Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler
Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler

In the wake of the unusual event of the former Governor of the Central Bank DeLisle Worrell resorting to the Courts of Barbados to prevent Minister of Finance (MoF) Chris Sinckler from sacking him, the BU household eagerly looked forward to the MoF’s press conference. High on the agenda for Sinckler should have been to quell understandable concerns at home and abroad given the imbroglio between Worrell and Sinckler. Instead we were treated with a regurgitation of economic spiel heavily laced with political rhetoric.

It has become obvious to the BU household that minister of finance Chris Sinckler lacks the ability to infuse confidence in the market with his monotonous interventions. How many times have we had to listen to the finance minister raise expectations of Barbadians concerning projects in the pipeline only to be disappointed? As a Barbadian we continue to kindle the hope that Sinckler will deliver at this eleventh hour.

BU would have wanted to hear Sinckler explain why forex reserves have been trending down in recent years. Especially against the background of a rebound in tourism performance by arrivals. It is obvious there is a systemic issue to explain about the quality of sector spend and foreign direct investment contribution. And the bigger issue of the robustness of the fundamentals which support the local economy. To quote BU commenter Bernard Codrington,  “Unless the success of an industrial sector translates to the success of the nation it is dysfunctional/ counterproductive”. After listening to Sinckler there is no brimming confidence felt by Barbadians that receipts from projects promised is a sustainable approach even IF they should eventually materialize.

The MoF cursorily addressed the problem of the nagging fiscal deficit. The junior pool of reporters present let slip the opportunity to press the MoF on the plan to rationalise state enterprises. The MoF promised Barbadians many moons ago that statutory corporations will be rationalized. Wasn’t a committee headed by Dr. Justin Robinson established to chart a roadmap to execute the Sinckler Plan. A year from the next general elections and the government continues to dither on its implementation. Clearly the project to rationalize statutory corporations is integral to reducing the fiscal deficit. At this late stage in its second term It is difficult to see how this DLP government will aggressively pursue rationalization if it plans to win the general election.

Minister Sinckler is no Janet Yellen. Stating in his most deliberate voice that there will be no devaluation of the Barbados dollar will not make onlookers believers. Barbadians and foreign investors alike will evaluate how effective government policy has been to support conclusions. They will study documents created by the Caribbean Development Bank, International Monetary Fund and take note of the mouthings of government’s own minister of agriculture David Estwick. All have been uncomplimentary about government’s economic performance to date.

Another opportunity missed by the junior reporting pool was to quiz the MoF about Barbados’ waste management strategy post-Cahill. The island’s inability to efficiently treat its sewage and garbage has the potential to undermine the favourable forecast of the MoF.  Surely it was not the time to quiz the MoF about late tax returns?

Why was the MOF flanked by the MoC at the press conference?

155 responses to “Sinckler’s Spiel”

  1. Clearly, the MoF was doing a political dance to attract DLP supporters and maybe others on the dance floor willing to strut along for the umpteenth time to a tune that they are unsure of the rhythmn or how long the sweet music will last. The MoF did not allay any fears nor did he inspire confidence. In essence, the political spin was much stronger than the economic tuning. God help Barbados!

  2. Violet Beckles CUP Avatar
    Violet Beckles CUP

    How will the government question the government? The government controls all Media in Barbados, Pays and own CBC in debt, if 250 workers there now, none want to go home now as they are getting more ink to print more money 24 hours a day until elections. Paid so well none can say the word CUP.or Print CUP,

  3. George W. Bush – “We need an independent media to hold people like me to account. Power can be very addictive, and it can be corrosive, and it’s important for the media to call to account people who abuse their power, whether it be here or elsewhere.”

  4. That man could lie…….oh my goodness.

    I agree with you George, pure political spin……..I felt like he has no right to insult my intelligence…….he annoyed me with his arrogance and lies.

    George, do you think that OSA would be part of this group to help this JA……OSA would be a dog after the nasty insulting way Stinkliar carried him on during the budget wind ups of 2008 and 2009………I felt so bad then for OSA.

    I do believe despite the bravado of the Stinkliar today………..I do feel that this economy is in deep do do…….remember that they promised in 2012 that no one would go home and right after the election………bram…..6500 person lost their jobs.

  5. This economy is in deep trouble…would like to have used another word. Worrel came telling some retailers last January the economy was growing..I asked him if he thought 1/12% was growth? Five years ago we should have had restraints in place to save foreign exchange. No luxury items are missing from the shelves, nothing has been put in place to save our economy. When the MOF is clueless and the Governor Is political it a recipe for disaster.

  6. George Brathwaite

    But you toooooooo love the addictive tendencies of power.

    How come your BLP never suggests the dis-empowerment of the political elites, then?

    If there were no powers with these elites we would have a different country

    We want to know why an opposition party could merely lie in wait to remove a government, having nothing that could change current circumstances.

  7. Prodigal.get over it you lost two elections and bitching and barking not going help the blp win 2018 without having solutions.So bark all you like and in the meantime go find answers since your baskets of Doom and gloom is wearing thin

  8. David

    We would like to be convinced that a guillotine is not an essential instrument for governance.

  9. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I believe it is credited to Churchill….success is the ability to move from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.

    He is right, devaluation is not imminent, though we have definitely been trending that way. While acknowledging the deficit, the reported solution was “refinancing certain aspects of its domestic debt”. This is bullsh!t. He HAS to somehow get the expenses down, and refinancing, given the already low interest rates doesn’t solve very much, if anything.

    The inflows referenced, would all seem to be loans, not gifts, so these will add to the previous debt load he is trying to refinance. I will bet the cost of the new loans will outstrip any savings via refinancing. Net result, Bim is spending more, not less.

    This is continuance on the same path.

  10. The US is cutting back on foreign aid how will that impact barbados

  11. Stinkliar is a bull-shitter …. pure and simple.
    His ONLY objective is to stall for time…. has been since 2012.

    He is however quite skilful ….in that he has been able to sit in front of a pack of jackass reporters time and again, with the SAME IDENTICAL shiite stories and promises ….

    What the hell!!
    The man refused to say why he beat up on the old man…
    He AGAIN promised some shiite action ‘in the coming weeks’….
    He practically SAID that he will continue printing money…
    He had a meeting this morning with BRA to sort out taxes… THIS morning…!!

    A promise is a comfort to a fool…. but shiite man…
    only an island of brass-bowl, female-rabbits ….can be comforted with the same shiite over, and over, and over…

    At the current rate, our dollar will not just be devalued – it will be decimated.

  12. True Bushie!

  13. See why constantly remind BU of Donville Innis rant on the foor of the House”we aint want to hear nothing from wunnah, wunnah had 14 years, now is we time, an ideas wunnah got keep to wunnah self, we gine do things we way………

    These morons do not like or take advice from no one outside of their echo chamber……….
    someone mentioned Brasstacks and the liar was quick to condemn the five or six callers, according to him who call every day……….. he should follow the VOBchat and see how many people are in there attacking the dems.

  14. Every night James Paul on DLPTV like he is a farmer of repute.No word on the chicken wings scandal.
    At Agro-fest the diminutive chap from St Lucy was seen.Not another minister.
    Why isn’t the Minister of Agriculture associated with Agro-fest.
    This is such a dysfunctional bunch of wild boys that running this pappy show for a government.

  15. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Prodigal Son February 27, 2017 at 8:04 PM

    What do you expect from a pathological liar?

    Imagine the man has expressed ‘serious’ concern about the country’s foreign reserves and its deteriorating capacity to earn forex consistently. Yet he failed to mention anything concerning the duty-free shopping zone proposal he announced in August last year which he promised to have up and ready in time for the 2016 Xmas shopping season.

    The man has been rather consistent in his politcal spiel of bold-faced lies from his 2011 budget presentation.

    Up to now the drawdown on that US$ 270 million Japanese loan secured to resuscitate the sugar industry and to build a brand new second hand specialty sugars and power generation state-of-the-art factory at Andrews is still to take place, (shortly and so forth and so on).

    It was most strategic, propaganda-wise, for the MoF to have as his sidekick that overly talkative dummy Dumbville instead of the other jester Jepter Physical Deficit Inches who prematurely spilled the beans about the fate of the worthless Bajan dollar.
    Where was his back-up in financial tomfoolery and kellmaniac economics the incoherent clown prince from Sin Lucie?

    What a sight would it have been to see Stinkliar the king of untruths and make-believe, the cock-eyed talkative dummy from Pornville with the Jester who wears his florally funny trousers up to his armpits and the Northern Prince of clowns all appearing in a tandem of endless belly laughter on the press conference stage for journalistic midgets and weaklings in one hilarious act of comic relief.

    When are these comical jackasses going to leave the stage of economic mismanagement and let the serious actors play their part in rescuing Barbados from being the laughingstock not only of the region but increasingly on the international stage of serious financial dealings?

  16. ” The grand affair brought out women stylishly dressed to the nines while their menfolk struck their own distinctive fashion note in brand-name duds with an
    eye-catching colour palette.”

    The economy is stable.

  17. Chuckle…..the political season is upon us …..what really did you all expect…….note that the PM in waiting was next to him.

  18. After firing the Governor of the Central Bank the MOF had no option but to say that the Barbados economy is stable.

    Some of you are desperate for the DLP to lose the next election but let us hope the economy does not collapse.

    What is to is will is.

  19. The 100 million for BNTCL is suppose to be an inflow.

  20. @Pacha > > There is a compelling businesscase to be made >

  21. Play for time…and if there is to be a devaluation let the BLP do it when they win???the government.

  22. @Prodigal Son February 27, 2017 at 8:04 PM “OSA would be a dog after the nasty insulting way Stinkliar carried him on during the budget wind ups of 2008 and 2009…I felt so bad then for OSA.”

    Cuhdear Prodigal.

    i know that you are a BLP hardliner, but you don’t have to feel sorry for Owen. Owen has quite a sharp tongue himself, and can mount his own defence.

  23. De ole man grandson tell me dat de Stoopid cartoons is now at $650

    Furthermore de ole man has also been told dat people has taken to copying de ole man posters and iserting froot de loops and ting pun dem

    Not dat is success to see dat people has now caught on to the concept and teifing um.

    A fellow from Mugabe Mottley camp dat does still talk to me tell me dat she see de campaing and she like de TShirts dem and thus was born de idea about Team “So & So”

    Teifery is de highest form of flattery

  24. and just in case wunn forget dis one

    But seriously all wunna cud do is to Laugh it Off causing if wunna was to tek it serious de stress wud kill wunna

    What should happen after this is that Bajan will DEMAND more of the schvunts that we are voting for

    And when wunna see a Fecundity like Patrick Todd or Trevor Prescod outside wunna door, or Ronald Toppin outside wunnna door bring out de topsy and bashadow pun dem clot…

  25. @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    Suppose de ole man could mek US $ 5- 10 Million fuh de GoB note that that term is party agnostic.

    And find wuk for about 500 people chop chop

    De ting is dat dem BOTH UH DEM IS SUCH TEIVES dat you simply cannot deal with them in good faith.

    Dey jes cannot tell de truth!!

    It is like me telling you dat Jester Inch does wear hipster jean.

    You dun know I is lying cause he does got de pants belt all in he armpits to hold the pants up.

    The problem we have is NOT JUST at the level of the teifing Ministers, it is not jes de dat want you to grease dem palm, it is endemic.

    De Permanent Secretary want sumting, de Deputy want sumting, de Chief Technical Officer want someting right down to the Assistant Senior Civil Servant or de ascs want a piece.

    All that happens though is that as opposed to being regulators and facilitators, dem want to be businessmen without the risks of businessmen and dem want to use the treasury to finance dem “ef ups”

    And we dun know that them going ef up cause dem is ingrunt

  26. May Fumbles and Decimals bond be quick in their tasks (of calling an Election…)

    So the Electorate MAY BURY THEIR A$$e*

  27. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    These do not listen to warnings, it’s clear they are on their last legs.

    “IMF issues new fiscal warning
    Added by Marlon Madden on February 28, 2017.
    Saved under Business, Local News
    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is again warning that Government needed to urgently implement a “sizeable and credible” fiscal adjustment programme in order to get a grip on the stalled economy.

    This latest recommendation came on the heels of mounting calls for the Freundel Stuart administration to enter into an official programme with the Washington-based lending institution to avoid possible devaluation of the Barbados currency.

    Although the now fired Central Bank Governor Dr DeLisle Worrell warned last month that the dollar was at risk due to the dwindling reserves – which had fallen to a 14-year low of 10.3 weeks of import cover – Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler has repeatedly assured that there will be no devaluation.”

  28. Well well,

    Almost everyone who reads BU also reads the main Barbados websites. You do not have to cut and paste them.

  29. George C Brathwaite

    I see that George W. Bush is now a great philosopher. Did you attend any seminars on free speech at Newcastle?

  30. @Hal

    Asva seasoned journalist who operated in the financial space for many moons who do we believe, minister Sinckler or the warning from Worrell delivered in his last public TV appearance.

  31. Neither. I do not believe Sinckler because I do not believe he has the experience or education to be a minister of finance |(his NGO experience is a joke) and his international trade course at UWI is farcical. And I do not believe Dr Worrell because, for different reasons, he allowed an economic illiterate to call the shots with him. Everyone knew it would end in tears.
    As to Worrell’s professional reputation, go back to the central bank’s website and look at the essay written jointly with Dr Winston Moore and look at the references.
    You would not believe that the 2008 financial crisis had taken place and that it had transformed the entire global economy, both in terms of policy and in terms of theory. Had that been an essay written by an undergraduate it would have failed.

  32. In Cleve’s first press conference as Governor (ag) he should be asked about the role of the central bank as it pertains to printing money.

    The anticipation is that he will schedule a press conference and not rely on postings to the central bank website to interact with the public.

  33. We will wait to see IF Cleviston Haynes has the gonads to stand up to this lot when he is told to press the switch on the printing press.

  34. David,

    There is nothing fundamentally wrong with printing money. This Bajan consensus is off course. The issue is what is done with that money. Paying civil servants, no; infrastructural development, yes.

  35. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Hal…….I did not know you took over the blogmasters blog…let him tell me that, if ya mission is me…you’ll be sorrrrryyyyyy.

  36. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    And dont be a dummy Hal…not even I read everything in mainstream media…many times other bloggers post articled, I did not read…including the blogmaster.

  37. @Hal

    This issue is not printing to pay public service. It is whether the public service must be paid for services rendered to the way we manage. If the answer is yes they have to be paid, if the answer is no, we have to establish the optimal size of the public service based on the services we want to deliver. Importanly how do we want to deliver them.

  38. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Ya getting 3 stories, one from lying Sinckler, one from Worrell which still does not present the clearest picture and one from IMF…reading between the lines, I suspect the real motives are starting to take shape, but Worrell needs to give that press release, the longer he holds back information, the less it seems he planned to put the welfare of the country first, the court case was just a time wasting farce and he was just making sure he got the money owed to him under the terms of his contract……..he needs to man up.

    And the more we speculate, although many of us know what time it is, the more others will come trying to sell their half baked theories….without any proof.

  39. I note that the press this morning has all the economic gurus out questioning the intelligence of the MoF but have seen nothing yet from OSA…..has anyone seen his comments?

  40. David,

    I think you are confused about the objective of printing money. Dr Worrell has been printing Bds$50m a month to pay salaries. The POINT is not the printing of money in principle, but what that money is used for. If it is simply to pay civil servants salaries, then it is a waste. If it is for infrastructural development, then that is a very positive use.
    The point I not if civil servants are paid every month. Of course public sector workers have to be paid, but there is a bigger point, which is what I am talking about.

  41. Hal ask yourself what % of government spend is allocated to wages and salaries.

  42. @ David
    I recall you asking me a question a few days ago about what I thought of Dr Don Marshall’s comments on the back bage. My response was I did not know because I was left confused.
    Here is an answer well put by Dr Clyde Mascoll.

  43. David,

    You are getting confused or just do not understand. Public servants must be paid. That $50m is small beer. This is a straw man. The bigger and more important issue is quantitative easing, printing money for infrastructural development which will be repaid over generations.
    We are discussing an almost irrelevant issue in terms of salaries which is reflective of the public debate in Barbados.
    As the child of a rum shop owner, I thought I had left that behind fifty years ago. I do not want to discuss public sector pay, I want to talk about printing money to replace the slums in the city, build proper homes throughout the country, develop an industrial policy, develop a night-time economy, etc.
    To be frankly rude, Sinckler does not understand macro-economics and should not be in his job. But then again he and the prime minister are in class of two.

  44. Thanks George.

    What Don Marshall stated is not a sensible view given the state of play. He seems to be bent on the theory. He and Dr.Justin need to stepup!

  45. @ Hal Austin February 28, 2017 at 5:39 AM
    Well said…. spoken like a REAL REAL professional journalist.

    Your analysis of this business of printing money is also well grounded. Printing money is borrowing from our grand children. We should NEVER borrow from our children in order to eat…. REAL people would starve themselves first (like our grand parents did, in order to acquire those assets that these jackasses are so glibly selling off)

    If we borrow (print) money in order to build modern infrastructure which is intended and designed to benefit our decedents ….then that is an altogether different matter….

  46. @ David
    Don Marshall, Justin Robinson, Winston Moore, Michael Howard, Frank Alleyne and that whole lot of UWI jokers are totally out of their league.

    Bushie done tell you that the bush man will NEVER take advice on economic policy from some shiite hound is is personally living hand-to-mouth from month to month….

    Wuh …. passing strange they CANNOT manage their own affaires to generate wealth but are rushing (for pay) to advise its how to manage the national purse….

    Bushie tell wunna already “he who has been faithful in managing his OWN, little personal affairs is the one who should be called to manage the national collective affairs.

    UWI is an institution that has been geared by Sir Cave towards producing graduates …. not performance…. else Justin won’t even be teaching….

  47. descendants not decedents @ 7:55 AM

  48. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Barbados has too many economists and none connected to the current govenment seem to have any workable economic solutions.

    A whole article was put forth just yesterday on the concept of the definition of “printing” money, most of us read, it was not developed last night.

    Professor tells what printing money means
    Barbados Nation,
    Added 27 February 2017

    In recent times, it has become even more of a talking point with former Prime Minister Owen Arthur decrying the Central Bank’s printing of money to prop up the Government.
    But, exactly what does the term “printing of money” mean?

    University of the West Indies Economics Professor Winston Moore offered this explanation.

  49. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Barbados has too many economists and none connected to the current govenment seem to have any workable economic solutions.

    Let me rephrase this comment.

    Barbados has too many economists and central bank governors that are yardfowls, they are too closely affiliated to the government and are incapable of carrying out their duties to the people effectively or competently as long as the central bank remains a political government tool and not an independent entity…….because they are owned by and beholden to the ministers…they are unable to do their jobs.

    I see no change to that situation as long as the central banks is just anihr CBC TV station.

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