Submitted by Brandford Padmore

Should we privatize the Port?

A familiar voice speaks about Port workers and the Union. It’s difficult to find a brutally honest public figure these days. The call to PRIVATIZE the Barbados Port Authority and send home all of those workers is understandable.

It seems like they take long to do jobs and are involved in a high level of _ _ _ .

  1. Ac

    yah got these simpleton by the balls, privatise and when the run into trouble hold the threat of laying off the few staff over the head of govt for subsidies. We have some narrow minded people here like Romney and the man with de hair that the take from an animal, oh a just remember donald, that is de man a man offer he a miillion to shave he head to be donated to a charity of his choice.

  2. containing transfers by rationalising the cost of personal emoluments

  3. David not bu

    i cant remember there was vote rigging as regards tan, i thought the party which is responsible for rationalsing candides chose some one else, i might be wrong as i didnt follow that case. You can expand.

  4. @To The Point

    if AC got someone by the balls, she would have to have big hands as the MoF said he would “nasty word” (privatisation) the air and sea port. so is Chris now a member of the BLP team or was he just telling more of his lies?

  5. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar

    “The job of Government should not be to employ people who are not needed”

    So how come the people have to pay Seethru for doing nothing?

    Whey doesnt Sandra and stupid Chandler speak about this?

  6. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar


    “what about the vote rigging of Tan Abed?”

    We dont engage in such despicable practices.

    We are the GOOD GUYS!!!!

  7. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    PUBLIC SECTOR WORKERS IN BARBADOS beat the Barbados Labour Party with your


  8. St George's Dragon Avatar
    St George’s Dragon

    @ ac
    Here is how it should go.
    Government sells the port and pays off some of its debt; alternatively, it sells a licence to a company to run the port for a number of years and keeps the land/property itself – but still takes its yearly income and pays that off some debt.
    Unless most people are sorely mistaken, there is overmanning at the port which will have to be dealt with. That will mean job losses. People will sadly be unemployed and will get Goverment assistance for a period.
    The private sector operator will pay tax on profits (as well as NIS, VAT etc which presumably the port currently pays). That will go into the Government coffers and can pay off more debt.
    Beacause the cost of the port operation is lower, port charges can be reduced. That directly impacts on the prices of everything inported and reduces the cost of living for me, you and everone else including the unemployed workers.
    Maybe not immediately, but at some point lower costs lead to more profit in other private sector businesses which then expand and take on more workers – including those from the port who were sent home.
    Those private sector businesses are now making more profit so pay more tax, NIS and VAT – more debt can be paid off.
    The losers in privatisation would of course be the people who lose their jobs and that would be painful. Doing nothing leaves the country locked into a high cost public sector which in turn leaves all of us burdened with too much tax and the private sector unable to expand. That should not be an option.

  9. yuh know ST george that is a simplistic approach that only works in a make believe world but in the corporate world where money is king negotiations words like “TERMS and CONDITIONS” are not constructed for fair play especially if the one doing the selling is desperate . a sale of desperation would not give the govt enough lead way to benefit the outcome all the above comment is only when the seller is standing on good ground right now the govt is desperate for money and the buyer would have the upper hand at the negotiation table making all the rules and demands and the govt giving all and getting not much in return that include a truckload of unemployable people eating out the taxpayers trough for free and the the few employed having to pay for them and god knows for how long.

  10. @ St. George Dragon
    We want you in Parliament….you getting Kelly -the-man and Georgie Job….
    so former inmates stamped with L’s on foreheads….of SSSS….The SERTA School of Serious Sleepers.

  11. Carson C. Cadogan | November 17, 2012 at 12:08 AM |


    “what about the vote rigging of Tan Abed?”

    We dont engage in such despicable practices.

    We are the GOOD GUYS!!!!


    so why is Tan not supporting the DLP this time around? why is he telling his people to support the BLP? Good Guys? ok

  12. Correct me if I’m wrong wasnt there a charge of rape gainst Abed? A responsible party cannot put forward such a person for high office.
    The same rule applies to Kerrie Simmons altercations with a woman instead he’s a BLP starboy. Therein lies the difference between the parties.
    Carson right The DLP are the good guys.

  13. It doesn’t just end with the two writs served on Symmonds for slashing his wife’s car seats and her car tyres, he has another charge over his head and that is of theft of $ 25,000.00 from a Dr Boolani paid to him just prior to the 15 the January 2008 to regularise an Immigration status for this gentleman that he never delivered upon and then to tell the man his money burnt in his failed election campaign.

  14. @be fair
    How about Estwick?

  15. St George's Dragon Avatar
    St George’s Dragon

    @ ac
    I don’t believe that it would be impossible to get a fair deal if the exercise was run in an open and transparent way – and was open to international bidders. If you deal with it behind closed doors, you get a situation like with the tanks at the port – no-one knows whether it was fair tendering process or not.
    By the way, does anyone remember seeing an advert in the paper asking for bids for the tanks? If you can do it for a handful of uniforms, you should certainly do it for $12 million of tanks.

  16. st george “fair deal” does not only include the sale it would also involves the day to day runing of the port and how much govt rules and regulations might be a hindrance to those purchasing the project and how much lead way would private enterprise give in to the everyday running as for examples rules and guidlines that involve maintenance and enviromental issues there is so much that is involve that i doubt the govt can win without giving into to there demands

  17. @miller,
    So the PM has 90 days after the 12 February 2013 to mess around and play “hiddy biddy shut your lap tight tight” with the people of Barbados…………..

    The other problem he has miller, is that the Estimates for 2013 have to be laid and for them to be debated and passed according to our constitution and this cannot be done if the House is dissolved.

    Dumb Dems!

  18. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    St. George Dragon

    “Beacause the cost of the port operation is lower, port charges can be reduced. That directly impacts on the prices of everything inported and reduces the cost of living for me”

    Dont be an idiot, even your Seethru is on record as saying that dont matter how charges are reducduced the private sector does not, and I repeat, does not, pass on the saving to the consumer.

    So your saying thay things will be cheaper is just hogwash. The Private sector merchants will ensure that it does not take place.

  19. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Prodigal Son | November 17, 2012 at 3:34 PM

    “Dumb Dems”

    The only one who is dumb is you for supporting a corrupt Barbados Labour Party.

  20. I had to pinch myself last night when on the rare occasion my TV was on channel 8, I heard Walter Maloney feigning righteous indignation about Dale Marshall sullying his integrity.

    Is this the same Walter Maloney whose members on this blog a few months ago before the NUPW elections laid bare his soul? I well remember his dirty linen being washed on this blog and by members of his own executive.

    Walter give me a break. You are a DLP hack, you are either a chairman or deputy of a constituency council, only hard core Dems are in those positions. You have been very lenient with this government, never so when the BLP was in government.

    How can a government continue to borrow $40 million dollars every month just to pay salaries? This is economic madness and only a neophyte would contemplate such madness. This is like someone running up their credit card monthly, it is inevitable that very soon the card would max out. But from where are they borrowing this money every month? From the NIS????

    Walter, you see nothing wrong with this just as long as people are employed to pay your NUPW dues and to keep you living high on the hog?

    Lord help Barbados.

  21. CCC,

    Instead of trying to insult me, speak to what I blogged. Tell us if your PM knew that Estimates have to be laid, debated and passed as per the law of this land and if the House is dissolved, this cannot happen. Or the PM never knew this????

  22. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Kerry(millertheanunnaki9neitherBnorD) should not even be in the Senate, after his legal problems MIA AMOR MOTTLEY rightly removed him from the Senate.

    However when the rum drinker man wrestled the leader of opposition form MIA he reinstated him. These men have no type of respect for women, they treat them like something they raked off their shoes.

    As the Minister of Health said , a man who likes cutting up seats should not be running for a seat anywhere because he might cut that up too!!!

    No woman in Barbados should vote for Kerry unles they have no self respect.

  23. What’s with these Dems and this renaming spree that they are on?

    You mean, every last building or school they are going to put a Dem name on it? Lord have mercy. The thing is that they are only borrowing money running up the national debt and are not building that they could slap DLP names on them.

    What is Sleepy Smith’s connection with St James Secondary? Today they are renaming Ellerton Day Nursery after another Dem, a wife beater. Give me a break.

  24. Stay in the gutter, CCC, you thrive there!

  25. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    The Democratic Labour Party
    invite you
    to the joint meeting of the


    This Sunday
    At Springer Memorial School
    Nov. 18, 2012 at 5.00 PM
    Featured Speaker
    Prime Minister
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    JOBS————————“GONE WID OWEN”

    live streaming

  26. St George's Dragon Avatar
    St George’s Dragon

    @ CCC
    Please tell me what is meant by “your Seethru”. If this is a political reference, I suspect it does not relate to me as I have no political affiliations.
    My party, if I had one would be called the “Fair Day’s Pay for a Fair Day’s Work Party”.

  27. JOBS————————”GONE WID OWEN”

    Owen like he gone too the short me crutch so and so gone quiet leaving the lying to Kerrie the woman abuser and the idiot who declare war on the public servants Dale Marshall.

  28. The Dems on this blog are really pathetic. Do you all ever read over your postings and realise how stupid, childish and down nasty they are?

    What’s wrong with you all, are you all so drunk with power that you are going mad with the mere thought of the DLP losing?

    The history of the DLP since Errol Barrow is that whenever the DLP has been in office, the country deteriorates and falls apart. Deal with the reality of that FACT. This party, the DLP in 1994 sent home 3000 workers, some under duress, not counting the ones from the private sector, in some instances they were so heartless that husband and wife were sent home.

    The BLP came to office and not only did they create 30,000 jobs, they restored the 8% pay cut and passed a law the civil servants salaries would never be cut again.

    And CCC and the rest of you Dems have the unmitigated gall to come here and spew your venomous lies that the BLP will lay off workers when as a result of the stupid policies of the DLP, 10,000 from the private sector have been laid off.

    The DLP is just waiting to do what it has to do just like 1991. Liars!

  29. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar

    prodigal son

    You are beginning to believe your own lies.

    The reduction is due to the many projects being completed and the workers returning to their country of origin, namely guyana.

    As the young people used to say, “dont get tie up”.

  30. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar

    “Fair Day’s Pay for a Fair Day’s Work Party”.

    Then it could not be the Barbados Labour Party as they have a man in there who went to Parliament for less than 20 hours in four years, yet collected his huge salary for pretending to work.

  31. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar

    How come stupid chandler never spoke out against it?

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