Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler
Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler
  1. Who is Harry Narayan?
  2. Why is the Barbados Cane Industry Corporation (BCIC) and Minister of Finance wanting to pay Narayan US$10 million dollars?

177 responses to “Chris Sinckler -Why Do You Want to Pay Hari Narayan USD10 Million?”

  1. Aha….the mystery starts to unravel on the new cane factory…..but will it also unravel the govt?

  2. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    What the hell.

    What is this India connection…for consultancy, in sugar cane production…

    Are these government ministers cursed…cant keep their hands off taxpayer’s money to give it away.

  3. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Who is Carl Simpson.

    Why do they need a consultant from Mumbai

  4. Violet C Beckles CUP Avatar
    Violet C Beckles CUP

    When will you all believe my Work and Word , You all act so surprised , Wait till you find out about SB Party, Tricks for Niggers,

  5. For the sake of transparency it would be interesting to find out if a Success Fee was agreed between Clare Cowan of Cahill fame and the government. Also these novated agreements makes one nervous, why not use assignments?

    BU imputes no improper motive to the named parties until we find out some more. Was the agreement signed.

  6. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    All of these damn studies and nothing comes of them, what is there to study…..these are studies and consultancies scams…to divvy up money….among crooks.

    “Marston said negotiations with Japanese investors fell through three years ago because the Japanese Bank for International Cooperation felt that the country risk for Barbados was too great, adding that the situation had not improved.

    “Since that time I believe it has become progressively more difficult because the commercial rating for Barbados as a nation has not improved since that time . . . . In fact, it has got progressively worse. It is now rated as B with a negative outlook, which is pretty much junk and junk status. It would be extremely difficult to find external finance on the capital markets for a country which is rated as low as Barbados.”

    Just yesterday, Sinckler said careful studies would have to be done to determine the future of the sugar industry. However, Marston argued that the Minister failed to state “a well known fact” that such studies had been undertaken for more than 20 years with large amounts of tax payers money invested in consultants’ fees. “

  7. WWC

    Your last line sums it up,which is why Bim has more studies than sq.miles.

  8. Violet C Beckles CUP Avatar
    Violet C Beckles CUP

    Here is a Study, Plant cane, Grow cane Sell $$cane , Get $$$money, Study shows Sugar Brown is good for you and not WHITE SUGAR, TAX the hell out of WHITE SUGAR its a killer


    Mof a long time crook, We sat with him a Meeting,

  9. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Which other profession can a person without any marketable skill move from unemployed or underemployed pauper to become a multimillionaire in five or ten short years. Now you see why the scum of the earth gravitate to politics and illegal drugs.

  10. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “Now you see why the scum of the earth gravitate to politics and illegal drugs.”

    And then got the nerve to pretend they are respectable.

  11. We have to admit that these people are special… in that they have absolutely no shame.
    It is possible to contemplate a fella hiding and making a deal… but how does someone OPENLY get themselves involved in such blatant dishonesty? …over and over…?
    How do their families feel? …their children?
    How do they face their neighbours?
    …their employees?
    …the people who work with them – and who MUST know of these scams?

    This set of DLP scum have shamed all Bajans, …all blacks …and all that was ethical.
    It is becoming much clearer to Bushie how they could have found money to build a monument to Satan on the Garrison…with the buried pitchfork sticking out….

  12. The document images are not large enough to read however if the article at has any credibility then this revelation has to be the saddest moment in the 50 year history of this beautiful island. It means that all of you have bee robbed for many years by the people you entrusted to run the government. Hopefully it is misinformation but I fear it might be just another example of corruption.

  13. NorthernObserver Avatar

    if you scroll down below the inserted ads, you will see a highlighted link, click to enlarge image

  14. Is this the Guyana-born Harry Narayan, the lawyer brother of the late Rudi Narayan?

  15. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    These consultancies are scams, this dude would be getting $25, 000 per month, wants to be paid for travelling from Mumbai, lodging, out of pocket expenses and all incidentals on top of that….and plans to spend only 8-10 days on the island and expects to be paid whether on or off island.

    Why are the government ministers so corrupt….who would continually contract with thieves that never benefits the people, but robs them their money, unless they themselves are stealing from taxpayers…using consultants and advisors to scam the treasury.

  16. In the face of all this evidence what are we prepared to do? NOT A DAMN THING. Isn’t it akin to the cheating spouse that comes home every morning while the kids are getting ready for school, and the other spouse says I’m putting up with it for the children sake? Open a supermarket, have every item clearly priced, and leave it up to patrons to deposit the appropriate amount of money for the items taken, and see how long you remain in business. That is exactly what we are doing, so resolve to fix it… or shut to help up.

  17. As a sworn DLP supporter I have no difficulty admitting that without a doubt this is the worst administration Barbadians have ever elected, and even though we now sit on the precipice of disaster, there exists a real chance of their return for a third term. What does that say for a people who claim to be the smartest in the region? In the words of the Trini Calypsonian Sugar Alloes “I Plea De Fifth”.

  18. What else will they think of next. These people seemed not to care about this country.
    Are these politicians in their right minds. When will they decide to put this country and its citizens first. These are the worse that ever ruled this country. Do they think people are stupid. I really weep for my country.

  19. The BU household takes this opportunity to mention that a New York Times investigator has been searching out information about Yun Capital (Jung Yun)articulated by BU blog –

    This link to the BU blog about CHIRP is useful as well.

  20. Frustrated Businessman aka 'Nation of Laws' my ass. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman aka ‘Nation of Laws’ my ass.

    Is the fact that we don’t have enough cane to run a new factory lost on everyone?

    Ironically, due to transportation challenges, India’s sugar industry mostly runs on small factories operated on 300 to 1,000 acre farms just like we did for over 300 years. It makes no sense to transport raw materials instead of finished product.

    Growers don’t want gov’t involved in the sugar industry, they want the independence to determine their own future once again.

    $10 million could subsidise the cost of production 100,000 tonnes of cane and make it possible to grow the food Barbados needs to reduce our forex bills, rather than lining another teefin politician’s pockets.

  21. Gregory Vizslawo Avatar
    Gregory Vizslawo

    This looks a lot like a typical ADVANCE FEE SCAM. A person offers to arrange financing for a project which has had difficulties in raising financing in the past. There is a success fee which is payable 50% on offer of financing (just a non-binding offer) with the remaining 50% to be take from disbursement of monies from the financing if and when it closes and money is ACTUALLY available.

    October 23, 2016

    Categories: Family Business / Succession
    The recession has made obtaining equity capital and loans for businesses more difficult. In response, a certain breed of scam artist is taking advantage of people’s dreams by extorting ill-afforded upfront payments and disappearing afterwards.

    The FBI calls this type of con an advance fee scheme. Many scammers appear to be legitimate businesses and have LinkedIn accounts where they position themselves as experts and actively seek clients.

    For example, they may post messages like, “Are you in need of funding for a project?” Or, “I am looking for viable projects to invest in” in groups like Private Equity and Venture Capital or Film Financing.

    Some have slick websites with a lot of glossy pictures and text with convoluted, often confusing, information about investment criteria and structure.

    A few even have multiple identities. The anonymity of the Internet and the growth of electronic commerce have led to an explosion in the ability of these criminals to find new victims.

    The first sign that someone may not be honest is a readiness to take on your project without much information or detail. The first document to be sent your way will likely be a nondisclosure/non-circumvention agreement. In legitimate business deals, these agreements are used to ensure service providers receive their agreed-upon fee or commission.

    Con artists have been known to use these agreements to threaten victims with civil suits if they disclose the fraud to law enforcement, the FBI cautions. Do not sign anything until you are satisfied with your due diligence on the company.

    Remain in the driver’s seat of any deals involving your company. You should have nondisclosure agreements in place before discussing any proprietary information about your business with third parties.

    A scam artist will likely not sign your agreement. Do not send your business plan, private placement memorandum, organizational documents, financial statements or tax returns to anyone until you are satisfied that the opportunity is on the up and up. Some scammers are using company and project information to create clone companies that they then use to scam others.

    The telling moment will quickly occur once you express interest in moving forward. The advance fee scheme is usually a variation of a monthly consulting or advisory stipend or upfront closing costs to obtain a loan.

    One scammer tried to charge a $5,000 per month fee (open-ended) until equity financing was obtained, and then another 4 to10 percent would be due, one movie production company said. The standard for that particular industry is 5 percent maximum and finders are paid out of the funds invested. Of course, financing is not guaranteed and no doubt the victim would be strung along for months.

    Closing costs are just that and should never be paid in advance. While there might be an application fee for a loan, usually these are minimal.

    Other variations on advance fee fraud for bogus loans include fees for “insurance” or “processing,” consumer advocate Les Henderson warns. Often, prospective borrowers are so far into the process, the fee seems to be the only thing standing in the way. So they pay it.

    In the case of businesses looking for multi-million dollar loans, the fees can be well over $100,000. Sometimes these criminals will build false credibility by choosing a name similar to a legitimate company. Some borrow real identities. By providing a false letter of intent, these scammers can drag out the process for months, preventing the business from moving on to a real source of funds. That hurts the business, too.

    Check secretary of state corporate filings to see if the business is licensed. In the case of lenders, they need a license in your state. A simple Internet search revealed that the advance fee scammer above had a revoked business license due to nonpayment of the annual fee.

    Companies without physical addresses are a red flag. Ask for customer references that you can verify independently. can check the identity of websites. One purporting to be a Middle-Eastern investor is actually based in Nigeria. Fake UK +4470 phone numbers are a forwarding service used by scammers.

    The main rule is not to pay money upfront. However, due diligence in advance of contacting people is a good idea so you are not roped into a situation that looks real but proves false six months down the road.

  22. India and Nigeria have some of the biggest scam artists in the world.

  23. I yet to see the American media sit around all day and scrutinize any and everything the government does, as is the case here in Barbados. If the people won’t demand better from government, it is only logical to concluded that all of the efforts of the media in Barbados is to no avail because change starts with the people who are in a position to alter the trajectory of the those who occupies the epicenter of power. And with the current directionality of those who are entrusted with the public will, one can’t help, but to concluded that the media in Barbados message has failed to take root with the people because of the media’s inability to rally the collective-conscience of nation against what some here term, the irregularities, improprieties and incompetency of the ruling government. So we should look no further than the media in Barbados to cast blame for what has been allowed to take place in our country. And finally, as those in the media get up every morning to face the realities of the economic and social vicissitudes of our infinitesimal island, the focus ought, must and should be on how to better inform the masses regarding the downward slope of our island, and not to write some senseless article to valid our sense of importance or to inflate our ego.

  24. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The Barbados governments never do due diligence on foreign or local businessmen and women, never run background checks on any of them with FBI and Interpol….and are always qucik to sign these thieving contracts and not say a word to the taxpayers for year, , until the info is leaked out…..Fruendel Stuart and Cahill comes to mind.

    I am surprised this thiefing contract has not already been signed…or has it.

    “Con artists have been known to use these agreements to threaten victims with civil suits if they disclose the fraud to law enforcement, the FBI cautions. Do not sign anything until you are satisfied with your due diligence on the company.

    Remain in the driver’s seat of any deals involving your company. You should have nondisclosure agreements in place before discussing any proprietary information about your business with third parties.

    A scam artist will likely not sign your agreement. Do not send your business plan, private placement memorandum, organizational documents, financial statements or tax returns to anyone until you are satisfied that the opportunity is on the up and up. Some scammers are using company and project information to create clone companies that they then use to scam others.”

  25. Artax

    India also have some of best doctors, scientists and computer engineers in the world. Do you know who responsible for our internet running as fas as it does? You would have never guess that a Nigerian scientist from Biafra war camps is responsible for the speed at which our internet runs today?

  26. Artax

    His name is Dr. Philip Emeagwali and he is the inventor of the world’s fastest computer, and the reason why our internet runs so fast today, so when you get a change take a look at the academic accomplishments of your black brother. And by the way, most kids in Barbados probably never heard of this brilliant black Nigerian scientist?

  27. The obsession with sugar cane and building a new factory, shows how little Barbados is prepared to tolerate new ideas.
    Sugar is a health hazard and it is a diminishing product. In Barbados we do need sugar cane, but for the molasses, the key ingredient of our only global product – rum.
    But before we do this, we need a legal definition of Barbadian or Bajan rum. Ife we do not, and soon, we may find Bajan rum coming out of Beijing.
    We need a law that stipulates the breed of sugar the molasses is made from, the process of extracting that molasses, the methods of making the rum, certifying the distillers. That is what intellectual property is all about.
    We cannot just pretend that Barbadian rum will always be ours to decide. Look at Demerara sugar, which has now become a generic term.
    Part of the problem is that our decision makers, the politicians and senior civil servants, have a blind spot when it comes to industry.
    They cannot see beyond white collar professions, they see manufacture as work for the masses.
    Government must take rum production out of the hands of the family-controlled producers and make it a national one.

  28. Guyana is awash with scam artists with Jagdeo in the lead with the catastrophe that is the Skeldon Sugar Factory with the India connections.Barbados, led by another dumbboy PM,same as Guyana calling the current president,is playing follow pattern.There oughta be a law where idyuts are marched.

  29. @ Gabriel
    we oughta have a guillotine……

  30. Frustrated Businessman aka 'Nation of Laws' my ass. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman aka ‘Nation of Laws’ my ass.

    Hal Austin January 17, 2017 at 8:27 AM #

    Government must take rum production out of the hands of the family-controlled producers and make it a national one.

    I agreed with every word you said until this sentence.

    Successive Bajan gov’ts have been TOTAL FAILURES at organising or facilitating industry, as you stated/intimated yourself.

    David and Richard Seale have done more for Bajan rum promotion than all the distillers to come before them combined, and no-one in Bim has any idea how or what they do. Mount Gay was sold to a French company because the Wards failed at taking the brand further.

    Gov’t control of the sugar trade is what has caused its failure, to suggest they should be given the chance to destroy any other private enterprise is socialist stupidity.

  31. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Pacha and I have been pushing for the guillotine for some time now, that is no joke.

    The 2 governments obviously dont deman reciprocal nondisclosure agreements with foreign crooks either or Clare Cowan Cahill would not have posted all the bizness to BU and embarrass Fruendel and his goats, she would have been muzzled under threat of paying out 10 billion for yapping and vioalting the agreement…lol, haha

  32. Sugar cane production is required in Bim for two seperate reasons

    First….to provide cover for our fragile soil and provide the required rotation for our food crops which at the same time provides a magnificent landscape for tourists traveling through the country.

    Secondly…..for the primary production of brown sugar,cane syrup and molasses out of which production its residue can be used for power generation,fertiliser and/or building material.

    Note sugar cane is a grass and no other grass provides such an excellent marriage.

    Govt should be removed from the sugar cane industry as their track record is not good.

  33. Crticisms are a dime a dozen by barbadians but when it comes to vision and ideas zero.
    The word transparency is being used in muscular language to navigate special interest groups self interst and to derailed any projects govt might have to implement
    Meanwhile govt should be aware of the landmines being put in place to derail and govt should send out necessary signals to the actors and players involved
    Barbados economy is too fragile to be captsized and capitalised by low life engineers of selfishness

  34. @ Vincent
    Govt should be removed from the sugar cane industry as their track record is not good.
    There you go again with that myopic, half-empty glass philosophy.

    How about…. “Government should be restructured such that unless they can maintain a good track record, their asses would be consigned to the guillotine.”

    That way, nincompoops such as we now have, would not gravitate to positions that they CLEARLY are incompetent to hold….
    …or – when they quickly realise their incompetence, they will demit office before reaching the ‘guillotine point’…
    …or – if the persist to f***-up (rig) the country, they will be separated from their ugly heads …as inspiration for other aspirants.

    This attitude of “Government has been incompetent – so let us give everything to businessmen” (who are greedy and selfish), is so ignorant that it smells…
    …except of course for folks like ‘Frustrated B’ who must be salivating at the thought…. 🙂

    The damn problem to be fixed is GOVERNANCE, ..not to remove ownership from the people (government).
    That was the whole point of BUP…..and the ten-point-plan.

  35. @ AC
    Barbados economy is too fragile to be captsized and capitalised by low life engineers of selfishness
    Well said!!!
    So what are we going to do about Parris, Froon, and Stinkliar…?
    Are you for the guillotine too…?

  36. Bush Tea January 17, 2017 at 10:47 AM #

    We have been trying to get a responsible govt from the inception of this colony to no avail…….trying the same thing again and again is spinning top in mud.

    We have a better chance of policing businessmen by forcing govt to introduce measures to control their rampaging greed.

    I note that you have never responded to my critique of your ten point plan………that the credit union/NGOs consists of 10% of the populace……….this is the flaw in your foundation for the 10 point plan.

  37. Frustrated Businessman aka 'Nation of Laws' my ass. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman aka ‘Nation of Laws’ my ass.

    Vincent Haynes January 17, 2017 at 10:32 AM #
    Sugar cane production is required in Bim for two seperate reasons

    First….to provide cover for our fragile soil and provide the required rotation for our food crops which at the same time provides a magnificent landscape for tourists traveling through the country.

    Secondly…..for the primary production of brown sugar,cane syrup and molasses out of which production its residue can be used for power generation,fertiliser and/or building material.

    Note sugar cane is a grass and no other grass provides such an excellent marriage.

    Govt should be removed from the sugar cane industry as their track record is not good.


    3rd form knowledge ignored by five decades of gov’ts who chose to demonise agriculture instead for political gain.

    The last ‘sugar barons’ still in Bim post-independence are the descendants of James Drax and the only reason they haven’t sold out is the strength of James’ will.

    Yet every man, woman or child in Bim who gets their hands dirty with soil and/or dung is seen as the lowest class in our society, ENTIRELY DUE TO POLITICIANS!

    They wanted the ‘big house’ but didn’t understand that the income to run it came from the fields.

    Barbados cannot survive another gov’t of intellectuals and failed free-loaders. It’s long-past time we were governed by people with dirty hands and clean incomes.

  38. @ Vincent
    Look boss, these discussions seem to be way above your head….
    The point in NOT about ‘trying to get a responsible government’, it is about coming up with a SYSTEM of GOVERNANCE that will force ANY government to be responsible, and will otherwise punish those that are not….

    If your critique of the ten-point plan is that only 10% of Bajans are Credit Union members, then you have no point whatsoever…..

    The Co-operative philosophy is a global “WAY OF DOING THINGS”. One that is adaptable by anyone, anywhere, at anytime. The fact that 10% of Bajans (Bushie has no idea where you got that figure) have successfully operated within this system via Credit Unions, for over forty years now, …only serves to demonstrates that it is likely to be a workable and a practicable system for the country.

    Any previous failure by Bushie to respond to such a ‘critique’ would either have been an oversight on the Bushman’s part…,
    …or a deliberate effort not to cuss your donkey for talking shiite…

  39. Frustrated,
    We are on the same page. There is a role for government as an enabler: regulation and certification, but certainly not managing the industry.
    The Barbados rum industry has been mismanaged since the abolition of slavery. I will give an example, at Financial Times Group we used to give bottles of whisky to some of our contacts at Xmas.
    One year I thought ‘why not rum’, and made contact with a number off local producers. What I wanted was a label wishing the recipient a Happy Xmas with a Financial Adviser label. Own labels are normal in the industry. am sure you have seen umbrellas etc with the name of the firm on them.
    One woman, introduced to me by a nationally respected figure as a marketing guru, was furious. “Why can’t you use our labels?” she asked in her best Bajan. This is the level of our marketing knowledge and skills. I went elsewhere.
    Rum distilling should be taught at the community college and government should use an old factory as a production line for small individual producers. The same is happening in Britain with craft beer.
    I will give another example: a microbrewery cost as little as £25000, or about Bds$75000. Since the Brazilians took over Banks, not a single entrepreneur has stepped in to offer craft beer, even though it is the favourite drink for Brits, our biggest tourist market.
    We are salaried people; we have no confidence in running our own businesses, which is why the civil service and wider public sector has become a cosy little home for some of our brightest and best. Confidence, dear fellow, confidence in their own abilities.
    That is why the Trinis are taking us to the cleaners.
    The other thing is trying to steal ideas.

  40. Bush Tea January 17, 2017 at 11:14 AM #

    You wish to choose leaders from the membership of coops/credit unions/ngo’s.

    My point is that the membership base is a fraction of our society,reminiscent of the previous planter&merchant class down to todays lawyer&doctor class…….the professions may change but at the end of the day you will create a dominant class a la animal farm.

  41. We look forward to the Opposition raising this issue on the floor of parliament. Let Hansard reflect the government’s position. Their legacy will be shaped by it.

    Frankly some of us are tired of this crap. The poorly staffed Auditor General office cannot keep up with these get rich schemes. A pity the credit rating the PM and the MoF rubbished has comeback to visit the cuntry in the ass.

  42. NorthernObserver Avatar

    @Hal Austin
    Bim does have a craft brewery

    Elsewhere on BU I noted a few weeks ago, the GEL Annual Report announced the West India Rum Refinery had been sold, to whom it didn’t say. The buyer was also acquiring their 30% interest in National Distillers in Jamaica.

    Craft beer and craft rum are two different stories. The money is in the aged rum, and so you have to buy aged rum for several years before you have your own.

  43. Northern Rock,

    Sometimes it is difficult to have a conversation. I am not talking about a single microbrewery. I knew that. I am talking about a competitive industry. I am also fully aware one of our MPs is a qualified brewer. I am talking about rum, not beer. I used Banks as an example.
    Rum is different to beer, we know that. There are 5000 brands of Champagne. There is room for other brands. I do not want to hear that Pretty Girl was better than Alleyne Arthur, I have heard it all before.
    I am comparing the Barbados rum industry with the Scottish Whisky industry, which exports about £5bn annually, with a remarkable outlook.
    A dynamic fiscal stimulus could kick start a new rum sector.

  44. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @ Hal Austin
    St Nicholas Abbey produces some of the best rum in the world; it’s head and shoulders above Mount Gay.

    We just need a dozen more entrepreneurs to realized that St Nicholas Abbey sells as much of their 18 year old as they can produce at £200/bottle.

  45. Many niche areas exist in creating special rums e.g. the base of which,can be a clear spirit with any type of fruit,root or bush added and allowed to steep for a period of time……gin is made that way……tequila like is another posibility with a worm.

    Some of these products can be used for various medical conditions as well.

    Cane syrup has a market that we have never fully explored which we should seek to correct.

    Molasses is very versatile,for rum manufacturing,animal feed and medicinal purposses to name a few.

    Sugar cane production offers many more posibilities than presently being worked on.

  46. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    As we were saying this past weekend on BU….all each successive government has excelled at in 50 years is to use the poor as votes only to ppropel themselves to parliament within striking distance of the treasury to enrich themselves through contracts, schemes, scams and corruption with consultants, business people, insurance executives and economic advisors and continue the practice of neglect and incompetence against the people and country after each and every election.

    Everyone of those politicians await their turn to continue the thievery and corruption.

  47. Who really takes the crooked corrupt speaker of the House seriously?

    Neither the PM or the Stinkliar would address the matters raised by the Opposition on the economy and the constant downgrades this country is receiving………..the Opposition Leader as is her right raised these matters in her contribution this morning and this crooked corrupt moron interrupted her twice in the clip played on the 12.30 news and then told her to take her seat……………what the hell? He rates lower than Speaker Hinds!

    I really cannot ake these dems anymore!

  48. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    How can bajans not see what politicians and government ministers have been doing to them for 50 years, how can they not demand better.

    As a family member said, the governments maliciously punish these people for their loyalty of voting for them each election., cud gear.

  49. “Is this the Guyana-born Harry Narayan, the lawyer brother of the late Rudi Narayan?”

    Important to say: I had never heared of Harry Narayan or his family before today.

    But oh, for the love of Lil Babby Jeebush Kryste on he bike at Mullins, at which point does this small-state turd-world nationalist shiteness end?

    Is this the Barbados-born immigrant ex-tabloid hack “Hal Austin” again with his likkle labels? The dick who keeps reminding us of what an utterly shite tabloid he toiled for, and how disappointed he is now that he’s not welcomed as a messiah to share his ‘tache-grooming tips?

    News flash for you, Hal. This “Guyana-born” trope is NEVER going to work out in your favour.

    Even BU’s pet subliterate Guyanese imbecile Pachamama will agree with this. Mediocrity.

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