Prime Minister Mia Mottley shows off a Kensington Oval ready for T20 World Cup
Is Iran developing a ‘friendly’ nuclear program?

The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. (NIV, Isaiah 2:3-4)

For those who do not subscribe to biblical doctrine Bob Marley chanted it best –  “Check out the real situation,  Nation war against nation, Where did it all begin, when will it end,  Well it seems like total destruction,The only solution,  And there ain’t no use, No one can stop them now .”

After the invasion of Libya by a few first world countries the question which many immediately asked was – who will be next?  Would it be North Korea?  Would it be Iran? It seems the gun sight is now unerringly pointed at Iran.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on a visit last week to the USA asserted Israel’s right to be ‘the master of its fate’. He sent a strong message to Iran and the world that Israel is running out of patience with Iran and is actively considering a military strike. Israel and its greatest ally USA believe Iran should not be allowed to develop nuclear warheads because of its public declaration to obliterate Israel from the face of the earth. The question raised by the scenario playing out: does Iran, a sovereign country, have the right to manage its affairs free from external intervention?  Bear in mind Israel’s aggressive posture is unfolding against the imposition of international sanctions.

It is ironic that Israel owes its military might to the USA – billions of dollars in military aid – yet Prime Minister  Netanyahu would defy the US by threatening to strike Iran. Perhaps he knows the powerful American Israel  Public Affairs lobby group is in his camp. If Netanyahu continues to stoke the conflict it will have implications for the world, especially small island states like Barbados. Some believe Netanyahu has heightened the rhetoric to steer domestic conversation away from the woes of the Israeli economy. Although the US would be forced to support Israel should it strike Iran, it is a move Obama would not like with the US economy showing moderate bounce – three consecutive months of job growth of over two hundred thousand.

We should all accept that as long as Israel exist there will be conflict in the ME. It therefore brings into focus the need to wean Barbados from its heavy dependence on imported food and fuel.

  1. ‘Israel Ready to Bully Iran.” Really!?

    Ancient Institutionalized Ant-Semitism IS* THOUSANDS of YEARS old, a vehement, DEADLY HATED and venom against the Jewish people, ‘Israel” nothing new!

    “The Resurrection of the dead will NOT COME until MUSLIMS will WAR with the Jews and the Muslims will KILL them….the trees and rocks will say, ‘O Muslim, here is a Jew behind me, come and KILL him’”
    The Prophet Mohammad, ( From the Hadith, which records the acts and sayings of Mohammad.

    “The power struggle between Israel and the Arabs is a long-term trial. Victory or defeat are for US questions of EXISTENCE or ANNIHILATION*, the outcome of an IRRECONCILABLE HATRED.” Al Riyadh Saud, Founder of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    “The war is open until Israel CEASES to EXIST* and until the LAST JEW in the world is ELIMINATED.” Hamas Leader- (Wall Street Journal, December 18, 1992.

    A-MAD-DINE-JAD, President of Iran, has stated OPENLY, in recent years, eccoing the ancient HATED of Muslims, that ‘Israel MUST be wiped off the map, ANNIHILATED; and this thread asked, “Israel Ready to Bully Iran” How provocative, OR, ignorant a atatement tgat is!

    Obama offered PM ‘package deal’ on Iran attack
    by David Lev—

    “A report in Ma’ariv Thursday said that U.S. President Barack H. Obama offered to give Israel advanced “bunker buster” missiles and long-range planes that could fly thousands of kilometers without refueling – if Israel agreed not to attack Iran during 2012.”

    “The report was based on discussions with diplomatic officials who were privy to the conversation Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu had with Obama in Washington this week. The diplomats said that Obama had offered a “package deal,” whereby the U.S. would not seek to prevent an Israeli attack in 2013 – after the U.S. presidential election in November. That didn’t mean that the U.S. was giving Israel a “green light” for an attack; it was more like a “yellow light,” which perhaps could be interpreted as close to red than green, the diplomats said.”

    “In tandem with the report, the Institute for Science and International Security, which works to reduce the threat of nuclear war, released an assessment Wednesday that Israel was unlikely to attack Iran during 2012.
    Yukiya Amano, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said Wednesday that Iran was hiding important information about its nuclear program. In an interview on CNN, to be broadcast later Thursday, Amano said that Iran is “not being open about its nuclear program. We demand that Iran speak to us of their own volition. Iran has some questions to answer,” he said.

    “Former Israeli Ambassadorto the U.S. Yoram Ettinger said: “The ideological divide between Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Obama is unbridgeable. It cannot be papered-over by photo-opportunities, smiles and warm hospitality…Sanctions – which have been undermined by Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Indian and Turkish non compliance – will not prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power. Forty years of sanctions did not prevent the nuclearization of North Korea, and thirty three years of sanctions against Iran have provided Teheran with additional time to develop/acquire nuclear capabilities…The cost of non-preemption (a nuclear confrontation) would dwarf the cost of preemption…In order to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear capabilities, President Obama will have to amend his worldview. Otherwise, Netanyahu will have to demonstrate the principle and value-driven tenacity and steadfastness of former Israeli Prime Ministers Ben Gurion, Eshkol, Golda Meir, Begin and Shamir, who founded the Jewish State, and catapulted it to dramatic achievements, through the defiance of US and global political correctness.”

    God said: “The Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes and sets over them the lowliest of men.”…“With my great power and out stretched arm I made the earth and its people and the animals that are on it, and I give it to anyone I please.”…“Yahweh has established his throne in heaven and his kingdom rules over all.”… “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.”(Daniel 4:17; Jeremiah 27:5; Psalm 103:19;Romans 13:1)

    “The Jerusalem Connection said: Now we know that really all options are not on the table. Apparently there is one option for sure that is not on the table and possibly two. One option no longer on the table is that there will not be an Obama-authorized U.S. preemptive strike on Iran until the election is over. The second appears likely as well and that is there will not be an Israeli preemptive strike this year. Did the President make the Prime Minister a deal he couldn’t refuse? On the other hand, Donald Trump is betting that Obama will strike Iran this year in an attempt to insure his election. Whatever the case, the President’s action will most certainly be governed by his election motivations.While our vote is important, our prayers are more important. We need to pray that God will contain and restrain our elected leadership to those policies and decisions that will be most in keeping with his will and purposes for his people. And may God give us grace to be like Esther in “such a time as this.”

    The story of Esther

    “The festive holiday of Purim commemorates Israel’s salvation from extermination by the mighty Persian Empire, some 2500 years ago. Jews in Israel and all over the world celebrate Purim on the 14th day of Adar (this year March 8th) as a time of “Light, Gladness, Joy and Honor for the Jewish people” (Esther 8:16).

    “Purim is a classic story of deep-rooted anti-semitism, pitting a powerful ruler (King Ahasuerus) and his vicious, arrogant advisor (Haman) against the Nation of Israel. Plans were drawn up for the “final solution” – wiping the Jews off the face of the earth. The word ”Purim” means lottery – referring to the method used to determine the fateful day set aside for the annihilation of the Jews.”

  2. ISRAEL IS A BULLER THEN but Iran is not prepared to bend over or take it lying down so I dont know how Israel is going to get the jjob done. I expect forced entry probably with some strong arms

  3. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @Zoe | March 17, 2012 at 8:06 PM |
    “The power struggle between Israel and the Arabs is a long-term trial. Victory or defeat are for US questions of EXISTENCE or ANNIHILATION*, the outcome of an IRRECONCILABLE HATRED.” Al Riyadh Saud, Founder of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ”

    So Zoe, which side do you think modern day Saudi Arabia would take in a war between Israel and Iran? Do you think the present Saudi administration would go against the West for Iran?

    Please let us know what you think.


    JUST IMAGINE that St George was a nation.
    JUST IMAGINE that St Philip and CH CH were also nations and represented the kings of the South.
    JUST IMAGINE that St Lucy St Peter and St James represnted the kings of the north, our eastern parishes all being individual nations represented the kings of the East, and St michael was the kings of the West.
    JUST IMAGINE that ALL of these parishes/nations were at enmity with St GEORGE, and sought to erase them from the face of the earth.Tell me, what should the sovereign nation of St George do.

    A brief read of Aharoni on the geography might help us understand the exact strategic [or non strategic position of Israel, all surrounded by enemies- for what ever reason. Not fight? What would you guys do.

    Whether you like it or not…THERE WILL BE A FIGHT…..EVENTUALLY.


  5. Now look what kind of topic drew Dr Georgie out of his slumber.

    I feel that the solution lies with bombing Israel … matter solved … World peace assured!

  6. @ David

    And shouldn’t Israel ‘exist’?

    @ Georgie P


    @ BAF

    OK..let’s kill all dogs..then there won’t be cruelty to dogs.

  7. @GP. Beautifully put.

  8. @robert

    Of course Israel has the right to exist.

  9. in reference to Georgie Porgie comment. If it was that simple an equation the whole world would agree. But it goes back to the Palestinian issue which is a major factor in opposing countries seeing Israel as having the right to exist. Bear in mind the question is ” Who are the rightful Landowners of Israel” and until that question is answered there will be on peace in the ME.

  10. Israel or "Israelis" Avatar
    Israel or “Israelis”

    The issue may not be Israel, but the current mixed “Israelis”, who may, genetically, be significantly different from the true Israelis. Much like today’s “Mexicans”.

  11. @ Israel or

    Arguments as to purity are a potential minefield. Do you really want to go down that road?

    But the reference to the ‘Mexicans’ reminds me of Graham Greene’s ‘Monsignor Quixote’ where the “Mexicans’ – essentially Roman Catholic Philistines with too much money – had been too long away from Galicia. It’s an interesting analogy on the ‘purity’ issue.

  12. Khazars.

  13. @ AC

    Hello again. Problem is to decide what we mean by ‘rightful’ ownership – how far back do we go and then are we warranted in re-drawing maps? And then what of prescriptive titles – acquisitive and adverse? And what of titles created by international agreement? Or conquest? Or inadvertantly by the operation of nature? Or where the land is not distinguishably anyone’s in the first place – but yet may be inhabited nomadically? And Zoe would want to say I suppose that all land is ultimately God’s. And I would want to say that all boundaries are artificial yet rooted in convenience. And Plantation Deeds would want to ask where the deeds have gone……And would we want to distinguish between ‘rights’ and ‘interests’ and……

  14. @ robert ross

    “OK..let’s kill all dogs..then there won’t be cruelty to dogs”

    No no … Kill ALL of the people who are cruel to dogs … then there won’t be cruelty to dogs. Why is there always someone to get things mix up mix up …?

  15. “The governments of the world should KNOW that Islam CANNOT be defeated. Islam will be VICTORIOUS in ALL countries, and ISLAM and the teaching of the Koran wil prevail ALL over the world.” Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini of Iran

    The Relevance of Ancient Issue.

    This crucible of conflict in the Middle East, between the Jews, and the Arabs, and their ancient homeland of ‘Israel’ the land mass known as ‘Palestine’ or the ‘Promised Land’ that WAS, unconditionally ‘Covenanted’ and soveriengly GIVEN to the Jews as an EVERLASTING POSSESSION by Almighty God.

    The Abrahamic Covenant IS* the Covenant Almighty God made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It was made after the twoer of Babal, and the scattering of the descendants of Noah. It involvrs National Israel, the Seed Messiah ( The Lord Jesus Christ), and all believers of all nations. It is the most comprehensive of all Old Testament Covenants.

    That the Covenant as given to the three fathers and to Israel is stated in the following passages: To ABRAHAM: Genesis 12:1-3; 13: 14-18; 15: 21; 17:1-27; 18:17-19; 21: 12; 22; 1-18. Top ISAAC: Gen. 24:60; 26: 1-5, 24. To JACOB: Gen. 27: 28-29; 28: 2-4, 13-22; 32: 12,28; 35: 10-12; 48: 3-4. To ISRAEL: Deut. 7:6-16; I Chron. 16: 15-22; Psa. 105: 8-15; Micah. 7:20; Exodus. 3: 15; 32: 13; Heb. 6: 13-14.

    One cannot begin to fathom the present day conflict and crisis, between the Palestinians, and ALL other Arab, Islamic nations that surround the State of Israel, whose SOLE intent, IS* to ANNIHILATE Israel and KILL all Jews, unless one studies the 3,500 animosity and HATED from the ancient HATERS of the Jews and ‘Israel’ the seed of Ismael, from whom came the present day ‘Arab’ Islamic nations et al.

    And ALL of this IS* precisely prophecied by Almighty God, in His Word, the Bible, by His Inspired Prophets, ALL onfolding daily before our ears and eyes, ANOTHER, empirical CONFIRMATION, of the veracity and truthfulness, of His WORD, the Scriptures.

  16. We always go to the biblical and historical arguments to solve a problem which seems to have morphed to one of security.

  17. robert ross

    In defense of what ac is saying … You well know that this Israel is a transplanted set of people like Australia and the USA and so many other countries around the world, a country created to solve a problem that existed in Europe. F#uck the existing inhabitants… Who gives a shit about the Aboriginal, Amerindian or other indigenous peoples like the Palestinians …!

    Sorry Israel right to exist when compared to that of the other transplanted states only becomes relevant in that context. I say Bomb them before they bomb someone else. Funny how we hear so much about Nuclear proliferation when no one is prepared to expose the fact that Israel might very well be a proud possessor of Nuclear weapons. In any event the really bad guys in all of this, the ones who consider themselves the policemen of the world are guilty of breaking every Nuclear proliferation treated that was ever developed. Israel’s existence is NOT a moral issue…!

  18. Security has always been the problem and Isreal right to exist should not make one overlooked the rights to the Palestian people having their Homeland,as of now this is the burning issue thay has engulfed and fuels the enevitable.

  19. @ac

    It was not always about security, there was a time when the PLO denied Israel’s right to exist.

  20. @ BAF

    IF we kill the people who are cruel to dogs in my analogy it would not be Israel which would suffer.

    As for ‘defending’ AC….why are you so obsessive about ‘defending’ or, I suppose, ‘attacking’? There was nothing to defend. I was raising questions, one of which was the very point you raised. Forgive me, you seem to be running in blinkers.

  21. David

    What is crap about Right to exist… There is NO such thing! Ones ability to exist is not based on Right or Rights but on share fire power (ask the remnants of the Khoikhoi, Sioux and the Comanche etc). This shite about right to exist is designed to appeal to simpletons. I believe that Europeans placing Jews in the Middle East and referring to them as “Settlers” is a Big Wrong.

    robert ross

    If you can’t keep up …

  22. @BAFBFP

    Understand your argument but you have to be pragmatic and accept the rules of engagement as far as the Israeli Palestinian conflict is concerned when compared to the marginalized groups you have mentioned.

  23. Despite what the below confirms, re All other Islamic nations, being AGAINST Iran developing nuclear weapons, they ALL, Saudi Arabia, especially spends BILLIONS of $$$ spreading their HATRED, against Western culture, and IN America sponser Islamic literature in Mosque and schools propagating Islamic ideology, Sharia LAW, etc, while pretending to be moderate Muslims, working with American foriegn policy, etc, in the Middle East! Go figure!

    Will The Sunnis Unite With Israel Against Shiite Iran?


    “The sectarian gulf between the Sunni Arabs and Shia Iranians runs deep. Recent reports suggest that Arabs, while being motivated by their abhorrence of the Shias, appear willing to support Israel in her not-so-covert plans to attack Iran.”

    “Peter Cohan, writing in, reports that “Saudi Arabia’s rage against the Shias exceeds its dislike of its Jewish neighbors” so much so that Saudis are willing to provide Israel logistics support to attack Iran later in June. Other Arab states including Jordan and Egypt may also stand behind Israel’s foray into Iran.”

    “It was only in November 2010 when WikiLeaks revealed that Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz was egging the American leadership to take out Iran’s nuclear programme. In April 2008, WikLeaks exposed US diplomatic cables in which the current Saudi Ambassador to the United States, Adel al-Jubair, told an American diplomat about King Abdullah’s “frequent exhortations to the US to attack Iran and so put an end to its nuclear weapons program.”

    “According to the leaked cables Ambassador al-Jubair, while referring to Iranians, asked Americans to “cut off the head of the snake”. The Saudis never denied making these comments and observed that they could not verify the veracity of these documents.”

    “The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is on a whistle stop tour of the western capitols to win their support for an Israeli military foray into Iran. The American newspapers, such as New York Times, have willingly become cheerleaders encouraging Israel to follow through on its threats by publishing speculations about when and how Israel will or should attack Iran.”

    “In the past three months alone, the New York Times has published over 32 stories flirting with the idea of an Israeli attack on Iran.”

    “While Israel’s loud threats against Iran are increasing by the day, the deafening silence of the Arab leadership on threats against Iran, a supposedly brotherly Muslim country, is also becoming hard to ignore. At the same time one is at loss to understand why Iran continues to antagonise the West who is concerned about Iran’s hard stance against Israel and her unqualified support for Hamas and the Palestinian Authority.”

    “Over the past three decades Iran has taken a leading role in mobilising Muslims against Israel. However, while Iran has become a pariah for supporting the Arabs in the Arab-Israeli conflict, Arabs on the other hand continue to treat Shia Arabs and Iranians with contempt.”

    “The brutal repression of Bahraini Shias, who are in majority, by the minority Sunni rulers was aided and abetted by the Saudi regime who sent the Saudi army (including retired non-commissioned soldiers from Pakistan) and heavy armaments across the causeway to help the Bahraini regime.”

    “Rulers in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia blamed Iran for the uprising by the majority Shias in Bahrain against the Khalifa and his clan who are Sunni Muslims. Similarly, Saudi Arabia continues to suppress Shias in the south and deprives them of the opportunity to practice their faith freely.”

    “While Hamas has profited from the Iranian support over the years, it too is equally hostile to Shias living in Gaza. Earlier in January, armed men belonging to Hamas attacked Shias in a house in the Sheikh Zayyad neighbourhood (between Beit Lahia and Jabalya) who were commemorating Arbaeen, the end of the 40-day mourning period for Imam Hussain.”

    “The London-based Al-Hayat newspaper quoted a Gazan residence Rafik Hamad whose brother was tortured by Hamas. “The police said my brother was a heretic [Shia] and asked me to keep him at home and not let him out,” Al-Hayat quoted Hamad.

    “The sectarian strife is ever so obvious in the Arab-Israeli conflict where Sunni Arabs are distrustful of the Lebanon-based Hezbollah, which is dominated by Shia Arabs. A survey conducted in Lebanon by the Pew Research Center in 2010 revealed that while 94 per cent Lebanese Shias held a favourable view of Hezbollah, only 12 per cent of Sunni Lebanese felt the same way.”

    “Surprisingly, Christians in Lebanon were more responsive than the Sunnis to Hezbollah where one in five Lebanese Christians reported holding a favourable view of Hezbollah. Even as they faced off against a common nemesis, the Shias and Sunnis in Lebanon remained polarised along the sectarian lines.”

    “The survey by Pew Research Center in 2010 revealed that despite Iran’s hardline stance against the West and its unreserved support for Palestinians, most Muslim respondents continued to hold an unfavourable view of Iran. Respondents in Pakistan and Indonesia were the only two exceptions where more than 50 per cent respondents held a favourable view of Iran. Most respondents in Egypt, Jordon, Lebanon, and Turkey reported an unfavourable view of Iran.”

    “Even a smaller proportion of respondents expressed confidence in the leadership of Iranian president Ahmadinejad. Consider that only 35 per cent respondents in Pakistan expressed confidence in Ahmadinejad, even when 72 per cent Pakistanis had reported a favourable view of Iran.”

    “And while it may appear that only western countries are opposed to Iran acquiring the nuclear weapons technology, polling data suggests that most Muslim countries are equally alarmed by the possibility of a nuclear-armed Iran. The Pew Research Center survey revealed that more than 80 per cent Egyptians and over 74 per cent Jordanians felt threatened by the possibility of a nuclear-armed Iran.”

    “Of the surveyed Muslim majority countries, most respondents in all countries, with the exception of Pakistan, reported feeling threatened by the possibility of a nuclear-armed Iran.”

    “These trends indeed are quite surprising if one were to ignore the sectarian strife between Shias and Sunnis. However, when one acknowledges the sectarian differences between the Shias and Sunnis, one is able to appreciate the motivation for Sunni Arabs to oppose a nuclear-armed Iran.”

    “Iran once again is increasingly getting isolated on the global stage. It was not long ago when in 1988 the US shot down Iran Air Flight 655 over the Strait of Hormuz, killing all 290 persons aboard. The dead included Iranian nationals, as well as 13 Emiratis, 10 Indians, 6 Pakistanis, 6 Yugoslavians and an Italian. Despite this act of naked aggression, the global response was mute at best. Iranians stand equally isolated from the world today as they did in 1988.”

    “As Israel continues to think aloud about the idea of attacking Iran, Arab Muslims are also not averse to attacking Iran to prevent her from acquiring nuclear weapons capability. No fewer than 71 per cent respondents to the Pew survey in Nigeria, much more than the ones in the US, favoured a military action against Iran in 2010; note that 50 per cent of Nigerians are Muslims.”

    “In Egypt, only 16 per cent of the respondents opposed the idea of attacking Iran. Similarly, only one in five Jordanians opposed attacking Iran to disrupt her alleged pursuit of nuclear weapons technology.”

    “I wonder if Arabs, who are mostly Sunni Muslims, would have held such hostile views for another Sunni Muslim country suspected of pursuing nuclear weapons technology. Given the fact that Iran is a Shia majority country and that hardline Sunnis consider Shias heretics, one can appreciate that because of the sectarian strife Sunni Muslims are equally predisposed to attacking the Shia Iran.”

    “This has happened in the past as well when all Arab countries backed Saddam Hussain against Iran in the Iran-Iraq war that killed millions on both sides of the conflict.”

    “Given the overt abhorrence of Shias common amongst Arabs, Palestinians have not been immune to the sectarian strife, Iran’s policy to antagonise the West and Israel while it tries to appease Arabs makes no sense at all. Iran now stands almost alone in the community of nations.”

    “The world, including Iran’s Arab neighbours, is becoming increasingly wary of its nuclear program and Iran’s efforts to assume the leadership of billion-plus Muslims whose overwhelming majority follows Sunni Islam.”

    “A prudent foreign policy would require Iran to reconsider support for Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. It may require Iran to leave the Arab-Israeli conflict to Arabs who have never welcomed Iranian interference in the dispute between Arabs and Israel. Iranians should instead champion the rights of Shias who are increasingly becoming victims of targeted killings at the hands of other Muslims.”

  24. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ robert ross | March 18, 2012 at 9:39 AM |

    “@ Israel or Arguments as to purity are a potential minefield. Do you really want to go down that road?”

    Why not? This is the road to understanding the ME crisis. Not Judaism, Christianity or Islam. These are just vehicles of propaganda. It’s all about controlling resources and survival of a race. BAFBFP is heading in the right direction. The naive Arawaks and mixed Caribs that welcomed William Courteen’s lost sailors on the wayward ‘Olive’ to the local shores must be rolling in their family graves down Batts Rock and the wider west coast for feeding these dirty, musty, starving pale skins to their land. A similar event played out in South and North America and more recently in Australasia and Africa. Cross and bible in the hands of those in the forefront but guns and disease in those behind was the guise for stealing other people’s land and resources to make the elite Europeans rich and to provide opportunities for the white masses who were putting too much pressure on the agricultural resources of Europe.. Today oil is the raison d’etre for crusade into the “Holy lands” using the advancement of democracy, human rights, and fighting terrorism as the substitute for the bible and cross. But the threat of the gun and nuclear bomb still remains in the armoury of exploitation and conquest.

  25. What is clear in the Israel debate is that none of the debaters except Zoe seems to know the history of the mater, whether the Biblical history or the history from cerca 1918.

    What is also clear is that the players in the ME forget one letter in one verse in Galatians
    3;14 That the blessings of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ that we might recieve the promise of the Spirit through faith.


  26. @miller

    If there is to be a solution in the ME we have to move from the esoteric to the pragmatic no?

  27. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Zoe | March 18, 2012 at 11:20 AM |

    You still refuse to take on board David’s (The Blog Master) advice about your cutting & pasting of diatribe.
    Now please use your ‘god-given’ intelligence aka ‘commonsense’ and for once think for yourself.
    Please again, answer the question. Would Saudi Arabia side with the West in any war between Israel and Iran?
    Please, state your position not some person you have never met.

  28. Yes … Let’s deal with the pragmatic David. Shut the Georgies and Zoes out of the discussion. Target them for extinction. Big step forward.
    Secondly stop referring to Israeli claims as “Settlements”. Any attempt no matter how vague, at denigrating one side can only be responded to with aggression. Contempt breeds hate (ask any Black American, South American or Caribbean person, we genuinely hate people who are contemptuous of us like white and Indian Bajans).
    Thirdly expose Israel as a Nuclear power and kill the numerous double standards that exist when reporting on the activities of one side over the other.
    Fourthly remove the US as prime mediator in the affairs in the area. The Palestinians and Israelis have traditionally been used as political fodder for US presidents. Let the UN play the lead role (that should really be a “revamped” UN, not these shites that currently warm seats) …
    Fifthly and so on …!

  29. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @David | March 18, 2012 at 11:29 AM |
    “@miller: If there is to be a solution in the ME we have to move from the esoteric to the pragmatic no?”

    Yes! That’s why I would like to hear from Zoe regarding the role of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and the other rich Western consumer-oriented Gulf states in any war between Israel and Iran.
    You couldn’t want a more “pragmatic” position than that, can you?

  30. The name ‘Israel’ appears in 1,695 verses in the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments.

    Divine providence worked mightily concering this NAME, ‘Israel’. David Ben Gurion and the original founders of the modern State of Israel, still could not decide what they should call it! It was at the last moment that Ben Gurion said its name should be ‘ISRAEL’. Thus, unwittingly, prophecies concerning the nation in the later days were FULFILLED- even to its exact NAME!

    Stop MESSING with Israel, all who do, have from TIME IMMEMORIAL, anyone, be it a man, family, or other nation, who brought a hand to hurt Israel, as Almighty God PROMISED, were CURSED, and those who HELPED ‘Israel’ were BLESSED, and this continues right up until TODAY; every time any American President FORCES Israel to concede LAND for the sake of so-called PEACE with the PA/PLO, within 24 hours, some terrible natural disaster HITS America, without FAIL!

    Stop MESSING with Israel!

  31. The history of the region clearly shows that biblical arguments will not win peace.

    However to Christians who through ‘faith’ believe the scripture must be fulfilled, it seems like a no win position doesn’t it?

  32. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ GEORGIE PORGIE | March 18, 2012 at 11:29 AM |
    “What is also clear is that the players in the ME forget one letter in one verse in Galatians
    3;14 That the blessings of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ that we might recieve the promise of the Spirit through faith.
    3:16 Now to Abraham and his seeD [not seedS] WERE THE PROMISES MADE. HE SAITH NOT AND TO seedS AS OF MANY BUT AS OF ONE, AND TO THY seeD WHICH IS CHRIST!”

    Could you please, Georgie Porgie, tell us the relevance of this story book line and does it have anything to do with the Chinese and Indians. Remember that China and to a lesser extent Russia and India are now big players in the World’s geopolitics. This is not 1912 but 2012.

  33. Abraham’s Wild Child: The HATE Begins.

    Hear Almighty God’s prophecy concerning “Ishmael’ and his descendents, the Arab, Muslim nations:

    “He will be A WILD ASS of a man; his hand will be AGAINST everyone, and everyone’s hand will be s against HIM, and he will LIVE in HOSTILITY toward ALL his brothers, and dwell east of them.” ( Genesis. 16:12 NIV)

    This has been a FACT of history, throughout; again, empirical CONFIRMATION, of the historical veracity, of Almighty God’s Word, the Bible!

    Doubt it, but you CANNOT REFUTE it; anymore than you cannot REFUTE, the historic FACTS of Israel’s existence, dispersion and ultimate RESTORATION, back to its ancient homeland, in May, 1948!

    Proof positive, AGAIN, that God’s Word, NEVER, EVER, fails; because HE, Alone, is the One True God, of historic Divine Revelation, and WILL FULFILL all of His declarations as stated in His Word, the Bible!

  34. Maybe the technocrats need to go back to exploring a one state solution.

    It is difficult to see both Israel and Palestine agreeing to give up real estate which is bound up in what they think is a birthright issue..

  35. WHO wrote the Bible ?
    WHO rewrote the Bible ?
    WHO was King James?
    WHAT was his mission statement ??
    ARE the English adept at changing things(history) , descriptions and conditions to bring about their desires ???


  36. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Zoe | March 18, 2012 at 11:48 AM |
    “Stop MESSING with Israel, all who do, have from TIME IMMEMORIAL, anyone, be it a man, family, or other nation, who brought a hand to hurt Israel, as Almighty God PROMISED, were CURSED, and those who HELPED ‘Israel’ were BLESSED, and this continues right up until TODAY; every time any American President FORCES Israel to concede LAND for the sake of so-called PEACE with the PA/PLO, within 24 hours, some terrible natural disaster HITS America, without FAIL!
    Stop MESSING with Israel!”

    So this is the kind of god you want the World to worship?
    A figment of a man’s imagination who is portrayed as prejudicial, one-sided, vicious, bad-tempered, fallible, fickle, vindictive, easily bribed by praise and an anti-woman propagandist. An imperfect idol who, despite creating a universe with myriad life forms can only have eyes for Jews who, by the way, refused to acknowledge and worship his only begotten son and who arranged for his crucifixion to and to be the mock stick of the Romans who built his church on the rock in the eternal city, not in Jerusalem.

  37. WHAT kind of Prime Minister Freundel Stuart really is though ??
    CAN you really believe this man is a Prime Minister ?
    CAN you get him to read Patrick Hoyos’ column in today’s Sunday’s Sun?

  38. @ Miller

    OK…now: in the world as it is, most of us are mongrels…where does that take us? To racial cleansing? (But not inevitably disputing the history you understand). And I agree entirely that it’s not a question of Biblical texts. The Balfour Declaration, the League, the Mandate, 1948…yes…and successive attacks by the arabs on the State of Israel.

    @ BAF..LOL. I have no wish to keep up with you. I’d be going backwards and still in blinkers.

  39. This article represents a monumental misreading of the wider geo-strategic, geo-political and military circumstances around the IRI the MENA countries and Eurasia – and globally more generally. It is mostly unhelpful when armchair commentators on international affairs interpret world events or repeat the drivel of the talking-heads on western media. For this sets up for a simplistic response from those who will not be persuaded that a book that was complied about 2000 years ago should be given as the answer to current events. These Constantineans shamelessly present a narrative that would violently transform others to they way of thinking or destroy us all as a precondition to some fictional heaven some where in the sky. They inability to read Farsi does not prevent them from repeating the lie that Iran or its President or its Supreme Leader aims to physically wipe an illegal regime off the map. I have no interest at this time to enlighten anyone about the actual translation of President Ahmadinejad’s statement for I am sure a cursory check will reveal the truth. However, one can be guaranteed that the magnitude of Iran’s response has been grossly underestimated by most Westerners. This time the consequences of the lies the Zionists have always told to get us into war will be much greater than in the Iraq scenario. In any battle the Zionist state will not last a week and missiles will land in western capitals. It is time that the Constantineans and the Zionists realize that the world is going through tectonic changes that have nothing to do with their daydreams – the reverse is true. An examination of the drivers of this transformation will reveal the causation Iran is ‘demonized’ in the West.

  40. @David,

    “The history of the region clearly shows that biblical arguments will not win peace.”

    “However to Christians who through ‘faith’ believe the scripture must be fulfilled, it seems like a no win position doesn’t it?”

    David, its not that the Biblical arguments will not bring peace, it IS* precisely because of REJECTION, by multitudes, NATIONS, throughout the course of history, of God’s OFFER of PEACE, according to His Word, regarding what will happen, having REJECTED His Peace* that the Middle East, and the World at large IS IN* the MESS it is IN* that mankinds REBELLOUS, STUBBORN, PRIDE-FILLED, SIN-STAINED heart, that we find ourselves in this DIRE MESS!

    ONLY, when the ‘PRINCE OF PEACE’ The Lord Jesus Christ, comes back, soon, to Reign for 1,000 years in Jerusalem, notice JERUSALEM, the ancient, and PRESENT-DAY, Capital of where? ISRAEL, not the PLO’s fradulent desire to have Jerusalen as it Capital; as Jerusalem is NOT* mentioned ONCE in the Koran, but IS* mentioned HUNDREDS of time in the Bible.

    Go figure!

  41. Pachamama

    I luv it when you unpick yah teet … I is just sit back and read.

    If you don’ want to do it I will. President Ahmadinejad’s never called for the removal of Israel as a state, he wanted to see the end of the existing regime, as he did for President Saddam Hussein his traditional foe. Frankly if he had called for the removal of Israel as a country and the repatriation of the second and third generation people back to Poland, Russia, US and Germany I would have nothing to say … seriously!

  42. DAVID

    we can this on the personal level among our acquantances
    on the national level
    at regional levels
    at international levels
    The issues in the middle east is just one scenario
    The world is looking for a peace maker and a peace provider; that is why the antichrist will easily be accepted when he comes NOT ONLY WILL PROMISE PEACE HE UNLIKE OBAMA WILL BE ABLE TO DELIVER PEACE FOR A TIME!


    I know that many here dont like the Biblical predictions, but just humor me for a few seconds when I tell you current events seem to be fitting into BIBLE PROPHECY.


  43. Can we settle the argument by saying that the ‘bad’ tribe of the twelfth will have to be forever punished?

  44. @GP

    Respect your belief on the subject.

  45. Who Are The Palestinians?
    by Amos 3:7 on Jun.02, 2011, under End Time Signs, Islam, Israel

    “But now, millennia after Rome expelled the Jews and renamed the land Palestine, these Edomites are considered to be “Palestinian” Arabs. These so-called “Palestinian” Arabs are now trying to revise the much older history of Israel and so describe themselves as victims of the Israeli state. There are more Arabs in Israel today than there were in 1948 before many of them left. The news media and the Palestinians tell us that Israel forced them to leave in 1948. That is not true.”

    There are NO such people as ‘Palestinians’ that is, historically, culturally, or religiously; these REFUGEES, now called ‘Palestinians’ are either from Syrian, Egyptian, Jordanian et al surrounding Muslim nations, who WERE put into refugee camps, by their Arab, Muslim brothers, expressly for the purpose of USING THEM, as scapegoats, for political propaganda reasons, to MAKE Israel look like the oppressor, after Egypt, Syria, et al ATTACKED the nascent State of Isreal, within 48 hours AFTER its declared statehood, in 1948, to ANNIHILATE it off the map.

    They FAILED miserably, and thus KEPT their Arab brothers, so-called Palestinians IN these refugee camps, when the MILLIONS of square miles of Arab nation(s) land could have, and STILL, accomodate a state for their Arab brothers.

    Trans-Jordan, now Jordan, for all intent and purpose ,was CREATED, when Winston Chruchhill, by a stroke of his pen, signed AWAY, and CARVED 75% of the Leage of Nations mandated land for the modern state of Israel, to satisfy the Saudi Prince’s desire for Tans-Jordan.

    Interestingly, ALL Jordanian passports, READ, Jordanian/Palestinian!

    Yet, the devious, wicked, Arab, Muslim nations, have for 63 years, through ‘Turnspeak’ a cynical, TWISTING and INVERTING of the FACTS, repeatedly, fooled the world media, that Israel is the aggressor, the occuppier, and the Palestinians are the, victims, LIE, LIE, LIE!

    One CANNOT occupy, what IS YOURS, historically and Biblically YOURS for over 3,500 years!

  46. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @Zoe | March 18, 2012 at 1:28 PM |
    “One CANNOT occupy, what IS YOURS, historically and Biblically YOURS for over 3,500 years!”

    So whom did your god destroy before granting the land to the Jews 3500 years ago that is circa BCE 1490? Which of your god’s earthly humanoid creatures incurred his short-tempered wrath to be afflicted with such annihilation?

  47. To have an ANTICHRIST there must first be a Christ … Who he is ..?! He actually come already? Wah he look like? If there is actually an “antichrist” lemme tell yah, he will have my FULLEST support …!

  48. Nnaki/Ralian, Man, you know very well who these wicked, EVIL, PAGAN, Satanic people were, whose EVIL* had matured to a point of NO return, so JUDGEMENT came on them, like ALL other ancient, evil civilizations, whose UTTER RUNIATION, just like those of TODAY’S evil world system will soon feel the Wrath, of Holy, Righteous Judgment of Almighty God, including Godless, wicked Jews, and gentiles eveywhere.

    His unconditional Covenant IS* with the Nation, not the individual Jew, whose destiny, just like all Gentiles, individually, will be how and WHO they choose to Honour, Love and Obey, will determine their Eternal residence, either, Heaven or Hell!

    Of course, Nnaki/Ralian, you just don’t get it? Can’t fathom nor understrand this, can you?

    “So whom did your god destroy before granting the land to the Jews 3500 years ago that is circa BCE 1490? Which of your god’s earthly humanoid creatures incurred his short-tempered wrath to be afflicted with such annihilation?”

  49. The “Palestinians”

    “Most converted Christians and religious Jews are interested in Israel. Why this interest in Israel? Because that is what the Bible talks about. That is where God focuses. While the New Testament mentions cities and churches in Greece and Turkey and Rome, the Old Testament is pretty much limited to what is now called Israel. This country and the surrounding Middle East region has been the focus of much news and commentary for a long time. But now there are two so-called Palestinian governments on Israeli land: One in Gaza, the other in the so-called West Bank, Samaria and Judea. Why did this happen?In 1948, the Jewish state was reestablished after nearly 2000 years. Since that time and even before, Jews from all over the world have been returning to Israel. Since 1948 we have seen several Arab wars against Israel with miraculous consequences to those armies who try to eradicate Israel. Why have the vastly outnumbered Jews won these wars so miraculously?The last few years we have seen a people who call themselves Palestinians rioting against and attacking Israel almost continuously. Where did the “Palestinians” come from? What are their goals? What does the Bible say about them and their future?”

    “Today we will try to answer these and other questions about the people the world calls the Palestinians.”

    “We’ll spend a lot of time in the book of Ezekiel. This prophetic book was written by a Jewish captive in Babylon about a 125 years after the house of Israel, the ten northern tribes, were taken captive by the Assyrians. It is written to end-time Israel.”

    “Let’s start with Ezek 36:1 (NKJV) “And you, son of man, prophesy to the mountains of Israel, and say, ‘O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the LORD!”

    “What are the mountains of Israel? Some feel that they represent the government of Israel. But most would agree that they are the mountains running north and south through the heart of Israel. The ones Jerusalem and Bethel and Ai and Shilo and Shechem and Bethany and Hebron lie in. The ones Abraham and Sarah and Isaac and Rebekah and Leah and Jacob and Joshua and Joseph and David are buried in. The ones Jesus died in.”

    “They also constitute the bulk of what is called the West Bank. When one hears the term “The West Bank” what you are really hearing is “the mountains of Israel” because they both describe nearly identical land. The mountains of Israel are Biblically described as Samaria and Judea. They extend from the Jezreel Valley, just north of Nablus or Shechem, south about 150 miles to about the southern end of the Dead Sea. Why is this region called the West Bank? West Bank is the name given to the region by the world news media after Jordan captured it in the Israeli War for Independence in 1948. West Bank simply means that region of Jordan lying west of the Jordan River. Does it matter that Jordan relinquished her claim to the area after the 1967 war? Apparently not. The media and the Arabs still think it is a more useful name than the Biblical names of Samaria and Judea, which would imply ancient Israeli ownership and a recognition of the Biblical name. Do you ever wonder who inspires the media and the Israel-hating Arabs?”

    “Why would God through Ezekiel be addressing the mountains of Israel? Why are so many religious Jews and evangelical Christians concerned about giving the West Bank and particularly Jerusalem to the Palestinians? What used to be called the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is now called the Palestinian Authority, a name designed to provide respectability to the terrorist organization. You see, there is no Palestinian culture, no Palestinian language, there has never been a land called Palestine which was ruled by Palestinians. Palestinians are just another group of Arabs. The word Palestine was given to the region by the Romans who were trying to erase everything Jewish from the land, including the name “Israel.” But let’s turn to a few scriptures to find out why many people are concerned about Israel and the West Bank.”

  50. Is this post about peace or war? If the latter, I have nothing to say. But if the former then why, or why do some of you talk as you do? I grant that much of what is written is in exclamatory form; yet we represent the world. Are our views then a cross section of the world’s views? What we bring to the peace table is, in some of your cases, hate, yes and stupidty and arrogance. None of you know what it is to be a Jew; nor a Palestinian. You come to the table with your narrow little prejudices about this and that, smug in the prison walls of your minds, seeing what you want to see, hearing what you want to hear. There is nothing creative about you. You are not prepared to listen, to evaluate, to understand, to reach out, to back down. Where there are men of goodwill there will be goodwill – and there will be change. As it is, you are no more than B’s and D’s on the world’s stage and the fragrance of the love of humankind simply does not reach you. But then it’s a paradigm of the Middle East itself, isn’t it?

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