because I knew I would never see him again. I did not get to say goodbye.”


Haruun Ben Usuf, left, an imam in Trinidad. At least one Muslim who has joined the Islamic State has been through his mosque. He said he hadn’t known of that Muslim’s plan to join the jihadist group. Credit Federico Rios Escobar for The New York Times

Efforts to combat the flow of young Muslims to overseas battlefields have been complicated by the ambivalence toward, and sometimes support for, the jihadi cause among some imams and the recruits’ parents. In an interview that began and ended with a prayer, Mr. Sabur said he had welcomed his son’s death as a martyr: “I felt elated. Speaking about it now, I am overelated.”

The Trinidadian government last week introduced a series of amendments that would criminalize membership in the Islamic State and other extremist organizations. People who traveled to certain regions would be presumed to be doing so for terrorism, and the burden to prove otherwise would be on them, Mr. Al-Rawi said.

Mr. Mohammed, of the Islamic Missionaries Guild, criticized the proposed legislation, saying groups like his that make trips to the Middle East are often engaged in charity work and could be unfairly singled out.

“You can’t just go to a court and have a judge tell you that you are guilty with no evidence, just an assumption,” he said.

Mr. Mohammed has publicly denounced the Islamic State, but noted that his own United States visa and commercial pilot’s license had been revoked after a terrorism suspect passed through his Islamic center.

A senior intelligence official in Trinidad who was not authorized to speak publicly said he worried that the proposed legislation would make people who would have left for Syria plan attacks at home instead.

He said about 15 or 20 of the Islamic State recruits spent two weeks before their trips at a mosque in Rio Claro, about 50 miles southeast of Port of Spain. There, they attended an orientation, the official said.

Umar Abdullah, an Islamic activist, said he had been among those who encouraged the would-be fighters.

Despite having made thinly veiled threats to Americans in the past, which led a cruise ship on its way to Trinidad to turn back, Mr. Abdullah has since denounced extremism, and now says Muslims must work with the United States to “change the narrative.” It would be “stupid” to try to attack the United States Embassy, he said.

“At one point in time I was a strong believer in that, and I still believe it to some extent,” Mr. Abdullah said. “But to do something like that would put the Muslim community in harm’s way. We would not be able to stand the fallout of that type of action.”

The imam in Rio Claro, Nazim Mohammed, denied running an Islamic State training program, and insisted that he operated an elementary school and a weekly food program for the poor. But he acknowledged that two of his children and five of his grandchildren were in Syria, and that the adults were believed to be involved with the Islamic State.

“Killing and murdering is not Islamic,” Nazim Mohammed, 75, said in an interview. “Our program is to help people. You know how many people have come here for help?”

He insisted that his children did not notify him of their plans, and he shrugged off the group’s influence.

“Who is ISIS?” he said. “ISIS is just a few people.”

Read full article – Trying to Stanch Trinidad’s Flow of Young Recruits to ISIS

115 responses to “Trinidad Source of Young Recruits to ISIS”

  1. The ugly man from England cannot determined what is law for us.

    And we are glad to see that you have so meekly accepted our moniker for you, as the ugly man from England.

    That proves what a complete AS you are and have always been. That a small propaganda experiment by us is so easily accepted by an ant sized brain idiot.

    We have the file on you.

    Your pretense about being a supporter of liberation groups in the 60’s and 70’s have no resonance with us.

    And yes, we will never stop supporting Hezbollah and Hamas, regardless of the personal costs for we love them dearly. As we support all justice seeking liberation formations in the world.

    The same way we loved the ANC and worked for the causes of their struggle.

    They were ‘terrorist’ too because your masters said so. Then, we broke all your stinking laws to support them and always will. We believe your western master are illegitimate and will say so.

    We need not the permission from your masters to do what we see as right, just.

    We are well aware about the Holocaust denialism discourses currently popular in the slave colonies of western Europe.

    All our Jewish friends laugh at this Zionist canard. As comrades in arms they can distinguish between the meaning of these words – Zionism and Judaism.

    That is the minimal requirement for engaging in these discourses. Not merely picking up bits and pieces in media.

    Even our friends in the Nuturei Karta are seen by idiots like you to be antisemitic, deniers of the holocaust. When all that we seek is for a reassessment of that period of history like all histories should be continually revised.

    The question is why does this particular period of history not to be subjected to constant interrogation.

    In any event most of the people they presume to be anti-Semites are themselves Semitic. How is it possible to be against one’s self?

    On incitement, our is no less provocative that the book which is supposedly the foundational document of western civilization, whatever that is.

    We say plainly that people in public office, anywhere in the world, who continue to betray public interests should face the harshest penalties. This is a public position recorded in one court.

    These penalties should include, but not be limited to, public executions. We certainly, would have no objection to seeing your neck awaiting the fall of the guillotine. Merely because you are such an enormous idiot an exception should be made in your case.

    Let the ugly man in England, alias Halton Austin, now have the last word.

  2. @ Hal Austin March 23, 2017 at 4:16 AM

    You have raised some interesting points. Your last sentence is provocative. The whole concept of Citizenship is been constantly evaluated. We take it for granted that we acquire citizenship automatically in the country of our birth. We assume that if we live in a country for a period that we are entitled to receive citizenship. We also believe that our citizenship can never be revoked.

    In the UK we can see that we are building up a demographic time bomb. There has been an explosion in the UK population since the late eighties. We know which groups are the fastest growing. We have had a huge influx of some one million racist Polish people over the last twenty years. We have also seen high levels of immigrants from non-commonwealth countries.

    Factor in the huge numbers of Asians and Africans from the commonwealth countries since the mid-eighties, the laissez-faire attitudes of the authorities and the subtle level of discrimination encountered by those immigrants. Would you not agree with me that the situation has become untenable in the UK?

    It is the lack of opportunities and the high levels of discrimination faced by these groups that forces them to make bad decisions. The white majority population will inevitably cater for their own people first rather then offer opportunities to those groups who consistently out breed them.

    Hal you are correct in highlighting your concerns. By the way have you noticed the targeting of UK Jews over the last ten years? We have witnessed the desecration of their burial sites over a very long period. We know which groups are responsible for these atrocities.

  3. Pachamama and Hal Austin have been on BU for a very long time. Both are heavyweights.
    I’m certain that both parties have a grudging respect for each other?

  4. I should have also added Alvin Cummins and Well Well. LOL.

  5. Exclaimer,

    You are absolutely right. The real problem is getting people in Barbados to understand what is taking place in the UK. For those of us who have been here since the 1960s we have witnessed the change – and it has not all been good. You are very perceptive.
    Even Boris Johnson, not an integrationist, has had to admit in 2011, after the so-called riots, that black Londoners have been getting a tough time.
    Black youth unemployment has been over 40 per cent during the boom years up until 2008, yet in every restaurant, every office, every security guard (the low hanging jobs) we will see Southern Europeans, Eastern Europeans, Africans (traffic wardens, security guards, etc) and young British-born black people, mainly men, were completely out of the jobs market. Only in prison were our numbers growing.
    Same thing in professional jobs. Black women are the highest qualified people in Britain and historically they have been in nursing. Now that nursing training has shifted to colleges what we find is that all the colleges take in black students to make up the numbers, but fail them disproportionately at the end of the courses.
    We now go to hospitals that 40 years ago had a large workforce of Barbadian women, now we find Filipinos, Southern European, etc. It hurts when you come to Barbados and see those buffoons employing the same Filipinos.
    Some private sector jobs have so few black people you cannot even see them – except they are receptionists or canteen workers.
    At the FT Group I witnessed the demographic change in canteen staff in silent awe. At first there were a number of older Caribbean women; this shifted to African women; then slowly, before my very eyes, Polish women took control. And that is how it remains.
    And those lucky enough to be promoted to executive or managerial positions often find their own line managers conspiring with junior staff to undermine them. If you resist you are aggressive.
    That is Britain in the 21st century. Barbadians whose only knowledge of Britain is reading the BBC online have a grossly distorted picture.
    Those people who have risen through the ranks of their professions had more than just qualifications and experience, they also had lots of guts.

  6. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Hal…get it through your head, you too Exclaimer…..all of that is happening by design, there is a pattern, it is a trend, it disrupts generations of black lives, as it is meant to, the ones who you look up to and respect….are the culprits….always have been….always will be, we just will not be around to witness it, those of us who are conscious now.

    Every 50 years, new methods are used, 2 generations, most black people never notice the tactics used….black people are deliberately kept behind, their centuries old brainwash prevents each generation from seeing the reality let alone having the power to change it.

  7. Well well,

    You are years ahead of the rest of us. You ought to be a professor. Look what Barrow’s so-called free secondary education has done to Barbados.
    Every member of this government has received their secondary education post-Barrow’s policy. We even have those like Donville Inniss who was born in 1966, the year we became constitutionally independent.
    Look at the output of the UWI,, every year we produce another cohort of would-be leaders. When are we going to accept that our educational system has failed?
    Look at this generation of teachers, a disgrace to people like J.O. Morris.

  8. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Hal…that’s the very same education system copied from the UK that they all refused to upgrade, now painting them as failures.

  9. Well well,

    A failed educational system is like alcoholism: unless the patient admits to his addiction then there is nothing the therapist can do.
    To improve the system we must first admit it has failed.

  10. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    The suspect’s muslim name given, no real name and no photo.

    “Police have named the man thought to be responsible for the terrorist attack in Westminster as Khalid Masood.

    Masood, 52, was born in Kent and detectives believe he was most recently living in the West Midlands.

    Scotland Yard said Masood had previous convictions for assaults, including GBH, possession of offensive weapons and public order offences.

    His first conviction was in November 1983 for criminal damage and his last conviction was in December 2003 for possession of a knife.

    He had not been convicted of any terrorism offences.

    Masood was also known by a number of aliases, the Metropolitan Police said.

    Earlier, Prime Minister Theresa May said the attacker was born in Britain and had previously been investigated for suspected extremism by MI5.”

  11. Ooops…that ‘like’ button is very hair-trigger. For the record I do not endorse the rhetoric at 9:47 AM.

  12. For Barbados we have worn education as a badge of honour all these years. This has morphed into a pissing contest for for the politicians.

  13. Those who speak about the failed systems of mis-education should follow their own advice

    Because they themselves are mis-educated.

  14. A called Dylan Root walked in a church and killed nearly a dozen people praying

    Root stated intentions were to start a race war.

    His natural alliances are within the power elites in the USA.

    We weren’t brought to believe that this incident was terrorism

    White people were not blamed, carte blanche, for this their collective crime in the way all Muslims are today to feel responsibility.

    Why the disparity in treatment?

    Are White people not the worst terrorists known to man and God?

  15. @Frances Robles “By the time he was 17, Fahyim Sabur had memorized the Quran.
    At 23, he was shunning calypso parties and giving private Arabic lessons in his neighborhood here in Enterprise, about 20 miles south of Port of Spain, the capital of Trinidad and Tobago. A year later, he was on the battlefield in Syria, where

    he died fighting for the Islamic State.”

    He died fighting because he was deluded. Young men have always been cannon fodder for people richer and far more powerful than they are.

    Does anybody see the children of obscenely rich Saudis dying for anything, or dying for anybody?

    No it is always poor as @ss Somalis, and foolish Trinidadians who lay down their lives so that rich people can continue to live in indecent luxury.

  16. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Pachca…this happened this week in NYC…it’s clearly terrorism against black people., but is not seen as such.

    “Racist killer planned to slay more black men in Times Square
    NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Updated: Thursday, March 23, 2017, 3:38 PM

    James Harris Jackson appears at his arraignment on Thursday. He is charged with second-degree murder as a hate crime. (JEFFERSON SIEGEL/NEW YORK DAILY NEWS)

    A Baltimore white supremacist was charged with murder as a hate crime Thursday in the random stabbing of an elderly black man just south of Times Square.

    Suspect James Harris Jackson, 28, learned of the new charge at a Manhattan hearing one day after the acknowledged racist surrendered to police Wednesday morning.

    A criminal complaint revealed that Jackson considered his savage killing with an 18-inch sword “as practice prior to going to Times Square to kill additional black men.”

    Prosecutors said the unsuspecting victim never had a chance when Jackson descended on him in the darkness.”

  17. @David March 21, 2017 at 4:42 AM “Have you ever traveled on the flights originating from POS to BGI?”

    Yes David. Multiple times.


  18. @Expose Barbados Criminals Destroying Island March 21, 2017 at 12:23 PM “Previous involvement with Rolex, Tastee Treats”

    For a minute there I thought that TasteeTreats was an ice cream parlour.


    Why should I pay to go in a strip club when i can just stand in front of a mirror??

  19. @Hal Austin March 22, 2017 at 3:17 PM “Jamaican hot-headed convert carries out atrocity in London. Barbadian liberals be aware of medieval barbarism.”

    Kent bred, born and raised hot-headed convert carries out atrocity in London. Barbadian liberals be aware of any barbarism.”

  20. If you don’t know who did the bad stuff, always blame the black Jamaican guy, or any black guy.


    carry on smartly…with the racism.

  21. @Hal Austin March 23, 2017 at 8:44 AM “German has for years denied people of Turkish heritage citizenship even if they were born in Germany…and recently Germany has started deporting Germany-born people to the countries of their parents. Quite interestingly, neither of the two men involved in the latest German case had been convicted of any offence.”

    This is wrong. Every country should keep its own bad guy citizens. And certainly no country should be deporting its citizens “who have not been convicted of any offense” I mean what would the U.K say if Barbados started deporting all of the white Bajans to Britain?

    But then, unlike you, I don’t see Germany (or the United Kingdom) as any examplar of justice or good government.

  22. @de pedantic Dribbler March 22, 2017 at 4:20 PM “those ISIS T&T recruits aspiring to virgins and martyrdom.”

    There are no virgins.

    There are no women.

    There is no sex.

    I know that we guys are so in love with our do-gerts that we tell ourselves that it must be immortal.

    It is not immortal.

    Within weeks of our death the dog-gers will be nothing but duppy dust.

    And duppy dust can’t ph-uck a virgin.

    This is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

  23. @de pedantic Dribbler March 22, 2017 at 4:47 PM “Islam…is certainly as old…as Christianity.”

    Not as old.

    About 1,000 years younger than Christianity actually.

    Now don’t come ’bout here with your alternative facts.


  24. @Hal Austin March 23, 2017 at 4:16 AM “At some point the security services must take an interest in them (if they are males)”

    So are you implying that female criminals should get a fee pass?


    Man or woman. if you do the crime. You do the time. Equality in everything.

  25. @Hal Austin March 23, 2017 at 8:44 AM “‘British born’ does not mean anything. If I had a child born in China that would not make it a Chinese>”

    Yes it would make your 52 year old “child” Chinese.

    Indeed British born may not mean anything.

    Indeed Chinese born may not mean anything either.

    In truth, none of us know where we were born, our parents or or registries tell us something, or give us a piece of paper and we take it as an article of faith…

    But I put it to you that a person born in Britain, on December 25, 1964 and who lived there until March 22, 2017 IS BRITISH.

  26. @Pachamama March 22, 2017 at 7:19 PM “Does anybody ever ask where do these people get their resources to move around the world? Ordinany people have to work for 2 years sometimes to take a holiday.”

    Yes. But the Saudis who own so much of the oil and gas needed by the rest of the world are far from being ordinary people.

    That would be like calling donald trump an ordinary fella

    Picture this: A person in a pristine white gown, trimmed with gold if you please, and who owns a few oil and gas wells in the back yards (the backyards being 20,000 square miles each), and who in addition has a sharp hair cut, speaks a few languages, has been educated at the best Western universities, and finally who has a pair of balls.

    That fella can do whatever he feels like, because nobody ever tells rich, rich boys “no”

  27. @Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger March 23, 2017 at 9:19 AM “I suspect this dude’s heritage for generations is british, they have not yet said he has any other heritage.”

    If he was a black Jamaican born man (even if he had moved to the U.K when he was 2) you can be sure that BLACK JAMAICAN BORN MAN would be all over the British newspapers by now, but when he is one of their very own, not a peep about his pristine British heritage.

    Nobody has yet gone jukking microphones into the faces of his elderly parents, siblings etc.


  28. @Hal Austin March 23, 2017 at 8:44 AM “An illegal woman’s child should have her nationality.”


    And what about an illegal man’s child?

    And what if the legal British father wants his child born in the U.K to live in the country of THEIR birth?

    And you want to start deporting infants now? Infants who haven’t done anything wrong.

    You will notice that virtually all acts of terrorism are committed by men.

    Can we deport all men then?

    Perhaps to Mars?

    The world would be such a peaceful place with no men.

  29. Toronto Star, March 8, 2017 “Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen is facing calls to reverse the deportation of a 59-year-old man with bipolar disorder who lived in Canada since he was eight months old. Len Van Heest of Courtney, B.C., was deported to the Netherlands this week…The last time he was in the Netherlands he was in diapers, he doesn’t speak Dutch and doesn’t know his relatives there.”

    You see this is what you get when you have foolish policy. The Canadians should be ashamed of themselves. Those same Canadians who have treated the indigenous people so shamefully.

    To tell the truth does anybody reasonable person believe that this man is Dutch

  30. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Simple…I am still waiting to see the dude’s face, it’s all still hush, hush, it’s not like they dont have mugshots of him, he has been arrested before….and ya right, had it been anyone of Caribbean heritage, we would have been sick of seeing his face and hearing about it, makes it better that it’s their own born and bread homegrown nutcases turning on them.

  31. I certainly don’t know where I was born. those I called my parents are long dead, the midwife is dead also

    So who truthfully can verify my place of birth?

  32. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Bred……bread on the mind.

    I wonder about Hal’s sanity sometimes, looks like the brits worked him over really god, though if I ask anyone of them, they will tell me…it wasnt hard mate…lol

  33. @Exclaimer March 23, 2017 at 9:55 AM “Hal you are correct in highlighting your concerns. By the way have you noticed the targeting of UK Jews over the last ten years? We have witnessed the desecration of their burial sites over a very long period. We know which groups are responsible for these atrocities.”

    Jewish Center Bomb Threat Suspect Is Arrested in Israel

    JERUSALEM — A months long wave of bomb threats against Jewish institutions in the United States that prompted evacuations, heightened security and fears of rising anti-Semitism gave way to an unexpected twist on Thursday. The person responsible for many of the threats, law enforcement officials said, was half a world away, in Israel, a Jewish teenager. An intensive investigation spanning multiple countries culminated on Thursday in the arrest of the 18-year-old suspect, who holds dual ISRAELI and AMERICAN citizenship, and his father.
    New York Times, March 23, 2017

  34. The only thing I am surprised at is that nobody said that a black Jamaican man was making the threats, or maybe a black American man.

  35. Well Well & Consequences Observing BloggerI Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing BloggerI

    He got dual citizenship, he is a mischief maker, did it to get middle easterners killed the nasty little rat, his attorney already got a defense, his tumor.

  36. @Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger March 23, 2017 at 11:47 AM “The suspect’s muslim name given, no real name and no photo. “Police have named the man thought to be responsible for the terrorist attack in Westminster as Khalid Masood. Masood, 52, was born in Kent.”

    Probably from an aristocratic British family…that is why the British media can’t find his grandmother’s 3rd cousin to push a microphone up in her face, asking her if she knows about her nephew whom she hasn’t seen or heard from in more than 40 years.

  37. @Pachamama March 23, 2017 at 4:05 PM “A called Dylan Root walked in a church and killed nearly a dozen people praying, Roof stated intentions were to start a race war.
    White people were not blamed, carte blanche, for this their collective crime in the way all Muslims are today to feel responsibility. Why the disparity in treatment?”

    White privilege maybe?

  38. @Well Well & Consequences Observing BloggerI March 23, 2017 at 7:25 PM “He got dual citizenship.”

    Which means of course that the israelis will not deport him to America, even though he was making threats to Americans and to American institutions, and even though…

    Toronto Star. March 23, 2017.”Police said the threats had caused panic, “significant economic damage” and disrupted public order at locations around the world. The man is also suspected of placing threatening phone calls to Australia, New Zealand and within Israel. They also said he had disrupted a Delta Airlines flight at New York’s JFK airport in early 2015.


    Adrian Elms from Kent is yesterday’s London terrorist. I guess that Adrian Elms from Kent does not sound as exciting as Khalid Masood from elsewhere.

  40. Trust the Daily Mail to get the details of the cost of the house, which is also a way of revealing his socio/economic status

    “He grew up in a £300,000 (about $750,000 Barbados dollars) house in the seaside town of Rye, East Sussex”

    Therefore not a council house boy, not from the ghetto.

    Read more:
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

  41. Well Well & Consequences Observing BloggerI Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing BloggerI

    The dude was from the suburbs of London, still waiting to see Adrian Elm’s photo.

    Adrian Elms. The fat guy on the stretcher.

    And since he apparently has multiple criminal convictions I am sure that the British authorities, and media have perfectly clear mug shots of him, but even though the fellow is dead somehow the public cannot see those photographs.

  43. Simple Simon,
    That is why, despite its politics, the Daily Mail is the best newspaper in the world. It gets the details right..

  44. Well Well & Consequences Observing BloggerI Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing BloggerI

    This is the reason I never entertain stupid presidents or ministers or politicians pr anypne else with their rhetoric pf deporting people just because they could, this backfired big time for this trump supporter, stop following thpse who are paid to serve, in their idiocy.

    Ah wonder whatever became of the boasting, bragging trump supporting Chadster who claimed he was in the US on a work permit.

    “Indiana dad whose wife voted for Trump now faces deportation
    NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Thursday, March 23, 2017, 9:27 PM


    Roberto Beristain faces deportation to Mexico after he was detained in February. (WNDU)
    An Indiana father of four, whose wife had voted for President Trump, is now facing deportation to Mexico after immigration officials detained him in February, his family said.

    Roberto Beristain, 43, who lived with his wife Helen and their four American-born children in Mishawaka, was going for his yearly U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement check-in when officials arrested him.

    His wife, Helen, had voted for Trump in November because she agreed with his immigration policy to drive undocumented immigrants with criminal backgrounds out of the country, daughter Jasmine Beristain said, but didn’t think it was going to affect her husband.”

  45. “The man police say was responsible for the Westminster attack has been formally identified as 52-year-old Khalid Masood.

    He was born as Adrian Russell Ajao in Kent and most recently lived in the West Midlands.”

    The man was of mixed race descent. His mother is white English and lives on a farm. Whilst his father was of Nigerian descent.

    I do not want to say too much. But there was a period in British history during the sixties and early seventies where a small number of Nigerians came to the UK to study. Once they completed their studies they returned to Nigeria.

    A number of them had children whilst in the UK. On leaving the country many of these Nigerians callously abandoned their off-spring in the UK. If this man had been raised in Kent ( a pleasant rural county in the South East of England) he probably would have encountered many difficulties whilst growing up. This was a terrible period in UK history.

    I would urge you to check out the stories of two very famous footballers ( John and Justin Fashanu) of Nigerian descent who were fostered by a kind and generous English family during this period.

  46. @Exclaimer

    Very early in BU’s existence we focused a lot on the need for Barbados to manage how minorities are being transplanted in our predominately Black population. BU was labeled racist and banned by the other blog that was active at the time. Why bother to repeat the obvious.

  47. It is not only about Muslim, it is managing the impact of ethnic/minority groups on a dominant Black population. How do we manage it to avoid the kind of disruption being manifested in Trinidad and elsewhere.

  48. Exclaimer,
    Again you are right. The West Africans gave their children to white couples to raise while they studied. On completing their courses when they tried to get the children back the while couples challenged them and the courts gave them parenting rights..
    We now have lot of grown up black people who were brought up in such arrangements. On the other hand, the Caribbean people went to work and left the children with friends and relatives until the child-less social workers grabbed the children off them and took them in to care.
    The Caribbean parents used to leave the keys hanging through the letter boxes, thus latchkey kids. They then changed the law so that childminders had to be qualified and regulated. It is how Britain operates – using administrative law to control social situations.
    The other thing that black children were taught was that parents could not smack them. Some of them would challenge parents to hit them, then go to school and tell the teachers who would call in social services.
    So, in many ways, the generations of violent young black kids we had in the 80s and 90s were creatures of their own creation.

    @Exclaimer, if the attacker was aged 52, he would have had enormous problems growing up in Dartford in Kent in the 1960s. In fact, he would still be getting problems in the 21st century.
    It comes back to what I have said that a lot of black converts take up Islam because they feel let down by black leaders who feel supporting the existing political parties is more important than supporting their own community.

    @Exclaimer, about how new minorities behave, you have seen the future in Britain and you can see it happening in Barbados.
    Here is a typical example: in the 1970s we had the Society of Black Lawyers, of which all Asian lawyers were allowed to join; then they broke away and formed a Society of Asian Lawyers; then eventually, the Muslims broke away and formed a Society of Muslim Lawyers. That is their modus operandi.
    They will claim now to be Barbadians, in fact, like most converts, more Barbadian than traditional Barbadians; then they will become Barbadian Muslims; then Muslim Barbadians; then Barbados will be part of the Caliphate. It will happen as day follows night. Fortunately, I may long be gone.
    Remember these are people who grew up in an India with racial and religious riots – Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs – Untouchables and the few blacks they had they almost wiped out.

  49. Well Well & Consequences Observing BloggerI Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing BloggerI

    ‘Adrian Russell Ajao”

    Exclaimer, the dude was not born as Ajao, his mother married into that name, apparently she was Elms, they are still trying to sort that out.

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