Dear Sirs,

BU has come across seemingly incontrovertible evidence that warrants both of your immediate investigation. The evidence involves Mr Justice Olson Alleyne. Evidence suggests that Mr Justice Alleyne continues to practice law under the business name of “Olson Alleyne Legal”, despite his elevation to the Bench and has indulged in the practice of law during his tenure on the Bench, even up to the present day. We are satisfied that as little as 14 days ago, counsel received correspondence from Olson Alleyne Legal signed by another lawyer on behalf of Mr Olson Alleyne. If proved, this constitutes gross and dismissible misconduct and we refer you to section 84 of the Constitution, to be easily found  online.

This is a matter of the gravest possible national importance. It requires investigation and explanation forthwith. BU, out of fairness and to permit you to conduct an immediate investigation, will refrain for the present from publishing the evidence. You are encouraged to contact us should you wish to avail yourself of this evidence and we will make arrangements to have it delivered to you. We await your expeditious response. It would be a great mistake to test our resolve on this one.

If there is no interest shown in this matter by officialdom we will interpret this to mean you have no problem with BU pursuing this matter in the public space of the Internet.

193 responses to “An Open Letter to the Prime Minister and the Chief Justice”

  1. Got to admit that Cas’s first response took me by surprise as well … hmmm

  2. IslandGuy… ain’t no match for me, even if you were a ManJack, ask any St. Lucian about that, you can’t walk in my shoes no match my thinking or processing abilities…………Islandguy, so go bring your bonny peppa to help you.

  3. Should read: nor match my thinking nor processing abilities. so go bring your bonny peppa to help you or just give it up, cyber bully.

  4. I believe Caswell’s initial reaction was just a reflex……from what i am hearing a lot of people in Barbados are under a lot of unwarranted and uncalled for pressure.

  5. island girl you should have used your line from the mott green thread and this time you would have been right, all the nuts in this political pod are brown

  6. @Smooth Choc.
    You missed out the Filthy and dangerous DPP Snake.

  7. Now i am wondering what Islandguy would do if god forbid BU had to take down the website………….i am telling you now, you cannot go on foreign blogs with that disgusting attitude and mentality you have, you would have to be able to contribute better than that, tell it from someone who knows…….i go on multiple blogs.

  8. Smooth Chocolate

    A Jack Ass is a hard working beast that never complains
    A Gorilla is the undisputed king of the mountainous jungle, highly respected by all manner of beasts, including man
    A chameleon is the most adaptive of all species
    A Bull Dog never lets up, and is the UK’s choice for mascot
    A Chimpanzee is a warm cuddly animal, graceful as hell that probably mimics man’s aggressive, warlike traits more than men would want to appreciate
    A Pipa pipa might be ugly, being a toad, but it rids us of unwanted insects …

    If you wanted to be truly insulting all that you should have considered doing was to have referred to them by the description that YOU deem appropriate.

    The other innocent beasts deserve better …

  9. David we have an interesting situation in Toronto. A Newspaper published a photo of the Mayor of Toronto with a crack pipe. Standing beside him are two men who are said to have been involved in drugs.

    There is also supposed to be a tape which the reporters claim to have seen but no one else can verify its existence.

    Nowin this case BU has made an “allegation” and BU has more credibility with me than the Toronto Star newspaper and I have already reached the conclusion that the allegation merits investigation.
    I speak for myself only.

    David I hope you have proof and you are not pelting sprats in the calm to get de bonitos to bite.

  10. @Well Well.
    Islandguy is well aware that 50 million french men cannot be wrong so IslandGal will give him refresher courses when she is not tending to her beautiful garden.

    doan touch IG lef she lone.

  11. That Toronto situation is about to explode.

  12. Well Well. . . . I write blogs (WordPress and Blogger) but I contribute to multiple ones. BU you know is nothing but a neighborhood blog for the community. The majority posters here on BU would not fit on a major one like Huffington Post, especially that nasty perverted IslandRAT.

  13. Hant’s………. that is all SHIM should really have time for, less focus on me.

  14. @Look and Well Well

    Give it a rest.

  15. Look……….i have never seen anything like that on a blog, it is a disgrace, trying to turn a blog into a tribal pit, no wonder the island is in that state……..a fricking blog where most people are trying to see if they could contribute some idea that could be used to move the island forward, that thing is trying to turn every comment into tribal warfare, without knowing what it’s up against………….i don’t know.

  16. Well Well. . . . That Toronto mayor reflects back some years ago in Washington DC. Marion Berry, mayor of Washington DC was busted basting crack cocaine in a hotel room.

  17. Look…………..employees are apparently leaving resigning from city hall, something has been going on for years, been hearing the stories about his old home town, I am sure you saw it in the daily mail.

  18. I remember the Barry incident, it was not pretty, did he not serve time? this is completely different though, the players are very well connected.

  19. “Give what a rest! that/s what make this blog interesting the nonsensical mundane tribalism and know it all attitude. ;all combined is ablockbuster for Successs. . and BTW island gal knows how to take care of herself when need be necessary……….

    @well WEll wuh happen to “sunny sunshine :”

  20. Well Well. . . . think we are opposite sides of the Niagara Falls.

  21. Well Well

    it would be instructive for you to visit Island’s website, David could give it to you. Island is one of a growing number of people who are prepared to not only say who they are, but show as well. You see, you and Look are still very much newbies and sometimes it is better to show some humility to those who have been around for a long long time, than to exhibit this level of familiarity that is unwarranted and tiresome …

  22. ac…………..if islandguy has mental issues, SHIM needs to keep them to SHIMself……… you can see the tribalism is not helping the island and it certainly will not help the blog………..look at the mess, you are closer to it than i am and i can see it is not pretty, now mind you i did not say it cannot be fixed.

  23. @Well Well

    Will ask you again to stop the silly banter. Every blog it is the same BS script, frankly it is getting boring.

  24. Marion Barry served six months in a federal prison. Believe it or not, he was re-elected. Washington DC gave him a second chance as mayor.

  25. BAF………….normally i would take up that offer, but in this case i am really not interested I have far more interesting people to connect with and whom i have more respect for.

  26. Look…………they really don’t hold things like that against you in the States, look at Weiner in New York, he is trying to run for assemblyman again i think.

  27. Smooth Chocolate Avatar
    Smooth Chocolate

    BAFBFP | June 9, 2013 at 6:42 PM |
    “The other innocent beasts deserve better”

    yes, i do admit, i wanted to be insulting…never meant to harm the real animals but since they cannot read, i figure well go ahead. however, i was not speaking about the animals’ character, i juxtaposed the animals’ physical features to that of the ‘humans’ characters…and do not apologise to them at all

  28. Baf………….it really is not about how long someone has been contributing on a blog, sometimes i stay on one blog for six months and then don’t bother with it again for some time, BU is not my beginning nor my end, I am passing through, there are other blogs that sometimes take up much more of my time and it depends on what is happening…….right now Barbados is in a crisis situation and it easily gets forgotten by the people who live there, that is great cause for concern.

  29. Well Well, . . . . You said “they don’t hold things like that against you in the states”. No, no I disagree. The City of Detroit dumped Kwame Kilpatrick who was mayor and his mother a state representative. It is said that Jeb Bush will run for president in 2018. Americans want no more of the Bush family.

  30. Well Well. . . . Agree, Barbados is a crisis situation – TERMINALLY ILL.

  31. Look………….i agree no one wants to see another Bush mistake, the stakes are really too high right now……….in Detroit’s case, usually after some years those former mayors slither right back in.

    Barbados has been reduced, hopefully people will remember that they are supposed to be working aggressively to get the island out of it’s rut, it will take a lot of hard work.

  32. @Hants

    Your caution is noted.

  33. So back to the topic at hand ..did some body by the name of Caswell called David an extortionist ,,,,,, anyway I too would like to see the letter before all this wind up in court and a judges order to seal evidence is put in place…

  34. Look……….i know you have never visited the island, but it has a rather unique situation because of the political structure, thing about it is right now they are right in the path of destruction while they continue to practice the tribalism which they cannot see in these times is really causing a major set back…..these current accusations against the judiciary is a very major embarrassment, they think people don’t notice these things but they do and it would impact heavily on the island going forward seeing that they have lost the best things they had.

  35. Smooth Chocolate Avatar
    Smooth Chocolate

    @Well Well. | June 9, 2013 at 6:48 PM |
    and LOOK | June 9, 2013 at 6:49 PM |

    no one gives rat’s bottom what u think? while u are at it, STOP LIVING IN A FANTASY WORLD. U DO NOT CONTRIBUTE TO ANYTHING. know how i know? u are unable to contribute to this little unknown blog, but u are attempting to fool intelligent adults here that u contribute to HuffPo ..SMH…HAHAHAHA..

    i address you both as one, since i cannot imagine that 2 jackasses could write elementary English, have proven to be UNABLE to offer anything to the debate and have the same theme. not only that but you are trying to insult Islandgal with the intellect of a 3rd form pupil (8th grader). now tell me, why (not that i expect an answer) would you come here, and not attempt to match the level of discussions.? this might be a small blog but take a read, there are lawyers, doctors, housewives, accountants, retiree, returning nationals etc. that make contributions. go to kidsites. com and do something worthwhile there.. and you will have the last say, i do not condescend to talk to idiots

  36. [youtube

    The Republican Party (United States) I think are excited about what went down in Benghazi like David Thompson was discovering the 75,000 cheque and the BLP about CLICO. The Democrates have Hilary Clinton. There is no one at moment in either the Democratic Party or the Republican party that can step on or above her. What happened in Benghazi will not stop her or get in the way should she decides to run for president and I think she will. The American people want Clinton – Hillary Clinton.

  37. Smoothwhatever………… need to contribute to some worldwide blogs and get a feel for the international arena.

  38. Smooth Chocolate. . . . I keep seeing you doing the same damn thing “putting your foot in your mouth”. Do something else with I – PLEASE. ha ha ha

  39. In the real world on really classy blogs, no one attacks each other cause they are above that, if you have lawyers, doctors, etc. etc. on a blog and the best they can come up with is attacking each other, something is wrong……….i don’t want to embarrass myself by introducing some people to the blogs i go on, but in truth and in fact, i have never seen one like this that the members who have been here for years think it is cute or some initiation or right of passage,to act like that……the first thing people would say in the real world is that “they black, they don’t know how to act”.

  40. Well Well. . . . in the real world on really classy blogs, they would know INSTANTLY that this audience is “low class”.

  41. Look……they can up their game, i don’t just give up on people, everyone deserves a chance, i feel somehow the island’s plight gets forgotten in the mix.

  42. Well Well. . . . Don’t know how long you have been away from the island but you know like I do it needs major surgery and still may not survive. A lot of things have happened there. Bajans didn’t deserve a lot of things Owen Arthur and BLP did. They didn’t deserve David Thompson or CLICO either.

  43. Look…………no one said the world was fair, it could also have been worse, but in saying that it also could be better, all that money spent on education just to arrive at this place.

  44. Well Well . . . . . People here take things for granted, don’t know what it’s really like in other countries like Barbados. Here they grip about the price of gas which is double there and in the UK.

  45. There can be no doubt, as with 9/11, that this is a false flag operation orchestrated by the neo-neoist neo-Zionist ZR-ist weedsondelawn-ist elitists as part of their CMSE-ist, neo-regionalist and lesbianist agenda to intimidate the neo-Nasrahllites among the brothers of the glorious Shite Resistance who stand as one in their neo-Oistinsit rebellion againt the neo-Allawitist neo-forces of so-called Syrianist aggression which for so long has coveted the Friday fish fry, so much so that the false-flaggist neo-ists of so-called 9/11 are now ceawling out of the woodwork with their inability to distinguish between “proved” and “proven”.

  46. Look…… are in the US right, things are picking up slowly in the US, but other countries are only now feeling the effects of what has been going in the US for years.

  47. Look…………I just got off a blog, but this one you need to have a photograph of yourself up, most blogs are now asking for photos, I think it’s a fantastic idea.

  48. @ David
    As a senior and longstanding BU regular, Bushie, for one, votes unhesitatingly that you drop a ban in Well Well and Look.
    …all they do is frig up every topic with tripe…
    Damn trolls…
    Where is Technician when we need him….?

  49. …you see what Bushie mean now David….the woman is an idiot.
    BAFFY, lend Bushie one of your Chinese pictures to put up do….

  50. I already told dem two (Welly Smelly and Looka a monkey dey) dried up pussies to go and put some meat tenderizer pon dem tings and tek out dem toys from under dem pillows and leff bout here. Those two can’t contribute one single thing except trying to play intelligent and even that has failed.

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