104 responses to “Governor Dr. Delisle Worrell Issues Plea to ALL Barbadians, LET US PLAY OUR PART!”

  1. Never mind telling the people to PLAY THEIR PART, it’s time the Labour, Social, Political and Private leaders stepped up to the PLATE and started WALKING the Talk.


    Governor Dr. Delisle Worrell Issues Plea to ALL Barbadians@@@@

    Audit first , DLP , BLP and Governor Dr. Delisle Worrell run from AUDITS,

  3. The failure of policy. Let us pray. Go out and fight for Queen and country.

  4. He can play his part by firstly apologising to all Barbadians and asking their forgiveness for lying to them for the DLP.

    He can play his part by coming clean about the true status of the economy!

    He can play his part by telling the truth about where $300 million disappeared to in three months.

    That would be a good start!

  5. He can also play his part by taking a salary cut.

  6. Formerly Middle Class Avatar
    Formerly Middle Class

    I am willing and able to play my part, as soon as the Governor and the Minister of Finance both resign or are fired for actually having the audacity to come to the country and say that 300 million dollars over three months cannot be accounted for.

    Just imagine a Finance Manager/Director/Controller going into a board meeting and saying that and not being fired on the spot.

  7. What? Not a single politician has offered to take a salary cut, why should he? Let’s campaign for a 10 per cent salary cut for all public servants, this will help to reduce unit labour cost. We also have to put pressure on the irresponsible public sector unions.
    By the way, if there is large scale redundancies in the public sector, and labour is a lagging indicator of the economy, when is the government going to come clean with the public? Did the DLP go in to the last general election with a false promise. Was that morally, if not legally, fraud?

  8. Pardon me. Mr Worrell, why did’nt you ask us to play our part and tell us the truth before and during elections when millions of dollars which could have played a part now were lavishly and indiscriminately spent while you continue to brazenly proclaim that the economy was in good standing? PLAY YOUR PART BY TELLING THE GOVERNMENT MINISTERS TO LEAD BY EXAMPLE AND TAKE AN ALLOWANCE AND SALARY CUT YOU TOO, FOR LYING SO MANY TIMES TO THE PUBLIC, YOU SHOULD LEAD BY GIVING YOUR ALLOWANCES AND SALARY TO STABLISE THE ECONOMY.

  9. I will play my part when the politicians lead fro in front. Anything short of that, DO NOT count on me. Everyman for his or herself right now.

  10. Formerly Middle Class | September 4, 2013 at 9:20 AM
    I agree that both would have been fired. What have me baffled is if the finance section of government cannot locate $300 million, do tell me what about the hundreds, or thousands or the five million here and ten million there that might have gone missing and not a man have a clue and the populace are kept in the dark. Probably Alzheimer’s disease seems to be prevalent with this administration. Ministers saying one thing today and something else tomorrow, nuff draft papers being written and people forgetting to implement them. Money disappearing and nobody can’t remember. Ministers having more vacation than school children. This is frightening people.

  11. Formerly Middle Class Avatar
    Formerly Middle Class

    “Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself.”

    This quote from the book Animal Farm by George Orwell sums up the current Barbados government… Lord help us

  12. Have you all realize that the this 19 months “so-called tax” on Bajans aimed at reviving the economy will take the politicians that are trying to meet the 8 year requirement for pension close to 2016? This is not about fixing any economy, it is all about self interest. But then again, Bajans wanted change from a good life style pre-2008 to what they are experiencing now.

  13. Stop giving politicians pensions when they leave parliament and give them a lump sum resettlement grant – six months pay max.
    Being a member of parliament is about serving the public, not a career move as one former prime minister once said. It is about service.

  14. the above posts sums it all up .the Governor’s credibility is in shambles and he has no one else to blame but himself. that is the result when the one person the public should be able to rely on for informed economic and financial commentary allows political expediency to take precedence over his professional integrity.

  15. Formerly Middle Class Avatar
    Formerly Middle Class

    “No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?”

    Again I am forced to resort to Animal Farm

    Hal Austin | September 4, 2013 at 10:17 AM |
    @Hal Austin I whole heartedly agree, but which politician will vote yes on that bill ?

  16. This is the moment for constituents to show their power. If they organise and go to their representatives and tell them they want them to take a pay cut or else, they will.
    But most constituents just want a couple dollars for their own pockets. The corruption of our democracy.

  17. It’s all a matter about how you were nurtured and in what kind of home.What we are witnessing in this current administration is that these are all of a certain
    background and in that situation they are not socialised to appreciate the graces and values of all that is seemly and good.There are certain people who cannot and will not be bought.This administration is for sale obviously.And the GoCB has an official residence which is not lived in but which has an energy bill
    of over $3600.00 per month and this man wants me to listen to him?And if at this time the PM is spending $800,000.00 to install a lift in Ilaro Court,you want me to listen to him?Don’t you observe how reactionary this PM is?We are
    at a stage where our brethren in the OECS are making foreign policy decisions and Barbados is silent on these matters.What a sorry state we have come to!
    I wager that Maxine is listening to brasstacks right now.

  18. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Prodigal Son | September 4, 2013 at 9:10 AM |
    “He can play his part by coming clean about the true status of the economy!
    He can play his part by telling the truth about where $300 million disappeared to in three months.”

    The Governor is playing his part alright. He is preparing the propaganda wicket for the inevitable announcement of the arrival of the IMF to negotiate a “special arrangement” to extend a line of credit to shore up the country’s foreign reserves with a probable adjustment to the local currency peg as a prerequisite for such a ‘special’ arrangement. It would be Lagarde’s chance to put the intellectual dishonest lying jump-up in his sorry little place.

    The Guv knows very well that the floating of the US$ 500 million bond is like trying to catch flying fish off the West coast. Very few honest and reputable institutional investors would take such high risks in lending money to a country of junk bond status whose political leadership is demonstrably incompetent and fails to attract a vote of business confidence. A country, devoid of tradable natural resources, that cannot meet the cost of its day-to-day living expenses like paying wages and salaries on time would certainly be deemed as “highly suspect to toxic” on the risk scale of defaulting in its ability to service such huge debts.

  19. crooks and liars all of them

  20. Formerly Middle Class Avatar
    Formerly Middle Class

    “Four legs good, two legs better! All Animals Are Equal. But Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others.”

    George Orwell…Animal Farm

    Funny but this book just seems to be realating more and more

  21. it looks like some people wouldn’t mind someone getting daggered

  22. Manifesto of the Democratic Labour Party 2013

    “The Democratic Labour Party proposes to implement strategies that will expand real growth in the economy, increase Government revenues, reduce the tax share of the Gross Domestic Product, and reduce the level of the country’s indebtedness to an acceptable level.

    The strategies will obviate the need for draconian measures that threaten job security and roll back social programmes that are central to the graduation of families from the low income category to the middle class.”

    Looks like the graduating class of 2013 will be a small one.

  23. @miller
    “The Governor is playing his part alright. He is preparing the propaganda wicket for the inevitable announcement of the arrival of the IMF to negotiate a “special arrangement” to extend a line of credit to shore up the country’s foreign reserves with a probable adjustment to the local currency peg as a prerequisite for such a ‘special’ arrangement. It would be Lagarde’s chance to put the intellectual dishonest lying jump-up in his sorry little place”

    In my circle, I am hearing things along the same lines. The problem is that IMF officials are openly telling people that this government is incompetent.

    Can you begin to imagine what harsh measures they will put on Barbados just because of the arrogance of the MOF and this CB governor.

    So we will wait and see. Time is coming soon when the PM will have to hide in Illaro Court and shut his ears from the howls of the people!

    Pay attention to what Bobbie Morris said on CBC news last night!

  24. @Hal Austin: Why do you keep writing such bull? If you don’t know shut up. You wrote :”Let’s campaign for a 10 per cent salary cut for all public servants, this will help to reduce unit labour cost. We also have to put pressure on the irresponsible public sector unions.”
    After the Sandiford era and the 8% cut in civil servants salaries, the incoming OSA administration passed a constitutional amendment in which it guaranteed that Civil Servants’ salaries or conditions of service could not be implemented that would put them in a worse position than they were at present. To change this again, and as you recommend impose a 19% cut would require a 2/3 majority in parliament, and neither party has the numbers to do this. Therefore this present government cannot do it. Check your facts before you write.
    @Miller, Want to know where the 300 million went? Ask your “rich” businessmen who “spirited it away”, just like they did before, but brought back into the country when OSA was put in office. When they discovered that the people were not infavour of the BLP the sought to try to do what you , and they, would like, make a windfall by obtaining a devaluation of our currency. Dream on it will not happen. The money will be recovered because money must either be spent or saved, and in either case it will be discovered. It may take time but it will be done..

  25. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Prodigal Son | September 4, 2013 at 12:02 PM |

    There is a measure of truth in what is being talked about in your circles.
    There is a dearth of confidence, not in the country itself, but in the current “temporary’ political managers. A classic example’s is the PM’s intervention the current messy process of laying off workers.

    The PM knows very well that government has to cut $66 million from its payroll and has accepted it as a policy decision already passed through Parliament. Why all of this wishy-washy, dillydallying vacillation for a decision already cast in nonnegotiable stone. Let the trained technocrats do their jobs or send them back to the cane fields where the computer, glitches and all, can shave $66 million while keeping numbers in tact.

    Now how in the world can such a large sum be cut without layoffs a large numbers of temporary workers? How was the $66 million figure arrived at if detailed analyses of individual cost centres were not carried out previous to the announcement?

    The DLP ministers are just fooling the people knowing full well what has been agreed with the lending agencies and which must be implemented tout de suite. The longer the delay the more bitter would be the coming medicine.

  26. miller,
    The PM is a bad liar.
    He was asleep and so he may not have known that mid way through their first term, they asked Personnel Department to conduct a staff audit of all government departments.

    They kept borrowing from NIS monthly to keep all public workers on so that they could continue their election based rhetoric…….not a single public worker has been laid off. They never made a distinction between temporary nor appointed. And as “Formerly Middle Class” so aptly put in on BU, they should have put a dictionary in those draw sting bags which they flooded Barbados.

    Up to yesterday, in a meeting a group of influential persons openly reiterated that they have no confidence in this group of men leading this government!

  27. @ Alvin

    I thought we were a parliamentary democracy. We are allowed to campaign for change.

  28. Alvin….hope all is well with you. Personally i don’t like the tone being set, hope your party is up on their game plan. It’s a jungle out there, this is not time for party politics or election rhetoric, everything is unfolding in real time.

  29. How much of the 300 million
    went towards election campaigning
    for the DLP
    Somebody got 300 ,000,000.00 in their pockets.
    a lot of zeros
    gi me some !

  30. The DLP procrastinated
    now hated
    desperate / lying prostrated
    under the hammer/sickle
    of the Insensitive Masters Fangs

    Yaaaaaaaaagga -again

  31. The GoCB did say up front that he did NOT see anything wrong with being a creature of the Min of Fin.

    In a presentation to the Credit Unions last week he did NOT isolate the delinquency of the High Courts as one of the contributors to a loss of faith by international investors. It was glaring, and a jackass member of the audience had to point the omission out to him,with some difficulty at first, as he claimed not to understand what the hell the audience member was talking about. But he acquiesced and tried to include the matter as part of a larger heading that read Government Inefficiencies.

    Yeah, we must all play our part, but that includes the High Courts along with a modified functioning of the Government underwritten funding agencies ..!

  32. Is this what Fumble Staurt wants for Barbadians when he and his inept government starts to sell Bajan passports?
    Canada imposes new travel regulations on Jamaicans, 29 other nationals.
    Other countries that are affected by the new regulations include Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Laos, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestinian Authority, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Vietnam, and Yemen

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/Canada-imposes-new-travel-regulations-on-Jamaicans–29-other-nationals_14951508#disqus_thread#ixzz2dx3HZBUz

  33. Prodigal Son | September 4, 2013 at 1:17 PM |
    The PM is a bad liar.
    He was asleep and so he may not have known that mid way through their first term, they asked Personnel Department to conduct a staff audit of all government departments.
    and people say
    Owen aint no good
    What Stuart is then

    Yaaaaaaaaaagga –in full cry

  34. Arthur highlighted some time ago that the Central Bank had budgeted one million dollars for entertainment recently. Has this entertainment allocation been adjusted in light of the prevailing economic conditions?

    There is a crisis of confidence by the population.

  35. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    “Leader of the Opposition Mia Mottley staged a press conference to respond to the Governor of the Central Bank’s 6 month review of the Barbados economy. If the average Barbadian wasn’t already beaten into a state of disillusionment by the contracting economy compounded by a perceived inert government, Mottley’s recent offering made the condition more acute. If there is one thing the current political debate on the economy has demonstrated is the number of intellectuals Barbados has educated who can wax lyrically about what should or should not be done to improve the economy of Barbados. Bear in mind global economies are experiencing an economic condition which has never* been experienced in world history.

    BU listened to the 54 minute press conference with rapt attention. Whether you are a B or D there is the reality we are all Barbadian* and want to see Barbados successfully navigate the current social and economic challenges which are confronting us. Mia Mottley represents the ‘government in waiting’ (no disrespect intended to the PDC or PEP) and therefore should be accorded commensurate respect. It therefore saddens BU to opine that her press conference can be easily labelled ‘same old, same old’.”

    (blog owner)

  36. What Barbados needs urgently is to get rid of these grossly out-of-their-depth government of the Dems.For the umpteeth time Stuart,stop the masquerade and admit you are just a figurehead without using your head.When last have you made a sensible decision to improve the lot of bajan taxpayers.Ever since you lot came into power you have taxed and taxed and taxed the stupid electorate to kingdom come.Haven’t you done enough damage to Barbados?
    You a warrior?I can believe that so go help Obama rid Syria of Assad.

  37. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Gabriel Tackle

    Are you deaf? why don’t you listen to DAVID?

  38. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Gabriel tackle

    “Bear in mind global economies are experiencing an economic condition which has never* been experienced in world history.”

    Are you calling DAVID a liar?

  39. Where is the Minister of Finance who has created this mess?
    Why is the dopey PM who does not have a clue about what is going on……….. botching up and creating a PR nightmare?

    I find it hard to believe that the PM did not know that these cuts were coming. He is the minister for the Civil Service. I mean, no one tells him anything? Commonsense would dictate that if the MOF had to make a cut of 66 million from the Public service, hello…….., it could only mean that people would have to go! How was this figure arrived at?

    It is amazing that almost all the heads meeting with the PM are acting in their positions. You think they are happy that their acting pay is gone? Or is it? Why were the people who are in charge of Smart Stream not there since it was a computer glitch?

    Oh what a tangle web the Dems have woven when first they practiced to deceive!

  40. Carson. Stop trying to play devil’s advocate. Every government usually deal with its own internal problems without using excuses of another country’s problems. Here in Barbados, we are dealing with grown men and women who yearned for power and don’t have a clue about managing and political bouncers like you CCC Arthur who keep trying to intimidate bajans.

  41. miller,
    Did you hear Mia say in her press conference today that the Central Bank blocked the IMF from during their usual consultation last year?

    Is this true? If true, how could they do this? What did they have to hide? Oh I forgot, an election was due and the truth of the state of the economy had to be hidden. Cant beat the old saying……..you reap what you sow!

    Well, if it is true that the economy is in dire straits, now when they want the IMF, they are going to come down on the clowns with a heavy hammer! Oh betide Barbados!

  42. I like the idea of the vid, a small step in the right direction.

  43. @Prodigal son
    The IMF can only come in if they are invited to come, and this is ONLY if the government FEELS it is necessary, and so far there is no need to go to the IMF for anything. Don’t be in any hurry to be invited to a wedding that has not even been planned yet.

  44. @Hal Austin
    we are indeed a Parliamentary Democracy cast in the mold of the British Parliament, therefore the LAW has to be followed. therefore such changes as you envision have to be done according to the LAW, and since the Constitution is the ultimate law, and since the changes can only comeabout from the votes of a 2/3 majority of the sitting members of parliament, icannot be done by this government. Sorry the BLP has been hoist on its own petard.

  45. @David
    Kerry Symonds neglected to tell the people at the Press conference, and Barbadians in general, that Canada has had an Entrepreneurship visa available since the early 1980’s that is why it had such a large influx of Chinese investors when Hong Kong was returned to China.I don’t think it has suffered adversely from that

  46. Oh, smart politician that he is, heneglected tot tell, or he also forgot to tell people that there is no longer a Barbados Passport, it is a Caricom Passport, issued by Barbados. Just thought I would impart this dditional information.

  47. @Alvin

    The Canadian program is a little different compared to what Barbados seems to be thinking I.e a person with investable assets vs entrepreneurship.

  48. I tired talk about the friggin DLP. The people in Barbados too ignorant though. What they vote for the DLP for. Why them new fashion churches with men with fancy names as their leaders pray for the DLP to win back ?

    A politician aint God . THE DLP DOING BARE FOOLISHNESS. I f they do not have the competencies–Get Rid of them–Simple !!!!-STR8 !!

    Every time they come to Power Recession or no recession things does get hard hard hard and the ignorant sheeple does still vote for these jokers. tek what wunna get -assholes !!!

    ST.JOHN got in the biggest sheeple in the world.
    ST. JOHN is the most backward place in Barbados. The people up there does get on like big breed Alpines. How a people can be so ignorant escapes me -Straight -up-STR8-UP !!!
    I blame the BLP for St. John people being so ignorant . The BLP needs to set up an outpost in St. John and convert those heathen and savages because they are a lost people.

    While I am blaming .
    I blame Fumble Fakespeare and the DLP for that 18 year old girl in Black rock and for the former soldier , police recruit. In a happy Barbados filled with hope these incidents would not have happened

    THE DLP IS RESPONSIBLE and should be tried for Treason and crimes against humanity

  49. “Thus, the main problems facing the political economy and services industry sectors of this country, are not in the natural resources themselves, are not in the nature of production of goods and services, of professionals (meaning all manner of things that people are doing commercially), money, but are in the distributional remuneration costs associated with the use of money (local/foreign) and associated with the reproduction and maintenance of professional statuses and associated with the reproduction and maintenance, if so, of the goods and services in this country.

    Therefore, the Governor of the Central Bank of Barbados is very wrong in putting such emphasis on balancing (which is really mythical) foreign exchange inflows and outflows as a factor in determining joke political economic stability and growth in Barbados, when the above mentioned distributional and recovery issues are taken into consideration.” – Reproduced from part of a PDC post on September 4, 2013, 9.22 am, under the thread: Local Tertiary Education.

    As seen in and can be deduced from the above installment, the fundamental issue as it relates to what has primarily caused, and has been causing this deepening, lengthening and intensifying of this localized political economic depression in Barbados, has been the distributional remuneration costs of use of money at the national level.

    As we have previously been saying over and over on this BU blog site, it is the real actual cost of use of money (local), which the relevant persons, businesses and others pay with their own respective incomes, payments and transfers, that continues to rise though at a slower rate in this country (in 2011 it was estimated by the PDC to have been 83 per cent out of every dollar used in local commercial business transactions in this country ), that is primarily responsible for this destructive depression, and that it is real actual cost of use of money (foreign), which the relevant persons, businesses and others pay with their own respective incomes, payments and transfers, that continues to rise and at an increasing rate in this country (in 2010, it was estimated – using the US dollar as the yardstick – by the PDC to have been 79 per cent out of every foreign currency used in those external commercial business transactions related to this country), that is secondarily responsible for this destructive depression.

    No doubt that the percentage rates of statistical performances of these variables continue to skyrocket up to this stage, though only, at a slower rate in respect of the use of local money ( for the foreign component continues to increase), with the real actual cost of use of money (local/foreign) still at very obscenely high levels in this country.

    So, only when there are serious reductions in the real actual costs of money (local/foreign) in Barbados will these political economic depressionary conditions end temporarily.


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