Minister of Economic Affairs, Empowerment, Innovation, Trade, Industry and Commerce
Deputy Opposition Leader and Former Attorney General Dale Marshall

The publicized incident which is alleged to have occurred on the parliament compound last Friday night has set tongues wagging near and far. It is not the norm for a fight or shall we refer to it as a disagreement to occur between our parliamentarians. What makes the report even more alarming is the realization that two of our most prominent members of parliament Minister David Estwick and Deputy Opposition Leader Dale Marshall are the actors involved.

BU understand that the rules of parliament forbids the Commissioner of Police to mount an investigation. Barbadians will have to await the action of the Speaker of the House Michael Carrington. Westminster conventions require the Speaker to investigate and act in a non-partisan manner. Any incident which involves the blandishing of a firearm in a threatening manner merits careful review.

There was a time when such an incident which we understand to have occurred between Marshall and Estwick would have been hushed-up and eventually forgotten. No such luck in a more enlightened age.

BU reserve comment for now to give the Speaker of the House a little time to consult and act.

479 responses to “Two Members Of Parliament David Estwick And Dale Marshall Go At It!”

  1. @David, “Now that we have the shooting incident which resulted in the killing of the 11 year old the public is up to hear on matters related to gun violence.”

    You should add “and now that the shooter has left the island and a warrant has been issued for his arrest”.

    Seems the Nation is outblogging BU on this issue.

  2. @David(BU)

    This is off topic but are we going to see a headline and discussion on the Bjerkhamn matter?

  3. @David(BU)

    This is off topic but I’d like to know if we going to see a headline and discussion on the Bjerkhamn matter?

  4. Ooops…looks like that went in twice because I wasn’t sure if the first submission was successful.

  5. I do not fault the Opposition for boycotting parliament on the grounds that Carrington has not address the issue of a gun policy in parliament during the past month. There is no reason why persons should have guns in parliament. I heard part of Carrington’s response in parliament this morning, and quite frankly he spoke like an idiot. There’s no reason to wait until the EstwickMarshall issue is fully investigated in order to determine if guns should be banned from parliament or not.

  6. @Atman

    That’s the danger of commenting without listening to the whole statement or at least not understanding the part you hear (whether deliberately or otherwise). The Speaker explained that he preferred to wait until the Committee met to decide on a gun policy. He never said he had to wait until the Committee met. He said it was his preference rather than on his own developing a policy as some kind of knee jerk reaction.

    Makes sense to me. Seriously, would you prefer a bi-partisan Committee to lay the foundation for the gun policy against the background of the alleged incident, or for one man to pluck a policy from out of thin air just because he has the power to do so. I suspect if he did it on his own accord, big hot sweaty Mia would then complain about the details of the policy and say the Speaker should have sought Opposition input in crafting the finer details.

    Frankly, Mia outsmarted herself on this one. She thought she was onto something big politically and went beating her chest on the platform. All she’s done is cemented her image as power-hungry and in a big sweaty hurry. As the young people say, she too hypa!

  7. Afraid of the Gun Avatar
    Afraid of the Gun

    BU understand that the rules of parliament forbids the Commissioner of Police to mount an investigation.



    The Commissioner of Police has as much jurisdiction to investigate the use of a gun in Parliament, as he does at the private house of Bjerkhamn or at the Barbados Defense Force.

    Parliament is not the US Embassy. If anyone commits a crime in Barbados’ air, land or marine space–the Commissioner of Police has jurisdiction.

    Two things, are you suggesting that if you have power or are privileged, that is to say – you need to be able to make and change laws or have money, you are above the law?

    I am just saying that somebody has to take action before David Estwick shoots and kill Prime Minister Thompson by accident.

  8. @Anonymous

    You are the one missing the whole point. Carrington and whatever committee there may be had a whole month to call an emergency meeting to discuss and establish a gun policy before parliament reconvened following the Easter recess. Why wasn’t it done during that time? That is the point that the opposition is making, and that I agree with. What bright excuse do you or Carrington have to offer for not making that happen?

  9. ''''''FIRE'''''' Avatar

    excuses and delay tactics

  10. @Anonymous and Atman et al…

    Can anyone tell the Bajan public who is on this Committee?

    Two further separate questions: When did this Committee last meet? And when are they scheduled to next meet?

  11. @Atman

    I notice you haven’t contradicted the essential points I raised in my last post.

    Now tell me, rush and have a committee meet just because Mia says if it doesn’t she will boycott Parliament? When Parliament is on recess? The issue is important but so urgent that Parliament’s recess be broken just because Mia is holding up her skirts on the issue?

    I agree with the Speaker. It is an important issue, but why rush to do something based on emotionalism and knee-jerk reactions? Do it through the proper process and with cool heads prevailing. Must everything for Mia be seen purely in terms of political capital? If so, she can count her losses on this one!!

  12. @CH

    Chris, I really cannot answer those questions because I do not know. But I think I remember the PM saying that there was only one member on the committee if I am not mistaken.

  13. @Atman: “…But I think I remember the PM saying that there was only one member on the committee if I am not mistaken.

    One individual does not make a committee…

    For example, who would “second” any motion?

    My questions stand.

  14. @Anonymous

    Any matter involving guns is very serious and there is no reason why a gun policy could not have been established during the recess. It was not a case where parliament had to interrupt their recess…only those who would be involved in forming that policy. Anyway, maybe we can agree to disagree because the next thing you will be saying is that I’m a BLP supporter. I find that narrow-minded people always seem to think that once you disagree with something one side does, you are a supporter of the other side. I don’t fall victim to partisan politics, I think objectively for myself.

  15. @Chris

    Hope you get your questions answered.

  16. The Commisioner of Police cannot even tell us where Bjerkman is………

    Who does Mia and Co. think they are…..

    Why could’nt they have waited until parliament resumed…..

    It serves the DLP right they pushed ITAL and so far nothing.


    I am sick of everyone!

  17. @Chris H:

    Members of the current committee are —Carrington, the Member of Parliament for St Michael West, and a first-time parliamentarian and Speaker, he is also the Chairman of the Committee of Privileges, which also includes Minister of Housing and Lands, Michael Lashley; MP for St Philip South, Adriel Brathwaite; Independent MP, Hamilton Lashley; Opposition MP, William Duguid; Minister of the Environment, Dr Denis Lowe; and Member of Parliament for St Lucy, Denis Kellman.

    Published on: 4/16/2010.



  18. ATMAN said:

    Chris, I really cannot answer those questions because I do not know.

    ha ha ha ha Oh lord muh belly 🙂

    Anonymous, Atman could not contradict your essential points because as he said above, HE DOESN’T KNOW.

    …..But I have to ask, what use is it to think objectively when you are not informed? ha ha ha lol?

  19. A whole bunch of theatrics! How about de economy?

  20. @Atman

    “… the next thing you will be saying is that I’m a BLP supporter. I find that narrow-minded people always seem to think that once you disagree with something one side does, you are a supporter of the other side. I don’t fall victim to partisan politics, I think objectively for myself.”

    The wicked flee when none pursueth. Methinks you doth protest too much. Anyway, I have nothing more to say on the matter… seeing as you didn’t hear the Speaker’s full statement, and also didn’t even know who was on the Committee of Privileges.

    It is all well an good to “think objectively” for oneself as you say, but thinking should be based on knowledge of the facts. End of.

  21. ac // April 20, 2010 at 4:56 PM

    A whole bunch of theatrics! How about de economy?

    What can the Barbados parliament tell you that you cannot be made aware of via your tv, or the internet?

    Fruendel Stuart in his contribution to the estimates debate reminded his collegues that no longer are Bajans reliant on parliament to tell them about the world we live in.

    Barbados is part of the world is it not???

  22. Yes, “Mr. Hinds”, Barbados is part of the world.

    And you live WHERE, exactly?

    And your opinion about a land that is very far from you is worth WHAT, exactly?

    Do not be annoying, “Mr. Hinds”.

  23. @Adrian

    I could have looked up that information just as easily as you did, so don’t impress yourself or feel that you know anymore than anybody else. I am not interested in knowing who the members are, but Chris is. I would not be surprise if you and Anonymous are one and the same person. I stated my opinion on the matter and they is no need for me to convince anybody of anything. As usual you are being a childish jackass.


    That information and much more is available here:

  24. It is most unfortunate that politics in Barbados has become such that serious matters like this comes down to which political divide you’re on. What would happen if a M.P in future brandishes a gun during a heated debate? Can the speaker then make a ruling on that or has a precedent been set? The public of Barbados needs to know the truth of what happened in the altercation between Estwick and Marshall, if Estwick is wrong he should be disciplined, if Marshall is making a big haraaaah about nothing, then the PUBLIC/VOTERS will discipline him. Whichever way this is NOT a matter to draw political swords on, this matter will show the maturity in the Barbados Parliament.

  25. You people always talking about accountabilty. The politicians need to give accountabilty on matters of real importance . The people did not elect a journalist to take care of the country. If that is what you prefer That shows how easy you can be misled. TV ! INTERNET! give me a break maybe on the next ballot they can be included and you can vote for them.

  26. Above Comment April/20/5.28pm was in response to Adrian Hinds.

  27. @Jack

    That’s his nature, “annoying”, don’t think he can help it.

  28. ''''''FIRE'''''' Avatar

    to JC -(Just Come)
    who wrote the following and I quote —


    end of quote ——————————————-

    you will come to realise that that is BARE LIES told by the DLP .

    WHY IN THE 14 YEARS —THE OPPOSITION NEVER RAISE THIS IN PARLIAMENT-especially when Thompson was fighting Mascoll and fighting KELLMAN in opposition–WHY

    If you believe that crap you will believe anything

  29. Looka AC if you want to hold the Government of Barbados to account for what is a global problem go right ahead. Your vote is your vote sir!

    meanwhile similar maddening attributes of accountability are available, you are not alone. lol!

    Iranian cleric blames quakes on promiscuous women

    A US congressman fears an increase in the population of Guam will cause it to capsize.

  30. AC said:
    You people always talking about accountabilty. The politicians need to give accountabilty on matters of real importance . The people did not elect a journalist to take care of the country. If that is what you prefer That shows how easy you can be misled. TV ! INTERNET! give me a break maybe on the next ballot they can be included and you can vote for them.

    Well said AC, Adrian keeps revealing that he is not a thinker. Who best to tell us what is going on in the country other than the people we elect and pay to run the country? We have to hold them accountable. But remember, he lives in Boston and has not visited Barbados in years, and quite frankly he has a very low opinion of Barbados from what I have seen him post on other blogsforums in the past. He really has no vested interest in Barbados, he just likes to get on the internet and play politician.

  31. @ Atman

    Everyone can help it. It’s a matter of brightness and balls. Whinging and bleating is always ball-free unbrighteness.

    I live in Barbados. “Adrian Hinds” doesn’t live in Barbados. Mrs. “Hopi” doesn’t live in Barbados. Bits of the entity known to the “BU family” as “Negroman” don’t live in Barbados.

    They are whinging pointlessly from the sidelines. They don’t live here. I do.


    But they have opinions. They are entitled to their opinions. I met someone from Trashcanistan who held the opinion that all Bajan goats should wear shoes. He was entitled to hold that opinion.

  32. Jack Bowman // April 20, 2010 at 5:25 PM

    Yes, “Mr. Hinds”, Barbados is part of the world.

    And you live WHERE, exactly?

    And your opinion about a land that is very far from you is worth WHAT, exactly?

    Do not be annoying, “Mr. Hinds”.

    I am BIM right now. Want to meet so you can tell me to my face whatever?

    Atman you are a drunk and a loser. You did not know and pontificated then as you have done in the past on things you are ignorant of.

    I posted that excerpt from the nationnews article written by Barry Alleyne to demonstrate how recent and readily available the information was. However I am happy to see that you are now finding a need to be informed before speaking, even if you had to be shamed and forced to do so.

    BTW: since the jury is still out on whether Jack Bowman is really Ian Bourne or not. I saw an article on Ian’s website claiming that MS13, the Bloods and Crips are in Barbados, and that recruiting for one or all three (not sure) is mainly Guyanese. Has anyone see this article? lol!

    Ian Bourne has been critical of BU for its anti illegal immigration position.

    Sorry to disappoint you Atman, I am not Anonymous. Don’t be surprise that someone else sees you in the same light. You are what you are, an uninformed drunk, but there is hope. lol!

  33. A Black Bajan Boy Avatar
    A Black Bajan Boy

    @ Jack Bowman

    “It’s a matter of brightness and balls.”

    The master of English, please write sentences with “verbs” it is good practise.

  34. @Jack

    That is true, every idiot is entitled to his own opinion. LOL

  35. @poor Atman

    Not even Jack believes that. Jack’s sole reason for being on BU is to deny Negroman and others from publishing their opinions. He failed and continues to fail to achieve any measure of success, so that what he now finds solace in, is to be critical of our spelling and grammar. But it appears that his language maven cloak may have been removed to reveal a perpetrating fraud. lol!

    Are you not in the least bit ashamed to casually form alliances with unkowns to have a modicum of selfworth?

    have a little pride!

  36. Bonny Peppa ( in exile) Avatar
    Bonny Peppa ( in exile)

    Looka, looka,I want Estwick ta pint he ‘gun’ at me too. An shoot me wid ‘it’. Not only he, but i wood luv Donville Inniss ta pint he ‘gun’ at me too an hit my ‘bulls-eye”. Banggggggggggggg. Dem cud riddle me wid ‘bullets’ any day. De two a dem sexyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

  37. What de hell is taking so long to launch an investigation into the Eastwick/Marshall matter. Now come on parliament almost a month ago and no investigation. This matter could have been dealt with swiftly . Where arethose who could substantiate what happen ? Right know it seems to be one mans word against another. Come on Parliament lets get on with
    the Peoples Business. I suggest those two men be given community service duties as a way to get in touch with the ordinary person.How about garbage
    pick up.

  38. @Adrian

    All I’m going to say to you is that your opinion isn’t worth spit. The discussion I was having with Anonymous (whoever that person may be) had nothing to do with the number of persons on the committee, but whether the committee should have met during the recess to establish a gun policy or not. You are trying so hard to attack me that you’re just making yourself look more and more stupid.

    I saw you tell Barkee on his blog that you have a week off, and he suggested that you get a Jet Blue flight to Barbados, but you told him you were looking at Atlanta instead. You are nowhere near Barbados, why do you come on the people’s blog to tell lies?

  39. @Adrian

    You say i form alliances? Now since when does agreeing with a person on a particular point amount to forming an alliance. You are the pitiful one dude. Anyway, I think stop wasting anymore time on you and get back to more meaningful discussions.

  40. I only have this to say: Never met the guy. But Dr. David Estwick is a man. And it takes a man to do what he did today. He will be standing 10 times greater than all of his detractors.

    As to Mia Mottley, I heard her on the news. She is a small, small woman.

  41. @Bonny Peppa

    You are a real hot one in trute. If you want to meet “De Pitbull” you can go the Cross-Roads Bar near Six-Roads in St. Philip any night that they have karaoke. I saw him there two weeks ago.

  42. Atman, so why didn’t you take the opportunity to get the facts you so intensely desire?

  43. @Albert

    Like I said…I have no more time to waste with you.

  44. OK, my very last comment on this. (and no I am not AH)

    So the Opposition will be back next week. I take it Dale Marshall will use the opportunity to apologise to the House for his part in this incident.

  45. @Atman:
    you are truly more foolish than I had imagine. What gives that I am being honest with Barkee and lying to you? I have no interest in meeting with anyone from any blog. My whereabouts are no ones busness and as such I will say whatever, whenever about my present location. Tuh Barkee I am in Atlanta, tuh you I am in Barbados, and tomorrow I will be in England. lol! Had a nice day at home tuhday, good tuh see de family again. lol!

    I guess I am Albert too.

  46. Wishing In Vain Avatar
    Wishing In Vain

    Estwick has his say

    Minister of Economic Affairs, Dr David Estwick has denied brandishing a gun in the precincts of Parliament last month during the Estimates debate.

    But he did apologise to the Speaker of the House, for his behaviour on March 19 when he was involved in a heated altercation with an opposing member of the House that led to an incident which has now become a national issue, and led to today’s Opposition boycott of Parliament.

    In a brief statement in the Upper House today, Estwick also denied that he had threatened former Attorney General, Dale Marshall after a heated argument between the two outside of the august chamber, but still within the precincts of Parliament.

    Just last week, Marshall made an official complaint to police, claiming that he had been threatened by Estwick, and felt intimidated and fearful for his life during the alleged incident.

    “On the day in question, certain remarks made across the political divide caused me to leave the chamber and to get into a heated discussion with two members of the Opposition within the precincts of Parliament,” Estwick said.

    “Let me make it abundantly clear to all, that I did not initiate the confrontation,” he told the Speaker. “..And neither did I brandish, or threaten with a weapon, any member of this House, as has been implicitly speculated. Nevertheless, Mr Speaker, even though there have been attempts to blow this matter entirely out of proportion, I wish to apologise to you for whatever part I may have played in the events of March 19, 2010.

  47. Afraid of the Gun Avatar
    Afraid of the Gun

    The DLP promised a Code of Conduct. Where is it? yet another broken promised.

    I think the BLP is reasonable in this matter but the Dems do not wnat to be held accountable. It behaves as if it is above the law.

    Is the DLP above the law? You decide:

  48. Afraid of the Gun Avatar
    Afraid of the Gun

    Owen Arthur supports Mia Mottley 100%. Listen carefully, Adrian Hinds and Wishing In Vain:

  49. Afraid of the Gun Avatar
    Afraid of the Gun

    Everybody knows Dale!

    He is an alright fellah. You know Dale. All he does is smile.

    Yes! I mean Dale the toothpaste man–cool, level headed, don’t get angry–never looses his cool.

    How could you pull a gun on a fellah like Dale?

    You could pull a gun on Woggie, Barry Jack or some other person–but not smiley Dale–a man who does not get angry.

  50. Wishing In Vain Avatar

    Afraid of the Gun, you were not afraid of the GUN WHEN BILLIE MILLER SHOT LINDSAY BOLDEN ?

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