Caswell Franklyn, Head of Unity Workers Union
Caswell Franklyn, Head of Unity Workers Union

Rev. Devere Murrell, at the NUPW’s annual church service, made reference to allegations of vote buying in the last General Election, in the context where that union would be going to the polls on April 3, 2013 to elect a new executive. I understand his concerns but I think that his message would have been lost on NUPW President Walter Maloney. After all, where would Maloney find the money to bribe anyone? I would therefore like to suggest to Rev. Murrell that he need not worry on that score.

If Maloney had any money, I do believe that he would have avoided embarrassment and paid his $6,000 cellular phone bill; his substantial NUPW bar bill; and he would not have found himself in trouble with the union’s credit card. In this regard, I am therefore tempted to vouch for Maloney when it comes to any hint of vote buying.

On the other hand, Rev. Murrell should have concerned himself more with the obvious political bias emanating from the union. After hearing the positions taken by Maloney on national and particularly workers’ issues; anyone could be forgiven if they erroneously concluded that the NUPW policy script is being written at George Street.

Also while giving advice, Rev. Murrell should have advised the media to be fair to both sides in the presidential race, or ask them to stay to hell out of the process. The last time NUPW members went to the polls, Maloney was given preferential treatment in the campaign by the media particularly CBC. It is therefore not difficult to conclude that Maloney and his team had the Government’s backing based on how CBC manipulated the news in their favour.

This election will be crucial in the labour relations environment in this country. Government would most likely to be happy if the leadership of the NUPW remains unchanged. The union refuses to challenge them on any issue. For example, the Employment Rights Act, which would protect the workers at statutory boards, has been passed since May 2012 but has not been brought into force to date. NUPW has not said a word on the issue. It should not be in the Union’s interest to remain silent on issues that adversely affect its membership, but it has. Instead the Union found time to engage the Opposition on the privatisation issue.

It is time that the NUPW moves away from party politics and pay attention to its mission of representing workers. Under current leadership, it does NOT appear that its mission is a priority.

  1. To Just Wondering:
    I told you to leave Caswell alone, but you would not hear. The two of you sound like old lovers that have broken up so I shall not get into it. However, if the wig and coat were bought five years ago, are you still on a diet plan of some kind to maintain the five years ago weight and look. Just wondering !!

  2. To Just Wondering:
    By the way, congratulations on your QC appointment as a member of the BU family you deserve it. Or else Caswell is loosing a screw or two.

  3. Miller -The external auditor W.S HUMPHREY &CO has resigned , this was confirmed today by WALTER MALONEY —Humphrey has his business to protect and hisETHICS and intigerity–that move has say alot



  5. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Within the last hour, someone came to my home and delivered copy of the NUPW council minutes for a meeting held on January 31, 2013 and the “budgeted Statement for 2013 with Unaudited Actuals for 2012.

    The minutes confirm that the Maloney led Executive without the consent of the National Council or a duly constituted meeting of members, went ahead and set up a company to carry on the union’s Medicare scheme. After the fact, they sought the council s approval. But what is particularly troubling is that the minutes went on to say that Cedric Murrell advised that the matter should not be placed in the open. Why the clandestine move? Surely, the union must be aware that they, as a union, are not bound by the provisions of the Insurance Act and could have set up their brokerage for members only.

    Also, as far as I am aware, there is an item of Loans/Executive in the financials for the first time in the History of the union. It shows an actual of $6,500 for the year 2012. Again, as far as I am aware, the rules of the union do not provide for such. Who is this executive member with the loan?

  6. Caswell Franklyn on March 20, 2013 at 11:36 PM
    Within the last hour, someone came to my home and delivered copy of the NUPW council minutes for a meeting held on January 31, 2013 and the “budgeted Statement for 2013 with Unaudited Actuals for 2012.
    Caswell, you should have sent that same person to go and bring you the details about your outstanding car loan to the Government of Barbados. At the same time ask them to bring the Birth Certificate of your baby with the Guyanese girl . Do it for the sake of UNITY.

  7. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Fractured BLP

    I know who you are. Why do you consistently worry about my child. It is not my problem that you can’t get your boyfriend pregnant.

  8. By the way, is the AX matter fully resolved? has those theacher, who were still on sick leave turn up at their new school? Has Mary Redman left the country or did someone show her the directions to get to The Lodge school? The only one coming out of this smelling like a rose, is Jeff Broome, he has willingly taken up his new posting and reports are, he is doing VERY well with the staff, pupils and their parents/ guardians. He has shown a great level of maturity.

  9. To Fractured BLP:
    Are those charges by Erice true. Did the external auditor resign and why. Why don’t you leave Caswell alone. Which executive member got that $6,500 loan and what for. Are the ordinary members aware of this mis behavior? How culpable is the entire executive and Dennis soon to go home Clarke.

  10. Just wondering ! Avatar
    Just wondering !

    @ Caswell Frankly .. Take note ” AMUSED ”
    For some time now you have been using the blog and other media under the cover of anonymity trying to malign some lawyer on behalf of some person/s equally as nasty as you but less courageous. On another posting you went so far as to state that the person was not worthy of elevation but was highhandedly elevated through political intervention. You were then challenged by “AMUSED” to identify that person from a list which he published and indicated that all among them were very worthy of the honour . When confronted in this manner you ran away. Your principal/s will be very mad with you that in your zeal like the typical lapdog to do their dirty work you might have blown their identity . You have chosen this blog on trade unionism to get back at this legal person . You come out swiping like blind elder and make a link between this blogger and your QC target . Maybe you are not sensible enough to appreciate how many people in this country you offend day in day out . You will only be left alone when you stop these personal attacks on people . I have no intention of engaging you at this level but since you are so sure of my QC identity you should do the honourable thing which AMUSED challenged you to do : identify the person(ME) from that list of lawyers that he published as the one who got elevated by political intervention and “begging” rather than merit . By so doing you would probably have achieved the purpose which your masters have enlisted your help to achieve ….destroy him in the eyes of all Barbados and people from elsewhere who read this blog . GOOD LUCK TO YOU AND THEM . I however think that if that person is one of those named by AMUSED he is very capable of defending himself .

  11. To Fractured BLP:
    When Caswell tells you he knows who you are be sure he knows who you are. Why don’t you stop this attack. Or is this a strategy by you to stop him commenting on the affairs of the NUPW. By the way, even Sir Brandford Taitt’s “out side ” child was at his funeral. If you had information real information you would know that Caswell was divorced 1997 and the his child was born in September 2000. Why don’t you stop this foolishness. Do you want wife to find out bout you!

  12. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Just Wondering

    Your comment shows why you are too classless to be made a QC. Learning is not the only criteria for such high office. I am reminded of a saying that I will adapt for you: when you put a pig in a palace, you do not get a king: you get a shitty palace.

  13. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Caswell Franklyn | March 21, 2013 at 9:13 AM |

    Don’t let Just Wondering scare you with his tactics and threats of suing.

    That is the MO of these pigheaded “powful-foolish” inept incompetent lawyers we have in Bim who feel they are above the law and can rob and exploit ordinary citizens with impunity.

    The state of our justice system is enough evidence to support my contention.
    Just give us the initials of this crooked QC and some idea of his age and where he practices and we can get a better handle on this blasted liar and crook.
    Tell JW to piss off with his small island mentality threats to silence people for exposing the filth and corruption in Bim of which he seems to be deeply involved.

  14. A REAL Union Member Avatar
    A REAL Union Member

    Caswell from what I’ve read today you are an insufferable little man.

    We all see that you get comfort from attempting to destroy people’s characters.

    Should we all forget that YOU even went on national television and said that Mia Mottley is a liability to the party.

    Why do you attempt to continue to bring confusion to the NUPW?

    You were FIRED Caswell, you are NOT a MEMBER. Didn’t you in fact run and start your own union?

    We should all find it interesting though, that someone who is running for President within NUPW would have as his manager a person like you, whose interest is in destroying the said union.

    This shows very poor judgment on your Candidate’s part. I sympathize for Him.

    Caswell, WHEN is union elections due in YOUR union?

    That is what i thought…

  15. Listen,

    Walter Maloney is the only person who is capable of running this union (NUPW) and I will vote for him again!

    I will also support those two young persons that are running with him, Akanni Mcdowall and Margo Bannister and i encourage you to do the Same!.

  16. @Sandra

    To use multiple monikers is dishonest.

  17. Sorry the poster before me and i are using the same computer at work to read your blog. We didn’t know it would not work properly.

  18. Sandra:
    You have your right o support your man Ma Money, but please do not use the best and Ma Money’s name in the same sentence. It is offensive. Ma Money has NEVER been best at any thing. I know his very very good friend.

  19. To Sandra:
    By the way when Ma Money past through the airport he said Cedric was his man.

  20. sandra—are you one of thoses who has benn begging Walter to help you with a house ans all you was was Nature

  21. Sandy (From D Union) Avatar
    Sandy (From D Union)

    Lemuel, Erice,Caswell You Put things on this blog and answer them yourself
    …So Answer this:

    You are the General Secretary of the Unity Workers Union. Can you please inform us:

    1. How many members do you have?
    2. Who are the Executive Members?
    3. How much do they PAY?

    And since the Salary of the Secretariat of the NUPW is known could you please enlighten us to YOUR Salary? You continue to show interest in the NUPW although you were FIRED by the said Union.

    You have said nothing but negative about this organisation spewing erroneous information about the hierarchy of this organisation especially on your VENOMOUS acts on it’s president Walter Maloney.

    Lets not forget that 2 Years ago, the members of NUPW rejected your disgusting and venomous attacks on the President, the General Secretary and brother Akanni McDowall.

    What they voted for was decency,integrity,honesty and equality.

    It is unfortunate that Danny has chosen such and insufferable LITTLE man to manage his Presidential Campaign. I sympathize for him deeply.

    For this and many other reasosn i will be voting along with my Friends and Family in the Public Service for


    On April 3rd 2013!.

  22. Heat in this blog. By the way Sandra, walter maloney does not run the Union. The job of running the Union is the General Secretary Dennis CLarke. Unfortunately the opportujnities for mouthings by Maloney has resulted from the marriage of convenience between Clarke and Maloney.

    the funniest part of that marriage is that both Clarke and Maloney have accused each other of incompetence at various times over the years. Maloney cannot even represent his colleagues at work (NHC) so I dont see how he can represent people at the national level. My Union”s standards heading down the 6 inch drain pipe.

    The nupw needs real change. clarke as GS is proving inadequate to “lead”. the longer he continues in that same mode of operation the deeper the hole/grave the union is falling into will get.

    this bashing on the BU will only hurt the Union. members have to go to the AGC and ask questions/challenge decisions and vote on issues of real substance. Imagine what the ordinary citizen is thinking about the Union. If all of you claim to have the interest of the Union at heart, then you should understand the collateral damage that you are causing. Shame on all of us for sitting back and allowing the rot in the only real institutipn that we can call our own.

  23. Heat in this blog. By the way Sandra, walter maloney does not run the Union. The job of running the Union is the General Secretary Dennis CLarke. Unfortunately the opportujnities for mouthings by Maloney has resulted from the marriage of convenience between Clarke and Maloney.

    the funniest part of that marriage is that both Clarke and Maloney have accused each other of incompetence at various times over the years. Maloney cannot even represent his colleagues at work (NHC) so I dont see how he can represent people at the national level. My Union”s standards heading down the 6 inch drain pipe.

    The nupw needs real change. clarke as GS is proving inadequate to “lead”. the longer he continues in that same mode of operation the deeper the hole/grave the union is falling into will get.

    this bashing on the BU will only hurt the Union. members have to go to the AGC and ask questions/challenge decisions and vote on issues of real substance. Imagine what the ordinary citizen is thinking about the Union. If all of you claim to have the interest of the Union at heart, then you should understand the collateral damage that you are causing. Shame on all of us for sitting back and allowing the rot in the only real institutipn that we can call our own.

  24. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    When did Danny Gill appoint me as his campaign manager? I admit that Danny is a friend of mine and I wish him well in any thing that he sets about. But he has never broached the subject of me managing his campaign.

    By the way, most of the people who join my union do so because of the actions of either Clarke or Maloney. When are you coming?

  25. Sandra, Sandy and the rest of dem network:
    You accused Danny Gill of being a BLP. You attack the team that is working with him Charles, Kathy, Volta, Manasseh. The you appointed Caswell as the campaign manager. It is not their fault that the members are finished with MA Money.

  26. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    I have often said that the biggest problem in this country is that of political interference. The politicians think that they must be in control of everything. As a result, they infiltrate every other organisation, civil, military and paramilitary in order to achieve political party control or influence. Everything is then subjected to the will of the party and so far, for the most part, that party is the DLP. While the Government is working hard to control NGOs, the country is falling apart.

    The NUPW has long fallen into the hands of the DLP. The last operative to fall to make it complete was, Dennis Clarke. In the early days, he did not show his political colours and saw everyone moving ahead, so he became a supporter of whichever party forms the Government. He could not beat them so he joined them. Members would recall that he was most viciously opposed to Derek Alleyne when the Dems were in opposition. Now he and Derek are on the same team.

  27. Look into the. Mirror Franklyn Avatar
    Look into the. Mirror Franklyn

    Frankly Franklyn you have reached in new low in blogging some one like you who has set up a one man Union and that Union if I get it right would be if it had a membership it would be set up to represent the Working Class of Barbadian society, you can seriously come here in the year of 2013 in Barbados in a country that has on this day a Prime Minister, from a Working Class background, a Chief Justice from a Working Class background, a Governor General from a Working Class background, a Governor of The Central Bank from a Working Class background and you can really come to readers of Barbados Underground and tell people that they are Classless you are a disgrace and you are despicable individual add to that you are a crook you must be totally sick in your head and over grown in arrogance and ignorance for you to think you have the right to call anyone Classless you are the only Classless one around.

  28. LOL re Caswell…
    “……overgrown in arrogance and ignorance for you to think you have the right to call anyone Classless you are the only Classless one around.”
    Either that or he has hit the nail directly on the head with his analysis of the situation.
    …don’t go and crucify Caswell now ….and make him feel that he is in the same league as the disciples….. 🙂

  29. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Look into the. Mirror Franklyn | March 22, 2013 at 6:44 PM |
    “you can seriously come here in the year of 2013 in Barbados in a country that has on this day a Prime Minister, from a Working Class background, a Chief Justice from a Working Class background, a Governor General from a Working Class background, a Governor of The Central Bank from a Working Class background”

    It seems you, “mirror, mirror on the wall” are carrying a very large social chip of broken glass on your working class shoulders.

    FYI all black Bajans are from the WORKING & POOR CLASS!

    And if you want to really go back to class to learn their real backgrounds they are all products of the sugar cane fields slavishly hanging on to a system that has brainwashed them into believing they are the modern aristocrats of colonial Barbados.

    As Caswell pointed out you can put a pig in a castle but instead of getting a knight we just get a King Pig. Class is permanent form is temporary.
    If you want to see a true aristocrat from the Bajan working class just look to the Knight Sir Garfield and see a true king of the realm of magnificent achievements not groveled for but earned through pure excellence.

  30. Sandra from D Union Avatar
    Sandra from D Union

    But wait, does anybody notice that Lemuel, Caswell and Erice are all the same blogger? (Maybe even MillertheAnnunaki)

    Caswell puts up questions and answers them himself like the true fraud he is.

    Well Franklyn, do you intend to answer the questions i posed about your union? In your quest for recognition and significance you have gone from the ridiculous to the sublime.

    What an insufferable LITTLE MAN!

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