The McKenzie Files

We continue our focus on governance issues.

BU has gained possession of what we will refer to as the McKenzie Files. Much of the subject matter will not interest the BU family but among the over 30,000 pages, we have come across references to prominent figures in Barbados. BU posts these files deemed to be in the public interest and because of the public’s right to know.

BU recognizes that there are some people named in these files who are NOT public figures and it would be unfair to make public references to them. BU will continue to exercise discretion in what it publishes by redacting names where appropriate.

BU acknowledges that these documents are in public domain. If anyone named feels that they have been unfaired or defamed, please do not take it up with BU, but with the authors of the documents. Finally, BU will publish any relevant documents in the public interest and let the chips fall where they may.

We will leave readers to interpret the files attached for themselves: see how individuals with deep pockets can  easily become centres of influence in a small island. Another good reason why we need the enactment of the Freedom of Information Bill.

See six files which detail exchanges of interest to Barbadians:

45 responses to “BULeaks#1: Understanding How Decision Makers In Barbados Are Manipulated By “Deep Pockets””

  1. Another good reason why we need the enactment of the Freedom of Information Bill.

    FOI is but a dream David…will never happen time we get Reaal…..

  2. I shall use an ole US adage David. “where is the beef?”….emails between unknowns to BU?….why anybody could concoct …but I m just a lowly onion..ask Outback.

  3. @Onions

    As stated above, if/when your name is mentioned you can sue BU and we will have pleasure in producing the original document whic we understand is a matter of public record in the canadian courts.

  4. St George's Dragon Avatar
    St George’s Dragon

    Six year old news. This has been available for years. Are the “Marcus” emails being reposted because of the rivalry between BU and BFP or is there something more current involved?

  5. @St.Georges dragon

    If it is six year old news why has the implication of what is contained not resonated with Barbadians? We are too intelligent for our own good sometimes.

  6. @ David…Onions wants to use an American adage.Here’s a good bajan one.You could carry de cow to the de pond,but you can’t mek it drink.If we as Barbadians,with this kind of information presented to us still accept that the enactment of FOI is a choice that should be left to the politicians,then whatever happens we must also accept…Now one for De Old Wind Bag….There is none so blind as he who will not see.

  7. @Hamilton Hill

    What is sad is that people like Onions are the influential shadows behind the political parties.

    The saddest bit of all has been the traditional media who has not seen FOI has something that fits their purpose. Should it be left to ‘the blogs’ to push this agenda? The irony is that ‘the blogs’ are vilified by traditional media. What a laugh.

  8. It is no accident BU is focused on governance and transparency issues of late. We have a long memory from the last general election. If the BLP wins this cry will continue. It will NOT go away.

  9. @ David
    What am I suppose to conclude re Gline Clarke and George Payne?

  10. @Enuff

    You can conclude whatever your mind bids you to. It is quite clear what the informant ‘Jane’ has suggested.

  11. @ david

    Lol. Informant Jane would suggest anything to support her cause. I died with laughter when she said her husband ‘witnessed’ Gline Clarke withdrawing money and then went to pay workmen on the site. That aint just witnessing that is private investigator wuk!!!

  12. @enuff

    You are a smart guy, you are quite capable of understanding the issues here.

  13. @ Hamiliton Hill

    Now one for you….I would like you to tell… you n yours to STOP MAKING PROMISES they never intend to keep @ 11th hr BEFORE

    Integrity Legislation Bill
    Youth Empowerment Bill
    Alexandra conclusion
    Payment to Barrak
    Payment to policy owner CLICOBAICO
    20102011 Income Tax rebates
    Not cutting the Public sector….per IADB
    Increased Manufacturing

    Dey is all election gimmickry…..DEM aint foolin a SOUL

  14. @Onions

    We look forward to the BLP’s manifesto.

  15. That you can do…..and with earnest and conviction too….that it will not be an exercise of….Food Stamps and unattainable promises….WE WILL RESCUE THIS NATION, then RESTORE It pre 2004….then REBUILD IT… can hold ONIONS BARTHOLOMEW GIBBERTS to that …OK ?
    We not in the business of dealing wid giants and beast and white rabbits.
    THIS IS THE REAL DEAL pra pra…coming….NO FRIGHT NITE !

  16. @ david
    Yuh becoming what the Nation is accused of being? lol

  17. @enuff

    How so? We have access to the files which we are pulling from.

  18. Where is the file proving who owns the plot of land/house in question?

  19. There can be no doubt that there is a move afoot to regulate blogging.This so that a selective few get to feed John Public exacly what it needs to be fed,for in their minds they have always supplied our wants and needs.Why should some seek to change that now?While there is none so blind as he who would not see,there are some so evil that they are willing to benefit,to the exclusion of others without political connections.Old Wind Bag—You feel me?

  20. I don’t feel you at all… need to tell the massa call D friggin elections and give bdos a head start…..DIG ?

  21. What is the Nation newspaper editorial remembered for through the last four years? Nothing!

    Actually we are wrong, CLICO.

    Kudos, there is something but what about FOI?

  22. On a different note, how about that showdown our central bank governor had with the IMF’s Christine Lagarde in Japan on the advice of devaluation?

  23. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    “Understanding How Decision Makers In Barbados Are Manipulated By “Deep Pockets””

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but can you name me the country in the world where this does not happen??

    Especially when one considers that politicians at one or another were in the employ of Big business.

    Why do you think that the Barbados Labour Party is so pro business and anti worker?

  24. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    old onion bags | October 28, 2012 at 11:13 AM

    your chances of being return to power are so slim that you are now enlisting the help of MASSA.

    A few years ago your boss was claiming that MASAA DAY DONE, remember? Now in desperation he has turned to the same MASSA for badly needed assistance.

    YOU ALL THINK THAT BLACK PEOPLE STUPID, you will regret your choice. Be warned MASSA may well become THE ISSUE! There are other troubling things about the of SERRANO pick but I will not make you wise at this time.

    you are going to have a hard time leading this crooked team.

  25. David
    Do not give up on your quest for good governance in Barbados.
    One day coming soon the young people of this country will wake up and help correct a lot of these problems.

    You cannot depend on onions or Carson to help you. These persons are hard core party persons who see no wrong in their party.

    I believe that the story of Gline Clarke was up before the last election and he still won which shows that Barbadians love it so.

    Dennis Lowe should also not be in Parliament.

    Owen Arthur after taking that cheque and putting it in his account should be like Berlusconi in Italy.

    Can you believe that Barbadians can still feel comfortable with George Payne and Noel Lynch in Parliament?

    Santia Bradshaw in get in yet and she knows how to work the system but who is surprise with her genetic makeup.

  26. What is sad is that the Fourth Estate which should be clamoring for FOI along with the army of journalisst like Pat Hoyos, Carl Moore, Harold Hoyte et al are in the press weekly regurgitating the same old same old while patting each other on the backs. The old boys system. No wonder they hate “the blogs”.

  27. No doubt there is an urgent need the FOI Act; but the question is whether either of the two political parties will ever implement it.

    The substance of the two issues raised in this article are different from each other and different from the Bradshaw case.

    1. In the Lowe case, there seems to be some serious and dangerous intrigue which is a clear conflict of interest with his position as an MP, not to mention as a Cabinet Minister. It is shocking that any Barbadian would be engaged with foreigners in trying to manipulate our political process; which is what I infer from the documents presented.

    2. In the Glyne Clarke case, the accusation is that he benefited improperly from the acquisition of land for housing. If true, he deserves serious censure. Corruption cannot ever be condoned. He certainly has a lot of explaining to do. And, unless satisfactory explanations are received, he should never again sit in the Cabinet of Barbados. But to believe that would be to live in a fool’s paradise.

    3. So far, the Santia Bradshaw case looks like she went through the proper channels and was successful in obtaining finance for her businesses. We can inquire into the basis for the grants, given that she is a public figure, but so far her case appears to be qualitatively different from the other two where clear cases of wrongdoing can be inferred.

    Hopefully, fair minded people can see the distinctions I am trying to draw.

  28. There is crime and there are laws to combat.

    There are corrupt politicians everywhere and this is why enlightened countries have enacted FOI to arm the citizenry.

  29. Owen said at the BLP Conference that they would privatize CBC, give out new television licences and enact FOI legislation.

    I will believe those things when they actually happen, because I know the nature of politics.

  30. @DavidB

    Let us look at this way, if Arthur is returned to power high on his list of what motivates him is legacy building. What better way to do it than to enact FOI and rationalize the media space in Barbados.

  31. Cynically I could say “Let’s live in hope!”

    But your reasoning is plausible, and if there is a concerted effort on the part of the public to push this agenda, then it might encourage him to deliver on his promises.

  32. @ Clone –You are so right.One can only hope that the young people rise up sooner rather than later.Yes this expropriation of land deal with Glyne Clarke was known before the last elections,but not by many for these stories never make main stream media.This is why the blogs are seen as a threat to those who from time to time have something to hide.Let me run this one at you.Notice how many times you would have read in one or both of the daily prints a story about some bank employee being tempted by the bank’s money.Big story and a picture even, is splashed across the pages.Let that same employee be the daughter of a politically connected person and see if we read anything about it.Buried beneath the slabs of concrete daddy would have laid across Barbados is that story.God bless BU.Press on David and keep them straight,for once there were Men And Mice,today we sure can add MUZZLES.

  33. It seems ironic coming from a blog – a member of the fifth estate – we need traditional media onboard.

  34. Absolutely! But each one of us bloggers can write to the Press and make it an issue they cannot ignore.

  35. Give the new government 100 days and then barrage the newspapers and the call in programmes.

  36. @DavidB
    I like your idea, but it’s just so difficult to get politicians to do what the people really want, or even what they promise at election time. What we need to push for is more of those Talkback and Townhall type forums with government leaders at lease twice a year so we could agitate and press for the changes that we want.

  37. The Prime Minster was heard to say tonight that the St. Joseph Hospital Inquiry Report was made public. Is this true?

  38. St George's Dragon Avatar
    St George’s Dragon

    @ Clone
    “Santia Bradshaw in get in yet and she knows how to work the system but who is surprise with her genetic makeup.”
    What does this mean?

  39. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    “Owen said at the BLP Conference that they would privatize CBC, give out new television licences ”

    …….but he said that the last time and his party was in power for 14 years and what was the result? It was never done. Dont tell me your memory is so short!

    Are you going to let him fool you again?

  40. @ CCC
    He also said there is no need to spend a BILLION in these hard times on a new Hospital…but expand,increase an update the present….while giving great incentives to a PRIVATE investors to build a new one….thereby avoiding $1 billion in new debt……sounds wise doesn’t it?…. REBUILD.

  41. @Onions
    He also said there is no need to spend a BILLION in these hard times on a new Hospital…but expand,increase an update the present….while giving great incentives to a PRIVATE investors to build a new one….thereby avoiding $1 billion in new debt……sounds wise doesn’t it?…. REBUILD
    This is music to these ears and all Bajans should sit up and take notice. Will I see this headlinet in 20 point bold in the Nation? “Arthur promises to get private investors to build new Hospital in Barbados”’ Sub headline “incentives no object”

    “Silly” is too mild an epithet for this season.

  42. @Sargeant. Very well said. Your wording gave me a very good laugh.

  43. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    “He also said there is no need to spend a BILLION in these hard times on a new Hospital”

    ……but that that didnt stop him from buying a almost haf million dollar SUV!!!!

  44. Now we know why the DLP and BLP don’t want ITAL. PM Stuart does not have the guts to ensure its past due to pressure from his corrupt ministers

  45. […] BULeaks#1: Understanding How Decision Makers In Barbados Are Manipulated By “Deep Pockets” […]

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