Submitted by Ras Jahaziel

GRANTS AND AID ARE THE NEW BRIBES ON THE BLOCK. Their pur­pose is con­di­tion ame­lio­ra­tion and not African lib­er­a­tion. They are used to secure the alle­giance of allies, and thereby per­pet­u­ate the sta­tus quo of enslave­ment with­out repa­ra­tions.

GRANTS AND AID AND HISTORY (excerpts from the book “Britain’s Black Debt”)

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69 responses to “Excerpts from the Book "Britain's Black Debt"”

  1. @Pieceahderock

    You forgot to add that the Whites (slaveowners) in the UK were paid out for their investment.

  2. @ Sid Boyce

    Reparations and the genocide the is practiced in Rwanda are two different matters.

    You seek to equate consequence and matters arising with the source and genesis of who we see ourselves as and why we do the things that we do.

    A child is kept in a dog pen in Black Rock for 14 years (go to the Nation archives and see this case) and you get on a sanctimonious horse and cast aspersions at him because his body is bent in a permanent arch when you (condescend to) invite him to your “Feed My Sheep” luncheon at your home on Sunday!!

    It is people like you i fear Boyce, the Uncle Toms who use circuitous reasoning to obuscate the main issue.

    “What is your mirror image”? Does that ring a bell with you?

    You raise a people 400 years with a cracking whip at their heels, and then you wonder why they jump when they are a circus and the lion trainer cracks his whip?

    Post EWB, not one Prime Minister has sought to focus on the collective consciousness of our people. Every one of them has been a sell-out.

    Jump across the continent to Africa and tell me, after the coming of the white man, which nation, led by a man of similar vision, has been allowed to focus on the collective growth of its people so that the Chinese, the Germans, the Dutch, the Afrikaans, don’t continue to rape the resources of the people?

    Any time that anyone attempts it you and your ilk murder him and put his body in acid and keep his gold teeth.


  3. I am Scum if you say so but I am not detached from reality and never had to base my life or future of my offspring on a SLAVE BABY mentality.

    Follow the Japanese and Jews if you like and recount in first person terms how you slaved away in a plantation all against your will.

    This is the 21st. century and at a time when it’s tough for everyone and to expect that sitting on your brains and expecting other people to earn you keep is crass stupidity.

    I’ll bow out of this tom foolery of a discussion by people who have never done a hot day in a plantation field but want to be compensated for having done so.

    I am not dependent on anyone, past present or future – no one’s slave baby and no massa to look up to.

    You can pass on to yours the idea that they are and will always be inferior and born to beg, I haven’t and I wouldn’t.

    If you haven’t noticed, many of the richest people in Britain were not even born here and a significant number are not even of European descent.

    Come back and tell me how many billions of pounds you get in reparations from Massa Britain and I’ll admit I was wrong and by the way the Boyce’s won’t take a red cent.

  4. I see, you are claiming damaged goods status.

    What makes you think the descendants of the originators of this damage should be responsible and supposing they feel they are, would the billions make you smarter.
    May be the thought is it would allow you to continue in your old sweet way. The pathway to “Easy Living”, eh?

    The difference between you and me is that I am not sitting here fat dumb and lazy hoping the families in this country struggling to put food on the table, heat their homes and pay rent and rates, be they black, Asian or white owe me anything.

    It’s a waste of energy and you are more likely to be struck by lightning down a coal mine or Cole’s Cave than in pursuit of this.

    You are trying to convince the wrong person anyway. I expect nothing and I seek nothing, so carry on calling all the names you can think of.

    Talk to those who you should be talking to and convince them. The alternative is to waste your breath, gaining nothing and in consequence still die poor, ignorant and backward and pass the baton on to succeeding generations so they can repeat the same folly.

  5. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Sid Boyce | September 24, 2013 at 11:54 AM |

    Well said.

    The current, or should it be modern, rich people in Britain who would be expected to bear the tax burden of any monetary reparations are not the descendants of those British aristocrats that benefited from slavery in the West Indies.
    Many of the ‘noveau riche’ Brits are very much from the Middle East, Eastern Europe, India and Pakistan with many of them in influential positions to determine, if not control, the decision-making process at the national and indeed at the local council levels of governmental.

    Any attempt to couch the demand for reparations in financial or monetary terms would immediately be rebuffed with a curt ‘over our dead bodies’.
    There is absolutely no way money would leave the UK Treasury to go to any government or groups in Barbados or Jamaica for it to end up in less than 5 years in China or some other manufacturing centre of goods for conspicuous consumption and not long-term investment.

    Those behind the claims for reparations should promote the concept of holding Britain responsible for underwriting the financing of the restructured sugar cane industry and a 50 year commitment to paying for all the tuition and economic costs to the UWI for all students of Afro-Caribbean backgrounds and those who want to come to the UK to pursue post graduate studies or specialized training in areas crucial to the development of their country.
    Monetary transfers will only end up in the hands of the local business clan made up mainly of Middle Eastern, East Indian and Chinese ethnic backgrounds whose fore parents did not suffer the indignity of slavery but whose offspring would certainly benefited tremendously from the profit windfall coming their way.

  6. Agreed on what the sure response would be.
    Deep down those trumpeting the call for reparations still regard their islands as colonial territories.

    To see it from my side, I would look a total imbecile if I went to people I have been in charge of and who have had to seek and use my advice and direction over 3 odd decades and say to them, BTW I am the lowly descendant of slaves so you have to take pity on poor me.

    I have never and could never see myself in that light. When even in retirement I have to advise people around the world I do so on the basis of being a normal rational human being like themselves, whether dealing with someone who needs a lot of hand holding or professors or even a Nobel prize winner – I don’t grovel to anyone and that’s the message the reparations clowns don’t get.
    They are trying to perpetuate the very same things the say they despise.

    They still see anyone with a white skin as their master while whites don’t want to be their masters.

  7. And that is the crux of the matter Mr. Boyce.

    The nuance of indelible right that Baffy in saying “I stand on the side that says many other groups (including Jews) were awarded the respect of a legal apology, and Blacks too must see themselves as equally entitled” is lost on people like you, the rainbow coalition crew, neither black nor white, purposely engineered to be neither cold nor hot, but lukewarm, needing to be spit out of the mouth.

    You are like the Commissiongs of this world who, in their youth looked white, and passed for hunkie for a while but, after the passage of Father Time, due to the nature of the “gene” are now seen to be really who they are, and seek, in hurried apology, to take up the mantle of the oppressed and try to apologise for the very group that, earlier in this incarnation, they spurned just to be accepted by the bajan whites.

    I know you well, humble niggers that whitey is confident in giving the keys to, assured that you will guard them more fiercely than he, whitey, would.

    We all live on borrowed time, and I, on less time than most but if there is one thing that i would say to the Reparationalists, give the f*ckers no quarter.

    Use all of the literature and letters that they have stockpiled in their Liverpool libraries, written evidence of their atrocities, to bring them first to shame in the eyes of the world.

    Show all the world how, under the current guise of being philanthropists and humanitarians, how they have raped and continue to rape our black countries.

    Show how they persevere, even now in 2013, to punish Haiti for the single act of throwing out the British, Spanish and the French and seek, through these piddling acts of Aid and pretend Development Funding, to assuage their guilt. Aid that is designed to impoverish us further.

    Even if, and Lord forbid that this is the outcome, even if all that is secured is an apology, it would bode better than this “the primary offended are deceased” and “three decades have passed BS” than you apologists are so ready to submit for Rule Britania.

    And finally dont get me wrong, i am not one of those who things of some mathematical calculation to apportion Reparation $$ to descendants like some dole.

    If i can graft from the Anunnaki, i would establish our equivalent of Affirmative Action Funds that feed into initiatives which we people of colour can, if qualified benefit from.

    THis is not any free ride for the increasing wuk up specialists across Bulbados and just in case i have not said it before, i too have wukked in the hot sun from dawn to dusk for years to support this frail body of mine, so i am not one of the lazy po-rakey parasites that talk the talk but have not walked the walk.

    From your Uncle Tom hunkie lover PODRYR

  8. Look at this

    The issue of Reparations for Black Enslaved Peoples is brought down to “I don’t grovel to anyone”

    Yes Sid, it is all about you in the final analysis

  9. Praise? I have never in my life been called “humble”. An English colleague once called me an “opinionated bastard”, I smiled broadly and said “Thanks Joe”.

    Some have said I always had a bad attitude to which I would always reply “I’m sorry but that’s the way I f’ing well am”.

    When some have tried to put on the pathos trying to tell me we about how contrite they were about making us slaves, I told them there were slaves and the enslaved and some of our forefathers counted themselves as enslaved, so don’t come the sympathy with me – I have heard a few say “He thinks he’s better than any white man”.

    Now I am being told that to be wise and upstanding I must seek an apology or reparations from WHO?

    Not my way at all, I don’t ask for favours, I don’t do crawl! for no one.
    I tell the world what I think and I don’t give a shit for what they think of me.

    You say “pretty please” and depend on getting a reward for doing so, see how far you get.

    I don’t need no stinking apology and I don’t need no stinking reparations.
    No one can hold me dependent which is form of self enslavement.

  10. I rest my case Mr. Boyce

    Your (puerile) reasoning of Reparation representation being “BTW I am the lowly descendant of slaves so you have to take pity on poor me” gives me no choice but to retire from the fray.

    With compatriots like you living in “Englant”, sans any idea of what reparation is and why it is important that they stop doing it, “they” do not need to fear doing it again for they have “the enemy in our gates.

    I am sure that your ilk cheered when your hero Botha would have said things like “”I am not prepared to lead white South Africans and other minority groups on a road to abdication and suicide,” and “Not only will we survive (economic sanctions), we will emerge stronger on the other side.”

    I am sure that you believe that Steven Biko deserved what he got and Mandela being able to rise to be president was a mistake of the SA government, he should have had “an accident” right?

    Your Uncle Tom

  11. The simplicity of it all… are for reparations(black)… are against reparations(white)…..if only the world was such.Human beings individually or tribally will always kill,rape,pillage,subjugate,torture,mutilate,burn at the stake,flay,etc,etc each other,it is part of our DNA.History shows that all the tribes of this world irrespective of melanin content has had a bite of this cherry.
    What will an apology and this special fund do or provide that is presently not available?

  12. What will an apology and this special fund do or provide that is presently not available?
    Well…for one thing it will establish some kind of equitable rule of law.
    It would send the message that blacks are people just like all the others who received reparations….
    It would suggest that there is some kind of fairness in our world

    …which of course is NOT the case.

    So Bushie’s position is that any such apology and fund will be nothing but a SHAM!

    MEANINGFUL apology and reparation MUST genuinely come from the guilty – IF IT IS TO MEAN SOMETHING TO A BUSHMAN……
    …anything else is an attempt to BUY Their way out of unspeakable atrocities….and they don’t have enough Money to afford that.

  13. Thank you BT you have made my point very well.It all boils down to “Vi et armis” if I remember my latin correctly……Might will always decide the law.In order to change or enforce laws one must achieve might and this can be either with brain or brawn,not wimpering or begging.

  14. Some say it is a philosophical thing and maybe those who are morally equipped may step up to take ownership of an injustice done to a race of people. Whatever the reason there is right and wrong.

  15. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Bush Tea | September 25, 2013 at 7:14 AM |
    “MEANINGFUL apology and reparation MUST genuinely come from the guilty – IF IT IS TO MEAN SOMETHING TO A BUSHMAN……”

    The miller is bold enough to tempt fate by journeying into the realm of controversy in order to entice the wrath of many including you Bushie from the sake of bringing balance to this most contentious issue.
    Would you be prepared to “extract’ a similar apology from the descendants of those black bounty hunters on the Gold and Ivory coasts of West Africa who made small ‘fortunes’ in the capturing and selling of their black brothers and sisters from neighbouring clans or communities?

    It is well known that many black businessmen on the African West Coast were very much against the abolition of the trade and even petitioned the British government to reinstate the trade. Maybe the players behind Reparations Movement can also incorporate a resettlement programme in their agenda aimed at the restitution of the economic dignity of blacks in the Diaspora. Instead of 40 acres and a mule what about 400 acres and 10 tractors but not made in China. Ghana is doing fine and could do with a “re-importation” of skilled blacks especially those unemployed or underemployed in places like Barbados Jamaica and the USA.

    What would you say, Bushie, if it were argued by the white negotiators in response to the demand for an apology and material compensation that the black man should be grateful for being enslaved since it was ordained by your BBE and clearly stated in His Word as acceptable in His sight?
    The white Christians can strongly argue with wide support from many Christian black quarters especially in the evangelical movement that if not for slavery the black man would still be in abject darkness in the jungles of West Africa not knowing of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

    As I said Bushie, this position is meant to stir up controversy in the debate and does not necessarily reflect the personal views of the presenter. LOL!!!

  16. David….right and wrong only exists for a given point in time….inalienable rights for instance are what mainly men create to suit themselves to achieve a specific purpose.
    Miller….I have always wondered why no one followed in the footsteps of London Bourne who reclaimed his African heritage by repossessing lands in Africa.

  17. 14 Caribbean nations sue European countries for slavery reparationsSeptember 27, 2013 | 7:42PM ET  Lawsuits seek reparations from Britain, France, Netherlands for their roles in Atlantic slave trade

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