Prime Minister Mia Mottley shows off a Kensington Oval ready for T20 World Cup
Veronica Cutting

BU and many Barbadians are familiar with the website called Naked Departure run by Veronica S. Cutting. Our question: has Naked Departure crossed the line?

There is no doubt Cutting’s website has caused Barbadians to pay attention, mainly because of a high salacious content. The BU household has been quietly observing the rise of Naked Departure and we have resisted, until now, publicly commenting on the website. There is the popular saying to whom much is given much is expected. Given the explosion of the social media it has provided ordinary citizens with the platform to promulgate opinions that can be read by untold numbers across the globe in just seconds. BU do what we do because we love Barbados and although we will get our keyboards dirty from time to time, we try our level best to minimize collateral damage to the innocent. For example, when we have to call names we are usually sure we have gotten it right. In the odd case we have gotten it wrong we were quick to retrieve the situation and extend an apology. This approach has worked well for us for the last 9 years and is reflected in the quality of participation on the blog.

Although some stories posted on Naked Departure are true we are aware that many are not. The policy of Naked Departure appears to be one of posting all messages and videos received and deal with the fallout when it comes.  The BU household believes Sherri and Naked Departure have a lot in common. One common factor is that from behind our dashboards we see and smell the stench that exist away from the nostrils of an unsuspecting public. And it makes us so damn angry that we are driven to want to do something to make a difference. Perhaps where our philosophy and approach differ  is that the BU household understands social media tools must not be used to intentionally harm the innocent.

To answer the question posed above: has Ms Sherri Cutting gone too far? We respectfully say that she has.

Let us constructively review a few recent postings on Naked Departure to build a case.

“Kaneisha Taylor’s Mother, Kerryann, is a Whore” photo of a child under the age of 18, which, without the consent of both parents, is illegal in most countries.

“ADRIEL BRATHWAITE, a Banker is turning Windmill Hot Sauce into Cocaine in Canada, USA, UK”. If someone is manufacturing cocaine out of hot sauce in Canada and the USA, it is outside of Adriel’s jurisdiction. Instead of tipping off the people who are alleged to be are carrying out this criminal enterprise, Sherri ought to have reported her concerns to the relevant law enforcement authorities in the USA and Canada.

“Carl Moore of Nation News Barbados vs. The Naked Truth”. Sherri and Naked Departure describes the Nation News as, “the bordello of a cesspool”. Sherri shares what constitutes truth in defamation, “The TRUTH CANNOT BE DISPROVED!” Surely what must be considered is that the truth needs to be proved first.

“The Abed’s Made Their Money from Slavery”. Sherri alleges that they employed university students at below minimum wage to work on their various projects. There is no supporting documentation for the allegation that Abed paid below minimum wages and surely the concept of no concept of  “slavery” does not apply in this case.

It is not the motive of BU to be malicious in our critique of Naked Departure. However, we believe Sherri and crew should appreciate that our feedback is heartfelt.  Respect and integrity must be earned based on actions and behaviours displayed over time.  Blindly damaging the reputations of innocent people is not fair. There is still the opportunity for Naked Departure, Barbados Underground and other social media sites to highlight and report injustices and provide a voice for those who otherwise would have none.

To whom much is given much is expected.

Sherri, please hear our cry!

220 responses to “Has Naked Departure Crossed the Line?”

  1. LT.HORATIO CAINE February 24, 2016 at 9:16 PM #

  2. If Bushie has to chose between Sherri and Tenelle…..
    Sheri …hands down.

    At least she is trying to expose the shiite fermenting all around us….
    all Tenelle is doing is being a catalyst to the damn fermentation..

    Everyone wants to be rid of cancer, but NO ONE wants chemo or surgery…

    @ Tenelle
    Get a damn life…
    For example…
    Why not start a new blog extolling the virtues of Bajans ,,,as a counter to ND..?

    Call it ‘Fully Clothed Arrival’

    You will quickly find that brass bowls have few virtues….two issues and you have ‘arrived’ …at the end…

  3. Are all of the contributors who supply Sherri with these snippets, true or false , from right here in Barbados ,also Bi-polar?
    The Sewerage Plant at Lakes Folly, is fed by conduits full of solid waste from every street in Bridgetown. If we really want to make the Sewerage Plant redundant, we must first cut off the supply from the various conduits.

  4. Bush Tea February 24, 2016 at 10:29 PM #

    Call it ‘Fully Clothed Arrival’

    And Shanique will the first to tell you what happened immediately afterwards.

  5. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

    Amendment I.
    CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW respecting an establishment of
    religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or ABRIDGING THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH, OR OF THE PRESS or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

  6. @millertheanunnaki February 24, 2016 at 9:02 PM ” if you had to charge convict AND JAIL any one whom do you think should be first on your list: The dead David T?

    How do you plan to jail a dead man? Put him in a long narrow box, nail it shit, and bury it 6 feet down?

    Ooopsss!!! All that has already bee done to the dead David.

  7. shut.

  8. Two days and counting and ND not even piss on David asking to tek down dat thing about HE ..but who would have thought that David dabble in pornography intriguing details about big dic men and sea bathes lol

  9. Tenelle February 24, 2016 at 10:15 PM #

    “They also said she is bipolar not to hurt her to ask she seek help she went on a rage like a rabid dog she is pretty disgusting as a human and thank goodness she is one of the few and far that are sociopaths stats are one in five and she is that :one: in five.”

    @ Tenelle

    Shiite……… when I first read your above comments, I thought you were referring to AC.

    Ooops…….my bad. Ahhh……… sorry AC……. (sike).

  10. I do not abuse people so of course Sheri wins hands down in Bajan American Bully I do not want this title. Being bipolar as she is this is not the issue being off meds and harming anyone she can is the issue . Cyber bullying is as bad as the kids who beat kids in school yards and no the first amendment does not protect her. Oh so she apparently one upped David King I argue to differ she sinks where decent people do not go if you are willing to go into the gutter and trash it out like pond scum then by god she does win,. Bushie this is not a game I choose to play with other lives. I would not find perverse joy in hurting others . Misery does not love company but in Sheri’s case they seem to. The average person who is contact with her is sorry to say confused misled by her egged on into sparring matches. Sorry Bush Tea I love my family. I never had a mother bury dead babies as Sheri said about her mom and or my sister born with congenital syphilis and never would I say the horrid things about her family she has. The Prize of the ultimate BULLY I concur Sheri has won a title I never want to have .

  11. About her family this is out there and the kids of her niece could be BULLIED . Oh wait Sheri is the crusader for kids here is what she said. Pretty sick .interview Nadia Phillips’ children and find out about the many times the little boy was caught watching porn and masturbating, yet they did not install parental guidance on his computer. Interview the little girl and ask her how many dicks she has had in her hands, in her mouth……?

  12. From Sheri about her sister and claims her mom buried kids . Her words verbatim Julia Phillips started on this mission of power as a young girl. Born with congenital Syphilis and sexually molested by her own father, Julia Phillips attributes her abusive tendencies to early exposure to child abuse. Born to a mother at the tender age of 14, and to a father who frequented Nelson Street, Julia Phillips was lucky to be alive, as the other children born right after her were killed and buried in the backyard. At 14, one bastard was enough! And about the murders? The murderers are dead — case closed. Even today, nobody (hardly) goes to jail in Barbados for killing a child! Now tell me she is not a bully by definition . She is one in the highest of regards,.

  13. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    This criminal Leroy Parris got some nerve.

  14. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “Tenelle February 24, 2016 at 7:36 PM #
    Simple Simon you get it corruption is everywhere not just in Barbados, In fact the bigger countries can do more and have with the regards of corruption”

    Tenelle…now I know you are nutcase seeking attention when you come up with the standard excuse justifying corruption routinely used by the corrupt minded on the island, when they know no better or are accepting of same….which makes you more dangerous to Barbados than Sherri Veronica and just as dangerous as the corrupt people on the island, whom I suspect you are really trying to protect.

    How could it be possible to do more with corrupt politians, business people and public servants in countries with populations of 1/4 billion, 35 million, 67 million people respectively, than it would be on a 2×4 island with less than 300,000 people, how is it these larger countries who would have to investigate more, do so effectively within and outside their jurisdictions, but you cannot get not even one investiagtion into corruption inside Barbados’ on any of the known corrupters of the island…an island so small, you can drive around the whole thing in less than 2 hours.

  15. Straight outta the same conduits that feeds the Naked Departures of this world. This one is good…Why do we ever read fiction when we can get real life drama like this…it’s so sweet…as long as you are on the outside :)ooking in.

    Political intrigue, one-ups-manship and allegation of illicit sex. The Mayor says, ‘I don’t know this man I never met him’.

    One representative says to the Mayor ‘you screw*** his wife and don’t know him’. Mayor repeats, I never met this man I don’t know him.

    So smart person asks, ‘do you know his wife?’. Mayor doesn’t bat an eyelid and easily off the cuff says ‘I know a lot of people…’. Oh lawd. Too sweet.

    Shades of Clintonesque grey..I never had sex with this woman

    I just love the makeup at this council table though, Orthodox (Hasidic?) Jew, Folks outta the Caribbean, ‘native’ Rocklandiites. Wonderful diversity all in a kerfuffle.

  16. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    It isnamusing, but they will get that dumbass mayor on something even more serious eventually that will see him serving a decade or more in prison, if only for being a public nuisance.

    Exposing shitty people is par for the course in the US…I dont know where the small island semi-literate supporters and their corrupt masters get off thinking they can use any pretensive moral standing to cover up nastiness.

  17. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    *it is amusing.

  18. The innuendo and false labeling that some bloggers here on Bu attached to those with whom thry disagree is right out the pages of ND

  19. The history of blogging in Barbados is relatively short but I remember the first really popular blog with a political/social slant was BFP. The rise of BFP spawned the upstart BU which attracted people who were banned or had articles censored rom BFP because of controversial comments. BU was also not afraid to go where BFP dared not go as who can forget the “Hairy Bank” article on the demise of Rayside Concrete?

    This latest blog titled “Naked Departure” by one “Sheri” has a few titbits of information but it seems to more “clickbait” to attract those with prurient interests than an appeal to those generally interested in improving the welfare of the nation. “Sheri’ is trying to be a digital “Choko” but whereas “Choko” had flair and style and was focused on politicians “Sheri’s” stories are mostly innuendo with one or two well-known names tossed into the fray to generate gossip.

    It is amusing that “David’ also alleges that some people with multiple personality blogging disorders and ties to “Naked Departure” find time to comment prodigiously on BU often with the same targets/subjects on their radar so BU is being used as a conduit to promote ND’s narrow interests. If “David” and his/her cohorts are not careful BU will be reduced to being a satellite blog for ND.

    As usual I will sit back and observe from my south facing window.

  20. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The same goes for you AC..the very same goes for you.

  21. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Particularly when the person disagreeing with you cannot be turned into a fellow clueless yardfowl….lol

  22. Tenelle what do you have to hide? You are behaving worst that Sheri Veronica.I think you want Sheri Veronica to shut up because she has something on you.You are behaving like an irrational raging mad bull.
    Your obsession with Sheri Veronica is driving you insane with constantly repeating the same thing over and over again.move on

  23. @ Tenelle
    Be careful! You are beginning to tread in Sherri’s footsteps.

  24. @Sargeant, very good back story at your 9:55 AM post. By ‘Chocko’ I conjecture you refer to the Tnt Bomb, which is a casual link I also considered re Ms. Cutting.

    If so, I suspect that although she would absolutely not be considered a journalist in the same way as de Trini publisher, her amateur journalistic pursuits will nonetheless be revisited and discussed years down the road in a very similar way on its merits and demerits and impact on Bajan life as Choco’s actions on TnT’s scandalous behaviour was. Just as the impact of BU, its predecessors and those who come after also will be.

    Are all these blogs not deliberately a conduit to promote each other…that is a good thing.

    The problem is not what the Naked Departures offer, rather the problem is that is ALL they offer. There is more to life than human depravity.

    Every high brow site will have its low brow stories…in fact many low brow stories of sex, basic theft and so on always starts the fall of the big shots. We see that daily in the high brow NY Times, Washington Post or British Guardian.

  25. And to those that the shie fits wear it

  26. But all that is now happening serves the blogmaster right..he dives into these cesspool looking for dirt on ithers finds what he wants using it to his advantage and then raises a stink when what is felt is of no interest to him.

  27. Correction. What is left

  28. Abuse of others is a travesty. If you want to take on social justices do it by questioning

    government and how they govern. Never give power freely and openly. Hold officials accountable.

    Question there authority and what they are doing to protect people .

    1, Sheri has failed flat in this dept when she attacks children she claims to want to protect

    this is a contradiction and hypocrisy in the highest order,.

    Valid are the concerns of why arrests have not been made if the police are doing an investigaton and

    gathering information they owe it to the public to make statements that arrests will be made

    in cases of child rape and even death.

    The lapse of time is that these cases need to be priority number one and above all else

    when a society fails a child then they have failed miserably children deserve to be protected .

    4,. No one can feel sorry for Mr. Parris he bilked his investors of life savings and he should

    be incarcerated for such deplorable crimes.

    5,. Make note two wrongs never make a right and this is a given. Sheri attacks

    children who are minors and even handicapped people.

    She also attacks parents and the children of this very parents could become targets and bullied.
    She has no boundaries in her games with other lives.
    Exposing land fraud and victims and Mr. Parris and his victims and this kind of corruption and

    child abuse but abusing people relentlessly with a a passion is far from right,.

    Targeting certain individuals and showing not a shred of mercy even her own family and

    girls who died in a car crash. I can not even have any words for this,.

    10 When called out as a bully she only ups the antics and increases the abuse on her targets .

    The truth behind 6 disturbing cyberbullying cases that turned into suicide stories…

    Also browse: 100 Must-Read Cyberbullying Articles and The 2014 Cyberbullying Statistics

    What is Cyberbullying?

    Wikipedia defines cyberbullying as, “Cyberbullying is the use of information technology to repeatedly harm or harass other people in a deliberate manner. According to U.S. Legal Definitions, Cyber-bullying could be limited to posting rumors or gossips about a person in the internet bringing about hatred in other’s minds; or it may go to the extent of personally identifying victims and publishing materials severely defaming and humiliating them.”

    There are cases of adults committing suicide and even children , teens and all were cyber bullied by like minded people like Veronica,

    The National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center estimates that nearly 30 percent of American youth are either a bully or a target of bullying. However, bullying is no longer a problem that is isolated to the playgrounds, hallways and lunch rooms of schools. Instead, advances in technology have now extended harassment to cell phones, social media websites and other online avenues that are contributing to an alarming number of cyberbullying cases leading to suicide.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people with approximately 4,400 deaths every year. The CDC estimates that there are at least 100 suicide attempts for every suicide among young people. More than 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide and nearly 7 percent have attempted it, that is why you will, sadly, read about cyberbullying cases in the media now more than ever.

    Unfortunately, without an example, it’s hard to understand exactly what cyberbullying is and how a cyberbully acts. This why it is essential to share recent cyberbullying cases with the world.

    In the past decade, there have been multiple cyberbullying cases that ended with the victims taking their own lives. Here are six stories of cyberbullying cases that garnered national, and in some cases, global attention:

    Cyber Bullying Stories: The Ryan Halligan Case (1989 – 2003)

  29. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Yeah AC…true yardfowl philosophy.

    By the time you and Tenelle are through whining on here, we will all be senile and in nursing home while new age blogmasters will be exposing society’s rot….translation….it will not go away just because you want it to, this type of exposure has been happening for decades through books, now through blogs, in the next few years, new more effective mediums will be created…what ya going do, whine then too.

  30. Violet C Beckles Avatar

    Artax February 23, 2016 at 11:34 AM #

    @ Violet C Beckles February 23, 2016 at 10:21 AM #

    I have to agree that the issues you mentioned in your contribution should be highlighted and the perpetrators pay for their crimes. I am also in total agreement with highlighting child abuse issues.

    However, associating certain names with being involved in criminal activities WITHOUT PRESENTING any DOCUMENTATION to PROVE these allegations, can ONLY be INTERPRETED as “malicious hear say.”@@@

    We have as much control over ND as We have over BU. NONE ,

    As you can see giving names and criminal activities and proof on line to topic or stories can be removed by Blog masters ,either by their own doing or pressure of the blog master Masters for either side of the DBLP government when looking at google search ,
    We have what we need and dealing with what we are doing ,

    You can see lawyers looking to have BU remove this page also, So understand what kind of people we are dealing with .

    Everyone have their pet pea Ours is Barbados and putting things right,this is was abuse of the elderly ,and land fraud,

    ND is looking at the abuse of the other group of Persons the Children of Barbados,

    Along the way people send it what they want in their own words for people to get the message , Seen as before the Police and DBLP do nothing, Only if its there family or friends,

    So remember we are dealing with Freedoms, Freedoms to blog, speak, type,say, do, post and to remove post, , delete and block, So why you want to stop others from the same things people want for self, People seem to be afraid of the dark , and when light comes they run, Instead of getting sunglasses,

  31. The fact that u WW&C has been on this post constantly reading everything Tennelle says and then taking the information back to ND confirms what David states about your tripple monikers it also confims what i stated previuosly about you being a sewer right

  32. @WW&C. Meant sewer rat

  33. Negroman do you remember making these remarks about a white Canadian tourist who was Jewish and her family survived the holocaust Negroman Aug 4th, 2009 2:18 PM Yes I said the murdered tourist Ms Shcwazerfeld is white trash and I make no apologies. So your opinion has no validity to me . You have some deep seated and rooted hatred as do many of people that blog such hate for other humans who have lost their lives. The lack of empathy and compassion is atrocious. Any person murdered rather what ever race they are in such a manner is an stain on humanity and so anything to comment and contribute has little bearing or journalistic credibility but to show the wounds of humans are deeply embedded to have such insensitivity . Slavery was the worst stain as well as holocaust on Native Americans and Jewish , Blacks and how humans can treat other humans as they are nobodies and with no regard is disheartening . We are all humankind and the kind seems to be not so kind. The racial tensions are escalating and no one should be racist or promote racist views from either side. No one should bully, target people. As far as I see every human makes mistakes and these mistakes are for them and their maker. A site that targets certain people and when anyone tries to with diplomacy intervence becomes a subject of tabloid trash level of journalism a blog site where only one side is heard and only one side even in a court of law there are always two sides. Sheri Veronica Cutting Wilson will get her chance in a US court to present her side soon enough as there is a class action suit being filed on her by several of those she lied and did defamation on and then her assets and her daughters future earnings will be for victims to collect,.

  34. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    AC…stop lying, first of all I am not reading much of what Tenelle is typing, I have better things to do, I am sure the folks over at ND can access BU and read all her posts for themselves…I will leave news carrying for you, I heard people on FB know who you are……so you better watch out…lol

    Stop trying to attach me to your news carrying hobby of running to DBLP and showing them what is on BU….

    Tenelle obviously hss very personal issues with ND and sounds like one of the people found in a very compromising position. The only advice I can give to such a tortured soul is to stay well away from Sherri Veroinca or end up going crazy….as I said, I fly well below or above her radar so you will not see me on ND.

  35. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    AC…you want news to carry to DBLP, tell them to stop wasting taxpayers money on celebrating something that does not need money to celebrate and instead fix the bad roads and street lights that everyone is talking about…they are not talking about independence celebration.

  36. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    People can barely see the roads when driving at night because too many street lights dont work anymore… and the bad roads are damaging their vehicles because they are in such a deplorable state, do your yardfowl job and tell them the electorate is fed up with them, that would be more positive than you on here pimpimg for Tenelle.

  37. @WW&c you are one bolf faced liar all of your comments posted here are in alligment with some posted on ND with the same attacks on Tennelle with cross referencing to Bu What a stool pigeon and a backstabbing piece of lowlife.

  38. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Eat ya heart out AC….bring some proof, are you not the one always asking for proof…bring proof.

    You been on ND pimping as usual, I go on once a day sometimes, maybe 3 times a week…I have never seen anyone named Tenelle on there….so that means you either know who Tenelle is, or you know the person by another name…so AC the pimp, who is Tenelle….I am going to start asking around cause now you got me interested.

  39. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    AC….I found out who Tenelle is, told you I would, you are a real field slave, it runs in your DNA…….

    However, I will not steep to youe level…so take that and live with the knowledge…lol

  40. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    I quote the age old statement “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” and, inasmuch as this remark may be applied to what Naked Departure does in featuring many truthful stories, we also have to acknowledge that sometimes a lie or two is mixed up with the rest. It is the nature of newspapers that when they run out of truth to engage readership they resort to lies.

    Suppose a man were to say to an octogenarian like me, and any of you from my generation “your mother is a whore”, the first response is that we would lik out their teeth but wait a sec, let us examine the “perspective” and even “truths” in that statement.

    Technically speaking the accuser is right. According to the Webster’s dictionary “Prostitution is the business, or practice, of engaging in sexual relations in exchange for payment”

    Many of our mothers from the ole time generation DID NOT WORK anywhere but received money as part of the upkeep mechanism of the ole time family. That money/”payment” periodic as it was came along with our respective mothers periodically “engaging in sexual relations” around the same time as this periodic payment.

    Over the course of several years, particularly if our mother did not have one man, or a husband, to the generation before her, Mums was in fact “a whore or a prostitute”, because, in addition to the repeated nature of the sexual relations, of which you are testimony of that act, it became “a practice” and as bad as it sounds Mums ‘did take money” while also engaging in sexual relations.

    Perspectives that is all this is perspective and in the strictest technical sense therefore as a son of a whore to you sons and daughters of whores that we are, we should not be angry when our mother is called a whore, but we still are!

    With that technicality aside for some of you whore’s children I want you to understand how a person like Tenelle with “skin in the game”, or anyone who finds themselves under fire on a blog, will feel.

    EVEN IF what is being said is true, whore’s children that some of you are. If is say that enough times a few of you who just recently welcomed me back will start to call be badwords.

    I have seen men, and women, leave the House of the Lord on a Sunday and go to the house of their outside man or woman, immediately after service, and “service” that outside party and then come home and recite “grace before Meals as bless us oh Lord and lease us these gifts….” without so much as batting an eyelid.

    The point being that, for every one person who is badly tarnished by the blogs, we recently find 9 others “whom the cap fits”.

    There is a model that Sherri Veronica is employing at her website/radio station/amazon store and it is one where the “traffic” sticks. 30,000 visitors pass through there and, because of her numbers, she is getting advertising dollars, and affiliate fees from sales on the site. (For Example she has the book “Boys in the Band”)

    Some of you have intimated that she is bipolar, or that she has been jilted in love, or Hell hath no fury etc, others hint at other health problems. I have no brief for Sherri but, while there is reason to say that on a few, or more that a few occasions, her articles go across the line, there are some occasions where she highlights some very serious issues in our country.

    An in that lies the difference with ND and Barbados Underground – King seeks evidence of the wrong doings and will retract the article if it is proven otherwise, while Sherri, while offending some of your sensibilities, does not retract, or does she need to retract anything, having committed no crime in the jurisdiction of the United States.

    Ethically morally or whatever-ly, we can make noise about the content of her blog, but given the fact that she is still up and running, she has not committed any crime that has so fired the respective US authorities to shut her down. Even if Sherri were to come to to Barbados tomorrow, she cannot be arrested for electronic data hosted in a jurisdiction in the USof A. and the fact is that her business, like the Punch of Investigator, thrives on sensationalism.

    David King seeks through his diligent advocacy to create a better Barbados and has worked on maintaining a site (at much personal financial cost and social stigma)

    In his attempt to keep what is the sole bastion of cyber (and possibly written) journalism alive in Barbados he has made many enemies in both administrations. Sherri is more radical in some regards and definitely more nuclear in others.

    A blogger spoke to BU’s early days, and its content then, when “in the shadow of BFP”, but equally so, 40 years ago, I remember conversations with contemporaries about the Nation’s “rag tag content” versus that of the Advocate in Neville Grovesnor’s Day, not that the Nation has changed much in 40 years, they still have rag tag content

    Finally let me speak to the code between fellow blogmasters that was abused in this matter.

    After hearing that this article was up, any other blogmaster would have realised that it was a an article which was just to test the waters and would have, had they been a serious blogmaster, used the blog submissions to get a read of her own impact etc, etc.

    Sherri, if she had felt a way about the article, could easily have emailed David to have a pow wow with him.

    What she did was certainly unexpected in the least and then to go further and impute that David was in fact part of the “doggie brigade” was distasteful.

    What David King showed in the screen shot of his conversation with Sherri nullified her imputed remark where she suggested that he was like Sankey Price with the latter’s lascivious observations of schoolchildren sex act that got Vivianne Gittens charger, arrested? and still has her in Coleridge Street.

    Polonium-210 poisoning the tool that was used on Alexander Litvinenko is what one might liken Sherri’s action to considering the code between fellow blogsmasters and that they had collaborated previously.

    It is obvious to the old man that David King is begrudged his reputation which Sherri would seek to have in stead of her numbers but one can only leave her to ascerbic comments of Tenille.

    Bush Tea how you good self, I see that you have been battling, as is Artaxerxes, WW&C and the rest whose names the ole man too tired now to mention but hail up anyway

  41. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Feel better, Piece….it’s good to keep an open mind re this current situation. There has obviously been collateral damage, but everyone should now be on their guard and do not allow themselves to be caught in compromising situations….as adults. I will keep my own counsel on this particular matter going forward, everything else is fair game.

    And AC, you should also be more concerned about the human trafficking taking place in the night clubs in Barbados, young females have been trafficked for years.

    Young girls and boys are way more vulnerable and impressionable, grown ass men and women have no such excuse, I dont give a damn who you think you are or what the color of your skin…you have to always safeguard and protect yourself and your dignity.

  42. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    These are the very serious and shocking issues that need to be addressed on the blogs to help the young, defenseless victims in Barbados, these children are helpless and nasty adults whom they trust take advantage of that helplessness.

    A ST MICHAEL FATHER of eight who was found guilty last June of indecently assaulting his 15-year-old daughter, was sentenced to one year in prison yesterday.

    The 58-year-old man was told his fate in the No. 2 Supreme Court by Justice Margaret Reifer.
    The judge, who called the crime a gross breach of trust by a parent whose role was to protect, said sexual offences specifically involving minors were considered serious and carried a sentence of up to five years.
    She added that children should never have to fight off any type of sexual advances from a parent.

    The court heard that the father of the girl waited behind her bedroom door after she took a bath, covered her mouth to suppress her screams, attempted to rip off her nightgown and assaulted her. (TKS)
    – See more at:

  43. @ Piece,

    You have crafted as always an excellent post full of nuance.

    I do not know if you are a film buff. In 1968, the American actor – Vincent Price – produced his finest work in a film called, The Witchfinder General. It is a UK film classic that did not receive the merit it should have received at the time of its release.

    Here is one review on this film:

    ” …(1968) Vincent Price turns in one of his most chilling performances as the sinister, cynical, and obsessed Hopkins, who prowls the 17th Century English countryside (already beset by civil war) instigating witch-hunts for both profit and pleasure. ”

    Given the subject under discussion I believe that this film is appropriate.

  44. Truth matters as well as Proof ND is not only engaging the readership of 275 thousand people living on this small island who might know whether these stories are truthful or salacious lies ,Nd has a a large readership that does not live on the island and would not know of all particles of the parties to whom these allegations are attached,,Therefore it should be ND responsibility to be diligent and respectful of its readership right to know the truthfulness of the articles printed
    It is not good enough to say that ND is providing an alternative with a leverage of naming and shaming but the burden of proof also lies squarely on Cutting shoulders whereby the other alternative should be one of of fair and balanced which gives the reader an opportunity to decipher fact from fiction ,lies and innuendos weighed in the balance of ethical journalistic standards

  45. WW&C you are such a blasted liar it only took you fifteen minutes to unravel the identity of Tennile such a F,,king liar
    You have done a good job of being the spoke persons between both wheels those of BU and ND
    Btw you are also a dangerous mudder F and one who cannot be trusted to call friend

    David yuh need to watch yuh back and block WW&C …..WW&C is a cross dresser

  46. @Pieces, I hope when (if ) I get to your age I can stay on as long as you do.,.with your prose, that is.

    For some of us a reputation is the alpha and omega of life. David should indeed protect his vigorously. Clearly Ms Cutting is well past saving any of hers.

    And BTW I too welcome back your posts, long or short absolutely good to read.

    Incidentally, interesting that you should mention that scandal based book ‘Boys in the Band’. A man of your acuity clearly recognizes that Angela Cole is the pre-social media Veronica Cutting.

    On can only imagine what she would have had to say about you and Bushie back in the day on her blog….just KIDDING! ….Relax, you guys are my favorite people on the blog so I have to give you some grief as you both do me.

    Live to see 101, good sir!

  47. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    AC..what do you think the computer you are sitting in front of is for…it took me even less time to find you on FB….you want me gone…fine, but all the corruption will still be there for everyone to se and talk about.., its all out in the open in case you did not notice, its all being spoken about from coast to coast, the money laundering, failure to lock up politicians and business partners who steal from the taxpayers, trafficking of children, trafficking of young females in nightclubs, insurance fraud against the peoplem sanctioned by politicians….ya got ya hands full…dont get a hesrt sttack…and if you think it’s bad now, just you

    Crossdresser…lol, you with the several psychotic personalities. Ya gine give yuhself a stroke one day not knowing which personality to use.

  48. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    *ya got ya hands full…dont get a heart attack…and if you think it’s bad now, just you

    And after all of that AC…there is always a book to write.

  49. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Even Tenelle is smarter than you, AC, got the message and left you to….loser

  50. Welcome back Piece…. It is REALLY good to hear you …and to savour your usual wise perspective.
    Bushie was trying a thing with the whacker, but the damn weeds have been growing back faster than the whacker can whack ….. so Bushie decided to ‘frig that!!’
    Trying to help Dee Ingrunt Word to see light is like pulling teeth… 🙂
    Then you come along and make it all seem so clear and obvious…. thank you..

    We oldsters ain’t going anywhere soon Piece…. it is only the ‘good’ that die young…
    Unfortunately that suggests that DIW will be here – confusing the issues – for years to come…
    LOL ha ha ha

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