1. @Halsall, If I tell you simple things, that you comprehend not, how then can I enlighten you on matters that’s simply beyond your darkened mind!?

    But, then, If the light that be in you IS DARKNESS, O’ how great is that darkness!?

    BTW, I sleep safely and sweetly IN CHRIST JESUS!

  2. It is said that history is written by the victor whether they are right or wrong in their acts of war.
    It is more of a waste of energy to argue about the israeli Arab conflicts than it is to discuss with Zoe who was the witness to Jesus’ 40 days and nights in the wilderness and his conversation with Satan.


  3. If one takes the time to read and quote from the Koran, perhaps some balance can be gained from reading the Jewish Talmud and some of the writings of contemporary Talmud scholars.

    There are some choice quotes available to describe Jewish sentiment regarding Christians and all non Jews.


  4. @ David, Israel has no desire to ‘Nuk’ any Arab nation, unlike their Arab/Muslim haters, who would not blink, if they had ‘nuks’ to obliterate Israel from the earth.

    However, if anyone, should attempt to ‘Nuk’ Israel, beware, for Israel is READY to respond in FULL FORCE, she has ALWAYS been attacked first, from their statehood in 1948!

    And you know what, according to Allah, Mohammad, and the Koran, the Jew should NEVER to able to defeat Allah’s mighty Muslims terrorist warriors, they just cannot understand why they CANNOT defeat the Jew, stupid people, as the One, True and Living God, Almighty Jehovah, IS with them, and promised that when HE brought them back to their ancient homeland, after 2000 years of dispersion, that they NEVER AGAIN, we be uprooted from Jerusalem.

    Here again, the Word of God, the Bible, has been confirmed by:

    Logical consistency
    Empirical adequacy, and
    Experiential Relevancy.

    Reason is necessary for Revelation, facts, evidence to be coherent!

    Obviously, many cannot reason when facts and evidence are overwhelmingly glaring!

  5. maat, could you want a better eyewitness, to what Jesus experienced in the wilderness for forty days and nights, than JESUS CHRIST, Himself, who obviously conveyed the facts, to those who were already EYEWITNESSES of Him, personally?

    Secondly, the Jewish Talmud IS NOT the Word of God, it never was, and it was these very type of writings, that terribly perverted the Hebrew Scriptures, that caused Jesus to severly rebuke the Pharisees and their ‘traditions’ for making void, the true Commandments, of God.

  6. Something that brings balance to ones outlook and perception on life and events is to read from sources other than those that seem to automatically agree with our own preconceived notions, or the things that we want to, or have been taught to believe in.

    If a persons has been taught that the Bible is the absolute truth, and all information that they accept as truth must reinforce this notion then it is easy to understand their limitations in spiritual development.

    This type of thinking leads to people attempting to make their own interpretations in order to justify a position that they really do not believe. They end up hating themselves for having been taken in by the teachings that become exposed as less than what they once believed and throw that anger out at those who maybe trying to help them to grow.

    When in one sentence we admit that the Hebrew scriptures were ‘terribly perverted’, we are actually admitting that we sense something is wrong.
    Our spirit will tell us that those that wrote the descriptions of Mary, Joseph and the angel’s conversation with them, were no more eyewitness to these events than you or I. Yet our pride will try to find an argument like they ‘conveyed the facts to those who were already eyewitness’
    When the foundation is built on something that is not solid then the building is not as strong as it could be.


  7. If all ofthese cicumstances were predestined. Then there is nothing anybody can say or do to change the outcome but await the outcome.no matter what it would be .right Zoe

  8. The demonstrators in Egypt continues to protest their need for a new government.I think the MB is who they are seeking to replace the current remains of Mubarrak. This might cause major concern for america .

  9. @ac

    The US government will not take kindly to MB playing any significant role in government given the geopolitics of the region. This mess is far from over.

  10. @Techie

    Now there is standing for principle, do you think our journalists are ready to operate at such a level?

    Off topic but do we say principle?

  11. @maat, Man, what a twister of words, sentences you are, intellectual and linguistic dishonesty!

    “When in one sentence we admit that the Hebrew Scriptures were ‘terribly perverted’ we are actually admitting that we sense something is wrong.”

    You have ‘lifted’ one sentence I wrote in an entire statement, entirely OUT of ITS context, to support your twisted unlearned perception of God’s Word, to be expected by those of your ilk.

    If you can, maat, read over my entire statement, and STOP lifting a ‘sentence’ OUT of CONTEXT, I said:

    “…the Jewish Talmud IS NOT the Word of God, it never was, and it was these very type of writings that ‘terribly’ perverted the Hebrew Scripture,” meaning, with reference to your statement, “There are some choice quotes available to describe Jewish sentiments regarding Christian and all non-Jews.”

    That the Jewish Talmud in certain places, made remarks such as you suggest, that are entirely inconsistent with the Hebrew Scriptures, hence, they, the Jewish Talmudic writings, ‘terribly perveted’ the Word of God, the Hebrew Scripture. Think you can linguistically understand this?

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