Submitted by Gary Cole (with daughter)

Congratulations to David Thompson and the DLP, to usher in this wind of change. I didn’t think it was going to happen, when I left Barbados 7 years ago the BLP firmly had the country in its grip. The vote swung, and I think it is the Internet. Certainly when I see the power of the reporting on the web, I think you are seeing the beginning of a future on-line Barbadian community that is larger mass based.

The issue of corruption, I will talk to you about, and please don’t take any issue fellow campaigners against corruption. It not meant to be an issue, but a strategy. I am all for clarity of thought and action…woolly headed actions don’t impress me at all, and words without the ability to back up and prove yourself are wasted. So I wont waste my words and I don’t want you to waste your actions. There is no way that David is going to be able to come up with legislation to fight corruption in 100 days that is going to work, or do the job of getting to the roots of corruption. Do you want short term gain or do you want long term strategy. I don’t think corruption can ever be handled with a short term strategy, so any idea that this is a short term goal and achievement can easily be countered. Give David more time but secure a vary public pledge to root out corruption. We don’t want more world Bank legislation on our books. If when campaigner’s asked and were interested to find out that the DLP draft proposal on integrity legislation was cut and paste from a World Bank source, it was sign of the political will therein lacking.

Its great on the election platform…corruption – CARSICOT, Glendairy, Deep Water Harbour, Pele, Diplomatic Dope etc but when the elections are over each successive administration has dealt organically with corruption. By that I mean it was just dealt with with how it had to be done, and it just had to be done. So we stand in a situation today that the whole thing is like a pack of cards stacked into houses – the whole thing could just fall with a false move. I think most of you campaigners, if any there be, but I see Mr Loveridge and the effort behind the various blogs, would agree with me so far, but here is where I signal a departure. Intelligence is needed first and foremost in rooting out corruption. By intelligence I mean just that knowledge, sources, reliability, deception, and counter-intelligence. But that’s just one part of intelligence, in fact it is not even the main part of intelligence – the collection of information etc. It is the analysis of intelligence that lies the key. So it is the analysis of corruption, rather than corruption itself that we should be dealing with.

So one person may say when they see the corruption, OH MY GOD!, an analyst, like me may see opportunity. What do I mean by the opportunity for change afforded by the perception of corruption? I mean we must come to analytical terms as to the root and system of corruption in Barbados. If there is no shared analytical framework there is no shared intelligence. Corruption is like chance. But is it? Its not it has design and it has plan. Before these blogs started in the mid 2000s, in the mid 90s, even in the 70s and 80s there were very few people writing and doing investigative journalism…it was confined to journalists (and certainly not every journalists), a lawyer here and there with a conscience, maybe even a calypsonian who did his research. Writing was very controlled…and the Libel laws well – draconian.

But my mother and I, Angela Cole and Gary Cole, together dreamed up this idea of writing a series of books exposing what we called the rottenness of Barbadian society. We used the term for the title Catharsis. Now I am not blowing my own trumpet, but I have to sometimes, like the Attorney General designate, Freundel Stuart, I remember very clearly when I went around selling galley copies of the first book in the series to lawyers ( see limited preview of the book in Googlebooks, just go the Googlebooks and type in Boys in the Band by Angela Cole) how interested he was to know more about the lives of my mother and the issue of Mark Stokes.

And in that book, and the second in the series The Khaki Boys or Who Killed Pele? , written together with my mother, and with the insights of a brilliant John Cheltenham QC, and bouyed on by Harold Hoyte at the Nation, and the son of The last White Attorney General in this island, Rocky Wallcott, and helped by researchers in the archives, in the libraries, in the major newspapers, and with input from historians like Ronnie Hughs, and the Work of Woodville Marshall on early Barbadian free villages, and list goes on to people in the street, who would in every way lend their support if even just in the asking, we clearly concluded a premise summarised by a time-line, but encapsulated in the argument of the first book in the series, on the disappearance of Mark Stokes.

I spent a long time with Cheltenham, during my mothers 8 years case against the government (which she won), debating this point. And I only mention Johnny as he is affectionally called because , he did some of the most high profile murder cases in the Caribbean, with wealthy people, but with motive and desire, and johnny always looked for the human factor, it kept his love of the law. If in 1973, special security started following my mother, that is 38 years ago, and they have collected information from watcher reports, case officers, and for more than 25 years observed her, can we not have access to the reports made, as part of her case, can we not force the disclosure – and johnny knew no – that is something that we as writers would have to do but could you please give him a copy of the book, because this is the place where politics and the law, meet in a dialectic.

So the point is this, we need some dialectical law. First of all if you don’t understand the corruption of the last 38 years, you wont understand the corruption you see today. You will be cutting at the leaves, doing a nice prune job, for spring, but by winter the roots far below would have shot forth new shoots, three and four to each cutting. We have very clear ideas on the table relating to the 1973 silent coup d’etat which lead to the passing of the police order act, and similar legislation giving the prime minister greater control of the civil service, and the Director of Public Prosecution. We have set out that you cant talk about corruption in Barbados without mentioning freemasonry, that you cannot have justice in colridge street, to quote clement payne, the political agitator beaten and killed by police after the 1937 riots, that you cant have justice in a society with police brutality, prison anarchy, and corrupt judges and magistrates. I think we went through every single case that we could find and research. Every single one from 1973 to 2001 and it runs 250 pages on A4.

And its conclusion is that the police, the jails and the judiciary are the guarantors of society, every police beating we allow, every death in custody left unexplained, every prison murder we turn a blind eye to, and the bribery and corruption of the judiciary we ignore we imprison ourselves in a jail not of our making. So the issue I have in this strategy is that Mr Loveridge doesn’t really know that corruption in Barbados is home grown, proud and bred – he might know of Mark Stokes, he might now of Pele, or of the murder of Tom, he may know about Bertram Niles disappeared now 30 years, or Michael Agard murdered in Glendairy, he may know Ryan Jordan brutally beaten by police, or the legion of young men who came up poor and brutalized, but he wont see it like how we see it, as part of ourselves, and might miss the importance of the grass-root at the people level desire for truth. The Government should not start with integrity legislation for the rich and wealthy with lawyers and money, but with a hand out to ordinary people who have been victimized all these years, myself included, but also a lot of poor and sometimes not so poor, and sometimes rich people that have been persecuted over the years as unwilling parties in a corrupt system.

I would start in the begriming with Oliver Jordan, that where Tom started as soon as he came to power in 1976, I kid you not – a former head of Intelligence in the Barbados police force has already said it publicly and to my mother privately. The night before the 1976 elections he received a call from the young and new prime minister to be that he meet him that night and show him all the evidence in the possession of the Barbados police force on the disappearance of Mark Stokes and the murder of Sgt Oliver Jordan. That’s corruption and that’s how it works, and that and much more is explained in our books, but I only give this as an example, that what we need is actions taken to roll back not one BLP government even if it was 12 years, but over a generation.Errol of course didn’t do this when he got back the government in 1980s, because he was there, he knew what happened to Mark Stokes, and Oliver Jordan, and he passed the legislation to protect the country, from an armed coup d’etat. If that is too political I would start with Andrew Farmer, or Michael Agard, and revise the judgement in those cases, and begin to bring a sense of resolve to the families involved, not with convictions and sentences but with a TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMITTEE, that if you speak, no conviction, and speak your mind, as any member in the process, and I would certainly speak as a journalist who spent the best part of 4 years researching every known available fact I could find on these cases, that all you had to do was talk, and answer questions, not directed at guilt, but at exorcising the demons of the past, a process of catharsis.

So rather than going after these, you know, big time stories of corruption, you know the kick backs etc, you do people a disservice and dishonour who have been waiting in line for almost a generation, for just the truth.You know look at what happened to Ryan Jordan. Is there no truth for his family. Is it because they didn’t have money? Deal with first grass root corruption – police brutality. That is an easy one to handle first, and it will win you a lot of votes. Just get a pledge from the Commissioner like Durant did to stop police brutality, but the public saw that was lying. A lot of people have been wrongly harassed by the police over the years, and you could gain a lot by even just a pledge. Things are changing.

So before you go off in a trail of corruption that leads to the offshore market, please understand that that is an international affair. It suits a foreigner, who doesn’t know Barbados, and for people who like expose, but it forgets that there are a lot of people waiting in line before you even get to wanting to know how to solve an unregulated financial market. People will ask, not because they are racist, a white man, why doesn’t he go back to Britain and American, there aint got enough corruption there for him to deal with, and of course they have a point, at least Barbados is not going around starting wars, selling arms, bribing leaders, and fomenting the fall of governments, which is a days work for an American President or British Prime Minister. They will say he want to mek his money abroad in all that corruption and then come here and live soaking up our sun and sea, and making money off of it, and talk about us being corrupt, but what about his money.

How do you neutralize this. Deal with working class issues, like the shell refinery issue, that was beautiful, but its got to be more, there are hundreds of those cases out there, the more working class the better, the poorer, the more disposed, the more downtrodden the better in this issue of corruption. Get a pledge from David to help those who are most vulnerable first. Give them a decent hand and that will win you a lot of votes. The so called Big issues, integrity legislation etc, without the dialectical framework and study of Barbadian history, they will just end up being footnotes. You see offshore corruption in Barbados, I see intractable international situation and Barbados in a cess pool of corruption not off its own making, but from the stuff that oozes out of the criminally corrupt international elites.

Nuff Said (but more to come on corruption – in fact these 100 days of anti-corruption.)

Other Articles by Gary Cole

What is Mottleyism?

It’s Mia In 2013

71 responses to “21 Days Of Election, 100 Days Of Anti-corruption”

  1. Adrian and David
    Thank you for your wonderfully uninspiring comments. Firstly, Adrian- tsk tsk tsk, never underestimate someone you may think you know, my experience and skills are wide reaching and varied, want a copy of my résumé? I’m available for the BIDC, close to the van route to UWI;).
    David- Cave Hill has failed many, but alas, doesn’t change the fact that I want a more reliable pick, political appointee or political appointee not. So let’s talk about Admin. vacanices;)

  2. Good RIDDANCE to the rubbish that was the last blp admistration, their strong arm tactics are a thing of the past, when gov’t ministers could tell upright business persons ” to tow the line or expect a TAX AND VAT AUDIT ” this in itself generated a loss of about 600 votes in this one action, then we add the publics belief that we have had a gross mismanagement of the public funds, with projects tripling in final cost over budgeted cost, and persons being given shady contracts to collect commissions on gov’t vehicles etc, the feeling that corruption had stepped in, then we had those 2 fatal speeches the first being the the dreaded I am specially motivated never to see the return of the DLP to office then the other appointing Mascoll his COLEADER.

    In his effort to destroy the status of Mottley he set about destroying the whole party.

    Oh yes we are still awaiting word on if there was or if there was not a fist fight at ROEBUCK ST in the lead up to these elections.

  3. Listen, Grenville, Adrian, Ray, and Researching, i understand you guys, i even agree with you, i believe all the evidence of the corruption BUT you are not understanding my point and i will in my next piece explain, but i ask you this – if the very heart of government, the judiciary and the police is riddled with corruption, how can you think that anti-corruption laws will painlessly, without damage to the economy, without people going to jail, without any disruption, solve anything. And you are being absolutely dishonest in saying anti-corruption laws work in the UK and the US.

    You have to talk dialectical law, you have to use Hegel, Marx and CLR James, to look at a situation where politics and the law meet, where concepts of morality and the very question of what is justice for a society is posed. If you do want to think about that – then you’ll never make a QC. That is how the law ultimate works, its made by man, fallible and always incomplete.

    Your idea to impose IMF laws in Barbados, is absolutely dangerous. Are you prepared to talk about the IMF, did they just lose a head in Wolfiwitz, for corruption, and you know what the countries of the world had to do to get rid of an absolute corrupt IMF head. I am going to respond in detail in an article, dont get me wrong i am with you guys on the evidence, but not on the interpretation and analysis.

  4. Thinking about our future years Avatar
    Thinking about our future years

    Dear Gary

    Equating integrity legislation with the IMF is illogical. Equating the use of foreign imported texts that are proven to be beneficial is illogical.

    Please do not purvey a conspiracy theory to something that has to be carefully put in place. That would be weird.

    One would logically expect that integrity laws will be brought and made better over time by successive generations of politicians with consultation with the electorate.

    Laugh at Alleyne’s column today, holding the DLP to the fire over integrity. What an insincere and politically motivated man. BLP didn’t make a peep about bringing it themselves.

    I for one agree with Grenville Williams and hope the government will closely follow his advice.

    Too many things I see around my community that are illegal- too many thngs wrong. If we continue on we will destroy ourselves. Let’s take a look at ourselves Barbados and then grow up responsibly.

  5. Thinking about our future years Avatar
    Thinking about our future years

    I meant Phillips.

  6. Thinking about future years and the others of good mind and good heart,
    i agree with you, but have you really researched into the difficulty of passing laws to deal with corruption, thats all i’m saying.

    And you all havent..Do you think all Kenya has to do is pass corruption laws, and that will solve corruption.

    Where have these text been proven to have worked. I am an analyst. You make these statements and you offer no proof. I am living in England and absolutely they dont work e.g BAE cleared of bribing Saudi officials much to the consternation of american officials who claim it is the most corrupt company in the world.
    Shell in Nigerian, in Alaska, in texas, the americans almost booted them out over the pollution their pipelines caused and nigerian people get killed from pipeline explosions all the time, and you dont talk about their corrupt sponsorship of the Biafria genoicide and the corrupt Nigerian dictatorship today.
    In the Uk the police had to decide if to arrest Blair over the selling of honors, and what, the man at the center Lord Levy is given a promotion by the Labour government so that he is now middle East envoy, so that his position becomes a matter of national security. Then we go to the office of auditor general responsible for auditing british government institutions for malfesance, he has been taking thousands of pounds from some of the very same people and companies he has had to investigate, and his position is unfirable, it would take and act of Parliment to fire him. But yet what did he do when all this came out a couple months ago, he realized the game was up and resigned, and he is replaced by a similarly suitable bribable person. They dont call it bribery in England, the call it the way we do things. I could go on about corruption in England, about theft of monies, about cronyism, freemasonary, and even this charade of an inquest into what is clearly the murder of Diana, princess of Wales. And if you look over to the united States begin with the Kennedy assasination, begin with the Bush family fortune, with Haliburton, World Com, Savings and Loans, the scandal over health care…dont you watch Michael Moore. And you know that he is not calling for more laws, lawyers, more judges. Its people power, that is the only answer.

    So dont do this thing that all you need is some legislation on the books and everything will be fine, have the legislation, but before you pass the legislation study the effect – will it be retroactive, will people be given jail terms, will we have the power to investigate beyond our shores, and will our courts have jurisdiction.

    Any piece of legislation needs to be studied in its effects.

    The very fact that you dont see these things means you see Barbados, as some little dime and penny place, as more corrupt than the US or the UK – no Barbados is actually less corrupt. Just look at its healthy state of its democracy – you cant say that for america after the bush election, and for the UK if you get 30% of the voters out to vote that is a success, people dont believe in democracy here, its all just the same.

    I give you an assignment read CLR James’s book on Nkrumah – Kwame Nkrumah tried to deal with corruption in the judiciary in Ghana, and it lead to his downfall, and this was the grandfather of African independence loved throughout the lenght and breadth of African. And he was no corrupt man. You are going to repeat the same mistakes he did. Technocrats and beaucracrats are not the answer to deal with the corrupt legacy of colonialism. (The Imf would have you think corruption has nothing to do with legacy of imperialism and the very foundations of colonial institutions that were inherited by these countries after independence) You have to do like Chavez, bring the people out, use people power. He could not break the oil unions in their pay of the Americans, so he used the people, and if you talking about there are no national as opposed to IMF formulated plans to deal with this issue of corruption you make me laugh – what kind of analysts are you. Up and down the breath of Latin America national solutions, national convened tribunals, completely independent of the IMF plan for so called integrity have been implimented in Bolivia over water (breaking up the IMF plan to privative water), in Chile over Pinochet, in Argentina over the disappearences, with Nicaragua over the civil war, with Guatamala and the times of troubles.

    So you tell me why because you dont want to spend the time looking but want your answer to come from the IMF, why you cant get a committee of decent barbadians to come up with recomendations, to hear evidence in Parliment where no libel applies, and without the threat of locking people up, provide an airing for the education of the man in the street and a mechanism for the society to cleanse itself of this sceptre.

    Finally in South Africa it worked why cant it work here. And in fact Barbados helped them through the process.

    Remember i’m on your side – in the conservative center, but in my thinking far out on the left.

    I enjoy having this debate with you all, and people will read it and understand we are serious and not out for scandal and expose revenge and retribution, but they see a serious debate and they will ask for better responses from their leaders. So lets continue our debate, but you got to research some of these issues. David may pass the legislation and that would be good, but if he doesnt what do we do? Do we condemn him? I think not. And even if he passes the laws and people find ways to circumvent then what? He is going to use the perogative of Prime Minister, and it is best he uses it to unify and not divide. And like i say if he passes the laws thats good, but i am two or three steps beyond there passing or not, i have analysied the scenarioes two and three, four and five, and i see you havent.

    And there are a few more scenarios i havent even mentioned, particular what class of people, will these laws be aimed at, and what will be their intention be as regards social stratification – will he be willing at the point that all his party members want to rewarded dismantle political party patronage? Isn’t yardfowlism, and cronyism, and the system of great god patronage, Reudon Everesley refered to legislatable without out throwing the whole party apparatus out through the door. You have to trust the man who wears the crown, and i dont think David will take it to the ridiculous extreme that Owen did, but Owen didnt start out like that people were happy to get rid of Sandiford.

    I think the difference in the two that Owen’s drinking made him more callous, and David is no heavy drinker, and i think Owen’s divorce affected him more than he thought…but you know me…i always come with some ridiculousness and long post..just remember get Mia over to the DLP.

  7. Posted by Terry Ally
    Caribbean 360 blog

    Does David Thompson really have the guts to free up information?

    Having been swept into office, the Democratic Labour Party faces great expectations from every sector of society.

    Everyone always wants something of any new administration.

    Among those things facing the DLP is the fostering of an atmosphere of openness and transparency to combat perceptions of corruption in government.

    The party has promised a Freedom of Information Act by Thursday April 24, 2008 (100 days in office) as well as Integrity Legislation.

    Media practitioners who are well aware of the covert censorship that obtained during the reign of the previous administration would also put a revised Defamation Act on their wish list.

    Laws are easy to pass.

    Making them work is another matter.


    Making an FOI Act work will not be easy. It requires an information infrastructure which does not now exist in Barbados and will require a hefty capital outlay to put equipment in place and train those departments or institutions which will be subject to it.

    It also has to work in conjunction with a Data Protection Act and a Privacy Act because not all information can be revealed. Privacy is a real issue that has to be dealt with. The public has to understand that the next time they fill out a form in a government office, polyclinic, hospital, school, nursery, polytechnic, university, tax office, licensing department or apply for Milti-Choice at CBC, how their information will be used.

    A system of filing information for easy retrieval to satisfy the legal deadlines for responding and providing information to ANY MEMBER of the public under the FOI Act has to be put in place.

    In addition to all of that, new information which is received after an FOI Act is passed will be required to be published expeditiously in a place that the public can easily retrieve it. Only then, if it is not available would they then file for disclosure under the FOI Act.

    This means that the emergency services will have to publish immediately all emergency calls they receive. Within a matter of hours, the media should expect to have information related to complaints made to police, calls to the ambulance services and BEMA (formerly CERO), and responses by the fire service.

    The media will expect telephone voice banks to be opened by the emergency services and updated around the clock. Do they have the infrastructure and can they deliver?

    It also means that after every sitting of Parliament, Hansard will have to be made available within two to three hours and not, as is presently the case, two to three months or years after the debate ended.

    No longer will civil servants have to direct a reporter to seek permission from a permanent secretary to release information. That information will now have to be automatically released. Which means every civil servant has to be aware of what can and cannot be released and that it HAS to be released in days and not years.

    A simple passing of a law is not the end of it all, it is just the beginning.


    In a landmark ruling by the House of Lords in 2006 that has reshaped the defamation laws in Britain, Baroness Hale of Richmond said: “We need more such serious journalism in this country and our defamation law should encourage rather than discourage it.”

    Is Barbados prepared for this? Does it really want this?

    When I entered journalism in 1989 at Barbados Rediffusion (now Starcom Network) I came and found an old, outdated and antiquated law on libel and slander that hindered the media from doing its job. Since then, the former Barbados Association of Journalists participated in a revision to that law that gave birth to the Defamation Act 1996.

    The thing is that in other jurisdictions, such as Britain, the law is constantly being updated – sometimes several times per year – while in Barbados it might have been updated once in the last century.

    Among the features that I would like to see for Barbados in a revised Defamation Act is for the “qualified privilege” defence to be expanded to cover news releases from companies, organisations, government, police and political parties as well as news conferences.

    If David Thompson seriously means business and is prepared to usher in this new and real information age in Barbados, then he will be doing the unimaginable, for a Barbadian politician, and breaking new and historic ground by throwing open the prison doors and freeing Barbadians from their lifelong information imprisonment.

    Time will tell.

  8. Brutus why do we keep focusing on implementing the perfect system? This is not rocket system. If we can spend millions on a highway for the economic good why can’t we spend some money to protect our freedom of expression upon which every thing will depend. It is unfortunate that Terry Ally would seek to research this matter with such diligence. We wish he would do a similar article to entice his colleagues to come together to make this work — volunteer to be part of some group to do a paper and submit to government and NGOs to stimulate discussion in the country. Mr. Ally the time for talk is done. It’s time for action. Let’s put our education to work.

    Mr.Ally, you of all the journalists should be in the vanguard of the fight; after all you were attacked by the late PM in the worst way. Combermarians are known to be fighters, come on!

  9. Hear Hear David: All these hither too silent voices are issuing their first cough after a very long time and found that they do indeed have the ability to make a noise. It’s like the end of the Tom Adams era all over again, and so i ask again what is about us in Barbados that we like to make things needlessly complex? why?

  10. Wishing in Vain Avatar

    Mabey & Johnson to demand his former manager Jonathan Danos
    El fabricante de los puentes Mabey lleva al banquillo a un ex ejecutivo; hay sociedades panameñas involucradas. The manufacturer of the bridges leading to the bench Mabey, a former executive; Panamanian companies are involved.

    La empresa pagó en Panamá comisiones de 15%, cuando en otros países lo usual es pagar 10%. The company paid commissions in Panama 15%, whereas in other countries it is customary to pay 10%.

    Mónica Palm Monica Palm
    Mabey & Johnson Limited promueve una demanda en Inglaterra contra su ex gerente de ventas en el extranjero, Jonathan Danos, a quien acusa de mantener acuerdos privados con los agentes de la compañía en Panamá, Jamaica y República Dominicana, para repartirse el dinero de las comisiones. Mabey & Johnson Limited promotes a lawsuit in England against his former sales manager abroad, Jonathan Danos, who is accused of maintaining private arrangements with the agents of the company in Panama, Jamaica and the Dominican Republic, to share out the money from the commissions .

    En Panamá, el eslabón entre Danos y el agente de Mabey, Rogelio Dumanoir, es la compañía Trust Services SA, especializada en proveer servicios offshore bancarios y fiduciarios. In Panama, the link between Damage and agent Mabey, Rogelio Dumanoir, is the company’s Trust Services SA, which specializes in providing offshore banking and trust services.

    Trust Services está detrás de José Hidalgo, SA y United Management Services Corporation, la titular de la cuenta bancaria en Bahamas, donde –según Mabey– se depositó el dinero de las comisiones pagadas en Panamá. Trust Services is behind Jose Hidalgo, SA and United Management Services Corporation, the owner of the bank account in the Bahamas, where-as-Mabey was deposited money from commissions paid in Panama.

    Como directores y dignatarios de ambas sociedades aparece personal vinculado a Trust Services. As directors and dignitaries from both companies appears linked to Trust Services staff.

    Mabey dice contar con correos electrónicos y anotaciones que demuestran que el británico Derek Sambrook, uno de los directores de Trust Services, recibió instrucciones de Danos sobre el manejo de José Hidalgo, SA Danos, por su parte, ha dicho que la comunicación se dio, ya que mantiene una amistad con su compatriota Sambrook y éste maneja sus “asuntos personales”. Mabey said to have emails and annotations showing that the British Derek Sambrook, a director of Trust Services, was instructed to Danos on the handling of Jose Hidalgo, SA Post, for its part, has said that the communication was, and maintaining a friendship with his compatriot Sambrook and he handles his “personal affairs”.

    Pedro Coronado, de Trust Services, no quiso hacer comentarios sobre las acusaciones de Mabey, pero admitió que José Hidalgo, SA –en la que él figura como presidente– fue “administrada por nosotros, pero fue cerrada porque no tiene operaciones”. Pedro Coronado, Trust Services, refused to comment on the allegations of Mabey, but admitted that Jose Hidalgo, SA-in which he appears as chairman was “administered by us, but it was closed because it has no operations.” No dijo nada sobre United Management Services, en la que él aparece como secretario. He did not say anything about United Management Services, in which he appears as secretary.

    ¿Quién es Danos? Who’s Danos?

    Jonathan Laszlo Danos ingresó a Mabey & Johnson (con sede en Gloucestershire, al oeste de Inglaterra) en noviembre de 1981. Laszlo Jonathan Danos entered Mabey & Johnson (based in Gloucestershire in the west of England) in November 1981. Su mentor era Bevil Mabey, principal accionista y presidente de la junta directiva de la compañía, quien comisionó a Danos la tarea de entrar a los mercados de Centro y Sur América. His mentor was Bevil Mabey, the principal shareholder and chairman of the board of directors of the company, who commissioned Give us the task of entering the markets of Central and South America.

    Danos, según consta en documentos de la Corte, describió a su jefe como una persona interesada en establecer relaciones “cercanas” con los presidentes y vicepresidentes de los países de la región, particularmente en Jamaica, República Dominicana y Panamá. Give us, as recorded in documents of the Court, described his boss as a person interested in establishing relations “close” with the presidents and vice presidents of the countries of the region, particularly in Jamaica, the Dominican Republic and Panama.

    En noviembre de 2003, Danos renunció a Mabey, compañía que ahora le acusa de tener “arreglos” con sus agentes en el extranjero, para compartir el dinero de las comisiones, lo que viola su contrato con la compañía. In November 2003, Danos resigned Mabey, a company that now accuses him of having “arrangements” with their agents abroad, to share the money from the commissions, which violates its contract with the company. El caso se debate en los tribunales ingleses. The case is being discussed in the English courts.

    En Panamá, de acuerdo con Mabey, esos arreglos se establecieron con Rogelio Dumanoir y José Hidalgo, SA Danos reconoció que Dumanoir era su agente y que se hicieron pagos a la sociedad, pero no precisó la cantidad. In Panama, according to Mabey, these arrangements were established with Rogelio Dumanoir and Jose Hidalgo SA Danos acknowledged that Dumanoir was his agent and that payments were made to society, but not specified the amount. También ha dicho que Bevil Mabey fijó el monto de las comisiones pagadas en Panamá. He also said that Bevil Mabey fixed amount of the commissions paid in Panama.

    Dumanoir, que dice haberse enterado de lo que ocurre en Gran Bretaña por los periódicos, anunció acciones legales, ya que se ha afectado su “honra, honestidad y prestigio”. Dumanoir which states have learned what happens in Britain for newspapers, announced legal action, as it has affected his “honour, honesty and credibility.”

    Dumanoir fue ministro de Obras Públicas en la década de 1980. Dumanoir was minister of Public Works in the 1980’s. Anteriormente, actuó como titular de esa cartera Tomás Gabriel Altamirano Duque, quien en 1997, como vicepresidente de la República, “coordinó” el proyecto de instalación de 17 puentes Mabey en Panamá, a un costo de 30 millones de dólares. Previously, he served as the holder of this portfolio Thomas Gabriel Altamirano Duque, who in 1997, as vice president of the Republic, “coordinated” plans to install 17 Mabey bridges in Panama, at a cost of $ 30 million.

    Fito Duque ejerció esta función por instrucción directa del entonces presidente Ernesto Pérez Balladares a su ministro de Obras Públicas, Luis Blanco. Fito Duke exercised this function by direct instruction of then President Ernesto Perez Balladares its minister of Public Works, Luis Blanco.

    El Gobierno adquirió los puentes gracias a un préstamo que Pérez Balladares pactó durante su gira a Londres, en 1996. The Government acquired the bridges thanks to a loan that pactó Perez Balladares during his trip to London in 1996.

    Otros negocios Other business

    Además de vender los 17 puentes al gobierno de Pérez Balladares, Mabey realizó negocios con Constructora Urbana SA (CUSA), con quien tenía un contrato por 800 mil dólares “cerca” del año 1990. In addition to selling the 17 bridges the government of Perez Balladares, Mabey conducted business with Constructora Urbana SA (CUSA), with whom he had a contract for 800 thousand dollars “near” for the year 1990.

    Mabey también ha pactado negocios con la actual administración. Mabey has also agreed business with the current administration. El año pasado, el Ministerio de Obras Públicas y la compañía británica firmaron un contrato por 1.2 millón de dólares para la colocación de un tramo del puente sobre el río Sixaola, en la frontera con Costa Rica. Last year, the Ministry of Public Works and the British company signed a contract for 1.2 million dollars for the placement of a section of the bridge over the Sixaola River on the border with Costa Rica.

  11. Wishing in Vain Avatar






  12. Wishing in Vain Avatar

    Monica Palm
    Rafael Pérez Rafael Perez

    The manufacturer of the bridges Mabey, the company Mabey & Johnson Limited, currently involved in a corruption scandal in Britain, paid more than 5.2 billion dollars in “commissions” to a Panamanian company allegedly controlled by Rogelio Dumanoir, former Minister of Works Public during the military dictatorship.

    The payments were made between September 30, 1997 and August 19, 1999 in favor of Jose Hidalgo SA, which-according Mabey is controlled by Dumanoir.

    In turn, the money was sent to an account in the name of United Management Services at the Royal Bank of Canada, in the Bahamas.

    He accepted having received commissions Mabey, but these were for 750 thousand dollars and not 5.2 million as claimed by the company.

    The money, according to Mabey-corresponded to a commission of 15% Jose Hidalgo, SA received for the purchase of 17 bridges Mabey made by the Government of Panama in 1997 as a result of the tour to the then President Ernesto Perez Balladares performed London the previous year.

    The “coordinator” of this transaction was the vice president Thomas Gabriel Altamirano Duque.

    Subsequently, in October 1998, Mabey another commission paid to the same company, this time by the order of 13 thousand 570 US dollars, for a sale of 150 thousand dollars. El 15% de comisión pagado a José Hidalgo, SA era superior al 10% que la compañía paga a sus agentes. The 15% commission paid to Jose Hidalgo, SA was more than 10% that the company pays its agents.

    These remarks are contained in a suit filed against his former Mabey sales manager, Jonathan Danos, in London.

    One source said that the Public Ministry is still the case to determine whether there is merit to open a criminal investigation.

    Jonathan Danos See Mabey & Johnson to demand his former manager Jonathan Danos

  13. I don’t think that Terry Ally was being negative in his article – he seemed to me to be saying that the legislation is just a first step in what will be a long process. In order to effectively combat corruption, a radical change needs to occur in our way of thinking and in our private and public institutions, and significant resources will have to be devoted to the effort.

    There is a real danger in pushing legislation through parliament that is not well thought or or well drafted and later turns out to be ineffective.

    If we are REALLY serious about addressing corruption, we will probably need a Minister with specific responsibility for Integrity and Freedom of Information.

    I do however believe that the draft legislation available from the UN and other international organizations represents best practice at the moment, and that we can implement these right now without a great deal of second guessing, as we are unlikely to come up with significant improvements in the short term. We can revise the legislation in a few years based on our actual experience with it.

    We should remember that Barbados has signed (since December 2003) the UN convention against corruption, under which we have agreed to specific measures that we will take against corruption, including specific measures which should be brought into law.

    See highlights at

    For those who are interested the UN has produced an anti-corruption toolkit.

    Thanks Brutus

    But the thrust of our statement was more where were these journalists in the pre-DLP era with their suggestions. Why even now they can’t band together to give the impression that here is a body which is a legitimate force and who will be committed to be relentless in their pursuit of a cause. Currently we have this sporadic attempt by members from the four corners of the media. It will never do.


  14. […] 21 Days Of Election, 100 Days Of Anti-corruption […]

  15. antitrust legislator Avatar
    antitrust legislator

    After wheeling and dealing there way into power,sitting on the fence and greasing their way with the party in government and doing everything to keep the Barbados Labour Party in power as soon as the writing was on the wall a few weeks before election the Haloutes from Chefette turn coats.

    Have the Haloutes now supported financially the Democratic Labour Party?

  16. Anonymous // January 17, 2008 at 4:41 am


    Seeing you with your little daughter made me realise how times have flown.

    Seems like just yesterday you were a little boy with those glasses and that serious look.

    Keep well my dear – by the way do you get a chance to visit your maternal granny?
    We have not heard anything from Gary Cole, I found his articles to be very informative, giving clear understanding of why people in the political arena behave the way they do.

    Was the above post from Annonymous a veiled threat or warning, especially the part about the daughter and grandmother.

    I might be paranoid to even consider a seemingly innocent post could be sinister, chalk it up to post traumatic BLP stress Syndrome.

    Gary I would like to hear from you on this blog with more of your information.

  17. Good lord warrior

    I don’t know if it is the past government that made you so paranoid but my sentiments to Gary were quite sincere.

    He was always a very serious old soul even at a very young age.

    Wow what a conspiracy minded people we have turned into.

    very sad.

  18. Here are three simple ways to address the issue of corruption.

    First, the way to tackle corruption is to focus on the cause of the problem, not its symptoms. The cause is that political parties need funding. We need to find a way to curtail the need for parties to give favours in return for cash. I would propose State funding of political parties. I think for less than $3m per year we can do more to safe guard our democracy than any amount of integrity legislation (though no harm having that too). Once state funding is in place, all private contributions should be banned.

    A second source of corruption is government contracts. Make all contracts above a certain size subject to public auction (not just tender). Use an independent agency to carry out the auctions.

    Thirdly, the perception of corruption is as dangerous as corruption itself. Society will break down if people lose faith in our institutions. One way of dealing with this is through an Independent Integrity Commission that has the powers of investigation. It is hard to find a set of truly independent commissioners on a small island, so I would be happy to have a few non-nationals on the Commission, perhaps from other Commonwealth countries that share our traditions.

    The new government has a mandate to deal with this and should deal with it fast, though Brutus is right that we should not be so hasty as to get it wrong.

  19. Gary did communicate with us that he would be offline for a little while. He gave us his assurance that he will be back.

  20. Thanks BU

  21. […] our sidebar. Some of you should remember Gary Cole who submitted some fairly provocative articles (I, II, III) carried on BU during the general election period back in January 2008. Before some of you […]

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