Marguerite Woodstock-Riley - Disciplinary Committee
Marguerite Woodstock-Riley – Chairs the Disciplinary Committee

Probate is the procedure by which a will is approved by the Court as the valid and last will of a deceased testator (the person who made the will). It also confirms the appointment of the person named as executor in the willProbate of the Will – Public Legal Information Service of New …


Barbadians have become numb to the sloth of the Courts of Barbados. One of the simple functions is to administer the probate process. For many Barbadians what should be a routine procedure is fraught with long delays. To add to the challenge of managing probate, there are the lawyers -officers of the court – who gleefully take advantage of the dysfunctional system.

BU received the following communications that resonated with the household.  So many complaints about lawyers especially from Barbadians in the diaspora. This is one group over the years who has been taken advantage of by lawyers, building contractors to name two.

When I read your paper I am not getting the impression that these legal issues are being taken seriously. Have you any idea as to the number of probate cases that have gone on for many years? Isn’t your silence encouraging and supporting the offenders?

Although it does not help a probate situation has now been in the system since 1995 with no end in site…This is a very large ‘property’ and all the attorneys are doing are ‘Milking the family’ for all that it is worth.. .

Mine is a simple uncontested will which has been in probate since 1997 – awaiting a conclusion and representing gross cover up by the BBA and the administration. There are many like me that I have met in person or heard of.

Why don’t you publish articles or write editorials about real people losing their money and property to lawyers in Barbados? Are you in agreement with what they are doing or are you afraid. It is a disgrace don’t you think?  – Submitted by a frustrated client

TariqKhan – President of the BBA

Let the record show BU has posted several articles to – Lawyers in the News and Tales of the Courts –  about the judicial and ancillary systems. More than the traditional media. However we empathize with Barbadians everywhere  affected by the sloth of our courts.

Documentation received shows the lawyer at the centre of this complaint was contacted in 1997. Understandably the frustrated client escalated the matter to the Disciplinary Committee of BBA. We write understandably because the last time the Chair of Disciplinary Committee Woodstock-Riley spoke publicly she referred to the backlog of cases to be processed and the fact her committee is supported by volunteers. We have not heard from Tariq Khan the president of the BBA recently. Mr. Khan what have you achieved since taking office except to pad your resume?

The following emails confirm what Barbadians everywhere already know. Honest Barbadians are being held hostage by the ‘system’. The leadership of the judicial ‘system’ needs to intervene before someone is forced to take matters into their hands.


On Wednesday, February 3, 2016 7:24 PM, Marguerite Woodstock-Riley <> wrote:

Dear xxxxx,

We can appreciate your frustration and advise the following.

As my office advised communication on disciplinary committee matters should be to the disciplinary committee office. The Registrar of the Supreme Court is the Secretary of the committee and deputises someone to act in that role managing the administration of the committee. Unfortunately as you were advised the person who held that position is no longer there , a situation beyond our control as we had little notice . We expect  to have someone in place shortly also working longer hours to move matters forward in a timely way.

The Committee comprises 7 persons and we meet every week  to address all complaints lodged . There is a process involving  reviewing all complaints, asking for further information if necessary , setting and having a hearing if a primafacie case has been made ,then our recommendations are sent to the Court of Appeal for hearing. We can proceed on a matter even if an attorney does not respond .

Your matter has been before the committee and you should be receiving communication from the office.

Please note our Committee addresses  making recommendations for disciplining attorneys such as fines , suspension , removal from the roll for breaches of the code of ethics following the  process outlined. There remains several options for persons to effect resolution of claims.

We can only reassure you that this committee is making every effort to address all current and outstanding matters with the resources we have .


Marguerite Woodstock-Riley Q.C. LLB(Hons) MPhil(Cantab)

WOODSTOCK RILEY |Attorneys-at-Law



Subject: RE: Deed to property

Dear xxxxxx

To clarify, the Bar does not deal with complaints regarding the alleged conduct of Attorneys-at-Law.  These complaints fall within the province of the Disciplinary Committee.  And for good reason.  The function of the Disciplinary is governed by statute under the auspices of the Registrar of the Supreme. I have therefore included the chair of the Disciplinary Committee in my response to you.

I am sorry that you are frustrated with the responses you have received but I am not in a position to address your complaints.  Instead by copying in the Chair of the Disciplinary Committee I expect that she will revert to you directly particularly as you have raised issues regarding the performance of the Disciplinary Committee.

I will however address two of the questions you have raised. I reject any notion that I condone any negative behaviours. You have made allegations regarding the lawyer’s conduct which have to be investigated. I do not believe or indeed assume or have any right to believe that I have a right to the deed of your property. This mode of thinking does not obtain.

I do hope that by this response and by copying the Chair of the Disciplinary Committee, your issues are properly and thoroughly addressed.


M. Tariq Khan

Chancery House

High Street, Bridgetown


Tel:      (246) 435-8391

Fax:     (246) 436-1920

Cell:     (246) 230-7790


From: E. [mailto:xxxxxxx]

Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 12:29 PM

To: Tariq Khan

Subject: Deed to property

When I decided to undergo continuous expense in July 2015 to claim the deed to my property I did not think that almost 7 months later I would not have even had a response from the Disciplinary Committee where it is stated that there would be a response within 21 days

Even on December 21st I sent you another email and you have yet to respond. I have also made several calls to Ms Marguerite- Riley’s office and was last informed by her secretary that she will be communicating with me soon…As of today there has been no response or communication from her or the disciplinary committee.

In December, I also spoke to Mr Clyde Cummings who also informed me that I would have something in writing in a short while but after receiving no communication I again called on..Jan 19th and at that time I was informed that Mr Cummings no longer works for the BBA Disciplinary Committee and hat Margo Greene has refused to respond to the committee.

At this point I continue to have several  questions:

1. Why is Ms Greene still practicing law in Barbados since she has refused  to follow the law of the land and to conduct herself in a professional manner?

2. What is the justification for your condoning of this negative behavior of Ms Greene?

3. Do you or Ms Greene believe that you have more of a right to the deed of my property than I do?

I have been informed that this is not the only instance of Ms Greene’s unprofessionalism. I also saw in the Barbados underground that this unprofessionalism is a part of the practice in the BBA. I have been trying very hard to keep this out of the public arena…I guess that is where it belongs now…don’t you agree?

An immediate response would be appreciated. I am confident that if this was your property that you would not have been as ‘accepting’ of this maltreatment and unprofessionalism…

Have a blessed day!


Until this matter is resolved BU will add Margot Greene, Tariq Khan and Woodstock-Riley to the BU Lawyers in the News section.

122 responses to “Attorney-at-law Margot Greene in the News, Aided by Tariq Khan and Woodstock-Riley”

  1. Violet C Beckles Avatar

    Barbados the land of Massive Land fraud where people put things in WILLS that they dont own , but may have use of when alive,
    Barbados a place where the lawyer drag things hoping the person dies so they can make up fees that never happen or even worked for,

    Barbados a place where CLEAR TITLE land need to proven before any Estate can be settled
    Barbados a place where Land TAX is moving around land tax numbers to get the wrong people rich

    Wills may take long in Barbados for all the records and the Ministers and lawyers are nasty crooks, most people cant even find their deeds,and most deeds are not Clear titled deeds,
    many are made up and pulled out after people are dead to claim and end up in court for years hoping the World comes to and end as their Bill keep adding up ,

    The old crooks lawyer play this game well as all the people who come to them are a living Bank account

    Most of the lawyers in Barbados hold more deeds and records than the Land Registry or Archives,

    land tax is a another Gold Mine for crooks lawyers as they sit at the first desk when you walking hunting for land tax numbers where they can have moved over to their names ,

    Build and get rents, If you think these Bitches easy think again , Many lawyers turn their head but they know its going on and we seen it first hand ,

    This is going on at the water company also , backed up by friends in the not so royal police department,

    Crooks , Liars and Scumbags , I mean every word , some may think that this is saying ,
    C L S all over the island.

  2. “Barbadians have become numb to the sloth of the Courts of Barbados. One of the simple functions is to administer the probate process. For many Barbadians what should be a routine procedure is fraught with long delays.”

    Most Bajans just accept that things like probates can take 10 to 20 years because that is the norm.

    I have never been able to understand the “delays”.

    Woman dies. leaves 2 properties for her children. Then it takes 10 years or more for them to get what is theirs.

    Clearly it is the system and the process when even honest competent lawyers appear to take as much time as the “less competent”.

  3. @ Hants
    Have you any idea how easy (and tempting) it is for these lawyers to end up ‘owning’ some of these properties …where beneficiaries lose interest over time, frustration, loss of documents and even death?
    It is unconscionable that the authorities can continue to facilitate such a situation in our legal system….and that Jeff apparently sees no role for UWI in highlighting and seeking to address these evils….

  4. Bush Tea February 14, 2016 at 10:31 PM # @@ Bloggers on BU fail to understand now or care , Just love to talk and not take time to see my words,

    we are living this in Barbados and even the lawyers give long talk ,

    in 1986 Beatrice Henry to Violet Beckles took 6 six months,

    Now Violet Beckles Probate is over 3 years now ,

    Until they fix the records and get the old nasty lawyers from the BAR will not do it , Barbados will never get another loan for Bajans to buy any thing,

    People looking for water, cant get , We also hold the deeds for the land that was in the Sunday Sun last Sunday front page for a Plantation that is not listed in Barbados Records , Archives nor Library, How can that be?, Well we hold no less than 6 Plantation deeds not listed in its History, Restore the records and End all this bull, The Courts with the help of MIA , Owen and Ex CJ the blasted Crook Simmons is the Blame,Full blood Corruption and the rest of the CC Nations are Watching this mess pay out,

    So Who can probate?, Who can get loans?, Come to Barbados and get a deal to good to be true, 20 year GOOD TITLE of Fraud,

    The last farmer ran off the island of 125 acre plantation farm and that was to be Sold long time ago , As we found out the Wards sold off all their lands even Mount Gay? But Yet they name still show up in the news,

  5. @Bush Tea

    Sometime ago I suggested to Jeff C that UWI should have a course in ethics for its up and coming lawyers, perhaps they do and if so it isn’t working. Your statement about lawyers helping themselves to property after the rightful owners are stymied in their efforts to secure legal rights to the property is on the ball.

    Don’t expect the other Party to fix things because some of the names that I have heard who are ingenious in their methods of defrauding clients are stalwarts in that Party.

    For the 50th I am going in the opposite direction I will petition GB to take us back, so they can impose some degree of honesty, sanity and competence on “Little England”.

  6. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar

    @Sergeant, there IS a course in Ethics…and one on Office Management in the programme of training of regionally assembled lawyers. You must have heard the expression, however, “putting lipstick on a pig”. Without in any way including those mentioned in this blog, these students come to us with characters fully formed so the courses are just for passing and not for character building in many cases.

    Others, they put their hands for the the first time on sums of money beyond their wildest fantasies…and all the training goes through the window -“Of course, I can always pay it back, This deal will make me twice or three times that amount!”

  7. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    It gets even worse…the Chief Justice must now be held accountable for the actions of these lawyers and there are too many of them who collude with each other because they “hold papers” for each other. Greene has been a problem for years.

    There are ongoing matters in the Supreme Court that are clear conflict of interest between the attorneys, 2 are named in Nicholls’ book, one routinely “holds paper” for the other unknowing to the plaintiff of a personal injury case who wondered why it seems she was fighting both the defense attorneys and her attorney, now she knows, they are both colluding against her and plotting against the judge to delay the case, ruin the case, frustrate her until she dies and the 2 of them and the insurance company live happily ever after with her money, but little do they know….

    People outside of Barbados have to be aware and research the lawyers on the island, people who live on the island, doubly so.

    In the case of these attorneys who work closely with each other unknowning to the client for the past 3 years, the judges who are now aware, through Nicholls’ book if they were not aware before, have to make a stand to protect clients…….

    Someone has to start protecting the clients because the Bar Association is non-functioning, it does not work, it does not look after the best interest of clients, it should not be in existence in it’s present form. The lawyers who manage it are all useless as it pertains to doing what is right and just. The Bar Association is the root cause of the problems that has destroyed the functioning of the supreme court because too many of the lawyers “hold papers” for each other, they are not real lawyers in the true sense of the word, they are “paper holders” colluding with each other without integrity….empty bags.

  8. There comes a point when enough is enough. President of the BBA, Chair of the Disciplinary Committee all come and go. They collect the obligatory QC designation and a happy butch they remain. It is obvious these organs meant to assist with the delivery of justice in Barbados are dysfunctional, tempted to suggest impotent.

  9. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    All others are meant to be frustrated except those who design the system for their benefit. There is an easy way of getting around this. Barbadians just need to withhold all business from lawyers until a clear message is sent to the legal fraternity. If that does not work insist differently that if service is not delivered by a certain time, the contract being handed to you states the amount of money that must be paid per day for every day longer than the period agreed to complete legal matters.

  10. @ Sargeant
    Beyond the course in ethics, UWI needs to be much more proactive in promoting the professionalism and integrity of the legal profession in Barbados. This attitude of washing their hands is definitely not good enough.

    Why can’t current students be mandated to produce and publish annual statistics which detail specific performance data on ALL practicing lawyers in Barbados?
    …Number and type of cases handled
    …Number completed: outstanding for 1 year: 2 years; 5 years;10 years;20 years
    …Number of successful cases argued; number lost
    …Number of client complaints
    …Number of criminal charges against the lawyer

    UWI creates these monsters by handing out LLBs willy nilly…and then sit back and blame society for the chaos that they wreck…

  11. Violet C Beckles Avatar

    Now take all you all have written above and take these Lawyers to the land registry , as they make up, ripe out pages, rewrite and all other ideas they come up with to take your Land , These people are not even in your DNA or blood line and they feel because you come to them for help, They feel ans see ways to help them self,

    That and this is why we will never stop smashing these Bitches Best WAR We have ever been in, With Truth on your side , We can smile in Battle , as their souls pile up in Hell.

    The not so Royal Barbados Police Fraud Squad , Station Sgt Mark White said to Me , ” We are well trained in our work”But yet no Action taken , WHY? for even they are part of the problem as much as the lawyers, They hold lands they not to own , build CHURCHES where they dont own ,and protect their friends and Family from charges.

    Build and they will come, Say it LOUD and they will Listen , C.L.S

    May none of them Never R.I.P.,, Hell will burn mush brighter when they REACH,


  12. Khan is a well known tosser who skimmed a wad of cash from the BIPA for the CLICO saga and as soon as Parris and his catamite Terrance barked hard, he retracted his genitalia and ran hard as tail – then again Philip Greaves did warn this Gov’t would do everything to block settlement and even Fowler is quietened, guess the bald pooch cat was given hush milk to stop yeowling so loudly? This as old folk wonder what to do after supposedly investing and now their twilight is as barren as the brains of Stuart and Sinckler

  13. @Jeff Cumberbatch February 15, 2016 at 5:26 AM “there IS a course in Ethics…and one on Office Management in the programme of training of regionally assembled lawyers. You must have heard the expression, however, “putting lipstick on a pig”. Without in any way including those mentioned in this blog, these students come to us with characters fully formed so the courses are just for passing and not for character building in many cases.”

    Dear Jeff: Since the characters of the students are full [mis] formed by the time they get to UWI, maybe UWI will have to do like in the “bad old days” that is demand that students bring a character reference from their priest, pastor, elder, imam, rabbi etc. UWI should know that when the students were little they spent time with a religious teacher who taught them:

    Thou shalt not steal.
    Thou shalt not cover thy neighbours goods (including title deeds etc.)
    Keep thy hands from picking and stealing and thy tongue from speaking guile.

    But somebody will tell me now that such a demand is unconstitutional.

  14. I had a lawyer who did some estate work for me and he was excellent and quick, and charged reasonable fees.

    So what was the problem?

  15. I recommended a colleague to him, so that he could do some mortgage work for the young couple.

    And guess what happened?

    He ended up asking the young wife to lie to her employer that she had to go to St. Lucia for a training course…when in reality he wanted her to go to St.Lucia for a dirty weekend with him.

    So maybe UWI should ask the pastors, priests, imams, rabbis, elders etc. to also note on their letters of reference whether the potential lawyers understand what it the statements below mean, and whether they are likely to and willing to follow:

    Thou shalt not bear false witness (that is do not uphold young wives to lie to their employer)

    Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife (that is tho shalt not try to phuck thy client, nor shalt thou try to phuck thy client’s wife)

    I was embarrassed that I recommended him.

  16. @Jeff C
    these students come to us with characters fully formed so the courses are just for passing and not for character building in many cases.
    That is a sad commentary on the makeup of some incoming students who by and large are entering through the High School/Community College/University pipeline and whose sole qualifications for entrance are academic. It’s time to include some sort of psychological testing to weed out those with personality traits which include dishonesty.

    What Disciplinary committee? It’s a dog that doesn’t bark and has no teeth, it was stated in the communication that the lawyer never responded to the Committee.

  17. Can anyone tell us why probate of a will can take 10 to 20 years?

    We keep getting side tracked with the salacious ( lawyers are crooks ) but I would like to know exactly what causes the processes to take years instead of months.

  18. And in addition to probate above, why do property sale and transfer files take multiple years?

  19. This kind of behaviour by crooked lawyers has been going on for many years, and it annoys me that the powers that be seem not to be interested in enforcing legislation to deal with it.
    Lawyers think they are clever. Many people have lost their property and I can say that even now my father’s property is in limbo because of a crooked lawyer. We the people must seriously do something. How long is too long when it is bad. I am truly fed up…Crooked lawyers, slickster insurance companies what next.

  20. And I don’t understand this business of lawyers holding client’s money.

    What’s wrong with the lawyer demanding a certified check, or bank draft for an estimated 1/2 of his fee up front and a certified check or bank draft for the other 1/2 on the day he delivers the final documents to the client? Maybe the lawyers would work a bit faster and better, because the faster and better he/she works, the faster he/she gets paid. And everybody likes money. Lolll!!!

    That is what I did when the lawyer did the estate work for me and he was happy and I was happy. He put the documents in my hand and at the same time I put the bank draft in his hand.

    And if it is a sale of property have the byer put a certified check or bank directly in the hands in the seller on the day the deal is closed, in the lawyer’s office if necessary. Why does the money have to pass through the lawyer’s hands? As far as I am concerned that is only putting temptation in the lawyer’s way.

    In my case the lawyer was happy.

    I was happy.

    Business dun.

    Plain and simple.

  21. The problem SS, is they still have 50% of their fee (your money) IF they don’t deliver.
    What happens if they were unable to deliver the final documents to you, what happens to your down payment?

  22. @ SS
    I think that In the US they have title companies that hold the down payment in escrow so there is no temptation for the lawyers. At closing the buyer and seller usually attend a meeting and a cashier’s cheque changes hands. We need to change our system. For a start, this business of a lawyer borrowing money from a client account should not be illegal if he can’t repay the money. To even borrow from the client account should be illegal. And there should be random surprise audits of lawyers client accounts. Fat chance! LOL

  23. @Anne
    This kind of behaviour by crooked lawyers has been going on for many years, and it annoys me that the powers that be seem not to be interested in enforcing legislation to deal with it
    They can’t even enforce the legislation on praedial larceny, yuh think they interested in enacting any legislation on professional larceny when they would be ruffling their own feathers?

    As for “slickster insurance” don’t blame the Insurance companies sometimes they pay settlements to the lawyer who informs you that they haven’t received the funds and string you along for a couple of years until you discover the truth, then they will pay (less their fees of course)

  24. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Thousands of clients will tell you that they more often than not, lose their money or never receive any money forinsurance claims because too many lawyers keep the money for themselves….they make sure they collude with the insurance company to cut the client out from receiving compensation.

    SSS…it’s much more complicated than that hence the reasons those types of lawyers believe themselves to be untouchable and have no qualms about victimizing their clients, it’s a convoluted maize and unless the Chief Justice is determined to change it after all the very serious complaints he has been getting, since it’s useless complaining to the head of the disciplinary committe or head of the bar association, both useless, these lawyers will continue to take advantage of the public.

    I strongly suggest that Philip V. Nicholls’ book be used in schools, colleges and universities as a guide going forward for aspiring law students to stop any nasty habits before they are formed, many of these older lawyers with established firms that these students intern and work with upon finishing university are mentioned in his book. The unethical practices which are now traditional must be destroyed from it’s source.

    It should take no longer than 6 months to probate a will and if the respective lawyers were not all waiting for the beneficiaries to die to see what they couls steal, it would not linger for years until the lawyers themselves died.

    A Conveyance should not linger more than 2 months and that is because of title searches and other administrative processes, it takes no longer than an hour to draft the documents and an hour to edit, the lawyers are looking for interest on the people’s money, that is why they should not be allowed to hold that money….they are overdoing it….it is a sickness what they do….dirty lawyers can and do destroy people’s lives just because they can…..too many in Barbados get away with it.

  25. Violet C Beckles Avatar

    Simple Simon February 15, 2016 at 11:21 AM #@

    We have been blogging from 2007 when i was called into this Beatrice Henry Estate to Violet Beckles Estate , Base on learning in America any one will see the mess these lawyers have done here, the more you have to look, Keeping faith and saying its end here was not the case , Every department, on every level is infected with C.L.S .All the way to the PM , AG. DPP. COP.GG. No letter from none of them will make me believe what they may write on paper,

    The Lawyers greed and doing good work at a good price is base on who they helping , and who they may have in back that will come next, The level greed and the work will come out of each lawyer at different levels, They will not risk their name for you when you broke,

    Walk in there 200,000 and up + your age+ if you are local+ if you overseas +family and who you dont know+ You are being profiled to be robbed ,Small talk and being nice will kill you with them , if Barbados was America they would do a Sting on them and lock them up so tight that CBC and Nation will be the last to publish on any of them,

    Where are the Investigative reporters in Barbados? ,,There are none, They are told what to say , when to say it and dont ask questions,, Welcome Naked Departure,

    Most of you need to be robbed first hand to wake up the meter is running , and we will keep blogging for those who still have money and cares,

  26. Retribution-things that make me go hum! Avatar
    Retribution-things that make me go hum!

    Put your business in order whilst you are healthy and keep moneys out of these crooks hand.

    What do you expect? There are too many attorneys in Barbados, some of them with no where to practice? A lot of them are not making any money, their salaries have to come from some where – hum!

    The art of delay tactics has been metered down from the DLP administration a.k.a Fraudell S. to every sector and cranny in Barbados. This practice will be seen as the norm if Bajans do not demand transparency.

    Just note that every cent you embezzled from the poor you will end up spending on your health or your children’s health. I see the moles are clearing up nicely!

  27. Retribution-things that make me go hum! Avatar
    Retribution-things that make me go hum!

    On another note; why the people in Barbados that bought their “condominiums” from the NHC under the BLP administration and who was given theirs under the 20 year Programme have not demanded their title deeds as yet?

    Minister of Housing, what is the update on the title deeds for these units/condos? And Jepter Ince thinks you”ll are doing a fantastic job – Jepter take several seats please!!!

  28. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    What titles deeds, aren’t all if not most of them lawyers in government…they love to hold on to deeds. Bajans must be warned again, do not give attorneys your original documents…give them copies only. If you give them your original documents, they will ruin you, particularly original medical reports re insurance claims, land deeds, house deeds etc re conveyances.

    People have to start protecting themselves while the Chief Justice works on finding a way to lock up the criminals who have managed to give the legal profession in Barbados, a very bad reputation worldwide.

    People outside of the island will hesitate to hire a lawyer from Barbados particularly after reading
    Philip Nicholls’ book, which accurately and horrifyingly describes what certain lawyers do to clients.

  29. Violet C Beckles Avatar

    Retribution-things that make me go hum! February 15, 2016 at 2:22 PM #

    On another note; why the people in Barbados that bought their “condominiums” from the NHC under the BLP administration and who was given theirs under the 20 year Programme have not demanded their title deeds as yet?@@

    NHC do not own land so they can not give no one a deed, NHC never paid for any land that they have taken,

    NHC is where laundering of tax and VAT money is washed with help of the CB

    NONE of them can get a deed, WHY root title of Clear Title Will bring them to Me, and none want to deal with Me for they are to deed in this PONZI Fraud,

    NHC Samantha Cummins is a crook , We met with her at NHC , and Land Registry and pointed where she signed,
    NHC nor MOH will not pay for any land they have taken unless you show them clear Title,
    Yet the lawyer deal with ” GOOD TITLE” which is fraud ,

    All land have owners till now, The Lawyers Remove records from the Archive and Land registry so you can not bring them record deeds with true copy from government department to be paid,

    The money was already paid out the them and their middle man/women friends,
    fake I.D, were made in the names of the people that they wanted to be paid, The monies went into the lawyer laundering accounts, to be paid out , Ask Richard Byer,

    MIA people told my people that they will never see a deed for the money they paid at NHC for housing, Why


  30. Retribution-things that make me go hum! Avatar
    Retribution-things that make me go hum!

    @ Violet, a friend of mine ask back for his money paid to the NHC for his unit after the DLP administration came in and implemented the free unit for all those who resided in the units over 20/30 years – they told him no can do! So when can I get my deed – he asked? “You will have to wait until the land has been surveyed Sir”. Violet, do you know it’s alleged that the land (in Fernihurst) belongs to the Black Rock Polyclinic? So the BLP took money from poor people looking for a house/dream and stab them in their backs.


  31. Retribution-things that make me go hum! Avatar
    Retribution-things that make me go hum!

    Hold up; What was that piece of paper that the then Minister of Housing- Michael Lashley gave to those two old ladies on tv? (Could have been in late 2013 if my memory serves me correct with the promise of the rest to come) Was that the real deed or fake deed?

  32. Imagine a lawyer getting your money and then paying you in irregular installments. Imagine having to huff and puff to get back some of your money; or writing a letter to the Bar association and getting back a letter that looks unprofessional.

    The word has gotten out. Bajans in the diaspora are getting smart. I know a few who are planning to retire to warmer climes but not to Barbados. At another site (ND) they state that ‘Bajans believe that people from the US are foolish’. Well, they also seem to think that Bajans leave their brains behind when retiring and heading home.

  33. @TheGazer

    Imagine the prime minister of the country trivializing the thieving act by the speaker of the house. And we hope for improvement when our leaders place politics ahead of national interest?

  34. The system is rotten from top to bottom. In matters pertaining to property in particular,it is impossible to find an honest lawyer in Barbados…and this includes even those one may consider to be “good friends” or “family”. There is little difference between “members of The Bar” and “the Boys on the Block” except for their respective modus operandi. The former use their pens and the latter use their guns to rob and steal from whomsoever !Bajans in the diaspora would be well advised to stay clear of investing their hard earned money in Barbados, and to rid themselves of any property they may have in “Beautiful Barbados” !

  35. @David
    Interesting to note that Ehud Olmert , former prime minister of Israel, was found guilty of two bribery charges…taking USD$144,000 from a real estate developer and USD$ 17,000 in a real estate deal. He was sentenced to 6 years in jail ! Nine other officials received prison sentences ranging from 3 to 9 years in jail.In Barbados, crimes committed by officials in similar positions, are often rewarded with titles such as “Sir”, Dame, Lady, Q.C” etc….

  36. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The white collar criminals in Barbados feel they are too good for jail starting with the useless DPP.

  37. Based on the numbers the parties mentioned in this blog should be aware of the publishing of this injustice. We invite them to submit the counter argument – if there is one.More importantly, we invite them to remedy the situation with immediate effect. BU – against out better judgement – will remove this post if the matter is settled ‘promptly’.

  38. Violet C Beckles Avatar

    Remove what, the World need to know, they can no longer run and hide and wait for other victims, We must push them the hell out in the open ,they are full grown adults with our free education in their heads, Now looking to use it as a weapon to kills off the People in many forms, Le them rot like the Vampires they are, sucking till they burst like goldfish,

  39. LT.HORATIO CAINE. Avatar

    Well, well you made me laugh,but you are always spot on,some day soon one of these Attorneys is going to rile up some one the wrong way and may face the possibility of some serious bodily harm or maybe worse a word to those who think that they are oh so wise.

  40. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Lt…….they are overdoing it, they took an oath, but too many off them turn their clients into victims and relish each and every opportunity to sell out their clients…it’s horrendous that an attorney would take a client’s case and never let the client know that he is closely aligned with the attorneys for the defense and routinely “holds paper” for the defense attorneys, these are the lawyers who are first in line to want to sue for slander, libel and defamation of characters they do not possess, because they are nothing more than common criminals and thieves.

    Piece is going to love this one.

    How does anyone feel the client should handle this when the bar association and disciplinary committee are 2 such useless entities…and yes, if this happened in Jamaica or Trinidad, the attorney would be searching everywhere for his hand or his head, after some pissed off client had removed them.

    In NY he would not dare risk that vicious act against a client in the hopes of enriching himself and fellow thieving lawyers, at the client’s expense, but the authorities in Barbados have for years enabled and condoned the nasty practice because they themselves are part of the problem, not the solution….it’s unconscionable what he tried to do.

    David…the way things are going with these greedy lawyers and their inability to be honest and trustworthy to their clients and the supreme court judges….you may very well get more names to publish,…….not less.

  41. Why nobody don’t talk about that old, wicked, lying bitch BEVERLY WALDRON. She is a consumate thief and liar. She swindled my sister-in-law of all her inheritance and when my brother found out and tried to challenge her on it she got her policeman boyfriend to harrass him morning, noon and night until the old folks actually had to move house when they retired and give up their rights to a property that was clearly left for them. You could imagine she sees us in the supermarket and asks us how we are doing and upto now, fourteen years after, no inheritance, no money back?

    She want exposing too!

  42. @David
    More importantly, we invite them to remedy the situation with immediate effect. BU – against out better judgement – will remove this post if the matter is settled ‘promptly’
    “Promptly”? Really? Yuh gotta be mekking sport, the post is about a matter that has been languishing for 20 years and is subject to a complaint at the Bar Association and you use the word “Promptly”. In that case you should remove the post about the Speaker after all that was supposedly settled so no harm no foul matter swept under the rug let’s move on until we hear of the next victim and there are others whose stories are waiting to be told.

    As a matter of transparency all complaints against Professionals to a Disciplinary body should be aired publicly, it shouldn’t be left to the complainant to try to light a fire under the rumps of these people to get action.

    Sometime ago the President of the local Bar called for Gov’t transparency let’s see if they are willing to list all the complaints for professional misconduct that have been lodged against their members in e.g. the last five years.

  43. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Impotent is a good word to use….Jeff can better explain how convoluted the situation re the bar association and disciplinary committee have become that the criminality practiced by dishonest lawyers has crippled those entities…..but one must go through them to get to the court of appeals re relief from attorneys who commit crimes against clients and others alike…and of course you cannot get to the court of appeals because both bar association and disciplinary committee have been rendered non-functioning by those lawyers who do not see change as being in their best interest….a repugnant and low class lot….therefore their clients will remain victims and there will be no end in sight as another generation of dishonest lawyers have already learned how to circumvent laws to steal, victimize and get away.

    I do appreciate what the Chief Justice is facing, but he should never downplay the seriousness of the situation by pretending it’s not dire. At this time it would be in everyone’s best interest that he disbands the bar association and disciplinary committee in their present form and set up a new entity that does not have to rely on the Court of Appeals to punish, discipline or disbar dirty lawyers, of whom there are too many.

  44. We complain,rant and rave about the long “delays”.

    I am begging our legal maguffees on BU to give an explanation as to why it takes years instead of months for probate / estate settlement.

    We need to know what is stopping the honest lawyers especially the “QCs and Sirs” from getting together and proposing changes that would prevent ordinary citizens from the abuse of “client accounts”.

    Some of us suffer in silence. Some of us will die waiting……. and the lawyers will continue to enjoy life in Shady Lane and Port George Lows while driving around in their air conditioned, tinted windowed suvs.

  45. The disciplinary association is responsible for investigations of misconduct against attorneys. Full stop. It is created by statute and it makes recommendations to the Cout of Appeal. It is not the job of the bar president to investigate complaints. Why put up Mr Khan”s photo and have the discussion descend into vitriol and unsubstantiated allegations. It is amazing how quickly this thread degenerated into a tirade against every lawyer in Barbados. It is not even clear what Ms Greene has supposedly done on reading the post. Why is the complainant calling the chairwoman”s private office when the disciplinary committee has its own office ?As far as I know lawyers don’t issue probate documents they are issued by the registry. I am also aware from my own experience with them that a lot of delays come from additional requirements and affidavits which are imposed by the registry staff with little rhyme or reason. There needs to be a more balanced approach on this issue.

  46. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “What is stopping the QCs and Sirs””……………….?……because they too could very well end up like Philip V. Nicholls and have to write a book, particularly if they too have done some dirty things in their past to clients or have been “holding papers” for those attorneys who made a career of victimizing and stealing from clients and others while mentoring newly minted lawyers on how to do the same.

    It’s a slippery slope Hants….they have all been to bed with each other at one time or another, ecxept this time, there is an insurance executive with his CCTV who has many of them on tape doing dirty deeds, and the same attorneys did his dirty deeds for him at the Supreme Court for money, taking bribes to sell out clients and ruin other people…..they now have to pay the piper, so they are hesitant to make things better at bar association and disciplinary committee.

    I doubt if any of them would want to, it’s easier to rob a client, who do you think will lock them up, first ya gotta make it to the court of appeals to get a hearing, if ya can get past bar association and disciplinary committee…..ya think it’s easy, why do you think people are so angry, the citizens are helpless and no one is coming forward to change the situation.

    They are not in a good place right now……for sure.

  47. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    We can all agree the system needs an overhaul…..what the hell does the bar association president do, what is that office in existence for anyway. Linda…contrary to what you said, Tariq Khan recommended penalties for Vonda Pile so the bar plays some role in if nothing else recommending discipline, disbarrment or penalties for nasty lawyers

    I believe the public has a right to say what the hell they feel like on the issue, given the many thousands of clients who have been victimized, robbed, lost properties and money because of the actions of the crooked lawyers who are protected by the ones who are “honest”….many people were and are still being disenfranchised, many went to their graves as broken people……what the hell do ya’ll plan to do to prevent it happening in the future…….what

    So can the self righteous bullshit, it cannot fly anymore. If the honest lawyers want to do something, expose the dishonest ones, clean up ya’ll shit, help the Chief Justice clean up the supreme court and registry….then you can come on here defending….because it would be better, as it is, it’s not worth people paying money to lawyers.

  48. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Oh welll…lol, as you can see and let me highlight that it’s the dishonest lawyers I mean, you know who you are and many of us do too….clean up your acts, cause it’s not my pictures being sent to Naked Departure, BU or the US government, it’s yours….you dont want to take responsibility for your actions and clean up your acts…..your bad.

    Check out’s terrible.

  49. @ Linda who wrote ” have the discussion descend into vitriol and unsubstantiated allegations. It is amazing how quickly this thread degenerated into a tirade against every lawyer in Barbados.”

    I know a person who lost their life savings to a crooked lawyer in Barbados. I am sure there are many others who have been “harmed” by lawyers in Barbados.

    This does not mean that bloggers on BU against every lawyer in Barbados even though some of us believe that the honest ones have been complicit in dysfunction of the legal system in Barbados.

    In case you missed it Linda I wrote “We need to know what is stopping the honest lawyers especially the “QCs and Sirs” from getting together and proposing changes that would prevent ordinary citizens from the abuse of “client accounts”.

  50. In Jamaica not long ago, the body of a crooked lawyer was found in a pit latrine. Recently,a lawyer in Trinidad was shot and killed in a shopping plaza ; lawyers are afraid to rob their clients, not because their names will be featured in the lyrics of a calypso, but because they do not wish their relatives to be called to identify their lifeless bodies. In N.Y, dishonest lawyers are, if lucky, quickly disbarred, or despatched to be judged by St.Peter. We are good at copying Jamaican, Trini and American culture. It’s just a matter of time before few bajans will want to attend the Faculty of Law at Cave Hill. Maybe they’ll opt to open funeral homes !

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