Msgr. Wallace Harris/NYDailyNews

News broke this month that yet another Catholic priest has been accused of sexually abusing two boys albeit 20 years ago. This priest who has been said to have the inside track within the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Arch Diocese has been suspended pending an investigation. It seems that every couple of months a story casting a Catholic priest under the spotlight rises to the fore. Did we mention that Wallace Harris has a Barbados connection? Of course we didn’t!

In fairness to many of these priests who are accused decades later of sex crimes, it often happens way too long after the fact. How can the officials conclusively prove the innocence of the accuse in the circumstances?

This story reminded us that we had bookmarked a story last week regarding the strength of the gay lobby. As the story goes a biology teacher was fired in California “for answering a student’s in-class question about heredity and homosexual behavior.”

Here is a snippet of the story:

On June 21, 2007, June Sheldon, an experienced adjunct professor teaching a human heredity course, answered a student’s question about how heredity affects homosexual behavior by citing the class textbook and a well-known German scientist. She noted that the scientist found a correlation between maternal stress and homosexual behavior in males but that the scientist’s views are only one set of theories in the nature-versus-nurture debate mentioned by the textbook. Sheldon explained that the class would learn in a later chapter of the textbook that homosexual behavior may be influenced by both genes and the environment.

The school launched an investigation after a different student in the class lodged an informal complaint that deemed Sheldon’s comments “offensive and unscientific.” Sheldon was later recommended for removal from the adjunct seniority rehire preference list and terminated by the district’s board of trustees on Feb. 13, 2008.

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It is a case like this one which offends right thinking citizens. The idea that a teacher supported by the course text can be challenge by these people is offensive. When will it stop? How can teachers and other professions in our society be responsible for transferring knowledge to our young ones and know where to draw the line?

29 responses to “The Gay Movement Continues To Confuse”

  1. triptotheouthouse Avatar

    The problem is that your source is a right-wing blog that pulls its text from another right-wing website. You look like an educated person. You could lend some credence to what you say by using credible objective sources. This is exactly what anyone who does real research knows, but time and time again the people on your side of the fence create their own data to then have it used later on as legitimate support; exactly what you’ve done here.

  2. How offensive, a teacher being challenged on the basis of out-of-date material by the people! It’s an outrage. Although I object to the woman losing her job (with which no “Gay Lobby” had any part of), there should be accountability in the classroom. What do you think about teachers “preaching” evolution? Do you think that children should be deprogrammed of their 7-days mythology in the classroom? And do you think you have a right to change that?

  3. What we think is that you have the opportunity to provide other sources to provide balance and you did not. What does that say?

  4. Once again, you are confusing homosexuality with paedophilia. It really is time that you educated yourself about paedophiles, of which there many in Barbados. They are not necessarily gay, and homosexuality has nothing to do with their sickness.

  5. Didn’t we say that when we heard about the Harris story it reminded us of the teacher who was fired because of what we explained? Where is the confusion? Can we help ourselves if one story reminds us of the other? Why don’t you address the issues put forward?

  6. The Catholic “Church” is just a benevolent society. It cannot be classified as a church as many of its teachings are contrary to scipture.
    Even its doctrine on celibacy for their leaders.
    Celibacy goes against the normal biological make-up of a human being. Their priests will find it very hard to keep this vow.
    No wonder so many of them are perverts

  7. I think when a priest takes his job, he is acually setting himself up.
    Or, is it that he was bent that way before.

  8. Peltdownman // August 15, 2008 at 6:33 am

    Once again, you are confusing homosexuality with paedophilia. It really is time that you educated yourself about paedophiles, of which there many in Barbados. They are not necessarily gay, and homosexuality has nothing to do with their sickness.

    ha ha ha ha ha splitting hairs. 🙂 Does adultery occur amongst the straight, gay and bisexual population? can Paedophilia occur with straight and gay people? When it is indulged in by a gay person can they be reference as a “Gay Paedophile”? or is that not allowed, since it may undo all the social reconstruction that has kept the two words apart? 🙂

  9. On June 21, 2007, June Sheldon, an experienced adjunct professor teaching a human heredity course, answered a student’s question about how heredity affects homosexual behavior by citing the class textbook and a well-known German scientist.
    Far from me to be defending any member of the modern fake world of liberal academia, where free speech depends on what is said, who is saying it, and how sensitive someone is about it. When they fight amongst themselves i usually stay on the sideline and urge them on, even informing them and giving them weapons with which to kill each other. 🙂 Suffice it to say that if this professor had the good judgement to teach something worthwhile like Math, or a real science, he may still have his job today. 🙂
    This is a story of “exploiting tolerance in the service of a particular ideology”. It is the new weapon that the Gay agenda has been deploying with fading results. A couple of weeks ago we had a series of articles in the Nationnews news dealing with sexuality, that highlights this.

    1: “In The Candid Corner – Sexual behaviour and the law ” by Matthew Farley

    2:”Homosexuality complex” by P. ABDON DASILVA

    3:”Regarding the Letter Homosexuality Complex” by PAUL KOKOSKI

    “exploiting tolerance in the service of a particular ideology.” Paul Kokoski

  10. Good points Adrian

  11. @FACTS
    Celibacy goes against the normal biological make-up of a human being. Their priests will find it very hard to keep this vow.
    No wonder so many of them are perverts
    I agree 100%

    same with Homosexuality-it goes against the normal and natural

  12. Here is the contents of the Nationnews Article titled ” Sexual behaviour and the law ” written by Matthew Farley, which i think is similar to the discussion with which adjunct professor June Sheldon was engaged her Students in regards to free speech and a frank exchange of ideas and information.

    by Matthew Farley
    . . There are convincingly glaring discontinuities among social customs, law and private sexual behaviour. – Aron Krish
    THE KINSEY RESEARCH on sex offenders concludes that “what two or more consenting adults do sexually in private should not be governed by statute law”.
    However, some clarity must be brought to what may best be described as perverted recklessness. One may conclude that in some respects, it seems that the world has literally gone mad in terms of sexual behaviour.
    Robert Stoller theorises that pornography, ritualised sexual acts and sexual fantasies are vehicles that allow childhood traumas to be transformed symbolically into sexual triumphs. In questioning the distinction between what is perverse and what is normal in sexual behaviour, he concludes that there is no firm line between what is sick and what is healthy, except as it infringes others’ rights.
    It is said that the emphasis should be on enjoyment by the partners and as such the notion of sexual perversion is a distortion of the sexual act. There has also been the suggestion that even bestiality should be embraced as an acceptable sexual experience as long as the animal “does not mind”.
    It is unthinkable that in today’s so-called civilised world, people of rational mind could promote such unadulterated nonsense that passes for intellectual discourse.
    In Mark 7: 21-23 “. . . lasciviousness . . . ” is among the things which come out of a man and which defile him. Are we likely to see the legal gurus in the United States moving to the position where one day they legalise bestiality?
    This seems very likely since a same-sex opponent has already hinted that one day a man might exercise his right to get married to his ass, as long as we continue to accommodate all forms of marital unions. Animals, especially jackasses, might have to be on guard as they might not only be legally entrapped in a sexual relationship with their masters but they could easily find themselves being thrown behind bars, as happened recently in Central America.
    Review sparks debate
    Recently in Barbados, much debate has been triggered by a call for a review of the legislation relevant to HIV/AIDS. The review was intended to change the law to bring the age of medical consent in line with the law as it relates to sexual consent. The particular section is captioned: Minors and Consent to Social Care.
    It is felt that the law could be amended to encourage sexually active youth to seek care at an early age. According to the author, Professor E. R. “Mickey” Walrond, “the most obvious flaw relates to the fact that a young person of 16 can consent to sexual intercourse, but cannot consent to dealing with its consequences”.
    The reviewed legislation is to read: “A person 16 years and older is able to consent to medical care without the consent of their parent or guardian.” While on the surface this proposition seems quite reasonable, there is something very worrisome about it. In principle, we are making the same mistake repeatedly. We are seeking to solve serious social problems by simply imposing a law.
    Human sexual behaviour will not change simply because a law is placed on the statute book. Yes, a few teenagers whose parents are delinquent may access medical care but in addition to building a wall that further alienates children from their parents, it also has the potential to create an environment that encourages other youth who see the current legislation as a deterrent to early promiscuous sexual behaviour, to have an attitude of gay abandonment. Indeed, all of this would now be licensed to take place behind parents’ back.
    Need to move swiftly
    Dr Denzil Douglas, who has responsibility for health issues at CARICOM, was reported as saying that we need to move swiftly to decriminalise homosexuality and prostitution as a response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Almost simultaneously, a female senator in the David Thompson administration called on the law to permit condom distribution in prison. While alluding to the clandestine activity of “many male homosexuals”, her comments almost suggest that we have no choice but to create the enabling environment for rampant homosexuality in prison. Here again, another law is being proposed to deal with a fundamental social problem.
    In the absence of creative solutions to dealing with social problems at the community level and a failure to utilise social reengineering, legislation has emerged as the quick-fix solution of the new millennium.
    The HIV/AIDS Commission is painfully aware of the difficulty of changing the sexual behaviour of Barbadians. Eighty-six new cases were diagnosed during the period January to March of last year. It seems clear that not even the imposition of a law will succeed in altering the all-empowering passions that drive the sexual behaviour of human beings.

  13. Adrian
    I’m not saying that gays cannot be paedophiles, just that most paedophiles are not gay. The implication in the lead article is that the author has them confused, though I admit I may be being a little charitable.

  14. I think the definition is quite simple really. If you are a man who likes sex with little boys then you are a gay paedophile. If you are a man who likes sex with little girls then you are just a straight out paedophile.
    True male homosexuals like adult sex with adult males.
    What is the confusion?

  15. As a matter of interest, is it possible for a blog like this to do surveys? e.g. Do you think homosexuals should be allowed to marry?
    with just yes or no answers.
    It might be interesting as some people might be happy to answer anonymously while they might not want to submit comments.

  16. As usual BU continues to jumble issues for its own homophobic agenda.

    Gay= homosexual= men who are attracted to other men which defines the sexual orientation.

    Lesbian=homosexual = same as above except for women.

    Pedophile =an adult who is sexual attracted to a child.

    Same Gender Loving = SGL =men who sleep with men (MSM) or women who sleep with women(WSW). The refers to the sexual practice of the individual (Does not automatically speak to the sexual orientation of the person). So for example a prisoner may be a SGL but not gay!

    Convicted pedophile=someone convicted of having sex with a minor

    Homophobia=”irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals”

    t is a case like this one which offends right thinking citizens. The idea that a teacher supported by the course text can be challenge by these people is offensive. When will it stop? How can teachers and other professions in our society be responsible for transferring knowledge to our young ones and know where to draw the line?”

    Utter nonsense…rather it is articles like the one you wrote that show that you are willing to use ONE suspect case of ABUSE of American civil rights legislation to DEMONIZE a GROUP of people that are just as deserving of rights as you are… chupse

    Jippy Doyle is a convicted pedophile but I dont bad mouth all heterosexuals ( nor church people) because of what he did…

    You need to stop wid the nonsense and bring an intelligent argument

  17. A straight paedophile? Ha, Ha! What next?

  18. The book needs firing not the teacher! The text deals with genes & the environment. Nature v nuture. Completely against the homosexual movement.

    Unless the Catholic Church abandoned this centuries old policy there will always stories like this. A person can abstain for long periods . Men and women does it all the time. Women longer but a large body of men so everday, every week, every month, every year. Man even Adam had a wife!

    In our enlightened and civilised world it is the norm to lend out ur wife/husband, 3 some, 4 some and other some’s and swing both ways etc. The sanctity of marriage for most is no longer sacred. Intimacy has flown out throught the door for wild sex. Everything u do with a postitute is now acceptable in the wider society or what one see in porn. How much lower can man get? Bestiality will soon make its entrance on the wider stage. Hopefully I will be gone by then.

  19. I was a student at Cathedral Prep at the time in question with Msgr. Harris. Prep Alumni have started a Blog in support of the Man that has been nothing but a True role model for all of us. Please visit:

  20. It now the norm in Barbados for shows at any level of society with even girls and guys flown in. Almost everything goes on at these shows and the big boys shows are behind electronic gates wirg specially invited guest.

  21. @Adrian Hinds

    What are the non-biblical issues that prostitutes and homosexuals impose on the society as a whole especially for those of us who are not religious?

    What do you see as a longterm legislatory solution to the ‘problems’ of homosexuality and prostitution?

  22. Dear Juris:

    A straight paedophile means a heterosexual paedophile, men like Jippy Doyle who have sex with female children. This is unlawful.

    You are a Juris. You know very well that such people exist.

  23. Give it a rest people. Geez..are we anticatholic? Hasn’t this onesided issue been the donkey for far too long? What about the good the ‘Church’ has done for society.

    Come on…stop flogging a negative source for smere destruction and lets see the good that there is out there.

    Just tired of the same slave whip that’s all.

    Bajan Fowl

  24. BFowl,
    One thing for sure, the Catholic Church knows how to achieve public sympahthy.
    This is a dangerous institution and it is not coincidental that many of its priests are perverted.
    If you do a little history of the Church you will discover a trail of blood that leads up to modern times.

  25. we have churches in bim with pastors having sex with every one in the church even kids

  26. Sherice,
    I could’nt agree with you more. The irony about it is that these sordid episodes are being covered up. It will all be exposed when somebody gets hurt physically.

  27. Another one under similar circumstances was reported in today’s paper.
    It’s amazing. When protestant leaders fall, everyone calls for a commission of enquiry.
    Not so with the perverted priests.

  28. This is super SUPER late but i found these website while bored and scrolling through news sites. I’d like to throw a wrench in.

    Anonymous // August 15, 2008 at 11:00 am said:
    Celibacy goes against the normal biological make-up of a human being. Their priests will find it very hard to keep this vow.
    No wonder so many of them are perverts.

    I agree 100%

    same with Homosexuality-it goes against the normal and natural.


    … Hmm, perhaps Anonymous has never heard of Asexuality (a sexual orientation that describes individuals who do not experience sexual attraction.). Celibacy may “go against the normal biological make-up of a human being” for some but I recon that if more Asexuals were priests then there would be fewer of these molestation/rape cases in the Church.

    What say folks? I’d say asexuality would be one ‘perversion’ the world might welcome with open arms.

    I love human selectivity. LOL

  29. On a second scroll, the above goes out to FACTS as well.

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