Submitted by Checkit-out (as a comment)
Barbados did not feature in the World Travel Awards 2012

I suggest, to readers who have not already done so, to check out the website of the Caribbean travel awards link posted by David. Look at the list of 2012 Award Winners.  Jamaica and/or Sandals make up close to half the winners.  Bahamas, Turks & Caicos, Antigua, St. Vincent and St. Lucia are all there; but no Barbados. It says winners are voted by travel agents worldwide.  That may be partly true, but I think it is safe to assume that self promotion and politics are major influencers in the selection process.

It is interesting that Barbados was selected Caribbean’s Leading Destination in 2003, 2004 and 2005; and Leading Tourist and Convention Bureau (BTA?) in 1997, 2003 and 2004.  GAIA was Caribbean’s Leading Airport in every year but one from 1998 to 2004. Since then, lots of nominations but no awards.  Why is that? Did Jamaica suddenly improve its product overnight without anyone noticing?  Who is responsible/accountable for the apparent decline in Barbados Tourism product and profile, at least relative to the rest of the Caribbean; and particularly Jamaica. These awards, or lack thereof, should be a very serious concern to all Barbadians. BTA would seem be Barbados’ primary promoter/politician, and should be held largely responsible.

From here in Toronto it is hard to see anything being done to promote the island. I follow the Toronto Star and Globe and Mail travel sections looking for Barbados articles or advertising. There are tons of full page Sandals/Beaches ads, St Lucia, Antigua, Turks and Caicos, Jamaica. Sandals TV ads are spectacular. Apart from a very positive article about the Crane a couple of months ago, there has been virtually no mention of Barbados destinations, including in Air Canada Vacations advertising in the past couple of months or so.

Westjet Vacations has twice included Barbados in its newspaper advertising in the past month as follows.  Full page ad on outside back page Globe and Mail Travel section as a large print eye catcher. “Sale on fall vacation packages” in top half of page.  The bottom half of the page includes a 3” X 9” banner with details of package at Atlantis, Paradise Island, followed by three 3” X 3” boxes featuring in bold print, Orlando, Dominican Republic and Barbados.  Wording in the Barbados box is “Barbados – Steeped in history, yet offering plenty of comforts like island-wide wi-fi and culinary adventures. And if you like Barbados, you might also like Cancun, Negril and St. Martin/St Maarten”.  Who the h… authorized or approved that language?

The page 1 article in today’s Toronto Star Travel section features Antigua.  The Travel Rewards section in today’s Globe & Mail includes a full page Air Canada Vacations ad for Sandals and Beaches Resorts.  Nowhere in either paper is there any mention of Barbados. If Barbados is getting the same amount of exposure in London, New York et al as in Toronto, it will be difficult to keep the decline in tourism to 9% When I started to draft this on September 18, I had included the following
“If this withering performance were in the corporate world, heads would roll at BTA; and as the saying goes “A fish dies from the head down” Clearly there is a very serious need for change”. So now who will be replacement CEO;  A friend of Freundel, or  someone from St Lucia, Jamaica, UK, USA, Canada – or dare I say Sandals?

One last thought.  Barbados needs to fill those 400 rooms at the now vacated Village. I don’t know why Sandals was rebuffed in an earlier attempt to set up shop in Barbados; but these are different times.  Perhaps it is time the government change its old ways of doing business and revisit that decision. The awards they receive suggest Sandals is good at what it does.   It fills airplanes and employs people.  It is probably too late to bring that property up to Sandals standards for this winter, but the powers that be should seriously consider Sandals as the long-term answer to that urgent need.

  1. miller when all them resigned don’t expect better because the others coming on board going have to deal with the real movers and shakers of those who control the Hotel industry. shades of AX, same recipe except the top dogs at the top of the hotel industry are the ones calling the shots the BTA are a bunch of pupetts.

  2. I don’t know anything about tourism but ads aren’t the only avenue of promotion. See the article of Sep.15 by the Star’s Theatre critic. One cardinal error that is continually made by Canucks he refers to Barbados as “The Barbados”–over-the-rainbow-andrew-lloyd-webber-chooses-shortlist-for-wizard-of-oz-reality-show

  3. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Sargeant | September 20, 2012 at 6:26 PM |
    “One cardinal error that is continually made by Canucks he refers to Barbados as “The Barbados” ”

    You are the one that is in error. The man is technically correct. And don’t argue either!

  4. @Miller
    It is only “The Barbados” or “Los Barbados” if you are Portugese, show me a map with “The Barbados”

  5. Am I the only one noticing …these uncanny calls from financial informers that “all is well, the country has money in the system.” First this reassurance came from MOF Sinckler on Monday morning Bdos, today again GooB sounded a similar call at a meeting at the Barbados Hilton. Hmmm

  6. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Sargeant | September 20, 2012 at 7:08 PM |

    The name ‘Barbados’ is of Portuguese origin. The name given to the island by the first European settlers the Portuguese slave traders despite what the fudged History books tell you.
    Los Barbados was a stop over point possibly for taking on fresh spring water and other victuals on the trade route between the Iberian Peninsula West Africa and Brasil (colonized by Cabral and his disease ridden Portuguese henchmen more than 100 years before the English bought Los Barbados).

    Barbadoes became anglicized as part of a deal between some English privateers (venture capitalists of the day) and the Portuguese Jewish merchantile/ship-owner class.
    Show me a map of ‘Ichirouganaim’ the Garden of Eden and I will show you one of Los Barbados. Ask Ligon if you doubt me.

  7. The post by Check-it-out has indicated several things happening in Barbados that may have contributed to Barbados’ lack lustre performance on the award list.
    1. The decline of the Tourism plant
    2. The decline of service standards
    3. The ill treatment meted out to visitors by our Immigration and Customs i.e. to fellow Caribbean visitors and Black visitors.
    4. The high cost for accommodation and food giving very little bang for the buck.
    5. The increase in crime against visitors
    6. The insensitive manner of the Police when handling visitors.
    7. The international exposure by victims of crime.

    The writing has been on the wall for several years BUT those at the top were too busy enjoying the perks of their jobs ignoring the signs that all was not well. They ignored the complaints, they kept patting themselves on the back saying that they were the best while mediocrity reigned.

    I understand that there is a Tourism Master plan being formulated and I do hope they share it with the population and get some input from them.c

  8. Over the years I have seen countless articles promoting travel to Barbados in the Travel section of the Star, there are also periodic articles on other islands in the Caribbean. Today Antigua was the feature, I think that it was St.Lucia’s turn last week next time it may be Jamaica, Turks & Caicos etc.
    I am no apologist for the BTA but it would cost a fortune in advertising for ads promoting Barbados every week. Sandals is a Public Company which buys advertising space promoting its properties (Sandals/Beaches) in various islands, how should the Head of the BTA roll for that? Sandals also has an office or representatives in Toronto (as it has in Europe and South America). Recently I was driving in Markham (a town north f Toronto) and saw a vehicle bedecked with Sandals advertising, obviously the Company has a promotional presence in Toronto.

    If the blog contrasted the activity of one Island’s Tourist Board against another’s then it may have some credence but a review of advertising in newspapers over a two month period says nothing.

    BTW isn’t the summer months the “off season” for tourism in Barbados?

  9. @Sargeant

    Do you deny that a Bajan Canadian by the name of Hants for several month now has lamented the lack of visibility of Barbados in the Canadian market compared to others ? What say you?

  10. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ old onion bags | September 20, 2012 at 7:18 PM |

    Similar assurances were also given in the 1991/92 economic meltdown.
    Bajans were told that there was no forex shortage.
    Any time a lying politician keeps saying everything is fine but things are collapsing all around you know what to expect.
    Even the Guv, Mr. Physical Deficit, Darcy B and Kelly have gone quiet leaving poor buffoon Mr. Unclear to sink or swim. Not even Dr. David would come to his rescue as required under the Hippocratic oath; even if not under the politicians’ “hypocritic” oath.

  11. David
    I can’t speak for Hants but he has alluded to the Jamaican commercials on TV (One Love) which are quite wonderful. Perhaps he is looking for something similar from B’dos, but Hants can speak for himself.

  12. It helps if the BTA is comprised of officials who bring heavy experience from a track record of working in the industry. When we compare the Jamaica Board of Tourism and ours this is where we are lagging.

  13. Excerpt from the Nation newspaper:

    “The Ministry and the BTA thanked Rice for “the tremendous strides made in tourism under his leadership and wished him well in his future endeavours”.

    So Sinckler is not alone….lol

  14. Onions gun have a ball with this thread … oh dear …!

  15. DAVID
    What is clear is that there is a lot of advertising in North America by Sandals for its properties.
    What is clear also is that those islands in which Sandals has its properties are seeing lots of arrivals
    Certainly this is so for St Lucia

  16. Pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    When you get to be my age you does try to do tings ergonomically. Dat does translate into tekking a seat in de back of de church even road as one uh de elders in de flock you got one uh dem seats de pastor reserve fuh de saved. Is a good ting he ain’t see what I blog for miss alabaster skin earlier dis week cause I wudda get read out as a backslider.

    So dis ergonomics Mek me wonder why it is, in dis day and age of VOIP, Skype and all dese pretty tablet tings – one uh my granddaughters sen me a iPad and de udder one sen me a galaxy en I. I’d talk to dem like ef duh right in front me.

    Which. Ring me back to my question why Richard Starey (causing he always staring into de corners uh de room when he talking to people like if he shame dat he face get so big and puff out) always want to get pun a plane to give de marketing staff in de tourism offices overseas when all dat he and de udder clowns at de MOT only got tuh get my granddaughters sen he a tablet (different to de percolan dat he and de udder frequent flier ministers seem to be using)

    Why dem flying bout so much for doah? Won’t it Mek sense to get dem IT guru Ronald Jones to gi’ dem sum uh he edutech computers to teleconference wid de marketing staff overseas? Evey ting dat happen or gine happen ovah seas he wanna be dey! To gi’ he personal touch to tings Doan leg me go dere , dese practices of flying all ovah de place like if ponka go dem he song to enact, has to stop. I feel dat every officah at dat ministry in paticulah should have a travel. Udget like an insurance salesman. You get $1000 to travel to St Lucia to promote BIM. IF after you gone down dey and spen dat money and there is no income generated by your marketing trip den you grounded!!!

    De same ting for de BIDC I gin’ you $40M a year if you can’t generate $40m at least in jobs and services den I cut back your budget. Dis how I would balance my budgets. Sealy’s total travel budget itemized by city duration food and board costs even de money spent pun *** should a document of public record so we can get some econometrics on how much waste money he and he ingrunt PS spen galivanting all ovah de place. This is what accountability and transparency is about not dem fancy words dat de late David plaster all ovah de pathways to progress. If it get rewrite by Richard it would get call “airways to Distress”

  17. BAFBFP | September 20, 2012 at 8:05 PM |

    Onions gun have a ball with this thread … oh dear …!
    I dun know they smelling shite….but I ent go gloat affa all…. unlike some I live here….Is sad though, that some will rather resort to these measures and kill what eva lil advantage cud be had by an early elections….But FEAR is a strange thing when ya losing power.

    When they really run out they will have no choice but to CALL…watch ..soon too

  18. Telling it like it is Avatar
    Telling it like it is

    Where is the Butch Stewart of Barbados? Plenty know it all hoteliers in Barbados where is one who can go out there and be a Butch Stewart?

    Jamaican private sector maguffy Butch is driving all the business in Jamaica, St. Lucia, Antgua wherever he operates.

    He does not work for any Tourist Board he does not run any government agency, he’s not depending on any government. Alfoso Dass and her crowd always lambasting the government . They should cut the crap of demanding more and more taxpayer funds and be like private sector go getter Butch. If Dass and them so bright they must get up off their fat racist asses and do like Butch Stewart . Stop blaming govrnment Butch Stewart dont blame governments.

  19. I would like other Bajan Canadians to comment because I must be missing something.

    I do remember being told by a BTA offiical here in Toronto that their “strategy” was to send their reps to cities across Canada to meet with target groups directly.
    I was told they didn’t have booths at as many travel trade shows as in the past.

    It is possible that I have been missing the ads in the Star and Globe & mail as I am among the geriatric generation who got sucked into the computer age so I don’t read dead tree newspapers very often.

    The comparison I make with Jamaica is that I see their Tourism ads on TV often and even the Malibu rum ad uses people with fake Jamaican accents.

    an they haven’t even unleashed the Lightning Bolt yet.

    Bajans don’t like to be criticized but I hope those at the BTA who read this blog will get pissed off and try to prove me wrong by unleashing some ads on North American TV.

    Marketing and promoting a Tourist destination must be continuous and relentless.

  20. There are a lot of Indians,Pakistanis and Sri Lankans living in major cities like Toronto.

    A lot of them have disposable income to travel. They have one major thing in common with Bajans.

    hello BTA Sports tourism maguffee.

  21. True. I remember at the World Cup Cricket final sitting next to a young fella form Pakistan, living in California. One of those computer geeks with a good income and education and a passion for cricket. He said that he wouldn’t miss the World Cup for anything.

    There must be many more like him in North America.

    Young, well educated,good income, loves cricket.

  22. “There are a lot of Indians,Pakistanis and Sri Lankans living in major cities like Toronto.”

    Hant one problem……They look like Guyanese and remember the locals don’t like that look.

  23. islandgal246 wrote “They look like Guyanese and remember the locals don’t like that look.”

    Hope no Trinbagonians reading this blog. Uh hear dey have a growing Tourist industry. They would love to have people from the Tdot that look like dem.

  24. Hants the problem is that locals feel only white people can be Tourist and that white people’s money has more value, and that white people is God’s children. This has been ingrained in them for the past three hundred years.

  25. @islandgal

    If as you say it is inbred behaviour then it will require a deliberate strategy to unfreeze and nurture a ‘better’. Then again with good hometraing being human to our fellowman should not be an issue.

  26. David when a PM condones Leroy Trotman’s “Egyptian Jew” description of a large International retail with shops all over the Caribbean there will be some fallout. We have shown the world our innards on how we feel.

  27. correction.. Retailer

  28. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ islandgal246 | September 21, 2012 at 6:57 AM |

    A major brainwashing job done through religion on a naive people.

    When black Bajans see white people especially from overseas they are programmed to see the holy family of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus with all the wise men and disciples being white.

    At one time Afro-Americans, especially those with some financial and intellectual standing took a shine to Bim with many of them staying at the then Holiday Inn and Hilton. But they were treated rather badly by the same black hotel workers just because they were black and assertive enough to demand proper service similar to that shown to their white counterparts. As a result of that shabby treatment and hostile experiences Barbados missed out on establishing a niche market that would have grown by word of mouth. Black Americans can be very big spenders if treated properly’ valued and made to feel welcomed.

  29. After reading the the comments here as a black person there wouldn,t be enough advertising for me to visit barbados some of the comments gives an image of bajans asanti black

  30. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac | September 21, 2012 at 8:58 AM |

    There is sufficient precedence and evidence to arrive at such a conclusion.
    Ask those from Guyana, Jamaica and the East Caribbean. Even the black British complain about the attitudes of black Bajans towards them. Most black Bajans are so stupid as to not even realize that most black Guyanese have Barbadian heritage. Many still totally dismiss their West African heritage but prefer to talk glibly about their English, Irish or Scottish ancestry foolishly making reference to their family names adopted from their previous slave masters and plantation owners and managers

  31. @miller i know of what you speak however there is a time and place for every thing and maybe on another forum but i “belive” that this forum would have been open to giving advice or suggestions out of which others can learn but i maybe wrong.but so far the critcism might have done more harm than good I some how get the impression this has beome another series of “bajan” bashing. brought over from the standpipe mentality

  32. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac | September 21, 2012 at 12:54 PM |
    “… this forum would have been open to giving advice or suggestions out of which others can learn but i maybe wrong..”

    What more advice and suggestions you want the authorities to be made aware of? Don’t you read what the likes of islandgal, Adrian, Colonel Buggy and the likes have been contributing to this blog. These people are not knocking Barbados. On the contrary, they all have the country at heart and want to see it improve and succeed not become another failed banana state.
    Don’t you feel that the ‘powers-that-be’ read these blogs? You better believe they do. Ask David, then! Even if they don’t they certainly get feedback from visitors and comments on TripAdvisor and the likes.
    Have you seen any massive attempts to clean up the place by the people paid to do such?
    Go to the urban areas and look at the state of our roads, gutters and unused lots instead of blaming OSA for everything wrong in Barbados today.

  33. ac | September 21, 2012 at 8:58 AM |
    After reading the the comments here as a black person there wouldn,t be enough advertising for me to visit barbados some of the comments gives an image of bajans asanti black

    So true. island gal and miller and their ilk denigrate black Bajans worst than the bigoted whites who own big business.
    island gal writes more sh*te than rotten onions when she ready. One could only wish Bob Marley’s plea to emancipate yourself from mental slavery would one day hit the island gals and millers of this world like a po of piss in a burglar’s face.

  34. …..somebody want you comin bout hay ?….ya rude…cah ya xxxx

  35. I went Googling for Sandals’ financial statements; but do not see any, so conclude that it must Butch’s private empire.

    I did though come across some interesting stuff, that I thought worth sharing with the BU family; and with the MOT, BTA etc.

    The third link below includes the following “Early this year, the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association hired the world’s leading economic consultancy for the travel industry, Oxford Economics, to look at Jamaica’s tourism industry. If MOT or BTA or BHTA is watching they may want to consider–How-Sandals-pulled-tourists-to-the-Caribbean-despite-the-recession_8512581–The-Role-of-Corporate-Universities-in-HRD-for-the-Tourism-Sector

    Just trying to be helpful

  36. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Vex | September 21, 2012 at 5:09 PM |

    One could only wish Bob Marley’s plea to emancipate yourself from mental slavery would one day hit the island..????”

    We think you should amend that statement to read “black Bajans” while looking in your mirror in a vexed ‘screw-face’ way. The truth hurts but confession is good for the soul.
    Until you get black Bajans to start “liking themselves” then they would be in a position of true emancipation both psychologically and economically. Just look around you at your 90-95% black brothers and sisters and ask yourself who controls them mentally, economically, religiously and culturally.

    Can you tell us what is the total cost in foreign exchange incurred in the importation of false hair and skin bleaching chemicals by non-black merchants and sold to black Bajans living in a tropical island?

    When you have advised your fellow copycat black Bajans to follow the path to true liberation then you can get back to us.

  37. VEX……the truth hurts nuh. Until I see black Bajans given the same level of service given to White people I will say they have become emancipated. You know as well as I do that there is a service for Black people and one for White.

    I have been to restaurants where because I am black was neglected and had seen white people come to the same restaurant after me and got prompt smiling service. The problem with people like you and AC YOU DON”T KNOW WHAT GOOD SERVICE IS! Mediocrity is the given standard and I pity people like you who pretend that piss poor service is the best service that you have been exposed to.

    I want Bajans to raise the bar and treat all races equally. I want people to say that we will go the extra mile and mean it. I want the island look like a pristine garden with restored buildings that I can drive by and admire. I want to see clean streets, clean homes regardless of where they may be. I want to see the highest regard for our environment, with trees planted along the streets and avenues. I want to see people pick up their garbage and take it home to dispose of it properly. I want Bajans to enjoy a green and healthy Barbados. Is that too much to ask for? Or it is all shoite to you and AC? A clean environment is a great moral booster like a tonic for the soul.
    If we can’t see our faults ourselves there will never be any improvement. What have you done to improve your island home?

  38. well throughout my time in and around barbados i have been treated very well. for one i never approach my fellow bajan with a “holier than thou attitude my first approach to anyone whether it be bajan is with respect never waiting for that person to be engaging most of the time i find a cordial conversation can break the ice i am not one looking for special treatment but no matter where i have been i have been treated exceptionally favourable but then again some of us do walk around with billboard chips on our shoulders which can be seen a mile off making it obvious that we have a yearning to be confrontationally served and people react in kind.

  39. We are veering from the substantive issue. The product and the marketing strategy. Are we doing what is required to be world standard.

  40. AC you are such a LIAR! Perhaps you frequent the Chefettes and KFC’s. I have friends who visit the island and stay at some of the top hotels and eaten at our top restaurants, I hear them say that they are being scrutinized by the staff and they feel a reluctance to ask for anything extra because they feel as if they are disturbing the staff. As Bushie said you are definitely CLUELESS! AC you may be surprised about me, wherever I patronize, I am the one thanking the the staff and never once have I heard “You are welcome”. If I am lucky I may get a grunt.

  41. no i think we are doing just fine as a different view was presented on the issues of “service in barbados” all to do with marketing strategy putting in mind that a nations people”s is its greatest assest.if we cann’t sell our people then what is then left.

  42. @ac

    You have no idea. The Barbados product is tired, even our leading tourism lights have admitted. The hotels have no financial space to improve their plant. The government is currently constrained as well and it is reflected in their adverting. Hotels are closing by the month. The government is about to trigger another set of giveaways to the industry (TRIF). Note that service has not been mentioned yet.

  43. island gal just look at your response and the attitude that goes along with it . now compare your response which is filled with hostility to my more caring and gentle or even sympathetic . can you say the same for your response yet you would want people to believe that your approach towards those who are serving you would be different. however whether it be Cheffete or KC i have always be receptive to those hard working and underpaid employees not waiting for them to greet me first but always willing to greet them with a smile. or a kind word and an occasional tip.

  44. david what do you want me to say i have said that the model is outdated have repeated it ad nauseum on the many blogs about the tourism industry in barbados but i have also reached the conclusion that those bose at the top of the hotel industry likes it that way and maybe feels threatened if a new approach is taken one that can involved more of the local populace input what else can be said that have not been said over the past years you mean to say that all them so dumb not to know that a newer approach is necessary.i do have plenty ideas but not going to waste my time giving any .i see this as another politicial football a nd the hotel industry is going to milk it for all that it is worth and country be damned.

  45. ac the hotel industry is waiting on government for every last cent, every initaitive to move forward .Hotels are closing hotels are also opening and reopening. Time out in the Gap is reopened the big yellow Oceans Hotel in the Gap open the other day there must be others so dont be afraid to challenge island gal and loveridege. The best place for the truth on the hotel sector is the BWU here’s where the industry’s workforce is represented. Have you heard the Duke of Yorke spouting gloom and doom on tourism. When he does we have to pay attention.
    With island gal attitude she will encounter problems with customer service.

  46. Vex you sound like a perfect Ostrich with you ass in the air waiting for someone to wallop. Keep up the charade people like you just don’t get it. You and AC are well suited. Vex why don’t you try getting some $ex that they are selling in the Gap!

  47. David wrote, “The Barbados product is tired”

    I disagree. The Barbados product is dingy and deteriorating in quality.

    A clean well kept Hotel with comfortable rooms and a pleasant caring staff never gets tired.

    A restaurant that consistently serves good well presented food served by pleasant staff never gets tired.

    A beach that is clean and safe never gets tired.

    Good entertainment like the hotel bands in the 70s never gets tired.

    If a Tourist spends a week in Barbados and the roads,beaches and hotel properties are clean….If every meal is good and served by pleasant staff….If he can swim without jet skis trying to drown him…..

    These simple things will bring him back occasionally.

    The Barbados product needs a clean up and improvement in quality.

    The only thing new that can work for Barbados in its current state is a Casino resort because gamblers just interested in trying to win the big one.

  48. We are so accustomed to mediocrity that when standards are presented we are clueless,furthermore our decline in standards started in the late 60’s,which is why the last two generations have never known proper work discipline.

  49. david i am not going to feel sorry for the hotel industry what did they do with all the money they had in times of plenty. maybe they need to take many pages out of Butch Stewart “How to survive in hard times and be a forced to be reckoned with” instead of relying on taxpayers hand outs.

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