The much publicized Myrie Affair occurred in April this year. By all accounts Barbados came out of the affair with a bloody nose if we are to judge by the comments made by all and sundry. Despite the vitriol spouted from both sides Barbadians, Jamaicans and onlookers are none the wiser what actually happened to Shanique Myrie when she attempted to cross the border of Barbados. She alleges that she was inappropriately searched by local officials, a charge which was denied. In the absence of substantive evidence who does one believe?

What was evident from the episode is that the Jamaican media and political directorate were in cahoots to ensure Jamaican Myrie’s story was propagated and propagandized. To be expected we had the so-called regionalists like Peter Wickham, Rickey Singh, David Commissiong et al who abandoned the need to be patriotic and gleefully jumped across to the other side of the debate.

BU does not intend to paper over any indiscretions made by Barbadian agencies if any did occur at all in the Myrie incident. Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart’s offer for Myrie to return to Barbados to facilitate meaningful investigation remains unaccepted after several months. The haste with which Jamaicans and others across the region used the opportunity to exposed a latent dislike for Barbados cannot be ignored. Some in local media and elsewhere would want Barbadians to ignore the obvious and not rock the CSME boat. It always has to be Barbados to turn the other cheek!

The job description of Barbados’ border patrol lists the same as every other, to protect our society from harmful  interdictions. The job has become even more challenging in the present environment of easy movement of people without the commensurate infrastructure to diligently monitor.

The arrest by Barbados authorities last week of several Jamaicans and a couple Bajans, forcibly brings home the present threat to our borders from drug mules among other scourges. For Barbados to allow others who cannot lead by example to emasculate our local agencies, who through the years have done a good enough job to ensure we enjoy a reputation as a stable environment, is simply wrong. When that witch-hunt is done on the basis of a flimsy premise, all the more reason to err on the right side; home drums must always beat first.

As the economic condition of many around the region in markets known for exporting drugs – Jamaica is at the top of the list – declines, the threat to our border will increase. There is ample evidence the quality of our police and other border agencies have been allowed to deteriorate by successive governments. Law and order is priority one of many priorities in a stable society. Barbadians must not yield to others who have failed to show how they can manage a stable society in the way Barbados has successfully done.  The feistiness of the Jamaican drug mules to ply their trade post-Myrie Affair should demonstrate to the idealistically stricken, what Barbados is up against.

Forgotten in all of this is scarce tax dollars which have to be spent to house the mules at her majesty’s pleasure. Maybe we should consider deporting drug offenders and in those extreme cases impose Visa restrictions on countries which have shown an inability to curb the unlawful behaviour of their  citizens.

150 responses to “Barbados Under Attack From Jamaican Drug Mules”

  1. @lemuel: “halsall … expalin to me, and list those countries that can remove all of your rights just by entering their jurisdiction.

    If you are not a citizen of that country, every single sovereign nation.

    Do you not understand international law?

  2. @Lemuel who wrote:
    But the fact is that no country has the right to conduct a body cavity search without due process and I would go as far to suggest that it be treated like a search warrant where government officials have to present a clear case before permission is given to search, BUT THERE MUST BE PROBABLE CAUSE!!!
    I would have to research and get confirmation of what the law is on this particular issue, but what I know for sure is that two customs officers of the same sex as the person being searched must be present, and they are not suppose to insert any fingers or foreign objects in your body.

  3. @Zack: “…if Myrie’s accusations are truthful, it means that she was processed inappropriately and in a illegal manner.

    Please note your own use of the conditional word “if”.

    If the world was flat, then ships might fall off the edge.

    But, as we all now know, the earth is not flat, and ships do not fall off the edge.

    If Myrie is telling the truth, then she should be comfortable proving this.

  4. Halsall:
    Even even international law has its limitations. You or no one else can do as they like at the borders, especially to citizens of other countries, unless they want to start a war. Do you think that it is by chance that Iran is TAKING those US CITIZENS TO COURT to justify restricting their freedom? Think of the madness you are suggesting!!

  5. @Zack: “…but what I know for sure is that two customs officers of the same sex as the person being searched must be present, and they are not suppose to insert any fingers or foreign objects in your body.

    In what country(s)’ jurisdiction(s) are you claiming to be speaking authoritatively?

  6. Hi Halsall:
    Do you know of the pressure that the US and Britain and now under as it is now clear that they were involved in restricting the freedom of other nationals in foreign prisons. This was under the terrorism legislation which gives the kind of power to do cavity searches. So in Barbados we shall label drug mules as terrorists and cavity search them each time.

  7. @Christopher Halsall | August 11, 2011 at 3:49 PM | @Zack: “…but what I know for sure is that two customs officers of the same sex as the person being searched must be present, and they are not suppose to insert any fingers or foreign objects in your body.”

    In what country(s)’ jurisdiction(s) are you claiming to be speaking authoritatively?
    That is the Barbados law as it pertains to body searches conducted by customs officers at the airport. Any invasive body searches must be done by a doctor at the hospital. Are you familiar with local law?

  8. @Zack: “Are you familiar with local law?


    But perhaps you can present to us all here where the Barbados law says what you claim it does.

  9. To Halsall:
    You talk of your knowledge of international law. That thing called a passport gives me or you or any one else the right to call or refer any complaints or challenges with regard to any right infringement at any port of call. That is why there are structures called embassies and consulates. that is why all official passports are given certain treatment at ports of call or entry. I am leaving you for Zack to mop up.

  10. @Christopher Halsall | August 11, 2011 at 3:46 PM | @Zack: “…if Myrie’s accusations are truthful, it means that she was processed inappropriately and in a illegal manner.
    Please note your own use of the conditional word “if”.
    If the world was flat, then ships might fall off the edge.
    But, as we all now know, the earth is not flat, and ships do not fall off the edge.
    If Myrie is telling the truth, then she should be comfortable proving this.
    You just reminded me that it is a waste of time having a useful conversation with you. Are you implying that she isn’t comfortable? How would you know this? And even if she isn’t comfortable, are all victims (rape or otherwise) always comfortable proving their case? The problem with most of you is that you see yourselves as judge, jury, and executioner, and most times you really don’t have a damn clue about what is actually going on. Will the Barbados gov’t ensure that all personnel (immigration, customs, and police) who were on duty the day in question, be present for Myrie to identify from if or when she returns? I’m only throwing out the question, but neither you or I can answer that with any certainty.

  11. @lemuel: “That thing called a passport gives me or you or any one else the right to call or refer any complaints or challenges with regard to any right infringement at any port of call.

    You are wrong.

    A passport is simply an instrument of identification.

    @lemuel: “That is why there are structures called embassies and consulates. that is why all official passports are given certain treatment at ports of call or entry.

    Again, you are wrong.

    Even without a passport, a citizen of a country can leverage upon their country’s embassy or consulate in the country they find themselves in trouble in, IF SUCH DIPLOMATIC RELATIONSHIP EXISTS.

    @lemuel: “I am leaving you for Zack to mop up.

    While I don’t particularly enjoy fighting with under-armed combatants, I am prepared for the attack by Zack….

  12. @Christopher Halsall | August 11, 2011 at 3:57 PM | @Zack: “Are you familiar with local law?”
    But perhaps you can present to us all here where the Barbados law says what you claim it does.
    Then you should know….but if you’re still in doubt ask Maxine McClean.

  13. To Halsall:
    Where are you from Mars? Does a passport not identify you as a citizen of country x, y or z? It is not mere identification. Do you know that even if you are remanded by another country, they are supposed to let the embassy if there is one in that country know one of its nationals has been remanded. Do even know what is AN OFFICIAL passport? You love to fulminate your wrong, wrong, but you are wrong wrong wrong. Over to Zack.

  14. @Zack: “Then you should know….but if you’re still in doubt ask Maxine McClean.

    So then, you are admitting you do not know the answer.

  15. @lemuel: “Does a passport not identify you as a citizen of country x, y or z?

    Yes, it does.

    But it does not give you the right to violate the laws of the country you are entering.

    Nor does it give you the protection of your laws within the country you have entered.

    Citizenship of a country simply gives you the right to ask for that country’s help if you find yourself in trouble wherever you happen to find yourself in trouble.

    Importantly: your country may not always be able to help you.

    At the end of the day, trying to stay out of trouble (read: don’t break the law) is a really good personal policy.

    Shoving illegal drugs up (or down) your available orifices (or hiding them in your luggage) may not end well….

  16. @Zack

    Nothing but love to you from the BU household:-)

  17. Oistins fisherman Avatar
    Oistins fisherman

    lemuel and Zack two effing clowns who I assume are jamicans. Look guys you are not only pains in the ass you are what Bajans call wrong and strong. You are not convincing me or any Bajan who thinks for himself of anything. You may as well quit with the tag tam bullshite. Wunna ever heard of Tawana Brawley a Afro American girl who claimed in the greatest sincerity she was raped or abused by white cops. 300 million Americans believed her and Rev Al Sharpton built his career of her case. Guess what about 20 years later Miss Brawley said she made it all up. She had lied thru her mouth her teeth her ass thru every orifice. The innocent sounding girl that the world believed was a stone cold LIAR!

    Miss Myrie could be cut from the Brawley cloth can you tag team jackasses understand that. Myrie maybe lying her ass off. The Bdos gov is saying we have to question her to find out if she is factual or not. Its like a court case both sides get a chance to question. Then btween the Bajan and Jamaican lawyers we will see how we proceed. The Jamaican lawyers cant demand she not be questioned . What kind of Trench Town justice is that. Look zack and lemuel dont get me vex yuh!

  18. @Christopher Halsall | August 11, 2011 at 4:36 PM | @Zack: “Then you should know….but if you’re still in doubt ask Maxine McClean.

    So then, you are admitting you do not know the answer.
    If you want to see it as that idiot.

  19. @David | August 11, 2011 at 6:48 PM | @Zack
    Nothing but love to you from the BU household:-)
    Yeah….love is good…same to you…but I’m still puzzled as to who the BU householdfamily is that you claim to be speaking on behalf of. Are your wife and children here?…..and do they share your point of view on all issues?

  20. @Oistins fisherman | August 11, 2011 at 9:16 PM | lemuel and Zack two effing clowns who I assume are jamicans.
    Another “johnny”…..or a repeat johnny with a different name. But a johnny by any other name is still a johnny.

  21. @All the johnnies and idiots
    Remember that assumption is the mother of all f-ups. Every case must be judged on its own merit, and not past episodes. Don’t be a shithead…uh beg yuh.

  22. Why you all hungry ass jamaicans don’t go back to the land of wood and water and sell wunna drugs and prositiute wunna diseased selves back dey inna Jamaica.

    We sick of wunna all.

  23. To Oistins fisherman:
    Atleast we the suppossed j’an are thinking. At not time did we indicate that myrie had a right to come and bring drugs or anything illegal to B’dos. What is wrong in asking, requesting the right and proper way to undertake an investigation? Did you know that J’ca and Guyanna fed you B’dians in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s.

  24. By the way fisherman you do not dismiss opponents by simply cussing them or dismissing their positions as ineffectual I could spend sometime taking you apart, but I feel your stupidity and irrationality. Where is my opponent Halsall? Is this all B’dos has to offer a fisherman and a cuh dear. By the way cuh dear did you cry when “bobbles” died.

  25. If what the government of barbados is saying is true then it makes me wonder why jamaican lawyers do not want shanique myrie to be questioned. you see if during interrogation they investigate and find any lies in her story (eg. where she was supposed to be staying, purpose of visit or the mystery man that known to facilitate whores working in the country) it seriously raises credibility issues on the rest of her case. you can bet that the authorities have probably interrogated the man she was to meet and already have his confession of intent to human trafficking or his total denying even knowing shanique myrie. also the lady from hillaby would have been questioned. why hasn’t the shop owner from hillaby come forward in this young lady’s defense as her character is being assassinated but prefers to stay silent? the Jamaican lawyers arent stupid, they know that and would be trying to block any attempts by the Barbados authorities to poke holes in her credibility and i suspect an interrogation will do just that.

  26. To Vincent:
    I do not object to anything you are saying, but i know the number of stupid people who believe they have authority at b’dos port of entry. by the way, if she was being met by a known fair dog/ monger, it does not mean she was in the business of picking fairs. In fact, b’dos has now made it official, it alright o pick a fair, no stress. I believe that the woman did look good; refuse the advances form the wickers at the airport and was probed by one of them. come on b’dos, the wickers and bullers are in charge there ask peter wickham and mia mottley.

  27. @lemuel: “Where is my opponent Halsall?

    Right here…

    But since you didn’t reply to my reply to you dated August 11, 2011 at 4:44 PM, and Zack’s only response was to call me an idiot when I showed he was a few bricks short of a shit-house, I didn’t feel I needed to speak further….

  28. @lemuel
    no u don’t understand, her credibility would be shot if the fair monger confessed that he brought her here to sell OR if the hillaby woman swears she never made arrangements and doesn’t know her. the Jamaican lawyers don’t want to do anything to risk even poking one hole in her credibility as it is her credibility right now that is casting a doubt on whether the incident happened or not.

  29. For the information of Halsall [who pretends to know everything and knows not he knows not] and for the enlightenment of the “BU family, the following is taken from the Customs Act, Cap 66

    232. (1) Where any officer is informed or has reason to searcht)t suppose that any person on a ship or aircraft, or any person who has landed from a ship or aircraft, or any person whom the officer may suspect to have received any goods from any
    such person, to be carrying or to have any uncustomed or prohibited or restricted goods about his person, such officer may search such person.
    (2) Where any such person, upon being questioned by any officer as to whether he has any uncustomed or prohibited or restricted goods upon his person or in his possession or in his baggage, refuses to answer or denies having the same, and any such goods are discovered to be or to have been upon his person or in his possession or in his baggage, such goods shall be liable to forfeiture.
    (3) No officer shall be liable to any prosecution or action at law on account of any search made in accordance with this section.
    233. -Before any person is searched he may require to be taken with all reasonable despatch before a magistrate or the Ei;;‘,“’ Comptroller or other superior officer of customs, who shall, required if he sees no reasonable cause for search, discharge such person ~~esearch. but, if otherwise, direct that he be searched.
    234. A female shall not be searched except by a female.

  30. @jack spratt… Quoting Barbados Act Cap 66, paragraph 234: “A female shall not be searched except by a female.

    Thanks for that jack.

    Your above supports what I have said, and contradicts what Zack has claimed.

  31. @All Bajans…

    Is it not a little embarrassing that the “Barbados Information Gateway” (BIG) portal (you know, the URL “” which is redirected to by “”) doesn’t actually work?

  32. Lemuel
    You said Jamaica fed Bajans in the 70’s? where did you get that from? For your information, the crisis in the early 70’s was a landmark for Barbadian help to BIG JAMAICA. Not only did Barbados bounce back quickly from the oil crisis then but our then P.M Errol Barrow loan money to Jamaica to prop them up, and you got the guts to tell me Jamaica was feeding Barbados? Since those days Jamaica dollar that was once stronger than the U.S dollar is now a little higher than the Guyanese dollar.

  33. As an outsider looking in ,and even more as a person with interest across the caribbean i notice one thing and i am writing from jamaica as a visitor for the first time..the impression i got of this place when i was in the eastern caribbean is that its a crime field with lots of dead people all over the streets,my second day here in jamaica and i find it so vibrant ,alive and with very sociable people and to be honest looks more first world than all the other islands i have been to ..yes i see bad areas but kingston is so vibrant ..i read the posts earlier, and i am saying to myself, are some of these people writing even aware of how different things are on the other islands..people seem to just get on with there lives without the hate …every country has its problems not everybody can be good ..
    dont paint a country because of a few ..i guess ireland where i am ,from shares comparison with jamaica in some sense ,not much liked but get along anyways.. …

  34. To Vincent:
    Stop trying to play top lawyer here. The IMF man raped and battered that woman in new york, but idiots like you believe that she was associating with bad people so she is a liar. Why do you continue to stress cridibilty. Even if myrie is a fair dog, it does not mean that the wickers and bullers at the airpost did not take advantaGE OF HER KNOwING OR HOPING SHE WOULD NOT make the big stink that is being made.
    To Scout:
    You are a real bajan . You bajans would be hungry but PRIDE would insist that you pretend to be full. Because barrow did thai and that it does not mean that the proceeds from the number of J’can who were visiting and shopping in B’dos did not help to feed all or some of you. I hope you understand the impact of the tourism dollar.

    To Halsall:
    Was busy so I could not repsond, but you still remain my favorite sparing partner, so gird you back for more blows.

  35. Lemuel
    Why did Jamaican come to Barbados to shop? The answer is because it was cheaper and therefore you Jamaican benefited.However, I know of thousands of Trinis who were coming over here to shop but I don’t know of that many Jamaican who made the trip. Sorry a little bee just told me Jamaican came here instead of going to USA to shop so as to help our economy, or was it because they couldn’t get a US visa?

  36. Listen up all barbarians pray that when I become prime minister or the head of the JDF that your little 26 mile enclave is under water from global wrming but is your little evil barbaric island is still there I will invade your little rotten hateful evil island and trample you all down, and dissappear you all from the caribbean,then in the there will be no more barbarian to disrespect and rape jamaican women withe your dirty barbaric fingers.

  37. Proud Jamaican Girl Avatar
    Proud Jamaican Girl

    @ Nick

    THANK YOU SO MUCH. I have no clue why bajans seem to feel that Ja is some dungeon. Its a fabulous place despite anything anyone will say. And no Jamaican i know has anything against Bajans. All the dislike seems to be hurled this way so…go figure

  38. Until the people of this little island discard their pretentiousness, stop behaving as though they were English and get a sober assessment of themselves, the raping and killing of visitors to their shores will continue. Frankly, I wonder why Jamaicans, — and other Caribbean nationals for that matter — need to visit Barbados. What is there? Nice beaches certainly.. It is some of the clearest waters that I have ever seen anywhere. But, compared to other islands, Barbados is no better, and just about the same as, say, St. Lucia, Antigua, or St. Vincent. Jamaica is a vast superior place in terms of tourism and just about every other aspects that might be of interest to a visitor. That is why I am puzzled as to why Jamaicans would bother to go Barbados.

    Concerning Ms. Myrie,I believe that she was sexually abused as stated. Guyanese visitors and others have had similar experiences of abuse by these Barbadians authorities at the Grantley Adams Air[port. Rape is a common occurrence in Barbadian jails, I understand; and the abuse of females are routinely ignored by the government of this chauvinistic testosterone driven island. Who can forget the savage raping and beating of Diane Davis and how the police sought to cover it up in order to protect their sole means of survival; tourism. I congratulate the Jamaicans for taking the rape of Shanique Myrie to court. It should not stop there, though, they should take it to the UN and to every tourist board in North America, Europe and Asia. For, until something is done about this injustice, no woman visitor will be safe on this island.

  39. That is why I am puzzled as to why Jamaicans would bother to go Barbados.
    TO LAND DRUGS …..nah !

  40. Why so much hatred? Found this article on Chinese citizens living in Angola who have recently been deported. With Barbados seeking closer links to China you wonder if the same thing could happen in Barbados.

  41. Because Pokey Rocket is gay, he is making light of a very serious matter.

  42. The Jamaican press and the regionalists like Wickham has bullied Barbados into submission. With a weak leadership, this was an easy push over . To quote the Iron Lady of Great Britain , (Baroness) Margaret Thatcher , ” The stench of appeasement is most nauseating,” How else can one describe the deluge of Jamaican programmes , adverts and public service announcements on the state controlled CBC, some of which has little significance to the majority of Barbadians.
    We have become a nation that will quickly crawl back into our hideout at the first shout of BOO!!!, or Blood Claught !!!!!.

  43. X-Man | August 25, 2012 at 11:22 AM |

    Why so much hatred? Found this article on Chinese citizens living in
    Angola who have recently been deported. With Barbados seeking closer links to China you wonder if the same thing could happen in Barbados.
    Google Triad and you will see the extent of which Chinese organised crime has penetrated the globe. We are just small change here, but handy for setting up non traditional Laundries.

  44. Colonel Buggery, I do not think that the press is unfair to Barbados when it prints the truth. What do you think?

  45. Jamaicans are shit, nauseating liars and tramps, prostitutes, drugs mules and copycats. The only thing they know how to organise is crime thats why their island sucks and nobody is interested in their shitty boring stale look, talk or music. Their men are excrutiatingly ugly and immature. They act stupid when they see a skirt and will fuck anything even a goat. your country has been cpying barbados forever because your people can’t think for themselves and for all your crimes and rebellions your country’s national debt and money is worthless and its run down state which is getting worse.
    Nobody wants to know them anymore. Especially when they breed fuggly idiots with white whores.
    look at them when they become so called suckky suckky successful after they have sucked enough white pussy and dick, while running around being fake african and super black. even their youngest children prostitute themselves and nobody wants them except peadophiles thats why they get hyped in britain because they are peadophiles. look at the amount of them in prisons from britain to cananda, look at the list of crimes(because they are truely stupid and dumb) they are rapists, muggers, ugly thugs,undercover faggots(like rupal, eddy nestor and robbie g, lenny henry -J-flag gay movement in jamaica since 1974) not to mention the ones who come out of prisons already bent over by all the prison guards especially the ones in jamaica(their police are under the UN and amnesty international for corruption)ncest is rife because they bugger their own children from an early age. they breed ugly too. they definateloy have he ugly gene. Their women look and act like men, their behaviour is weird and nasty and they are only nice when they want somethiing from you. They copied a bajan in england and then tried to make her into a whore. The food, the rum, rap hair and everything came from a bajan, the original back to africa movement – bajan, the SkA music – bajan and anything to do with rum – Bajan.
    They only hyped bob marley because nobody really like their music in the first place. calypso carried the sway in the first place, then Fela Kuti and his afro beat/jazz (whom james brown copied and the rest of them) this is why every island has a carnival to remember the original jump up good time, good feeling music not their dullass dreary boring tired shit!
    Jamaicans are the biggest suckers ever, they break down communites whereever they live for the massa, then they want to brag that they are not slaves, when all they do is sing ‘gang ghetto shit and bitch. whore and nigger’ slave talk and by idiots all on film and record for eternity – check it out!!

    What have you got to say for yourself now idiot slave pickney jamaican sellouts – bigtime!!!

  46. Myrie is a liar just like the rest of her kind, this happened directly after i had a big bust up on BBC radio with venessa feltz a jew, who had them follow me and copy me all my life, jews have the spying lying epuipment, the tv’s in your house, the phones(including mobiles, the cameras in the lampposts in the streets and the shops are all linked, let alone hospitals and schools and drone planes. The whole peadophile thing is linked to jews and their spying euipment, in england we have had alot of children gone missing of dead, just like in south africa in the sharpville masacre, under SUS laws.
    They had me followed, robbed, and eventually had eggs taken out of my body in the hospital while having a ceasarians with both my children, they even tried to impregnate me. they use celebrity to cart drugs around – even micheal douglass’s son is in prison for drug smuggling. This is what jews are know for especially during the depression years, drugs,bootleg liquor and guns.
    Now just look at the state of jamaica, over run with the same problems of guns drugs and in prisons everywhere for all manner of crimes and sitting on tax payers money -KICK THEM BACK TO THEIR OWN DUNGEON COUNTRY. even in england they are a nuisance, they pull down every area they live in with drugs, guns and gangs.
    The queen and her BBC faggots allowed them to see me in my homes using the TV and broadcast me as a whore. n M15 and M16 are the queens secret spying police, they killed my childhood friend and my father in hospital (homerton hospital in Hackney, London) these jews are very dangerous and have employed jamaicans to sellout everyone that gets in their way.
    Throughout history jews(who are really ROMANS) have buggered little children, hurt children and made children disappear, this is who they are after when the start wars on countries, kill the men in order to get to the women(to rape them and make them have their f**k up children) then to get to little boys and turn them faggoty. They do this in britian and america by making them go to all boys schools, then making sure they end up in prison being bent over at night by the guards or lifers!!!
    This is the great plan for black people, they are still barbarians with neanderfal brains, i’m surprised they aren’t still walking around with clubs to bash people over the head with.
    Jamaicans have a church on every corner, just like the britiah used to have pubs, but the are a godless society, in engalnd and america they prostitute themselves, even people like dennis rodman etc are biosexual or openly gay. This comes from the big gay scene in San Francisco, in london.
    Now what the jews have said to Jamaicans is to do what the jews did to everybody else through slavery and colonialism, breed off particularly bajans for their wealth and inheitence and leave them with some ugly pickney to raise, like its the ultimate insult. They are also letting them use the phones to listen to peoples conversation and get in your business – to the point where teachers in school can pass comments on your child and have them laughed at, just by getting in your business. The biggest thing to remember about jews and the jamaicans that follow and listen to them is this, THEY ARE HABITIUAL CHILD ABUSERS there is a long history of it here in england and if you type in ‘child abuse’ a damn lot will come up, if you go onto the links you will uncover more and more, let alone the abuse by the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH who sanction slavery in the first place, so here are some websites, godsquad, sodomites walk, oneevil (which will explain the royal families role in all of it too)
    We have to search everyone thoroughly famous or not, because as i said some people think their celebrity status allows them to get away with murder (Buju banton’s name is Myrie) we have been over this before, i wonder if anyone has checked it out.
    Jews are behinf the disintegration of our families and communities everywhere, its an act of war waged against us and they are getting jamaicans to help them, they are traitors and sellouts, they just want to breed us off like faggots and leave us, i don’t like even hearing about rihanna and that fool(chris whats his face that beat her up and was condemned for and nobody has liked him since) she keeps going after, its obvious he’s not nice but they keep hyping idiots like that to make young girls fall prey.
    jamaicans are sick, they way they are is sick and they try to make everyone look as sick as them so that they get away with every damn stupid thing they do around us -everywhere in every country and the way they get away with it is because jews let them, i bet if you look at all the companies there in barbados you will see who really owns them and its not bajans!
    This is their grip on the islands, its better to become a republic and do what the BRICS leaders are dong and destroy the pound and dollar infleunce, therefore not alowing their destructive bad policies to bring economies down. they stopped people farming by telling them that tourisim is the hotest thing since slice bread but look at europe, false economy will always come down in the meantime jews always benefit hugely from everyone’s misery. China invests heavily everywhere now and is becoming a super power, china just her country back since the opium wars with Engalnd 99years ago, so now its pay back. I suggest everyone learn from these people until such times is necessary

  47. These are really wonderful ideas in regarding blogging.
    You have touched some nice things here. Any way keep up wrinting.

  48. This comments is address to GUEST.You dont seems to know your head from your foot,the same way you are making up stories about JAMAICANS.YOU ARE STILL IN A COMA.

  49. To the person that call them self Bajan.You are only fooling your self, and you have a big cow mouth to talk.

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