Some members of the BSTU party leaving Government House last night

According to media reports, the meeting between Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart and the Barbados Secondary Teachers Union (BSTU) to resolve the Alexandra imbroglio ended with a promise of more meetings late last night. Further reports suggest that Principal Jeff Broomes did not receive ‘official’ communication from the ministry of education about the meeting.

After four and one half hours at Bay Street yesterday the only reasonable conclusion to be drawn by John Public is that the 30 teachers remain persuaded by the Prime Minister that dialogue is healthy in the circumstances. Whether the reason for the impasse is legitimate or not most Barbadians have become ‘ticked-off’ at how protracted this matter has become. In any industrial dispute there is a time period which is considered reasonable before the hammer drops. Clearly in the Alexandra matter that time has long passed.

Although it is easy to be sympathetic to Prime Minister Stuart given the large number of issues which currently command his attention, the Alexandra dispute involves children, and despite the placatory offerings from some involved in solving the matter, it must be adversely affecting them. Listening to many parents of the affected children it must be a very emotional time especially if we factor the challenging economic times we have to exist.

Then there is the political fallout going into an election year which makes the inability of government to resolve the Alexandra matter quickly a rising concern. Yes BU understands that it is the Public Service Commission (PSC) which must act if the route to solving the problem is to remove Broomes from the school. This appears to be clearly the path of the Prime Minister. If this is the case then the BSTU finds itself in a situation where there is little they can expect the Prime Minister to do in the short term. The wheels of government bureaucracy has never been known to impress by its speed to action. The newly appointed PSC probably needs time to familiarize itself with its work.

One would reasonably have expected after the meeting at Bay Street last night, and given the concerns for/by students and parents, a brief communication to the media to allay obvious fears was a necessity. BU however has come to appreciate that our political leaders prefer to create information vacuums which give reason for the PEOPLE to speculate. Doesn’t make sense but …With talk shows and social media on the rise, Prime Minister Stuart can be assured of one thing, Barbadians will be talking about this matter some more in the days to come.

Enough is enough!

  1. George C. Brathwaite Avatar
    George C. Brathwaite

    For the smart ones on this blog, it has long been established that Stuart opened a can of worms when in seeking to resolve the AX matter, decided to invite only one of the contending parties for audience. Surely he must have known as a lawyer that he was setting up himself and the government into a position wherein they could no longer act, nor could they resort to influence or negotiation. Stuart is as naieve as he is shallow. That is my personal opnion regardless of his use of history or language. It is a sorrow that Barbadians should have him as a Prime Minister. Every man and woman deserves a fair chance; Stuart has had many chances to prove he has the mettle to be PM of this great island and nation-state Barbados. It is about time that he goes; there is absolutely no improvement from him. Go to the ant Mr Stuart, you are indeed a sluggard!

  2. however whatever you BLP think of Stuart handling the AX Fact of the matter it boils down to the legal issues intertwined in the matter and there is very little PM Stuart can do to unravelled them expect through law , most of you BLP think you got all the answers to these complicated matters you guys are just a bunch of loud mouth antagonist blowing a lot of air, The system has been hijacked and with Broomes holding letter of appointment which states he can not be dismissed without his consent,

  3. @George

    An intellectual like u shoulld know better in the use of such language. Remember you said u r a lercturer.

  4. @ac

    I am glad that u have now recognized that the matter is more complex than previously thought,

  5. @uneducated
    The situation yes being complexed still needs to be resolved in a clear and precise manner my stance is and was about Broomes bombastic rule of law and nothing about that has been changed . the fact of the matter those in the know how says that this man Broomes can be removed and the B STU is willing to hold on until such occurs so one can clearly see that as one side says it is a legal high wire the other side thinks differently maybe there is truth in “there is more than one way to skin a cat” and the BSTU is bankimg on that,

  6. @david

    have u got a copy of the email that was alledged to have been written by phil pherry, i am told that it makes for interesting reading. i have been reliably informed that roy morris has a copy, havnt seen it but was told it was a strategy in how to deal with the pm at the meeting.

  7. old onion bags Avatar

    STANDBY FOR ACTION!!!!……..we shall see what we shall see….(primary school chant )……cows in the meadow 1-2-3.

  8. @ac

    the bstu can wish and wish, those of us that understand the issues knew from day one that the union’s request was unreasonable. I met mr. broomes once and dont know of his style. i knew he was and is on good ground, i dont know who is advising the union, but dont u think that the pm was advised that he could not take the approach mary redman had envisaged. There is more in the morta tan in the pestle,

  9. George C. Brathwaite Avatar
    George C. Brathwaite

    @ uneducated

    I am not perturbed by my use of language. I am not covering up and patching up for the sake of a PM that continues to stumble at every turn. All of you can do that, you can hide behiond your nice words. Now if you want to tell me what I am or what i do, that is your problem not mine. I have been able to perform several different jobs with satisfaction. At the end of the day, I am still going to call a spade a spade. What I do not do is kiss ass; Stuart knows that and the DEMS know that. I am not calling anyone to account other than the PM who intervened. He is as clumsy as he is disconnected from the majority of the populace.

  10. ole onions good mawning bf. see you up and running , but this time the BSTU ain’t going to run away from this issue they have decided to take a hard line stance come hell or high water and i am backing them 100% .

  11. @uneduated

    Here is a link to the content of the message copied:

  12. @ uneducated
    re. George Brathwaite.
    Dont mislead yourself that because one is involved in some capacity in a university or the holder of a university degree that one is ” AN INTELLECTUAL ” . Brathwaite has ably demonstrated time after time that HE IS NOT AN INTELLECTUAL . Dont forget GEORGE LAMMING was not the beneficiary of a university education , but HE IS AN INTELLECTUAL..Need I say more ? Peace my friend .

  13. old onion bags Avatar

    re: link above
    Who wrote that…? Why isnt it signed ? PISS POOR BU…..asinine

  14. @Onions

    Notice that of late you have become BU’s biggest critic. Why don’t you ask Barbados Today why they printed it and it wasn’t signed?

  15. George C. Brathwaite Avatar
    George C. Brathwaite

    @ uneducated

    You are very true. Hence, one reason I do not label myself other than an academic. You can put whatever you want. I assure you though, I am a very independent and critical thinker. Sometimes I may get it wrong, but often my conclusions are deduced through reason.
    Now when the facts clearly indicate that this PM is the biggest disgrace in Barbados based on his indecisiveness, disconnect with the masses, and the lack of effective performances by the Cabinet he heads, it does not take an intellectual to come to certain conclusions. In fact, I am sure that is why you want to come after me and not necessarily what I am stating. So if you ridicule me, or maybe if you show up any weaknesses that I have, would you have disputed the mounting evidence on a prime minister who gained his place through default and since then his mouthings and actions have gone from bad to worse, to the worst? So forget the blasted degree and intellectual talk. Tell Bajans how to do what the Eager 11 failed to do and rid Bajans of this pedantic, and fumbling prime minister. It does not take brains to figure out that Freundel Stuart is very bad for barbados and especially at a time when we are in economic and societal crisis.

  16. old onion bags Avatar

    @ David
    Notice that of late you have become BU’s biggest critic. Why don’t you ask Barbados Today why they printed it and it wasn’t signed?
    Because BU should know better……”to whom much is given , much is expected.”……Ask yourself since when Roy became KGB..and had an effoilometer.( Russian email interceptor)

    One swallow is not a Summer …lol

  17. Observing (and questioning) Avatar
    Observing (and questioning)

    I’ll have a read and see if my worries are unfounded. My concern is more the fact that it’s the education sector. Many persons underestimate the massive legal, administrative and operational complexities that exist there. “Short” term solution to AX…maybe. Longer term solution to education…unsure. Also bare in mind that thie commission should not be seen as a “head hunt” or evidence gathering for a “specific” already determined goal. I think the PM has a little more convincing of the public on that. The BSTU will implode or fizzle eventually.

    Have a good day all.

    Nothing like a good night’s rest to evaporate emotion and reenergise 🙂

  18. old onion bags Avatar

    Mawning ac
    Man how you could switch on de teachers so ? You had our backs before …political interference I guess..never mind …yesterday was the last nail in a career of the inept….undisputed. A country’s leader should one whose word is his bond and not to F4 the public with semantics.Again CCJ and World Internationale is watching..LIME too..CLICO too..Guess he won’t be able to blame this one either on Global Economies…but you all may find a way.

  19. @ uneducated
    Should you require further proof , take C.L.R. JAMES . He did not attend university either yet was referred to as ” THE PLATO OF THE BLACK WORLD ” . In fact James in commenting on the activities of NKRUMAH , former president of Ghana , said that he met him BEFORE he went to university and got his head confused . You think I should say more on this George Brathwaite fellow ? Peace my friend .

  20. George C. Brathwaite Avatar
    George C. Brathwaite

    @ uneducated

    Someone just called me and asked what conclusions have I drawn that were ever wrong?
    I told them for sure I got the Eager 11 wrong. They knew somethings that we did not fully know or accept at the time. Of course they messed it up by leakage added to their wastage. But I got that wrong. In trying to remedy that at this time, all I can do is to urge them to infleunce the PM to call the elections. Barbadians are waiting to have their say and I will accept the verdict. Stuart must go; his indecisiveness is BAD for the Barbados today and tomorrow.

  21. @ Observing .
    A very balanced contribution worthy of the most serious consideration . Of course I expect that from anyone who OBSERVES . LOL. Peace my friend .

  22. @ George C Brathwaite
    ” Sometimes I may get it wrong , but OFTEN ( emphasis ) my conclusions are deduced through reason .”
    Am i seeing right ? OFTEN ? Do you mean that after describing yourself as an ACADEMIC you would admit that there are times when you draw conclusions BEFORE / WITHOUT REASONING ? Well ! Well ! Well !

  23. @onions hell no! i did not switch on the teachers however the teachers going have to play real hard ball because it looks like broomes has the bull by the the teachers have their work cut for them along trying to avoid any negatuive fall out from. this matter as it is the BLP is in full swing slinging bows and arrows at PM over this issue. the question is now which side is the PM going to take as before he gave a perception that he was in sympathy with the BSTU

  24. old onion bags Avatar

    @ ac
    You like you miles ahead as well babes… plunge the island in ALL this chaos..deserves a vote of no confidence in Parliament….notwithstanding
    after yesterday’s pernicious peddling by’s only a matter of time now….The die is cast and the wilderness beyond….Of all my wildest
    expectations I would have never believed the Office would fall to such phantasmagoria… and at the expense of those believing teachers, parents and young students of a “much” promised solution…..IT’S A SHAME… Assurance of a step wise solution via Phases was assured.. only to be exiled by “I miles ahead” ….IS THIS FAIR TO BABADOEESS ?

  25. The teachers at Alexandria and the Principal are incompatible.

    The commission of enquiry will confirm itself as a waste of time if this is its finding …. we have been there and done that.

  26. And what do you recommend for incompatible people? DIVORCE! All this TALK TALK ent gine nuhwhere. Do what is best for the children, start DIVORCE PROCEEDINGS from both sides PLEASE.

  27. Start phases 3,4,and 5 NOW! DIVORCE, DIVIDE and RELOCATE NOW!

  28. An Observer; Thanks for your 1.25 am response to my earlier post. I did indeed hear the last minute or so of the press conference but missed the meat of it. But that last minute was enough to send bells ringing and to realise that the press conference possibly signalled nothing less than the effective end of the Stuart era for Stuart was backpedalling fast while casting some doubt on his vaunted integrity, casting more blame on his MOE and taking credit for the new Commission while indicating that Cabinet had approved it after significant discussion. I don’t think that my posts on this matter are in any way inconsistent with my posts on other matters. From the beginning I thought that FS handled the AX matter very badly and said so so the current denouement was no surprise to me.

  29. We have just come out of the period of lent and the passion of Jesus. It seems it is being played out here again, here is Stuart ( Pilate) washing his hands of the problem and giving Broome ( Jesus) over to the Commission of Enquiry ( the people) to be crucified. Christians know what happened to Jesus, similarly, Broome would rise from the dead, in triump with a BIG Jackpot from this government. The Judases ( Keith Simmons & Co ) would get their money for the Enquiry ( thirty pcs of silver) but they would not be able to spend it. Barbados needs to stop this lunatic from bringing Barbados into disrepute

  30. George C. Brathwaite Avatar
    George C. Brathwaite

    @ An Observer

    Simple answer, is yes! In terms of you think that you are perfect and infallible, then I urge you to carry on. I do not engage those who are perfect. Cheers (I almost called you a Jackass, but would rather say you make some assinine comments from time to time).

  31. The BLP smells blood like sharks swimming in open waters along with the opposition leader whose asinine and decivious statement of advicing the paren ts to sue the govt. this man is as evil and vindicative as they come as if it is not enough fuel bei ng added to the problem OSA has decided to throw a stick of dynamite all In the name of political expendiency

  32. Here is another matter being washed in the blood of politics. We can blame Stuart that is not a problem but some of us need reminding that the AX matter has been ongoing from 2006 (under Arthur). Where is the leadership!

    O how we have descended to a place where only a few years ago we would have tossed our hands in horror. The time is coming soon where the big decision to jump from one pan on the fire to the next.

  33. old onion bags Avatar

    The Scout | April 20, 2012 at 9:10 AM |
    Terrible piss poor comparison….WE know you want Barabbas.
    Pilate in both scenarios seems to have got it wrong, if their is any conciliation.

  34. Am I sensing from the letter rumoured to be written by Phil Perry that is in possession of, that members of Stuart’s cabinet are not falling in line. Are they still disresepcting him as PM. Any leader who does not have followers, is in his own ship and he could as well hand over the leadership to someone else. As I said before, Stuart seems a nice guy but the job of PM like it is too big a task for him. And they are no other members in the DLP that we can select. I think they can even beg for Clyde Mascoll to return and he would do a better job.

    The Commission of Inquiry is all that Stuart can do given the fact that members of his cabinet are not in agreement with his handling of the matter.

  35. @ David .
    ” some of us need reminding that the AX matter has been ongoing since 2006 ( under Arthur )
    How very perceptive you are ! By comparison the PM Stuart has been dealing with the matter FOR FOUR MONTHS . Thank you for raising this aspect of the matter David . Peace .

  36. @ George C Brathwaite .
    I have been valiantly trying to get you to behave as a man of letters should . I HAVE AGAIN FAILED MISERABLY. I am not sure I have the energy to keep trying .

  37. @ George C Brathwaite
    ” …in terms of you think …” what gobbledygook !!!

  38. The Commission of Inquiry………..SUCKS, and is so obviously a cop out… it’s infantile…this dispute deserves an amicable and immediate solution. Even if one moved one or both of the parties, it would have showed more insight than this……Really the choice was the WORST option…..(reconsider the faithfulness of your cabinet)….it is really shallow and does nothing to solve the problem.

  39. Observing (and observing) Avatar
    Observing (and observing)

    @Mehands tied
    “The Commission of Inquiry is all that Stuart can do”

    Yup. Taking all things into considerations, as sad as they may sound, it really is. Best of the worst.

    By comparison the PM Stuart has been dealing with the matter FOR FOUR MONTHS

    And some may say has failed for four months as well.

  40. First class submission by political analyst Peter Wickham on VOB 929 Brass tacks 10.15 AM…..PM not in sync with things….existing in a different world to most of us other Barbadians who see the expediency of having this matter resolved expeditiously …well said Peter.

  41. @ Observing .
    Using the same yardstick would you say that PM Arthur who was dealing with the matter from 2006 also failed for that period ? This question is certainly pertinent . Peace as usual .

  42. Observing (and observing) Avatar
    Observing (and observing)

    We usually concur. I would say the persons responsible for dealing with the matter from 2006 failed. If it can be shown that it reached Arthur’s “desk” then I will also ascribe blame to him.

    Peace appreciated.

    The industrial relations – political – legal – administrative overlaps are now showing themselves fully.This issue could never be solved using ONLY one or the other.

  43. @ Fractured BLP
    “Most of the BLP NINCOMPOOPS on this site wanted you to follow the lead of Owen Arthur…when in a moment of drunken stupor….he severed 4 public officers from the QEH !The aggrieved individuals took their case to court and WON and the tax payers of this country had to pay the the price for Arthur’s drunkenness”

    Like how the Dems fired public officers in 2008, can’t defend one case in court and will have to compensate “aggrieved individuals”? Additionally, who was drunk when the decision was made to fire Lagan and 3S, and how much was or is to be paid?
    The spin on this blog would make one vomit.

  44. Has anyone stop to consider what this is costing us ..from a Macro perspective in down and digression time ? A very BAD decision in a time of recession…any time come to think of it !

  45. @enuff

    Spin from both directions.

  46. There is a law, legislation and process that governs this land.

    Owen Arthur’s comments are ‘bullying’ to agitate and not to resolve an underbelly putrifying problem.

    The PM has taken to follow the ‘rule of law’. The teachers returned to school in Term 2 and were met with a response by the Principal. Was the MOE observing the relationship between Principal and Teachers?

    Are the one or two aggrieved teachers being asked to report to the Principal? or, are they being rude and ignoring the official authority in the school?

    Is the Principal without rights in this circumstance?

    The majority of Barbados appears to be against the PM’s decision. If the teachers aggrieved become Prinicpals of various schools next term, will the teaching staff be allowed to have them removed ‘with dispatch’ because a few aggrieved teachers complain about them?

    We have to look at precedence?

  47. The PM did what the PM could do.

    REMEMBER he (PM) said he did not promise the BSTU nor anybody anything. He also said he acknolwedge their right to industrial relations actions including ‘their right to strike’.

    Mary is wrong in her actions plus the teachers who stayed away and withdraw labour pending the removal of the Head of an institution.

    Industrial relations has ‘law’ and ‘boundaries’ this is not wages dispute. this is a Principal v Teachers. They are teachers who do not agree but because of union membership are withdrawing labour.

    Without proof on current mis-conduct by Jeff Broomes the MOE cannot remove because the BSTU says so. The BSTU is not responsible for the PSC and MOE. So what is their point of withdrawing labour until the Principal is removed. (Procedure has to be followed).

    Who are the teachers bringing allegations (man is innocent until proven guilty still).

    What is the heinous act requiring immediate removal pending investigation.

  48. @ David
    All THREE sides!

  49. @ BU

    Owen Arthur asked parents to sue Government – what would be the cause?
    and, on what grounds would parents win?

    The Government did not withdraw labour from the school?

  50. I read on a Barbados Today article Opposition Leader Owen Arthur ….headline PM Office is Vacant……..”this is simply the most monumental piece of ineptitude in Barbados modern political history.”. WOW…a mouthful

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