Submitted by Pachamama
Is Capitalism about to crash?
Is Capitalism about to crash?

Complex societies collapse by continuing to do the same kinds of things that cause that collapse – Derrick Jensen, Philosopher

The mass cling to its masters, loves the whip, and is the first to cry ‘crucify’.” Emma GoldmanAnarchist, Political Philosopher, Social Activist

Recent comments by the Prime Minister of Barbados Fruendel Stuart (FJS) in relation to the perilous state of the world economy come mere months after similar remarks by the Prime Minister of Saint Lucia. Both maximum leaders rightly located the problems of their countries outside of their respective spheres of influence, even spheres of control. More precisely, Kenny Anthony told us that Caribbean countries were on the brink of collapse while Stuart went straight to the crux of the matter in stating, clearly, that no minister of finance, in the world, knows what he/she is doing. What a profound statement! And in this, he is absolutely correct!

While we have had occasions to publicly indict FJS for governmental malpractice of the highest order, at this time, we are indeed happy to see that what we have been saying for more than ten years is now just starting to be mouthed by the backward political elites in the Caribbean. This time we hold out no expectation that the clock to disaster will stop for one moment. We do not expect that there will be any vigorous debate about an alternative political-economy model. We do not expect, that for one moment, the regular cut and thrust of the petty adversarial politics in the Caribbean will cease to bring a wider understanding to the words of these two prime ministers. Words that are pregnant with meanings.

Instead we would, this time, expect the commentariat and scribes, here and elsewhere, to deliberately ignore the gravamen of this historical moment and press for the continuance of a politics of trivia. Not even the titanic collapse of capitalism could distract the party loyalists, on both sides and around the edges, from an irrational, binary, predilection. These scribes always fail to connect the political to the economy at the higher levels. The levels of invisibility where it matters most. For they are too wrapped up in the marketing of nonsense. A nonsense deliberately intended to distract from the central issues. For the commentariat will never connect the failure of the economy to the grotesque disparities in the distribution of wealth and the growing tendencies to exacerbate these distortions. And they may be thinking that they are doing the likes of Bizzy Williams, Kyffin Simpson, COW Williams and other petite elites a favour, but what they are really doing is failing to alert the elites that the serfs are arising and the protection they once had will not hold. The centre can no longer hold. This is an issue that has recently come to the fore in China.

In the past decades the number of billionaires in China have gone from six (6) to sixty-one (61). So, on the one hand, we have a political system that, for all intents and purposes, is a communist system. At the economic level however, gross distortions in the distribution of incomes and wealth have long appeared therefore forcing the Chinese Government to export people to the Caribbean and elsewhere, for many reasons. These are to include relieving the massive pressures of growing demands of a once galloping new middle class. Even though Chinese investment capital has started to influence Caribbean politics more than could have been expected, at home, the Bank of China has recently decided to institute curbs on the foreign currency exchange market for reasons inexplicable to most China financial watchers. This is merely the most recent sign of a slowing of the 7-plus percentage rates of ‘growth’ for more than a decade. In the USA the signs of capitalism’s demise are no less obvious.

When Bernanke came to the Federal Reserve (FED) its assets were 830 billion, now they are 4.1 trillion. This represents printed money ostensibly lent to commercial banks. The fed’s capital ratio was 3.22% now it is 1.34%. Bernanke found a DOW at 10,954 now it is 15,776 at this time on 1/30/2014, 80% of which is supported by high frequency trading, computers trading with computers. This fictitious expansion has been characterized by a contraction in the ownership of stocks with 10% of the population now owning up to 80% of stocks. The 10 year bond rate was, on Bernanke’s arrival, 4.5% now it is merely 2.65%. Readers will be well aware of the other indices of a generalized failure of the US economy and by extension the global economy about which this writer oftentimes opines. These economic failures when coupled with ecological and other systemic problems at least point in the direction of the collapse of capitalism but more importantly may signal a demise of humans. All these signs were visible for decades, and more, yet Caribbean elites neglected to properly inform their populations of a new world order that beckons. Thanks for nothing ‘the Bernanke”.

The Stockholm syndrome which pervades the minds of Caribbean elites makes them pretend that they are part of the sophisticated communities of which Derrick Jensen spoke. Such a mindset consigns us to the fate of others, solidifies the notion that we cannot avoid the issue of which Merrs Stuart and Anthony were courageous enough to speak about, on one hand. On the other, they provide fertile ground for the party hacks to see a singularity of failure instead of its generalized nature of the problems we face. And therefore, the anarchist- philosopher Emma Goldman is also right for the party pimps can only cling unto their ‘masters’, call for more licks from the whips of the elites and are the first to demand the crucifixion of any one who is a truth-teller.

109 responses to “The Collapse of Capitalism Continues Apace, While Caribbean Elites Dither”

  1. @Green Monkey

    Who is responsible for the monetary system? Will the money people allow the situation you describe to continue indefinitely before reording thing?

  2. @Green Monkey
    I have been stating very clearly that the globe is in very DEEEEEEEEEEP Financial/ Economic Trouble for years. The question for me is exactly WHEN does the second major boot drop on our collective throats?

    The Derivatives problem is a Quadrillion $ conundrum, where even with a 5% Fail rate we have a $50 Trillion BLACK HOLE, actually it really is a RED INK Hole! That number is the size of Total Global production (approx) for one year or at least 15-20 years of PROFIT!

    The energy problem, longer term, can easily be alleviated with proper planning for using Nuclear. 5th Generation Plants can be built to solve the 2 critical problems ie virtually eliminate dangerous waste AND design plant that absorbs radiation by using Carbon. As per usual the so called Environmentalists have been screwing up the Solution! Additionally, in the next few years the problem is that Nth America has far TOO Much energy. The Political Clowns in Canada should have permitted for Pipeline and Export Facilities sometime back.

  3. @David
    They will DECIMATE / DESTROY the Currencies via hyperinflation in order to “solve” the problem. Note that while the problem is very large it is somewhat Fixed. Therefore, in relative terms the Central banks will create money to Oblivion! Why? Eventually the relative Debt Anvil will be far more manageable BUT a Banks Beer will be $99 a bottle.

  4. “Globalization is the result of powerful governments, especially that of the United States, pushing trade deals and other accords down the throats of the world’s people to make it easier for corporations and the wealthy to dominate the economies of nations around the world without having obligations to the peoples of those nations.”

    ― Noam Chomsky

  5. @David
    The US is way off script where China is concerned!

    They might dominate the small fry BUT they should never have permitted China into the WTO without several requirements:
    1 free floating currency
    2 Patent law Protection
    3 workers rights
    4 pollution controls

    So much for their domination. Conned by the Chinese as a result of Arrogance?

  6. The US is in no position to dictate to China.

  7. To Green Monkey and every one else – including those who just read the many comments on this blog network.

    The PDC will continue on here and elsewhere to show and illustrate where the fundamental problems lie in Barbados’ rapidly accelerating plunge downwards this current dedevelopment ruinous path.

    Whilst there is a plethora of disgusting social political material financial policies that are seriously contributing to such national degradation, there is also the use by many people in Barbados of many illogical absurd outdated concepts, terminologies and meanings in many commercial, and academic and social contexts of this country that are harmfully contributing to it as well.

    Take for instance, when many of us in Barbados talk about the cost of living and the cost of doing business.

    Indeed, on deep consideration and pious reflection upon the relevant circumstances in which they are supposed to be imagined, it is clear that they make absolutely no sense and are really unfathomable.

    Furthermore, and In cases where many people here talk about the high cost of living and doing business in Barbados, a serious scientific investigation of those concepts and some of the contexts in which they are used, would lead to definite results that point to the fact that there can be NO or there can NEVER be any high or low cost of living and of doing business here in Barbados. And this is fundamentally so because there is NO NOMINAL COST that can EVER be related to such things, and this too is given our extremely profound logical theses that there are absolutely NO money costs whatsoever to, or to have, food, clothing, shelter, communication and transport (which are two other basic and fundamental human wants) any where in this world, seeing that there is NO way in which money can be related to those things.

    Rather what the users of money (local foreign) in Barbados are experiencing when they do hold MONEY/MANUFACTURED NUMBERS is:

    1) using it for purposes of dealing later with the REAL ACTUAL COST OF USE OF MONEY wherever possible;

    2) using it for purposes of PASSING it ON whenever later to many others commercially (commerce is the use by any person of any commodity, or any relevant service, to help them secure another but different commodity, or relevant different service, in cases where it would have been impossible to secure one (commodity or relevant services) without the existence of the other);

    3) using it for purposes of being a transient indicator of data savings in financial institutions;

    4) using it for purposes of detailing the amount of money got from the relevant financial institutions to be used subsequently as debit transfers from the said financial institutions; and

    5) using it for purposes of indicating gifts of remunerations from particular persons to the other particular persons.

    So, hidden behind the corrupting distortive concepts and meanings of the costs of living and doing business is the reality that it is money and its ONLY RELATIONSHIPS to anything outside their own material make up – nominal remunerations (incomes, payments and transfers) and their costs or their variations or derivations that are being at innumerable points at the same time constantly added or taken away from the relevant individuals and at faster or slower than at some times before, or at the same rates as at some times before in various commercial social contexts in Barbados – that of any relevance or purpose in the ascertainment of the many money remunerations relatives that are debated by so many people on a daily basis in this land.

    Hence, the corollary to these money remuneration incidences is that – aside from criminal evil wicked TAXATION – it is the political agreements and policies of countless people in the core and wider local financial system (with the various uses of money and manufactured numbers – principally driven by the real actual costs of use of money), and in countless ways and contexts commercially speaking) that are determining overwelmingly the multifarious unknowable rates at which persons generally get or lose nominal remunerations in the commercial markets.

    Thence, it is clearer now, with such a necessary and precise consciousness and understanding of how the local financial system operates, that ( aside from the wicked TAXATION policies of government again) it is the dastard despicable actions of the monetary authorites and the money managers of the core financial system of this country that are the sources of the rampant money remuneration problems that are found in this country right now.

    Contrary to what many people are thinking, it is not the merchants that are creating these rampant money problems in the country now or that are responsible for them via false flags raised at them by some persons re these tragic myths of the cost OF living and cost OF doing business affecting the general populace.

    However, it is these financial people that must – along with the leaderships of the DLP and BLP – be surgically removed by way of the taking of serious severe political actions by the broad masses and middle classes of people in this country, for the former’s very backward regressive money ideas and policies and the consequent numerous rife money remuneration problems effects of such things on an already long suffering people in this country.

    Indeed, the cost of living or doing business is not the source of these money remuneration problems of multitudes of people in this country for there is no cost OF living or cost OF doing business.

    Thankfully, those two foolish inane distracting concepts have recently joined the list of many concepts that are found to be used in the every day vernacular of many people in Barbados, and that the PDC has not only exposed for their folly but has also totally discarded the use of unless they are used for purposes of illustration.


  8. @David
    So if the USA cant dictate to China then Chomsky’s point is somewhat moot.

    The interesting fact about China is that the high Net Worth types are moving $$$$ and their families to the USA and the West. Surveys show that 64% are planning to move or already have.Among the HNWs with more than $15mn, 33% have already taken action and own property or business in the West. 80% want the children educated in the West.

    In 2010, 772 Chinese millionaires were granted US Green Cards and by 2012, 6124 had secured their GCs, an increase of 7.93 times! WHY?
    Many say Pollution as a key reason BUT a clampdown on Corruption is probably closer to the real truth.

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