Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler is expected to deliver one of the most anticipated Budgets by a minister of finance
Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler is expected to deliver one of the most anticipated Budgets by a minister of finance
Submitted by Napolean Banaparte

A day eagerly anticipated by all. A day when we shall know how much more to tighten that imaginary belt that  first came to the fore around the Tom Adams era.  John King leading Calypsonian, had even written a  bit of picong, his chorus :”as of mid-night tonight, tighten ya belt tight, tight.” Who could forget the hard days that ensued.

Being the first formal substantive economic communiqué since February, other than that of the throne speech, many are anticipating even more harsh measures. We have already been told by the MOF that VAT will not change but for how long, we cannot be sure. Of recent, many calls for relief have also surfaced; the mini bus men calling for bus fares to increase to $4, sheer madness; local hoteliers, pointing to the stark reality of  their situation… being on the brink of closure. Most Bajans should be sitting up and listening with eager to this presentation, as warnings of  painful times ahead have been promised.


From the superstitious, why the choice of the 13th? 13-9-13 sounds like Bajan  911. Why would one choose that day of all day boggles the mind. The number 13 for sometime now has always been associated with bad luck or horror. Could someone be telling us something? Why give Bajans well seasoned into the  Crop Over spirits, such sinister ministrations?

40 responses to “August 13 is Budget D-Day”

  1. My belt have no more holes: I can’t tighten anymore. However, I would expect the Government to lead by example and rid the country of a lot of dead weight. I am speaking about the vast array of consultants employed only for the sake of providing jobs for the boys. Some of these are not required to do any actual work, just collect a salary.


  3. This Budget will be interesting to observe how government will cut expenditure. It will show if these guys are serious or are still trying to be popular. It is hard to see how Sinckler can levy more taxes but you never know!

  4. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    “It is hard to see how Sinckler can levy more taxes but you never know!”

    There is some room for manoeuverability.
    The cell phone tax is right for the picking.
    He might also raise the ‘sin’ taxes since most Bajans are indifferent to such inelastic impositions.

    Petrol (gasoline) is always another soft target for easy taxation. One can easily justify its higher cost by claiming it might just get lazy Bajans to walk more for health reasons (fight against NCD’s) or to catch the soon-to-be privatized (a word anathema to the confused socialist BT) TB.

  5. It is clear that adult Barbadians will really be going backwards to political childishness by paying so much underserved attention for whatever reasons to a jack o lantern Minister of Finance Budgetary presentation on August 13, 2013.

    It will be totally outlandish for so many Barbadians to be giving such a political joker or his joke presentation so much attention when it is clear that instead they ought to be leading the said Minister out through the blasted backdoor and onto the political dungheap.

    This Minister is a total catastrophic failure and a nuisance and stranger to the truth. He is the most unlearned and most uncouth Minister of Finance ever in the modern history of government in Barbados. What following what Minister’s Budget what!!

    There ought to no anticipation no thrill no suspense by any right thinking Barbadians about those draconian harsh measures that will be presented in the Budget proposals.

    Rather, what most wise sensible progressive Barbadians ought to be thinking and doing at this stage are looking at ways and means most democratic most proper to at least disturb the media from putting the human animal in the damn spot light whilst he and the government of which he is part of bring greater pain and suffering to the broad masses and middle classes, and at most to permanently remove the human animal and these two older intellectually politically bankrupt political groups from the governmental landscape of this country.

    Surely politics at this juncture must be seen by many stressed out long suffering Barbadians as no blinking televised opera.


  6. Not one civil servant will be laid off, and no privatization. That is what Bajans voted for in February. They should not now lose their night’s rest wondering about what the August budget will bring.. Go out and enjoy, support all the crop over events and starve later..

  7. If that is what Bajans voted for then as BushTea stated they are ignorant. How can any employer guarantee employment in the current environment?

  8. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David | July 25, 2013 at 4:57 AM |

    So what was the alternative? More of OSA of the 2003-2007 vintage?
    We don’t think so! Bajans voted the “right way” this time around with a precipitous cliff hanger result of 16:14 in favour of this ‘temporary’ in flight administration in holding pattern with the sword of Damocles over its head.
    Let the heat of retribution continue to rise.

    Can we stretch the argument a bit more across the red herring trail and say that the aggrieved CLICO policyholders are even more “ignorant” than the voters to believe they will get back their investments and saving promised by the same administration duly returned to power given the current fiscal environment which is expected to deteriorate exponentially unless serious invasive surgery is performed on an emergency basis?

    Just a thought David, nothing for further debate especially with Bushie LOL!!!

  9. We still can’t understand why anybody would be expectantly waiting to hear from Sinckler. These ‘boys’ are nearly useless. In any event most of the public has a better sense of the future than anybody within the political or economic elites. All these cold-hearted brutes will do is tinker a little bit, nothing more. What ever the MOF proposes is ignorance, will be unhelpful. That he presumes to be a MOF in itself is problematic. We recommend that these’boys’ be totally ignored.

  10. Is there anyway we can call on the Commissioner of People to have this man arrested for plotting to misdirect the people of Barbados? Just asking!


    That is one of the reasons that we got rid of the BLP. Why be critical of something and turn around and do the said same thing?

  12. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Watching | July 25, 2013 at 11:16 AM |
    “That is one of the reasons that we got rid of the BLP. Why be critical of something and turn around and do the said same thing?”

    You share my sentiments, indeed!
    After lying, hypocrisy must be the number one sin of politicians. And both of these traits are supremely embedded in this current DLP administration.

    Now you can appreciate why the miller is so vicious in his attacks especially against its leader who is the embodiment of these twin evils as true manifestations of a totally defective character.

  13. I would like the government to do the right thing and tell the truth. Then I would like them to find some guts and some balls to make proper decisions. The “LOOKING BACK” show must come to an end as well as the BLAME Everybody but us show. Stop the party promotion campaigns for now and put country first. Hence get rid of the Constituency (Waste of Money ) Councils, remove the useless TOP people in your ministries that are part of the failed export trust. Replace the management of Transport Board with real business people and give them a mandate to make profit. Dismantle CBC. Use the Polyclinic in St. John as a Resource Center instead of a polyclinic that will be taking funds away from the QEH. Increase the taxes on vehicles to a inhibit purchase that is currently wasting foreign exchange mandate that all government messenger vehicles be 1300 cc and under. I have more but I think some may start to question some of these.

  14. This is now a popular question voters are being asked to use on politicians when they come with their smoke and mirrors tricks and lying scams.

    “Before they tell you what they’re going to do, make them tell you what they’ve done.”

    Read more:

  15. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Roverp | July 25, 2013 at 1:24 PM |
    “The “LOOKING BACK” show must come to an end as well as the BLAME Everybody but us show.”

    You will be lucky! The looking back blame game is the only game in town for this Punch & Judy set of performers.
    Just wait for August 13th and you would witness the greatest show on Earth in the art of “scapegoating”, obfuscation and bullshitting.

    They will be blaming every perceived enemy in justifying the harsh bitter medicine to be prescribed to the Bajan people: From OSA’s 14 years of misrule to the BLP to MIA; back to the BLP to the International Recession and back to the Opposition to a jingoistic (we doing better than them) comparison with Spain, Greece and the UK, to the credit rating agencies to the Private Sector back to the Opposition, ad nauseam, will be the order of the whole day.
    But not one reference would be made to the IMF and that dreaded “D” word.

  16. Thing about it, if they were able to think clearly and without bias or blame gaming they would see that the island’s slide is some 5-8 years behind everyone else’s, but i don’t expect that sort of critical thinking skills from the usual suspects.

  17. The Dems will never stop the blame game. After five and a half years of mis- management and miss-rule, they are still blaming everybody but themselves.

    They are so convincing in their rhetoric that their supporters spout the same garbage on BU. One of them on another thread even blame the BLP for the downgrades said the decline began during the 14 years of BLP government and said it was evident but without providing evidence……….Had the BLP not left a healthy amount of foreign reserves, a hefty balance in the sinking fund, I don’t know where we would be today.

    I submit that that first DLP budget of heavy taxes which caused the economy to contract…………….the DLP’s inaction in the period when the recession began to really bite, this DLP government adopted a wait and see policy…..every other word out of the dead king and the governor of the CB’s mouths were………wait and see and add to that the stupid MTFS plan that they all now concede was a failure.

    Add to this the period when DT got ill, no one took charge, the other spineless people he had around him did nothing….to the point where the public began to ask who is in charge of this country. The one we now have for a PM declared he was only keeping house…….when all this time he was supposed to be Minister of Finance. Then he sent the traitor Darcy Boyce out to do a disastrous press conference.

    The king on his death bed…takes back over from the house sitter and anoints the biggest joker and political buffoon to ever hit the political scene as Minister of Finance and the rest is history. A blasted idiot!

  18. At the very least, cut back on the excessive traveling particularly when there is an absence of an obvious Return on Investment standard.

  19. Did you not listen to the indignation when Commissiong suggested on a talk show recently for ministers to lead the way by taking a salary cut? Travelling is a perk of the job to travel with partners and enjoy per diems which have not been adjusted even in the crisis.

  20. David

    You really believe travelling could be a ‘perk’ in this day and age. Most people we know who have to travel as part of their work absolutely detest it. We have to stop trying to pick peas out of sh*te and focus on the real and basic issues.

  21. @Pacha

    It is how they see the perk, first class travel, 5 Star hotel, outriders to the airport, diplomatic treatment at airports, access to lounges, open a US dollar account or two etc.

  22. All we have to say is that anybody who would enjoy these perks should probably not have them in the first place for they will unlikely be bringing higher than average value to any organisation.

  23. Pacha

    The GoB is unwilling to foot the bill in any part for a Trade Mission to Brazil. This is so because they are “unable” to do so. One thing is for sure and that is for any given week at least one Minister and any number of senior officials can be expected to be flying to somewhere in the world, with no chance, absolutely NO CHANCE, of a measurable return on investment. I say to you sir, that traveling IS a perk, and I say so with respect of course…!

  24. @ Pacha
    You obviously do not understand how simpleminded these people are…
    What do you expect of people who BEG and sacrifice to be selected for these positions? This represents their crowning achievements in life…

    Quality leaders should be persons who are CHOSEN because of what they have to offer……people who can actually DO BETTER on their own…..not scallywags who fall back into the gutter when they are no longer “in power”……

    Which company would hire a CEO like we hire leaders?

    Stupid system = stupid results.

  25. No amount of nickel and dime tinkering will solve any of this country’s problems. We have to go beyond that and construct a new economy. The larger question is whether you go for deflationary or inflationary policies – both have fail elsewhere. Deflationary policies are more likely to prevent future growth if that is desirable. There has always been a certain pettiness within the Barbados society that continues to colour our perceptions and prevent us reaching higher levels. That mentality has to die for us to live. Instead of concentrating of a few millions dollars in travel and other emoluments why not let us mandate that 60% of our food should to local in 2 years. Now we are talking about hundreds of millions of dollars. Let’s raise our gaze to the bigger issues and the mundane will take care of themselves.

  26. @Pacha

    In your zeal to promote alternatives do note dare to trivialise the social factors which greatly influence why these tinpots will defend the lifestyle which they see as aspirational. Control, status, lack of personal philosophy etc.

  27. Yes, and we know that our friend Bushie will remind us that WTO rules limit the ability of the country to determine certain internal policies. To us, this global institutional framework has to be reversed. David said earlier that somebody can’t go to Brazil for lack of money. A government never really lacks money for it has the ability to print to its heart’s desire. Of course, there is a price for printing. But these are all petty issues. Let’s deal with the foundational issues.

  28. David
    You know that we have made some radical statements against the elites in Barbados. We have no desire to defend them now, but to concentrate on the shadow we will miss the bone.

  29. I for one am not disputing the need to reshape the big stuff, like a thrust towards greater self reliance and so on, but demonstrating leadership by example to my mind is a lot bigger than the few millions that will be saved from doing so. The printing of money by the Barbados government will NOT fund overseas travel, but the sale of land to foreigners will … You do not sneeze at such issues ..

  30. Baffy, are we talking about $10MM a year? We largely agree, as you will see from a re-read of our first comment as far as the money is concerned. On the issue of leadership, we will also agree that the system needs to be inverted, not so? Turned right side up.

  31. If the promo by VoB is anything to go by it seems that Minister of Finance Sinckler is ready to discuss the issues. We will see. Sunday VOB Brasstacks 11AM.

  32. Pachamama,

    Keep that ideological political focus going.



    The traditional media in Barbados playing host time and time again and in whatever ways to persons from these two old jack a lantern parties that have enormously helped to bring about or that have
    been profoundly creating these deep-rooted domestic social political material financial problems shows how some of these different people in the traditional media do not take their roles seriously as so-called members of the Fourth Estate in this land.

    No media practitioner worth his or her own salt ought to have time anymore again for Sinckler, the DLP or BLP, people that have more and more been systematically destroying and degradating this country, and creating cycles of despair, misery and chronic dependence among the broad masses and middle classes.

    At this stage, for sure, the unrestrained political emphasis of thousands upon thousands of people in Barbados must be more than ever before on critically putting the necessary means strategies in place to forever/ permanently remove these anti-progressive anti-people centered DLP and BLP from this governmental political landscape in Barbados.


  33. The West Indies cricket team is a waste of time. Even moreso are the idiots who manage our cricket. Failure in politics equals failure in cricket. Fire them all, the leaders.


    First thing to cut is the UDC , the land laundering sections made up in 1997 for that purpose by PM Owen and bring in VAT also 1997, think ?

    2nd the NHC , to take land owners land by moving the land tax numbers from under their name and place it to the CROWN = Ministers and lawyers pockets.

    3rn Audit land tax with Mr Forde land tax numbers moving with out titles. More money for the lawyers and Ministers

    4th the people of Barbados will then get land rent at 500 per year,
    Permission from the true owners to build,

    5th The court dont own any land and therefore have nothing to sell , Registrar titles are fraud titles back up by a crooked Judge ,
    If the records were not messed with , in the case of UDC. NHC, LAND TAX, INLAND REV. WATER COMPANY , THE BANKS, THE COW THE HAM , AND THE MINISTERS MAKING UP ACTS TO GO AROUND THE LAW TO SUIT SELF , BARBADOS WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE, THE ISLAND IN THE SUN. as We knew it as a child , Not the Island in Massive Fraud.
    Minister of Sinking the country , its time you come CLEAN.
    Welcome to the Land of the Moors.
    And tell Mr Todd he own no land on Baxters Road along with Hurbert and Thorne.
    We have the Deeds
    The Fraud Squad awaits your DEEDS.

  35. Budget Day is here. What will there be in the black box…..shall another transient find good jocose in making off with the budget before Pandora’s snake pit be release on us….. but lets face it…could the people of this land bear anymore….an old sayin what the use in beating a dead horse….will more taxes bring more revenue or more delinquent tax payers…Oh what a maze ,.. we await….

  36. Never was there blood to be had from stone
    So what will it be….manna falling from the sky…..
    Or big rocks instead of big rides….
    Hear they planning mo tax on cellphones
    Wealthy and well off beware..
    Luxury tax will be your new scare
    Through all this though we fear
    Mr. Harding we calling back
    IMF too to snare….
    Snake pit indeed today biting at the door
    Take care, many mo will be falling off the net.
    Budget prescribe to mekk D poor sweat.

  37. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    There is a general cry and call for Barbadians to come together as one people to deal with the economic challenges facing Barbados.

    Fair enough, nothing wrong with such a call to arms (figuratively speaking) to help the country in its hour of need.

    But how can this call be heeded if the MoF consistently carries on with him blame game?
    It would be a gross insult to the little intelligence left among Bajans if Mr. Sinckler waste precious air time ascribing blame to the BLP for the country’s current of affairs.
    He had five years of it with the country growing nauseatingly bored of it.

    It’s time this puerile behaviour is put behind him and he tries to mature into a real Minister of Finance and take responsibility for the job he has undertaken for the past 3 years.
    He has the power to bring about change, let him accept its concomitant responsibility

  38. BU will put up a Budget Blog later in the evening.

  39. In a speech to the DLP Canada faithful in Toronto in September, 2012, Prime Minister Stuart said that over the last 40 years there is no political party in the Caribbean that has done more for the common man, ordinary man, the vulnerable man and woman, than the DLP – while keeping Barbados “stable.”

    He said, the depth and duration of the current crisis have baffled policy makers and economists all across the world.

    The PM quoted Sir James Tudor, a founder of the DLP, as saying “ We are all like blind men in a dark room looking for a black cat”

    For the sake of the common man, the ordinary man, the vulnerable man and woman, it is to be hoped that the MOF will show that they have found the “black cat” in the “black box”.

  40. For the sake of the common man, the ordinary man, the vulnerable man and woman, it is to be hoped that the MOF will show that they have found the “black cat” in the “black box”.
    Think again Due Diligence……listening to MOF opening remarks….”a time to reap n a time to sow ..a time to build up and a time to breakdown”…with such an opening…..we ( common ordinary man) in for blackbird soup for sure……

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